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Volume of a Solid of Revolution ounded by two different In the previous lesson, we tried solving area of regions bi 4.2 revolve such region in specific axis to form what we curves. In this lesson, we will try to call solid of revolution. Definition: A solid of revolution is the solid formed by revolving a given plane region R. about an indicated axis of revolution L. Examples: 1. A cone is formed by revolving the right triangle about the axis of revolution. 2. A cylinder is formed by revolving the rectangle about the axis of revolution. * Illustrations from pi a 49 BEES ‘A. Volume by Circular Disk Method ‘The concept of solving the solid of revolution by disks method is to slice the solid nto thin slabs, approximate the volume of each slice, add the approximation to form & Ricmehn Sum, then take the limit of the Riemann Sums to obtain the integral for the volume. A A fe ez 2 ez f : Mh, \ a = ar dail L rignt pyramid cot | Right circular cove cul ‘Right csc cone cut (eeemmtes. | Bist") | ati usrosion fiom HE. Auton otal Cabs 108 Elton In other word, subdivide the solid V into n circular disks and add the volume of each disk. That is, VeV Vet os $V, or Vi > VY, where Vi=nn2Ayx > ‘When n approaches infinity, one will have V= lim, > mr? Ax = f dx for L along the x-axis. Hence, ; a Volume by Circular Disk: \ t Ven f [Hoo|Paxe for vertical subdivisions | a - \ bad [ Irr(y)[?ay for horizontal subdivisions — | . 7 4 Example 1: If Ris bounded by the curve y=V , the ine x=2, and the xeaxis, find the | | nd jm volume of the solid generated when R is revolved about the x-axis. Solution: First, draw the figure needed in the analysis. 50 yer Saba Thus, we get fas aes Ait V8 i QR)don faite = 5(2) [2 e* @* ‘as [P- 2-2 ov an Hence, the volume of the sol axis is 25, cubic units. lid generated when R ig revolved about the x- Example 2: Pind the Volume of the x-axis, and one f the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by Solution; Draw ¢ are of y=sinx about the x-axis, the figures for easy analysis, ’ Ven f5Gin x)*dxe, Rewrite integrand ¢ 4 Identity of sin’x. V=3f7C « cosdx)dx Lep=2 Veilo2] tia V== cubic units Evaluate Example 3: Find the yolume of the vase formed by revolving x=iy?+1 between yet about the y-axis, ; * Solution: This time we use the second formula of volume by circular disk in which the disk is formed by slicing the solid horizontally. That is, Var ft (y241)" gy Take note that the equation is written in terms of y, a a 0 0 a 0 a a o n 1 p ; V= nLi(dyt+tytu)ay Expand the binomial o 4 Vn flay MART) suscss eaaenc ie Ven re 2) +(b-2) +9] Integrate remaining terms =e) ty aaa Trae Ley) [f ‘Simplify, — (8s) 2% oubit units Evaluate Example 4: A bow! is in a parabolic shape such that it follows the graph y=". Find the volume of the bowl if its height is 5 units Solution; Lllustrate the graph for easy visualization. veo n(S+¥ 1288 ye > x=\/sy Rewrite in terms of y Van fo [Val ay Plug into the second formula V= n ff 8y dy Cancel exponent and radical sign v=8x() or any? ff Integrate V=[4n(5?)] - [4n(0?)] = 100r units? Evaluate Example 5: The bell of a trumpet forms the shape of 2 If the bell has a length from 1.5 ‘units to § units, determine its volume. Solution: Sketch the graph and the solid formed by revolution. ‘Use the first formula for circular disk method. vari Bx } ax Plug into the formula Ven(2) fi,xtdx Isolate constant term wey6 v-£@) ==, Integrate ve(®)- & a or 39.97 units? Evaluate B. Volume by Washer Method ‘There are some instances when the solid of revolution has no solid interior. Some solids have holes that create interior surface just like the hollow solids below. y , a Maaratio from Hl. Anton el Calabar 10° Eston Notice that the cross section of the solid (first figure) taken perpendicular to the x- axis at the point x is,the annular or “washer-shaped” region with inner radius g(x) and the outer radius f(x). This gives us its area of AGe)=alfQo}? - nla)? = a(LF)? - [e00)") Then by the concept of integral ealeulus, we get mas Volume by Washers Method: ‘i v xf (UGOI - [e)1236x for vertical subdivision Ven [ x({w(y)}? = [vy)Ddy for horizontal subdivision Example l: Calculate the volume of the solid formed when the region between the curves f(x)=$+-x? and g(x)=x over the interval (0, 2] is revolved about the x-axis. Solution: Sketch the region for easy visualization ye2+ xt =n fy [Gv x ax Plug into the formula Veal Gee!) a vans )fi v-(®) -0 = cubic units ‘The solid formed by revolving the region on the interval (0, 2] about the x- axis is shown below. \ | Example 2: Find the volume of the solid formed by the curves y=x? and y=2x ~ x? when revolved about the x-axis. First, we need to find the intersections of the two curves by solving the equations simultaneously. xtadeoxd + axt- ox ‘Then x = 0; 2x = 2 or x=1 Solution: = x(2e-2) When x= =(0)? = pos euer —- ty he equations intersect at (0+ 0) and (1,1) When x=1, ‘Pherefore, the graphs of 1 Vani [oo¥-0'] ax Plug into the formula V: ff (Go ax)ae Simplify the integrand Integrate Evaluate ‘The solid of revolution formed by the region of the two intersecting graph is shown below in two different angles. Ze [Beample 3: Find thé yolumo of the solid generated by revolving the ares bounded by 1, and y=0 about the y-axis. Solution: Sketch the graph. a SJ Since the region is to be revolved about the is, we use the second formula for washers method. But before that, let's rewrite the given equation In terms ofy. yor? 3 x=¥f or yf afeaye (yt)? : Ven fi} ()-(v8) Jay Plug into the formula 2 ven [4] dy Simplify the integrand 1 ja v= a(: -2) or x(s et) Ki Integrate; simplify Hy Z cubit units Evaluate Example 4: Find the volume generated by revolving the area bounded by y=1+x? and about the x-axis, Solution: Sketch the graph. He aap Notice that the boundaries of the parabola are at (-2, 5) and (2, 5). You can validate this by solving the two equations simultaneously. Thus, we get Ven Ll @-aH2)]ex Plug into the formula V= wf) (24 -2Pxt) axe Expand a V= n(24- 2 - sf Integrate Suse 1 its ue) | (8) = units Evaluate lf paLRDI I | t x +3 is revolved “The region bounded by the curve y=x2 + 1 und the line y ‘about the axis to generate a solid. Find the volume of the solid. Sketch the graph. Example 5: Solution: Solving the equations simultaneously for x gives us xt. x+3 4 x-2=0 > (xt2)(¢-1)=0 x= -2x= Hence, the boundary of the region is at -2 and 1 (See graph below). Ven [3432-6240 }a Plug into the formula Va x fyB- Ox- x? = x!ax Expand the binomial 2 osyp =n (& -3x2- 5 ®) I: Integrate cubic units Evaluate C. Volume by Cylindrical Shell Method drical shell method works best than the disks or washers nicl | perpendicular to the y-axis. ‘The ides behind this method is to slice the solid into infinitesimally thin cylindrical shells and then integrate the volumes of these shells to find the total volume. | | : oT cee ful when the solid of revolution is not nell method fs especially use! like disks or washers. ‘The cylindrical sI metric shapes casily expressible in termas of simple Bo Revolving About the y-Axis rip becomes a eylinder once revolved grating the volumes of these shells ‘The graph below shows how a rectangular s about the y-axis, Generating more cylinders then int ead to the total volume of the whole solid of revolution. ~ B . vam f REh (x) Im some cases, the solid of