Saccharomyces Cerevisiae: Binding of Heavy Metals by The Cell Walls of

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Binding of heavy metals by the cell

walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

D. Brady and J. R. Duncan

Department o f Biochemistry and Microbiology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, R S A

The isolated cell walls of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae bound the heavy metals Cu 2+, Cd 2+, and Co 2+
(0. 40, O.17, and O.11 wnol m g - 1 metal per wall dry mass). Chemical modification of the isolated cell walls modified
their capacity to accumulate Cu 2 + cations. The blocking of amino, carboxyl, or hydroxyl groups reduced the quantity
of Cu 2 + accumulated, indicating that they may each play a role in the binding of Cu 2 +. This in turn indicates that
both the protein and the carbohydrate fractions of the cell walls are involved in heavy metal cation binding. Scatchard
analysis of the binding of metal cations to both chemically modified and unmodified isolated cell walls indicates that
there are different types of binding site.

Keywords: Metals;cellwalls;yeast;binding

Introduction Isolated cell walls of S. cerevisiae were found to be capa-

ble of binding calcium cations (Ca 2 + ), with the more floc-
Water remediation is becoming imperative in southern Af-
culent strains binding more calcium than the less flocculent
rica owing to increasingly limited potable water supplies.l
strains. 13 The cell walls of S. cerevisiae are also capable of
A major source of water contamination is heavy metals. 2
binding a wide range of heavy metal ions. 8
The possibility of using microorganisms for the recovery of
Heavy metal ions are relatively unattracted to hard (non-
heavy metals from wastewater streams has recently been
polarizable) ligands compared to the attraction experi-
highlighted. 3 The recovery process not only allows for recy-
enced by the alkali and alkaline earth metals, and do not
cling of heavy metals, but also enables remediation of
form ionic bonds readily. Binding to hard ligands tends to
metal-contaminated wastewaters.3
be covalent where the metal and the counter ion each con-
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by the yeast Saccharo-
tribute an electron to the bond. The heavy metals tend to
myces cerevisiae is believed to be a function of two main
bind to the "softer" (polarizable) ligands, such as sulfur and
processes: uptake of metals into the cell by either active or
nitrogen. For example, Cu 2+, Ni 2 +, and Co 2÷ bind to
passive processes, or biosorption to the yeast cell wall. 4-7
ligands in the order R S - > R N H - > O H - ~> H20.11
Biosorption may be primarily a function of binding of heavy
Moreover, there is variation of binding affinity within the
metal cations to chemical functional ~roups on the yeast cell
heavy metal group. For example, Cu 2+ is attracted to the
wall via ionic and coordinate bonds. ~
nitrogens of histidine, while Zn 2 + has an affinity for the
Microbial cell walls tend to have an overall negative
sulphydryl groups of cysteine.14 The order of softness of
charge. 9,1° The surface charge is caused by dissociation of
heavymetalsis:Cu 2+ > Ni 2+ > Co 3+ > Zn 2+ > C02+. 8
chemical groups, such as earboxyl groups, on the cell wall.
Biomass contains many of these softer binding sites, and
Negatively charged groups found on the polymers that con-
therefore has greater binding affinity for heavy metals than
stitute the cell wall allow for cation exchange, while other
for alkali and alkaline-earth metals. This in turn means that
chemical groups allow coordination of metal cations. 11
biomass can selectively accumulate heavy metal ions, and
Binding of metals to microbial cell walls has been observed
with a reduced loss of these ions than is the case with tra-
directly by transmission electron micrographs. 9,12 The ex-
ditional ion exchangers. Calcium and magnesium, for in-
ogenous binding of metal cations to the cell walls of S.
stance, compete effectively with heavy metals for electro-
cerevisiae is both rapid and reversible. 8
static binding sites on ion exchangers.
The aim of the present work was to determine the ca-
pacity and selectivity of yeast cell walls for binding of heavy
Address reprint requests to Dr. Duncan at the Department of Biochem- metal cations and to investigate which biopolymers and
istry and Microbiology,Rhodes University,P.O. Box 94, Grahamstown,
6140 South Africa functional chemical groups are responsible for this binding.
Received27 July 1993;accepted 19 October 1993 The application of chemical modification to isolated cell

© 1994 Butterworth-Heinemann Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1994, vol. 16, July 633

walls of S. cerevisiae could reveal not only which types o f

ligands are available for metal cation binding (and, by de-
duction, which m a c r o m o l e c u l a r cell wall c o m p o n e n t s are (~NH 3 * OH-O,,-S-HC" / \ J
involved), but also w h e t h e r inexpensive chemical reactions 3 I] I 0 0
could be used to e n h a n c e m e t a l biosorption.

