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FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023


SESSION 2022/2023

FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023

1. You have a ladder that has a length of 4.5 m leaning against a building at an angle of 75o
to the horizontal. You climb from the bottom of the ladder to the top. How far do you move?

a) Horizontally
b) Vertically
[2 marks]

2. (a) Two buses depart from Kuala Lumpur, one going to Alor Setar, and one to Johor Bahru.
Each bus travels at a speed of 30 m s-1. Do they have equal velocities? Explain your
(b) A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building of height H as shown in


The initial speed of the ball is 15.0 m s-1. It hits the ground at distance away from the
base of the building after 5 s. Assuming that air resistance is negligible, determine
i. the height H of the building.
ii. the horizontal distance from the building when the ball hit the ground.
iii. the velocity of the ball when it hits the ground.

[10 marks]

3. An object A of mass 1.5 kg moves in a straight line and eventually collides with a stationary
object B of mass 1.0 kg. After the collision, the objects stick together and continue to move
in the same direction. The system loses energy of 0.50 J after the collision. Determine the
velocity of A before the collision.
FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023

[5 marks]



A student tried to pull up a wooden boat of mass 80 kg along the inclined track which is
15O above horizontal as shown in FIGURE 1.

a) If the coefficient of static friction between the boat and track is 0.20, what is the
minimum mass of water supposed to be added into the bucket so that the boat is
just about to move? (neglect mass of bucket).
[5 marks]

b) When the mass of the water added into the bucket exceeds the minimum mass
calculated in Question 4(b),
(i) explain what will happen to the boat.
(ii) compare the friction between the boat and the inclined plane before and
after excess water is added.
[3 marks]

5. An object of mass 2.0 kg moves at a constant speed of 5.0 m s−1 up a plane inclined at 30°
to the horizontal. The constant frictional force acting on the object is 4.0 N. Determine

a) the rate of work done against the gravitational force,

b) the rate of work done against the frictional force,
c) the power supplied to the object. (Given g = 9.81 m s−2)
[8 marks]

6. A 0.25 kg mass is tied at the end of a 2 m light inextensible string. What is the tension T of
the string at the top of the circle if the mass makes one revolution in one second?
[5 marks]
FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023

7. (a)

x (cm)

T t (s)



FIGURE 2 shows a displacement, x versus time, t graph of a body of mass 50 g

attached to a spring and moving in simple harmonic motion. The spring has a spring
constant of 0.2 N m-1. Determine the

i. amplitude of oscillation.
ii. period of the oscillation.
iii. angular frequency of the oscillation.
[5 marks]

(b) a (m s-2)


T t (s)



FIGURE 3 shows a graph of acceleration, a against time, t of an oscillating object

where is oscillating with an amplitude of 2 cm.

i. Write a mathematical expression showing the relationship between a and t.

ii. Determine the frequency of the motion.
[5 marks]
FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023

8. (a) Two waves are represented by the following equations:

𝑦1 = 7.0 sin(5𝑡 − 2𝑥)

𝑦2 = 7.0 sin(5𝑡 + 2𝑥)

where y and x are in centimetre and t is in second. The waves undergo superposition.

i. Determine the equation of the resultant wave due to the superposition.

ii. Name the type of resultant wave.
iii. Calculate the amplitude of the particle vibrating at 𝑥 = 3.3 𝑐𝑚.

[7 marks]


Wall 30 𝑚 𝑠 −1

FIGURE 4 shows that Siti is standing still. Abu is walking towards Siti away from
the wall with speed 30 𝑚 𝑠 −1 while talking to her. Abu emits a frequency of 500 Hz.
The speed of sound in air is 340 𝑚 𝑠 −1 . Determine

i. the apparent frequency heard by Siti directly from Abu.

ii. the apparent frequency heard by Siti due to reflection of the wall.
[6 marks]

9. (a) A metal wire of length 75 cm and diameter 0.13 cm stretches by 0.035 cm when a load
of 8 kg is hung on its end. Calculate the Young’s modulus of the wire.
[3 marks]
FLY HIGH SET 3 SP015 2022/2023

(b) A glass slab has a surface area 1600 cm2 and thickness 5 mm. Calculate the total energy
per hour transferred through the glass slab when the temperatures on either side of the
glass surfaces are 21 C and 32 C, respectively. The coefficient of thermal conductivity
of glass is 0.84 W m−1 K−1.
[5 marks]

10. (a) The temperature in outer space is about 3.5 K and it is estimated that there is about one
hydrogen molecule per cm3. The mass of a hydrogen molecule is 3.346 ×10-27 kg.
Calculate the
i. rms speed of the hydrogen molecules.
ii. hydrogen density in outer space.
iii. pressure of hydrogen gas at the outer space.
iv. mean translational kinetic energy of the hydrogen molecules.

[6 marks]

(b) Sketch a PV diagram of the following process: 2.0 L of ideal gas at atmospheric
pressure is cooled at constant pressure to a volume of 1.0 L, and then expanded
isothermally back to 2.0 L, whereupon the pressure is increased at constant
volume until the original pressure is reached
[3 marks]

(c) A sample of ideal gas is expanded twice its original volume of 1.00 m3 in a quasi-
static process. (Hint: quasi-static process is a isothermal process that happens very
slowly.) Sketch a P against V graph from the above statement.
[2 marks]

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