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hese canine humanoids are descendants of
Wulfkin Diversity
dire wolves, or so the Dimelan Academy of
Additionally, choose three of the following traits:
Anthropology claims. The fact that some of
them resemble foxes rather than wolves,
Fast Speed: Your reflexes and agility allow you to move
apparently did not occur to them. Wulfkin
with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in
share some of the instinct of their feral
combat, you can add 15 feet until the end of the turn.
counterparts, although they do not behave
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you
like the typical predators.
move 0 feet on one of your turns.
In regions where their existence is lesser known, they
Keen Senses (Scent): You have advantage on skill checks
are often mistaken for werewolves. In some areas, they
that involve scent. You can identify familiar odors just as
are even hunted as such, usually by bounty hunters
humans do familiar sights. You can detect other creatures
wielding silvered weapons - only to be disappointed once
within 30 feet (double or halve in case of wind), given that
they find out their quarry is not infected with lycanthropy.
said creature can be detected by scent. Detecting a
Black Wulfkin are also mistaken for Hell Hounds or Hound
creature can be done in combat, but the Wulfkin cannot
Archon, which can be quite confusing.
move in the same turn. Water (particularly running water)
ruins a scent trail. If a scent is masked by a false odor, you
Social Structure have neither advantage nor disadvantage.
Wulfkin live in groups with a tribal structure, even in towns Lunge: Some Wulfkin have worg blood mixed in their
heritage. These Wulfkin increase their reach by 5 feet on
and cities. Warriors operate either alone, or in a pack.
their turn when they perform a melee attack, as they lash
Their heightened sense of smell makes Wulfkin excellent
out quickly and viciously.
hunters and scouts.
Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
Wulfkin Traits instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a
Ability Score Increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; long rest.
choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1. Wild Instinct: You are proficient in Deception and have
Alignment: Wulfkin can be any alignment. Those living advantage on checks made to cover or erase your tracks.
alone or in pairs are often more on the chaotic side, while Wulfkin Bite: Some less civilized Wulfkin have the muzzle
those living in groups usually need to adhere to the tribal of a feral wolf parent, full of vicious teeth. They have a bite
hierarchy. Such Wulfkin tend to be Lawful or Neutral. attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage.
Age: Wulfkin reach maturity at age 16. Use 14 + 2d6 for a
random starting age. Most Wulfkin live to around 85 to 90 Random Height and Weight
years. Base Base Height Weight
Height Weight Modifier Modifier
Size: On average, Wulfkin slightly taller than humans. Your
size is Medium. Male 5'5" 130 lbs +2d6 x2d4
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Female 5'2" 100 lbs +2d6 x2d4
Languages: Wulfkin begin play knowing Common and
Sylvan. Other languages often known by Wulfkin are
Wulfkin Fury (feat)
Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, and Orcish.
Religion: Most Wulfkin follow deities of Nature, Life, Order Prerequisite: Relentless Endurance (Wulfkin Diversity)
or Twilight. Deities associated with forests and secrets are
also often worshipped. Many Wulfkin are monotheistic. Your fury burns tirelessly. You gain the following benefits:
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim Increase your Strength or Constitution by 1, to a
light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of maximum of 20.
gray. When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial
Racial Feats: Wulfkin can take the Prodigy feat. weapon, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice
an additional time and add it as extra damage of the
weapon's damage type. Once you use this ability, you
can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Immediately after you use your Relentless Endurance
trait, you can use your reaction to make one weapon

Race | Wulfkin | Roger Kilmore

This race has multiple subraces, as listed below:

Arctic: As a reaction, you can reduce incoming cold

damage by an amount of d6 equal to half your level
(rounded up). You can make Constitution saving throws to
prevent damage or exhaustion by cold weather and
environments with advantage.
Black: You gain proficiency in Intimidation or Persuasion.
You can use your understanding of creative diplomacy or
intimidation to guide a conversation in your favor.
When you make a Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion)
check, you can do so with advantage. Once you use this
trait, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long
Fennec: As a reaction, you can reduce incoming fire
damage by an amount of d6 equal to half your level
(rounded up). You can make Constitution saving throws to
prevent damage or exhaustion by hot weather and
environments with advantage.
Red Fox: You have advantage on any Investigation checks
made to loot bodies or piles of junk.
Timberwolf: You gain proficiency in Survival.

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Race | Wulfkin | Roger Kilmore


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