Materials a n d m e t h o d s o

Preparation o f isolated S. c e r e v i s i a e cell walls (a)S-Acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride addition.

To study metal binding by isolated cell walls, it was first necessary
to separate the wall from the cell contents. Commercial prepara-
tions of S. cerevisiaecells were disrupted using a Braun homoge- / / f - ~~\, ~;
nizer in the presence of glass beads (0.5-mm diameter). All dis-
ruptions were completed at 4-I0°C using ice and liquid nitrogen to
minimize the effects of autolytic enzymes. Upon lysis the cell walls d;.c.-c,-s
could be seen as dark "ghosts" under phase-contrast microscopy.
This technique provided cell suspensions that were more than (b) Acetic anhydride addition.
95% disrupted. These preparations were supplied courtesy of
Prof. B. Prior and Dr. P. van Zyl of the Department of Microbi-
ology and Biochemistry, Orange Free State University, RSA. All \, ( i
÷ / i 2
homogenization processes were applied discontinuously to limit \0~ / + 0 i ~/ C',',: )-b,h C-O~,)-(;i~2 ,U 0
heat buildup. Autolysis of yeasts occurred to a limited extent only "" - J ,C}-Gtq
(data not shown). This indicates that the cell walls studied here
were unlikely to have been damaged by autolytic enzymes to any
large extent during cell wall isolation. (c) Succinic anhydride addition.
Freeze-dried yeast cell walls were resuspended in 5 mmol l - 1
PIPES buffer, 15 and centrifuged at 4°C at 3,000g for 10 rain, and
the supernatant was discarded. The pellet was freeze-dried again
and stored under desiccating conditions until used. Yeast cell /,, ,
walls (1 rag) were washed with ultrapure water, pelleted by cen- j.

trifugation (3,000g for 10 min), and incubated with a copper solu- IOr3Oac61al~
tion (2 ml of 1,000-5,000 ixmol 1 - ] copper (II) chloride salt in 5
(d) Acetate addition.
mmol 1- 1 PIPES buffer, pH 6.2) for 10 min at 22°C with frequent
vigorous shaking using a vortex mixer. The suspension was then
filtered using 0.45 p~m pore size Millipore filters and the cell walls Figure I Chemical modifications of amino groups
on the filter washed with 10 ml of buffer. 4 The retained cell walls
and the filtrate were both assayed for metal content by the method
of Greenberg et al. 16
Succination of the amino groups. 17 Cell walls were succinylated
by adding solid succinic anhydride (total of 72 mg) to 10 ml of a cell
wall suspension (5 mg m l - 1 ) in 1.0 mol 1-1 sodium carbonate.
Chemical modifications o f yeast cell walls Succinic anhydride was added in 9-rag quantities at 10-min inter-
vals. The modified walls were finally treated with hydroxylamine
Amino groups. S-Acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride addition to (as described above for acetylated walls), washed, and freeze-
amino groups.12 Amino groups were chemically modified by the dried. The amino group was neutralized and a carboxyl group was
addition of S-acetyl-mercaptosuccinic anhydride so that both a added (Figure1).
carboxyl and a thioester group were introduced to the cell wall,
while the amino group was neutralized (Figure 1). The Amino and hydroxyl groups.Acetate addition to amino and hy-
S-acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride was dissolved in ethanol to droxylgroups. 12 Fifty milligrams of cell walls were treated with 50
yield a 20 mmol 1- 1 solution. A 5-ml aliquot of this solution was ml of aqueous 0.05 mol I -1 sodium iodoacetate, maintained at pH
added to a suspension of yeast cell walls (50 mg dry mass of walls 8.0 for 6 h at 22°C, then washed and dialyzed as outlined above.
in 45 ml of deionized water) to produce a final anhydride concen- This reagent typically attaches to and neutralizes amino groups at
tration of 2 mmol 1- 1. The reaction was carried out under nitro- low or neutral pH by introducing a carboxyl group (Figure 1), but
gen gas at pH 6.8 with constant stirring for 6 h at 22°C. At this time may also bind to phenolic or hydroxyl groups at higher pH.
the walls were pelleted by centrifugation, washed thrice with 50 ml
volumes of deionized water with centrifugation, and dialyzed Carboxyl groups. Esterification of carboxylgroups. 12 Three chem-
against 61 of deionized water for 12 h at 4°C. ical ligands of different electrochemical charge were attached by
Acetic anhydride addition to amino groups.17 Amino- means of the carbodiimide reaction: glycine ethyl ester neutral-
acetylation was performed by the addition of three 1.0 x 10-4 1 ized the carboxyl charges of the wall, glycinamide made the walls
volumes of acetic anhydride to a stirred wall suspension (10 ml of modestly electropositive, and ethylene diamine made them dis-
5 mg ml -1) in a V2-saturated sodium acetate solution. The three tinctly electropositive (Figure2). Although the addition of glyci-
anhydride volumes were added at 12-rain intervals. The acetylated namide results in the addition of an amino group, this is probably
wall was centrifuged, washed with cold water, and resuspended involved in intramolecular binding with a polarized carbonyl
in 1.0 mol 1-1 hydroxylamine (pH 8.0) to remove O-acetyl group. In each case the respective ligands were added to a 50-ml
groups. The amino-acetylated cell wall was finally washed with aqueous suspension of 50 mg native yeast cell walls to give a final
water and freeze-dried. The amino groups were thereby neu- concentration of 0.5 ml 1- 1, and sufficient 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl-
tralized (Figure 1.) aminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride was included to make

