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Pre-Interview Form

Fresh Graduate Programs

What is this Pre-Interview Form? Deliveree is a high performance, fast moving, hard working,
competitive, and progressive technology company with a culture similar to what you would find in
Silicon Valley. This important Pre-Form takes us beyond your resume and grades to understand
more about you. Our recruiting team only processes applications with a completed and
comprehensively answered Pre-Form.


o What was your undergraduate GPA at university? Undergraduate only. It’s ok if your final
GPA has not been issued yet, tell us what it is ‘as of current’. Answer the question by typing
below and support your answer by attaching your grades or transcript to the email.
- 3.28 / 4.00.

o Do you smoke cigarettes or vape?

- I use both, but very rarely.

o Where are you currently living? Include below a Google map link to your city or area.
- Jl. Mercedes Benz No.257 ( Apartement Gunung Putri ), Cicadas, Gn. Putri District,
Bogor Regency, West Java 16964, Indonesia.

o If you are currently living in the Jabodetabek or Greater Surabaya area, estimate your travel
time to-work in the morning and to-home in the evening from our office in that city. If you do
not live in either area, you may skip this question.
- From the location where I currently live to Deliveree Logistic, the estimated trip is 1 hour
to 2 hours by public transportation. But if I am selected to be part of the company, I will
choose a place to live close to my workplace.

o Do you plan to commute everyday or relocate closer to the office? If you commute, what
mode of transportation will you use? Please keep in mind that Deliveree does not offer any
additional allowances for commuting or living expenses.
- I will choose a place to live that is close to my work location, and for transportation I
prefer to use public transportation because I am comfortable with using these facilities.

o Which of the below cities are you able to be assigned to? Select all that apply.


o Please make a chronological list of the age/gender of all your siblings (including yourself).
Only mention your name, do not write the names of your siblings.
- Rizky MF Naibaho (Male), 25 years old (Eldest)
- [Sibling 1] (Female), 22 years old (Younger sister)
- [Sibling 2] (Male), 17 years old (Younger brother)


o What is your TOEFL score (or equivalent) and when did you last take your test? Answer the
question by typing below and support your answer by attaching your score to the email. If you
do not have a test score from the past 18 months, take the below 50 minute test (we don't
accept the 15 minute quick check) and attach a screenshot of your final score to the email.
- English Proficiency Test Universitas Lampung : 580
- EFSET ( English Certification ) : 66/100 ( C1 Advanced )

o Rank your skills for each of the below items (1 is beginner and 10 is excellent):

Google Drive: 10
Google Docs: 10
Google Sheets: 8
Google Slides: 8
Microsoft Word: 9
Microsoft Excel: 8
Microsoft Powerpoint: 8
Database Software (include name): Microsoft Access 7
Lead Management Software (include name): Zoho 5

o Rank your skills for each of the below items (1 is beginner and 10 is excellent)):

Presentation creation: 7
Public speaking and presenting: 7
Spreadsheet creation: 9
Data analysis: 9
Process analysis: 5
Operations analysis: 6
Project management: 9
Team coordination: 9
Team leadership: 9
Web research: 10
Field research: 10
Translation between Bahasa & English: 8

o Were you ever the lead organizer or one of the main co-organizers of any student events
while in high school or university? If so, please give us your event organization title, a
summary of what you did, the names, dates, and locations of the events, the purpose of the
events, approximately how many people attended the events.

- I was once the main coordinator for the "MIGAS GOES TO CAMPUS" event held by the
University of Lampung in collaboration with the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources under the Student of Geophysical Exploration
(SEG) organisation. On this occasion, I managed the flow of events from before the event
until the end of the event. The event was held on 7 December 2018 at the University of
Lampung campus. The event was organised to share knowladge about regarding the
development of oil and gas in Indonesia. The participants who attended the event were
150 people outside the committee and invited guests.


o How long was your most recent semester break and what did you do with it? Be detailed in
your description.
- I graduated at the end of September 2023, which means it's already <6 months.
However, at the end of October I got my job as a Management Trainee in one of the
mining companies until early December 2023. During my time as an MT in the company, I
learn and understand the work culture in the main company. Understand and be proficient
in the mining operation of bauxite to the alumina production. Can build leadership and
problem solving characters. After not being part of the company, I returned to my
hometown and filled my time with the management of my family's music studio and cafe. I
also learnt various things from reading to watching to fill my free time until finally now I
decided to look for work again.

o Provide your title, department, company, start date, end date of your most recent or current
- Management Trainee in Mining Operation at Hangzhou JINJIANG Group Technology co.,
ltd. ( October 2023 – December 2023 )

o Provide title of the person you reported to in your most recent or current internship/job.
- The title of the person I reported to in my most recent job as a Management Trainee in
Mining Operation at Hangzhou JINJIANG Group Technology Co., Ltd. would be "Mining
Operation Supervisor". In my role as a Management Trainee in Mining Operation at
Hangzhou JINJIANG Group Technology Co., Ltd., I reported to the Mining Operation
Supervisor. My responsibilities included understanding the work culture within the main
company, mastering the mining operation of bauxite to the alumina production process
flow system (Bayer Methods), and developing leadership and problem-solving skills.

o In your most recent or current internship/job, how would you describe your performance?

