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University of Santo Tomas


Questions Asked More Than Once

QuAMTO 2023
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2023 Edition.

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Released in the Philippines, 2023.

Faculty of Civil Law (1734)
















Faculty of Civil Law (1734)





Faculty of Civil Law (1734)











Faculty of Civil Law (1734)



Chief Justice Diosdado M. Justice Amparo M. Cabotaje-

Peralta Tang

Judge Philip A. Aguinaldo Judge Oscar B. Pimentel

Judge Christian Emmanuel G. Judge Jesusa R. Lapuz-

Pimentel Gaudiano

Judge Madonna C. Echiverri Judge Pedro T. Dabu, Jr.

Judge Rico Sebastian D.

Prosecutor Victoria C. Garcia

Atty. Ronald C. Chua Atty. Gidget Rose V. Duque

Atty. Ramon S. Esguerra Atty. Lorenzo Luigi T. Gayya

Atty. Alwyn Faye B. Mendoza Atty. Jedrek C. Ng

For being our guideposts in understanding the intricate sphere of Criminal Law.
– Academics Committee 2023


QuAMTO (1987-2022)
2. Territoriality – that the law is applicable to all crimes
I. BOOK I committed within the limits of Philippine territory,
which includes its atmosphere, interior water, and
maritime zone. (Art. 2, RPC)

3. Prospectivity – that the law does not have any

A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES retroactive effect, except if it favors the offender unless
(2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2005, 2003, he is a habitual delinquent (Art. 22, RPC) or the law
2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1994, 1988 BAR) otherwise provides. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

(2019, 2017, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997, 1988 BAR)
Q: Charges d'affaires Volvik of Latvia suffers from a
psychotic disorder after he was almost assassinated in
Q: Distinguish between crimes mala in se and mala
his previous assignment. One day, while shopping in a
prohibita. (2019, 2017, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997,
mall, he saw a group of shoppers whom he thought
1988 BAR)
were the assassins who were out to kill him. He asked
for the gun of his escort and shot ten (10) people and
A: Mala in se and mala prohibita are distinguished as
wounded five (5) others before he was subdued. The
follows: (1) Mala in se are inherently wrong or immoral,
wounded persons required more than 30 days of
while mala prohibita are only wrong because they are
medical treatment. What crime or crimes, if any, did he
prohibited by law; (2) In mala in se, good faith or lack of
commit? Explain. (2016 BAR)
criminal intent is a defense, while in mala prohibita, it is
not; (3) Modifying circumstances can be appreciated in
A: Volvik committed five (5) frustrated murders for the
mala in se, while in mala prohibita it cannot be appreciated
unwounded victims and five (5) frustrated murders for the
unless the special law adopts the technical nomenclature
wounded victims. Treachery is present since the sudden
of the penalties of the RPC; (4) Mala in se are punishable
attack rendered the victims defenseless. The nature of the
under the RPC; or special laws where the acts punishable
weapon used in attacking the victims and extent of the
therein are wrong by nature. Mala prohibita are
wounds sustained by the five victims showed intent to kill.
punishable under special laws. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
His psychotic condition is not an exempting circumstance
of insanity in the absence of showing that there is a
Q: May an act be malum in se and be, at the same time,
complete deprivation of intelligence in accordance with the
malum prohibitum? (1997 BAR)
cognition test. However, he is immune from criminal
prosecution. Since the position of Volvik as charges de
A: YES, an act may be malum in se and malum prohibitum at
affaires is diplomatic, he is vested with blanket diplomatic
the same time. In People v. Sunico, et. al., (G.R. No. 8796-R, 18
immunity from criminal suit. (Minucher v. Hon. CA, G.R. No.
June 1954) it was held that the omission or failure of
142396, 11 Feb. 2003) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
election inspectors and poll clerks to include a voter’s name
in the registry list of voters is wrong per se because it
Q: Pierce is a French diplomat stationed in the
disenfranchises a voter of his right to vote. In this regard, it
Philippines. While on EDSA and driving with an
is considered as malum in se. Since it is punished under a
expired license, he hit a pedestrian who was crossing
special law (Sec. 101 and 103, Revised Election Code), it is
illegally. The pedestrian died. Pierce was charged with
considered malum prohibitum. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
reckless imprudence resulting in homicide. In his
defense, he claimed diplomatic immunity. Is Pierce
(2019, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2000, 1998, 1994, 1988
BAR) A: YES, Pierce is correct. Pierce, being a French diplomat
stationed in the Philippines, would be exempt from the
Q: State the characteristics of criminal law and explain general application of our criminal laws, as provided for
each. (1998, 1988 BAR) under laws or treaties of preferential application, more
particularly under R.A. No. 75. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: The characteristics of criminal law are as follows:

1. Generality – that the law is binding upon all persons

who reside or sojourn in the Philippines, irrespective
of age, sex, color, creed, or personal circumstances.

1 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
b) TERRITORIALITY Moreover, under the Principle of Generality, the penal
(2019, 2015, 2011, 2000, 1994 BAR) laws of the Philippines apply to all who live or sojourn in
the country regardless of their citizenship. The fact that
Q: When committed outside the Philippine Territory, the vessel was registered in Indonesia is likewise
our courts DO NOT have jurisdiction over the crime irrelevant. Thus, the killing committed by Ms. M while
of? (2011 BAR) onboard an Indonesian-registered vessel that is docket at
a. treason. the port of Manila is triable within the jurisdiction of the
b. piracy. Philippines. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
c. espionage.
d. rebellion. Q: After drinking one case of San Miguel Beer and
taking two plates of “pulutan”, Binoy, a Filipino
A: (d) rebellion (Ibid) seaman, stabbed to death Sio My, a Singaporean
seaman, aboard M/V “Princess of the Pacific”, an
Q: What court has jurisdiction when an Indonesian overseas vessel which was sailing in the South China
crew murders the Filipino captain on board a vessel of Sea. The vessel, although Panamanian registered, is
Russian registry while the vessel is anchored outside owned by Lucio Sy, a rich Filipino businessman. When
the breakwaters of the Manila Bay? (2011 BAR) M/V “Princess of the Pacific” reached a Philippine Port
a. The Indonesian court. at Cebu City, the Captain of the vessel turned over the
b. The Russian court. assailant Binoy to the Philippine authorities. An
c. The Philippine court. Information for homicide was filed against Binoy in
d. Any court that first asserts jurisdiction over the RTC of Cebu City. He moved to quash the
the case. Information for lack of jurisdiction. If you were the
judge, will you grant the motion? Why? (2000 BAR)
A: C. The Philippine court. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: YES. The motion to quash the information should be
Q: Ms. M, a Malaysian visiting the Philippines, was granted. The Philippine court has no jurisdiction over the
about to depart for Hong Kong via an Indonesian- crime committed since it was committed on the high seas
registered commercial vessel. While on board the or outside of Philippine territory and on board a vessel not
vessel, which was still docked at the port of Manila, she registered or licensed in the Philippines. (US v. Fowler, G.R.
saw her mortal enemy, Ms. A, an Australian citizen. Ms. No. L-496, 31 Dec. 1902)
A was seated at the front portion of the cabin and was
busy using her laptop, with no idea whatsoever that Ms. It is the registration of the vessel in accordance with the
M was likewise onboard the ship. laws of the Philippines, not the citizenship of her owner,
which makes it a Philippine ship. The vessel being
Consumed by her anger towards Ms. A, Ms. M stealthily registered in Panama, the laws of Panama shall govern
approached the Australian from behind, and then while it is in the high seas. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
quickly stabbed her neck with a pocketknife, resulting
in Ms. A's immediate death. Operatives from the Q: Abe, married to Liza, contracted another marriage
Philippine National Police - Maritime Command with Connie in Singapore. Thereafter, Abe and Connie
arrested Ms. M for the killing of Ms. A and thereafter, returned to the Philippines and lived as husband and
intended to charge her under the RPC. Ms. M contended wife in the hometown of Abe in Calamba, Laguna. Can
that the provisions of the RPC cannot be applied and Abe be prosecuted for bigamy? (1994 BAR)
enforced against her because both she and the victim
are not Filipino nationals, and besides, the alleged A: NO. Abe may not be prosecuted for bigamy since the
crime was committed in an Indonesian-registered bigamous marriage was contracted or solemnized in
vessel. Singapore. Hence, such violation is not one of those where
the RPC, under Art. 2 thereof, may be applied
(a) Is Ms. M's contention against the application of the extraterritoriality. The general rule on territoriality of
RPC against her tenable? Explain. (2019, 2015 BAR) criminal law governs the situation. (UPLC Suggested
A: NO, the RPC can be applied and enforced against Ms. M
although both the offender and the offended party are c) PROSPECTIVITY
foreign nationals, and the crime was committed onboard a
foreign vessel. Based on the territorial principle, the
English rule adopted in the Philippines, crimes
perpetrated aboard foreign vessels are generally triable in
the courts of the country within the territory in which
they were committed. (People v. Wong Chen, G.R. No. L-
18924, 19 Oct. 1992)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 2
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
(2012, 2010 BAR)
A: Reporma may raise the limitations imposed by the
1987 Constitution on the power of Congress to enact
retroactive penal laws which are prejudicial to the
(2012, 2010 BAR)
accused. Under the Bill of Rights of the Constitution such is
classified as an ex post facto law. It should be noted that
Q: What is the doctrine of pro reo? How does it relate
when Congress decriminalized the crime of subversion
to Art. 48 of the RPC? (2010 BAR)
under R.A. 7637, it obliterated the felony and its effects
upon Reporma. Consequently, charging him now under
A: The doctrine of pro reo advocates that penal laws and
the new law for his previous membership in the
laws penal in nature are to be construed and applied in a
Communist Party would be constitutionally
way lenient or liberal to the offender, consonant to and
impermissible. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
consistent with the constitutional guarantee that an
accused shall be presumed innocent until his guilt is
established beyond reasonable doubt.
Following the pro reo doctrine, under Art. 48 of the RPC, (2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
crimes are complexed and punished with a single penalty 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,
(i.e., that prescribed for the most serious crime and to be 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998,
imposed in its maximum period). The rationale being, that 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992 1991, 1990, 1989,
the accused who commits two crimes with single criminal 1988, 1987 BAR)
impulse demonstrates lesser perversity than when the
crimes are committed by different acts and several
criminal resolutions. (People v. Comadre, G.R. No. 153559, 1. CRIMINAL LIABILITIES AND FELONIES
08 June 2004) However, Art. 48 shall be applied only when (2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
it would bring about the imposition of a penalty lesser 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005,
than the penalties imposable for all the component crimes 2004, 2003, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995,
if prosecuted separately instead of being complexed. (UPLC 1994, 1993, 1992 1991, 1989, 1988, 1987 BAR)
Suggested Answers)

Q: What is the fundamental principle in applying and
(2015, 2012, 2011 BAR)
interpreting criminal laws x x x? (2012 BAR)

Q: How are felonies committed? Explain each. (2015

A: The fundamental principle in interpreting and applying
penal laws is the principle of pro reo. The phrase “in dubio
pro reo” means “when in doubt, for the accused.” (Intestate
A: Felonies are committed not only by means of deceit
Estate of Gonzales v. People, GR No. 181409, 11 Feb. 2010).
(dolo) but also by means of fault (culpa). There is deceit
This is in consonance with the constitutional guarantee
when the act is performed with deliberate intent; and
that the accused ought to be presumed innocent until and
there is fault when the wrongful act results from
unless his guilt is established beyond reasonable doubt
imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight, or lack of skill.
(See People v. Temporada, GR No. 173473, 17 Dec. 2008)
(Art. 4, RPC)
(UPLC Suggested Answers)


4. EX POST FACTO LAW (2006, 2004, 1999, 1996, 1988 BAR)

5. INTERPRETATION OF PENAL LAWS Q: May a crime be committed without criminal intent?

(1996, 1988 BAR)

6. RETROACTIVE EFFECT OF PENAL LAWS A: YES, a crime may be committed without criminal intent
(2014 BAR) if such is a culpable felony, wherein intent is substituted
by negligence or imprudence, and also in a malum
Q: Congress passed a law reviving the Anti-Subversion prohibitum or if an act is punishable by special law. (UPLC
Law, making it a criminal offense again for a person to Suggested Answers)
join the Communist Party of the Philippines. Reporma,
a former high-ranking member of the Communist Q: Distinguish clearly but briefly between intent and
Party, was charged under the new law for his motive in the commission of an offense. (2004, 1999,
membership in the Communist Party when he was a 1996 BAR)
student in the 80’s. He now challenges the charge
against him. What objections may he raise? (2014

3 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A: Intent is the purpose for using a particular means to offender.
achieve the desired result; while motive is the moving
power which impels a person to act for a definite result. The presence of these circumstances will alter the
Intent is an ingredient of dolo or malice and thus an criminal liability of the accused. Thus:
element of deliberate felonies; while motive is not an
element of a crime but only considered when the identity In aberration ictus, two offenses are committed by the
of the offender is in doubt. (UPLC Suggested Answers) offender, that which he intended to commit and that
which he committed. But if these two offenses are both
Q: When is motive relevant to prove a case? When is it either grave or less grave, since they are produced by one
not necessary to be established? Explain. (2006, 1999 single act, a complex crime will result.
In the case of error in personae, the offender shall be guilty
A: Motive is relevant to prove a case when there is doubt of the crime committed by him, but the penalty to be
as to the identity of the offender or when the act imposed shall either be the penalty for the crime actually
committed gives rise to variant crimes and there is the committed or that for the crime intended to be committed,
need to determine the proper crime to be imputed to the whichever is lower, but the same will be imposed in its
offender. maximum period.

It is not necessary to prove motive when the offender is In the case of praeter intentionem, the offender will incur
positively identified or the criminal act did not give rise to criminal liability for the felony actually committed by him,
variant crimes. (UPLC Suggested Answers) but he will be entitled to the mitigating circumstance of
not having intended to commit so grave a wrong as that
a) CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES which he committed. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
(2019, 2012, 2011)
Q: While attending to an Enhanced Community
GRAVE, LESS GRAVE, AND LIGHT FELONIES Quarantine (ECQ) barangay checkpoint, a barangay
(2019, 2012, 2011 BAR) tanod confronted a resident for non-essential travel.
Infuriated by the barangay tanod’s tone, the resident
Q: Define/Distinguish the following terms: (b) Grave, punched the tanod’s head. The barangay tanod fell,
less grave, and light felonies; x x x (2019 BAR) sustained brain hemorrhage, and died as a result

A: Under Art. 9 of the RPC, grave felonies are those to Charged with Homicide, the resident denies liability,
which the law attaches the capital punishment or arguing that there can be no conviction if there is no
penalties which in any of their periods are afflictive, in intent to cause the barangay tanod’s death. Is the
accordance with Art. 25 of the same Code. Less grave resident’s defense tenable? Explain briefly. (2020-21
felonies are those which the law punishes with penalties BAR)
which in their maximum period are correccional, also in
accordance with Art. 25. Light felonies are those A: NO, the resident’s defense is untenable. Criminal
infractions of law for the commission of which a penalty of liability shall be incurred by any person committing a
arresto menor or a fine not exceeding P40,000 or both is felony (delito) although the wrongful act done be different
provided. (as amended by R.A. No. 10951) (UPLC Suggested from that which he intended. (Art. 4(1) of the RPC). When
Answers) the offender had no intention to commit so grave a wrong
as that committed (praeter intentionem), the same is only
b. ABERRATIO ICTUS, ERROR IN PERSONAE, a mitigating circumstance.
(2020-21, 2019, 2015, 2012, 2011, 1999, 1996, The resident is liable for the death of the barangay tanod.
1994, 1993, 1989 BAR) His contention that there was no intent to kill is not
meritorious since intent to kill is presumed when the
Q: Define/Distinguish the following terms: x x x (b) victim dies. His liability however may be mitigated when
Aberratio ictus, error in personae, and praeter the resulting injury went beyond than that intended. (Bar
intentionem x x x (2019, 1999, 1989 BAR) Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)

A: In aberration ictus or mistake in the blow, a person c) ELEMENTS OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY

directed the blow at an intended victim, but because of
poor aim, that blow landed on somebody else. The
intended victim as well as the actual victim are both at the
scene of the crime. There is error in personae or mistake in
identity if the felony committed by the offender befalls a
different person. Finally, in praeter intentionem, the
injurious result is greater than that intended by the

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 4
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
d) IMPOSSIBLE CRIME that would have been a crime against persons or property.
(2018, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2004, 2000, 1998, (UPLC Suggested Answers, 2014 Bar)
1994, 1993 BAR)
Q: Puti detested Pula, his roommate, because Pula was
Q: What is an impossible crime? (2000 BAR) courting Ganda, whom Puti fancied. One day, Puti
decided to teach Pula a lesson and went to a
A: Impossible crime is an act which would be an offense veterinarian to ask for poison on the pretext that he
against person or property, were if not for the inherent was going to kill a sick pet, when actually Puti was
impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the intending to poison Pula, the vet instantly gave Puti a
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. (Art. non-toxic solution which, when mixed with Pula’s
4(2), RPC) (UPLC Suggested Answers) food, did not kill Pula. (2014, 2009, 2004, 1998 BAR)

Q: Is an impossible crime really a crime? (2000 BAR) (a) What crime, if any, did Puti commit?

A: NO, an impossible crime is not really a crime. It is only A: Puti committed an impossible crime of murder. Puti,
so-called because the act gives rise to criminal liability, but with intent to kill Pula, unknowingly employed ineffectual
actually, no felony is committed. The accused is to be means to accomplish the intended felony, that is, using a
punished for his criminal tendency or propensity although non-toxic solution.
no crime was committed. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(b) Would your answer be the same if, as a result
Q: Carla, 4 years old, was kidnapped by Enrique, the of the mixture, Pula got an upset stomach and
tricycle driver paid by her parents to bring and fetch had to be hospitalized for 10 days?
her to and from school. Enrique wrote a ransom note
demanding P500,000 from Carla’s parents in A: NO. If as a result of the mixture administered by Puti,
exchange for Carla’s freedom. Enrique sent the Pula suffered an upset stomach and had to be hospitalized
ransom note by mail. However, before the ransom for 10 days, Puti shall be liable for less serious physical
note was received by Carla’s parents, Enrique’s injuries. The rule is, in impossible crime, the act
hideout was discovered by the police. Carla was performed should not constitute a violation of another
rescued while Enrique was arrested and incarcerated. provision of the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Considering that the ransom note was not received by
Carla’s parents, the investigating prosecutor merely Q: A, B, C and D, all armed with armalites, proceeded
filed a case of “Impossible Crime to Commit to the house of X. Y, a neighbor of X, who happened to
Kidnapping” against Enrique. Is the prosecutor be passing by, pointed to the four culprits the room
correct? (2014, 2000 BAR) that X occupied. The four culprits peppered the room
with bullets. Unsatisfied, A even threw a hand grenade
A: NO, the prosecutor is not correct in filing a case for that totally destroyed X’s room. However, unknown to
“impossible crime to commit kidnapping” against Enrique. the four culprits, X was not inside the room and
Impossible crimes are limited only to acts which when nobody was hit or injured during the incident. Are A,
performed would be a crime against persons or property. B, C and D liable for any crime? Explain. (2000 BAR)
As kidnapping is a crime against personal security and not
against persons or property, Enrique could not have A: YES, A, B, C and D are liable for destructive arson
incurred an “impossible crime” to commit kidnapping. because of the destruction of the room of X with the use of
There is thus no impossible crime of kidnapping. (UPLC an explosive, the hand grenade. Liability for an impossible
Suggested Answers, 2000 Bar) crime is to be imposed only if the act committed would not
constitute any other crime under the RPC. Although the
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO. The crime committed by facts involved are parallel to the case of Intod v. CA (G.R.
Enrique is kidnapping for ransom. Even before the ransom No. 103110, 21 Oct. 1992), where it was ruled that the
note was received, the crime of kidnapping with serious liability of the offender was for an impossible crime, no
illegal detention had already been committed. The act hand grenade was used in the said case, which constitutes
cannot be considered an impossible crime because there a more serious crime though different from what was
was no inherent improbability of its accomplishment or intended. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. The
delivery of the ransom note after the rescue of the victim Q: JP, Aries, and Randal planned to kill Elsa, a resident
did not extinguish the offense, which had already been of Barangay Pula, Laurel, Batangas. They asked the
consummated when Enrique deprived Carla of her liberty. assistance of Ella, who is familiar with the place.
The sending of the ransom note would have had the effect
only of increasing the penalty to death under Art. 267(5) On 03 Apr. 1992, at about 10:00 in the evening, JP,
(People v. Tan, G.R. No. 95322, 01 Mar. 1993). Furthermore, Aries, and Randal, all armed with automatic weapons,
kidnapping is a crime against liberty while in impossible went to Barangay Pula. Ella, being the guide, directed
crime it is important that the accused committed an act her companions to the room in the house of Elsa.

5 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Whereupon, JP, Aries and Randal fired their guns at ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO. One cannot be criminally
her room. Fortunately, Elsa was not around as she liable for frustrated coup d’état or frustrated rape because
attended a prayer meeting that evening in another in coup d’état, the mere attack directed against the duly
barangay in Laurel. JP, et. al., were charged and constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines,
convicted of attempted murder by the RTC at or any military camp or installation, communication
Tanauan, Batangas. networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for the
exercise and continued possession of power would
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, all the accused consummate the crime. The objective may not be to
ascribed to the trial court the sole error of finding overthrow the government but only to destabilize or
them guilty of attempted murder. If you were the paralyze the government through the seizure of facilities
ponente, how will you decide the appeal? (1994 BAR) and utilities essential to the continued possession and
exercise of governmental powers.
A: If I were the ponente, I will set aside the judgment
convicting the accused of attempted murder and instead On the other hand, in the crime of rape, there is no
find them guilty of impossible crime under Art. 4(2), RPC, frustrated rape; it is either attempted or consummated
in relation to Art. 59, RPC. Liability for impossible crime rape. If the accused who placed himself on top of a woman,
arises not only when the impossibility is legal, but likewise raising her skirt and unbuttoning his pants, the endeavor
when it is factual or physical impossibility, as in the case to have sex with her very apparent, is guilty of attempted
at bar. rape. On the other hand, entry on the labia or lips of the
female organ by the penis, even without rupture of the
Elsa’s absence from the house is a physical impossibility hymen or laceration of the vagina, consummates the crime
which renders the crime intended inherently incapable of of rape. More so, it has long abandoned its “stray” decision
accomplishment. To convict the accused of attempted in People vs. Erina (50 Phil. 998) where the accused was
murder would make Art. 4(2), practically useless as all found guilty of frustrated rape. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
circumstances which prevented the consummation of the
offense will be treated as an incident independent of the Q: Mr. A has a long-standing feud with Mr. B. As
actor’s will which is an element of attempted or frustrated payback for Mr. B's numerous transgressions against
felony. (Intod v. CA, G.R. No. 103110, 21 Oct. 1992) (UPLC him, Mr. A planned to burn down Mr. B's rest house.
Suggested Answers)
One night, Mr. A went to the rest house and started
e) STAGES OF EXECUTION pouring gasoline on its walls. However, just as Mr. A
(2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2005, 2000, 1998, 1996 had lit the match for burning, he was discovered by
BAR) Mr. B's caretaker, Ms. C, and was consequently
prevented from setting the rest house on fire. Mr. A
Q: Why is there no crime of frustrated serious physical was then charged with Frustrated Arson. Is the charge
injuries? (2017 BAR) of Frustrated Arson proper? Explain. (2019 BAR)

A: The crime of physical injuries is a formal crime since a A: NO, the proper charge is Attempted Arson. Under Art. 6
single act consummates it as a matter of law; hence, it has of the RPC, there is an attempt when the offender
no attempted or frustrated stage. Once the injuries are commences the commission of a felony directly by overt
inflicted, the offense is consummated. (UPLC Suggested acts and does not perform all the acts of execution which
Answers) should produce the felony by reason of some cause or
accident other than his own spontaneous desistance. Here,
Q: Taking into account the nature and elements of the Mr. A commenced the commission of arson by pouring
felonies of coup d’état and rape, may one be criminally gasoline on the house and lighting a match. However, he
liable for frustrated coup d’état or frustrated rape? did not perform all the acts of execution which includes
Explain. (2005 BAR) setting the rest house on fire. Thus, Mr. A should only be
liable for Attempted Arson. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: NO. A person may not be held liable for frustrated coup
d’état or for frustrated rape because in a frustrated felony, Q: Edgardo induced his friend Vicente, in
it is required that all acts of execution that could produce consideration of money, to kidnap a girl he is courting
the felony as a consequence must have been performed by so that he may succeed in raping her and eventually
the offender but the felony was not produced by reason of making her accede to marry him. Vicente asked for
causes independent of the will of the offender. In the said more money which Edgardo failed to put up. Angered
felonies, one cannot perform all the acts of execution because Edgardo did not put up the money he
without consummating the felony. The said felonies, required, he reported Edgardo to the police. May
therefore, do not admit of the frustrated stage. Edgardo be charged with attempted kidnapping?
(1996 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 6
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: NO. Edgardo may not be charged with attempted provision. The acts done must be impelled by one criminal
kidnapping inasmuch as no overt act to kidnap or restrain intent or purpose, such that each act merely constitutes a
the liberty of the girl had been commenced. At most, what partial execution of a particular crime, violating one and
Edgardo has done in the premises was a proposal to the same penal provision. It involves a concurrence of
Vicente to kidnap the girl, which is only a preparatory act felonious acts violating a common right, a common penal
and not an overt act. The attempt to commit a felony provision, and impelled by a single criminal impulse.
commences with the commission of overt act, not (People v. Ledesma, G.R. No. L-41522, 29 Sept. 1976)
preparatory act. Proposal to commit kidnapping is not a
crime. (UPLC Suggested Answers) On the other hand, a continuing offense is one whose
essential ingredients took place in more than one
Q: A police officer responded to a disturbance call at municipality or city, so much so that the criminal
around 1:30 P.M. in an apartment in Quezon City. prosecution may be instituted and the case tried in the
Upon his arrival, the police officer encountered Sisa competent court of any one of such municipality or city.
stabbing her 1-year-old child with a kitchen knife. The
police officer grabbed Sisa and the latter threw the The term "continued crime" or delito continuado mandates
knife on the floor. Sisa was immediately taken into that only one information should be filed against the
custody. Despite suffering multiple stab wounds on offender although a series of felonious acts were
her back, the child survived. During the trial, Sisa performed; the term "continuing crime" is more
insisted that she can only be held liable for Attempted pertinently used with reference to the venue where the
Parricide because she voluntarily desisted when she criminal action may be instituted. (UPLC Suggested
threw down the knife. Is Sisa’s contention tenable? Answers)
(2022 BAR)
Q: Angelo devised a Ponzi Scheme in which 500
A: NO, the contention of Sisa is untenable. When the persons were deceived into investing their money
accused intended to kill his victim, as manifested by his upon a promise of a capital return of 25%, computed
use of a deadly weapon in his assault, and his victim monthly, and guaranteed by post-dated checks.
sustained fatal or mortal wounds but did not die because During the first two months following the investment,
of timely medical assistance, the crime is frustrated the investors received their profits, but thereafter,
murder or frustrated homicide depending on whether any Angelo vanished.
of the qualifying circumstances under Art. 249 of the RPC
are present. However, if the wound/s sustained by the Angelo was charged with 500 counts of estafa and
victim is not fatal, then the crime is only attempted 2,000 counts of violation of BP 22. In his motion to
murder or attempted homicide. If there was no intent to quash, Angelo contends that he committed a
kill on the part of the accused and the wound/s were not continued crime, or delito continuado, hence, he
fatal, the crime committed may be serious, less serious, or committed only one count of estafa and one count of
slight physical injuries. (Edenetino v. People, G.R. No. violation of BP 22. (2009 BAR)
206632, 07 Feb. 2018)
(a) What is delito continuado?
In this case, were it not for the arrival of the police officers
who were able to grab the knife from Sisa, the 1-year-old A: Delito continuado refers to a crime constituted by
child could have died, and the offender shall be liable for several overt acts committed by the offender in one place,
infanticide, the victim being less than 3 days old. Since the at about the same time, and all such overt acts violate one
wounds sustained by the victim are fatal and there is no and the same provision of penal law, thus demonstrating
showing that she ceased from stabbing her child because that all such acts are the product of a single indivisible
of her own spontaneous desistance, intent to kill the criminal resolution. Hence, all said acts are considered as
victim is shown and the fact that the victim survived, the one crime only.
crime is already in the frustrated stage. (Bar Q&A by Judge (b) Is Angelo's contention tenable? Explain.
Alejandria, 2022)
A: NO. His contention is not tenable. He committed as
f) CONTINUING CRIMES many counts of estafa against the 500 victims and 2000
(2009, 2005, 1996, 1994 BAR) counts of violation of BP 22, since each swindling is
achieved through distinct fraudulent machinations
Q: Differentiate delito continuado from a continuing contrived at different times or dates, and in different
offense. (1994 BAR) amounts. Moreover, his drawing separate checks payable
to each payee is a separate criminal resolution, as they
A: Delito continuado, or continuous crime, is a term used must be of different amounts and of different dates. He
to denote as only one crime a series of felonious acts acted with separate fraudulent intent against each
arising from a single criminal resolution, not susceptible swindling victim and had distinct criminal intent in
of division, which are carried out in the same place and at drawing and issuing each check. It cannot be maintained
about the same time and violating one and the same penal that his acts are the product of one criminal resolution

7 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
only. (UPLC Suggested Answers) Q: X, intending to kill Y, a store owner, fired at Y from
the street, but the shot killed not only Y but also Z who
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: YES. Angelo committed only was in the store. As a case of aberratio ictus, it is
one count of estafa and one count of violation of BP 22 punishable as a: (2011 BAR)
because his acts were propelled by one and the same
intent to defraud. (Santiago v. Garchitorena, G.R. No. a. Complex crime proper.
109266, 02 Dec. 1993) (UPLC Suggested Answers) b. Special complex crime.
c. Continuing crime.
Q: Five robbers robbed one after the other five houses d. Compound crime.
occupied by different families located inside a
compound enclosed by a six-foot high hollow block A: D. Compound crime. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
fence. How many robberies did the five commit?
Explain. (1996 BAR) COMPLEX CRIMES
(2022, 2019, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2000,
A: The offenders committed only one robbery in the eyes 1999, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1991, 1989, 1987 BAR)
of the law because when they entered the compound, they
were impelled only by a single indivisible criminal Q: A, actuated by malice and with the use of a fully
resolution to commit a robbery as they were not aware automatic M-14 sub-machine gun, shot a group of
that there were five families inside said compound, persons who were seated in a cockpit with one burst
considering that the same was enclosed by a six-foot high of successive, continuous, automatic fire. Four (4)
hollow block fence. The series of robbery committed in the persons were killed thereby, each having hit by
same compound at about the same time constitutes one different bullets coming from the sub-machine gun of
continued crime, motivated by one criminal impulse. A. Four (4) cases of murder were filed against A.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
The trial court ruled that there was only one crime
g) COMPLEX AND COMPOSITE CRIMES committed by A for the reason that, since A performed
(2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, only one act, he having pressed the trigger of his gun
2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 2004, 2003, 2000, 1999, 1996, only once, the crime committed was murder.
1995, 1994, 1991, 1989, 1987 BAR) Consequently, the trial judge sentenced A to just one
penalty of reclusion perpetua. (1999 BAR)
Q: Explain the concept of complex crimes under the
RPC. (2018 BAR) (a) Was the decision of the trial judge correct?
A: There are two kinds of complex crimes under Art. 48 of
the RPC. The first one is a compound crime, when a single A: NO. The decision of the trial judge is not correct. When
act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies. the offender made use of an automatic firearm, the acts
The second one is a complex crime proper when an committed are determined by the number of bullets
offense is a necessary means for committing the other. discharged inasmuch as the firearm being automatic, the
(UPLC Suggested Answers) offender need only press the trigger once and it would fire
continually. For each death caused by a distinct and
COMPOUND CRIMES separate bullet, the accused incurs distinct criminal
(2019, 2012, 2011, 2004 BAR) liability. Hence, it is not the act of pressing the trigger
which should be considered as producing the several
Q: Distinguish clearly but briefly between compound felonies, but the number of bullets which actually
and complex crime as concepts in the Penal Code. produced them. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(2019, 2004 BAR)
(b) What constitutes a complex crime? How many
A: Compound crimes result when the offender committed crimes may be involved in a complex crime?
only a single felonious act from which two or more crimes What is the penalty therefor?
resulted. This is provided for in modified form in the first
part of Art. 48, RPC, limiting the resulting crimes to only A: A complex crime is constituted when a single act caused
grave and/or less grave felonies. Hence, light felonies are two or more grave or less grave felonies or when an
excluded even though resulting from the same single act. offense is committed as a necessary means to commit
another offense. (Art 48, RPC)
Complex crime results when the offender has to commit
an offense as a necessary means for committing another At least two crimes are involved in a complex crime; either
offense. Only one Information shall be filed and if proven, two or more grave or less grave felonies resulted from a
the penalty for the more serious crime shall be imposed. single act, or an offense is committed as a necessary
(UPLC Suggested Answers) means for committing another.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 8
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
The penalty for the more serious crime shall be imposed Q: Harry, an overseas contract worker, arrived from
and in its maximum period. (Art. 48, RPC) (UPLC Suggested Saudi Arabia with considerable savings. Knowing him
Answers) to be “loaded”, his friends Jason, Manuel and Dave
invited him to poker session at a rented beach cottage.
Q: On 15 May 2013 at around 3:00 a.m., Lucy, Mary, When he was losing almost all his money which to him
and Raphael were on board a passenger jeepney, with was his savings of a lifetime, he discovered that he was
Raphael behind the wheel. They were traversing the being cheated by his friends. Angered by the betrayal,
highway on the southbound lane. he decided to take revenge on the three cheats.