634 E n z y m e M i c r o b . Technol., 1994, vol. 16, J u l y

Heavy metal binding by ceil walls of S. cerevisiae: D. Brady and J. R. Duncan
sure of the ability of the material to accumulate metals from
@ ~-O- * H2NCH2COOC2H5 CarOc~,~mi~e
solutions of high metal concentrations. Another parameter
that must be noted is the steepness of the isotherm as it
(a) Glycine ethyl ester addition. leaves the origin, which indicates the ability of the biosor-
bent to accumulate metals from dilute solutions. This is a
measure of the affinity between the ligands on the biosor-
bent and the metal ion species in question, which can be
seen more clearly when the data from an isotherm curve are
@ 0_O" * N ~ , , I C H 2 O C !,: H2 Ca ' I:lOdilm'Se
replotted using a Scatchard transformation. 19 The Scatch-
ard plot allows for determination of the affinity constant

(b) G l y c i n a m i d e addition.
Cu accumulated ( H m o l . m g "I )
~)o ,-
OI _ Csr ~odt~mide C - N H - C H 2 - C H 2 -N 3
-C-O + [qH2-CH2-C~ 2-INH 2

j ~
(c) E t h y l e n e d i a m i n e a d d i t i o n .

? 0.4
- oH3-,

(d) M e t h y l addition.

Figure 2 Chemical modifications of carboxyl groups

the carbodiimide concentration of 0.2 mol 1- 1 The reaction
mixture was maintained at 22°C and continuously stirred for 6 h
at pH 4.75, and subsequently washed and dialyzed as previously
Methylation ofcarboxyl groups. 18 The methyl iodide treatment
results principally in esterification of biomass carboxyl groups, I I 1 I I
thereby neutralizing them (Figure 2). Methyl iodide is a strong
alkylating agent and may also result in the displacement of o 1 2 3 4 5
H-atoms on -NH2 and -OH groups. The expected effect is to Initial Cu concentration (retool. 1 "1 )
inhibit carboxyl groups from participating in the uptake process.
In this method 50 mg of freeze-dried native yeast cell walls were Figure 3 Binding of copper by S. cerevisiae cell walls as a function
stirred with 20 ml of methyl iodide for 4 h at 22°C, and subse- of initial copper concentration
quently washed and dialyzed as previously described.

Results r (,um° "I )

The endogenous metal content of the yeast cell walls in the 0.6I
present study was (in i~mol mg-1): Ca 2+ (0.005), Na 2+ 0.5
(0.0012), C u 2 + , C o 2 +, C d 2 + ( < 0.0001).
The binding of Cu 2+ by S. cerevisiae cell walls (four
replicates) incubated at various copper concentrations is
depicted in Figure 3. Copper accumulation was found to be
dependent on the initial ambient copper concentration.
An isotherm plot may be used to graphically represent
metal ion accumulation by the cell wall biosorbent, in this
case as a function of moles of metal bound per mass cell wall
against the residual metal concentration in solution (in 0 1 2 3 4 5
moles per volume), as presented in Figure 4. The advantage o (retool. 1"1)
of an isothermal plot is that it is independent of the volume --Cu -~ Cd ~ Co
of metal salt solution reacted with the cell walls. Typically
the relationship between metal accumulation and residual Figure 4 Isotherm of metal accumulation by S. cerevisiae cell walls.
metal concentration is hyperbolic) The maximum biosorp- r, is l~mol of metal bound mg -1 cell wall; c, concentration of un-
tion limit of the material is important in that this is a mea- bound metal

Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1994, vol. 16, July 635


Table 1 Maximumcopperbindingsitesonyeastcellwallsandtheir
association constants r / c ( 1 . m g "1 x 10 3 )

Maximum binding sites Ka

Metal (~mol mg -1 wall dry mass) (I tool-1 × 10-3
Cu 2+ 0.40 4.8
Co 2 + 0.11 3.8
Cd 2+ 0.17 3.7 0.4

between the cation and the ligand (from the slope of the 0.3
graph) and the number of binding sites (at the intercept
with the abscissa). i

The Scatchard plots of metal cation binding to the iso- 0.2,-

lated cell walls of S. cerevisiae are presented in Figure 5. The ----.,~.
slopes of the Scatchard plots are biphasic or multiphasic,
indicating that there is more than one type of binding site 0.1
for each metal on the cell wall. The metal binding parame-
ters derived from this plot are tabulated in Table 1. As the
Scatchard plots of metal binding to the cell walls were non- 0 I __ I __ I 1

linear, these figures represent extrapolations based on the 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
data for the lower initial metal concentrations used. The r (~mol,mg "1)
isolated cell walls of S. cerevisiae bound copper in greater
quantities than cadmium, which in turn was bound in Copper ~ Cadmium ~ Cobalt
greater quantities than cobalt cations.
The effects of the chemical modifications of the yeast cell Figure 5 Scatchard plot of metal cation binding by the cell wall of S,
wall groups on copper binding are represented as Scatchard cerevisiae, r, ixmol of metal bound mg - 1cell wall; c, concentration of
unbound metal
plots (Figures 6 and 7) and show that the chemical modifi-
cations lead to either similar or decreased levels of Cu 2 +
accumulation. Multiple Cu2+-binding sites are repre- r/c ( l . m g "I x 10 3 )
sented in each of the nonlinear Scatchard plots. O.6 /

Nonlinear Scatchard plots have two possible interpreta- o,r
tions, indicating either multiple classes of noninteracting J
sites, or as interacting sites with positive or negative co-
operation. 17,18 The complexity of microbial cell wall com-
position implies that multiple classes of metal cation bind- 0.4 l
ing sites are probable. Tobin et al. 18used Scatchard analysis
to determine metal binding by denatured Rhizopus arrhizus
and found more than one type of binding site. This makes it 0.3
difficult to assign an overall affinity constant or maximum
number of binding sites, as each subset of sites has its own
affinity constant. Rothstein and Hayes s obtained biphasic
Scatchard plots of Mn 2+ binding to the yeast surface, the 0.2
lower slope apparently due to additional binding sites with
a lower affinity for the cation, but the exact values of the
constants cannot be readily determined as it is difficult to 0.1
separate the two slopes. They found that the binding was
rapid and reversible, obeying the mass law equation. Biva-
lent cations were found to bind more strongly than monova-
lent cations. Similar to the present study, they did not at- O" I I __ I 1 __ J

tempt to maintain constant ionic strength, as any added ions 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
would compete with the heavy metal ions for binding sites. r ("1)
The nature of the cation binding to cell wall ligands in
various microbial species has been previously studied. The Figure 6 Scatchard plot of the accumulation of copper cations by
displacement of hydrogen ions during cation accumulation chemically modified cell walls of S. cerevisiae, with modification of
by algal cell walls was found to depend on the cation in amino groups (-) Native cell walls; (+) S-acetylmercaptosuccinic
anhydride; (*) succinyl anhydride; (n) acetyl anhydride; (~) iodo-
question: Na + displaced none, while Cu 2+ displaced an acetate

636 E n z y m e M i c r o b . T e c h n o l . , 1994, vol. 16, J u l y

Heavy metal binding by cell walls of S. cerevisiae: D. Brady and J. R. Duncan

r/¢ ( l - r a g 1 x 10 3 ) Blocking of either carboxyl groups or amino groups (in

