Oop Reviewer

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 Methods defined inside classes
 Group program statements
o Based on functionality
o Called on or more times
 All programs consist of at least one method
o Main()
 User-defined method
 Required method
o public static void Main()
 public static - Modifiers
 void - Return type
 Main - Method name
 () - Parameters or arguments

 Modifiers
o Appear in method headings
o Appear in the declaration heading for classes and other class members
o Indicate how it can be accessed
o Types of modifiers
 Static
 Access

o Static Modifier
 Indicates member belongs to the type itself rather than to a specific object of a class
 Main() must include static in heading
 Members of the Math class are static
 Public static double Pow(double, double)
 Methods that use the static modifier are called class methods
 Instance methods require an object
o Access Modifiers
 public - no restrictions
 protected - limited to the containing class or classes derived from the containing class
 internal - limited to current project
 protected internal - limited to current project or classes derived from class
 private - limited to containing class

 Return Type
o Indicates what type of value is returned when the method is completed
o Always listed immediately before method name
o void
 No value being returned
o return statement
 Required for all non-void methods
 Compatible value
 Method Names
o Follow the rules for creating an identifier
 Pascal case style
 Action verb or prepositional phrase
o Example
 CalculateSalesTax()
 AssignSectionNumber()
 DisplayResults()
 InputAge()
 ConvertInputValue()

 Parameters
o Supply unique data to method
o Appear inside parentheses
 Include data type and an identifier
 In method body, reference values using identifier name
 Parameter refers to items appearing in the heading
 Arguments for items appearing in the call
 Formal parameters - (int milesTraveled, double gallonsUsed)
 Actual arguments - (289, 12,2)
o Like return types, parameters are optional

 Method Body
o Enclosed in curly braces
o Include statements ending in semicolons
 Declare variables
 Do arithmetic
 Call other methods
o Value-returning methods must include return statement

 Calling Class Methods

o Invoke a method
o Call to method that returns no value
 [qualifier].MethodName(argumentList);
o Qualifier
 Square brackets indicate optional
 class or object name
o Call to method does not include data type
o Use Intellisense
 After typing a dot, list of members pops up
 Shows Method signature(s) and description
 3D fuchsia colored box - methods
 aqua colored box - fields

o Predefined Methods
 Extensive class library
 Console class
 Write() - overloaded
 WriteLine() - overloaded
 Read()
 ReadLine()

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