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Physics Worksheet


1. Which of the following Statements is true?

A. Artificial magnets are economical than
natural magnets
B. A magnet can be broken into N and S poles
C. The distance between north & south poles
of a magnet is its effective length
D. Poles of a magnet lie exactly at its ends.
2. Which of the following is not magnetic
A. Steel
B. Cobalt
C. Iron
D. Manganese
3. At neutral point, the resultant magnetic field
A. Maximum
B. Zero
C. Along E-W
D. Inclined at 450 from horizontal
4. Two like magnetic poles:
A. Repel each other
B. Attract each other
C. First attract each other, then repel
D. Neither attract nor repel

5. In a uniform magnetic field, the field lines

B. Curved
C. Parallel equidistant straight lines
D. Parallel but non-equid spaced straight
E. Nothing can be said
6. The attractive property of a magnet is
maximum at:
A. North pole only
B. south pole only
C. North & South Poles both
D. mid-point of the magnet
7. Magnetic field lines can…….. each other.
A. Always intersect
B. Never intersect
C. Can’t say
8. The two ends of a magnet are called ………..
A. Pole strength
B. Poles
C. Magnetic moment
D. Induction
9. Unlike poles………, while like
poles………..each other.
A. Attract, repel
B. Repel, attract
C. Repel, repel
D. Attract, attract

10. The magnetism is minimum at

the…………in a bar magnet
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Middle
D. None of these

1. Distinguish between natural & artificial
2. State any 4 properties of a magnet.
3. Define the terms:
i. Poles of a magnet
ii. Magnetic axis
iii. Effective length of a magnet
4. 4. Explain the following :
A. When 2 pins are hung by their heads from
the same pole of a magnet, their pointed
ends fly apart.
B. Several soft irons pins can be hung one
below the other from the pole of a magnet,
but they soon fall off when the magnet is
C. The north pointing end of a compass
needle which has come to rest is attracted
towards a piece of soft iron placed a little
distance away from it.
5. Induced magnetism is temporary.’ Comment
on this statement.
6. Giving reasons, state whether the following
statements are true or false.
A. The magnetic field lines between the two like
poles facing each other represent a
uniform magnetic field.
B. At a neutral point, the resultant
magnetic field is zero.

Current Electricity


1. Current in a circuit flows:

A. In a direction from high potential to low
B. In a direction from low potential to high
C. In a direction of flow of electrons
D. In any direction
2. The unit of potential difference is:
A. Ampere
B. Volt
C. Ohm
D. Coulomb
3. The correct relation is:
A. 1J = 1C / 1V
B. 1J = 1V / 1C
C. 1J = 1C x 1V
D. 1J x 1C x 1V = 1
4. On increasing the resistance in a circuit,
current in it:
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Nothing can be said
5. Which of the following expression is
C. R=I / V
D. I=R / V
6. What is the resistance offered by the
filament of a bulb with potential difference
of 12V & current 2A in a circuit?
A. 8 Ω
B. 9 Ω
C. 24 Ω
D. 6Ω
7. In transferring 1.5 C charge through a
metallic wire, 9J of work is needed. Find the
potential difference across the wire
A. 6 V
B. 12 V
C. 18 V
D. 24 V
8. A cell of potential difference 12 V is
connected to a bulb. The resistance of
filament of bulb when it glows is 24 Ω. Find
the current drawn from the cell.
A. 0.5 A
B. 5 A
C. 0.2 A
D. 2A
9. Find the odd man out
A. Impure water
B. Silver
C. Glass
D. Copper
10. 0.5 C charge passes through a section of
a conductor in 5 s. find the current.
A. 0.1 A
B. 0.25 A
C. 0.025 A
D. None of these


1. Distinguish between primary & secondary

2. Write symbols & state functions of each of
following components in an electric circuit :
a. Key
b. Cell
c. Rheostat
d. Ammeter
e. Voltmeter
3. Two conductors A & B are joined by a
copper wire. State the direction of flow of
electrons in each of the following cases :
a. If A is positively charged & B is uncharged.
b. If A is negatively charged & B is
c. If A is positively charged & B is negatively
4. Explain the concept of electric potential
difference in terms of work done in
transferring the charge.
5. How is the resistance of a wire affected if
a. Length is doubled
b. Radius is increased