0.6 the examples of glycine ethyl ester, glycinamide, and acetic
anhydride addition) leads to a decrease in accumulation,
indicating that both these groups are involved in Cu 2+
binding. The only deviation from this trend is blocking of
0.5 carboxyl groups by methylation with methyl iodide; how-
ever, the reagent is a strong alkylating agent and may have
had other chemical effects on the cell walls. Acetate addi-
0.4 tion, although replacing an amino group with a carboxyl
group (which elsewhere has little effect on Cu 2+ binding),
I also blocks hydroxyl groups. As this leads to a decrease
similar to that of blocking of amino or carboxyl groups, it
0.3 t indicates that hydroxyl groups are of similar importance
I in Cu 2+ binding, but as they are far more prevalent in the
i + cell wall compared to amino and carboxyl groups, their
specific involvement in the binding is likely to be consid-
erably less.
Other studies involving chemical modification of car-
[] Cig • °
boxyl groups on Bacillus subtilis (a gram-positive bacterium)
0.1~- cell walls greatly reduced metal cation accumulation by the
cell walls, whereas modification of the amino groups had
little effect. 12A7Of the divalent ions studied by Beveridge
0 - - - ~ - - J I i I
and Murray, 12 Cu 2+ behaved differently from the other
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 cations in that it bound preferentially to amino groups over
r ( "1) carboxyl groups, and modification of amino groups by both
S-acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride and sodium iodoace-
Figure 7 Scatchard plot of the binding of copper cations by chem- tate reduced the Cu 2÷ binding capacity drastically.
ically modified cell walls of S. cerevisiae, with modification of car- Modification of carboxyl groups of B. subtilis cell walls
boxyl groups. (.) Native cell walls; ( + ) glycinamide; (*) glycine ethyl- led to complete loss of affinity for monovalent cations, while
ester; (t3) ethylenediamine; (A) methyl iodide only a partial decrease in the binding of multivalent cations
occurred, 12 which suggests that nonionic groups are to a
large extent responsible for binding divalent cations.
average of 1.2 H + for each copper ion accumulated.2° The In terms of cation binding to the yeast cell wall amino
extent of proton displacement would of course depend in group, it is of interest to speculate on which macromolecu-
part on the ambient pH, which would determine the proto- lar components of the yeast cell wall contain amino groups.
nation state of the cell wall ligands. High hydrogen ion The protein content of the yeast cell wall was originally
concentration (i.e., low pH) reduces metal binding, suggest- calculated from the nitrogen content of the cell wall as
~g that cations and protons compete for the same sites)7,21 13.1%, 23,24 although this figure must include a small per-
l n e tact that Cu z+ binds to a greater degree than Na + centage of chitin and chitosan which also contain nitrogen.
suggests that coordination bonds play an important role in Since no other major nitrogen-containing polymeric com-
cation binding, while the partial displacement of copper by pound has been found in the yeast cell wall, then nearly all
sodium ions indicates that at least some ionic bonding is the available nitrogen is associated with protein, chitin, and
involved.Z°A common seaweed,Ascophylum nodosum, was chitosan. Any metal preferentially binding to amino groups
found to accumulate cobalt and the major mechanism for must therefore be associated with chitosan, N-terminal
this was suggested to be ion exchange on the alginate car- amino groups of proteins, or the side chains of lysine and
boxyl groups. 22 arginine (these basic amino acids contribute approximately
The mechanism of binding of heavy metals by isolated S. 8% molar of the cell wall protein 25). Moreover, the carboxyl
cerevisiae cell walls has not been investigated by means of groups are also mainly associated with the protein fraction
chemical modification previously. In the present study, (as the side chains of acidic amino acids, glutamic acid, and
most chemical modifications to the yeast cell wall decreased aspartie acid, which contribute approximately 14.4% molar
copper accumulation. Modification of either carboxyl or of the cell wall protein25). As the copper in the present
amino groups reduced copper accumulation. study was at least partially bound to amino and carboxyl
Replacement of an amino group with a carboxyl group in groups, then it may be assumed that a significant percent-
the examples of S-acetylmercaptosuccinie anhydride and age of the bound copper cations was probably bound to cell
succinic anhydride only slightly affected the binding of cop- wall protein. Cysteine, methionine, and histidine, which
per, the acetylmercapto group apparently yielding addi- could conceivably be involved in cation binding, contrib-
tional binding sites. This indicates that the carboxyl and ute 0.66, 0.34, and 2.4% molar of the total cell wall pro-
amino groups are relatively interchangeable as far as cop- tein, respectively. 25 Similarly, during mercury accumula-
per binding by the cell wall of S. cerevisiae is concerned. This tion by yeast cells the major fraction of mercury was
Is also seen in the replacement of carboxyl with an amino tightly bound to the cell wall, with protein being impli-
group in the example of ethylenediamine addition. cated in the binding. 26

Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1994, vol. 16, July 637

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