revolution is bounded by two curves, In this case, the the two functions, height of the cylinder can be obtained by getting the diflerence between say, h=f(x) — g(x). See figure below. yeas [Roe(a)ex where h(x)=f(x) - 8) Revolving About the x-Axis dl which is revolved about the x-axis. This time, Consider the parabola f(x) from lc, s, Hence, rewriting the equation in terms of the boundaries of integration are at the y-axis y is necessary. oe 58 ‘i Vou f RENhO)Ay And for a region bounded by two curves and revolved about the x-axis, we use the Same concept as what presented previously. However, we rewrite the functions in terms of y. V=2r | R(y)b(y)dy — where h(y)=f(x) - g(x) Volume by Cylindrical Shells Method (Sununary) / { i ‘ i Voorn f x f(x)dx for cylinder parallel to y-axis | i 4 ~ d V=2n [ y w(y)dy for cylinder parallel to x-axis Example 1: Calculate the volume of the solid formed by revolving about the y-axis the region bounded by y=2x? — x? and y=0. Solution: Sketch the graph. 59 Example 2: Solution’ as shown in the figure at the right. Ve=2n fF (6) (222-28) Plug into the formula Von ff (282A) dx Si i - oe ‘implify the integrand =2e(xt 8) Integrate a 32) _ Ios . Va2n(8- 2) = cubic units Evaluate Below is the solid formed by the conditions above, - Use cylindrical shell method to find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by the curves y=x and y=x? about the y-axis Sketch the graph. =o go oe == = To get the hei, ght of the rectangle between the two functions, That is, height=x — 2 V=2r f(x) = 32) Plug into the formula V=2n f(x? ~ 8a Isolate constant term; distributive Integrate (or the cylinder), we Bet the difference Evaluate Example 3: Find the volume of the re Bion bounded by the curve y= revolved about the x-axis, Since the solid has to be revolve in terms of y. yao > xaayy Solution; about the x-axis, we rewrite the equation nf (y)(2VF)ay Plug into the formula Verdr. Siytay Simplify the integrand fi V=4n (2y?) |! Integrate ya <= cubic units Evaluate = Example 4: Sohation: Find the volume of the solid generated when the region bounded by the curve f(x)=x? over the interval (0, 2] is revolved about y=-1 Since the solid revolves about y=-1 (which is parallel to x-axis), we rewrite the function in terms of y. fxX)=ya@ xe Notice that the cylinder has a height of 2 ~ f(x) with radius equal to y-+1 since the solid has to be revolved about one unit below the x-axis, Jn summary, we have height=2 ~ /¥; radius=y + 1. Va=2n f (v+1)(2 - ¥W)dy V=2x fd (ay = y8 + 2- yi)dy 5 y 1160 vt yt 2 say ¥| |i == Integrate; evaluate Plug into the formula Combine binomial ee 62 Example 5: Solution: ‘The area bounded by the curve y=x3, line y=-2. Find the volume of the solid Sketch the graph. x=0, and y=2 is revolved about the generated. Since the solid is to be revolved about y=-2, which is parallel to the x-axis, we rewrite the function in terms of y. That is, 1 yas VF or yt For the radius R(x), notice that the cylinder revolves about 2 units below the x-axis, this gives us R(x)=y+2 eu V=2n f (y+2)(ya)dy Vaan J? (yi+2y8)ay Plug into the formula Distributive property on (28, 28) v=2( me ZR Integrate 'V=37.32 cubic units Evaluate 63 Example 6: Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the region enclosed by y=x and y=? about the line x=2. Solution: Sketch the graph. ‘ \ | yee Notice that the radius R(x) of the cylinder is at 2—x while its height is the difference between the upper and the lower functions (ie., x — 2). V=2n ff (2 - x) (a - x2)dx Plug into the formula Vaan f} (2x - 8x? + )dx Combine binomials V=2n(x?x+%) i Integrate V=2n(1-1+4 3) Evaluate V=$ cubic units Simplify \

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