Meanwhile, a Virgen Bus, driven by Kiko, was Harry ordered several bottles of Tanduay Rhum and
traveling along the northbound lane. Kiko overtook gave them to his companions to drink, as they did,
the vehicle in front of him, which caused him to until they all fell asleep. When Harry saw his
occupy the opposite lane where the jeepney was on. companions already sound asleep, he hacked them all
With the Virgen Bus traveling at a high speed, Raphael to death. Then he remembered his losses. He rifled
tried to avoid the collision but failed. The bus hit the through the pockets of his victims and got back all the
jeepney which resulted in Raphael’s death, serious money he lost. He then ran away but not before
physical injuries to Lucy and Mary, and extensive burning the cottage to hide his misdeed. The following
damage to the jeepney amounting to Php 500,000.00. day, police investigators found among the debris the
charred bodies of Jason, Manuel, Dave, and the
The public prosecutor filed two Informations charging caretaker of the resort.
Kiko for two separate offenses: (i) Reckless
Imprudence resulting in Serious Physical Injuries for After preliminary investigation, the Provincial
the injuries suffered by the passengers; and (ii) Prosecutor charged Harry with the complex crime of
Reckless Imprudence resulting in Homicide and arson with quadruple homicide and robbery. Was
Damage to Property for Raphael’s death and the Harry properly charged? Discuss fully. (1995 BAR)
damage to the jeepney. Is the public prosecutor
correct? (2022 BAR) A: NO. Harry was not properly charged. Harry should have
been charged with three (3) separate crimes, namely:
A: NO, the charges are not correct. Kiko should be charged murder, theft, and arson.
with a complex crime of Reckless Imprudence resulting to
Homicide with Serious Physical Injuries and Damage to Harry killed Jason, Manuel, and Dave with evident
Property under Art. 365 in relation to Art. 263 of the RPC. premeditation, as there was considerable lapse of time
before he decided to commit the crime and the actual
Art. 48 of the RPC provides that when a single act commission of the crime. In addition, Harry employed
constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or means which weakened the defense of Jason, Manuel, and
when an offense is a necessary means for committing the Dave. Harry gave them the liquor to drink until they were
other, the penalty for the most serious offense, in this case drunk and fell asleep. This gave Harry the opportunity to
Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Homicide, shall be carry out his plan of murder with impunity.
imposed in the maximum period.
The taking of the money was a mere afterthought of the
If a reckless imprudent or negligent act results in two or killings. Hence, Harry committed the separate crime of
more grave or less grave felonies, a complex crime is theft and not the complex crime of robbery with homicide.
committed. Applying Art. 48, it follows that if one offense Although theft was committed against dead persons, it is
is light, there is no complex crime. The resulting offenses still legally possible as the offended party are the estates
may be treated as a separate or the light felony may be of the victims.
absorbed by the grave felony. Thus, the light felonies of
damage to property and slight physical injuries, both In burning the cottage, it is another separate crime of
resulting from a single act of imprudence, do not arson. The act of burning was not necessary for the
constitute a complex crime. They cannot be charged in one consummation of the two previous offenses he committed.
Information. They are separate offenses subject to distinct The fact that the caretaker died from the blaze did not
penalties. Where the single act of imprudence resulted in qualify Harry’s crime into a complex crime of arson with
double less serious physical injuries, damage to property homicide for there is no such crime.
amounting to Php. 10,000 and slight physical injuries,
there is a separate complaint for the slight physical Hence, Harry was improperly charged with the complex
injuries and another complaint for lesiones menor graves crime of arson with quadruple homicide and robbery.
and damage to property, (Reodica v. CA, G.R. No. 125066, Harry should have been charged with three separate
08 July 1998) (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2023) crimes: murder, theft, and arson. (UPLC Suggested

9 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Rodolfo, a policeman, was cleaning his service A: NO, the resolution of the investigating fiscal is
pistol inside his house when it fell from his hand and erroneous. There is no complex crime of estafa under Art.
fired. The bullet hit a neighbor on the stomach and a 315 of the RPC and the violation of BP 22. A complex
second neighbor on the leg. The injuries sustained by crime refers only to felonies which are punished in the
the two neighbors required thirty-five (35) days and RPC. BP 22 which punishes the offense of issuing a
nine (9) days of medical attendance, respectively. The worthless check is a special law. (UPLC Suggested
investigating fiscal later filed an information for Answers)
frustrated homicide and slight physical injuries
through reckless imprudence against Rodolfo. Is the SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIMES OR COMPOSITE CRIMES
charge correct? Explain. (1989 BAR) (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 1999, 1998, 1997,
A: NO, the charge is not correct. One single act of 1996, 1995, 1993, 1992, 1989, 1988 BAR)
accidental shooting cannot give rise to two felonies - one
of which is intentional and the other negligent. Frustrated Q: Distinguish between an ordinary complex crime
homicide presupposes intent to kill. The facts do not show and a special complex crime as to their concepts and
any intent to kill on the part of Rodolfo. At most, he was as to the imposition of penalties. (2005, 2003 BAR)
careless, and therefore only negligent.
A: In concept – An ordinary complex crime is made up of
Two separate crimes of serious physical injuries (against two or more crimes being punished in distinct provisions
the first neighbor whose injuries requires 35 days of of the RPC but alleged in one information either because
medical attendance), and slight physical injuries (against they were brought about by a single felonious act or
the second neighbor), both through reckless imprudence, because one offense is a necessary means for committing
were committed by Rodolfo. Although both of these the other offense or offenses. They are alleged in one
offenses were the result of one single act, a complex crime information so that only one penalty shall be imposed. A
is not committed. It is only when a single act constitutes special complex crime, on the other hand, is made up of
two or more grave or less grave felonies that a complex two or more crimes which are considered only as
crime may be committed under Art. 48 of the RPC. Slight components of a single indivisible offense being punished
physical injuries are not a grave or less grave felony. in one provision of the RPC.

The information filed should be reckless imprudence As to penalties – In ordinary complex crime, the penalty
resulting to serious physical injuries and slight physical for the most serious crime shall be imposed and in its
injuries. (UPLC Suggested Answers) maximum period. In special complex crime, only one
penalty is specifically prescribed for all the component
Q: Jose purchased roofing materials worth P20,000 crimes which are regarded as one indivisible offense. The
from PY & Sons Construction Company owned by component crimes are not regarded as distinct crimes and
Pedro and paid the latter a check in the said amount. so the penalty to be imposed for the most serious crime is
The following day, Pedro deposited the check but it not the penalty to be imposed nor in its maximum period.
was returned dishonored because it was drawn It is the penalty specifically provided for the special
against a closed account. Jose failed to make good the complex crime that shall be applied according to the rules
said check despite written demands. Atty. Saavedra, on imposition of the penalty. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
counsel for Pedro, filed two complaints against Jose
with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal, one for estafa Q: Pedro, Pablito, Juan, and Julio, all armed with bolos,
under Art. 315 of the RPC and another for violation of robbed the house where Antonio, his wife, and three
BP Blg. 22. (3) daughters were residing. While the four were
ransacking Antonio's house, Julio noticed that one of
Atty. San Pascual, counsel for Jose, claimed that if his Antonio's daughters was trying to escape. He chased
client was at all liable, he could only be liable for and caught up with her at a thicket somewhat distant
violation of BP 22 and not for estafa under Art. 315 of from the house, but before bringing her back, raped
the RPC because one precludes the other and because her. (2016 BAR)
BP 22 is more favorable to the accused as it carries a
lighter penalty. (a) What crime or crimes, if any, did Pedro,
Pablito, Juan, and Julio commit? Explain.
The investigating fiscal, on his resolution, stated that
only one crime was committed, namely, the complex A: Julio is liable for special complex crime of robbery with
crime of estafa under Art. 315 of the RPC and another rape since he had carnal knowledge of Antonio’s daughter
under BP 22. Is the resolution of the investigating on occasion or by reason of robbery. Even if the place of
fiscal correct? (1987 BAR) robbery is different from that of rape, what is important is
the direct connection between the crimes (People v.
Canastre, G.R. No. L-2055, 24 Dec. 1948). Rape was not
separate by distance and time from the robbery.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 10
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Pedro, Pablito, and Juan are liable for robbery by a band. A: Felipe, Julio, Roldan and Lucio are all liable for the
There is a band in this case since more than three armed special complex crime of kidnapping and serious illegal
malefactors took part in the commission of robbery. Under detention with rape. It was sufficiently proved that the
Art. 296 of RPC, any member of a band, who is present at four accused kidnapped Mildred and held her in detention
the commission of a robbery by a band, shall be punished for five days and carnally abused her. Notably, however,
as principal of any of the assaults committed by the band, no matter how many rapes had been committed in the
unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent the same. special complex crime of kidnapping with rape, the
The assault mentioned in Art. 296 includes rape. (People v. resultant crime is only one kidnapping with rape. The
Hamiana, G.R. Nos. L-39491-94, 30 May 1971) composite acts are regarded as a single indivisible offense
with only one penalty. The offense is not forcible
They are not liable, however, for rape since they were not abduction with rape since it was obvious that the intent is
present when the victim was raped and thus, they had no to detain the victim.
opportunity to prevent the same. They are only liable for
robbery by band. (People v. Anticamaray, G.R. No. 178771, As to the degree of their participation, all of them are
08 June 2011) principally liable because of implied conspiracy as they
acted toward a single criminal design or purpose. (People
(b) Suppose, after the robbery, the four took turns v. Mirandilla, Jr., G.R. No. 186417, 27 July 2011) Albeit,
in raping the three daughters inside the Lucio was not around when the sexual assault took place,
house, and, to prevent identification, killed his complicity is evident as he was the one who drove the
the whole family just before they left. What tricycle and returned every day to bring food and news to
crime or crimes, if any, did the four his cohorts. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
malefactors commit?
Q: Two young men, A and B, conspired to rob a
A: They are liable for special complex crime of robbery residential house of things of value. They succeeded in
with homicide. In this special complex crime, it is the commission of their original plan to simply rob. A,
immaterial that several persons are killed. It is also however, was sexually aroused when he saw the lady
immaterial that aside from the homicides, rapes are owner of the house, and so raped her.
committed by reason or on the occasion of the crime.
Since homicides are committed by or on the occasion of The lady victim testified that B did not in any way
the robbery, the multiple rapes shall be integrated into participate in the rape but he watched the happening
one and indivisible felony of robbery with homicide. from a window and did nothing to stop the rape. Is B
(People v. Diu, G.R. No. 201449, 03 Apr. 2013) (UPLC as criminally liable as A for robbery with rape?
Suggested Answers) Explain. (2004, 1999 BAR)

Q: While walking alone on her way home from a party, A: YES. B is as criminally liable for the composite crime of
Mildred was seized at gun point by Felipe and taken robbery with rape under Art. 294 (1). Although the
on board a tricycle to a house some distance away. conspiracy of A and B was only to rob, B was present
Felipe was with Julio, Roldan, and Lucio, who drove when the rape was being committed which gave rise to a
the tricycle. composite crime, a single indivisible offense of robbery
with rape. B would not have been liable had he
At the house, Felipe, Julio, and Roldan succeeded in endeavored to prevent the commission of the rape. But
having sexual intercourse with Mildred against her since he did not when he could have done so, he in effect
will and under the threat of Felipe’s gun. Lucio was not acquiesced with the rape as a component of the robbery
around when the sexual assaults took place as he left and so he is also liable for robbery with rape. (UPLC
after bringing his colleagues and Mildred to their Suggested Answers)
destination, but he returned every day to bring food
arid the news in town about Mildred’s disappearance. Q: A, B, C and D all armed, robbed a bank and when
For five days, Felipe, Julio and Roldan kept Mildred in they were about to get out of the bank, policemen
the house and took turns in sexually assaulting her. came and ordered them to surrender but they fired on
On the 6th day, Mildred managed to escape; she the police officers who fired back and shot it out with
proceeded immediately to the nearest police station them. Suppose a bank employee was killed and the
and narrated her ordeal. bullet which killed him came from the firearm of the
police officers, with what crime shall you charge A, B,
What crime/s did Felipe, Julio, Roldan, and Lucio C and D? (1998 BAR)
commit and what was their degree of participation?
(2013 BAR) A: A, B, C and D should be charged with the crime of
robbery with homicide because the death of the bank
employee was brought about by the acts of said offenders
on the occasion of robbery. They shot it out with the
policeman, thereby causing such death by reason or on the

11 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
occasion of robbery; Hence, the composite crime of defense. Is Randy’s claim of self-defense tenable?
robbery with homicide. (UPLC Suggested Answers) (2022 BAR)

Q: After raping the complainant in her house, the A: NO, the claim of Self-defense is untenable. In Randy’s
accused struck a match to smoke a cigarette before claim of self-defense, he has to prove by clear and
departing from the scene. The brief light from the convincing evidence, that the killing was attended by the
match allowed him to notice a watch in her wrist. He following circumstances: (1) unlawful aggression on the
demanded that she hand over the watch. When she part of the victim; (2) reasonable necessity of the means
refused, he forcibly grabbed it from her. The accused employed to prevent or repel such aggression; and (3)
was charged with and convicted of the special complex lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
crime of robbery with rape. Was the court correct? resorting to self-defense.
(1997 BAR)
Randy committed a crime in the presence of the police
A: NO. The court erred in convicting the accused of the officer who, consequently, can validly make a warrantless
special complex crime of robbery with rape. The accused arrest. Police Officer John’s act in the fulfillment of his
should instead be held liable for two (2) separate crimes duty cannot be equated as unlawful aggression (People v.
of robbery and rape, since the primary intent or objective Delima, GR. No. L-18660, 22 Dec. 1922). Without unlawful
of the accused was only to rape the complainant, and his aggression, the justifying circumstance of self-defense has
commission of the robbery was merely an afterthought. no leg to stand on and cannot be appreciated in favor of
The robbery must precede the rape, in order to give rise to Randy. The assault made by Randy was not an act of self-
the special complex crime for which the court convicted defense but a determined aggression on his part. (Bar Q&A
the accused. (UPLC Suggested Answers) by Judge Alejandria, 2023)

2. CIRCUMSTANCES AFFECTING Q: In dire need of money, Mr. R decided to steal from

CRIMINAL LIABILITY his next-door neighbor, Mrs. V. On the night of May 15,
(2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2010, Mr. R proceeded with his plan entered Mrs. V's
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2004, bedroom by breaking one of the windows from the
2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, outside. Finding Mrs. V sound asleep, he silently
1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987 foraged through her cabinet, and stashed all the
BAR) bundles of cash and jewelries he could find.

As Mr. R was about to leave, he heard Mrs. V shout,

"Stop or I will shoot you!", and when he turned
ART. 11, RPC
around, he saw Mrs. V cocking a rifle which has
(2022, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011,
pointed at him. Fearing for his life, Mr. R then lunged
2010, 2009, 2008, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
at Mrs. V and was able to wrest the gun away from her.
1998, 1996, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989, 1987 BAR)
Thereafter, Mr. R shot Mrs. V, which resulted in her
death. Mr. R's deeds were discovered on the very same
Q: Distinguish clearly but briefly: Between justifying
night as he was seen by law enforcement authorities
and exempting circumstances in criminal law. (2004,
fleeing the crime scene. May Mr. R validly invoke the
1998 BAR)
justifying circumstances of self-defense? Explain.
(2019 BAR)
A: Justifying circumstance affects the act, not the actor;
while exempting circumstance affects the actor, not the
A: NO, Mr. R may not invoke the justifying circumstance of
act. In justifying circumstance, no criminal and, generally,
self-defense. There was no unlawful aggression on the
no civil liability is incurred; while in exempting
part of Mrs. V, who was defending her property. As the
circumstance, civil liability is generally incurred although
owner of the cash and jewelry, Mrs. V had the lawful right
there is no criminal liability. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
to take back the goods stolen by Mr. R who was actually
the unlawful aggressor. (People v. Salamuddin, G.R. No.
29896, 24 Jan. 1929) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Art. 11(1)
(2022, 2019, 2017, 2000, 1998, 1996 BAR)
Q: Porthos made a sudden turn on a dark street, and
his Rolls-Royce SUV bumped the rear of a parked
Q: Police officer John ran after Randy who had just
Cadillac Sedan inside which Aramis was then taking a
killed Willy in John’s presence. John fired at Randy in
nap. Angered by the violent Impact, Aramis alighted
an attempt to stop him in his tracks. In response,
and confronted Porthos who had also alighted. Aramis
Randy fired back at John, hitting him. John was
angrily and repeatedly shouted at Porthos: Putang
seriously wounded but survived due to timely medical
Ina mo! Porthos, displaying fearlessness, aggressively
assistance. Randy was then charged with Frustrated
shouted back at Aramis: Wag kang magtapang-
Homicide. During the trial, Randy claimed self-
tapangan dyan, papatayin kita! Without saying

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 12
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
anything more, Aramis drew his gun from his waist A: NO. Osang's claim of defense of honor should not be
and shot Porthos in the leg. Porthos' wound was not sustained because the aggression on her honor had ceased
life threatening. (2017 BAR) when she stabbed the aggressor.

(a) What are the kinds of unlawful aggression, In defense of rights under Art. 11(1) of the RPC, it is
and which kind was displayed in this case? required inter alia that there be (1) unlawful aggression,
and (2) reasonable necessity of the means employed to
A: Unlawful aggression is of two kinds: (a) actual or prevent or repel it. The unlawful aggression must be
material unlawful aggression; and (b) imminent unlawful continuing when the aggressor was injured or disabled by
aggression. (People v. Dulin, G.R. No. 171284, 29 June 2015) the person making a defense. Otherwise, the attack made
is a retaliation and not a defense. Hence, Osang's act of
There was neither material nor imminent unlawful stabbing Julio to death after the sexual intercourse was
aggression here. On the part of Porthos, while Aramis finished, is not defense of honor but an immediate
displayed fearlessness and aggressively shouted back at vindication of a grave offense committed against her,
him, there was no physical force or weapon that might which is only mitigating. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
endanger his life. In other words, it was not life
threatening. Q: A security guard, upon seeing a man scale the wall
of a factory compound which he was guarding, shot
It was Aramis who was the aggressor here in view of his and killed the latter. Upon investigation by the police
act in actually shooting Porthos, although on his leg only. who thereafter arrived at the scene of the shooting, it
Hence, we could conclude that there was no intent to kill. was discovered that the victim was unarmed. When
prosecuted for homicide, the security guard claimed
(b) Standing trial for frustrated murder, Aramis that he merely acted in self-defense of property and in
pleaded self-defense. The Prosecution's the performance of his duty as a security guard. If you
contention was that the plea of self-defense were the judge, would you convict him of homicide?
applied only to consummated killings. Rule, Explain. (1996 BAR)
with explanations, on the tenability of Aramis'
claim of self-defense, and on the Prosecution's A: YES. I would convict the security guard for homicide if I
contention. were the judge, because his claim of having acted in
defense of property and in performance of a duty cannot
A: Aramis cannot plead that his act in shooting Porthos fully be justified. Even assuming that the victim was
was self-defense. There was no element of unlawful scaling the wall of the factory compound to commit a
aggression as a condition sine qua non on the part of crime inside the same, shooting him is never justifiable,
Porthos. even admitting that such act is considered unlawful
aggression on property rights.
The accidental bumping of his car by Porthos cannot be
considered as enough provocation, neither was the verbal In People v. Narvaes (G.R. No. L-33466-67, 20 Apr. 1983), a
tussle between them. No person can be killed or injured by person is justified to defend his property rights, but all the
act of shouting fearlessly against each other. I cannot also elements of self-defense under Art. 11, must be present. In
adhere to the prosecution’s contention that self-defense the instant case, just like in Narvaes, the second element
applies only to consummated killings. Self-defense applies (reasonable necessity of the means employed) is absent.
even in frustrated murder as the law did not qualify its Hence, he should be convicted of homicide but entitled to
application. (People v. Dulin, G.R. No. 171284, 29 June 2015; Incomplete self-defense. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
People v. Nugas, G.R. No. 172606, 23 Nov. 2011) (UPLC
Suggested Answers) DEFENSE OF RELATIVE
Art. 11(2)
Q: Osang, a married woman in her early twenties, was (2002, 2000, 1999 BAR)
sleeping on a banig on the floor of their nipa hut
beside the seashore when she was awakened by the Q: When A arrived home, he found B raping his
act of a man mounting her. Thinking that it was her daughter. Upon seeing A, B ran away. A took his gun
husband, Gardo, who had returned from fishing in the and shot B, killing him. Charged with homicide, A
sea, Osang continued her sleep but allowed the man, claimed he acted in defense of his daughter's honor. Is
who was actually their neighbor, Julio, to have sexual A correct? If not, can A claim the benefit of any
intercourse with her. After Julio satisfied himself, he mitigating circumstance or circumstances? (2002,
said “Salamat Osang" as he turned to leave. Only then 2000, 1999 BAR)
did Osang realize that the man was not her husband.
Enraged, Osang grabbed a balisong from the wall and A: NO. A cannot validly invoke defense of his daughter's
stabbed Julio to death. When tried for homicide, Osang honor in having killed B since the rape was already
claimed defense of honor. Should the claim be consummated; moreover, B already ran away, hence, there
sustained? Why? (2000, 1998 BAR) was no aggression to defend against and no defense to

13 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
speak of. Defense of honor as included in self-defense, resentment or any other evil motive in shooting C, his act
must have been done to prevent or repel an unlawful is justified under Art. 11(3) of the RPC. (UPLC Suggested
aggression. There is no defense to speak of where the Answers)
unlawful aggression no longer exists.
A may, however, invoke the benefit of the mitigating Art. 11(4)
circumstance of having acted in immediate vindication of (2004, 1990 BAR)
a grave offense to a descendant, his daughter, under Art.
13(5) of the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers) Q: BB and CC, both armed with knives, attacked FT.
The victim's son, ST, upon seeing the attack, drew his
DEFENSE OF STRANGER gun but was prevented from shooting the attackers by
Art. 11(3) AA, who grappled with him for possession of the gun.
(2016, 2002 BAR) FT died from knife wounds. AA, BB and CC were
charged with murder. In his defense, AA invoked the
Q: Pedro is married to Tessie. Juan is the first cousin of justifying circumstance of avoidance of greater evil or
Tessie. While in the market, Pedro saw a man stabbing injury, contending that by preventing ST from
Juan. Seeing the attack on Juan, Pedro picked up a shooting BB and CC, he merely avoided a greater evil.
spade nearby and hit the attacker on his head which Will AA's defense prosper? Reason briefly. (2004 BAR)
caused the latter’s death. Can Pedro be absolved of the
killing on the ground that it is in defense of a relative? A: NO, AA's defense will not prosper because obviously
Explain. (2016 BAR) there was a conspiracy among BB, CC and AA, such that
the principle that when there is a conspiracy, the act of
A: NO. The relatives of the accused for purpose of defense one is the act of all, shall govern. The act of ST, the victim's
of relative under Art. 11(20) of the RPC are his spouse, son, appears to be a legitimate defense of relatives; hence,
ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted justified as a defense of his father against the unlawful
brothers or sisters or of his relatives by affinity in the aggression by BB and CC. ST’s act to defend his father's life
same degrees, and those by consanguinity within the and to stop BB and CC achieve their criminal objective
fourth civil degree. Relative by affinity within the same cannot be regarded as an evil inasmuch as it is, in the eyes
degree includes ascendant, descendant, brother or sister of the law, a lawful act.
of the spouse of the accused.
What AA did was a lawful defense, not greater evil, to
In this case, Juan is not the ascendant, descendant, brother allow BB and CC achieve their criminal objective of
or sister of Tessie, the spouse of Pedro. Relative by stabbing FT. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
consanguinity within the fourth civil degree includes first
cousin. But in this case, Juan is the cousin of Pedro by Q:
affinity but not by consanguinity. Juan, therefore, is not a (a) In mercy killing, is the attending physician
relative of Pedro for purpose of applying the provision on criminally liable for deliberately turning off
defense of relative. the life support system consequently costing
the life of the patient? State reasons. (1990
Pedro, however, can invoke defense of a stranger. Under BAR)
the RPC, a person who defends a person who is not his
relative may invoke the defense of a stranger provided A: The attending physician is criminally liable. Euthanasia
that all its elements exist, to wit: (a) unlawful aggression; is not a justifying circumstance in Philippine jurisdiction.
(b) reasonable necessity of the means employed to
prevent or repel the attack; and (c) the person defending
be not induced by revenge, resentment, or other evil (b) How about in an instance when in saving the
motive. (UPLC Suggested Answers) life of the mother, the doctor sacrificed the life
of the unborn child? Explain your answer.
Q: A chanced upon three men who were attacking B (1990 BAR)
with fist blows. C, one of the men, was about to stab B
with a knife. Not knowing that B was actually the A: There is no criminal liability on the part of the doctor
aggressor because he had earlier challenged the three because his acts are justified under Art. 11(4) of the RPC
men to a fight, A shot C as the latter was about to stab which provides that: "The following do not incur any
B. May A invoke the defense of a stranger as a criminal liability: x x x 4) any person, who in order to
justifying circumstance in his favor? Why? (2002 BAR) avoid an evil or injury, does an act which causes damage
to another, provided that the following requisites are
A: YES. A may invoke the justifying circumstance of present: First: That the evil sought to be avoided actually
defense of stranger since he was not involved in the fight exists; Second. That the injury feared be greater than that
and he shot C when the latter was about to stab B. There done to avoid it; Third. That there be no other practical
being no indication that A was induced by revenge, and less harmful means of preventing it." (UPLC Suggested

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 14
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Answers) Is the lawyer’s argument legally tenable? Explain
briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
Art. 11(5) A: NO, the lawyer’s argument is untenable. First, extreme
(2000 BAR) poverty is not an exempting circumstance to exculpate the
offender of criminal liability. Moreover, violations of P.D.
Q: Lucresia was robbed of her bracelet in her home. 1602 or a special law is mala prohibitum where intent is
The following day, Lucresia, while in her store, noticed immaterial and neither modifying circumstances are
her bracelet wound around the right arm of Jun-Jun. appreciated. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
As soon as the latter left, Lucresia went to a nearby
police station and sought the help of Pat. Willie Reyes. INSANITY OR IMBECILITY
He went with Lucresia to the house of Jun-Jun to Art. 12(1)
confront the latter. (2010 BAR)

Pat. Reyes introduced himself as a policeman and Q: While his wife was on a 2-year scholarship abroad,
tried to get hold of Jun-Jun who resisted and ran away. Romeo was having an affair with his maid Dulcinea.
Pat. Reyes chased him and fired two warning shots in Realizing that the affair was going nowhere, Dulcinea
the air but Jun-Jun continued to run. Pat. Reyes shot told Romeo that she was going back to the province to
him in the right leg. JunJun was hit and he fell down marry her childhood sweetheart. Clouded by anger
but he crawled towards a fence, intending to pass and jealousy, Romeo strangled Dulcinea to death
through an opening underneath. When Pat. Reyes was while she was sleeping in the maid’s quarters.
about 5 meters away, he fired another shot at Jun-Jun
hitting him at the right lower hip. Pat. Reyes brought The following day, Romeo was found catatonic inside
Jun-Jun to the hospital, but because of profuse the maid’s quarters. He was brought to the National
bleeding, he eventually died. Pat. Reyes was Center for Mental Health (NCMH) where he was
subsequently charged with homicide. diagnosed to be mentally unstable. Charged with
murder, Romeo pleaded insanity as a defense. (2010
During the trial, Pat. Reyes raised the defense, by way BAR)
of exoneration, that he acted in the fulfillment of a
duty. Is the defense tenable? (2000 BAR) (a) Will Romeo’s defense prosper? Explain.

A: NO. The defense of having acted in the fulfillment of a A: NO. Romeo’s defense of insanity will not prosper
duty requires as a condition, inter alia, that the injury or because, even assuming that Romeo was “insane” when
offense committed be the unavoidable or necessary diagnosed after he committed the crime, insanity as a
consequence of the due performance of the duty. (People v. defense to the commission of a crime must have existed
Oanis, G.R. No. L-47722, 27 July 1943). It is not enough that and proven to be so existing at the precise moment when
the accused acted in fulfillment of a duty. After Jun-Jun the crime was being committed. The facts of the case
was shot in the right leg and was already crawling, there indicate that Romeo committed the crime with
was no need for Pat. Reyes to shoot him any further. discernment.
Clearly, he acted beyond the call of duty, which brought
about the cause of death of the victim. (UPLC Suggested (b) What is the effect of the diagnosis of the NCMH
Answers) on the case?

b. EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES A: The effect of the diagnosis made by NCMH is possibly a

ART. 12, RPC suspension of the proceeding against Romeo and his
(2022, 2020-21, 2017, 2015, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2004, commitment to appropriate institution for treatment until
2000, 1998, 1994, 1992, 1991, 1989 BAR) he could already understand the proceedings. (UPLC
Suggested Answers)
Q: A person arrested for playing cara y crus was
charged with violation of P.D. No. 1602 or the Anti- MINORITY
Gambling Law. The lawyer for the accused argues that Art. 12(2) and (3)
the case should be dismissed based on an exempting (2015, 2000, 1998 BAR)
circumstance, which is that the accused is poor. The
lawyer argues that unlike those who gamble in big Q: Lito, a minor, was bullied by Brutus, his classmate.
casinos with astronomical sums of money, cara y crus Having had enough, Lito got the key to the safe where
is the accused’s only means of entertainment. In his father kept his licensed pistol and took the
addition, the lawyer explains that gamblers from weapon. Knowing that Brutus usually hung out at a
China, where gambling is illegal, are even welcomed in nearby abandoned building after class, Lito went
the Philippines. ahead and hid while waiting for Brutus. When Lito
was convinced that Brutus was alone, he shot Brutus,

15 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
who died on the spot. Lito then hid the gun in one of acted with discernment. She is however civilly liable;
the empty containers. At the time of the shooting, Lito
was fifteen years and one month old. What is Lito's 2. If found criminally liable, the minority of the accused
criminal liability? Explain. (2015 BAR) is a privileged mitigating circumstance. A
discretionary penalty lower by at least two (2)
A: Lito is criminally liable for murder qualified by the degrees than that prescribed for the crime committed
circumstance of treachery, or evident premeditation, as shall be imposed in accordance with Art. 68(1) of RPC.
well as illegal possession of firearms. Minority is not an The sentence, however, should automatically be
exempting circumstance under Sec. 7 of R.A. No. 9344 suspended in accordance with Sec. 5(a) of R.A. No.
since his age is above fifteen years but below eighteen 8369 (Family Courts Act of 1997);
years and he acted with discernment. Circumstance will
show that he discerned the consequences of his criminal NOTE: In view of the enactment of R.A. No. 9344
acts as shown from the fact he employed means to make a otherwise known as the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare
surprise attack and he even hid the murder weapon in an Act of 2006”, the sentence should be automatically
empty container. It was also clear that he planned the suspended in accordance with Sec. 38 thereof.
killing. However, minority will be considered as a
privileged mitigating circumstance, which will require the 3. Also if found criminally liable, the ordinary mitigating
graduation of the penalty prescribed by law to one degree circumstance of not intending to commit so grave a
lower. (Art. 68, RPC) (UPLC Suggested Answers) wrong as that committed under Art. 13(3) of the RPC;
Q: While they were standing in line awaiting their
vaccination at the school clinic, Pomping repeatedly 4. The ordinary mitigating circumstance of sufficient
pulled the ponytail of Katreena, his 11 years, 2 months provocation on the part of the offended party
and 13 days old classmate in Grade 5 at the Sampaloc immediately preceded the act. (UPLC Suggested
Elementary School. Irritated, Katreena turned around Answers)
and swung at Pomping with a ball pen. The top of the
ball pen hit the right eye of Pomping which bled ACCIDENT
profusely. Realizing what she had caused, Katreena Art. 12(4)
immediately helped Pomping. When investigated, she (2022 BAR)
freely admitted to the school principal that she was
responsible for the injury to Pomping's eye. After the Q: Michael was driving along the highway when he
incident, she executed a statement admitting her executed a prohibited U-turn. Dyords, a police officer,
culpability. Due to the injury, Pomping lost his right accosted Michael for the traffic violation. A verbal
eye. (2000, 1998 BAR) argument ensued between them. Dyords suddenly
drew his service firearm and pointed it at Michael.
(a) Is Katreena criminally liable? Why? Dyords ordered Michael to alight from his car, which
the latter obeyed. Dyords then handcuffed Michael
A: NO. Katreena is not criminally liable although she is and pinned his head and body against the pavement
civilly liable. Being a minor less than 15 years old although until he could no longer breathe. Michael died.
over nine (9) years of age, she is generally exempt from Charged with Homicide, Dyords interposed the
criminal liability. The exception is where the prosecution exempting circumstance of accident as a defense.
proved that the act was committed with discernment. The
burden is upon the prosecution to prove that the accused If you were the Judge, how would you resolve Dyords’
acted with discernment. defense Explain briefly. (2022 BAR)
The presumption is that such minor acted without
discernment, and this is strengthened by the fact that A: The defense of Dyords is not meritorious. Exemption
Katreena only reacted with a ballpen which she must be from criminal liability proceeds from finding that the
using in class at the time, and only to stop Pomping’s harm to the victim was not due to the fault or negligence
vexatious act of repeatedly pulling her ponytail. In other of the accused, but to circumstances that could not have
words, the injury was accidental. been foreseen or controlled. The elements of Accident are
as follows: 1) the accused was at the time performing a
(b) Discuss the attendant circumstances and lawful act with due care; 2) the resulting injury was
effects thereof. caused by a mere accident; and 3) on the part of the
accused, there was no fault or no intent to cause the
A: The attendant circumstances which may be considered injury. (Pomoy vs. People, G.R. No. 150647, 29 Sept. 2004)
In this case, Dyords, although performing a lawful act,
1. Minority of the accused as an exempting circumstance acted without due care. There is no necessity to employ
under Art. 12(3) of RPC, where she shall be exempt force upon Michael who was shown to have been
from criminal liability, unless it was proved that she submissive to the ordered of the police officer. He could

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 16
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
have avoided the resulting injury sustained by Michael c) MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES
which caused the latter’s death. (Bar Q&A by Judge ART. 13, RPC
Alejandria, 2023) (2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011,
2009, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1993, 1992,
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: If I were the judge, I would rule 1990, 1989, 1988 BAR)
against Dyords. The requisites of accident are the
following: lawful act, without dolo, and without culpa. Q: What is a privileged mitigating circumstance?
Arresting for traffic violation is not a lawful act. Thus, Distinguish a privileged mitigating circumstance from
Dyords should have confiscated the driver’s license an ordinary mitigating circumstance as to reduction of
instead of arresting him. (Luz v. People, G.R. No. 197788, 29 penalty and offsetting against aggravating
Feb. 2012) Unlawful arresting the victim is arbitrary circumstance/s. (2012 BAR)
detention. (Compendious Bar Reviewer on Criminal Law:
Based on Bar Exam Syllabus (2023) by Dean Nilo T. Divina) A: Privileged mitigating circumstances are those that
mitigate the criminal liability of the accused by graduating
LAWFUL OR INSUPERABLE CAUSE the imposable penalty for the crime being modified to one
Art. 12(7) or two degrees lower. These circumstances cannot be
(2011, 1994 BAR) offset by aggravating circumstance. The circumstance of
incomplete justification or exemption (when majority of
Q: Insuperable cause is an exempting circumstance the conditions are present), and the circumstance of
which may be applied to? (2011 BAR) minority (if the child above 15 years of age acted with
a. Robbery. discernment) are privileged mitigating circumstance.
b. Misprision of treason.
c. Homicide The distinctions between ordinary and privileged
d. Rebellion. mitigating circumstances are as follows:

A: (d) Rebellion (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022) a. Under the rules for application of divisible penalties
(Art. 64, RPC), the presence of a mitigating
Q: VC, JG, GG, and JG conspired to overthrow the circumstance, if not off-set by aggravating
Philippine Government. VG was recognized as the circumstance, has the effect of applying the divisible
titular head of the conspiracy. Several meetings were penalty in its minimum period. Under the rules on
held and the plan was finalized. JJ, bothered by his graduation of penalty (Art. 68, 69, RPC), the presence
conscience, confessed to Father Abraham that he, VG, of privileged mitigating circumstance has the effect of
JG and GG have conspired to overthrow the reducing the penalty one to two degrees lower;
b. Ordinary mitigating circumstances can be offset by
Father Abraham did not report this information to the aggravating circumstances. Privileged mitigating
proper authorities. Did Father Abraham commit a circumstances are not subject to the off-set rule.
crime? If so, what crime was committed? What is his (UPLC Suggested Answers)
criminal liability? (1994 BAR)
A: NO, Father Abraham did not commit a crime because CIRCUMSTANCE
the conspiracy involved is one to commit rebellion, not a Art 13(1)
conspiracy to commit treason which makes a person (1999, 1990 BAR)
criminally liable under Art. 116 of the RPC. And even
assuming that it will fall as misprision of treason, Father Q: When is surrender by an accused considered
Abraham is exempted from criminal liability under Art. 12, voluntary, and constitutive of the mitigating
par. 7, as his failure to report can be considered as due to circumstance of voluntary surrender? (1999 BAR)
“insuperable cause", as this involves the sanctity and
inviolability of a confession. Conspiracy to commit A: A surrender by an offender is considered voluntary
rebellion results in criminal liability to the co- when it is spontaneous, indicative of an intent to submit
conspirators, but not to a person who learned of such and unconditionally to the authorities. To be mitigating, the
did not report to the proper authorities. (US v. Vergara, surrender must be:
G.R. No. 1016, 16 Jan. 1903; People v. Atienza, G.R. No. 3578,
14 Dec. 1931) (UPLC Suggested Answers) a. Spontaneous, i.e., indicative of acknowledgment of
guilt and not for convenience nor conditional;
b. Made before the government incurs expenses, time
and effort in tracking down the offender's
whereabouts; and
c. Made to a person in authority or the letter's agents.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)

