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Spotlight: Info & Ideas

Vocab The “MTA” Strategy

Use the clues and context in each text to pick an On SAT Reading passages, if you don’t
answer that fits in as tightly as possible. immediately see the answer, use the “MTA”
strategy to eliminate wrong choices:
And of course, remember to learn all the vocab in
your Study Buddy! Is this choice MENTIONED in the text?

Is this choice TRUE in the text?

Does this choice ANSWER the question being asked?
While you can’t expect to know every single word that
will show up on your SAT, constructive practices like
reviewing your Study Buddy flashcards can help
_______ the damage done by a poor vocabulary.

A) reiterate Central Ideas & Details

B) simulate
Read the question first to know what you need to
C) mitigate look out for as you read through the text!
D) corroborate

Scent is tightly interwoven with our daily lives, often

evoking significant memories and important social
2 events. This connection is of growing interest to
archaeologists who hope to use it to better understand
The following text is from Booth Tarkington’s 1921
ancient rituals, trade, social hierarchies, and medicine.
novel Alice Adams.
Although the speed at which odor molecules dissipate
Mrs. Adams had always been fond of vases, she said, makes identifying ancient scents challenging,
and every year her husband’s Christmas present to her advancements in biomolecular technologies show
was a vase of one sort or another—whatever the clerk promise in unlocking ancient aromas from preserved
showed him, marked at about twelve or fourteen dollars. artifacts. Archaeological studies making use of these
advancements may provide new insights into past
As used in the text, what does the word “marked” most societies.
nearly mean?
According to the text, what is one reason some
A) Staged archaeologists are interested in recovering scents from
B) Priced ancient artifacts?
C) Stained A) They are investigating whether people’s sense of
D) Watched smell has declined in recent centuries.
B) They believe the scents could illuminate
important aspects of ancient life.
C) They think that ancient scents would be enjoyable
to people today.
D) They hope to develop new medicines using
ancient scent molecules.

1/29/24 © 2024 by Ivy TestTakers Review, Inc.

4 Double Passages
The painter Maria Izquierdo played an important role in
the development of twentieth-century Mexican art, but Treat Double Passages the same way you treat
her work has never been well-known in the United States other Central Ideas & Details questions! Typically,
except among art historians. One reason for Izquierdo’s you’ll need to either compare their main ideas or
relative obscurity is the enormous popularity of some of identify a detail that the two texts agree about.
her peers. In particular, the painters Frida Kahlo and
Diego Rivera have so captivated the interest of US
audiences that Izquierdo and other Mexican artists from 5
the period often get overlooked, despite the high quality
of their work. Text 1
Some animal species, like the leopard, can be found in
Which choice best states the main idea of the text? many kinds of areas. On the other hand, tropical mountain
bird species tend to be limited in the types of spaces they
A) Izquierdo’s work is not as well-known in the can call home. This is because many mountain bird species
United States as it should be because Kahlo and are only able to survive at very specific elevations. Over
Rivera draw so much of the public’s attention. time, these species have likely become used to living at a
B) During Izquierdo’s lifetime, her paintings were specific temperature. Therefore, these species struggle to
displayed in galleries in the United States much survive at elevations that are warmer or colder than they
more frequently than paintings by Kahlo and are used to.
Rivera were.
C) Izquierdo painted some of the same subjects that Text 2
Kahlo and Rivera painted but used different A new study reviewed observations of nearly 3,000 bird
techniques than they used. species to understand why tropical mountain bird species
live at specific elevations. They noted that when a
D) Few of Izquierdo’s works are in galleries today mountain bird species was found in an area with many
because she produced only a small number of other bird species, it tended to inhabit much smaller
paintings. geographic areas. It is thus likely that competition for
resources with other species, not temperature, limits
where these birds can live.

Based on the texts, both authors would most likely

agree with which statement?
A) Tropical mountain bird species that live at high
elevations tend to be genetically similar.
B) Scientists have better tools to observe tropical
mountain birds than they did in the past.
C) Little is known about how tropical mountain birds
build their nests.
D) Tropical mountain bird species are restricted in
where they can live.

1/29/24 © 2024 by Ivy TestTakers Review, Inc.

