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danger #1

bob swam ouside the red and yellow flags that

the lifeguards put up because he thought it was
going to be fun in the rough waters but he was
caught in a rip
The correct way
bob let the current carry him back to
the shore and from that day he
always swam between the flags
danger #2

bob swims straight

towards dangerous
sea life becuase they
looked cool and he
wanted to pat them
guys there are
sharks and
jellyfish do not go

what should be done

bob realises that those
animals are dangerous,
so calmly but sppeedily
swam away from them
and warned his mates
about them
danger #3
bob went to the beach
without putting on
the right way

bob’s friend jeff gave bob

some sunscreen to apply so
that he does not get
sunburn or skin cancer
bob is playing on some slippery
rocks with big waves crashing
around him
the right way
bob gets off these rocks and avoids al
of the big waves as they might knock
him against the rocks and he swims
safely back to the sand bay
bob is walking
on the sand
bank and sees
a very squishy
looking, plastic
bag like thing
that is blue
correct way
bob realises from his
beach safety classes
that this is a bluebottle
jellyfish and that even
if its dead it will sting
you if you step on their
stingers so he resists the
temptation to poke it
with his fingers and
walks around it instead.
thanks for viewing lol

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