17 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: In the middle of the night, Enyong heard the PASSION AND OBFUSCATION
footsteps of an intruder inside their house. Enyong Art. 13(6)
picked up his rifle and saw a man, Gorio, with a pistol (2013 BAR)
ransacking Enyong’s personal effects in his study. He
shot and killed Gorio. Q: Passion or obfuscation may be appreciated
__________. (2013 BAR)
Suppose Enyong shot Gorio while he was running
away from Enyong’s house with his television set, a) if it arises from jealousy in an amorous
what is Enyong liable for? Explain your answer. (1990 relationship between a married man and a
BAR) single woman
b) if it arises from jealousy of a man who has
A: There is criminal liability this time with the mitigating been living-in with the woman for the past 20
circumstance of incomplete self-defense. Under the case of years
People v. Narvaez, (G.R. No. L-33466-67, 20 Apr. 1983) c) if it arises from jealousy with immoral, lustful
defense of property can be availed of even when there is and vindictive sentiments of the offender
no assault against a person. It is recognized as an unlawful against the victim in none of the above
aggression. (UPLC Suggested Answers) situations
d) in none of the above situations.
Art. 13(5) A: B. In U.S. v. dela Cruz (G.R. No. L-7094, 29 Mar. 1912), the
(1988 BAR) Supreme Court appreciated the mitigating circumstance of
passion and obfuscation wherein the accused, in the heat
Q: The victim Dario went to the Civil Service of passion, killed the deceased, who had been his querida
Commission at about 11:00 am to have some (concubine or lover), upon discovering her in flagrante in
documents signed, and because his efforts were carnal communication with a mutual acquaintance.
frustrated, he angrily remarked in the presence of the
accused Benito that the Civil Service Commission is a VOLUNTARY SURRENDER, AND VOLUNTARY
hang-out of thieves. CONFESSION OF GUILT
Art. 13(7)
The accused felt alluded to because he was then facing (2019, 1999 BAR)
criminal and administrative charges on several counts
involving his honesty and integrity, and pulling out a Q: In order that the plea of guilty may be mitigating,
gun from his desk, he shot Dario, inflicting a fatal what requisites must be complied with? (1999 BAR)
wound. Benito is now invoking the mitigating
circumstances of immediate vindication of grave A: For plea of guilty to be mitigating, the requisites are:
offense. Decide the case. (1988 BAR)
1. That the accused spontaneously pleaded guilty to the
A: The mitigating circumstances of immediate vindication crime charged;
of grave offense cannot be considered because to be 2. That such plea was made before the court competent
applicable, Art. 13(5) requires that: “Mitigating to try the case and render judgment; and
circumstances.— xxxx 5. That the act was committed in 3. That such plea was made prior to the presentation of
the immediate vindication of a grave offense to the one evidence for the prosecution. (UPLC Suggested
committing the felony (delito) his spouse, ascendants, Answers)
descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or
sisters or relatives by affinity within the same degrees.” Q: Mr. X and Mr. Y engaged in a violent fistfight which
Mr. X instigated. This culminated in Mr. X repeatedly
Instead, the circumstances of passion or obfuscation smashing Mr. Y's head on the concrete pavement.
should be considered. Benito should be charged with Thereafter, Mr. X left Mr. Y barely breathing and
frustrated homicide with the mitigating circumstances of almost dead. A few minutes after the incident, Mr. X
passion. (UPLC Suggested Answers) immediately went to the police station to confess what
he did and told the police where he left Mr. Y.
Fortunately, the police rescued Mr. Y and he survived
with the help of timely medical intervention. Mr. X
was then charged in court with Frustrated Homicide,
to which he openly confessed his guilt upon

Based on the above-stated facts, what is/are the

mitigating circumstance/s that may be appreciated in
favor of Mr. X. Explain. (2019 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 18
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: The mitigating circumstances of Voluntary Surrender circumstances;
and Voluntary Confession of Guilt can be appreciated in
Mr. X’s favor. Mr. X voluntarily and immediately went to 3. Qualifying circumstances or those that change the
the police station after his altercation with Mr. Y. He nature of the crime to a graver one, or brings about a
acknowledged his wrongdoing and saved the authorities’ penalty next higher in degree, and cannot be offset by
time and investigative resources (People v. Gervacio, G.R. mitigating circumstances; and
No. 107328, 26 Sept. 1994). This satisfies the requirements
for Voluntary Surrender. 4. Inherent aggravating or those that essentially
accompany the commission of the crime and do not
Mr. X likewise voluntarily pleaded “guilty” in open court affect the penalty whatsoever.
during his arraignment. This satisfies the requirements for
a Voluntary Confession of Guilt, (a) that the offender Q: Distinguish generic aggravating circumstance from
spontaneously confessed his guilt; (2) that the confession qualifying aggravating circumstance. (1999 BAR)
of guilt was made in open court, or before the competent
court that is to try the case; and (3) that the confession of A: The distinctions between generic aggravating
guilt was made prior to the presentation for the circumstances and qualifying aggravating circumstances
prosecution. (People v. Bueza, G.R. No. 79619, 20 Aug. are as follows:
1990) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Generic aggravating circumstances:
Q: After killing the victim, the accused absconded. He a. affects the nature of the crime or brings about a
succeeded in eluding the police until he surfaced and penalty higher in degree than that ordinarily
surrendered to the authorities about two years later. prescribed;
Charged with murder, he pleaded not guilty but, after b. can be offset by ordinary mitigating circumstances;
the prosecution had presented two witnesses c. need not be alleged in the Information as long as
implicating him to the crime, he changed his plea to proven during the trial;
that of guilty. Should the mitigating circumstances of d. the same shall be considered in imposing the
voluntary surrender and plea of guilty be considered sentence.
in favor of the accused? (1997 BAR)
Qualifying circumstances:
A: NO. Voluntary surrender may not be appreciated in a. affects the nature of the crime or brings about a
favor of the accused. Two years is too long a time to penalty higher in degree than that ordinarily
consider the surrender as spontaneous. (People v. Ablao, prescribed;
G.R. No. 69184, 26 Mar. 1990) b. cannot be offset by mitigating circumstances;
c. must be alleged in the Information and proven
For sure the government had already incurred during trial. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
considerable efforts and expenses in looking for the
accused. Plea of guilty can no longer be appreciated as a Q: When would qualifying circumstances be deemed, if
mitigating circumstance because the prosecution had at all, elements of a crime? (2003 BAR)
already started with the presentation of its evidence. (Art.
13(7), RPC) (UPLC Suggested Answers) A: A qualifying circumstance would be deemed an element
of a crime when:
ART. 14, RPC 1. It changes the nature of the crime, bringing about a
(2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, more serious crime and heavier penalty;
2009, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 2. It is essential to the crime involved, otherwise some
1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1989, 1988 BAR) other crime is committed; and
3. It is specifically alleged in the information and proven
Q: Name the four (4) kinds of aggravating during trial. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
circumstances and state their effect on the penalty of
crimes and nature thereof. (1999 BAR) Q: Bernardo was enraged by his conviction for robbery
by Judge Samsonite despite insufficient evidence.
A: The four (4) kinds of aggravating circumstances are: Pending his appeal, Bernardo escaped in order to get
even with Judge Samsonite. Bernardo learned that the
1. Generic aggravating or those that can generally judge regularly slept in his mistress' house every
apply to all crimes, and can be offset by mitigating weekend. Thus, he waited for the judge to arrive on
circumstances, but if not offset, would affect only the Saturday evening at the house of his mistress. It was
maximum of the penalty prescribed by law; about 8:00 p.m. when Bernardo entered the house of
the mistress. He found the judge and his mistress
2. Specific aggravating or those that apply only to having coffee in the kitchen and engaging in small
particular crimes and cannot be offset by mitigating talk. Without warning, Bernardo stabbed the judge at

19 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
least 20 times. The judge instantly died. year thereafter, convicted of homicide, is a recidivist.
(2009 BAR)
Prosecuted and tried, Bernardo was convicted of
direct assault with murder. Rule with reasons whether A: TRUE. Rape is a crime against persons and, like the
or not the conviction for direct assault with murder crime of homicide, is embraced in the same Title of the
was justified, and whether or not the trial court Revised Penal Code under which Amado had been
should appreciate the following aggravating previously convicted by final judgment. The absolute
circumstances against Bernardo, to wit: (1) disregard pardon also did not erase the effect of the conviction.
of rank and age of the victim, who was 68 years old; (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(2) dwelling; (3) nighttime; (4) cruelty; and (5) quasi-
recidivism. (2017 BAR) Q: Juan de Castro already had three (3) previous
convictions by final judgment for theft when he was
A: The phrase “on occasion of such performance” used in found guilty of Robbery with Homicide. In the last
Art. 148 of the RPC means “by reason of the past case, the trial judge considered against the accused
performance of official duty” because the purpose of the both recidivism and habitual delinquency. The
law is to allow them to discharge their duties without fear accused appealed and contended that in his last
of being assaulted by reason thereof (People v. Renegado, conviction, the trial court cannot consider against him
G.R. No. L-27031, 31 May 1974). Attacking Judge Samsonite a finding of recidivism and, again, of habitual
by reason of past performance of duty of convicting delinquency. Is the appeal meritorious? Explain.
Bernardo based on his assessment of the evidence (2001 BAR)
constitutes qualified direct assault (U.S. v. Garcia, G.R. No.
6820, 16 Oct. 1911). Since the single act of attacking Judge A: NO, the appeal is not meritorious. Recidivism and
Samsonite constitutes direct assault and murder qualified habitual delinquency are correctly considered in this case
by the circumstance of treachery, the two shall be merged because the basis of recidivism is different from that of
together to form a complex crime of direct assault with habitual delinquency.
murder. (People v. Dural, G.R. No. 84921, 08 June 1993;
People v. Rillorta, G.R. No. 57415, 15 Dec. 1989) Juan is a recidivist because he had been previously
convicted by final judgment for theft and again found
Disregard of rank, being inherent in direct assault, is guilty of Robbery with Homicide, which are both crimes
absorbed. Disregard of age shall not be considered for lack against property, embraced under the same Title (Title
of showing intent to offend or insult the age of Judge Ten, Book Two) of the RPC. The implication is that he is
Samsonite. (People v. Onabia, G.R. No. 128288, 20 Apr. specializing in the commission of crimes against property,
1999) hence aggravating in the conviction for Robbery with
Dwelling and nighttime shall not be appreciated because
the presence of treachery in the instant case absorbs these Habitual delinquency, which brings about an additional
aggravating circumstances. penalty when an offender is convicted a third time or
more for specified crimes, is correctly considered because
The crime is not aggravated by cruelty simply because the Juan had already three (3) previous convictions by final
judge sustained 10 stab wounds. For cruelty to be judgment for theft and again convicted for Robbery with
considered as an aggravating circumstance, it must be Homicide. And the crimes specified as basis for habitual
proven that in inflicting several stab wounds on the victim, delinquency includes, inter alia, theft and robbery. (UPLC
the perpetrator intended to exacerbate the pain and Suggested Answers)
suffering of the victim. The number of wounds on the
victim is not proof of cruelty (Simangan v. People, G.R. No. Q: The accused and the victim occupied adjacent
157984, 08 July 2004). Unless there is proof that when the apartments, each being a separate dwelling unit of
2nd or subsequent stabs were made, the Judge was still one big house. The accused suspected his wife of
alive, there is no cruelty to speak of. having an illicit relation with the victim. One
afternoon, he saw the victim and his wife together on
A quasi-recidivist is a person who shall commit a felony board a vehicle. In the evening of that day, the accused
after having been convicted by final judgment, before went to bed early and tried to sleep but being so
beginning to serve such sentence, or while serving the annoyed over the suspected relation between his wife
same (Art. 160, RPC). In this case, Bernardo committed the and the victim, he could not sleep. Later in the night,
crime while the judgment of conviction is on appeal. Thus, he resolved to kill the victim. He rose from bed and
quasi-recidivism cannot be considered since he did not took hold of a knife. He entered the apartment of the
commit the crime after having been convicted by final victim through an unlocked window. Inside, he saw
judgment. (UPLC Suggested Answers) the victim soundly asleep. He thereupon stabbed the
victim, inflicting several wounds, which caused his
Q: TRUE OR FALSE. Amado, convicted of rape but death within a few hours.
granted an absolute pardon by the President, and one

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 20
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Would you say that the killing was attended by the Q: Ben, a widower, driven by bestial desire, poked a
qualifying or aggravating circumstances of evident gun on his daughter Zeny, forcibly undressed her and
premeditation, treachery, nighttime and unlawful tied her legs to the bed. He also burned her face with a
entry? (1997 BAR) lighted cigarette. Like a madman, he laughed while
raping her. What aggravating circumstances are
A: Evident premeditation cannot be considered against present in this case? (1994 BAR)
the accused because he resolved to kill the victim “later in
the night" and there was no sufficient lapse of time A: Cruelty, for burning the victim’s face with a lighted
between the determination and execution, to allow his cigarette, thereby deliberately augmenting the victim’s
conscience to overcome the resolution of his will. suffering by acts clearly unnecessary to the rape, while the
offender delighted and enjoyed seeing the victim suffer in
Treachery may be present because the accused stabbed pain. (People v. Lucas, G.R. 80102, 22 Jan. 1990)
the victim while the latter was sound asleep. Accordingly,
he employed means and methods which directly and Relationship, because the offended party is a descendant
specially insured the execution of the act without risk (daughter) of the offender and considering that the crime
himself arising from the defense which the victim might is one against chastity. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
have made. (People v. Dequiña, G.R. No. 41040, 09 Aug.
1934; People v. Miranda, et al., G.R. No. L-3284, 28 Sept. Q: The robbers killed a mother and her baby, then
1951) threw the body of the baby outside the window. Can
the aggravating circumstance of cruelty be considered
Nighttime cannot be appreciated because there is no in this case? Reason. (1988 BAR)
showing that the accused deliberately sought or availed of
nighttime to insure the success of his act. The Intention to A: NO. Cruelty cannot be considered in this case because
commit the crime was conceived shortly before its the aggravating circumstance of cruelty requires
commission (People v. Pardo. G.R. No. L-562, 19 Nov. 1947). deliberate prolongation of the suffering of the victim. In
Moreover, nighttime is absorbed in treachery. this case, the baby was dead already so that there is no
more prolongation to speak of. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Unlawful entry may be appreciated as an aggravating
circumstance, in as much as the accused entered the room e) ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES
of the victim through the window, which is not the proper (2011, 2002 BAR)
place for entrance into the house. (Art. 14(18), RPC; People
v. Barruga. G.R. No. 42744, 27 Mar. 1935) (UPLC Suggested RELATIONSHIP
Answers) (2011 BAR)

Q: At about 9:30 in the evening, while Dino and Raffy Q: The alternative circumstance of relationship shall
were walking along Padre Faura Street, Manila, NOT be considered between: (2011 BAR)
Johnny hit them with a rock injuring Dino at the back.
Raffy approached Dino, but suddenly, Bobby, Steve, A. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
Danny and Nonoy surrounded the duo. Then Bobby B. Adopted son and legitimate natural daughter.
stabbed Dino. Steve, Danny, Nonoy and Johnny kept on C. Aunt and nephew.
hitting Dino and Raffy with rocks. As a result, Dino D. Stepfather and stepson.
A: C. Aunt and nephew. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Bobby, Steve, Danny, Nonoy and Johnny were charged
with homicide. Can the court appreciate the INTOXICATION
aggravating circumstances of nighttime and band? (2002 BAR)
(1994 BAR)
Q: A was invited to a drinking spree by friends. After
A: NO, nighttime cannot be appreciated as an aggravating having had a drink too many, A and B had a heated
circumstance because there is no indication that the argument, during which A stabbed B. As a result, B
offenders deliberately sought the cover of darkness to suffered serious physical injuries. May the
facilitate the commission of the crime or that they took intoxication of A be considered aggravating or
advantage of nighttime (People v. De los Reyes, G.R. No. mitigating? (2002 BAR)
85771, 19 Nov. 1991). Besides, judicial notice can be taken
of the fact that Padre Faura Street is well-lighted. A: The intoxication of A may be prima facie considered
mitigating since it was merely incidental to the
However, band should be considered as the crime was commission of the crime. It may not be considered
committed by more than three armed malefactors; in a aggravating as there is no clear indication from the facts of
recent Supreme Court decision, stones or rocks are the case that it was habitual or intentional on the part of A.
considered deadly weapons. (UPLC Suggested Answers) Aggravating circumstances are not to be presumed; they

21 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
should be proved beyond reasonable doubt. (UPLC acquires a very serious public dimension and goes beyond
Suggested Answers) the respective rights and liabilities of family members
among themselves. Effectively, when the offender resorts
f. ABSOLUTORY CAUSES to an act that breaches the public interest in the integrity
(2019, 2018, 2013, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2003, 2000, of public documents as a means to violate the property
1995, 1990, 1989 BAR) rights of a family member, he is removed from the
protective mantle of the absolutory cause under Art. 332.
PERSONS EXEMPT FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR (Intestate Estate of Gonzales Vda. De Carungcong v. People,
THEFT, SWINDLING AND MALICIOUS MISCHIEF G.R. No. 181409, 11 Feb. 2010) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
ART. 332
(2019, 2013, 1989 BAR) Q: A is married to the sister of B, and the three (3) live
together in a house located a Caloocan City. On several
Q: Ms. E was charged with the complex crime of Estafa occasions, B's dog would bark at A everytime he
through Falsification of Public Documents before the arrives at past midnight. One time, after arriving in
trial court. Prior to her arraignment, Ms. E moved for the house at around 2 o'clock in the morning, B’s dog
the dismissal of the criminal case against her, pointing barked continuously at A. In a fit of anger, A entered
out that the private offended party is her biological the house, took a bolo and killed the dog. What crime
father, and that such relationship is an absolutory was committed and what is liability of A? Explain.
cause under Art. 332 of the RPC. Is Ms. E's contention (1989 BAR)
correct? Explain. (2019 BAR)
A: The crime committed by A is malicious mischief. The
A: NO, Ms. E’s contention is incorrect. While Art. 332 of the elements of this are: (1) the offender caused damages to
RPC provides an absolutory cause for the crimes of theft, the property of other (2) the damage caused did not
swindling or estafa, and malicious mischief against constitute arson or any other crime involving destruction
defendants, the exemption does not apply to complex and (3) the damage was caused by the offender (Caballes
crimes. (UPLC Suggested Answers) v. DAR, G.R. No. 78214, 05 Dec. 1988). A's act of killing the
dog is characterized by malice, it being a product of anger
Q: William is the son-in-law of Mercedes who owns and resentment.
several pieces of real property. In 1994, William’s
wife, Anita, died. In 1996, William caused the However, A is exempt from criminal liability for the crime
preparation of a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) committed by him because he is the brother-in-law of the
giving him the authority to sell two (2) parcels of land offended party and they are both living together under the
registered in the name of Mercedes. The signature of same roof. Under Art. 332 of the RPC, no criminal, but only
Mercedes in the SPA was forged and, through this civil, liability shall result from the commission of the crime
forged SPA and without the consent and knowledge of of theft, swindling or malicious mischief committed or
Mercedes, William succeeded in selling the two (2) caused mutually by, among others, brothers and sisters
parcels for Php2,000,000. He pocketed the proceeds of and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if living together.
the sale. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

Mercedes eventually discovered William’s misdeeds ACCESSORIES EXEMPT FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY BY
and filed a criminal complaint. William was REASON OF RELATIONSHIP
subsequently charged with estafa through falsification Art. 20
of public document. Was the criminal charge proper? (2004 BAR)
(2013 BAR)
Q: DCB, the daughter of MCB, stole the earrings of XYZ,
A: The criminal charge of estafa through falsification is a stranger. MCB pawned the earrings with TBI
correct. William forged the signature of his mother-in-law Pawnshop as a pledge for P500 loan. During the trial,
in the Special Power of Attorney, which is a public MCB raised the defense that being the mother of DCB,
document, as a necessary means to sell her properties to she cannot be held liable as an accessory. Will MCB's
third parties without delivering the proceeds thereof. defense prosper? Reason briefly. (2004 BAR)

Although the relationship of affinity created between A: NO. MCB's defense will not prosper because the
William and his mother-in-law survived the death of exemption from criminal liability of an accessory by virtue
either party to the marriage, the coverage of the of relationship with the principal does not cover
absolutory cause under Art. 332(1) of the RPC cannot be accessories who themselves profited from or assisted the
applied to him. It is strictly limited to the simple crimes of offender to profit by the effects or proceeds of the crime.
theft, estafa and malicious mischief. It does not apply This non-exemption of an accessory, though related to the
where any of the crimes mentioned is. complexed with principal of the crime, is expressly provided in Art. 20 of
another crime. This is because when estafa is committed the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
through falsification of a public document, the matter

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 22
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
3. PERSONS LIABLE AND Roberto is principal by direct participation as he took a
DEGREE OF PARTICIPATION direct part in the execution of the plan to kill Ricardo by
(2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, firing his gun at the room of the intended victim. Rafael is
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, principal by indispensable cooperation not only because
2005, 2004, 2003, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, he lent his gun to Roberto fully knowing the unlawful
1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987 BAR) intent of the latter, but also drove him to the place of the
commission of crime and to a place where he could
(2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
Ruel being involved in the criminal plan to kill Ricardo
2009, 2008, 2007, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1998,
acted in conspiracy with the two (2) other perpetrators
1995, 1994, 1990, 1989, 1987 BAR)
staying in the place from the time they planned the crime
up to its finalization. They were together in the car driven
by Rafael going to the next town in escaping from the
(2019, 2018, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2003,
scene of the crime. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
2002, 2000, 1995, 1994, 1990, 1989 BAR)

Q: Mr. Red was drinking with his buddies, Mr. White

Q: Roberto and Ricardo have had a long-standing
and Mr. Blue when he saw Mr. Green with his former
dispute regarding conflicting claims over the
girlfriend, Ms. Yellow. Already drunk, Mr. Red
ownership of a parcel of land. One night, Roberto was
declared in a loud voice that if he could not have Ms.
so enraged that he decided to kill Ricardo. Roberto
Yellow, no one can. He then proceeded to the men’s
asked his best friend, Rafael, to lend him a gun and
room but told Mr. White and Mr. Blue to take care of
drive him to Ricardo’s house. Rafael knew about
Mr. Green. Mr. Blue and Mr. White asked Mr. Red what
Roberto’s plan to kill Ricardo, but agreed to lend him
he meant but Mr. Red simply said, "You already know
a gun nevertheless. Rafael also drove Roberto to the
what I want," and then left. Mr. Blue and Mr. White
street corner nearest the house of Ricardo. Rafael
proceeded to kill Mr. Green and hurt Ms. Yellow.
waited for him there, until the task had been
(2014 BAR)
accomplished, so that he could drive Roberto to the
next town to evade arrest. Roberto also asked another
(a) What, if any, are the respective liabilities of
friend, Ruel, to stand guard outside Ricardo’s house,
Mr. Red, Mr. White and Mr. Blue for the death
for the purpose of warning him in case there was any
of Mr. Green?
danger or possible witnesses, and to keep other
persons away from the vicinity. All three – Roberto,
A: Mr. Blue and Mr. White are liable for the death of Mr.
Rafael and Ruel – agreed to the plan and their
Green as principals by direct participation. They were the
respective roles.
ones who participated in the criminal resolution and who
carried out their plan and personally took part in its
On the agreed date, Rafael drove Roberto and Ruel to
execution by acts which directly tended to the same end.
the nearest corner near Ricardo’s house. Roberto and
Ruel walked about 50 meters where Ruel took his
Mr. Red cannot be held criminally liable as principal by
post as guard, and Roberto walked about five (5)
inducement because his statement that Mr. Blue and Mr.
meters more, aimed the gun at Ricardo’s bedroom,
White are to take care of Mr. Green was not made directly
and peppered it with bullets. When he thought that he
with the intention of procuring the commission of the
had accomplished his plan, Roberto ran away,
crime. There is no showing that the words uttered by him
followed by Ruel, and together they rode in Rafael’s
may be considered as so efficacious and powerful so as to
car where they drove to the next town to spend the
amount to physical or moral coercion (People v. Assad, G.R.
night there.
No. L-33673, 24 Feb. 1931). Neither is there evidence to
show that Mr. Red has an ascendancy or influence over
It turned out that Ricardo was out of town when the
Mr. White and Mr. Blue. (People v. Abarri, G.R. No. 90815,
incident happened, and no one was in his room at the
01 Mar. 1995)
time it was peppered with bullets. Thus, no one was
killed or injured during the incident. If a crime was
(b) What, if any, are the respective liabilities of
committed, what is the degree of participation of
Mr. Red, Mr. White and Mr. Blue for the
Roberto, Rafael, and Ruel? (2018 BAR)
injuries of Ms. Yellow?

A: All the perpetrators (Roberto, Ricardo and Rafael) are

A: Mr. Blue and Mr. White are liable as principals by direct
criminally liable as principals since the conspiracy among
participation for the crime of physical injuries for hurting
them was clearly established by their participation.
Ms. Yellow to the extent of the injuries inflicted. Having no
participation in the attack upon Ms. Yellow, Mr. Red would
have no criminal liability therefor. (UPLC Suggested

23 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: A asked B to kill C because of a grave injustice done 2. An accomplice incurs criminal liability in an individual
to A by C. A promised B a reward. B was willing to kill capacity by his act alone of cooperating in the
C, not so much because of the reward promised to him execution of the crime; while a conspirator incurs
but because he also had his own long-standing grudge criminal liability not only for his individual acts in the
against C, who had wronged him in the past. If C killed execution of the crime but also for the acts of the
by B, would A be liable as a principal by inducement? other participants in the commission of the crime
(2002 BAR) collectively. The acts of the other participants in the
execution of the crime are considered also as acts of a
A: NO. A would not be liable as principal by inducement conspirator for purposes of collective criminal
because the reward he promised B is not the sole responsibility.
impelling reason which made B kill C. To bring about the
criminal liability of a co-principal, the inducement made 3. An accomplice participates in the execution of a crime
by the inducer must be the sole consideration which when the criminal design or plan is already in place;
caused the person induced to commit the crime and whereas a conspirator participates in the adoption or
without which the crime would not have been committed. making of the criminal design.
The facts of the case would indicate that B, the killer
supposedly induced by A had his own reason to kill C out 4. An accomplice is subjected to a penalty one degree
of a long standing grudge. (UPLC Suggested Answers) lower than that of a principal; whereas a conspirator
incurs the penalty of a principal. (UPLC Suggested
Q: Tata owns a three-storey building. She wanted to Answers)
construct a new building but had no money to finance
the construction. So, she insured the building for Q: Ponciano borrowed Ruben’s gun, saying that he
P3,000,000.00. She then urged Yoboy and Yongsi, for would use it to kill Freddie. Because Ruben also
monetary consideration, to burn her building so she resented Freddie, he readily lent his gun, but told
could collect the insurance proceeds. Yoboy and Ponciano: "O, pagkabaril mo kay Freddie, isauli mo
Yongsi burned the said building resulting to its total kaagad, ha." Later, Ponciano killed Freddie, but used a
loss. What is their respective criminal liability? (1994 knife because he did not want Freddie’s neighbors to
BAR) hear the gunshot. (2009 BAR)

A: Tata is a principal by inducement for the crime of (a) What, if any, is the liability of Ruben? Explain.
destructive arson because she directly induced Yoboy and
Yongsi, for a price or monetary consideration, to commit A: Ruben’s liability is that of an accomplice only because
arson which the latter would not have committed were it he merely cooperated in Pociano’s determination to kill
not for such reason. Yoboy and Yongsi are principals by Freddie. Such cooperation is not indispensable to the
direct participation. (Art. 17(1) and (2), RPC) (UPLC killing, as in fact the killing was carried out without the
Suggested Answers) use of Ruben’s gun. Neither may Ruben be regarded as a
co-conspirator since he was not a participant in the
ACCOMPLICE decision-making of Ponciano to kill Freddie; he merely
(2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2007 BAR) cooperated in carrying out the criminal plan which was
already in place. (Art. 18, RPC)
Q: Who is an accomplice? (2012 BAR)
(b) Would your answer be the same if, instead of
A: Accomplices are those persons who, not being the Freddie, it was Manuel, a relative of Ruben,
principal, cooperate in the execution of the offense by who was killed by Ponciano using Ruben’s
previous or simultaneous acts. (Art. 18, RPC) gun? Explain.

Q: Distinguish between an accomplice and a A: NO. The answer would not be the same because Ruben
conspirator. (2012, 2007 BAR) lent his gun purposely for the killing of Freddie only, not
for any other killing. Ponciano’s using Ruben’s gun in
A: The distinction between an accomplice and a killing a person other than Freddie is beyond Ruben’s
conspirator are: criminal intent and willing involvement. Only Ponciano
will answer for the crime against Manuel. (UPLC Suggested
1. An accomplice incurs criminal liability by merely Answers)
cooperating in the execution of the crime without
participating as a principal, by prior or simultaneous
acts; whereas a conspirator participates in the
commission of a crime as a co-principal.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 24
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
(2020-21, 2013, 2010, 2004, 1998, 1989, 1987 BAR) (2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003,
Q: In an act of rage while playing golf, a high-ranking 1998, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990,
public official hit a caddy with a golf club at hole 1988, 1987 BAR)
number 9 of a golf course. The caddy fell and died
immediately. The public official called a loyal security Q: Differentiate wheel conspiracy and chain
guard who did not witness the incident. The security conspiracy. (2017, 2016 BAR)
guard was instructed to put the caddy’s lifeless body
in the golf cart and dump it in the nearby lake. The A: There are two structures of multiple conspiracies,
public official wanted to make it appear that the caddy namely: wheel or circle conspiracy and chain conspiracy.
died of drowning. The corpus delicti of the crime was
discovered. Both the high-ranking public official and A “wheel conspiracy” occurs when there is a single person
the security guard were charged as co-conspirators or group (the hub) dealing individually with two or more
for the crime of homicide. other persons or groups (the spokes). The spoke typically
interacts with the hub rather than with another spoke. In
Can the security guard be convicted as a principal to the event that the spoke shares a common purpose to
the crime of Homicide? Explain briefly. (2020-21 BAR) succeed, there is a single conspiracy. However, in the
instances when each spoke is unconcerned with the
A: NO. The security guard cannot be considered as success of the other spokes, there are multiple
principal of the crime of Homicide. The security guard did conspiracies.
not conspire with the high-ranking official in killing the
victim as his participation is merely an accessory of the A “chain conspiracy”, on the other hand, exists when
crime committed shown by his act of putting the caddy’s there is successive communication and cooperation in
lifeless body in the golf cart and dump it in the nearby much the same way as with legitimate business operations
lake, which act was made subsequently to the commission between manufacturer and wholesaler, then wholesaler
of the crime of Homicide. and retailer, and then retailer and consumer. (Estrada v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148965, 26 Feb. 2002) (UPLC
Accessories are those who, having knowledge of the Suggested Answers)
commission of the crime, and without having participated
therein, either as principals or accomplices, take part Q: State the concept of “implied conspiracy” and give
subsequent to its commission such as when he conceals or its legal effects. (2003, 1998 BAR)
destroyed the corpus delicti or the body of the crime of the
effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its A: An implied conspiracy is one which is only inferred or
discovery. (Art. 19, RPC) (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, deduced from the manner of participants in the
2022) commission of crime carried out its execution. Where the
offenders acted in concert in the commission of the crime,
Q: Immediately after murdering Bob, Jake went to his meaning that their acts are coordinated or synchronized
mother to seek refuge. His mother told him to hide in in a way indicative that they are pursuing a common
the maid’s quarters until she finds a better place for criminal objective, they shall be deemed to be acting in
him to hide. After two days, Jake transferred to his conspiracy and their criminal liability shall be collective,
aunt’s house. A week later, Jake was apprehended by not individual.
the police. Can Jake’s mother and aunt be made
criminally liable as accessories to the crime of The legal effects of an implied conspiracy are:
murder? Explain. (2010, 1998 BAR)
(1) Not all those who are present at the scene of the crime
A: Obviously, Jake’s mother was aware of her son’s having will be considered as co-conspirators;
committed a felony, such that her act of harboring and (2) Only those who participated by criminal acts in the
concealing him renders her liable as an accessory. But commission of the crime will be considered as co-
being an ascendant to Jake, she is exempt from criminal conspirators; and
liability by express provision of Art. 20 of the RPC. (3) Mere acquiescence to or approval of the commission
of the crime, without any act of criminal participation,
On the other hand, the criminal liability of Jake’s aunt shall not render one criminally liable as co-
depends on her knowledge of his commission of the conspirator. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
felony, her act of harboring and concealing Jake would
render her criminally liable as accessory to the crime of Q: Bernardo, a mayoralty candidate of Osram City,
murder; otherwise, without knowledge of Jake’s wanted to eliminate Yori, his political opponent. Yori
commission of the felony, she would not be liable. (UPLC announced his intention to run for mayor of the same
Suggested Answers) city. A month before the filing of candidacy, Bernardo
and Benjamin met at a hotel and discussed their plan

25 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
to kill Yori on the day when he would file his campaign manager was charged with the crime of
certificate of candidacy. Based on their agreement, Proposal to commit murder.
Bernardo would provide the guns and the money,
while Benjamin would provide the personnel to Can the campaign manager be convicted of offense
cordon off all roads leading to the COMELEC’s local charged? Explain briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
A: NO. The campaign manager is not liable for the offense
On the day of the execution of the plan, however, charged. Conspiracy and proposal to commit felony are
Benjamin flew to Manila to avoid being involved in the punishable only in the cases in which the law specially
planned killing of Yori. Bernardo, determined to kill provides a penalty therefor. There is proposal when the
Yori, convened his own armed group and laid out a person who has decided to commit a felony proposes its
new plan to kill Yori, and in accordance with it, his execution to some other person or persons (Art. 8, RPC).
armed group patrolled all the roads leading to the When the campaign manager proposed to commit murder,
COMELEC’s local office. Bernardo remained in his he is not yet criminally liable unless they proceeded in the
house and monitored the execution of the plan from execution of the crime. Proposal to commit murder is not a
there. As soon as Yori and his supporters passed by crime itself under the RPC. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria,
the main road at around 2:00 p.m., Bernardo’s armed 2022)
group opened fire at them.
Q: Mr. X has always been infatuated with Ms. Y.
Yori was unharmed as he was inside a bullet proof Scorned by Mr. Y's disregard for his feelings towards
vehicle, but ten of his supporters were killed. her, Mr. X came up with a plan to abduct Ms. Y in order
Bernardo, the members of his armed group, and to have carnal knowledge of her with the help of his
Benjamin were later charged with ten counts of buddies, A, B, and C.
Murder for the death of Yori’s supporters and one
count of Attempted Murder of Yori. On the day they decided to carry out the plan, and
while surreptitiously waiting for Ms. Y, C had a change
Discuss the criminal liability for the crimes charged of heart and left. This notwithstanding, Mr. X, A, and B
against each of the following: (i) Bernardo, (ii) the continued with the plan and abducted Ms. Y by
members of Bernardo’s armed group, and (iii) forcefully taking her to a deserted house away from
Benjamin. Explain briefly. (2022 BAR) the city. There, Mr. X restrained Ms. Y's arms, while A
held her legs apart. B stood as a lookout. Mr. X was
A: Bernardo and the members of his armed group are all then able to have carnal knowledge of Ms. Y, who was
liable in conspiracy for the death of Yori’s supporters and resisting throughout the entire ordeal.
the attempted murder against Yori.
Consequently, Mr. X was charged with the crime of
The moment it is established that the malefactors Forcible Abduction under the RPC. Assuming that A, B,
conspired and confederated in the commission of the and C are also charged, may they be held criminally
felony proved, collective liability of the accused liable together with Mr. X? Explain. (2019 BAR)
conspirators attached by reason of the conspiracy, and the
court shall not speculate nor even investigate as to the A: NO. Only A and B may be held criminally liable together
actual degree of participation of each of the perpetrators with Mr. X. Under Art. 8, par. 1 of the RPC, a conspiracy
present at the scene of the crime. exists when two or more persons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to
Although Bernardo was remote from the situs of the commit it. With A holding Ms. Y’s legs apart and B standing
aggression, it could be drawn within the enveloping ambit as a lookout, they actively participated in the commission
of the conspiracy that his moral ascendency over the rest of the crime and are guilty as co-conspirators. (People v.
of the conspirators, the latter were moved or impelled to Tumalip, G.R. No. L-28451, 28 Oct. 1974)
carry out the conspiracy. (People vs. Go, G.R. No. 168539, 25
Mar. 2014) C may not be held criminally liable. C dissociated himself
from the conspiracy when he had a change of heart and
As regards Benjamin, he incurs no criminal liability. In left. His disavowal of the conspiracy was effective since he
conspiracy, as a mode of incurring criminal liability, if the decided not to perform his part in the conspiracy before
offender did not proceed in committing the crime, the act any material act of execution leading to the Rape was
of planning the commission of the crime is not punishable. committed. Mere knowledge, acquiescence, or approval of
(Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2023) the act without cooperation is not enough to constitute
one as a party to a conspiracy. (Taer v. CA, G.R. No. 85204,
Q: During one of their intense operational meetings, 18 Jun. 1990) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
the campaign manager of 2 presidential candidate
openly suggested, “Dapat ipapatay na lang natin ang
mga bumabatikos sa kandidato na un.” Later, the