Inferences Drill A: Vocab
(3 minutes)
As a first move for Inference questions, focus on the
final two sentences. That’s often enough information
to answer the question! If not, simply go back and 1
read the rest of the text. (After all, it’s not that long!)
Physicist Joseph Weber performed _______ work in
gravitational wave research in the 1960s and 1970s,
6 conducting key experiments that scientists later used
as the basis for their own investigations that led to the
One aspect of in-person shopping that online shopping first verified detection of a gravitational wave in 2015.
can’t replicate is the opportunity to touch a product
before buying it. Does this difference matter? In an Which choice completes the text with the most logical
experiment, researchers asked one group of participants and precise word or phrase?
to touch a mug and a toy, while another group was A) foundational
prohibited from touching the two items. The participants
were then asked how much money they’d pay for the B) supplementary
items. People who got to touch the items were willing to C) repetitive
pay much more money for them than were people who
weren’t allowed to touch the items. This finding suggests D) ineffective
that _______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) people who mainly shop online probably spend
more money every month than people who mainly
shop in person do.
B) in-person shopping may make products seem more
valuable than they seem if only viewed online. Studying how workload affects productivity, Maryam
C) retailers with in-person and online stores should Kouchaki and colleagues found that people who chose
charge the same price for a given product in both to do relatively easy tasks first were less _______
places. compared to those who did hard tasks first. Finishing
easy tasks gave participants a sense of accomplishment,
D) online retailers may be able to raise the prices they
but those who tackled hard tasks first actually became
charge for products that are available only online.
more skilled and productive workers over time.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical

and precise word or phrase?
A) secretive
B) efficient
C) outgoing
D) unsympathetic

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3 5

While most animals are incapable of passing somatic The following text is from Nella Larsen’s 1928 novel
mutations—genetic alterations that arise in an organism's Quicksand.
nonreproductive cells—on to their offspring, elkhorn
The trees in their spring beauty sent through her restive
coral (Acropora palmata) presents an intriguing
mind a sharp thrill of pleasure. Seductive, charming,
_______: in a 2022 study, researchers found that elkhorn
and beckoning as cities were, they had not this easy
coral produced offspring that inherited somatic
unhuman loveliness.
mutations from a parent.
As used in the text, what does the word “beckoning”
Which choice completes the text with the most logical
most nearly mean?
and precise word or phrase?
A) Demanding
A) hypothesis
B) Signaling
B) affinity
C) Inviting
C) anomaly
D) Shifting
D) substantiation

4 6

As an undergraduate researcher in anthropology, The following text is adapted from Zora Neale Hurston’s
Jennifer C. Chen contributed to a groundbreaking study 1921 short story “John Redding Goes to Sea.” John wants
challenging the accepted view that among prehistoric to travel far beyond the village where he lives near his
peoples, female participation in hunting was _______. mother, Matty.
The research team's review of data from late [John] had on several occasions attempted to reconcile
Pleistocene and early Holocene burials in the Americas his mother to the notion, but found it a difficult task.
revealed that, in fact, as many as half of the hunters in Matty always took refuge in self-pity and tears. Her
those populations were female. son's desires were incomprehensible to her, that was all.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical As used in the text, what does the phrase “reconcile
and precise word or phrase? his mother to” most nearly mean?
A) inevitable A) Get his mother to accept
B) satisfactory B) Get his mother to apologize for
C) negligible C) Get his mother to match
D) commonplace D) Get his mother to reunite with

1/29/24 © 2024 by Ivy TestTakers Review, Inc.

