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 As we can see in the diagram, most of the survey respondence is 18 – 23 age range.

 According to the diagram, out of 33 respondence, 61% is male compare to female. Only 39% of
overall is female.

 As we can see in the diagram above, population of diploma student is more than degree and
 According to the diagram above, we can come to a conclusion that most of the respondent is
doing online learning for more than a year compare to others. 66.7% respondent is and others is
doing less than a year.

 According to the chart above, mostly students are using laptops for their studies compare to
desktop which is 42% and smartphone 42%. We can surely conclude that laptop is most using
technology among the respondent.

 Looking into the diagram, mostly the respondent has never done any kind of online learning. On
the other side, 21% out of 33 respondent which is 7 people has experience in online learning.
 As seen in the figure, over 70% of respondents are interested in face-to-face learning, whereas
only 30% are interested in online learning.

Online Learning
Easy to un- Interaction in Comfortable Save money
derstand class

Face to Face Class


Easy to un- Interaction in Comfortable Save money
derstand class

 As seen in the line graph above, online learning is convenient and acceptable to respondents.
Furthermore, face-to-face learning has a higher respondent response rate due to easier
understanding, engagement, and comfort.

 The majority of respondents have moderate IT skills.

 According to the diagram above, 72% of respondents have never failed any subject due to online
leaning implementation. But the other 28% of respondents have failed.

 As we can see in the diagram, mostly respondent have internet issue to access online leaning.

 According to the line graph above, respondents preferred access to online materials and the
ability to stay at home above others. Many people are interested in learning at their own pace.
 Looking into the diagram above, many respondents have chosen they are having technical issue
compare to others.

 As the diagram above, we can see that mostly face to face learning has moderate effectiveness
in term of improving abilities.

 Looking at the graph, it appears that the majority of respondents are more effective at face-to-
face learning.
 As the diagram above, we can conclude that mostly social skills improvement is effective in face-
to-face class.

 Respondents like online learning slightly, according to the diagram above.

 Respondents are moderately active in class, according to the diagram above.

19. What is the major problem you’re
currently facing during Online learning?

12 17

Interenet problem Not motivated Health issue

 According to the diagram above, the number of having internet issue is higher compare to

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