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 26
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Q: Together XA, YB and ZC planned to rob Miss OD. latter. Whereupon, Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito ganged
They entered her house by breaking one of the up on Yabang, Warlito, using his own pistol, shot and
windows in her house. After taking her personal wounded Yabang.
properties and as they were about to leave, XA
decided on impulse to rape OD. As XA was molesting What are the criminal libailities of Yoyong, Zoilo and
her, YB and ZC stood outside the door of her bedroom Warlito for the injury to Yabang? Was there
and did nothing to prevent XA from raping OD. conspiracy and treachery? (1992 BAR)

What crime/s did XA, YB and ZC commit and what is A: If they have to be criminally liable at all, each will be
the criminal liability of each? Explain briefly. (2004 responsible for their individual acts as there appears to be
BAR) no conspiracy, as the acts of the three were spontaneous
and a reflex response to Yabang’s shooting of Sergio.
A: The crime committed by XA, YB and ZC is the composite There was no concerted act that will lead to a common
crime of Robbery with Rape, a single, indivisible offense purpose. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
under Art. 294 (1) of the RPC.
Although the conspiracy among the offenders was only to (DIFFERENCES, RULES, EFFECTS)
commit robbery and only XA raped CD, the other robbers, (2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2014, 2012, 1998, 1989 BAR)
YB and ZC, were present and aware of the rape being
committed by their co-conspirator. Having done nothing NOTE: See also Q&As under Aggravating Circumstances –
to stop XA from committing the rape, YB and ZC thereby page 16.
concurred in the commission of the rape by their co-
conspirator XA. (1) RECIDIVISM
(2014, 1998 BAR)
The criminal liability of all, XA, YZ, and ZC, shall be the
same, as principals in the special complex crime of Q: Distinguish between recidivism and quasi-
robbery with rape which is a single, indivisible offense recidivism. (1998 BAR)
where the rape accompanying the robbery is just a
component. (UPLC Suggested Answers) A: In recidivism –
a. The convictions of the offender are for crimes
Q: As a result of a misunderstanding during a meeting, embraced in the same Title of the RPC; and
Joe was mauled by Nestor, Jolan, Reden, and Arthur. b. This circumstance is generic aggravating and
He ran towards his house but the four chased and therefore can be effect by an ordinary mitigating
caught him. Thereafter, they tied Joe’s hands at his circumstance.
back and attacked him. Nestor used a knife; Jolan, a
shovel; Arthur, his fists; and Reden, a piece of wood. Whereas in quasi-recidivism –
After killing Joe, Reden ordered the digging of a grave a. The convictions are not for crimes embraced in the
to bury Joe’s lifeless body. Thereafter, the four (4) left same Title of the RPC, provided that it is a felony
together. Convicted for the killing of Joe, Arthur now that was committed by the offender before serving
claims that his conviction is erroneous as it was not he sentence by final judgment for another crime or
who conflicted the fatal blow. Would you sustain his while serving sentence for another crime; and
claim? (1993 BAR)
b. This circumstance is a special aggravating
A: NO. Arthur’s claim is without merit. The offenders acted circumstance which cannot be offset by any
in conspiracy in killing the victim and hence, liable mitigating circumstance. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
collectively. The act of one is the act of all.
Q: During trial for theft in 2014, the prosecution
The existence of a conspiracy among the offenders can be managed to show that accused AA has also been
clearly deduced or inferred from the manner they convicted by final judgment for robbery in 2003, but
committed the killing, demonstrating a common criminal she eluded capture. A subsequent verification showed
purpose and intent. There being a conspiracy, the that AA had several convictions, to wit:
individual acts of each participant is not considered
because their liability is collective. (UPLC Suggested 1. In 1998, she was convicted of estafa;
Answers) 2. In 2002, she was convicted of theft;
3. In 2004, she was convicted of frustrated homicide.
Q: As Sergio, Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito engaged in a
drinking spree at Heartthrob Disco, Special Police The judge trying the theft case in 2014 is about to
Officer 3 (SPO3) Manolo Yabang suddenly approached convict AA. What circumstances affecting the liability
them, aimed his revolver at Sergio whom he or penalty may the judge appreciate against AA?
recognized as a wanted killer and fatally shot the (2014 BAR)

27 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A: The judge may appreciate the aggravating circumstance and with his back turned against Robbie, Robbie
of recidivism. A recidivist is one who, at the time of his stabbed him in the back with a bladed weapon that he
trial for one crime, shall have been previously convicted had concealed in his waist. Hurt, Rannie ran to the
by final judgment of another crime embraced in the same nearest “kubol” where he fell. Robbie ran after him·
title of the RPC. Robbery, theft and estafa are crimes and, while Rannie was lying on the ground, Robbie
against property embraced in Title Ten of the RPC. continued to stab him, inflicting a total of 15 stab
wounds. He died on the spot. (2018 BAR)
The judge may also appreciate the aggravating
circumstance of habituality or reiteracion, because there (a) Is Robbie a recidivist, or a quasi-recidivist?
have been two or more crimes committed for which she
has been punished, regardless of the degree of penalty. A: Robbie is considered a quasi-recidivist pursuant to Art.
(UPLC Suggested Answers) 160 of the RPC. At the time he stabbed Rannie which
resulted in the latter’s death, he had been convicted by
(2) HABITUALITY (REITERACION) final judgment and had been serving sentence at the
(1989 BAR) National Penitentiary.
In quasi-recidivism, the first and second offenses need not
Q: Andres was earlier convicted of adultery and be embraced in the same title of the RPC. A recidivist, on
served an indeterminate penalty, the maximum term the other hand, requires that the crimes committed must
of which did not exceed two (2) years, four (4) months be embraced in the same title of the RPC. Because the
and one (1) day of prision correccional. A month after killing of Rannie and the robbery, in which Robbie was
his release from prison, he was charge with the crime previously convicted by final judgment, were not under
of serious physical injuries. Later, Andres was again the same title, Robbie cannot be considered a recidivist.
charged with homicide punishable by reclusion
temporal. He entered a plea of guilty in the homicide (b) Can the mitigating circumstances raised by
case. May the aggravating circumstance of habituality Robbie, if proven, lower the penalty for the
(reiteracion) be appreciated against Andres? Explain. crime committed?
(Question reframed) (1989 BAR)
A: NO. If proven, the presence of the mitigating
A: The aggravating circumstance of habituality or circumstances of lack of sufficient provocation and
reiteracion cannot be taken against Andres because in voluntary surrender would be of no consequence as quasi-
order for this circumstance to exist, it is necessary that: recidivism cannot be offset by any ordinary mitigating
circumstance. (People v. Macariola, G.R. No. L-40757, 24
1. The accused is on trial for an offense; Jan. 1983) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
2. He previously served sentence for another offense to
which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty, or (4) HABITUAL DELINQUENCY
for two or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter (2020-21, 2019, 2012 BAR)
penalty than that for the new offense; and
3. He is convicted of the new offense. Q: Who is a habitual delinquent? (2012 BAR)

In the case at bar, Andres had previously served sentence A: A habitual delinquent is one who is convicted of a crime
only for one offense, that of adultery, but the penalty for of falsification, estafa, robbery, serious physical injuries,
adultery (prison correccional) is lighter than the penalty and theft. If the offender within ten years from his last
for homicide (reclusion-temporal). Consequently, there is conviction or within ten years from his release from jail of
no aggravating circumstance of habituality or reiteracion. any of the offenses enumerated, shall have a conviction for
(UPLC Suggested Answers) the third time of said offenses, he shall be considered a
habitual delinquent.
(2018 BAR) Q: Distinguish habitual delinquency from recidivism
as to the crimes committed, the period of time the
Q: Robbie and Rannie are both inmates of the National crimes are committed, the number of crimes
Penitentiary, serving the maximum penalty for committed and their effects in relation to the penalty
robbery which they committed some years before and to be imposed on a convict. (2012 BAR)
for which they have been sentenced by final judgment.
A: Difference of recidivism and habitual delinquency:
One day, Robbie tried to collect money owed by
Rannie. Rannie insisted that he did not owe Robbie (a) Nature of crime – In recidivism, the first crime, and
anything, and after a shouting episode, Rannie kicked the aggravated second crime are embraced in the
Robbie in the stomach. Robbie fell to the ground in same Title of the RPC. In habitual delinquency, the
pain, and Rannie left him to go to the toilet to relieve first, second and third crimes must be a habitual-
himself. As Rannie was opening the door to the toilet delinquency crime, and that is, serious or less serious

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 28
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
physical injuries, theft, robbery, estafa or falsification Threats in a separate criminal proceeding, and hence,
of document. meted with the penalty of prision mayor for each
count. Is Mr. N considered a habitual delinquent?
(b) Time element – In recidivism, the accused was Explain. (2019 BAR)
convicted of the first crime by final judgment at the
time of trial of the second crime. In habitual A: NO. Mr. N is not a habitual delinquent. Under Art. 62 of
delinquency, the accused was convicted of first the RPC, a person shall be deemed to be a habitual
habitual-delinquency crime; within 10° years after delinquent, if within the period of 10 years from the date
conviction or release, he was found guilty of habitual- of his last release or last conviction of the crimes of
delinquency crime for the second time; within 10 serious or less serious physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa,
years after conviction or release he was found guilty or falsification, he is found guilty of any of the said crimes
of habitual-delinquency crime for the third time or a third time or oftener. Here, Mr. N did not commit the
oftener. specific crimes above mentioned. (UPLC Suggested
(c) Number of crimes – In recidivism, there must be at
least two crimes committed; while in habitual d) DECREE PENALIZING OBSTRUCTION AND
delinquency, there must be at least three crimes PROSECUTION OF CRIMINAL OFFENDERS
committed. P.D. No. 1829

(d) Nature of the aggravating circumstance –

Recidivism is ordinary aggravating circumstance, the C. PENALTIES
presence of any of which will trigger the application of (2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012,
the penalty for the second crime committed in its 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
maximum period unless it is offset by mitigating 1999, 1998, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988
circumstance. Habitual delinquency is an BAR)
extraordinary or special aggravating circumstance,
the presence of which will trigger the imposition of
additional penalty for the third or subsequent crime.
This is not subject to the offset rule. (UPLC Suggested 1. IMPOSABLE PENALTIES
Answers) (2010, 2005, 2004, 1998, 1995, 1991, 1988 BAR)

Q: Juan de Castro already had three (3) previous Q:

convictions by final judgment for theft when he was (a) State the two classes of penalties under the RPC.
found guilty of Rob- bery with Homicide. In the last Define each. (1988 BAR)
case, the trial Judge consid- ered against the accused
both recidivism and habitual delinquency. The A: The two classes of penalties under Art. 25 of the RPC
accused appealed and contended that in his last are as follows:
conviction, the trial court cannot consider against him
a finding of recidivism and, again, of habitual 1. Principal – A principal penalty is defined as that
delinquency. Is the appeal meritorious? (2020-21 provided for a felony and which is imposed by court
BAR) expressly upon conviction.

A: NO, the appeal is not meritorious. Recidivism and 2. Accessory – An accessory penalty is defined as that
habitual delinquency are correctly considered in this case deemed included in the imposition of the principal
because the basis of recidivism is different from that of penalty.
habitual delinquency. Juan is a recidivist. Habitual
delinquency, which brings about an additional penalty (b) May censure be included in a sentence of
when an offender is convicted a third time or more for acquittal? (1988 BAR)
specified crimes, is correctly considered because Juan had
already three (3) previous convictions by final judgment A: Censure may not be included in a sentence of acquittal
for theft and again convicted for Robbery with Homicide. because a censure is a penalty. Censure is repugnant and
And the crimes specified as basis for habitual delinquency is essentially inconsistent and contrary to an acquittal.
includes, inter alia, theft and robbery. (UPLC Suggested (People v. Abellera, GR No. L-23533, 01 Aug. 1925) (UPLC
Answers) Suggested Answers)

Q: In Nov. 2018, Mr. N, a notorious criminal, was found Q: Imagine that you are a Judge trying a case, and
guilty of three (3) counts of Murder and was based on the evidence presented and the applicable
consequently sentenced with the penalty of reclusion law, you have decided on the guilt of two (2) accused.
perpetua for each count. A month after, he was Indicate the five (5) steps you would follow to
likewise found guilty of five (5) counts of Grave determine the exact penalty to be imposed. Stated

29 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
differently, what are the factors you must consider to 3. DURATION AND EFFECTS
arrive at the correct penalty? (1991 BAR) (2005, 2001, 1994 BAR)

Q: After trial, Judge Juan Laya of the Manila RTC found
1. Determine the crime committed;
Benjamin Garcia guilty of Murder, the victim having
2. Stage of execution and degree of participation;
sustained several bullet wounds in his body so that he
3. Determine the penalty
died despite medical assistance given in the Ospital ng
4. Consider the modifying circumstances;
Manila. Because the weapon used by Benjamin was
5. Determine whether Indeterminate Sentence Law is
unlicensed and the qualifying circumstance of
applicable or not. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
treachery was found to be present. Judge Laya
rendered his decision convicting Benjamin and
sentencing him to "reclusion perpetua or life
R.A. No. 9346
(2010, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1994,
Are "reclusion perpetua" and life imprisonment the
1988 BAR)
same and can be imposed interchangeably as in the
foregoing sentence? Or are they totally different? State
Q: Because of the barbarity and hideousness of the
your reasons. (2005, 2001, 1994 BAR)
acts committed by the suspects/respondents in
cutting off their victims’ appendages, stuffing their
A: The penalty of reclusion perpetua and the penalty of life
torsos, legs, body parts Into oil drums and bullet-
imprisonment are totally different from each other and
riddled vehicles and later on burying these oil drums,
therefore, should not be used interchangeably. Reclusion
vehicles with the use of backhoes and other earth-
perpetua is a penalty prescribed by the RPC, with a fixed
moving machinery, the Commission on Human Rights
duration of imprisonment from 20 years and 1 day to 40
(CHR) investigating team recommended to the panel
years and carries it with accessory penalties. Life
of public prosecutors that all respondents be charged
imprisonment, on the other hand, is a penalty prescribed
with violation of the “Heinous Crimes Law.” The
by special laws, with no fixed duration of imprisonment
Prosecution panel agreed with the CHR. As the Chief
and without any accessory penalty. (UPLC Suggested
Prosecutor tasked with approving the filing of the
Information, how will you pass upon the
recommendation? Explain. (2010 BAR)
Q: Under Art. 27 of the RPC, as amended by R.A. No.
7659, reclusion perpetua shall be from 20 years and 1
A: The CHR is correct in describing the crimes committed
day to 40 years. Does this mean that reclusion
as “heinous crimes”, as defined in the preamble of the
perpetua is now a divisible penalty? Explain. (2005
“Heinous Crimes Law” (R.A. No. 7659), despite the passage
of R.A. No. 9346 prohibiting the imposition of the death
A: NO, because the Supreme Court has repeatedly called
the attention of the Bench and the Bar to the fact that the
However, the “Heinous Crimes Law” does not define
penalties of reclusion perpetua and life imprisonment are
crimes; it is only an amendatory law increasing the
not synonymous and should be applied correctly and as
penalty for the crimes specified therein as heinous, to a
may be specified by the applicable law. Reclusion
maximum of death. Thus, the heinous crimes committed
perpetua has a specific duration of 20 years and 1 day to
shall be prosecuted under the penal law they are
40 years (Art. 27, RPC) and accessory penalties (Art. 41,
respectively defined and penalized, such as the RPC as the
RPC), while life imprisonment has no definite term or
case may be. The circumstances making the crimes
accessory penalties. Also, life imprisonment is imposable
heinous may be alleged as qualifying or generic
on crimes punished by special laws, and not on felonies in
aggravating, if proper. The crime shall be designated as
the Code. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
defined and punished under the penal law violated and
the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua without the benefit
of parole or life imprisonment without the benefit of
parole, as the case may be in lieu of the death penalty.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)


U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 30
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
4. APPLICATION A: NO, subsidiary imprisonment does not apply to civil
(2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, liability but only for non-payment of fine. Here, there is no
2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2002, 1999, 1997, 1994, penalty of fine imposed by the trial court. (UPLC Suggested
1991, 1990, 1989, 1988 BAR) Answers)


Q: What are the penalties that may be served
R.A. No. 4103, as amended
simultaneously? (2007 BAR)
(2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012,
2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2002, 1999, 1997,
A: The penalties that may be served simultaneously are
1994, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988 BAR)
imprisonment/destierro and –

Q: Explain the application of the Indeterminate

1. Perpetual absolute disqualification;
Sentence Law. (2016, 1988 BAR)
2. Perpetual special disqualification;
3. Temporary absolute disqualification;
A: The court shall sentence the accused to an
4. Temporary special disqualification;
indeterminate sentence the maximum term of which shall
5. Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be
be that which, in view of the attending circumstances,
voted for and the right to follow a profession or
could be properly imposed under the rules of the RPC, and
the minimum of which shall be within the range of the
6. Fine; and
penalty next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the
7. Any principal penalty with its accessory penalties.
offense; and if the offense is punished by any other law
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
(special law), the court shall sentence the accused to an
indeterminate sentence, the maximum term of which shall
not exceed the maximum fixed by said law and the
(2019, 2013, 2005 BAR)
minimum shall not be less than the minimum term
prescribed by the same. (Sec. 1, ISL, Act No. 4103 as
Q: E and M are convicted of a penal law that imposes a
amended by Act No. 4225)
penalty of fine or imprisonment or both fine and
imprisonment. The judge sentenced them to pay the
The court must, instead of a single fixed penalty, except
fine, jointly and severally, with subsidiary
where the imposable penalty is one (1) year or less,
imprisonment in case of insolvency.
determine two penalties, referred to in the Indeterminate
Sentence Law as the “maximum” and “minimum" terms.
(a) Is the penalty proper? Explain.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)

A: NO. The penalty should be imposed individually on

Q: Explain how the Indeterminate Sentence Law is
every person accused of the crime. Any of the convicted
applied in crimes punished by special laws (2017
accused who is insolvent and unable to pay the fine, shall
serve the subsidiary imprisonment.

A: Under the second party of the ISLaw, in cases where the

(b) May the judge impose an alternative penalty of
offense is punishable under special law, the maximum
fine or imprisonment? Explain. (2005 BAR)
indeterminate penalty shall not exceed the maximum limit
of the prescribed penalty while the minimum penalty.
A: NO. Although the law may prescribe an alternative
shall not be less than the minimum limit thereof. However,
penalty for a crime, it does not mean that the court may
if the special law adopts the technical nomenclature of the
impose the alternative penalties at the same time. The
penalties under the RPC (People v. Macatanda, G.R. No.
sentence must be definite. Otherwise, the judgment cannot
51368, 06 Nov. 1981), the provision of the RPC will apply.
attain finality.

Consequently, there will be an application of Art. 64 of the

Q: Mr. Q was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
RPC. The maximum penalty shall be fixed within the range
the crime of Serious Physical Injuries, and
of the proper imposable period after taking into
accordingly, was sentenced to suffer the penalty of
consideration the modifying circumstance; while the
imprisonment for an indeterminate period of six (6)
minimum penalty shall be fixed within the range of the
months of arresto mayor, as minimum, to four (4)
penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law.
years, two (2) months, and one (1) day of prision
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
correccional, as maximum. He was also ordered to pay
the victim actual damages in the amount of
P50,000.00, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of
insolvency. Was the imposition of subsidiary
imprisonment proper? (2019 BAR)

31 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: When would the Indeterminate Sentence Law A: NO. The judge must not apply the indeterminate
(ISLaw) be inapplicable? (2003, 1999 BAR) Sentence Law. Indeterminate Sentence Law is applicable
only when the penalty is more than one (1) year. Since, the
A: The ISLaw is not applicable to: accused was given a penalty of arresto menor which has a
duration from 1 day to 30 days, the accused is among the
1. Those persons convicted of offenses punished with disqualified offenders in the application of the
death penalty or life-imprisonment or reclusion Indeterminate Sentence Law. (Bar Q&A by Judge
perpetua; Alejandria, 2022)
2. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to
commit treason; Q: Randy was prosecuted for forcible abduction
3. Those convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, attended by the aggravating circumstance of
sedition or espionage; recidivism. After trial, the court held that the
4. Those convicted of piracy; prosecutor was able to prove the charge. Nonetheless,
5. Those who are habitual delinquents; it appreciated in favor of Randy, on the basis of the
6. Those who shall have escaped from confinement or defense’s evidence, the mitigating circumstances of
evaded sentence; voluntary surrender, uncontrollable fear, and
7. Those who having been granted conditional pardon provocation. Under Art. 342 of the RPC, the penalty for
by the Chief Executive shall have violated the terms forcible abduction is reclusion temporal.
8. Those whose maximum term of imprisonment does Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, what
not exceed one year; penalty should be imposed on Randy? (2018 BAR)
9. Those already sentenced by final judgment at the time
of the approval of this Act; and A: Since he was found guilty of Forcible Abduction with
10. Those whose sentence imposes penalties which do one aggravating circumstances of recidivism, this
not involve imprisonment, like destierro. (UPLC aggravating circumstance is off-set by one of the three
Suggested Answers) mitigating circumstances; so the penalty to be imposed is
still reclusion temporal (Art. 342, RPC) but because there
Q: How are the maximum and the minimum terms of are two (2) more mitigating circumstances left and the
the indeterminate sentence for offenses punishable penalty is divisible, in determining the maximum term, we
under the RPC determined? (2002 BAR) have to reduce to prision mayor and because there is no
more mitigating and aggravating circumstances to be
A: For crimes punished under the RPC, the maximum term considered, the maximum term shall be prision mayor in
of the indeterminate sentence shall be the penalty its medium period that is eight (8) years and one (1) day
properly imposable under the same Code after to ten (10) years. The minimum, term shall be any range
considering the attending mitigating and/or aggravating within, that is from six (6) years and one (1) day to six (8)
circumstances according to Art. 64 of said Code. The years.
minimum term of the same sentence shall be fixed within
the range of the penalty next lower in degree to that Thus, Randy will suffer as minimum term any penalty
prescribed for the crime under the said Code. (UPLC ranging from six months and one (1) day, and the
Suggested Answers) maximum term will be, any range from eight (8) years and
one (1) day to ten (10) years of prision mayor. (UPLC
Q: Under the law, what is the purpose for fixing the Suggested Answers)
maximum and the minimum terms of the
indeterminate sentence? (2002 BAR) Q: Bruno was charged with homicide for killing the
75-year-old owner of his rooming house. The
A: The purpose of the law in fixing the minimum term of prosecution proved that Bruno stabbed the owner
the sentence is to set the grace period at which the convict causing his death; and that the killing happened at 10
may be released on parole from imprisonment, unless by in the evening in the house where the victim and
his conduct he is not deserving of parole and thus he shall Bruno lived. Bruno, on the other hand, successfully
continue serving his prison term in jail but in no case to go proved that he voluntarily surrendered to the
beyond the maximum term fixed in the sentence. (UPLC authorities; that he pleaded guilty to the crime
Suggested Answers) charged; that it was the victim who first attacked and
did so without any provocation on his (Bruno's) part,
Q: A crime defined in the RPC is punishable by arresto but he prevailed because he managed to draw his
menor. Finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable knife with which he stabbed the victim. The penalty
doubt of the crime, should the judge apply the for homicide is reclusion temporal. Assuming a
Indeterminate Sentence Law? Explain briefly. (2020- judgment of conviction and after considering the
21 BAR) attendant circumstances, what penalty should the
judge impose? (2013 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 32
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: Bruno should be sentenced to an indeterminate not be more than the maximum provided therein, i.e.
sentence penalty of arresto mayor in any of its period to twelve years. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
prision correccional in its medium period as maximum.
Bruno was entitled to two privileged mitigating 5. GRADUATION OF PENALTIES
circumstances of incomplete self-defense and the
presence of at least two ordinary mitigating circumstances
(voluntary surrender and plea of guilt) without any 6. ACCESSORY PENALTIES
aggravating circumstance under Art. 69 and 64(5) of the (2005 BAR)
RPC respectively, which lowers the prescribed penalty for
homicide which is reclusion temporal to prision Q: Distinguish pecuniary penalties from pecuniary
correccional. liabilities. (2005 BAR)

There is incomplete self-defense because Bruno proved A: Pecuniary liabilities do not include restitution, but
that it was the victim who first attacked him and did so include reparation of damages caused, the indemnification
without provocation on his part. There is, however, no for consequential damages, as well as fines and cost of the
reasonable necessity of the means employed to defend proceedings. Pecuniary penalties include fines and cost of
himself, after Bruno used a knife to stab the weaponless the proceedings. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
victim. There are also no aggravating circumstances
present, because it was not shown that Bruno disregarded
the age of the victim or that nighttime facilitated the D. EXECUTION AND SERVICE OF SENTENCE
commission of the crime; moreover, dwelling cannot be (2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009,
appreciated because the crime happened in the house 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1997,
where both Bruno and the victim lived. In contrast, there 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988 BAR)
are two mitigating circumstance present, namely,
voluntary surrender and plea of guilty.

Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the maximum 1. THREE-FOLD RULE

term of the indeterminate penalty should be within the (2019, 2013 BAR)
range of prision correccional in its medium period and the
minimum term should be within the range of the penalty Q: In Nov. 2018, Mr. N, a notorious criminal, was found
next lower in degree or arresto mayor in any of its period. guilty of three (3) counts of Murder and was
(UPLC Suggested Answers) consequently sentenced with the penalty of reclusion
perpetua for each count. A month after, he was
Q: While serving his sentence, Macky entered the likewise found guilty of five (5) counts of Grave
prohibited area and had a pot session with Ivy (Joy’s Threats in a separate criminal proceeding, and hence,
sister). Is Macky entitled to an indeterminate sentence meted with the penalty of prision mayor for each
in case he is found guilty of use of prohibited count. (2019 BAR)
substances? Explain your answer. (2007 BAR)
(a) What are the respective durations of the
A: NO. Macky is not entitled to the benefit of the penalties of reclusion perpetua and prision
Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act 4103, as amended) for mayor?
having evaded the sentence which banished or placed him
on destierro. Sec. 2 of the said law expressly provides that A: Under Art. 27 of the RPC, the penalty of reclusion
the law shall not apply to those who shall have “evaded perpetua shall be from 20 years and 1 day to 40 years;
sentence”. (UPLC Suggested Answers) while the duration of the penalty of prision mayor shall be
from 6 years and 1 day to 12 years.
Q: Itos was convicted of an offense penalized by a
special law. The penalty prescribed is not less than six (b) How long will Mr. N serve all his penalties of
years but not more than twelve years. No modifying imprisonment? Explain.
circumstance attended the commission of the crime. If
you were the judge, will you apply the Indeterminate A: Mr. N will serve all these penalties of imprisonment for
Sentence Law? If so, how will you apply it? (1999, a total of 40 years. Under Art. 70 of the RPC, when the
1994 BAR) culprit has to serve two or more penalties, he shall serve
then simultaneously if the nature of the penalties will so
A: If I were the judge, I will apply the provisions of the permit. However, the maximum duration of the convict’s
Indeterminate Sentence Law, as the last sentence of Sec. 1 sentence shall not be more than three-fold the length of
Act 4103, specifically provides the application thereof for time corresponding to the most severe of the penalties
violations of special laws. Under the same provision, the imposed upon him. No other penalty to which he may be
minimum must not be less than the minimum provided liable shall be inflicted after the sum total of those
therein (six years and one day) and the maximum shall imposed equals the same maximum period. Such

33 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
maximum period shall in no case exceed 40 years. (UPLC became applicable pursuant to Sec. 33 thereof, as
Suggested Answers) amended.

Q: Roman and Wendy are neighbors. On Valentine's NOTE: The foregoing enumeration is based on P.D. 968, as
Day, without prior notice, Roman visited Wendy at her amended by R.A. 10707.
condo to invite her to dinner, but Wendy turned him
down and abruptly left, leaving her condo door Q: In June 2017, Mr. P was criminally charged with
unlocked. Roman attempted to follow, but appeared to Qualified Theft under the RPC. After due proceedings,
have second thoughts; he simply went back to the RTC found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt,
Wendy's condo, let himself in, and waited for her and accordingly, sentenced him to suffer the penalty
return. On Wendy's arrival later that evening, Roman of imprisonment for an indeterminate period of six
grabbed her from behind and, with a knife in hand, (6) years and one (1) day of prision mayor, as
forced her to undress. Wendy had no choice but to minimum, to fourteen (14) years and one (1) day of
comply. Roman then tied Wendy's hands to her bed reclusion temporal, as maximum. Thereafter, Mr. P
and sexually assaulted her five (5) times that night. applied for probation. (2019 BAR)

Roman was charged with, and was convicted of, five (a) May Mr. P be extended the benefits of the
(5) counts of rape, but the judge did not impose the Probation Law? Explain.
penalty of reclusion perpetua for each count. Instead,
the judge sentenced Roman to 40 years of A: NO, Mr. P may not be extended the benefits of
imprisonment on the basis of the three-fold rule. Was Probation Law because he is a disqualified offender. Under
the judge correct? (2013 BAR) Sec. 9 of PD 968, as amended by R.A. 10707, the benefits of
probation shall not be extended to those sentenced to
A: NO. The three-fold rule is applicable only in connection serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more than 6
with the service of the sentence not in the imposition of years.
the proper penalties. The court must impose all penalties
for all the crimes for which the accused have been found (b) In what instance may an accused who appeals
guilty. Thus, the court should not make a computation in it a judgment of conviction still apply for
decision and sentence the accused to not more than the probation? Explain.
three-fold of the most severe of the penalties imposable.
The computation under the three-fold rule is for the A: Under Sec. 4 of PD 968, as amended by R.A. 10707, no
prison authorities to make. (Art. 70, RPC) (UPLC Suggested application for probation shall be entertained or granted if
Answers) the defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment
of conviction. However, when a judgment of conviction
2. PROBATION LAW imposing a non-probationable penalty is appealed or
P.D. No. 968, as amended reviewed, and such judgment is modified through the
(2019, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2004, imposition of a probationable penalty, the defendant shall
2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, be allowed to apply for probation based on the modified
1991, 1990, 1989, 1988 BAR) decision before such decision becomes final. (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

Q: Who are the offenders disqualified from availing

Q: Andres was convicted of frustrated homicide and
themselves of the benefits of the probation law (P.D.
was sentenced to 6 years and 1 day as minimum, to 8
968, as amended)? (1988 BAR)
years of prision mayor as maximum. Andres appealed
his conviction to the Court of Appeals, which convicted
A: The following offenders are disqualified from availing
him of attempted homicide, and sentenced him to 6
of the benefits of the Probation Law:
months of arresto mayor as minimum, to 2 years of
prision correccional as maximum.
(a) Those sentenced to serve a maximum term of
imprisonment of more than six (6) years;
Instead of appealing his conviction, Andres filed an
(b) Those convicted of any crime against the national
application for probation with the RTC. Is Andres
qualified to avail of the benefits of the probation law?
(c) Those who have previously been convicted by final
(2013 BAR)
judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of
more than six (6) months and one (1) day and/or a
A: YES, because after his appeal, he qualified for probation
fine of more than one thousand pesos (Php 1,000.00);
as the sentence imposed on him was less than 6 years. An
(d) Those who have been once on probation under the
accused convicted by the lower court of a non-
provisions of the Probation Law; and
probationable offense (frustrated homicide), but on
(e) Those who are already serving sentence at the time
appeal was found guilty of a probationable offense
the substantive provisions of the Probation Law
(attempted homicide), may apply for probation as

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 34
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
expressly provided for by Sec. 4 of PD No. 968, as Q: A was charged with theft and upon arraignment,
amended by R.A. No. 10707. pleaded guilty to the charge. He was detained for
failure to post bail. After two (2) months, a decision
Q: On Feb. 3, 1986, Roberto was convicted of arson was rendered sentencing “A” to an indeterminate
through reckless imprudence and sentenced to pay a sentence of six (6) months and one (1) day as a
fine of P15,000.00, with subsidiary imprisonment in minimum, to one (1) year and one (1) month as
case of insolvency by the RTC of Quezon City. On Feb. maximum, and to pay the offended party the amount
10, 1986, he appealed to the CA. Several months later, of P700.
he filed a motion to withdraw the appeal on the
ground that he is applying for probation. On May 7, On Jan. 16, 1985, the very day the sentence was read
1987, the CA granted the motion and considered the to “A”, the Judge issued a Commitment Order
appeal withdrawn. addressed to the Provincial Jail Warden. On 28 Jan.
1985, “A” applied for probation but his application
On June 10, 1987, the records of the case were was denied on the ground that the sentence of
remanded to the trial court. Roberto filed a “Motion conviction became final and executory on 16 Jan.
for Probation” praying that execution of his sentence 1985, when “A” commenced to serve his sentence. Is
be suspended, and that a probation officer be ordered “A” eligible for probation? (1989 BAR)
to conduct an investigation and to submit a report on
his probation. A: YES. A is still eligible for probation since he filed his
application for probation within 15 days from the
The judge denied the motion on the ground that promulgation of the judgment. Under the Probation Law,
pursuant to PD No. 1990, which took effect on July 16, the accused may apply for probation within the period for
1986, no application for probation shall be perfecting an appeal which is 15 days from promulgation
entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected or notice thereof.
an appeal from the judgment of conviction. Is the
denial of Roberto’s motion correct? (1994 BAR) The judge committed an error in issuing a Commitment
order on the same day of promulgation. A commitment
A: YES, even if at the time of his conviction, Roberto was order for the convict to begin serving his sentence can be
qualified for probation but that at the time of his validly issued only if the period for perfecting an appeal
application for probation, he is no longer qualified, he is has expired with no appeal being taken. The fact that in
not entitled to probation. The qualification for probation compliance with such order, which is void, the accused
must be determined as of the time the application is filed commenced to serve his sentence does not bar him from
in Court. (Bernardo v. Judge Balagot, et. al., G.R. 86561, 10 availing himself of the benefits of the Probation Law.
Nov. 1992) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
While it is true under the Rules that a judgment in a
Q: Boyet Mar was charged with consented abduction criminal case becomes final after the lapse of the period
by a 17-year-old complainant. The accused made for perfecting an appeal or when the sentence has been
wedding arrangements with the girl, but her parents partially or totally satisfied or served or the accused has
insisted on the prosecution of the case. To avoid applied for probation (Sec. 7, Rule 120), Sec. 9 of the same
further embarrassment of a court trial for him and the Rule provides that “nothing in this Rule shall be construed
girl, the accused entered a plea of guilty. He then filed as affecting any existing provision in the law governing
a petition for probation before serving sentence, but suspension of sentence, probation or parole.”
the court denied the petition on the ground that “it
would be better for the accused to serve sentence so The probation law does NOT speak of filing an application
that he would reform himself and avoid the scandal in for probation before judgment has become final. It only
the community that would be caused by the grant of speaks of filing the application WITHIN THE PERIOD FOR
the petition.” PERFECTING AN APPEAL. There is nothing in the
Probation Law that bars an accused who has commenced
The accused served sentence but he brought the to serve his sentence from filing an application for
matter to the Supreme Court in a petition for probation provided he does so within the period for
certiorari. Did the trial court act correctly in denying perfecting an appeal.
the petition for probation? (1991 BAR)
What the Probation Law provides is that no application for
A: NO. The trial court acted incorrectly. In Balleta v. probation shall be entertained or granted if the defendant
Leviste (GR No. L-49907, 21 Aug. 1979), the Judge precisely has perfected an appeal from the judgment or conviction.
denied the petition for probation on the same excuse It does not say that no application shall be entertained if
stated in the problem. The Supreme Court held that an the judgment has become final because the convict has
accused must fall within any one of the disqualifications already commenced to serve his sentence. (UPLC
stated in Sec. 9 of PD 968 in order to be denied probation. Suggested Answers)
(UPLC Suggested Answers)

35 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
3. JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT A: YES. under Sec. 98, RA 9165, if the offender is a minor,
R.A. No. 9344, as amended the penalty of life imprisonment shall be considered as
(2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2009, 2006 BAR) reclusion perpetua. Even if reclusion perpetua is a single
indivisible penalty, the privileged mitigating circumstance
of minority would still be considered to lower the
Q: What is now the age of doli incapax in the
imposable penalty. The rule in Art. 63, RPC that if the
Philippines? (2017 BAR)
penalty prescribed by law is a single indivisible penalty, it
shall be imposed regardless of mitigating and aggravating
A: If the accused is 15 years of age or below, minority is an
circumstance refers only to ordinary mitigating
exempting circumstance (Sec. 6 of R.A. No. 9344). With or
without discernment, the accused of such age is exempt
from criminal liability. Lack of discernment is conclusively
(b) Is the Indeterminate Sentence Law applicable
presumed. Hence, the age of doli incapax in the Philippines
considering that life imprisonment has no
is now 15 years of age or under. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
fixed duration and the Dangerous Drugs Law
is malum prohibitum?
Q: Dang was a beauty queen in a university. Job, a rich
classmate, was so enamored with her that he
A: YES. The Indeterminate Sentence Law is applicable even
persistently wooed and pursued her. Dang, being in
to special penal laws. Since life imprisonment was
love with another man, rejected him. This angered Job,
converted into reclusion perpetua, which in turn was
Sometime in September 2003, while Dang and her
graduated to reclusion temporal because of the privileged
sister Lyn were on their way home, Job and his minor
mitigating circumstance of minority, the Indeterminate
friend Nonoy grabbed them and pushed them inside a
Sentence Law is applicable.
white van. They brought them to an abandoned
warehouse where they forced them to dance naked.
(c) If the penalty imposed is more than six (6)
Thereafter, they brought them to a hill in a nearby
years and a notice of appeal was filed by A and
barangay where they took turns raping them. After
given due course by the court, may A still file
satisfying their lust, Job ordered Nonoy to push Dang
an application for probation?
down a ravine, resulting in her death. Lyn ran away
but Job and Nonoy chased her and pushed her inside
A: YES. A may still file an application for probation even if
the van. Then the duo drove away. Lyn was never seen
he filed a notice of appeal. Sec. 42, RA 9344 allows a child
again. Will Nonoy's minority exculpate him? (2006
in conflict with the law to apply for probation with the
court “any time.” This means that he may do so even
beyond the period for perfecting an appeal and even if the
A: Under RA. 9344, the Juvenile Justice and Reform Act,
child has perfected the appeal from the judgment of
which retroacts to the date that the crime was committed,
Nonoy will be exculpated if he was 15 years old or below.
However, if he was above 15 years old but below 18 years
(d) If probation is not allowed by the court, how
of age, he will be liable if he acted with discernment. As
will A serve his sentence?
the problem shows that Nonoy acted with discernment, he
will be entitled to a suspension of sentence. (UPLC
A: If probation is not allowed by the court, the minor
Suggested Answers)
offender shall serve his sentence in agricultural camp or
other training facility in accordance with Sec. 51 of RA
Q: A, a young boy aged 16 at the time of the
9344 as amended. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
commission of the crime, was convicted when he was
already 17 years of age for violation of Sec. 11 of R.A.
Q: Joe was 17 years old when he committed homicide
9165 or Illegal Possession of Dangerous Drugs for
in 2005. The crime is punishable by reclusion
which the imposable penalty is life imprisonment and
temporal. After two years in hiding, he was arrested
a fine. Sec. 98 of the same law provides that if the
and appropriately charged in May 2007. Since R.A.
penalty imposed is life imprisonment to death on
9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006) was
minor offenders, the penalty shall be reclusion
already in effect, Joe moved to avail of the process of
perpetua to death. Under R.A. 9344, a minor offender
intervention or diversion. (2009 BAR)
is entitled to a privileged mitigating circumstance.
(2014 BAR)
(a) What is intervention or diversion? Is Joe entitled
to intervention or diversion? Explain.
(a) May the privileged mitigating circumstance of
minority be appreciated considering that the
A: The two terms are different. “Intervention” refers to a
penalty imposed by law is life imprisonment
series of activities which are designed to address issues
and fine?
that caused the child to commit an offense. It may take the
form of an individualized treatment program which may
include counseling, skills training, education, and other

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 36
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
activities that will enhance his/her psychological,
emotional and psycho-social well-being. This is available E. EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITIES
to a child 15 years old or less at the time of the (2020-21, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2004,
commission of the crime or although over 15 but below 18 2001, 2000, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990,
years old at the time of commission of the crime, the child 1988, 1987 BAR)
acted without discernment.