Drill B: Central Ideas & Details 2
(9 minutes) The following text is adapted from Guy de
Maupassant’s nineteenth-century short story “The Trip
1 of Le Horla” (translated by Albert M.C. McMaster,
A.E. Henderson, Mme. Quesada, et al.). The narrator
The following text is adapted from Robert Louis is part of a group traveling in a hot-air balloon at night.
Stevenson’s 1883 novel Treasure Island. Bill is a sailor The earth no longer seems to exist, it is buried in
staying at the Admiral Benbow, an inn run by the milky vapors that resemble a sea. We are now alone
narrator’s parents. in space with the moon, which looks like another
Every day when [Bill] came back from his stroll he balloon traveling opposite us; and our balloon, which
would ask if any seafaring men had gone by along shines in the air, appears like another, larger moon, a
the road. As first we thought it was the want of world wandering in the sky amid the stars, through
company of his own kind that made him ask this infinity. We no longer speak, think nor live; we float
question, but at last we began to see he was desirous along through space in delicious inertia. The air
to avoid them. When a seaman did [stay] at the which is bearing us up has made of us all beings
Admiral Benbow (as now and then some did) he which resemble itself, silent, joyous, irresponsible
would look in at him through the curtained door beings, peculiarly alert, although motionless.
before he entered the parlour; and he was always sure
to be as silent as a mouse when any such was present. Which choice best states the main idea of the text?
A) The narrator and his companions are troubled by
According to the text, why does Bill regularly ask about the disorienting effects of the altitude while riding
“seafaring men”? in the balloon.
A) He’s hoping to find an old friend and fellow sailor. B) The narrator and his companions are completely
B) He’s trying to secure a job as part of the crew on a absorbed in the change in perspective they gain
new ship. while riding in the balloon.
C) He isn’t sure that other guests at the inn will be C) The narrator is pleasantly surprised by his
welcoming of sailors. companions’ unrestrained enthusiasm about the
sensation of riding in the balloon.
D) He doesn’t want to encounter any other sailor
unexpectedly. D) The narrator feels a growing sense of isolation
even though his companions are nearby during the
balloon ride.

To protect themselves when being attacked, hagfish—

jawless marine animals that resemble eels—will release
large quantities of slimy, mucus-like threads. Because
these threads are unusually strong and elastic, scientist
Atsuko Negishi and her colleagues have been trying to
recreate them in a lab as an eco-friendly alternative to
petroleum-based fibers that are often used in fabrics.
The researchers want to reproduce the threads in the lab
because farming hagfish for their slime would be
expensive and potentially harmful to the hagfish.

Which choice best states the text’s main idea?

A) The slimy threads that hagfish release might help
researchers create a new kind of fabric.
B) Hagfish have inspired researchers to develop a
new petroleum-based fabric.
C) Hagfish are not well suited to being raised in
D) The ability of hagfish to slime their attackers
compensates for their being jawless.

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4 6

A common assumption among art historians is that the Optical tweezers are specialized scientific tools—
invention of photography in the mid-nineteenth century particularly useful in biology and medicine—that use
displaced the painted portrait in the public consciousness. high-powered beams of light to trap and manipulate
The diminishing popularity of the portrait miniatures, particles for study. Use of the tool has led to several
which coincided with the rise of photography, seems to scientific and medical breakthroughs over the last few
support this claim. However, photography’s impact on the decades, but the particles are often under prolonged
portrait miniatures may be overstated. Although records exposure to the intense heat of the light beams. To
from art exhibitions in the Netherlands from 1820 to 1892 overcome the risk of overheating, and thereby damage,
show a decrease in the number of both full-sized and researchers sometimes attach nano-sized glass beads to
miniature portraits submitted, this trend was established particles, allowing the light to focus on the beads
before the invention of photography. instead of the particles.

Based on the text, what can be concluded about the Based on the text, what is one advantage of attaching
diminishing popularity of the portrait miniature in the glass beads to particles when using optical tweezers?
nineteenth century?
A) It decreases the time it takes for the optical
A) Factors other than the rise of photography may be tweezers to locate and capture the particles.
more directly responsible for the portrait
B) It facilitates the maneuvering of particles without
miniature’s decline.
directly heating the particles themselves.
B) Although portrait miniatures became less common
C) It allows researchers to use weaker light beams to
than photographs, they were widely regarded as
manipulate particles.
having more artistic merit.
D) It adds a material to which particles can transfer any
C) The popularity of the portrait miniature likely
heat absorbed from the optical tweezers’ light beam.
persisted for longer than art historians have assumed.
D) As demand for portrait miniatures decreased, portrait
artists likely shifted their creative focus to photography.