Reflection of Light

1. Images formed by plane mirror are
A. Real
B. Virtual
C. Magnified
2. We see things around us because of _ _ _ _ _
A. Reflection
B. Refraction
C. Absorption
3. Which of the following is a natural
luminous source of light?
A. Sunlight
B. Wood
C. Electric lamp
D. Torch light
4. Which of the following is not a translucent
A. Greased paper
B. Paraffin wax
C. Frosted glass
D. Water
5. Light is a form of
A. Electromagnetic wave
B. Energy
C. Both A& B
6. In diffused reflection, laws of reflections are
A. Violated
B. Followed
C. Both A & B
7. Which of the following is true for virtual
A. It can’t be obtained on a screen
B. It is erect with respect to object
C. It is formed when reflected rays are
produced backwards
D. All of them
8. If the angle of incidence is 400, then angle
between the incident ray and reflected ray
A. 400
B. 600
C. 800
D. 1200
9. Plane mirror are arranged parallel to each
other to get
A. A single image
B. Two images
C. A large number of reflected images
D. No image
10. The exchange of the right & left side of
an object & its image is known as
A. Reflection
B. Lateral inversion
C. Refraction
11. If the two plane mirrors are inclined at
an angle of 600, then the number of images
formed by the object placed between these
mirrors is
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
12. The image formed in a periscope are-
A. Real with lateral inversion
B. Virtual with lateral inversion
C. Real without lateral inversion
D. Virtual without lateral inversion


1. Define the following :

a. Reflection of light
b. Angle of reflection
c. Plane mirror
d. Point of incidence
2. State any 4 uses of plane mirror.
3. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of
4. Differentiate between real and virtual
5. Write the characteristics of the image
formed by a plane mirror.
6. An object is placed between two plane
mirrors inclined at an angle of 500. Find the
number of images formed.
7. Prove that in plane mirror, the object
distance and the image distance are equal.

Spherical Mirror


1. Name the mirror which always produces an

erect and virtual image.
A. Plain mirror
B. Concave mirror
C. Convex mirror
D. All of these
2. The radius of curvature of a concave mirror
is 10 cm. Its focal length is
A. 10 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 15 cm
3. A ray of light is directed towards the centre
of curvature on a spherical mirror. The
reflected ray will
A. Passes through focus
B. Passes through pole
C. Passes through centre of curvature
D. Become parallel to principal axis.
4. The image formed by a convex mirror is:
A. Erect and diminished
B. Erect and enlarged
C. Inverted and diminished
D. Inverted and enlarged
5. For an object kept at a distance 36 cm from
a concave mirror of focal length 12 cm, The
image is:
A. Real, inverted, diminished
B. Real, erect, diminished
C. Virtual, inverted, diminished
D. Virtual, erect, magnified
6. An object is kept in front of a convex mirror
of focal length 10 cm, at a distance 20 cm.
The image is formed at:
A. 20 cm on the side of object
B. Beyond 20 cm on the side of object
C. Between 0 and 10cm on the side of object
D. Between 0 and 10 cm on the side
opposite to object
7. For an object kept at a distance 36 cm from
a concave mirror of focal length 12 cm, the
image is :
A. Real, inverted, diminished
B. Real, erect, diminished
C. Virtual, inverted, magnified
D. Virtual, erect, magnified.
8. The mirror used for shaving is preferably:
A. Concave
B. Plane
C. Convex
D. Parabolic
9. The mirror used as rear view mirror in
automobiles is:
A. (A) Concave
B. (B) Plane
C. (C) Convex
D. (D) Parabolic
10. The focal length of concave mirror is 10
cm. Find its radius of curvature.
A. 10 cm
B. 30 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 55 cm


1. Define the following terms with reference

to a spherical mirror:
a. Pole
b. Principal axis
c. Centre of curvature
2. Discuss the position and nature of the
image formed by a concave mirror when
the object is moved from infinity towards
the pole of the mirror.
3. Give the uses of plane mirror, concave
mirror and convex mirror.
4. Why does a driver use a convex mirror as a
rear view mirror?
Illustrate your answer with the help of ray
5. An object is placed at 4 cm distance in front
of a concave mirror of radius of curvature
24 cm.
Find the position of an image, by drawing.
Is the image magnified?

Upthrust in Liquids Archimedes Principle


1. Two balls, one of iron and other of

aluminium experience same up thrust when
dipped in water if:

(A) Both have equal volume

(B) Both have equal weight in air

(C) Both have equal density

(D) Nothing definite can be said

2. An empty tin container with its mouth closed

has an average density equal to that of liquid A.

The container is taken 2 m below the surface of

liquid A and is left there. Then:

(A) Container will bounce back to the surface.

(B) Container remains where it is left.

(C) Container sinks further.

(D) Nothing can be said.

3. A piece of wood is held under water. The

upthrust on it will be:

(A) Equal to the weight of wood piece. (B) Less

than the weight of wood piece.

(C) More than the weight of wood piece.

(D) Zero.