“Diversion” refers to an alternative, child-appropriate

process of determining the responsibility and treatment of 1. AN ACT AMENDING ARTS. 29, 94, 97-99 OF THE RPC
a child in conflict with the law on the basis of his/her R.A. No. 10592
social, cultural, economic, psychological or educational (2020-21, 2015, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001,
background without resorting to formal court 2000, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1988, 1987
proceedings. This process governs when the child is over BAR)
15 years old but below 18 at the time of the commission of
the crime and he acted with discernment. Q:
(a) How is criminal liability totally extinguished?
YES. Joe is entitled to diversion. Being only 17 years old at (2004, 1992, 1990, 1988 BAR)
the time he committed the crime of homicide, he is treated
as a child in conflict with the law under R.A. 9344. A: Art. 89 of the RPC provides for the following causes of
total extinction of criminal liability:
(b) Suppose Joe’s motion for intervention or
diversion was denied, and he was convicted two 1. Death of the convict as to personal penalties, as to the
(2) years later when Joe was already 21 years pecuniary liabilities, liability therefore is extinguished
old, should the judge apply the suspension of only when death occurs before final judgment
sentence? Explain. 2. Service of sentence
3. Amnesty
A: NO. The judge should not suspend sentence anymore 4. Absolute pardon
because Joe was already 21 years old. Suspension of 5. Prescription of the crime
sentence is availing under R.A. 9344 only until a child 6. Prescription of the penalty
reaches the maximum age of twenty-one (21) years. (UPLC 7. Marriage of the offended woman as provided in Art.
Suggested Answers) 344.

4. AN ACT ADJUSTING THE AMOUNT OR THE VALUE OF (b) How is criminal liability partially
R.A. No. 11362 A: Art. 94 of the RPC provides for the following causes of
the partial extinction of criminal liability:

5. COMMUNITY SERVICE ACT 1. Conditional pardon

R.A. No. 11362, A.M. No. 20-06-14-SC 2. Commutation of sentence
3. Good conduct allowance during confinement
4. Parole
5. Probation

NOTE: Art. 94 has been amended by R.A. No. 10592, which

now reads as follows:

"ART. 94. Partial extinction of criminal liability. –

Criminal liability is extinguished partially:

"1. By conditional pardon;

"2. By commutation of the sentence; and
"3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may
earn while he is undergoing preventive imprisonment
or serving his sentence."

(c) If an accused is acquitted, does it necessarily

follow that no civil liability arising from the
acts complained of may be awarded in the
same judgment? Explain briefly. (1988 BAR)

37 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A: NO. If an accused is acquitted, it does not necessarily A: YES. The RTC decision must be set aside and the case
follow that no civil liability arising from the acts against Tiburcio must consequently be dismissed. The
complained of may be awarded in the same judgment demise of Tiburcio which occurred before the Court of
except: If there is an express waiver of the liability; and if Appeals rendered its decision causes his criminal liability,
there is a reservation to file a separate civil action. (UPLC as well as his civil liability ex delicto, to be totally
Suggested Answers) extinguished inasmuch as there is no longer a defendant
to stand as the accused, the civil action is instituted
Q: A prisoner who had been convicted, but whose therein for recovery of civil liability ex delicto is ipso facto
appeal was pending, died due to complications caused extinguished, grounded as it is on criminal case. (UPLC
by COVID-19. Should the prisoner’s pending appeal be Suggested Answers)
dismissed as a consequence? Explain briefly. (2020-21
BAR) Q: AX was convicted of reckless imprudence resulting
in homicide. The trial court sentenced him to a prison
A: YES. The appeal shall be dismissed due to death of the term as well as to pay P150,000 as civil indemnity and
prisoner. Criminal liability is totally extinguished only damages. While his appeal was pending, AX met a fatal
when the death of the offender occurs before the final accident. He left a young widow, 2 children, and a
judgment. (Art. 89, RPC) million-peso estate. What is the effect, if any, of his
death on his criminal as well as civil liability? Explain
In this case, both the criminal and civil liability are briefly. (2004 BAR)
extinguished since the death of the prisoner occurred
before the final judgment or pending appeal. Civil liability A: The death of AX while his appeal from the judgment of
arising from the sources of obligation other than delict the trial court is pending, extinguishes his criminal
may however proceed against the estate of the deceased liability. The civil liability insofar as it arises from the
prisoner. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022) crime and recoverable under the RPC is also extinguished;
but indemnity and damages may be recovered in a civil
Q: The RTC found Tiburcio guilty of frustrated action if predicated on a source of obligation under Art.
homicide and sentenced him to an indeterminate 1157, NCC, such as law, contracts, quasi-contracts and
penalty of four years and one day of prision quasi-delicts, but not on the basis of delicts. (People v.
correccional as minimum, to eight years of prision Bayotas, GR No. 102007, 02 Sept. 1994)
mayor as maximum, and ordered him to pay actual
damages in the amount of P25,000.00. Tiburcio Civil indemnity and damages under the RPC are
appealed to the CA which sustained his conviction as recoverable only if the accused had been convicted with
well as the penalty imposed by the court a quo. After finality before he died. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
sixty days, the CA issued an Entry of Judgment and
remanded the records of the case to the RTC. Three PRESCRIPTION OF CRIMES
days thereafter, Tiburcio died of heart attack. (2015, 2010, 2009, 2004, 2001, 2000, 1997, 1995,
1994, 1993, 1990, 1987 BAR)
Atty. Abdul, Tiburcio's counsel, filed before the RTC a
Manifestation with Motion to Dismiss, informing the Q: Taylor was convicted of a violation of the Election
court that Tiburcio died already, and claiming that his Code, and was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of
criminal liability had been extinguished by his demise. one year as minimum, to three years as maximum.
(2015 BAR) The decision of the trial court was affirmed on appeal
and became final and executory. Taylor failed to
(a) Should the RTC grant the Motion to Dismiss appear when summoned for execution of judgment,
the case? Explain. prompting the judge to issue an order for his arrest.
Taylor was able to use the backdoor and left for the
A: NO. The RTC may not grant the motion to dismiss United States.
because the Court of Appeals, having issued an Entry of
Judgment, the decision has become final and executory. Fifteen years later, Taylor returned to the Philippines
Moreover, the pecuniary penalty, such as the civil liability and filed a Motion to Quash the warrant of arrest
arising from the crime consisting of actual damages of against him, on the ground that the penalty imposed
P25,000 survives the death of Tiburcio. against him had already prescribed. (2015 BAR)

(b) Assuming that Tiburcio' s death occurred (a) If you were the judge, would you grant
before the Court of Appeals rendered its Taylor's Motion to Quash? Explain.
decision, will you give a different answer?

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 38
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: NO. If I were the judge, I will deny the motion to quash. A: The running of the prescriptive period of the crime is
Art. 93 of the RPC provides when the prescription of interrupted when “any kind of investigative proceedings is
penalties shall commence to run. Under said provision, it instituted against the guilty person which may ultimately
shall commence to run from the date the felon evades the lead to his prosecution.” (Panaguiton, Jr. v. DOJ, G.R. No.
service of his sentence. Pursuant to Art. 157 of the same 167571, 25 Nov. 2008)
Code, evasion of service of sentence can be committed
only by those who have been convicted by final judgment (c) Is A’s defense tenable? Explain.
by escaping during the term of his sentence. Taylor never
served a single minute of his sentence, and thus, A: NO, the defense of prescription of the crime is not
prescription never started to run in his favor. Clearly, one tenable. The crime committed is parricide which
who has not been committed to prison cannot be said to prescribes in twenty (20) years (Art. 90, RPC). It was only
have escaped therefrom. (Del Castillo v. Torrecampo, G.R. when the caretaker, Z, found the victim’s bones and
No. 139033, 18 Dec. 2002) reported the matter to the police that the crime is deemed
legally discovered by the authorities or their agents and
(b) Assuming that instead of the United States, thus the prescriptive period of the crime commenced to
Taylor was able to go to another country with run.
which the Philippines had no extradition
treaty, will your answer be the same? Explain. When A left the country and returned only after three (3)
(2015 BAR) years, the running of the prescriptive period of the crime
is interrupted and suspended because prescription shall
A: Even if Taylor was able to go to another country which not run when the offender is absent from the Philippine
the Philippines had no extradition treaty, I will deny the Archipelago (Art. 91, RPC).
motion to quash. Going to a foreign country with which
this Government has no extradition treaty to interrupt the Since A had been in hiding for 15 years after the
running of prescription is not applicable nor even material commission of the crime and the prescriptive period
because the period of prescription is not applicable nor started running only after 5 years from such commission
even material because the period of prescription had not when the crime was discovered, only 10 years lapsed and
commenced to run in the first place; hence, there is 3 years thereof should be deducted when the prescriptive
nothing to interrupt. (UPLC Suggested Answers) period was interrupted and suspended. Hence, the 3 years
when A was out of the Philippines should be deducted
Q: A killed his wife and buried her in their backyard. from the 10 years after the prescription starts running.
He immediately went into hiding in the mountains. Adding the 7 years of prescription and the 6 years that
Three years later, the bones of A’s wife were lapsed before the case was filed, only a total of thirteen
discovered by X, the gardener. Since X had a standing (13) years of the prescriptive period had lapsed. Hence,
warrant of arrest, he hid the bones in an old clay jar the crime has not yet prescribed. (UPLC Suggested
and kept quiet about it. After two years, Z, the Answers)
caretaker, found the bones and reported the matter to
the police. Q: On 01 Jun. 1988, a complaint for concubinage
committed in Feb. 1987 was filed against Roberto in
After 15 years of hiding, A left the country but the Municipal Trial Court of Tanza, Cavite for
returned three years later to take care of his ailing purposes of preliminary investigation. For various
sibling. Six years thereafter, he was charged with reasons, it was only on Jul. 3, 1998 when the judge of
parricide but raised the defense of prescription. said court decided the case by dismissing it for lack of
(2010, 2009, 2004, 2000 BAR) jurisdiction since the crime was committed in Manila.
The case was subsequently filed with the City Fiscal of
(a) Under the RPC, when does the period of Manila but it was dismissed on the ground that the
prescription of a crime commence to run? crime had already prescribed. The law provides that
the crime of concubinage prescribes in ten (10) years.
A: Generally, the period of prescription of a crime Was the dismissal by the fiscal correct? Explain. (2001
commences to run for the date it was committed; but if the BAR)
crime was committed clandestinely, the period of
prescription of the crimes under the RPC commence to A: NO. The fiscal’s dismissal of the case on alleged
run from the day on which the crime was discovered (the prescription is not correct. The filing of the complaint with
discovery rule) by the offended party, the authorities or the Municipal Trial Court, although only for preliminary
their agents. (Art. 91, RPC) investigation, interrupted and suspended the period of
prescription inasmuch as the jurisdiction of a court in a
(b) When is it interrupted? criminal case is determined by the allegations in the
complaint or information, not by the result of proof.
(People v. Galano, GR No. L-42925, 31 Jan. 1977) (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

39 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: On Jan. 1990, while 5-year-old Albert was urinating It is to be noted that when it comes to discovery, the fact
at the back of their house, he heard a strange noise that the crime was discovered in 1974 will be of no
coming from the kitchen of their neighbor and moment because the offended party is considered to have
playmate, Ara. When he peeped inside, he saw Mina, constructive notice on the forgery after the Deed of Sale
Ara’s stepmother, very angry and strangling the 5- where his signature had been falsified was registered in
year old Ara to death. Albert saw Mina carry the dead the office of the Register of Deeds. (Cabral v. Puno, GR No.
body of Ara, place it inside the trunk of her car and L-54449, 20 Jul. 1984) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
drive away. The dead body of Ara was never found.
Mina spread the news in the neighborhood that Ara PARDON AND AMNESTY
went to live with her grandparents in Ormoc. For fear (2015, 2012, 2009, 2006, 2004, 1994, 1990 BAR)
of his life, Albert did not tell anyone, even his parents
and relatives. Q: Enumerate the differences between pardon and
amnesty. (2006 BAR)
20 and ½ years after the incident, and right after his
graduation in Criminology, Albert reported the crime A:
to NBI authorities. The crime of homicide prescribes (a) PARDON includes any crime and is exercised
in 20 years. Can the State still prosecute Mina for the individually by the President, while AMNESTY applies
death of Ara despite the lapse of 20 and ½ years? to classes of persons or communities who may be
Explain. (2000 BAR) guilty of political offenses.

A: YES. The State can still prosecute Mina for the death of (b) PARDON is exercised when the person is already
Ara despite the lapse of 20 & ½ years. Under Art. 91, RPC, convicted, while AMNESTY may be exercised even
the period of prescription commences to run from the day before trial or investigation.
on which the crime is discovered by the offended party,
the authorities or their agents. (c) PARDON looks forward and relieves the offender of
the penalty of the offense for which he has been
In the case at bar, the commission of the crime was known convicted; it does not work for the restoration of the
only to Albert, who was not the offended party nor an rights to hold public office, or the right of suffrage,
authority or an agent of an authority. It was discovered by unless such rights are expressly restored by means of
the NBI Authorities only when Albert revealed to them the pardon, while AMNESTY looks backward and
commission of the crime. Hence, the period of prescription abolishes the offense and its effects, as if the person
of 20 years for homicide commenced to run only from the had committed no offense.
time Albert revealed the same to the NBI Authorities.
(UPLC Suggested Answers) (d) PARDON does not alter the fact that the accused is
criminally liable as it produces only the extinction of
Q: B imitated the signature of A, registered owner of a the penalty, while AMNESTY removes the criminal
lot, in a special power of attorney naming him (B) as liability of the offender because it obliterates every
his attorney-in-fact of A. On 13 Feb. 1964, B mortgaged vestige of the crime.
the lot to a bank using the special power of attorney to
obtain a loan. On the same day, both the special power (e) PARDON being a private act by the President, must be
of attorney and the mortgage contract were duly pleaded and proved by the person pardoned, while
registered in the Registry of Deeds. Because of B’s AMNESTY which is a Proclamation of the Chief
failure to pay, the bank foreclosed the mortgage, and Executive with the concurrence of Congress is a public
the lot was sold to X in whose name a new title was act of which the courts should take judicial notice.
issued. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

In March 1974, A discovered that the property was Q: Senator Adamos was convicted of plunder. About
already registered in the name of X because of an one year after beginning to serve his sentence, the
ejectment case filed against him by X. If you were the President of the Philippines granted him absolute
counsel of B, what would be your defense? Discuss. pardon. The signed pardon states: "In view hereof,
(1993 BAR) and in pursuance of the authority vested upon me by
the Constitution, I hereby grant absolute pardon unto
A: My defense will be prescription because the crime was Adamos, who was convicted of plunder in Criminal
committed in 1964 and almost ten (10) years had already Case No. XV32 and upon whom the penalty of
elapsed since then. Even if we take Falsification and Estafa reclusion perpetua was imposed." He now comes to
individually, they have already prescribed. you for advice. He wants to know if he could run for
senator in the next election. (2015 BAR)

(a) What advice will you give Adamos? Explain.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 40
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
If I were the counsel of Senator Adamos, I will give him the Sept. 2000). Amnesty obliterates, not only the basis of
advice that he cannot run in the Senatorial race since the conviction, but also all the legal effects thereof. (UPLC
terms of the pardon has not expressly restored his right to Suggested Answers)
hold public office or remitted the accessory penalty of
perpetual absolute disqualification. Under Art. 36 of the
RPC, a pardon shall not work the restoration of the right to F. CIVIL LIABILITIES IN CRIMINAL CASES
hold public office unless such right be expressly restored (2013, 2010, 2000, 1998, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1988,
by terms of the pardon. Under Art. 41, the penalty of 1987 BAR)
reclusion perpetua shall carry with it perpetual absolute
disqualification which the offender shall suffer even
though pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the
Q: Name at least two exceptions to the general rule
same shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
that in case of acquittal of the accused in a criminal
(Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 206666, 21 Jan. 2015)
case, his civil liability is likewise extinguished. (2000
(b) Assuming that what Adamos committed was
heading a rebellion for which he was imposed
A: Exceptions to the rule that acquittal from a criminal
the same penalty of reclusion perpetua, and
case extinguishes civil liability, are:
what he received was amnesty from the
government, will your answer be the same?
1. When the civil action is based on obligations not
arising from the act complained of as a felony;
2. When acquittal is based on reasonable doubt or
A: If he was given amnesty, he can run in the Senatorial
acquittal is on the ground that guilt has not been
race. Under Art. 89 of the RPC, criminal liability is totally
proven beyond reasonable doubt (Art. 29, New Civil
extinguished by amnesty, which completely extinguishes
the penalty and all its effects. Thus, the amnesty
3. Acquittal due to an exempting circumstance, like
extinguishes not only the principal penalty of reclusion
perpetua but also its effects such as the accessory penalty
4. Where the court states in its Judgment that the case
of perpetual absolute disqualification. Amnesty looks
merely involves a civil obligation;
backward and abolishes and puts into oblivion the offense
5. Where there was a proper reservation for the filing of
itself, it so overlooks and obliterates the offense with
a separate civil action;
which he is charged, so that the person released by
6. In cases of independent civil actions provided for in
amnesty stands before the law precisely as though he had
Arts. 31, 32, 33 and 34 of the NCC;
committed no offense. (Barrioquinto v. Fernandez, G.R. No.
7. When the judgment of acquittal includes a declaration
L-1278, 21 Jan. 1949) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
that the fact from which the civil liability might arise
did not exist (Sapiera v. CA, G.R. No. 128927, 14 Sept.
Q: Antero Makabayan was convicted of the crime of
Rebellion. While serving sentence, he escaped from
8. Where the civil liability is not derived or based on the
jail. Captured, he was charged with; and convicted of
criminal act of which the accused is acquitted. (Ibid.)
Evasion of Service of Sentence. Thereafter, the
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
President of the Philippines issued an amnesty
proclamation for the offense of Rebellion. Antero
Q: On her way home, Eva Marie saw an injured chow
applied for and was grantee the benefit of the amnesty
chow puppy behind a bush. Since the puppy did not
have a collar, she brought it home so she could have it
as a pet. Her son in fact begged Eva Marie to keep the
Antero then filed a petition for habeas corpus, praying
puppy. The following day, Eva Marie brought a collar
for his immediate release from confinement. He
for the puppy and brought it to a veterinarian for
claims that the amnesty extends to the offense of
treatment. Did she incur civil liability? Explain. (2010
evasion of Service of Sentence. As judge, will you grant
the petition? Discuss fully. (2009 BAR)

A: Eva Marie may incur civil liability if the owner of the

A: YES, I will grant the petition because the sentence that
puppy would incur a loss due to non-restitution or return
was evaded proceeded from the crime of Rebellion which
thereof to the owner. Finding any property of value,
has been obliterated by the grant of amnesty to the
legally regarded as lost property, would constitute theft if
offender. (Art. 89(3), RPC)
the finder failed to deliver the same to the local authorities
or to its owner. (Art. 308, par. 1, RPC) Once Eva Marie is
Since the amnesty erased the criminal complexion of the
found guilty of theft, she will incur civil liability, which
act committed by the offender as a crime of rebellion and
consists of restitution or reparation for damage caused
rendered such act as though innocent, the sentence lost its
and indemnification for consequential damages. (Art. 100,
legal basis. The purported evasion thereof therefore
RPC) The general rule is: a person who is criminally liable
cannot subsist (People v. Patriarca, G.R. No. 135457, 29
is also civilly liable. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

41 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: A was a 17-year-old working student who was Upon finality of the decision, a writ of execution was
earning his keep as a cigarette vendor. B was driving a served upon Guy, but was returned unsatisfied due to
car along busy España Street at about 7:00 p.m. Beside his insolvency. Demy moved for a subsidiary writ of
B was C. The car stopped at an intersection because of execution against Max. The latter opposed the motion
the red signal of the traffic light. While waiting for the on-the ground that the decision made no mention of
green signal, C beckoned A to buy some cigarettes. A his subsidiary liability and that he was not impleaded
approached the car and handed two sticks of in the case. How will you resolve the motion? (1998
cigarettes to C. BAR)

While the transaction was taking place, the traffic A: The motion is to be granted. Max as an employer of Guy
light changed to green and the car immediately sped and engaged in an industry (transportation business)
off. As the car continued to speed towards Quiapo, A where said employee is utilized, is subsidiarily civilly
clung to the window of the car but lost his grip and fell liable under Art. 103 of the RPC. Even though the decision
down on the pavement. The car did not stop. A made no mention of his subsidiary liability, the law
suffered serious injury which eventually caused his violated (RPC) itself mandates for such liability and Max is
death. C was charged with robbery with homicide. deemed to know it because ignorance of the law is never
excused. And since his liability is not primary but only
In the end, the Court was not convinced with moral subsidiary in case his employee cannot pay. he need not
certainty that the guilt of C has been established be impleaded in the in the criminal case. It suffices that he
beyond reasonable doubt and, thus, acquitted him on was duly notified of the motion for issuance of a
the ground of reasonable doubt. Can the family of the subsidiary writ of execution and thus given the
victim still recover civil damages in view of the opportunity to be heard. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
acquittal of C? Explain. (2000 BAR)

A: YES, as against C, A's family can still recover civil

damages despite C's acquittal. When the accused in a
criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his
guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil
action for damages for the same act or omission may be
instituted. Such action requires only a preponderance of
evidence. (Art. 29, NCC)

If A's family can prove the negligence of B by

preponderance of evidence, the civil action for damages
against B will prosper based on quasi-delict. Whoever by
act or omission causes damage to another, there being
fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done.
Such fault or negligence, about pre-existing contractual
relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict (Art.
2176, NCC). This is entirely separate and distinct from civil
liability arising from negligence under the Penal Code.
(Arts, 31, 2176, 2177, NCC) (UPLC Suggested Answers)


(2013, 1998, 1988 BAR)

Q: Guy, while driving a passenger jeepney owned and

operated by Max, bumped Demy, a pedestrian
crossing the street. Demy sustained injuries which
required medical attendance for three months. Guy
was charged with reckless imprudence resulting to
physical injuries. Convicted by the Metropolitan Trial
Court. Guy was sentenced to suffer a straight penalty
of three months of arresto mayor and ordered to
indemnify Demy in the sum of P5,000 and to pay
P1,000 as attorney's fees.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 42
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Riturban, who testified on the activities of the Ratute
II. BOOK II AND RELATED SPECIAL LAWS brothers, Ricalde, and Riboli. Can Ricalde and Riboli
be convicted of the crime of conspiracy to commit
treason? Explain. (2017 BAR)

A: NO. Ricalde and Riboli cannot be convicted of the crime

A. CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY of conspiracy to commit treason because there was no war
AND LAWS OF NATIONS existing when they committed the acts. Jurisprudence
(2018, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006 considers treason as a crime committed in times only of an
BAR) international armed conflict. The same is true with the
felony of conspiracy to commit treason. Moreover, the
crimes were committed outside the jurisdiction of
TREASON Philippine Court. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(2012 BAR)
Q: Which of the following circumstances may be (2012, 2011, 2010 BAR)
appreciated as aggravating in the crime of treason?
(2012 BAR) Q: Because peace negotiations on the Spratlys
a. cruelty and ignominy; situation had failed, the People’s Republic of China
b. evident premeditation; declared war against the Philippines. Myra, a Filipina
c. superior strength; who lives with her Italian expatriate boyfriend,
d. treachery. discovered e-mail correspondence between him and a
certain General Tung Kat Su of China.
A: A. Cruelty. Cruelty may be appreciated in treason by
deliberately augmenting the wrong by being unnecessarily On March 12, 2010, Myra discovered that on even
cruel. However, treachery, abuse of superior strength and date, her boyfriend sent an e-mail to General Tung Kat
evident premeditation are by their nature, inherent in the Su, in which he agreed to provide vital information on
offense of treason and may not be taken to aggravate the the military defense of the Philippines to the Chinese
penalty. (UPLC Suggested Answers) government in exchange for P1 million and his safe
return to Italy. Two weeks later, Myra decided to
CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO COMMIT TREASON report the matter to the proper authorities. Did Myra
(2018, 2017, 2013, 2012 BAR) commit a crime? Explain. (2010 BAR)

Q: The brothers Roberto and Ricardo Ratute, both A: YES, Myra committed the crime of Misprision of
Filipino citizens, led a group of armed men in seizing a Treason because she failed to report as soon as possible to
southern island in the Philippines, and declaring war the governor or provincial fiscal or to the mayor or fiscal
against the duly constituted government of the of the city where she resides, the conspiracy between her
country. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Italian boyfriend and the Chinese General to commit
led by its Chief of Staff, General Riturban, responded Treason against the Philippine Government.
and a full-scale war ensued between the AFP and the
armed men led by the brothers. The armed conflict Under Art. 116 of the RPC, every person who, owing
raged for months. allegiance to the Government, without being a foreigner,
and having knowledge of any conspiracy against it,
When the brothers-led armed men were running out conceals or does not disclose and make known the same,
of supplies, Ricalde, also a Filipino, and a good friend as soon as possible to the governor or fiscal of the
and supporter of the Ratute brothers, was tasked to province, or the mayor or fiscal of the city in which he
leave for abroad to solicit arms and funding for the resides, commits Misprision of Treason. (UPLC Suggested
cash-strapped brothers. He was able to travel to Answers)
Rwanda, and there he met with Riboli, a citizen and
resident of Rwanda, who agreed to help the brothers PIRACY AND MUTINY
by raising funds internationally, and to send them to (2016, 2008, 2006 BAR)
the Ratute brothers in order to aid them in their
armed struggle against the Philippine government. Q: The Royal S.S. Maru, a vessel registered in Panama,
Before Ricalde and Riboli could complete their fund- was 300 nautical miles from Aparri, Cagayan when its
raising activities for the brothers, the AFP was able to engines malfunctioned. The Captain ordered his men
reclaim the island and defeat the Ratute-led uprising. to drop anchor and repair the ship. While the officers
and crew were asleep, armed men boarded the vessel
Ricalde and Riboli were charged with conspiracy to and took away several crates containing valuable
commit treason. During the hearing of the two cases, items and loaded them in their own motorboat. Before
the government only presented as witness, General the band left, they planted an explosive which they

43 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
detonated from a safe distance. The explosion Q: While SS Nagoya Maru was negotiating the sea
damaged the hull of the ship, killed 10 crewmen, and route from Hongkong towards Manila, and while still
injured 15 others. What crime or crimes, if any, were 300 miles from Aparri, Cagayan, its engine
committed? Explain. (2016 BAR) malfunctioned. The Captain ordered the ship to stop
for emergency repairs lasting for almost 15 hours.
A: The crime committed is Qualified Piracy under Art. 123 Due to exhaustion, the officers and crew fell asleep.
of the RPC. The elements of Piracy being present, namely,
(1) the vessel is on the high seas; (2) that the offenders are While the ship was anchored, a motorboat manned by
not members of its complement or passenger of the renegade Ybanags from Claveria, Cagayan, passed by
vessel; and (3) that the offenders attack or seize the and took advantage of the situation. They cut the
vessel, or seize the whole or part of the cargo of said ship’s engines and took away several heavy crates of
vessel, its equipment or personal belongings of its electrical equipment and loaded them in their
complement or passengers. The latter act is committed motorboat. Then they left hurriedly towards Aparri.
when the offenders took away the several crates At daybreak, the crew found that a robbery took place.
containing valuable items and loaded them in their own They radioed the Aparri Port Authorities resulting in
motorboat. the apprehension of the culprits. (2006 BAR)

The crime of Piracy is qualified because: (1) the offenders (a) What crime was committed? Explain.
have seized the vessel by boarding; and (2) the crime of
Piracy was accompanied by Murder and Physical Injuries. A: Piracy in the High Seas was committed by the renegade
The facts show that the offenders planted an explosive in Ybanags. The culprits, who are neither members of the
the vessel which they detonated from a safe distance and complement nor passengers of the ship, seized part of the
the explosion killed ten (10) crewmen and injured fifteen equipment of the vessel while it was three hundred (300)
(15) others. miles away from Aparri, Cagayan. (Art. 122, RPC)

The number of persons killed on the occasion of piracy is (b) Supposing that while the Robbery was taking
not material. The law considers Qualified Piracy as a place, the culprits stabbed a member of the
special complex crime regardless of the number of victims. crew while sleeping. What crime was
(People v. Siyoh, G.R. No. L-57292, 18 Feb. 1986) (UPLC committed? Explain.
Suggested Answers)
A: The crime committed is Qualified Piracy, because it was
Q: The inter-island vessel M/V Viva Lines I, while accompanied by Physical Injuries or Homicide. The
cruising off Batanes, was forced to seek shelter at the culprits stabbed a member of the crew while sleeping.
harbor of Kaoshiung, Taiwan because of a strong (Art. 123, RPC) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
typhoon. While anchored in said harbor, Max, Baldo
and Bogart arrived in a speedboat, fired a bazooka at 1. ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-HIGHWAY ROBBERY
the bow of the vessel, boarded it and divested the P.D. No. 532
passengers of their money and jewelry. (2012 BAR)

A passenger of M/V Viva Lines I, Dodong took

Q: A postal van containing mail matters, including
advantage of the confusion to settle an old grudge
checks and treasury warrants, was hijacked along a
with another passenger and killed him. After their
national highway by 10 men, two (2) of whom were
apprehension, all four were charged with qualified
armed. They used force, violence, and intimidation
piracy before a Philippine court.
against three (3) postal employees who were
occupants of the van, resulting in the unlawful taking
Was the charge of qualified piracy against the three
and asportation of the entire van and its contents.
person (Max, Badong and Bogart) who boarded the
inter-island vessel correct? Explain. (2008 BAR)
a. If you were the public prosecutor, would you
charge the 10 men who hijacked the postal
A: YES, Max, Baldo and Bogart committed Qualified Piracy
van with violation of PD No. 532, otherwise
when, not being members or passengers of the M/V Viva
known as the Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway
Lines I, attacked said vessel in Philippines waters, and
Robbery Law of 1974? Explain your answer.
seized the passengers’ personal belongings. Moreover, the
crime was qualified when Max, Baldo and Bogart boarded
A: YES, as a public prosecutor, I would charge the 10
the vessel and fired upon the ship, and divested the
men/hijackers with violation of P.D. 532. Highway
passengers of their money and jewelry. (Art. 122 & 123 of
robbery under P.D. 532 is committed by any person, in
the RPC, as amended by R.A. 7659 and P.D. 532) The crime
any Philippine highway, who takes away the property of
was further qualified when they fired upon the vessel and
another by means of violence against or intimidation of
boarded it. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
person or force upon things. In this case, there are 10 men

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 44
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
who hijacked the van, and two (2) were armed. Thus, they
may be charged with highway robbery under P.D. 532. B. CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL
(Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022) LAW OF THE STATE
(2017, 2012, 2008, 2006, 1992)
b. If you were the defense counsel, what are the
elements of the crime of highway robbery that
the prosecution should prove to sustain a
conviction? (2012 BAR)
(2008, 2006, 1992 BAR)

A: The elements of Highway Robbery are:

a. Intent to gain;
(a) What are the three (3) ways of committing
b. Unlawful taking of property of another;
Arbitrary Detention? Explain each. (2006
c. Violence against or intimidation of any person;
d. Commission on a Philippine highway; and
e. Indiscriminate victim.
A: The three (3) ways of committing Arbitrary Detention
To obtain a conviction for Highway Robbery, the
prosecution must prove that the accused were organized
a. by detaining or locking up a person without any legal
for the purpose of committing robbery indiscriminately.
cause or ground therefore purposely to restrain his
(Compendious Bar Reviewer on Criminal Law: Based on Bar
liberty; (Art. 124, RPC)
Exam Syllabus (2023) by Dean Nilo T. Divina)
b. by delaying delivery to the proper judicial authority of
a person lawfully arrested without a warrant; (Art.
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO, I would not charge the 10
125, RPC) and
men with the crime of highway robbery.
c. by delaying release of a prisoner whose release has
been ordered by competent authority. (Art. 126, RPC)
The mere fact that the offense was committed on a
highway would not be the determinant for the application
In all the above-stated ways, the principal offender should
of PD No. 532. If a motor vehicle, either stationary or
be a public officer acting under color of his authority.
moving on a highway, is forcibly taken at gun point by the
accused, the location of the vehicle at the time of the
(b) What are the legal grounds for detention?
unlawful taking would not be necessarily put the offense
(2006 BAR)
within the ambit of PD No. 532.