5 7

Having written the impassioned call to arms “Letter to Algae living within the tissues of corals play a critical
the Spanish Americans” in 1791, Peruvian intellectual role in keeping corals, and the marine ecosystems they
Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzman is often considered a are part of, thriving. Some coral species appear brown
forerunner for the independence movements in Latin in color when healthy due to algae colonies living in
America. But Viscardo’s role in history would have their tissues. In the event of an environmental stressor,
remained insignificant were it not for Venezuelan the algae can die or be expelled, causing the corals to
revolutionary Francisco de Miranda, who was handed appear white. To recover the algae, the bleached corals
the unpublished letter after Viscardo’s death. Miranda then begin to produce bright colors, which block
not only helped circulate the letter, but his edits and intense sunlight, encouraging the light-sensitive algae
footnotes to the text position Miranda as a central figure to recolonize the corals.
in the text’s creation.
What does the text most strongly suggest about corals
Which choice best states the main idea of the text? that produce bright colors?
A) The original authorship of “Letter to the Spanish A) These corals are more likely to survive without
Americans” is disputed by contemporary historians. algae colonies than brown corals are.
B) Many of the most eloquently stated arguments in B) These corals are likely more vulnerable to exposure
“Letter to the Spanish Americans” were written by from intense sunlight than white corals area.
C) These corals have likely recovered from an
C) Miranda played a crucial role in influencing the environmental event without the assistance of
content and distribution of “Letter to the Spanish algae colonies.
D) These corals have likely been subjected to
D) “Letter to the Spanish Americans” persuaded many stressful environmental conditions.
people in Latin America to pursue national

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Drill C: Double Passages 2
(9 minutes) Text 1
Because literacy in Nahuatl script, the writing system of
the Aztec Empire, was lost after Spain invaded central
1 Mexico in the 1500s, it is unclear exactly how meaning
was encoded in the script’s symbols. Although many
Text 1 scholars had assumed that the symbols signified entire
Polar bears sustain themselves primarily by hunting seals words, linguist Alfonso Lacadena theorized in 2008 that
on the Arctic sea ice, but rising ocean temperatures are they signified units of language smaller than words:
causing the ice to diminish, raising concerns about polar individual syllables.
bear population declines as these large predators’ seal-
hunting habitats continue to shrink. A 2020 study Text 2
examining polar bear populations across the Arctic The growing consensus among scholars of Nahuatl
concluded that populations affected by sea-ice loss are at script is that many of its symbols could signify either
great risk of extinction by the end of the twenty-first words or syllables, depending on syntax and content at
century. any given site within a text. For example, the symbol
signifying the word huipil (blouse) in some contexts
Text 2 could signify the syllable “pil” in others, as in the place
Monitoring carried out by researchers from the name “Chipiltepec.” Thus, for the Aztecs, reading
Norwegian Polar institute shows that the polar bear required a determination of how such symbols
population on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard functioned each time they appeared in a text.
remains stable and well nourished despite rapidly
declining sea ice in recent years. The researchers Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2
attribute this population’s resilience in part to a shift in most likely characterize Lacadena’s theory, as
feeding strategies: in addition to hunting seals, the described in Text 1?
Svalbard polar bears have begun relying on a diet of
reindeer meat and birds’ eggs. A) By praising the theory for recognizing that the
script’s symbols could represent entire words.
Based on the texts, how would the researchers in Text 2 B) By arguing that the theory is overly influenced by
most likely respond to the conclusion presented in the the work of earlier scholars.
underlined portion of Text 1?
C) By approving of the theory’s emphasis on how the
A) By noting that it neglects the possibility of some script changed over time.
polar bear populations adapting to changes in their D) By cautioning that the theory overlooks certain
environment. important aspects of how the script functioned.
B) By suggesting that it is likely incorrect about the
rates at which warming ocean temperatures have
caused sea ice to melt in the Arctic.
C) By asserting that it overlooks polar bear
populations that have not yet been affected by loss
of seal-hunting habitats.
D) By arguing that it fails to account for polar bears’
reliance on a single seal-hunting strategy.