4. The upthrust experienced by a body

immersed in a liquid is equal to:

(A) The weight of body itself

(B) The volume of a liquid displaced by the body

(C) The volume of the body itself

(D) The weight of the liquid displaced by the body

5. Any solid will experience minimum upthrust

when it is immersed in:

(A) 0 : 1

(B) Water
(C) Seawater

(D) Mercury

6. A body of density ρ sinks in a liquid of

density ρL. The densities ρ and ρL are related as:

(A) ρ = ρL

(B) ρ < ρL

(C) ρ > ρL

(D) Nothing can be said.

7. The S.I. unit of upthrust is:

(A) Pa

(B) N

(C) kg

(D) kg m2

8. A piece of 100 n is held under water. The

upthrust on it will be…. the weight of the wood

(A) Less than

(B) More than

(C) Same as

(D) Less or more

9. A body of volume 100 cm3 weighs 5 kgf in

air. It is completely immersed in a liquid of

1.8x103 kg m-3. Find the upthrust due to liquid.

(A) 0.18 kgf

(B) 0.28 kgf

(C) 1.8 kgf

(D) 0.12 kgf

10. Unit of density is:

(A) kg-m/s

(B) N-m

(C) J/s

(D) None of these


1. Define upthrust, what is the cause of

upthrust? State its S.I. unit.
2. State Archimedes’ principle.

3. An iron nail floats on mercury but it sinks in

water. Explain the reason.

4. Describe an experiment based on

Archimedes’ principle to find the relative
density of a liquid.

5. A body of mass 3.5 kg displaces 1000 cm3 of

water when fully immersed inside it. Calculate

(i) The volume of body (ii) The upthrust on

body (iii) The apparent weight of body in

6. A metal cube of 5 cm edge and density 9 g

cm-3 is suspended by a thread so as to be
completely immersed in a liquid of density 1.2
g cm-3. Find the tension in thread. (Take g = 10
m s-2).

7. A sphere of iron and another of wood of

same radius are held under water. Compare the
upthrust on the two spheres.


1. The unit of coefficient of linear expansion is:

(A) m

(B) oC1

(C) oC-1

(D) oC

2. When the bimetallic strip (brass and invar) is


(A) It remains straight

(B) It bends with brass on convex side

(C) It bends with invar on convex side

(D) It does not have a definite shape

3. The bimetallic strip is not used in:

(A) Thermostat

(B) Pendulum clock

(C) Fire alarm

(D) Electric iron

4. If ϒa and ϒr denote the coefficient of

apparent and real expansion of liquid, then:

(A) ϒa=ϒr for all temperature range

(B) ϒa<ϒr

(C) ϒa>ϒr

(D) sometimes ϒa>ϒr and sometimes ϒr>ϒa

5. When the lake starts freezing, the formation

of ice

(A) Is first at bottom

(B) Is first at the middle

(C) Is first at the top

(D) Nothing can be said

6. The liquid that contracts on heating from 0oC

to 40oC is

(A) Mercury

(B) Petrol
(C) Water

(D) None of these

7. The lower fixed point of each of the Celsius

and Fahrenheit scales of temperature is

(A) 4o when the density of water is maximum

(B) The boiling point of water

(C) The freezing point of water

(D) The freezing point of Mercury

8. The boiling point of water, on Fahrenheit

scale is:

(A) 100

(B) 80

(C) 212

(D) 32

9. The absolute zero on Celsius scale is:

(A) 0oC

(B) -32oC

(C) 100oC
(D) -273oC

10. 45oC equals to:

(A) 77oF

(B) 318 K

(C) 45 K

(D) 8o F


1. What is heat and temperature? Write its S.I.


2. Define the terms (i) coefficient of linear

expansion and (ii) coefficient of cubical

Deduce the relationship between them.

3. What are the different scales of temperature?

Derive a relationship between them.

4. Explain the following:

(a) Pendulum clock generally go fast in winter and

slow in summer.
(b) A hot glass chimney often cracks when a drop
of water falls on it.

(c) Fishes survive in ponds even when the

atmospheric temperature is below 0oC.

(d) A hollow glass sphere which floats with its

entire volume submerged in water at 4oC sinks
when the water is heated above 4oC.

5. During the day time. The atmospheric

temperature rises by 18oF. What is the
corresponding rise on Celsius scale ?

6. Compare the relative advantages and

disadvantages of Mercury and alcohol for use
in thermometers.

7. When a bar of iron 50.0 cm long at 15oC is

heated in a furnace it becomes 50.1 cm.

If the coefficient of linear expansion of iron is

0.000011o/C, find the temperature of the furnace.

8. A Mercury thermometer is transferred from

boiling water to a glass of milk. The mercury
level falls to three-fifth of the distance between
the lower and upper fixed points. Calculate the
temperature of milk (1) in oC and (2) in K

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