A: The legal grounds for detention are:

In this case, there is no showing that the 10 men were a
band of outlaws organized for the purpose of depredation
1. Commission of a crime; and
upon the persons and properties of innocent and
2. Violent insanity or other ailment requiring
defenseless inhabitants who travel from one place to
compulsory confinement in an institution established
another. Thus, the crime committed is the violation of the
for such purpose. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

Q: Major Menor, while patrolling Bago-Bago

2. ANTI-TERRORISM ACT OF 2020 community in a police car with SP03 Caloy Itliong
R.A. No. 11479 blew his whistle to stop a Nissan Sentra car which
wrongly entered a one-way street. After demanding
from Linda Lo Hua, the driver, her driver’s license,
Menor asked her to follow them to the police precinct.
Upon arriving there, he gave instructions to Itliong to
guard Lo Hua in one of the rooms and not to let her
out of sight until he returns; then got the car key from
Lo Hua. In the meantime, the latter was not allowed to
make any phone calls but was given food and access to
a bathroom.

When Menor showed up after two days, he brought Lo

Hua to a private house and told her that he would only
release her and return the car if she made
arrangements for the delivery of P500,000.00 in a
doctor’s bag at a certain place within the next twenty-
four hours. When Menor went to the designated spot
to pick up the bag of money, he suddenly found
himself surrounded by several armed civilians who

45 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
introduced themselves as NBI agents. What criminal of interruption of religious worship.
offense has Menor committed? Explain. (1992 BAR)
(b) Offending the religious feelings as defined and
A: Menor is liable under Art. 124, RPC (Arbitrary punished under Art. 133 of the RPC. Explain
Detention), he being a public officer who detained, a fully your answers.
person without legal grounds. Violation of a traffic
ordinance by entering a one-way street is not a valid A: NO. Policeman Stone may not be charged with the
reason to arrest and detain the driver. Such only merits crime of Offending Religious Feelings. The Supreme Court
the issuance of a traffic violation ticket. Hence, when Lo has ruled that the acts must be directed against religious
Hua was ordered to follow the police officers to the practice, dogma, or ritual for the purpose of ridicule as
precinct (confiscating her license to compel her to do so), mocking or scoffing at or attempting to damage an object
and confining her in a room for two days and prohibiting of religious veneration. (People v. Baes, G.R. No. 46000, 25
her to make phone calls, is a clear case of deprivation of May 1939)
personal liberty. Giving her food and access to the
bathroom will not extinguish or mitigate the criminal Policeman Stone threatened the priest because the priest’s
liability. statements during his homily and not to mock or ridicule
the ceremony; consequently, Policeman Stone may not be
Menor is further liable for robbery, because money or charged with the crime of offending religious feelings.
personal properly was taken, with intent to gain, and with (UPLC Suggested Answers)
intimidation. The peculiar situation of Lo Hua practically
forced her to submit to the monetary demands of the 1. ANTI-TORTURE ACT OF 2009
major. (UPLC Suggested Answers) R.A. No. 9745
(2012 BAR)
Q: AA was arrested for committing a bailable offense
and detained in solitary confinement. He was able to
Q: In his homily, Fr. Chris loudly denounced the many
post bail after two (2) weeks of defection. During the
extrajudicial killings committed by the men in
period of detention, he was not given any food. Such
uniform. Policeman Stone, then attending the mass,
deprivation caused him physically discomfort. What
was peeved by the denunciations of Fr. Chris. He
crime, if any, was committed in connection with the
immediately approached the priest during the homily,
solitary confinement and food deprivation of AA?
openly displayed his firearm tucked in his waist, and
Explain your answer. (2012 BAR)
menacingly uttered at the priest: Father, may
kalalagyan kayo kung hindi kayo tumigil. His
A: Food deprivation and confinement in solitary cell are
brazenness terrified the priest, who cut short his
considered as physical and psychological torture under
homily then and there. The celebration of the mass
Sec. 4(2) of R.A. No. 9745. Hence, the crime committed is
was disrupted, and the congregation left the church in
torture. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
disgust over the actuations of Policeman Stone, a co-

Policeman Stone was subsequently charged. The C. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER
Office of the Provincial Prosecutor is now about to (2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011,
resolve the case and is mulling on what to charge 2009, 2007, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998,
Policeman Stone with. May Policeman Stone be 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987 BAR)
properly charged with either or both of the following
crimes, or, if not, with what proper crime? (2017 BAR)
Q: Can there be a complex crime of coup d’état with
(a) Interruption of religious worship as defined rebellion? (2003 BAR)
and punished under Art. 132 of the RPC;
and/or A: YES, if there was conspiracy between the offender/
offenders committing the coup d’état and the offenders
A: YES. Policeman Stone may be charged with committing the rebellion. By conspiracy, the crime of one
Interruption of Religious Worship. Under the RPC, a public would be the crime of the other and vice versa. This is
officer or employee who shall prevent or disturb the possible because the offender in coup d’état may be any
ceremonies or manifestations of any religion shall be person or persons belonging to the military or the national
liable for interruption of religious worship. Hence, police or a public officer, whereas rebellion does not so
Policeman Stone, a public officer, approached the priest, require. Moreover, the crime of coup d’état may be
displayed his firearm, and threatened the priest, which committed singly, whereas rebellion requires a public
caused the disruption of the mass and the leaving of the uprising and taking up arms to overthrow the duly
congregation. Policeman Stone, therefore, may be charged constituted government. Since the two crimes are

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 46
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
essentially different and punished with distinct penalties, Q: In the early morning of 25 Oct. 1990, the troops of
there is no legal impediment to the application of Art. 48 the Logistics Command (LOGCOM) of the AFP at Camp
of the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers) General Emilio Aguinaldo headed by their Operations
Officer, Col. Rito Amparo, withdrew firearms and
REBELLION bullets and, per prior agreement, attacked, in separate
(2019, 2018, 2012, 2011, 2004, 2003, 1998, 1994, teams, the offices of the Chief of Staff, the Secretary of
1991, 1990, 1988 BAR) National Defense, the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Operations, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
Q: A proposal to commit a felony is punishable only and other offices, held hostage the Chief of Staff of
when the law specifically provides a penalty for it as LOGCOM and other officers, killed three (3) pro-
in the case of proposal to commit? (2011 BAR) Government soldiers, inverted the Philippine flag,
a. rebellion. barricaded all entrances and exits to the camp, and
b. sedition. announced complete control of the camp. Because of
c. espionage. the superiority of the pro-Government forces, Col.
d. highway robbery. Amparo and his troops surrendered at 7:00 in the
morning of that day.
A: (a) rebellion. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
Did Col. Amparo and his troops commit the crime of
Q: What is the proper charge against public officers or coup d’état (Art. 134-A, RPC) or of rebellion? (1991
employees who, being in conspiracy with the rebels, BAR)
failed to resist a rebellion by all means in their
powers, or shall continue to discharge the duties of A: Under the facts stated, the crime committed would be
their offices under the control of the rebels, or shall coup d’état. (R.A. 6988, incorporating Art. 134-A). However,
accept appointment to office under them? (2012 BAR) since the law was not yet effective as of 25 Oct. 1990, as
the effectivity thereof (Sec. 8) is upon its approval (which
a. disloyalty of public officers or employees; is 24 Oct. 1990) and publication in at least two (2)
b. rebellion; newspapers of general circulation, the felony committed
c. conspiracy to commit rebellion; would be rebellion. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
d. dereliction of duty.
A: (b) rebellion. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022) (2013, 2012, 2004, 2003, 2002, 1998, 1991, 1990,
1988 BAR)
Q: VC, JG, GG, and JG conspired to overthrow the
Philippine Government. VG was recognized as the Q: During a military uprising aimed at ousting the duly
titular head of the conspiracy. Several meetings were constituted authorities and taking over the
held and the plan was finalized. JJ, bothered by his government, General Tejero and his men forcibly took
conscience, confessed to Father Abraham that he, VG, over the entire Rich Hotel which they used as their
JG and GG have conspired to overthrow the base. They used the rooms and other facilities of the
government. Father Abraham did not report this hotel, ate all the available food they found, and
information to the proper authorities. Did Father detained some hotel guests.
Abraham commit a crime? If so, what crime was
committed? What is his criminal liability? (1994 BAR) What crime did General Tejero and his men commit?
(2013 BAR)
A: NO, Father Abraham did not commit a crime because
the conspiracy involved is one to commit rebellion, not a a. Rebellion complexed with serious illegal
conspiracy to commit treason which makes a person detention and estafa.
criminally liable under Art 116, RPC. And even assuming b. Rebellion.
that it will fall as misprision of treason, Father Abraham is c. Coup d'etat.
exempted from criminal liability under Art. 12(7) [of the d. Terrorism.
RPC] as his failure to report can be considered as due to e. None of the above.
"insuperable cause", as this involves the sanctity and
inviolability of a confession. A: (c) Coup d'etat. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

Conspiracy to commit rebellion results in criminal liability Q: Distinguish clearly but briefly: Between Rebellion
to the co-conspirators, but not to a person who learned of and coup d’état, based on their constitutive elements
such and did not report to the proper authorities. (US v. as criminal offenses. (2004, 1991 BAR)
Vergara, G.R. No. 1543, 19 Mar. 1904; and People v. Atienza,
G.R. No. L-35748, 14 Dec. 1931) (UPLC Suggested Answers)

47 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A: Rebellion is committed when a multitude of persons SEDITION
rise publicly in arms for the purpose of overthrowing the (2013, 2012, 2007, 1987 BAR)
duly constituted government, to be replaced by a
government of the rebels. It is carried out by force and Q: What is the proper charge against a person who,
violence, but need not be participated in by any member without taking arms or being in open hostility against
of the military, national police or any public officer. the Government, shall incite others to deprive
Congress of its legislative powers, by means of
Coup d'etat is committed when members of the military, speeches or writings? (2012 BAR)
Philippine National Police, or public officer, acting as
principal offenders, launched a swift attack thru strategy, (a) inciting to sedition;
stealth, threat, violence or intimidation against duly (b) inciting to rebellion or insurrection;
constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines, (c) crime against legislative body;
military camp or installation, communication networks, (d) unlawful use of means of publication or
public facilities or utilities needed for the exercise and unlawful utterances.
continued possession of governmental powers, for the
purpose of seizing or diminishing state powers. A: (a) inciting to sedition. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria,
Unlike rebellion which requires a public uprising, coup
d'etat may be carried out singly or simultaneously and the Q: What are the different acts of Inciting to Sedition?
principal offenders must be members of the military, (2007 BAR)
national police, or public officer, with or without civilian
support. The criminal objective need not be to overthrow A: The different acts which constitute the crime of Inciting
the existing government but only to destabilize or to Sedition are:
paralyze the existing government. (UPLC Suggested
Answers) 1. Inciting others through speeches, writings, banners
and other media of representation to commit acts
Q: which constitute sedition;

(a) If a group of persons belonging to the armed 2. Uttering seditious words, speeches or circulating
forces makes a swift attack, accompanied by scurrilous libels against the Government of the
violence, intimidation, and threat against a Philippines or any of its duly constituted authorities,
vital military installation for the purpose of which tend to disturb or obstruct the performance of
seizing power and taking over such official functions, or which tend to incite others to
installation, what crime or crimes are they cabal and meet for unlawful purposes;
guilty of? (2002, 1998 BAR)
3. Inciting through the same media of representation
A: The perpetrators, being persons belonging to the rebellious conspiracies or riots;
Armed Forces, would be guilty of the crime of coup d'etat,
under Art. 134-A of the RPC, as amended, because their 4. Stirring people to go against lawful authorities, or
attack was against vital military installations which are disturb the peace and public order of the community
essential to the continued possession and exercise of or of the Government; or
governmental powers, and their purpose is to seize power
by taking over such installations. 5. Knowingly concealing any of the aforestated evil
practices. (Art. 142, RPC)
(b) If the attack is quelled but the leader is
unknown, who shall be deemed the leader Q: A, B, C, D, and E were former soldiers who deserted
thereof? (2002, 1998 BAR) their command in Mindanao. Jose and Pedro, two big
landowners, called A, B, C, D, and E to a conference.
A: The leader being unknown, any person who in fact Jose and Pedro proposed to these former soldiers that
directed the others, spoke for them, signed receipts and they recruit their comrades and organize a group of
other documents issued in their name, or performed 100 for the purpose of challenging the government by
similar acts, on behalf of the group shall be deemed the force of arms in order to prevent the enforcement or
leader of said coup d'etat. (Art 135, RPC) (UPLC Suggested implementation of the Land Reform Law in Cotabato
Answers) Province. Jose and Pedro promised to finance the
group and to buy firearms for the purpose. The former
soldiers agreed.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 48
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
After Jose and Pedro left, A, the leader of the former A: K committed two counts of Direct Assault. The elements
soldiers, said that in the meanwhile he needed money of direct assault under Art. 148 of the RPC are:
to support his family. D suggested that they rob a bank
and agreed to carry put the plan on the 15th day of the 1. That the offender makes an attack, employs force,
month. Unknown to all of them, as they were makes a serious intimidation or makes a serious
conferring with Jose and Pedro and as they were resistance;
planning to rob the bank, Rosauro, a houseboy was
within hearing distance. 2. That the person assaulted is a person in authority or
his agent;
On the pretext of buying cigarettes, Rosauro instead
went directly to the Police and told them what 3. That at the time of the assault, the person in authority
transpired. All the former soldiers, as well as Jose and or his agent is engaged in the actual performance of
Pedro, were arrested. (1987 BAR) official duties, or that he is assaulted by reason of the
past performance of official duties;
(a) What crime, if any, did the former soldiers
commit? 4. That the offender knows that the one he is assaulting
is a person in authority or his agent in the exercise of
A: The former soldiers committed the crime of conspiracy his duties; and
to commit sedition. What Jose and Pedro proposed to the
soldiers that they recruit their comrades and organize a 5. That there is no public uprising. Art. 152 further
group of 100 for the purpose of challenging the provides that teachers, professors, and persons
government by force of arms in order to prevent the charged with the supervision of public or duly
implementation of the Land Reform Law in Cotabato recognized private schools, colleges, and universities
Province is to commit sedition. in the actual performance of their professional duties
or on the occasion of such performance shall be
Proposal to commit sedition is not punished. But since the deemed persons in authority.
soldiers agreed, a conspiracy to commit sedition resulted
which is now punishable. Conspiracy arises on the very Here, all the elements of Direct Assault are present, where
moment the plotters agree. (People v. Peralta, G.R. No. L- K repeatedly punched Ms. L, a person in authority engaged
19069, 29 Oct. 1968) in the performance of her official duties.

(b) What about Jose and Pedro? K also committed Direct Assault against J. Art. 152 states
that any person who comes to the aid of persons in
A: Jose and Pedro will also be liable for conspiracy to authority shall be deemed an agent of a person in
commit sedition since they are members of the conspiracy authority. Here, while K was attacking Ms. L, K also hit J,
where the act of one is the act of all. If the soldiers did not an agent of a person in authority who came to the aid of a
agree to their proposal, they would not incur any criminal person in authority. (Gelig v. People, G.R. No. 173150, 28
liability because there is no proposal to commit sedition. July 2010)
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
Q: Miss Reyes, a lady professor, caught Mariano, one of
DIRECT ASSAULT her students, cheating during an examination. Aside
(2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2009, 2002, 2001, from calling Mariano’s attention, she confiscated his
2000, 1995, 1993, 1991, 1989, 1987 BAR) examination booklet and sent him out of the room,
causing Mariano extreme embarrassment.
Q: Ms. L, dean of a duly recognized private school,
caught K, one of her students, vandalizing one of the In class the following day, Mariano approached Miss
school’s properties. Ms. L called K’s attention and Reyes and without any warning, slapped her on the
proceeded to scold him, causing a crowd to gather face. Mariano would have inflicted grave injuries on
around them. Embarrassed with the situation, K Miss Reyes had not Dencio, another student,
attacked Ms. L by repeatedly punching her on the face. intervened. Mariano then turned his ire on Dencio and
Just as K was about to strike Ms. L again, J, another punched him repeatedly, causing him injuries. What
student, intervened. K then turned his anger on J and crime or crimes, if any, did Mariano commit? (2013
also hit him repeatedly, causing him physical injuries. BAR)

What crime/s did K commit under the RPC for his acts A: Mariano is liable for two counts of direct assault. First,
against Ms. L and J? Explain. (2019 BAR) when he slapped Miss Reyes, who is a person in authority
expressly mentioned in Art. 152 of the RPC, who was in
the performance of her duties on the day of the
commission of the assault. Second, when he repeatedly
punched Dencio, who became an agent of the person in

49 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
authority when he came to the aid of a person in authority, Y and Z immediately proceeded to the school building
Miss Reyes. (Gelig v. People, G.R. No. 173150, July 28, 2010) and because they were running and talking in loud
(UPLC Suggested Answers) voices, they were seen by the barangay chairman, B,
who followed them as he suspected that an untoward
Q: What is the proper charge against a group of four incident might happen. Upon seeing A inside the
persons who, without public uprising, employs force classroom, X pointed him out to his father, Y, who
to prevent the holding of any popular election? (2012 administered a fist blow on A, causing him to fall
BAR) down. When Y was about to kick A, B rushed towards
Y and pinned both of the latter’s arms. Seeing his
A: Direct Assault. Any person or persons who, without a father being held by B, X went near and punched B on
public uprising, shall employ force or intimidation for the the face, which caused him to lose his grip on Y.
attainment of any of the purposes enumerated in defining Throughout this incident, Z shouted words of
the crimes of rebellion and sedition, is liable for the crime encouragement at Y, her husband, and also threatened
of direct assaults. (Art. 148, RPC) to slap A.

The first mode of direct assault is tantamount to rebellion Security guards of the school arrived, intervened and
or sedition, without the element of public uprising. (People surrounded X, Y and Z so that they could be
v. Recto, G.R. No. 129069, 17 Oct. 2001) If the offender investigated in the principal’s office. Before leaving, Z
prevented by force the holding of a popular election in passed near A and threw a small flowerpot at him but
certain precincts, without public uprising, he may be held it was deflected by B. (2001 BAR)
liable for direct assault of the first form. (Clarin v. Justice of
Peace, G.R. No. L-7661, 30 Apr. 1955) (UPLC Suggested (a) What, if any, are the respective criminal
Answers) liability of X, Y, and Z?

Q: Bernardo was enraged by his conviction for robbery A: X is liable for Direct Assault only, assuming the physical
by Judge Samsonite despite insufficient evidence. injuries inflicted on B, the Barangay Chairman, to be only
Pending his appeal, Bernardo escaped in order to get slight and hence, would be absorbed in the direct assault.
even with Judge Samsonite. Bernardo learned that the A Barangay Chairman is a person in authority (Art. 152,
judge regularly slept in his mistress' house every RPC) and in this case, was performing his duty of
weekend. Thus, he waited for the judge to arrive on maintaining peace and order when attacked.
Saturday evening at the house of his mistress. It was
about 8:00 p.m. when Bernardo entered the house of Y is liable for the complex crimes of Direct Assault with
the mistress. He found the judge and his mistress Less Serious Physical Injuries for the fist blow on A, the
having coffee in the kitchen and engaging in small teacher, which caused the latter to fall down. For purposes
talk. Without warning, Bernardo stabbed the judge at of the crime in Arts. 148 and 151 of the RPC, a teacher is
least 20 times. The judge instantly died. considered a person in authority, and having been
attacked by Y by reason of his performance of official duty,
Prosecuted and tried, Bernardo was convicted direct assault is committed with the resulting less serious
of direct assault with murder. Rule with reasons physical injuries complexed.
whether or not the conviction for direct assault
with murder was justified. (2017 BAR) Z, the mother of X and wife of Y may only be liable as an
accomplice to the complex of crimes of direct assault with
less serious physical injuries committed by Y. Her
A: Bernardo was correctly convicted of direct assault with
participation should not be considered as that of a co-
murder. Attacking Judge Samsonite by reason of past
principal, since her reactions were only incited by her
performance of duty of convicting Bernardo based on his
relationship to X and Y, as the mother of X and the wife of
assessment of the evidence constitutes qualified direct
assault. He likewise committed the crime of murder when
he committed the direct assault with the circumstance of
(b) Would your answer be the same if B were a
treachery. In a single act of attacking Judge Samsonite, he
barangay tanod only?
committed two crimes, direct assault and murder. The two
crimes may be complexed under Article 48 of the Revised
A: If B were a Barangay Tanod only, the act of X of laying
Penal Code. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
hand on him, being an agent of a person in authority only,
would constitute the crime of Resistance and
Q: A, a teacher at Mapa High School, having gotten mad
Disobedience under Art. 151, RPC since X, a high school
at X, one of his pupils, because of the latter’s throwing
pupil, could not be considered as having acted out of
paper clips at his classmates, twisted his right ear. X
contempt for authority but more of helping his father get
went out of the classroom crying and proceeded home
free from the grip of B. Laying hand on an agent of a
located at the back of the school. He reported to his
person in authority is not ipso facto Direct Assault, while it
parents, Y and Z, what A had done to him,
would always be Direct Assault if done to a person in

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 50
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
authority in defiance to the latter’s exercise of authority. escape. By accepting gifts from Brusco, who was part of
(UPLC Suggested Answers) the syndicate to which Dancio belonged, he is also guilty of
Indirect Bribery under Art. 211.
(2002, 2001, 1990, 1989 BAR) Brusco committed Delivery of Prisoner from Jail under
Art. 156, qualified by his bribery of Edri. Helping a person
Q: Amy was apprehended and arrested by Patrolman confined in jail to escape constitutes this crime. “Helping”
Bart for illegal parking. She was detained at the police means furnishing the prisoner with the material means or
precinct, underwent investigation, and released only tools which greatly facilitate his escape; hence, providing a
after 48 hours. Supposed Amy resisted the arrested pistol which helped Dencio to escape is Delivery of
and grappled with Patrolman Bart, is she criminally Prisoner from Jail. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
liable thereby? (1990 BAR)
Q: Manny killed his wife under exceptional
A: She is criminally liable for Slight Disobedience under circumstances and was sentenced by the RTC of
Art. 151 of the RPC – Resistance and disobedience to a Dagupan City to suffer the penalty of destierro during
person in authority or the agents of such person. (UPLC which he was not to enter the city. While serving
Suggested Answers) sentence, Manny went to Dagupan City to visit his
mother. Later, he was arrested in Manila. (1998 BAR)
(2015, 2012, 2009, 1998, 1989 BAR) (a) Did Manny commit any crime?

Q: Dancio, a member of a drug syndicate, was a A: YES. Manny committed the crime of evasion of service
detention prisoner in the provincial jail of X Province. of sentence when he went to Dagupan City, which he was
Brusco, another member of the syndicate, regularly prohibited from entering under his sentence of destierro.
visited Dancio. Edri, the guard in charge who had been A sentence imposing the penalty of destierro is evaded
receiving gifts from Brusco everytime he visited when the convict enters any of the place/places he is
Dancio, became friendly with him and became relaxed prohibited from entering under the sentence or come
in the inspection of his belongings during his jail within the prohibited radius. Although destierro does not
visits. In one of Brusco's visits, he was able to smuggle involve imprisonment, it is nonetheless a deprivation of
in a pistol which Dancio used to disarm the guards and liberty. (People v. Abilong, G.R. No. L-1960, 26 Nov. 1948)
destroy the padlock of the main gate of the jail,
enabling Dancio to escape. What crime(s) did Dancio, (b) If so, where should he be prosecuted?
Brusco and Edri commit? Explain. (2015 BAR)
A: Manny may be prosecuted in Dagupan City or in Manila
A: Dancio did not commit the crime of Evasion of Service where he was arrested. This is so because Evasion of
of Sentence under Art. 157 of the RPC because this crime Service of Sentence is a continuing offense, as the convict
can only be committed by a convict who shall evade is a fugitive from justice in such case. (Parulan v. Dir. of
service of his sentence by escaping during the term of his Prisons, G.R. No. L-28519, 17 Feb. 1968)
imprisonment by reason of final judgment. Dancio is only
a detention prisoner and not a convict. He is not serving 1. COMPREHENSIVE FIREARMS AND
sentence by reason of final judgment but merely AMMUNITION REGULATION ACT
undergoing preventive imprisonment. By escaping while R.A. No. 10591
undergoing preventive imprisonment, he is not evading (2022 BAR)
the service of his sentence.

Q: Jesusa, a mayoralty candidate of the Municipality of

However, Dancio committed the crime of Direct Assault
Jaen, Nueva Ecija during the 2019 local elections, was
under Art. 148 for disarming the guards with the use of
ambushed and gunned down by Jhudas, a gun for hire.
pistol while they are engaged in the performance of their
Jhudas was arrested at a COMELEC checkpoint just
duties. Using a pistol to disarm the guards manifests
after the incident. The firearm he used, a baby
criminal intention to defy the law and its representative at
Armalite, was verified to be without any license.
all hazard.
During the interrogation, Jhudas admitted that Pontio,
the rival mayoralty candidate of Jesusa, paid him Php
NOTE: Illegal possession of firearms may also be
1,000,000.00 to assassinate Jesusa. Due to Jhudas’
admission, coupled with the sworn statement of an
eyewitness, the prosecutor filed two Informations, one
Edri committed Infidelity in the Custody of Prisoner or
for Murder and one for Illegal Possession of Firearm,
Evasion through Negligence under Art. 224. As the guard
against both Jhudas and Pontio.
in charge, Edri was negligent in relaxing the inspection of
the Brusco’s belongings during jail visits allowing him to
Do you agree with the prosecutor’s charges against
smuggle a pistol to Dencio, which he subsequently used to
Jhudas and Pontio? Explain briefly. (2022 BAR)

51 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A: YES, the charges against Jhudas for Murder and Illegal unlicensed firearm is not considered as a separate crime
Possession of Firearms are correct. When Jhudas gunned but shall be appreciated as a mere aggravating
down Jesusa upon Pontio’s inducement by paying him Php circumstance. Thus, where murder was committed, the
1,000,000.00, the crime committed was murder. The use of penalty for illegal possession of firearms is no longer
unlicensed firearm in the commission of the crime is an imposable since it becomes merely a special aggravating
aggravating circumstance. Where murder was committed, circumstance. The intent of Congress is to treat the offense
the penalty for illegal possession of firearms is no longer of illegal possession of firearm and the commission of
imposable since it becomes merely a special aggravating homicide or murder with the use of unlicensed firearm as
circumstance. (People v. Gaborne, G.R. No. 210710, 27 July a single offense. (People v. Gaborne, G.R. No. 210710, 27 Jul.
2016) 2016) (UPLC Suggested Answers).

Jhudas may likewise be liable for violation of R.A. 10951 as

he was caught in flagrante delicto in possession of an D. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC INTEREST
unlicensed firearm when he was apprehended at the (2018, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005,
checkpoint, which is a separate occasion/offense from the 2000, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1989
crime of Murder he committed. 1988, 1987 BAR)

Pontio, on the other hand, shall be liable for Murder

committed by Jhudas as principal by inducement. (People
v. Gaborne, G.R. No. 210710, 27 Jul. 2016). (Bar Q&A by
(1999 BAR)
Judge Alejandria, 2023)

Q: How are "forging" and "falsification" committed?

Q: Wielding loose firearms, Rene and Roan held up a
(1999 BAR)
bank. After taking the bank's money, the robbers ran
towards their getaway car, pursued by the bank
A: Forging or Forgery is committed by giving to a treasury
security guards. As the security guards were closing in
or bank note or any instrument payable to bearer or to
on the robbers, the two fired their firearms at the
order the appearance of a true and genuine document; or
pursuing security guards. As a result, one of the
by erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or altering by any
security guards was hit on the head causing his
means the figures, letters, words or signs contained
immediate death.
Falsification, on the other hand, is committed through –
For the taking of the bank's money and killing of the
security guard with the use of loose firearms, the
1. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature
robbers were charged in court in two separate
or rubric;
Information, one for robbery with homicide attended
by the aggravating circumstance of use of loose
2. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in
firearms, and the other for illegal possession of
any act or proceeding when they did not in fact so

Are the indictments correct? (2018 BAR)

3. Attributing to persons who have participated in an act
or proceeding statements other than those in fact
A: YES, the indictment for Robbery with homicide is
made by them;
correct. Robbery with homicide, a special complex crime, is
primarily a crime against property and not against
4. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts;
persons, homicide being a mere incident of the robbery
with the latter being the main purpose of the criminal.
5. Altering true dates;

The indictment for illegal possession of firearm is wrong.

6. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine
In the case of People v. Gaborne, G.R. No. 210710, July 27,
document which changes its meaning;
2016, the Supreme Court clarified the issue, to wit:

7. Issuing in an authenticated form a document

In view of the amendments introduced by R.A. No. 8294
purporting to be a copy of an original document when
and R.A. No. 10591, to Presidential Decree No. 1866, 14
no such original exists, or including in such copy a
separate prosecutions for homicide and illegal possession
statement contrary to, or different from, that of the
are no longer in order. Instead, illegal possession of
genuine original; or
firearm is merely to be taken as an aggravating
circumstance in the crime of murder. It is clear from the
8. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the
foregoing that where murder results from the use of an
issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or official
unlicensed firearm, the crime is not qualified illegal
book. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
possession but, murder. In such a case, the use of the

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 52
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
COUNTERFEITING COINS; FORGING TREASURY OR Was the conviction of the accused proper although the
BANK NOTES, OBLIGATIONS AND SECURITIES; conviction was premised merely on the aforesaid
IMPORTING AND UTTERING FALSE OR FORGED ratiocination? Explain your answer. (1999 BAR)
(1999 BAR) A: YES. The conviction is proper because there is a
presumption in law that the possessor and user of a
Q: Is mere possession of false money bills punishable falsified document is the one who falsified the same.
under Art. 168 of the RPC? (1999 BAR) (UPLC Suggested Answers)

A: NO. Possession of false treasury or bank note alone Q: B imitated the signature of A, registered owner of a
without an intent to use it, is not punishable. But the lot, in special power of attorney naming him (B) as the
circumstances of such possession may indicate intent to attorney-in-fact of A. On Feb. 13, 1964, B mortgaged
utter, sufficient to consummate the crime of Illegal the lot to a bank using the special power of attorney to
Possession of False Notes. (UPLC Suggested Answers) obtain a loan of P8,500. On the same day, both the
special power of attorney and the mortgage contract
INTRODUCTION OF FALSE DOCUMENTS were duly registered in the Registry of Deeds.
(1987 BAR)
Because of B’s failure to pay, the bank foreclosed the
Q: M was forced by a policeman to sign a document mortgage and the lot was sold to X in whose name a
entitled “Sinumpaang Salaysay” in which M implicated new title was issued. In March 1974, A discovered that
X as the brain behind the robbery of a bank where the property was already registered in the name of X
P500,000.00 were lost. The document was prepared because an ejectment case filed against him by X. If
by the policeman upon advice of B, the bank’s lawyer, you were the lawyer of A, with what crime or crimes
who was present when the policeman asked M to sign would you charge B? Explain. (1993 BAR)
the document. As M refused to sign it, the policeman
held him by the neck and forced him to sign, which he A: The crime to be charged against B is Estafa through
did as he was afraid he might be bodily harmed. Falsification of a Public Document. When the offender
commits in a public document any of the acts of
During the hearing of the Robbery before the Fiscal’s falsification enumerated in Art. 171 of the RPC as a
Office, B submitted the “Sinumpaang Salaysay” as necessary means to commit another crime, like estafa,
evidence, on the basis of which X was included in the theft or malversation, the two crimes form a complex
information filed by the Fiscal in court. crime under Art. 48 of the same Code. The falsification of a
public, official or commercial document may be a means of
When M testified in court, he repudiated the committing estafa because, before the falsified document
document and told the court there was no truth to its is actually utilized to defraud another, the crime of
contents as he was merely forced to sign it. Did lawyer falsification has already been consummated, damage or
B commit any crime when he used the “Sinumpaang intent to cause damage not being an element of the crime
Salaysay” as evidence? (1987 BAR) of falsification of a public, official or commercial
document. In other words, the crime of falsification was
A: The lawyer would be liable under Art. 172 of the RPC committed prior to the consummation of the crime of
for the offense of introducing a false document in a judicial estafa.
proceeding as he knew the same to be false. (UPLC
Suggested Answers) Actually utilizing the falsified public, official or commercial
document to defraud another is estafa. The damage to
FALSIFICATION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENT another is caused by the commission of estafa, not by the
(2018, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2000, 1999, falsification of the document. (Intestate Estate of Manolita
1993, 1992, 1988 BAR) Gonzales Vda. De Carungcong v. People, G.R. No. 181409, 11
Feb. 2010) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Q: A falsified official or public document was found in
the possession of the accused. No evidence was Q: Jose Dee Kiam, a Chinese citizen born in Macao,
introduced to show that the accused was the author of having applied with a recruitment agency to work in
the falsification. As a matter of fact, the trial court Kuwait, went to Quezon City Hall to procure a
convicted the accused of Falsification of Official or Community Tax Certificate, formerly called Residence
Public Document mainly on the proposition that “the Certificate.
only person who could have made the erasures and
the superimposition mentioned is the one who will be He stated therein that his name is Leo Tiampuy, a
benefited by the alterations thus made” and that “he Filipino citizen born in Binan, Laguna. As he paid for
alone could have the motive for making such the Community Tax Certificate, Cecille Delicious, an
alterations”. employee in the office recognized him and reported to
her boss that the information written in the

53 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Community Tax Certificate were all lies. Shortly FALSIFICATION OF PRIVATE DOCUMENT
thereafter, an information was filed against Dee Kiam (2018, 2007, 1991, 1989 BAR)
alias Tiampuy. (1992 BAR)
Q: Fe is the manager of a rice mill in Bulacan. In order
(a) An information was filed against Dee Kiam. to support a gambling debt, Fe made it appear that the
What crime, if any, may he be indicted for? rice mill was earning less than it actually was by
Why? writing in a “talaan” or ledger a figure lower than
what was collected and paid by their customers. Fe
A: Dee Kiam can be indicted for the felony of Falsification then pocketed the difference. What crime/s did Fe
of a Public Document committed by a private individual commit, if any? Explain your answer. (2007 BAR)
under Art. 172 of the RPC in relation to Art. 171 thereof. A
residence certificate is a public or official document within A: Fe committed the crimes of: (a) Estafa through Abuse of
the context of said provisions and jurisprudence. Since Confidence or Unfaithfulness; and (b) Falsification of a
Dee Kiam made an untruthful statement in a narration of Private Document.
facts (Art. 171(4), RPC), and he, being a private individual,
is culpable thereunder. Damage or intent to cause damage, would sustain the case
for estafa independently of the falsification of the
(b) The accused move to quash the information on commercial document. The crime of Falsification of a
the ground that it did not allege that he had Commercial Document has already been consummated
the obligation to disclose the truth in the and the use of said of document to defraud another person
Community Tax Certificate; that the same is a would constitute estafa, which constitutes the damage. In
useless scrap of paper which one can buy even this case, two (2) separate crimes are committed; namely,
in the Quiapo underpass and that he had no Estafa and Falsification of the Commercial Document. The
intent of deceiving anybody. Would you grant falsification should not be complexed with the estafa since
the motion to quash? it was not committed as a necessary means to commit the
estafa. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: NO. Falsification of Public Documents under Arts. 171
and 172, RPC does not require that the document is Q: In a civil case for recovery of a sum of money filed
required by law. The sanctity of the public document, a against him by A, B interposed the defense of
residence certificate, cannot be taken lightly as being a payment. In support thereof, he identified and offered
“mere scrap of paper”. Intent to cause damage or actual in evidence a receipt which appears to be signed by A.
damage, is not an indispensable requisite for Falsification On rebuttal, A denied having been paid by B and
of Public Document. (UPLC Suggested Answers) having signed the receipt. He presented a handwriting
expert who testified that the alleged signature of A on
Q: Andrea signed her husband’s name in endorsing his the receipt is a forgery and that a comparison thereof
treasury warrants which were delivered to her with the specimen signatures of B clearly shows that B
directly by the district supervisor who knew that her himself forged the signature of A. (1991 BAR)
husband had already died, and she used the proceeds
to pay for the expenses of her husband’s last illness (a) Is B liable for the crime of using a falsified
and his burial. She knew that her husband had document in a judicial proceeding (last
accumulated vacation and sick leaves the money value paragraph of Art. 172 of the RPC)?
of which exceeded that value of the three treasury
warrants, so that the government suffered no damage. A: NO. B should not be liable for the crime of using a
Andrea’s appeal is based on her claim of absence of falsified document, under the last paragraph of Art. 172,
criminal intent and of good faith. RPC. He would be liable for forgery of a private document
under the second mode of falsification under Art. 172,
Should she be found guilty of falsification? Discuss RPC.
briefly. (1988 BAR)
Being the possessor and user of the falsified document, he
A: Andrea should be held guilty of Falsification of Public is presumed to be the forger or falsifier and the offense of
Documents. Her claim of absence of criminal intent and of introducing falsified document is already absorbed in the
good faith cannot be considered because she is presumed main offense of forgery or falsification.
to know that her husband is dead. The element of damage
required in falsification does not refer to pecuniary (b) If he is not, what offense of offenses may he be
damage but damage to public interest. charged with?