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3 4

Text 1 Text 1
Films and television shows commonly include a long list The fossil record suggests that mammoths went extinct
of credits naming the people involved in a production. 11 thousand years (kyr) ago. In a 2021 study of
Credit sequences may not be exciting, but they generally environmental DNA (eDNA)—genetic material shed
ensure that everyone’s contributions are duly into the environment by organisms—in the Arctic,
acknowledged. Because they are highly standardized, Yucheng Wang and colleagues found mammoth eDNA
film and television credits are also valuable to anyone in sedimentary layers formed millennia later, around
researching the careers of pioneering cast and crew 4 kyr ago. To account for the discrepancy, Joshua H.
members who have worked in the mediums. Miller and Carl Simpson proposed that arctic
temperatures could preserve a mammoth carcass on the
Text 2 surface, allowing it to leach DNA into the environment
Video game scholars face a major challenge in the for several thousand years.
industry’s failure to consistently credit the artists,
designers, and other contributors involved in making Text 2
video games. Without a reliable record of which people Wang and colleagues concede that eDNA contains
worked on which games, questions about the medium’s DNA from both living organisms and carcasses, but for
development can be difficult to answer, and the DNA to leach from remains over several millennia
accomplishments of all but its best-known innovators requires that the remains be perpetually on the surface.
can be difficult to trace. Scavengers and weathering in the Arctic, however, are
likely to break down surface remains well before a
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 1 thousand years have passed.
most likely respond to the discussion in Text 2?
Which choice best describes how Text 1 and Text 2
A) By recommending that the scholars mentioned in
relate to each other?
Text 2 consider employing the methods regularly
used by film and television researchers. A) Text 1 discusses two approaches to studying
B) By pointing out that credits have a different intended mammoth extinction without advocating for
purpose in film and television than in the medium either, whereas Text 2 advocates for one approach
addressed by scholars mentioned in Text 2. over the other.
C) By suggesting that the scholars mentioned in Text 2 B) Text 1 presents findings by Wang and colleagues
rely more heavily on credits as a source of and gives another research team’s attempt to
information than film and television researchers do. explain those findings, whereas Text 2 provides
additional detail that calls that explanation into
D) By observing that a widespread practice in film and question.
television largely prevents the kind of problem faced
by the scholars mentioned in Text 2. C) Text 1 describes Wang and colleague’s study and
a critique of their methodology, whereas Text 2
offers additional details showing that
methodology to be sound.
D) Text 1 argues that new research has undermined
the standard view of when mammoths went extinct,
whereas Text 2 suggests a way to reconcile the
standard view with that new research.

1/29/24 © 2024 by Ivy TestTakers Review, Inc.

5 Drill D: Inferences
Text 1 (9 minutes)
Dominique Potvin and colleagues captured five
Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) to test a new
design for attaching tracking devices to birds. As the 1
researchers fitted each magpie with a tracker attached by
a small harness, they noticed some magpies without Researchers wanted to study how consumers’ reactions
trackers pecking at another magpie’s tracker until it to an ad may be affected by other ads. The researchers
broke off. The researchers suggest that this behavior began by showing study participants an ad for a product,
could be evidence of magpies attempting to help another with some seeing a less detailed ad and others seeing a
magpie without benefiting themselves. more detailed one. Then, all participants viewed the
same second ad for a store and shared their opinion of
Text 2 the store based on this second ad. Participants who had
It can be tempting to think that animals are deliberately first seen an ad less detailed than the second ad had a
providing help when we see them removing trackers and higher opinion of the store than the participants who had
other equipment from one another, especially when a first seen a more detailed ad. The researchers concluded
species is known to exhibit other cooperative behaviors. that reactions to an ad may be affected by _______
At the same time, it can be difficult to exclude the
possibility that individuals are simply interested in the Which choice most logically completes the text?
equipment because of its novelty, curiously pawing or A) the number of people who viewed the ad.
pecking at it until it detaches.
B) the length of time viewing previous ads.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 C) the amount of detail viewed in previous ads.
most likely respond to the researchers’ perspective in D) the time of day that the ad is viewed.
Text 1 on the behavior of the magpies without trackers?
A) That behavior might have been due to the novelty
of the magpies’ captive setting rather than to the
novelty of the tracker.
B) That behavior likely indicates that the magpies were
deliberately attempting to benefit themselves by 2
obtaining the tracker. In the South Pacific, New Caledonian crows use two
C) That behavior may not be evidence of selflessness in different kinds of stick tools. One tool is complex: the
Gymnorhina tibicen because not all the captured crows shape a stick from a rare plant into a hook. The
magpies demonstrated it. other tool is basic: the crows find a stick without a hook
D) That behavior might be adequately explained on the ground. The hooked tool is harder to get but is
without suggesting that the magpies were much better than the basic tool at removing prey from
attempting to assist the other magpie. holes. When studying New Caledonian crows, ecologist
Barbara Klump found that they hold the hooked tools in
their claws when not using them, or they carefully put
them in a safe place. The crows don’t do the same with
the basic tools. This suggests to Klump that the _______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) hooked stick tools are more valuable to the crows
than the stick tools without hooks.
B) crows prefer to share their hooked stick tools but
don’t share the stick tools without hooks.
C) hooked stick tools are easier for most of the crows
to hold than the stick tools without hooks.
D) crows realize that both kinds of stick tools are less
effective than their claws are at removing prey
from holes.

