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The movie “Rewind” has been a talk in the Philippines because of it spectacular content. At first, I
thought that it is just an ordinary movie with usual characters and usual scenes but I am wrong. Seeing Marian
River rocked being the Mary of Rewind and Dingdong Dantes as John made me applaud this movie. It’s just that I
can’t get enough with climax and plot twists in its story line. Also, I can’t help myself to feel the different state of
emotions. I cry whether the scenes are sad and I smile as it shows happiness and greatness of the family. But
Rewind is not all about showing sad and happy scenes. It is deeper than that. In order to understand this, let
analyze the movie first.
In the movie, rewind starring by Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera who played as a married couple
with a child named Austine. Marry narrates a wife that love her husband so much and John narrates a husband
who is workaholic. John was overcommitted to his job that made him lose his time for his wife and son. He is
always busy and whether he gets home, he is tired and acted annoyed. This makes his wife, Mary felt lonely and
shy to say something when she is with him. The Character of Austin has dreamed of being a pianist and he
thought that his father was against of it. One day, Austin invited John to go to his programs at school. With this,
he can able to show to his father his skill in piano. His father agreed. Then the birthday of John’s boss came. John
thought that he could get promoted but his boss announced the name of his colleague. He his upset about it.
Because of it, he swears his boss and resign. He also kissed his colleague due to his annoyance. Little did he
know, Hannah who played as his assistant took the video of it.
The son of John showed to him the picture of Jesus Christ which is called in the movie as “Lods”. He also
explained to him that Lods wants to be friend with his father. The day of the program came, on their way to the
school of Austin, marry discovered that John has resigned and cheated with her. This result to an argument inside
the car and an unexpected accident. The death of his wife made him realize his behavior. Maybe its too late for
him but Lods appeared in his front eyes. They made an agreement that he could die instead of his wife and correct
his wrong doings. Then he came back on the time before accident happened. As expected, he corrected all his bad
doings. He even got to accept the apology of his dad and also made enough time with his wife and son. With this,
he died peacefully and all dreams of Mary and Austin came true.
The movie had opened my eyes on the different family issues. Issues that are commonly experiences by
families in present times. It includes the lack of time, lack of communication, not prioritizing family and lack of
faith for God. I could see in the movie that lack of time in the family could led into conflicts, secrets and even
worse situation. On the other hand, lack of communication has resulted into misunderstanding that may stay in the
hearts in long period of time. This was portrayed the character of John who doesn’t do deep talks with his wife
and family. Most importantly, the lack of faith for God could lead to a wrong decisions and improper behavior.
This made me realize that trusting to God could give me a peaceful and happy life.
For me, this movie is a gift for each viewer. Is it because this give me a lot of moral lessons that I could
use to reflect in my life. A lesson that has given me lots of realization on every decision I have made and actions I
have taken. I learned that I should not be wastes my time on the things that are not helpful for me. Instead, I
should give some of my time to my family or loved ones. I also realize that I should love the persons who have
been with me from the beginning of my life. I should treat them well until our time has come so that I could not
regrets at the end of my life. That I should not let my emotions come over me and decide cruel things for me and
my family. That Rewind doesn’t exist in real life situation, so I should use wisely my time before God took away



“Sometimes making simple decision could change your life forever even other that surrounds
you.” Decision making is one of the difficult processes in life. It is because wrong choices could lead
into worst situation and good choice result into more opportunities. That is why we should all be careful
and a critical thinker whenever be made choices. Maybe we can’t prevent some bad events in our life
but it’s up on us whether we reduce it or not just like what happened in Space Shuttle Challenger
Eight years ago, Mr. Alan J. McDonald was interviewed about on an event happened on January
28, 1986. On the video, he introduced himself as an aerospace consultant and the director of Space
Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor Project. He stated how the exactly one wrong decision took away the lives
of some passenger of the challenger and how it made the space shuttle explode on air. He reveals that
before the night of the launch there was a forecast about the cold weather in tomorrow morning at 18
degrees Fahrenheit. This made him worry for the ceiling of o-seal solid rockets operating. He gathers all
engineers together in order to make an assessment on their concern of the cold temperature. He assigned
the vice president of engineer as in-charge in making recommendation. After the assessment, Alan had a
teleconference with the engineers and NASA representatives. The engineers presented all the
information and reported that they cannot launch the challenger below 53 degrees Fahrenheit. The
recommendation by engineer wasn’t accepted by NASA, saying that they should make something better
than qualitative observation. For this part the story, I already spotted where everything goes wrong. In
fact, I felt that if they are really a professional, and experts about the shuttles they must already know the
importance of selfless decision. Afterall, they are not the ones who took off with the challenger. As I
heard that NASA insist on proceeding the launching of the space shuttle, I realized that they are
incapable of being called as a professional. Also, there is an unethical part of the Alan’s statement. It is
when they want him to signed the written recommendation but they failed. M. Alan J. McDonald
refused to signed and made the best decision ever. It is because on the day of the launch, the Challenger
explode and people who rode died.
The disaster has taught them many lessons. They had regrets at the end but they are able to learn
about making good decisions in life. That they should think the persons affected. In short, they must not
become selfish. And this mistake should be forever reminds all of us about how simple decision changes
our life.

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