NOTE: Executive clemency can, however, be sought for by A: If he testified on the genuineness of the document, he
Andrea. (UPLC Suggested Answers) should also be liable under Art. 182, which is False
Testimony in Civil Cases. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 54
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
FALSE TESTIMONY; PERJURY neighbor of C. Is A guilty of perjury? Are A and C guilty
(2012, 2008, 2005, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1991, of Subordination of Perjury? (1997 BAR)
1987 BAR)
A: NO. A is not guilty of perjury because the willful
Q: AA knowingly and willfully induced BB to swear falsehood asserted by him is not material to the charge of
falsely. BB testified as told in a formal hearing of an immorality. Whether A is single or married, the charge of
administrative case under circumstances rendering immorality against him as a government employee could
him guilty of perjury. Is AA criminally liable? (2012 proceed or prosper. In other words, A's civil status is not a
BAR) defense to the charge of immorality, hence, not a material
matter that could influence the charge.
(a) AA is not criminally liable because his act
constitutes subornation of perjury which is There is no crime of subornation of perjury. The crime is
not expressly penalized in the Revised Penal now treated as plain perjury with the one inducing
Code. another as the principal inducement, and the latter, as
principal by direct participation. (People v. Podol, G.R. No.
(b) AA is not criminally liable because he was not 45618, 18 Oct. 1938)
the one who gave false testimony in the
administrative case. Since in this case, A cannot be held liable for perjury, the
matter that he testified to being immaterial, he cannot
(c) AA is not criminally liable because the witness therefore be held responsible as a principal by
suborned testified in an administrative case inducement when he induced C to testify on his status.
only. Consequently, C is not liable as principal by direct
participation in perjury, having testified on matters not
(d) AA is criminally liable for perjury as principal material to an administrative case. (UPLC Suggested
by inducement with BB as the principal by Answers)
direct participation.
Q: Sisenando purchased the share of the stockholders
A: (d) AA is criminally liable for perjury as principal by of Estrella Corporation in two installments, making
inducement with BB as the principal by direct him the majority stockholder thereof and eventually,
participation. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022) its president. Because the stockholders who sold their
stocks failed to comply with their warranties
Q: Al Chua, a Chinese national, filed a petition under attendant to the sale, Sisenando withheld payment of
oath for naturalization, with the Regional Trial Court the second installment due on the shares and
of Manila. In his petition, he stated that he is married deposited the money in escrow instead, subject to
to Leni Chua; that he is living with her in Sampaloc, release once said stockholders comply with their
Manila; that he is of good moral character; and that he warranties. The stockholders concerned, in turn,
has conducted himself in an irreproachable manner rescinded the sale in question and removed Sisenando
during his stay in the Philippines. However, at the from the Presidency of the Estrella Corp., Sisenando
time of the filing of the petition, Leni Chua was already then filed a verified complaint for damages against
living in Cebu, while Al was living with Babes Toh in said stockholders in his capacity as president and
Manila, with whom he has an amorous relationship. principal stockholder of Estrella Corp.
After his direct testimony, Al Chua withdrew his
petition for naturalization. What crime or crimes, if In retaliation, the stockholders concerned, after
any, did Al Chua commit? Explain. (2005 BAR) petitioning the Securities and Exchange Commission
to declare the rescission valid, further filed a criminal
A: Al Chua committed perjury. His declaration under oath case for perjury against Sisenando, claiming that the
for naturalization that he is of good moral character and latter perjured himself when he stated under oath in
residing at Sampaloc, Manila is false. This information is the verification of his complaint for damages that he is
material to his petition for naturalization. He committed the President of the Estrella Corporation when in fact
perjury for this willful and deliberate assertion of he had already been removed as such.
falsehood which is contained in a verified petition made
for a legal purpose. (UPLC Suggested Answers) Under the facts of the case, could Sisenando be held
liable for perjury? Explain. (1996 BAR)
Q: A, a government employee, was administratively
charged with immorality for having an affair with B, a A: NO. Sisenando may not be held liable for perjury
co-employee in the same office who believed him to be because it cannot be reasonably maintained that he
single. To exculpate himself, A testified that he was wilfully and deliberately made an assertion of a falsehood
single and was willing to marry B, He induced C to when he alleged in the complaint that he is the President
testify and C did testify that B was single. The truth, of the Corporation.
however, was that A had earlier married D, now a

55 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Obviously, he made the allegation on the premise that his Example of Instigation: Because the members of an anti-
removal from the presidency is not valid and that is narcotic team are already known to drug pushers. A, the
precisely the issue brought about by his complaint to the team leader, approached and persuaded B to act as a
SEC. It is a fact that Sisenando has been the President of buyer of shabu and transact with C, the suspected drug
the corporation and it is from that position that the pusher. For the purpose, A gave B marked money to be
stockholders concerned purportedly removed him, used in buying shabu from C. After C handed the sachet of
whereupon he filed the complaint questioning his shabu to B and the latter handed the marked money to C,
removal. There is no willful and deliberate assertion of a the team closed-in and placed B and C under arrest. Under
falsehood which is a requisite of perjury. (UPLC Suggested the facts, B is not criminally liable for his participation in
Answers) the transaction because he was acting only under
instigation by the law enforcers. (UPLC Suggested
PROHIBITED DRUGS Q: Following his arrest after a valid buy-bust
(2022, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2009, 2007, 2006, operation, Tommy was convicted of violation of Sec. 5,
2005, 2004, 2003, 1998 BAR) R.A. No. 9165. On appeal, Tommy questioned the
admissibility of the evidence because the police
officers who conducted the buy-bust operation failed
to observe the requisite "chain of custody" of the
1. COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002 evidence confiscated and/or seized from him.
R.A No. 9165 as amended by R.A. No. 10640;
Sec. 21 of the IRR only (a) What is the "chain of custody" requirement in
(2022, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2009, 2007, 2006, drug offenses? What is its rationale? (2016,
2005, 2004, 2003, 1998 BAR) 2009 BAR)

Q: Distinguish fully between entrapment and A: “Chain of custody” requirement in drug offenses refers
instigation in Criminal Law. Exemplify each. (2015, to the duly recorded, authorized movement and custody of
2003, 1995, 1990 BAR) seized dangerous drugs, controlled chemicals, plant
sources of dangerous drugs, and laboratory equipment of
A: dangerous drugs from the time of confiscation/seizure
thereof from the offender, to its turn-over and receipt in
In entrapment – the forensic laboratory for examination, to its safekeeping
1. The criminal design originates from and is already and eventual violation, and for destruction. (Dangerous
in the mind of the lawbreaker even before Drugs Board Regulation No. 1 Series of 2002)
2. The law enforcers resort to ways and means for the Its rationale is to preserve the authenticity of the corpus
purpose of capturing the lawbreaker in flagrante delicti or body of the crime by rendering it improbable
delicto; and that the original item seized/ confiscated in the violation
3. This circumstance is no bar to prosecution and has been exchanged or substituted with another or
conviction of the lawbreaker. tampered with or contaminated. It is a method of
authenticating the evidence as would support a finding
In instigation – beyond reasonable doubt that the matter is what the
1. The idea and design to bring about the commission prosecution claims to be. (UPLC Suggested Answer)
of the crime originated and developed in the mind
of the law enforcers; ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: To establish the chain of
2. The law enforcers induce, lure, or incite a person custody, the prosecution must show the movements of the
who is not minded to commit a crime and would not dangerous drugs from its confiscation up to its
otherwise commit it, into committing the crime; and presentation in court. The purpose of establishing the
3. This circumstance absolves the accused from chain of custody is to ensure the integrity of the corpus
criminal liability. (People v. Dante Marcos, G.R. No. delicti (People v. Magat, G.R. No. 179939, 29 Sept. 2008).
83325, 08 May 1990)
The following links that must be established in the chain
Example of Entrapment: A, an anti-narcotic agent of the of custody in a buy-bust situation are: first, the seizure and
Government acted as a poseur buyer of shabu and marking, if practicable, of the illegal drug recovered from
negotiated with B, a suspected drug pusher who is the accused by the apprehending officer; second, the
unaware that A is a police officer. A then issued marked turnover of the illegal drug seized by the apprehending
money to B who handed a sachet of shabu to B. officer to the investigating officer; third, the turnover by
Thereupon, A signaled his anti-narcotic team to close-in the investigating officer of the illegal drug to the forensic
and arrest B. This is a case of entrapment because the chemist for laboratory examination; and fourth, the
criminal mind is in B already when A transacted with him. turnover and submission of the marked illegal drug seized

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 56
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
from the forensic chemist to the court. (People v. Kamad, (a) Was the chain of custody procedure validly
G.R. No. 174198, 29 Jan. 2010) complied with in this case? If not, was the
deviation from such procedure justified?
To establish the first link in the chain of custody, and that Explain.
is the seizure of the drug from the accused, the
prosecution must comply with Sec. 21 of RA No. 9165, A: NO, the chain of custody was not validly complied with.
which requires that the apprehending officer after the Under Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165, as amended by R.A. No.
confiscation of drug must immediately physically 10640, the presence of at least two insulating witnesses is
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the required: (1) an elected public official, and (2) a
accused or the person from whom such items were representative from the media, or a representative from
confiscated, or his representative or counsel, a the National Prosecution Service. Here, only a media
representative from the media and the Department of representative was present to witness the conduct of
Justice (DOJ), and any elected public official who shall be marking, inventory and photography.
required to sign the copies of the inventory and be given a
copy thereof and within twenty-four (24) hours upon such Further, the credibility of the media reporter as the lone
confiscation, the drug shall be submitted to the PDEA witness in a buy-bust operation is neither a plausible
Forensic Laboratory for examination. (UPLC Suggested explanation nor an unacceptable justification for the
Answer, 2016 Bar) PDEA’s non-compliance with the chain of custody rule.
The Supreme Court listed the following acceptable
(b) What is the effect of failure to observe the justifications in case of the absence of witnesses: (1) their
requirement? (2009 BAR) attendance was impossible because the place of arrest was
a remote area; (2) their safety was threatened by an
A: Failure to observe the “chain of custody” requirement immediate retaliatory action of the accused; and (3)
renders the evidence questionable, not trustworthy and earnest efforts to secure the presence of the witnesses
insufficient to prove the corpus delicti beyond reasonable within the period required under Art. 125 of the RPC
doubt. Hence, Tommy would be acquitted on reasonable prove futile through no fault of the arresting officers.
doubt. (UPLC Suggested Answer) (People v. Sipin, as cited in People v. Lim, G.R. 231989, 04
Sept. 2018)

Q: After a successful entrapment operation by the ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO, the chain of custody was
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Mr. D, a known not validly complied with because of the violation of the
drug pusher, was arrested on 15 Jan. 2019 for having three-witness rule. Under Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165, as
been caught in flagrante delicto selling a pack of amended by R.A. No. 10640, the accused or his
shabu, a prohibited drug, to the poseur-buyer. representative or counsel, a barangay elected official and a
Consequently, Mr. D was frisked by the arresting representative from the media or from the Department of
officer, and aluminum foils, plastic lighters, and Justice (DOJ) must be present during the inventory.
another plastic sachet of shabu were obtained from
him. The items were marked immediately upon The deviation from the procedure is not justified in the
confiscation, and they were likewise inventoried and absence of any justifiable reason for its non-compliance.
photographed at the place of arrest. Throughout the (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
process, a media representative was able to witness
the conduct of the marking, inventory, and (b) What is the consequence of an unjustified
photography of the seized items in the presence of Mr. deviation from the chain of custody rule to the
D. criminal case against Mr. D? Explain.

Mr. D was then charged with the crimes of Illegal Sale A: The unjustified deviation from the chain of custody rule
and Illegal Possession of Dangerous Drugs. In defense, would lead to Mr. D’s acquittal. Well settled is the rule that
he lamented that the chain of custody procedure the procedure under Sec. 21 is a matter of substantive law
under Sec. 21, Art. II of the Comprehensive Dangerous and cannot be brushed aside as a simple procedural
Drugs Act of 2002, as amended, was not followed technicality. (People v. Año, G.R. No. 230070, 14 Mar. 2018)
because only a media representative was present. In (UPLC Suggested Answers)
response, the prosecution maintained that the said
media representative was a very credible reporter While the failure to observe Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165, as
and as such, the presence of any other witness was amended by R.A. No. 10640 will not automatically render
unnecessary. (2019, 2009 BAR) the evidence confiscated from the possession of the
accused inadmissible, in the absence of a justifiable reason
offered by the apprehending officers, the non-compliance
to Sec. 21 will amount to an acquittal as the integrity of the
corpus delicti was not duly preserved.

57 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Robin and Rowell are best friends and have been part thereof or substances derived therefrom even for
classmates since grade school. When the boys floral, decorative and culinary purposes”
graduated from high school, their parents gifted them
with a trip to Amsterdam, all expenses paid. At age 16, (c) If found liable under either (a) or (b) above,
this was their first European trip. Thrilled with a sense what is the penalty that may be imposed on
of freedom, they decided to try what Amsterdam was them?
known for. One night, they scampered out of their
hotel room, went to the De Wallen, better known as A: If found guilty, they will be exempt from criminal
the Red-light District of Amsterdam. There, they went liability, because they are minors (16 years old), as
to a "coffee shop" which sells only drinks and various provided in Chapter 2, Sec. 6 of R.A. 9344 (Juvenile Justice
items made from opium poppy, cannabis, and and Welfare Act of 2006"), to wit: “A child above fifteen
marijuana, all of which are legal in Amsterdam. They (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age shall
represented themselves to be of age, and were served, likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected
and took shots of, cannabis and marijuana products. to an intervention program, unless he/she has acted with
They indulged in these products the whole night, even discernment, in which case, such child shall be subjected to
if it was their first time to try them. the appropriate proceedings in accordance with this Act”.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
Before returning to Manila, they bought a dozen
lollipops laced with cannabis, as souvenir and Q: Maita was the object of Solito's avid sexual desires.
"pasalubong" for their friends. They were accosted at Solito had attempted many times to entice Maita to a
the Manila International Airport and were charged date in bed with him, but Maita had consistently
with importation of dangerous drugs under the refused. Fed up with all her rejections, Solito abducted
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. They Maita around 7 p.m. one night. With his cohorts, Solito
were also charged with use of dangerous drugs after forced Maita into a Toyota lnnova and drove off with
pictures of them in the "coffee shop" in Amsterdam her to a green-painted house situated in a desolate
were posted on Facebook, showing them smoking and part of the town. There, Solito succeeded in having
taking shots of a whole menu of cannabis and carnal knowledge of Maita against her will.
marijuana products. Their own captions on their
Facebook posts clearly admitted that they were using Meanwhile, the police authorities were tipped off that
the dangerous products. The pictures were posted by at 11:30 p.m. on that same night Solito would be
them through Private Messenger (PM) only for their selling marijuana outside the green-painted house.
close friends, but Roccino, the older brother of one of Acting on the tip, the PNP station of the town formed a
their best friends, was able to get hold of his younger buy-bust team with PO2 Masahol being designated the
brother's password, and without authority from his poseur buyer. During the buy-bust operation, Solito
brother, accessed his PM and shared Robin and opened the trunk of the Toyota lnnova to retrieve the
Rowell's Amsterdam photos on Facebook. (2018 BAR) bag of marijuana to be sold to PO2 Masahol. To cut the
laces that he had tied the bag with, Solito took out a
(a) Can Robin and Rowell be prosecuted for use of Swiss knife, but his doing so prompted PO2 Masahol to
dangerous drugs for their one-night use of effect his immediate arrest out of fear that he would
these products in Amsterdam? attack him with the knife. PO2 Masahol then
confiscated the bag of marijuana as well as the Toyota
A: NO. Robin and Rowell cannot be prosecuted by lnnova. (2017 BAR)
Philippine courts because they did not use the dangerous
drug within Philippine territory, applying the principle of (a) Two informations were filed against Solito in
territoriality. (UPLC Suggested Answers) the RTC – one for forcible abduction with rape,
raffled to Branch 8 of the RTC; the other for
(b) Can they be prosecuted for importation of illegal sale of drugs, assigned to Branch 29 of
dangerous drugs? the RTC. Was the charge of illegal sale of drugs
proper? (Question reframed)
A: YES. They can be prosecuted for importation of
dangerous drugs under R.A. No. 9165, which provides: A: NO. The charge of sale of dangerous drugs is improper,
since this crime is consummated only upon the delivery of
“Sec. 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or the dangerous drugs to the poseur buyer for a
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.- that consideration. Since in this case, Solito has not yet
penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging delivered the marijuana to PO2 Masahol when the latter
from P500,000.00 to P10,000,000.00 shall be imposed apprehended the former, the crime committed is not a sale
upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall of dangerous but attempted sale of dangerous drugs. In
import or bring into the Philippines any dangerous People v. Figueroa (G.R. No. 186141, 11 Apr. 2012), where
drug, regardless of the quantity and purity involved, the sale was aborted when the police officers immediately
including any and all species of opium poppy or any placed accused under arrest, the crime committed is

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 58
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
attempted sale. Q: Dimas was arrested after a valid buy-bust
operation. Macario, the policeman who acted as
(b) While the Prosecution was presenting its poseur-buyer, inventoried and photographed ten (10)
evidence in Branch 29, Branch 8 convicted sachets of shabu in the presence of a barangay tanod.
Solito. Immediately after the judgment of The inventory was signed by Macario and the tanod,
conviction was promulgated, Solito filed in but Dimas refused to sign. As Macario was stricken
both Branches a motion for the release of the with flu the day after, he was able to surrender the
Toyota Innova. He argued and proved that he sachets to the PNP Crime Laboratory only after four
had only borrowed the vehicle from his (4) days. During pre-trial, the counsel de oficio of
brother, the registered owner. Branch 8 Dimas stipulated that the substance contained in the
granted the motion but Branch 29 denied it. sachets examined by the forensic chemist is in fact
Were the two courts correct in their rulings? methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. Dimas
Explain your answer. was convicted of violating Sec. 5 of RA 9165.

A: YES. The two courts were correct in their findings. The On appeal, Dimas questioned the admissibility of the
applicable provisions of law are Art. 45 of the RPC and Sec. evidence because Macario failed to observe the
20 of R.A. No. 9165. requisite "chain of custody" of the alleged "shabu"
seized from him. On behalf of the State, the Solicitor
Under Art. 45 of the RPC every penalty imposed for the General claimed that despite non-compliance with
commission of a felony shall include the forfeiture of the some requirements, the prosecution was able to show
instruments or tools with which the crime was committed, that the integrity of the substance was preserved.
unless they be the property of a third person not liable for Moreover, even with some deviations from the
the offense. The Supreme Court ruled that the return of requirements, the counsel of Dimas stipulated that the
the instrument or tools to its owner cannot be prevented substance seized from Dimas was shabu so that the
unless said owner is charged with the offense for which conviction should be affirmed. Rule on the contention
said instrument or tool was used (PDEA v. Brodett, G.R. No. of the State. (2016 BAR)
196390, 28 Sept. 2011, citing People v. Jose, G.R. No. L-
28232, 06 Feb. 1971). The Supreme Court further held that A: The contention of the State is meritorious. Macario, the
the forfeiture of said instrument or tools, if warranted, policeman failed to comply with Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165
would be part of the penalty prescribed (PDEA v. Brodett, since the inventory and photograph of the drugs was only
supra). Hence, the determination of whether it will be made in the presence of the barangay tanod and the same
forfeited could be made only when judgment is rendered. was not submitted to the PNP Crime Laboratory within 24
In this case, the RTC Branch 8 already rendered a
judgment of conviction against Solito. Solito was able to The rule is settled that failure to strictly comply with Sec.
prove that the car belonged to his brother who was not 21(1), Art. II of R.A. No. 9165 does not necessarily render
charged with forcible abduction with rape; hence, it was an accused’s arrest illegal, or the items seized or
correct for the RTC Branch 8 to order the release of the confiscated from him inadmissible. The most important
Toyota Innova to his brother who is not liable for the factor is the preservation the integrity and evidentiary
offense. value of the seized item. Moreover, the issue of
noncompliance with Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165 cannot be
On the other hand, Sec. 20 of R.A. No. 9165 states in part, raised for the first time on appeal. (People v. Badilla, G.R.
“during the pendency of the case in the Regional Trial No. 218578, 31 Aug. 2016) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Court, no property, or income derived from the unlawful
sale of any dangerous drug], which may be confiscated Q: The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)
and forfeited, shall be disposed, alienated or transferred had intelligence reports about the drug pushing
and the same shall be in custodia legis and no bond shall activities of Rado, but could not arresthim for lack of
be admitted for the release of the same.” The Supreme concrete evidence. SP03 Relio, a PDEA team leader,
Court ruled that it is premature to release the car used in approached Emilo and requested him to act as poseur-
the sale of dangerous drugs while the trial is still ongoing buyer of shabu and transact with Rado. Emilo refused,
(PDEA v. Brodett, supra). The Supreme Court explained saying that he had completely been rehabilitated and
that the status of the car for the duration of the trial in the did not want to have anything to do with drugs
RTC as being in custodia legis is primarily intended to anymore. But he was prevailed upon to help when
preserve it as evidence and to ensure its availability as SP03 Relio explained that only he could help capture
such. (PDEA v. Brodett, supra) Rado because he used to be his customer. SP03 Relio
then gave Emilo the marked money to be used in
The RTC Branch 29, thus was correct in denying Solito’s buying shabu from Rado. The operation proceeded.
motion to release the Toyota Innova considering that the
trial for illegal sale of drugs is still ongoing. (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

59 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
After Emilo handed the marked money to Rado in NOTE: This is an offense that is malum prohibitum. Good
exchange for the sachets of shabu weighing 50 grams, faith is not a defense. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
and upon receiving the pre-arranged signal from
Ernilo, SP03 Relio and his team members barged in Q: After receiving a reliable information that Dante
and arrested Rado and Ernilo, who were both charged Ong, a notorious drug smuggler, was arriving on PAL
with violation of R.A. 9165, otherwise known as the Flight No. PR181, PNP Chief Inspector Samuel Gamboa
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. (2015 formed a group of anti-drug agents. When Ong arrived
BAR) at the airport, the group arrested him and seized his
attaché case. Upon inspection the Immigration
(a) What defense, if any, may Emilo invoke to free holding area, the attaché case yielded 5 plastic bags of
himself from criminal liability? Explain. heroin weighing 500 grams. Chief Inspector Gamboa
took the attaché case and boarded him in an
A: Ernilo may invoke Sec. 33, Art. II of R.A. No. 9165 or the unmarked car driven by PO3 Pepito Lorbes.
“Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002”. He may have violated
Sec. 11 of R.A. No. 9165 for possession of shabu but he is On the way to Camp Crame and upon nearing White
immune from prosecution and punishment because of his Plains corner Edsa, Chief Inspector Gamboa ordered
role as the poseur-buyer in the entrapment operation. PO3 Lorbes to stop the car. They brought out the
There was virtually instigation. He is exempted from drugs from the case in the trunk to and got 3 plastic
prosecution or punishment because the information sacks of heroin. They then told Ong to alight from the
obtained from him by the PDEA agents, who had no direct car. Ong left with the 2 remaining plastic sacks of
and concrete evidence of Rado’s drug-pushing activities, heroin. Chief Inspector Gamboa advised him to keep
led to the whereabouts, identity and arrest of Rado. So silent and go home which the latter did.
long as the information and testimony given are pleaded
and proven, Ernilo cannot be prosecuted for violation of Unknown to them, an NBI team of agents had been
R.A. No. 9165. following them and witnessed the transaction. They
arrested Chief Inspector Gamboa and PO3 Lorbes.
(b) May Rado adopt as his own Emilo's defense? Meanwhile, another NBI team followed Ong and
Explain. likewise arrested him. All of them were later charged.
What are their respective criminal liabilities? (2006
A: NO. First, an entrapment operation is a valid means of BAR)
arresting violators of RA 9165. It is an effective way of
apprehending law offenders in the act of committing a A: Chief Inspector Gamboa and PO3 Pepito Lorbes who
crime. In a buy-bust operation, the idea to commit a crime conspired in taking the attache case are liable for the
originates from the offender, without anybody inducing or following crimes defined under R.A. 9165:
prodding him to commit the offense. Second, the immunity
does not extend to violators of Sec. 5 of R.A. No. 9165 or
the sale of shabu (Sec. 33, R.A. No. 9165). Lastly, he was the a. Sec. 27 for misappropriation or failure to account for
offender of the crime and apparently the most guilty of the the confiscated or seized dangerous drugs.
offense. (UPLC Suggested Answers) b. Sec. 4 in relation to Sec. 3(ee) for their acts as
protector/coddler of Dante Ong who imported drugs.
Q: Tiburcio asked Anastacio to join their group for a
“session”. Thinking that it was for a mahjong session, In addition, by allowing Ong to escape prosecution for
Anastacio agreed. Upon reaching Tiburcio’s house, illegal importation or illegal transportation of dangerous
Anastacio discovered that it was actually a shabu drugs, where the penalty is life imprisonment to death,
session. At that precise time, the place was raided by they are also liable for qualified bribery under Art. 211-A
the police, and Anastacio was among those arrested. of the RPC.

What crime can Anastacio be charged with, if any? With respect to Dante Ong, he is guilty of illegal
Explain. (2007 BAR) importation of dangerous drugs under Sec. 4, R.A. 9165, if
PR 181 is an international flight. If PR 181 is a domestic
A: Anastacio may not be charged of any crime. Sec. 7 of flight, he is liable for violation of Sec. 5, RA. 9165 for illegal
R.A. No. 9165 on the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs of transportation of dangerous drugs. (UPLC Suggested
2002 punishes employees and visitors of a den, dive or Answers)
resort where dangerous drugs are used in any form.
However, to be convicted under said provision, the visitor ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Chief Inspector Samuel Gamboa
must be aware of the nature of the place as such and shall and PO3 Pepito Lorbes incur criminal liability under Art.
knowingly visit the same. In this case, Anastacio may not 11, Sec. 4 last par., R.A. No. 9165, otherwise known as the
be charged because he is not aware of the nature of the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”. They
place. acted as “protector/coddler” to the unlawful bringing into
the Philippines of the dangerous drugs. A

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 60
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
“protector/coddler” refers to any person who uses his
power or position in, inter alia, facilitating the escape of F. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS
any person whom he knows or believes, has violated the (1996, 1993 BAR)
Dangerous Drugs Law, in order to prevent the arrest,
prosecution and conviction of the violator.

The two police officers are criminally liable for violation of
(1996 BAR)
Sec. 27. R.A. No. 9165 of the same law for
misappropriation and failure to account for the
Q: Pia, a bold actress living on top floor of a plush
confiscated or seized dangerous drugs.
condominium in Makati City sunbathed naked at its
penthouse every Sunday morning. She was unaware
On the other hand, Dante Ong is criminally liable for the
that the business executives holding office at the
illegal importation or bringing into the Philippines of the
adjoining tall buildings reported to office every
dangerous drugs. (Art. 11, Sec. 4, R.A. No. 9165)
Sunday morning and, with the use of powerful
binoculars, kept on gazing at her while she sunbathed.
Q: Obie Juan is suspected to have in his possession an
Eventually, her sunbathing became the talk of the
unspecified amount of methamphetamine
town. (1996 BAR)
hydrochloride or “shabu”. An entrapment operation
was conducted by police officers, resulting in his
(a) What crime, if any, did Pia commit? Explain.
arrest following the discovery of 100 grams of the said
dangerous drug in his possession. He was
A: Pia did not commit a crime, the felony closest to making
subsequently charged with two crimes: Violation of
Pia criminally liable is Grave Scandal, but then such act is
Sec. 11, Art. II of RA 9165 for the possession of “shabu”
not to be considered as highly scandalous and offensive
and violation of Sec. 15, Art. II of RA 9165 for the use
against decency and good customs. In the first place, it was
of marijuana. (2005, 2004, 1998 BAR)
not done in a public place and within public knowledge or
view. As a matter of fact, it was discovered by the
(a) Are the charges proper? Explain.
executives accidentally and they have to use binoculars to
have public and full view of Pia sunbathing in the nude.
A: The charge of possession of shabu is proper as the mere
possession of such drug is punishable, but the charge of
(b) What crime, if any, did the business executives
use of marijuana is not proper as Sec. 15 of R.A. No. 9165
commit? Explain.
(Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) expressly
excludes penalties for “use” of dangerous drugs when the
A: The business executives did not commit any crime.
person tested “is also found to have in possession such
Their acts could not be acts of lasciviousness (as there was
quantity of any dangerous drug” provided for in Sec. 11 of
no overt lustful act), or slander, as the eventual talk of the
such Act.
town, resulting from her sunbathing, is not directly
imputed to the business executives, and besides such topic
is not intended to defame or put Pia to ridicule. (UPLC
(b) So as not to be sentenced to death, Obie Juan
Suggested Answers)
offers to plead guilty to a lesser offense. Can
he do so? Why?
(1993 BAR)
A: YES. Sec. 23 of R.A. No 9165 which expressly provides
that “Any person charged under any provision of this Act
Q: Juan and Petra are officemates. Later, intimacy
regardless of the imposable penalty shall not be allowed to
developed between them. One day, Juan sent to Petra
avail of the provision on plea-bargaining.” has already
a booklet contained in a pay envelope which was
been struck down by the Supreme Court as
securely sealed. The booklet is unquestionably
unconstitutional for it encroaches on the rule-making
indecent and highly offensive to morals. Juan was
power of the Supreme Court. (Estipona, Jr. v. Lobrigo G.R.
thereafter charged under par. 3 of Art. 201 of the RPC,
No. 226679, 15 Aug. 2017). Thus, Obie Juan can now plea to
as amended by P.D. 969, which provides that the
a lesser offense.
penalty of prision mayor or a fine from P6,000 to
P12,000, or both such imprisonment and fine shall be
imposed upon those who shall sell, give away or
exhibit films, prints, engravings, sculpture or
literature which are offensive to morals. Is Juan guilty
of the crime charged? Reasons. (1993 BAR)

A: NO. Juan is not guilty of the crime charged because the

law (Art. 201, RPC) covers only the protection of public
moral and not only the moral of an individual. (UPLC

61 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Suggested Answers) A: Indirect bribery was not committed because he did not
receive the bribe because of his office but in consideration
1. ANTI-GAMBLING ACT of a crime in connection with his official duty.
P.D. No. 1602 as amended by R.A. 9287
(c) Sec. 3 (e) of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act);

G. CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS A: Sec. 3(e), R.A. No. 8019 was not committed because
(2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2011, there was no actual injury to the government. When there
2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, is no specific quantified injury, violation is not committed.
1999, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1987 (Garcia-Rueda v. Amor, et al., G.R. No. 116938, 20 Sept.
BAR) 2001)

MALFEASANCE AND MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE (d) Obstruction of Justice under PD 1829.

(2016 BAR)
A: Patrick committed the crime of Obstruction of Justice
Q: Define malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. although the feigner penalty imposable on Direct Bribery
(2016 BAR) and Infidelity in the Custody of Documents shall be
imposed. Sec. 1 of P.D. 1829 refers merely to the
A: Malfeasance is the doing of an act which a person ought imposition of the higher penalty and does not preclude
not to do at all. prosecution for obstruction of justice, even if the same
does not constitute another offense.
Misfeasance is the improper doing of an act which a
person may or might lawfully do. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Obstruction of Justice is not
committee in this case, because the act of destroying the
Nonfeasance is the omission of an act which a person evidence in his custody is already penalized by another
ought to do. (Black’s Dictionary, 6th Edition, West law which imposes a higher penalty (Sec. 1, P.D. 1829)
Publishing 1990) (UPLC Suggested Answers) (UPLC Suggested Answers)

DIRECT BRIBERY Q: Deputy Sheriff Ben Rivas received from the RTC
(2019, 2014, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2005, 2001, Clerk of Court a Writ of Execution in the case of
1997, 1994, 1993, 1990 BAR) Ejectment filed by Mrs. Maria Estrada vs. Luis Ablan.
The judgment being in favor of Estrada, Rivas went to
Q: During a PNP buy-bust operation, Cao Shih was her lawyer's office where he was given the necessary
arrested for selling 20 grams of methamphetamine amounts constituting the sheriff’s fees and expenses
hydrochloride (shabu) to a poseur-buyer. Cao Shih, for execution in the total amount of P550.00, aside
through an intermediary, paid Patrick, the Evidence from P2,000.00 in consideration of prompt
Custodian of the PNP Forensic Chemistry Section, the enforcement of the writ from Estrada and her lawyer.
amount of P500,000 in consideration for the The writ was successfully enforced. What crime, if any,
destruction by Patrick of the drug. Patrick managed to did the sheriff commit? (2001 BAR)
destroy the drug.
A: The sheriff committed the crime of Direct Bribery
State with reasons whether Patrick committed the under the second paragraph of Art. 210, RPC, since the
following crimes: (2005 BAR) P2,000 was received by him “in consideration” of the
prompt enforcement of the writ of execution which is an
(a) Direct Bribery; official duty of the sheriff to do. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

A: Patrick committed the crimes of Direct Bribery and INDIRECT BRIBERY

Infidelity in the Custody of Documents. When a public (2017, 2015, 2009, 2006, 2005, 2001, 1997, 1993,
officer is called upon to perform or refrain from 1990 BAR)
performing an official act in exchange for a gift, present or
consideration given to him (Art. 210, RPC), the crime Q: Charina, Clerk of Court of an RTC Branch, promised
committed is Direct Bribery. Secondly, he destroyed the the plaintiff in a case pending before the court that she
shabu which is evidence in his official custody, thus, would convince the Presiding Judge to decide the case
constituting Infidelity in the Custody of Documents under in plaintiff’s favor. In consideration therefor, the
Art. 226 of the RPC. plaintiff gave Charina P20,000.00. Charina was
charged with violation of Sec. 3(b) of R.A. No. 3019,
(b) Indirect Bribery; prohibiting any public officer from directly or
indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, present,
percentage, or benefit in connection with any contract

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 62
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
or transaction x x x wherein the public officer, in his knowing it came from A. What crime or crimes, if any,
official capacity, has to intervene under the law. were committed? (1997, 1993 BAR)

While the case was being tried, the Ombudsman filed A: The judge committed the crime of Indirect Bribery
another information against Charina for Indirect under Art. 211 of the RPC. The gift was offered to the
Bribery under the RPC. Charina demurred to the judge by reason of his office. In addition, the judge will be
second information, claiming that she can no longer liable for the violation of P.D. 46 which punishes the
be charged under the RPC having been charged for the receiving of gifts by public officials and employees on
same act under R.A. 3019. Is Charina correct? Explain. occasions like Christmas. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(2009 BAR)
A: NO, Charina is not correct. Although the charge for (2010 BAR)
violation of R.A. No. 3019 and the charge for Indirect
Bribery (Art. 211, RPC) arose from the same act, the Q:
elements of the violation charged under R.A. No. 3019 are
not the same as the felony charged for Indirect Bribery (a) What is the crime of Qualified Bribery? (2010
under the RPC. (Mejia v. Pamaran, G.R. No. L-56741-42, 15 BAR)
Apr. 1988)
A: Qualified Bribery is a crime committed by a public
Hence, the crimes charged are separate and distinct from officer who is entrusted with law enforcement and who, in
each other, with different penalties. The two charges do consideration of any offer, promise, gift or offer, refrains
not constitute a ground for a motion to dismiss or motion from arresting or prosecuting an offender who has
to quash, as there is no jeopardy against the accused. committed a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua
(UPLC Suggested Answers) and/or death. (Art. 211-A, RPC)

Q: Commissioner Marian Torres of the Bureau of (b) May a judge be charged and prosecuted for
Internal Revenue (BIR) wrote solicitation letters such felony? How about a public prosecutor? A
addressed to the Filipino-Chinese Chamber of police officer? Explain. (2010 BAR)
Commerce and Industry and to certain CEOs of various
multinational corporations requesting donations of A: NO, a judge may not be charged of this felony because
gifts for her office Christmas party. She used the his official duty as a public officer is not law enforcement,
Bureau's official stationery. The response was prompt but the determination of cases already filed in court.
and overwhelming so much so that Commissioner
Torres' office was overcrowded with rice cookers, On the other hand, a public prosecutor may be prosecuted
radio sets, freezers, electric stoves and toasters. Her for this crime in respect of the bribery committed, aside
staff also received several envelopes containing cash from dereliction of duty committed in violation of Art. 208
money for the employees' Christmas luncheon. Has of the RPC, should he refrain from prosecuting an offender
Commissioner Torres committed any impropriety or who has committed a crime punishable by reclusion
irregularity? What laws or decrees did she violate? perpetua and/or death in consideration of any offer,
(2006 BAR) promise, gift or present.