- B. Met Targets because I passed the selection for this programme and was supposed to
go for OJT in China, it proved that I was worthy because I met the company's target in the
Management Trainee programme.

o In your most recent or current internship/job, what is your net post-tax monthly salary? If you
receive bonuses or incentives, please describe. Be prepared to support this with pay slip or
bank statement.
- The post-tax salary is covered by the company, because during that time you learn and
understand the company, for other benefits, accommodation tickets, medical expenses,
and meals are covered by the company.

o If you are currently unemployed, why did your last job come to an end? If you are currently
employed, why do you wish to leave your job? Be detailed and honest in your answer, it will
be kept confidential (as will your entire application). This answer is very important to us.
Please avoid general platitudes like "looking for a challenge" and other overly general
answers. Be detailed and specific to your situation.
- In my last job, I was supposed to do an OJT in China. But I couldn't continue because of
my judgement on the contract which I thought was unclear and also influenced by the
salary that I thought I could also earn if I did the work in my own home. Which from my
consideration is far to OJT to China, it is better for me to do business work from my own
family for a while.


o Please list the 2 most important things when deciding what job you will accept. List them in
order of importance and describe in detail.
- The two most important things for me when deciding what job to accept are:

1. Fit with Personal Values and Career Goals:

This is crucial to me as it ensures that the job aligns with my personal values, interests,
and long-term career aspirations. I want to make sure that the job provides opportunities
for growth, matches my skills and expertise, and contributes to my overall career
development. Choosing a job that resonates with my values and career goals is key to my
job satisfaction and fulfillment.
2. Compensation and Benefits:
While personal fulfillment is important, the financial aspect also matters to me. I consider
the compensation package, including salary, benefits, and any additional perks offered by
the company. It's important to me that the job provides financial stability and meets my
financial needs, allowing me to support myself and my lifestyle comfortably.

In summary, the most important factors for me when deciding on a job are how well it
aligns with my personal values and career goals, followed by the compensation and
benefits package offered by the company.

o If offered a position, when is the soonest you can start full-time? Be specific.
- Certainly as soon as possible, but to work, you need to be prepared, so there must be a
recruitment stage. In that process, it must not be instantaneous so that in that time
preparations can be made. Therefore, if I have passed each stage and met the
qualifications for a position, then the preparation should also be fulfilled. So, for full-time
work readiness if asked to work tomorrow, I should be able and willing to work full-time

o What is your salary expectation? Be realistic.

- IDR 5.000.000 – IDR 8.000.000

o On what site did you find our job posting?

- Jobstreet


o Do you have any medical conditions that may interfere with your ability to attend work
consistently/reliably and to perform standard work duties as a healthy adult?
- None

o If you have any medical conditions as described in your answer above, please confirm in very
clear words if this condition will impact your ability to work long hours, carry a heavy
workload, operate under stress, and to be effective in a competitive work environment?
- None

o Do you regularly do any outdoor hobbies, recreational activities, or sports? If so, please
- I like playing futsal, jogging, and table tennis because these activities not only allow me to
interact happily with my mates, but also make me feel more mobile and my body doesn't
feel limp. In addition, I also like recreating in nature, while in my hometown I often go out
with my vehicle to surround the green forest scenery in my village area, also when I was
a student I often climbed mountains with my campus friends.

o How comfortable are you when you are outdoors in the heat? Answer on a scale of 1-5 (1
very uncomfortable and 5 very comfortable).
- Actually, as long as it is the responsibility and demand for the job that should be safe. But
for the comfort scale I choose to score between uncomfortable and comfortable ( 3 ).

o When you think of your ideal job, what % of time would you like to work indoors vs outdoors?
Answer in % terms.
- In my ideal job, I envision spending approximately 60% of my time indoors and 40%
outdoors. The majority of my indoor time would be dedicated to strategizing work plans,
managing projects, and executing tasks that require focused attention and collaboration
with team members. Meanwhile, the outdoor portion of my time would be allocated to
fieldwork, where I can conduct inspections, assess on-site conditions, and oversee the
implementation of strategies developed indoors. This balanced approach ensures that I
can effectively manage both the strategic aspects of my role and the practical aspects of
executing tasks in real-world environments.

o When you think of your ideal job, what % of time would you like to be working at your desk vs
client sites such as warehouses or other logistics facilities? Answer in % terms.
- For my ideal job, I would aim to spend approximately 70% of my time at my desk and
30% at client sites such as warehouses or other logistics facilities. The majority of my
time at my desk would be dedicated to tasks that require deep focus, strategic planning,
and communication with colleagues and clients. This includes activities such as analyzing
data, developing project plans, and coordinating logistics operations.

The remaining 30% of my time would be spent at client sites, where I can oversee
operations, conduct inspections, and collaborate directly with clients and team members

on-site. This hands-on approach allows me to gain valuable insights into the operational
challenges and opportunities faced by clients, as well as build strong relationships and
provide personalized support.

Overall, this balance ensures that I can effectively manage both the strategic aspects of
my role from my desk and the practical aspects of implementing solutions and supporting
clients at their sites.

o Do you have a driving license?


o Do you know how to drive a car or ride a motorbike? If yes, which ones and how many years
experience with each?
- Yes, I can drive both a car and ride a motorbike. I have been riding a motorbike for 10
years now, while I have 1 year of experience driving a car.

o Do you own or have permanent access to a car or motorbike? If yes, which one or both?
- Motorbike.


o How many shots have you completed?

- 3 Shots ( Booster Vaccine )

o Date of last shot?

- 21 September 2022

o If not already fully vaccinated, what date do you expect to be?


o What brand vaccine have you received?

- COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer

Good job finishing our Pre-Form! Now send this completed Pre-Form to the original
requestor and don't forget to also include your cover email, resume, and other documents
that have been requested in this form. Due to security, we are unable to open links or
download files so always send files as standard attachments to the email.

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