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3 5

Archaeologists have been debating the origin of a rare Dutch painters in the sixteenth and seventeenth
form of lead found in Shang dynasty (1766-1046 BCE) centuries often showed tables filled with large wheels
bronze artifacts since its presence was discovered in of cheese or carved shards of butter. Some art
China in the 1990s. Different researchers have proposed historians, noting that dairy products were a major
theories on which regions of the world would have had component of the Dutch diet, interpret these depictions
the raw materials containing the specific lead in these as reflections of everyday Dutch eating habits.
artifacts, but no conclusive evidence has been presented. However, a group of researchers recently reviewed
What is intriguing is that bronze artifacts from China hundreds of food-related paintings and found that
dated after the Shang dynasty do not contain this form of lemons—which could only be acquired in the
lead, suggesting that _______ Netherlands at great cost, since they had to be
imported from warmer climates—feature in Dutch
Which choice most logically completes the text? paintings of the period more than three times as
frequently as dairy products do, thereby casting doubt
A) Shang dynasty bronze pieces are rare and therefore
on the idea that _______
more valuable than those from other time periods.
B) the source of some of the raw materials used to Which choice most logically completes the text?
make bronze was exploited only until the end of
the Shang dynasty. A) dairy products were a more significant component
of the Dutch diet of the period than lemons were.
C) bronze was used for a short time during the Shang
dynasty before different metals were used to make B) food was a more popular subject among Dutch
artifacts. painters than it was among painters from other
countries at the time.
D) methods used to analyze bronze artifacts are not
useful on pieces that are dated after the Shang C) depictions of food in Dutch paintings of the
dynasty. period should be taken as realistic representations
of Dutch eating habits.
D) Dutch painters of the period may have depicted
foods for symbolic reasons rather than to show
what Dutch people typically ate.

The Indus River valley civilization flourished in South

Asia from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. Many examples of
the civilization's writing system exist, but researchers
haven't yet deciphered it or identified which ancient
language it represents. Nevertheless, archaeologists
have found historical artifacts, such as clay figures and
jewelry, that provide information about the
civilization's customs and how its communities were
organized. The archaeologists’ findings therefore
suggest that _______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) investigating an ancient civilization is easier
without knowledge of the civilization’s language.
B) knowing an ancient civilization’s language isn't
necessary in order to learn details about the
C) archaeological research should focus on finding
additional artifacts rather than deciphering ancient
D) examining the civilization’s historical artifacts has
resolved the debate about this civilization’s

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6 7

Tides can deposit large quantities of dead vegetation To better understand the burrowing habits of Alpheus
within a salt marsh, smothering healthy plants and bellulus (the tiger pistol shrimp), some studies have used
leaving a salt panne—a depression devoid of plants that resin casting to obtain precise measurements of the
tends to trap standing water—in the marsh’s interior. shrimps’ burrows. Resin casting involves completely
Ecologist Kathryn Beheshti and colleagues found that filling an empty burrow with a liquid plastic that hardens
burrowing crabs living within these pannes improve to create a three-dimensional model; however, recovering
drainage by loosening the soil, leading the pannes to the model inevitably requires destroying the burrow. In
shrink as marsh plants move back in. At salt marsh their 2022 study, Miyu Umehara and colleagues
edges, however, crab-induced soil loosening can discovered that an x-ray computed tomography (CT)
promote marsh loss by accelerating erosion, suggesting scanner can accurately record a burrow's measurements
that burrowing action of crabs _______ both at a moment in time and throughout the entire
burrow-building process, something that’s impossible
Which choice most logically completes the text? with resin casting because _______
A) can be beneficial to marshes with small pannes but
Which choice most logically completes the text?
can be harmful to marshes with large pannes.
B) may promote increases in marsh plants or A) it can only be used on burrows below a certain size.
decreases in marsh plants, depending on the crabs’ B) the process of recovering the model distorts the
location. resin’s shape.
C) tends to be more heavily concentrated in areas of C) the casting process takes more time than A.
marsh interiors with standing water than at marsh bellulus takes to construct a burrow.
edges. D) it does not allow for multiple castings of the same
D) varies in intensity depending on the size of the panne burrow over time.
relative to the size of the surrounding marsh.

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