Oral Exam Junior 2

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Anne: Hello! May I see your passport, please?

Paola: Hi Here you have
Anne: Thank you *tecleo* And where are you flying with us today?
Paola: I'm going to Canada. I'll be studying there for a year.
Anne: How fun! That sounds like a great trip. I see your information right here. Are you checking any luggage today?
Paola: Yes. Just one carry on bag
Anne: Place your case in the x-ray machine. Thank you. Hmmm
Paola: Is there a problem?
Anne: Something in your bag is showing up on the x-ray machine. Could you please open your bag? Hmm. you can't take
this moisturizer.
Paola: Oh, no. Is that bad? Excuse me. I didn’t know that. This is my first trip.
Anne: This time I'll put it in this case and put it back in your carry on bag but please you should have more careful in the
Paola: Ok I’m sorry thank you very much, good bye

Anne: Good afternoon ma’am
Paola: Good afternoon Ms. Agent. Are there any problem?
Anne: Yes, you were going at an excessive speed.
Paola: Oh, I didn’t realize (rilais)
Anne: I need to check your license, registration and insurance, please
Paola: Ok, here are my documents
Anne: Thank you. You should be more careful on the road. You could have caused an accident.
Paola: I know, I know. It won’t happen again.
Anne: Well, you have been fined for speeding. The fine must be paid within 15 days.
Paola: How much is the fine?
Anne: It’s $200. Here is your ticket and your documents.
Paola: Thank you, ms. agent. Have a nice day.
Anne: You’re welcome. Drive safely

Paola: Oh excuse me Dentist Landivar I came late my appoinment.
Anne: Don’t worry. I don’t wait more patients. Go ahead please
Paola: Thank you. Mss. Landivar my tooth was hurting.
Anne: I'm going to check your teeth
Paola: Does it hurt much?
Anne: No, not much
Paola: Ok
Anne: I found two cavities. Do you eat many sweets?
Paola: Mmmm yes, I love candy sweets, cakes and I drink sugary beverages.
Anne: You shouldn't consume too much sugar. Don't forget your dental care.
Paola: Ok, thank you Ms. Landivar. I will follow your recomendations
Anne: I see you in seventeen days.

Anne: Hello, you are calling Dental Accessories, how may we help you?
Paola: Good afternoon. Please could you help me? I have bought you an electric toothbrush. My old toothbrush
wasn’t the most effective. However the new one isn't working. I was trying to turn it on several times. When I
received the package it was dented. What should I do?
Anne: I understand. Could you tell me your name and when did you buy the electric toothbrush?
Paola: My name is Paola Banchón and I bought it on October 15th.
Anne: Ok, one moment please. Yes, here is the register of her purchase. We have two options for you. We can exchange it
or a refund. Her purchase is within the fifteen days so you have right to choose whatever the two either option. What do
you want to do?
Paola: I want a refund.
Anne: Ok but you should pay a fee of $5 for open the box.
Paola: No problem.
Anne: I have registered your claim and refund request within 3 days you will receive an email with the date when you will
have the refund in her bank account.
Paola: Thank you so much
Anne: You’re welcome it was a pleasure to help you.

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