A: YES. Commissioner Torres violated the following: Meanwhile, a police officer who refrains from arresting
such offender for the same consideration above stated,
1. Indirect Bribery (Art. 211, RPC) for receiving gifts may be prosecuted for this felony since he is a public
offered by reason of office. officer entrusted with law enforcement. (UPLC Suggested
2. RA 6713 or Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees when he solicited and CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS
accept gifts. (Sec. 7(d)) (2019, 2018, 2017, 2014, 2009, 2005, 2001,
1993 BAR)
3. PD 46 making it punishable for public officials and
employees to receive, and for private persons to give Q: One Sunday afternoon, Mr. X, President of ABC
gifts on any occasion, including Christmas. (UPLC Corp., happened to bump into the Labor Arbiter
Suggested Answers) assigned to the illegal dismissal case filed by certain
employees against his company. During their
Q: A, who is the private complainant in a murder case encounter, Mr. X promised the Labor Arbiter a luxury
pending before a Regional Trial Court judge, gave a car in exchange for a favorable ruling. The Labor
judge a Christmas gift, consisting of big basket of Arbiter immediately rejected the offer and walked
assorted canned goods and bottles of expensive wines, away.
easily worth P10, 000.00. The judge accepted the gift

63 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
What crime did Mr. X commit under the RPC, if any? for P20,000.00, although the car was worth
Explain. (2019 BAR) P800,000.00.

A: Mr. X committed the crime of Attempted Corruption of What are the respective crimes, if any, committed by
a Public Official. He offered to give the Labor Arbiter a Allan, Danny and Jules? Explain. (2005 BAR)
luxury car in exchange for a favorable ruling on a pending
illegal dismissal case. By making such offer, Mr. X already A: Allan, the municipal treasurer is liable for malversation
commenced the performance of material acts of execution committed through negligence or culpa. The government
in corrupting the Labor Arbiter. He was not able to car which was assigned to him is public property under
perform all the material acts of execution only because the his accountability by reason of his duties. By his act of
Labor Arbiter refused to accept the offer. (Pozar v. CA, G.R. negligence, he permitted the taking of the car by another
No. L-62439, 23 Oct. 1990) person, resulting in malversation, consistent with the
language of Art. 217 of RPC.
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Mr. X committed no crime. Danny committed the crime of fencing for having bought
Because there was no acceptance, there is no crime, and the car, which was the proceeds of carnapping, a crime in
therefore, no penalty should be imposed. Nullum crimen the nature of theft or robbery of motor vehicle. The
nulla poena sine lege. There is no crime where there is no presumption of fencing applies to him for he paid a price
law punishing it. (UPLC Suggested Answers) so inadequate for the value of the car.

Q: Ricky was driving his car when he was flagged Jules committed the crime of carnapping for the unlawful
down by a traffic enforcer for over speeding. Realizing taking, with intent to gain, of the government’s motor
his undoing, but in a hurry for a meeting, Ricky shoved vehicle.
a PhP500 bill in the traffic enforcer’s pocket and
whispered to the latter to refrain from issuing him a NOTE: Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle is now governed
traffic violation receipt. The traffic enforcer still by the New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016 (R.A. 10883), not
issued him a ticket, and returned his money. What by the provisions of the RPC on theft or robbery.
crime, if any, was committed by Ricky? (2018 BAR)
Q: Alex Reyes, together with Jose Santos, were former
A: Ricky in showing a P500 bill in the traffic enforcer’s warehousemen of the Rustan Department Store. In
pocket, clearly committed the crime of Corruption of 1986, the PCGG sequestered the assets, fund and
Public Officials under Art. 212 of the RPC, which states properties of the owners-incorporators of the store,
that any person who shall have made the offers or alleging that they constitute "Ill-gotten wealth" of the
promises or given the gifts or present to a public officer is Marcos family. Upon their application, Reyes and
guilty of corruption of public officer. Even if the P500 bill Santos were appointed as fiscal agents of the
was returned it cannot erase the fact that gifts or presents sequestered firm and they were given custody and
was given to the traffic enforcer. (UPLC Suggested possession of the sequestered building and its
Answers) contents, including various vehicles used in the firm's
(2016, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2001, 1999, 1996, 1994, After a few months, an inventory was conducted and it
1990, 1988, 1987 BAR) was discovered that two (2) delivery vans were
missing. After demand was made upon them, Reyes
Q: How is malversation distinguished from estafa? and Santos failed to give any satisfactory explanation
(1999 BAR) why the vans were missing or to turn them over to the
PCGG; hence, they were charged with Malversation of
A: Malversation differs from estafa in that malversation is Public Property. During the trial, the two accused
committed by an accountable public officer involving claimed that they are not public accountable officers
public funds or property under his custody and and, if any crime was committed, it should only be
accountability; while estafa is committed by non- Estafa under Art. 315, par. 1(b) of the RPC.
accountable public officer or private individual involving
funds or property for which he is not accountable to the What is the proper offense committed? State the
government. (UPLC Suggested Answers) reason(s) for your answer. (2001 BAR)

Q: Allan, the Municipal Treasurer of the Municipality A: The proper offense committed was Malversation of
of Gerona, was in a hurry to return to his office after a Public Property, not estafa, considering that Reyes and
day-long official conference. He alighted from the Santos, upon their application, were constituted as "fiscal
government car which was officially assigned to him, agents" of the sequestered firm and were "given custody
leaving the ignition key and the car unlocked, and and possession" of the sequestered properties, including
rushed to his office. Jules, a bystander, drove off with the delivery vans which later they could not account for.
the car and later sold the same to his brother, Danny

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 64
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
They were thus made the depositary and administrator of funds which could be the proper subject of malversation
properties deposited by public authority and hence, by the under Art. 222, RPC, which pertain to private property
duties of their office/position, they are accountable for placed in the custody of public officers by reason of their
such properties. Such properties, having been sequestered office.
by the Government through the PCGG, are in custodia legis
and therefore impressed with the character of public (b) Assuming that he failed to replenish the
property, even though the properties belong to a private church funds, may he be held criminally liable
individual. (Art. 222, RPC) thereby?

The failure of Reyes and Santos to give any satisfactory A: YES. Momentary use of funds, since there is
explanation why the vans were missing, is prima facie defraudation, is tantamount to estafa under Art. 215 of the
evidence that they had put the same to their personal use. RPC. This is because he received the funds in his capacity
(UPLC Suggested Answers) as treasurer and there was temporary damage caused.
Personal benefit is not an element of the crime of estafa.
Q: Randy, an NBI agent, was issued by the NBI an (UPLC Suggested Answers)
armalite rifle (M16) and a Smith and Wesson Revolver
Cal. 38. After a year, the NBI Director made an TECHNICAL MALVERSATION
inspection of all the firearms issued. Randy, who (2019, 2016, 2015, 2012, 1996 BAR)
reported for work that morning, did not show up
during the inspection. He went on absence without Q: Governor A was given the amount of P10 million by
leave (AWOL). After two years, he surrendered to the the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of
NBI the two firearms issued to him. He was charged buying seedlings to be distributed to the farmers.
with malversation of government property before the Supposedly intending to modernize the farming
Sandiganbayan. industry in his province, Governor A bought farm
equipment through direct purchase from XY
Randy put up the defense that he did not appropriate Enterprise, owned by his kumpare B, the alleged
the armalite rifle and the revolver for his own use, exclusive distributor of the said equipment. Upon
that the delay in accounting for them does not inquiry, the Ombudsman discovered that B has a
constitute conversion and that actually the firearms pending patent application for the said farm
were stolen by his friend, Chiting. Decide the case. equipment. Moreover, the equipment purchased
(1994 BAR) turned out to be overpriced. What crime or crimes, if
any, were committed by Governor A? Explain. (2016
A: Randy is guilty as charged under Art. 217, RPC. He is BAR)
accountable for the firearms they issued to him in his
official capacity. The failure of Randy to submit the A: Governor A committed the crimes of (1) Technical
firearms upon demand created the presumption that he Malversation; and (2) Violation of Secs. 3(e) and (g) of R.A.
converted them for his own use. Even if there is no direct No. 3019.
evidence of misappropriation, his failure to account for
the government property is enough factual basis for a Governor A committed the crime of Illegal Use of Public
finding of malversation. Funds or Property punishable under Art. 220 of the RPC,
also known as Technical Malversation. The crime has
Indeed, even his explanation that the guns were stolen is three elements: (a) that the offender is an accountable
incredible for if the firearms were actually stolen, he public officer; (b) that he applies public funds or property
should have reported the matter immediately to the under his administration to some public use; and (c) that
authorities. (UPLC Suggested Answers) the public use for which such funds or property has been
applied is different from the purpose for which they were
Q: Dencio, who is the Municipal Treasurer of the town, originally appropriated by law or ordinance. (Ysidro v
was also the treasurer of a charity ball of the church. People, G.R. No. 192330, 14 Nov. 2012)
Because he was short of payroll funds for the
municipal employees, he used part of the church funds The amount of P10M granted by the Department of
to replenish the payroll funds with the intention of Agriculture to Governor A, an accountable public officer, is
returning the same when the public funds came. specifically appropriated for the purpose of buying
(1990 BAR) seedlings to be distributed to the farmers. Instead,
Governor A applied the amount to acquire modern farm
(a) Is Dencio guilty of malversation under the equipment through direct purchase from XY Enterprise
RPC? State your reasons. owned by his kumpare. The law punishes the act of
diverting public funds earmarked by law or ordinance for
A: NO. The church funds used by Dencio do not constitute a specific public purpose to another public purpose, hence,
public funds which are the proper subject of malversation. the liability for technical malversation.
Neither does said funds constitute the so-called private

65 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Governor A can also be held liable for violation of Sec. 3(e) The funds for the feeding program are not specifically
of RA 3019, which has the following elements: (1) the appropriated for the beneficiaries of the shelter assistance
accused is a public officer discharging administrative, program in X Municipality’s annual budget. Mayor
judicial, or official functions; (2) he must have acted with Maawain ought to use the boxes of food earmarked
manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross excusable particularly for the feeding program, which would cater
negligence; and (3) his action caused undue injury to any only to the malnourished among his constituents who
party, including the government, or gave any private party needed the resources for proper nourishment.
unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in the
discharge of his functions. (b) May Mayor Maawain invoke the defense of
good faith and that he had no evil intent when
The facts show that the first element is present. The he approved the transfer of the boxes of food
second element is likewise present because “through from the feeding program to the shelter
manifest partiality” in favoring his kumpare, Governor A assistance program? Explain.
did not hold public bidding and directly purchased the
farm equipment from the latter. With respect to the third A: NO. Mayor Maawain cannot invoke good faith when he
element, Governor A’s actions caused undue injury to the approved the transfer of the boxes of food from the
government as well as the farmers deprived of the feeding program to the Shelter Assistance program.
seedlings. His acts likewise gave his kumpare, a private “Criminal intent is not an element of technical
party, the unwarranted benefit, advantage, or preference, malversation. The law punishes the act of diverting public
to the exclusion of other interested suppliers. property earmarked by law or ordinance for a particular
purpose to another public purpose. The offense is mala
The act committed by the Governor is also in violation of prohibita, meaning that the prohibited act is not
Sec. 3(g) of R.A. No. 3019 for entering a contract on behalf inherently immoral but becomes a criminal offense
of the government which is manifestly and grossly because positive law forbids its commission based on
disadvantageous to the same. (UPLC Suggested Answers) considerations of public policy, order and convenience. It
is the commission of an act as defined by the law, and not
Q: A typhoon destroyed the houses of many of the the character or effect thereof that determines whether or
inhabitants of X Municipality. Thereafter, X not the provision has been violated. Hence, malice or
Municipality operated a shelter assistance program criminal intent is completely irrelevant”. (Ysidoro v.
whereby construction materials were provided to the People, G.R. No. 192330, 14 Nov. 2012) (UPLC Suggested
calamity victims, and the beneficiaries provided the Answers)
labor. The construction was partially done when the
beneficiaries stopped helping with the construction Q: Elizabeth is the municipal treasurer of Masinloc,
for the reason that they needed to earn income to Zambales. On Jan. 10, 1994, she received, as municipal
provide food for their families. treasurer, from the Department of Public Works and
Highways, the amount of P100,000.00 known as the
When informed of the situation, Mayor Maawain fund for construction, rehabilitation, betterment, and
approved the withdrawal of ten boxes of food from X Improvement (CRBI) for the concreting of Barangay
Municipality's feeding program, which were given to Phanix Road located in Masinloc, Zambales, a project
the families of the beneficiaries of the shelter undertaken on proposal of the Barangay Captain.
assistance program. The appropriations for the funds Informed that the fund was already exhausted while
pertaining to the shelter assistance program and the concreting of Barangay Phanix Road remained
those for the feeding program were separate items on unfinished, a representative of the Commission on
X Municipality's annual budget. (2015 BAR) Audit conducted a spot audit of Elizabeth who failed to
account for the P100,000 CRBI fund.
(a) What crime did Mayor Maawain commit?
Explain. Elizabeth, who was charged with malversation of
public funds, was acquitted by the Sandiganbayan of
A: Mayor Maawain committed the crime of Illegal Use of that charge but was nevertheless convicted, in the
Public Funds or Property punishable under Art. 220 of the same criminal case, for illegal use of public funds. On
RPC. This offense is also known as Technical Malversation. appeal, Elizabeth argued that her conviction was
The crime has three (3) elements: (a) that the offender is erroneous as she applied the amount of P50,000.00
an accountable public officer; (b) that he applies public for a public purpose without violating any law or
funds or property under his administration to some public ordinance appropriating the said amount for any
use; and (c) that the public use for which such funds or specific purpose. The absence of such law or
property were applied is different from the purpose for ordinance was, in fact, established.
which they were originally appropriated by law or
ordinance. Is the contention of Elizabeth legally tenable? Explain.
(1996 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 66
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: NO. Elizabeth's contention that her conviction for As Daniel was talking to a lawyer inside the
Illegal Use of Public Funds (Technical Malversation) was courtroom, Ernani, with the help of a cigarette vendor,
erroneous is legally tenable because she was charged for Meynardo, who used his cigarette container as cover,
malversation of public funds under Art. 217 of the RPC but surreptitiously moved out of the room and escaped.
was convicted for Illegal Use of Public Funds which is Ernani and Meynardo went to the comfort room for a
defined and punished under Art. 220. while, then went down the stairs and lost themselves
in the crowd. What crime/s were committed by
A public officer charged with malversation may not be Ernani, Daniel and Meynardo? Give your reasons.
validly convicted of Illegal Use of Public Funds (Technical (1989 BAR)
Malversation) because the latter crime is not necessarily
included nor does it necessarily include the crime of A:
malversation. 1. Ernani, the escaped prisoner himself is not criminally
liable for any offense. The detention prisoner who
The Sandiganbayan should have followed the procedure escapes from detention does not commit any crime. If
provided in Sec. 11, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court and he were a convict by final judgment who is serving a
order the filing of the proper Information. (Parungao v. sentence which consists of deprivation of liberty and
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 96025, 15 May 1991) From the he escapes during term of his sentence, he would be
facts, there is no showing that there is a law or ordinance liable for Evasion of Service Sentence. (Art. 157, RPC)
appropriating the amount to a specific public purpose. As
a matter of fact, the problem categorically states that the 2. Daniel, the policeman, committed the crime of Evasion
absence of such law or ordinance was, in fact, established. thru Negligence, one of the forms of Infidelity in the
So, procedurally and substantially, the Sandiganbayan's Custody of Prisoner (Art. 224, RPC), the essential
decision suffers from serious infirmity. (UPLC Suggested elements of which offense are:
a. That the offender is a public officer;
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF PRISONERS b. That he has in his custody or charge a prisoner,
(2015, 2014, 2009, 2002, 1997, 1996, 1990, 1989 either detention prisoner or prisoners by final
BAR) judgment;
c. That such prisoner escaped from his custody thru
Q: During a town fiesta, A, the chief of police, his negligence.
permitted B, a detention prisoner and his compadre,
to leave the municipal jail and entertain visitors in his All of these elements are present, Daniel, a policeman
house from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. B returned to the detailed in the city jail, is a public officer. As the escort
municipal jail at 8:30 PM. Was there any crime for Ernani in the latter’s trial, he had custody of charge
committed by A? (1997 BAR) of a detention prisoner. Ernani escape was thru his
negligence because after removing Ernani’s handcuffs
A: YES. A committed the crime of Infidelity in the Custody and allowing him to sit in one of the chairs inside the
of a Prisoner. Since B is a detention prisoner, as Chief of courtroom, he should have taken the necessary
Police, A has custody over B. Even if B returned to the precautions to prevent Ernani’s escape by keeping an
municipal jail at 8:30 PM. A, as custodian of the prisoner, eye on him. Instead, he provided the opportunity for
has maliciously failed to perform the duties of his office, the escape by talking with a lawyer and not keeping
and when he permits said prisoner to obtain a relaxation watch over his prisoner.
of his imprisonment, he consents to the prisoner escaping
the punishment of being deprived of his liberty which can 3. Meynardo, not being a public officer, is guilty of the
be considered real and actual evasion of service under Art. crime of Delivering Prisoners from Jails (Art. 156,
223 of the RPC. (U.S. v. Leon Bandino, G.R. No. 9964, 11 Feb. RPC), which is committed by any person who either
1915) (UPLC Suggested Answers) removes from any jail or penal establishment any
person confined therein, or who helps the escape of
Q: Ernani was accused of estafa. Unable to post a bail such person by means of violence, intimidation,
bond for his provisional liberty pending trial of his bribery of other means. The act of Meynardo in giving
case, he was detained in the city jail. On the date of the to Ernani his cigarette container is helping in the
hearing of the estafa case, Daniel, a policeman latter’s escape by other means. (UPLC Suggested
detailed in the city jail, escorted Ernani to the city hall Answers)
for the trial. Daniel removed the handcuffs of Ernani
and allowed him to sit on one of the chairs inside the Q: To secure the release of his brother Willy, a
courtroom. detention prisoner, and his cousin Vincent, who is
serving sentence for homicide, Chito asked the RTC
Branch Clerk of Court to issue an Order which would
allow the two prisoners to be brought out of jail. At
first, the Clerk refused, but when Chito gave her

67 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
P50,000.00, she consented. bribery under Article 211 of the Revised Penal Code by
accepting gifts from Brusco, who was part of the syndicate
She then prepared an Order requiring the appearance to which Dancio belonged.
in court of Willy and Vincent, ostensibly as witnesses
in a pending case. She forged the judge’s signature, Brusco committed delivery of prisoner from jail under
and delivered the Order to the jail warden who, in Article 156 of the Revised Penal Code, as well as bribery
turn, allowed Willy and Vincent to go out of jail in the under Article 210 of the same Code. Helping a person
company of an armed escort, Edwin. Chito also gave confined in jail to escape constitutes this crime, and by
Edwin P50,000.00 to leave the two inmates unguarded providing Dencio with a pistol, he helped him escape.
for three minutes and provide them with an (UPLC Suggested Answers)
opportunity to escape. Thus, Willy and Vincent were
What crime or crimes, if any, had been committed by (2018 BAR)
Edwin, and the jail warden? Explain your answer.
(Question reframed) (2009 BAR) Q: During the presentation of the prosecution’s
evidence, Reichter was called to the witness stand
A: Edwin, the jail guard who escorted the prisoner in with the stated purpose that he would testify that his
getting out of jail, committed the crimes of – wife Rima had shot him in the stomach with a .38
caliber pistol, resulting in near fatal injuries. Upon
1. Infidelity in the Custody of Prisoners, specifically objection of the defense on the ground of the marital
conniving with or consenting to Evasion for leaving disqualification rule, the presiding judge (Judge
unguarded the prisoners escorted by him and provide Rossano) disallowed Reichter from testifying in the
them an opportunity to escape (Art. 223, RPC); and case. Its motion for reconsideration having been
denied, the People of the Philippines went up on
2. Direct Bribery for receiving the P50,000.00 as certiorari to the CA questioning Judge Rossano’s
consideration for leaving the prisoners unguarded ruling.
and allowing them the opportunity to escape. (Art.
210, RPC) After due proceedings, the CA rendered judgment
declaring Judge Rossano’s ruling void ab initio for
The jail warden did not commit nor incur a crime there having been made with grave abuse of discretion
being no showing that he was aware of what his amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and
subordinates had done nor of any negligence on his part directing Judge Rossano to allow Reichter to testify in
that would amount to infidelity in the custody of the criminal case for the stated purpose. This is based
prisoners. (UPLC Suggested Answers) on the fact that the marital privilege rule does not
apply where a spouse committed the crime against the
Q: Dancio, a member of a drug syndicate, was a other.
detention prisoner in the provincial jail of X Province.
Brusco, another member of the syndicate, regularly As the CA decision became final and executory, the
visited Dancio. Edri, the guard in charge who had been criminal case before the RTC was calendared for trial.
receiving gifts from Brusco everytime he visited At the scheduled trial, the prosecution called Reichter
Dancio, became friendly with him and became relaxed to the witness stand in order to testify on the same
in the inspection of his belongings during his jail matter it earlier announced. The defense objected on
visits. In one of Brusco's visits, he was able to smuggle the ground that the CA erred in its disposition of the
in a pistol which Dancio used to disarm the guards and certiorari case. Judge Rossano sustained the objection
destroy the padlock of the main gate of the jail, and again disallowed Reichter from testifying in the
enabling Dancio to escape. What crime(s) did Dancio, criminal case. Repeated pleas from the prosecution
Brusco and Edri commit? Explain. (2015 BAR) for Judge Rossano to reconsider his ruling and to
allow Reichter to testify fell on deaf ears.
A: Dancio committed the crime of direct assault under Art.
148 of the RPC for disarming the guards with the use of May Judge Rossano be convicted of a crime? If yes,
pistol while they are engaged in the performance of their what crime did he commit? (2018 BAR)
A: YES. Judge Rossano may be convicted of the crime of
Edri committed infidelity in the custody of prisoner or Open Disobedience (Art. 231, RPC) which provides that
evasion through negligence under Article 224 of the RPC. any judicial or executive officer who shall openly refuse to
As the guard in charge, Edri was negligent in relaxing the execute the judgment, decision or order of any suspension
inspection of the Brusco’s belongings during jail visits authority made within the scope of the jurisdiction of the
allowing him to smuggle a pistol to Dencio, which he latter and issued with all the legal formalities shall suffer
subsequently used to escape. Edri also committed indirect the penalties of arresto mayor in its medium period to

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 68
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
prision correctional, special disqualification and fine. NOTE: Although the charge for violation of R.A. No. 3019
and the charge for Indirect Bribery arose from the same
The ruling was issued by the Court of Appeals, it was act, the elements of the violation charged under R.A. No.
already final and executory; the act of Judge disallowing 3019 are not the same as the felony charged for Indirect
Reichter from testifying is open disobedience under the Bribery under the RPC. There is no double jeopardy if the
law. two cases shall be filed against the accused even if they
arose from the same incident.
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Judge Rossano may be charged
and convicted of the crime of Dereliction of Duty under Q: In 2003, the Province of Davao del Sur purchased
Art. 206 of the RPC, which provides: Art. 206. Unjust two vehicles for the use of the Governor and Vice
interlocutory order. – Any judge who shall knowingly Governor, respectively. The purchase requests, which
render an unjust interlocutory order or decree shall suffer were all signed by Luis as then Governor of the
the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum period and province, requested for the acquisition of one unit of
suspension; but if he shall have acted by reason of Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 and one unit of Toyota Hilux
inexcusable negligence or ignorance and the interlocutory 4x4. The procurement of the sublect vehicles did not
order or decree be manifestly unjust, the penalty shall be undergo competitive public bidding as it was effected
suspension. through direct purchase. The mode of procurement
was approved by the members of the Bids and Awards
ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Judge Rosario can Committee (BAC) of the province. The two vehicles
be held liable for violation of Sec. 3(e) of RA No. 3019 for were delivered to the provincial government, and
giving unwarranted preference, advantage or benefits to after inspection and acceptance by the concerned
private party through manifest partiality and evident bad officials, payments were issued to the suppliers.
faith. In People v. Reyes (G.R. No. 177105-06, 12 Aug. 2010),
arrogant refusal to recognize and obey the CA decision Subsequently, a complaint was filed by a concerned
causing undue injury to the complainant and giving citizen before the Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao
unwarranted benefits ¢o private individuals constitutes (OMB) claiming that the purchase of the provincial
evident bad faith and manifest partiality contemplated in government violated the procurement law. The OMB,
violation of Sec. 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019. (UPLC Suggested after due investigation, verfied that the provincial
Answers) govemment did not comply with the required
procedure of the procurement law. Based on this
1. ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT PRATICES ACT finding, the OMB filed with the Sandiganbayan an
R.A. No. 3019, as amended Information against Luls and the members of the BAC
(2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2011, 2010, for violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019.
2009, 2008, 2005, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1997,
1991, 1990 BAR) The Sandiganbayan found Luis and the members of
the BAC gully on the sole reason that violation of the
procurement law constitutes evident bad faith and
Q: May a public officer charged under Section 3(b) of
manifest partiality on the part of the accused.
Republic Act No. 3019 directly or indirectly
requesting or receiving any gift, present, share,
Is the Sandiganbayan correct? Explain briefly. (2022
percentage or benefit, for himself or for any other
person, in connection with any contract or transaction
between the government and any other party,
A: The Sandiganbayan is not correct in convicting Luis and
wherein the public officer in his official capacity has to
the members of the BAC.
intervene under the law'' also be simultaneously or
successively charged with direct bribery under Article
Criminal liability does not depend solely upon the
210 of the Revised Penal Code? Explain. (2019, 2010,
allegedly scandalous irregularity of the bidding procedure.
2009 BAR)
For even if it were true and proved beyond reasonable
doubt that the bidding had been rigged, this
A: Yes, a public officer charges under Sec. 3 (b) of R.A No.
pronouncement alone does not automatically result in
3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) may also be
finding the act of petitioner similarly culpable. It is
charged simultaneously or successively for the crime of
presumed that he acted in good faith in relying upon the
direct bribery under Art. 210 of the Revised Penal Code,
documents he signed and thereafter endorsed. The
because two crimes are essentially different and are
prosecution must show not only the defects in the bidding
penalized under distinct legal philosophies. Whereas
procedure, a circumstance which we need not presently
violation of Sec. (b) of R.A. No. 3019 is a malum
determine, but also the alleged evident bad faith, gross
prohibitum, the crime under Art. 210 of the Code is a mala
inexcusable negligence or manifest partiality on the
in se. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
purchase order and despite knowledge that the winning
bidder did not offer the lowest price.

69 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
In the instant case, Luis and the members of the BAC act of implemented. Governor Datu received his share
pursuing the subject procurements was motivated not by through his wife, Provincial First Lady Dee, who then
any corrupt intent to favor one car dealer over another or deposited the amount in her personal bank account.
to unduly receive any pecuniary benefit. Such actuations
were simply based on their honest belief that direct Previously, upon facilitation by Bokal Diva, Mr.
procurement was legally permissible. (Martel vs. People, Gangnam concluded an agreement with Mayor Dolor
G.R. Nos. 224720-23 & 224765-68, 2 Feb. 2021) for the construction of the Blank Sports Arena worth
P800 Million. The project was highly overpriced
Q: One Sunday afternoon, Mr. X, President of ABC because it could be undertaken and completed for not
Corp., happened to bump into the Labor Arbiter more than P400 Million. For this project, Mayor Dolor
assigned to the illegal dismissal case filed by certain received from Mr. Gangnam a gift of P10 Million, while
employees against his company. During their Bokal Diva got P25 Million. In both instances, Bokal
encounter, Mr. X promised the Labor Arbiter a luxury Diva had her monetary gifts deposited in the name of
car in exchange for a favorable ruling. The Labor her secretary, Terry, who personally maintained a
Arbiter immediately rejected the offer and walked bank account for Bokal Diva's share in government
away. projects.

Assuming that Mr. X's offer was instead accepted, What provisions of R.A. No. 3019 (Anti-Graft & Corrupt
should the Labor Arbiter be held liable for any crime Practices Act), if any, were violated by any of the
under the RPC? If so, for what crime? May the Labor above-named individuals, specifying the persons
Arbiter also be held liable for violation of the Anti- liable therefor? Explain your answer. (2017 BAR)
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act? Explain. (2019 BAR)
A: Governor Datu, Mayor Dolor and Bokal Diva are liable
A: The Labor Arbiter should be held liable for Direct for violation of Sec. 3(b) of RA No. 3019 for receiving
Bribery. Under Art. 210 of the RPC, public officer commits money in connection with government contract or
direct bribery by accepting a gift in consideration of the transaction for the development of an economic and
execution of an act which does not constitute a crime, in tourism hub where they have the right to intervene under
connection with the performance of his official duties. By the law. Likewise, Mr. Gangnam, is also liable for violation
accepting Mr. X’s offer of a luxury car, the Labor Arbiter of Sec. 3(b) of RA No. 3019 on the basis of conspiracy. (Go
agreed to render a ruling in Mr. X’s favor. v. The Fifth Division, Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 172602, 13
Apr. 2007)
The Labor Arbiter may also be held liable for violation of
RA 3019, or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Mayor Dolor and Bokal Diva are liable for violation of Sec.
Under Sec. 3(e), it is considered a corrupt practice of any 3(b) of RA No. 3019 for receiving money in connection
public officer to cause any undue injury to any party, with government contract or transaction for the
including the Government, or give any private party construction of the Blank Sports Arena or violation of Sec.
unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in the 3(e) for giving Mr. Gangnam, a private party, unwarranted
discharge of his official, administrative or judicial benefits, advantage or preference through manifest
functions through manifest partiality when evident bad partiality and evident bad faith by entering an agreement
faith, or gross inexcusable negligence. There is manifest for such construction, which is highly overpriced, or
partiality when there is a clear, notorious or plain violation of Sec. 3(g) for entering, on behalf of the
inclination or predilection to favor one side or person Government, into any contract or transaction for such
rather than another (Fuentes v. People, G.R. No. 186421, 17 construction manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to
Apr. 2017). Here, the Labor Arbiter committed manifest the same. Mr. Gangnam, for giving money to the said
partiality in favor of Mr. X. (UPLC Suggested Answers) public officers or for entering such contract, is also liable
for violation of Sec. 3(b) of RA No. 3019 on the basis of
Q: Overjoyed by the award to his firm of a multi-billion conspiracy. (Go v. The Fifth Division, Sandiganbayan, supra)
government contract for the development of an (UPLC Suggested Answers)
economic and tourism hub in the Province of Blank,
Mr. Gangnam allotted the amount of P100 Million to Q: To aid in the rebuilding and revival of Tacloban City
serve as gifts for certain persons instrumental in his and the surrounding areas that had been devastated
firm's winning the award. by the strongest typhoon. to hit the country in decades,
the Government and other sectors, including NGOs,
He gave 50% of that amount to Governor Datu, the banded together in the effort. Among the NGOs was
official who had signed the contract with the proper Bangon Waray, Inc. (BaWI), headed by Mr. Jose Ma.
authorization from the Sangguniang Panlalawigan; Gulang, its President and CEO. BaWI operated mainly
25% to Bokal Diva, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan as a social amelioration and charitable institution. For
member who had lobbied for the award of the project its activities in the typhoon-stricken parts of Leyte
in the Sangguniang Panlalawigan; and 25% to Mayor Province, BaWI received funds from all sources, local
Dolor of the Municipality where the project would be and foreign, including substantial amounts from

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 70
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
legislators, local government officials and the EU. After RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
several months, complaints were heard about the very
slow distribution of relief goods and needed social Q:
services by BaWI. (a) Melda who is the private secretary of Judge
Tolits Naya, was persuaded by a litigant,
The COA reported the results of its audit to the effect Jumbo, to have his case calendared as early as
that at least P10 Million worth of funds coming from possible for a consideration of P500.00. May
public sources channeled to BaWI were not yet she be held criminally liable for this
properly accounted for. The COA demanded accommodation? Explain your answer. (1990
reimbursement but BaWI did not respond. BAR)

Hence, Mr. Gulang was criminally charged in the Office A: The answer would depend or be qualified by the
of the Ombudsman with malversation of public funds implication of the phrase “to have his case calendared as
and failure of accountable officer to render accounts as early as possible.”
respectively defined and punished by Art. 217 and Art.
218 of the RPC. He was also charged with violation of If the phrase is interpreted as an unjust act and in
Sec. 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019 for causing undue injury to violation of the rule to give priority to the older cases, then
the Government. In his defense, Mr. Gulang mainly she would be liable under direct bribery for an act which
contended that he could not be held liable under the does not constitute a crime but is unjust. He may also be
various charges because he was not a public officer. held liable under Sec. 3 (e) of RA 3019 for “giving any
private party any unwarranted benefits.”
Discuss whether the charge of violation of R.A. 3019
against Mr. Gulang is proper. Explain your answer. If the phrase is interpreted as a non-violation of the rules
(Question reframed) (2017 BAR) and regulations, then she can only be held liable for direct
A: NO. As a general rule, a private individual can be held
liable for violation of R.A. No. 3019 if he conspired with a (b) What will be the criminal liability of Melda if
public officer in committing this crime (Go v. The Fifth she volunteered to persuade Judge Tolits Naya
Division, Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 172602, 13 Apr. 2007). to rule in Jumbo’s favor without asking any
However, there is no showing in this case that a public consideration? Explain your answer. (1990
officer violated R.A. No. 3019 and Mr. Gulang conspired BAR)
with that public officer in committing this crime. Hence,
the charge against Mr. Gulang as a private individual A: Melda is not criminally liable because the act of
without a co-accused, who is a public officer, is improper. volunteering to persuade is not a criminal act. It is the act
(UPLC Suggested Answers) of persuading that is considered a criminal act. The act
does not fall under Art. 210 of the RPC on Direct Bribery
Q: Malo, a clerk of court of a trial court, promised the nor does it fall under Art. 211 of the RPC on Indirect
accused in a drug case pending before the court, that Bribery. Neither does it fall under the Anti-Graft and
he would convince the judge to acquit him for a Corrupt Practices Act. Sec. 3(a) of R.A. No. 3019 refers to
consideration of P5 million. The accused agreed and acts of persuading another public official to violate rules
delivered the money through his lawyer to the clerk of and regulations. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
court. The judge, not knowing of the deal, proceeded
to rule on the evidence and convicted the accused. 2. ANTI-PLUNDER ACT
R.A. No. 7080 as amended by R.A. No. 7659
Malo was charged with violation of Sec. 3 (b), RA 3019 (2017, 2016, 2014, 1993 BAR)
which prohibits a public officer from directly or
indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, present,
Q: City Engr. A, is the city engineer and the Chairman of
share percentage or benefit wherein the public officer,
the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the City of
in his official capacity, has to intervene under the law.
Kawawa. In 2009, the City of Kawawa, through an
He was later charged also with indirect bribery under
ordinance, allotted the amount of P100 million for the
the RPC. Malo claims he can no longer be charged
construction of a road leading to the poblacion. City
under the RPC for the same act under RA 3019. Is he
Engr. A instead, diverted the construction of the road
correct? (2014, 2010, 2009 BAR)
leading to his farm. Investigation further showed that
he accepted money in the amount of P10 million each
A: NO. One may be charged with violation of R.A. 3019 in
from three (3) contending bidders, who eventually lost
addition to a felony under the RPC for the same delictual
in the bidding.
act, either concurrently or subsequent to being charged
with a felony under the RPC. This is very clear from Sec. 3
of R.A. 3019. Also, R.A. 3019 is a special law, the elements
of the crime is not the same as those punished under the

71 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Audit report likewise showed that service vehicles contract with the proper authorization from the
valued at P2 million could not be accounted for Sangguniang Panlalawigan; 25% to Bokal Diva, the
although reports showed that these were lent to City Sangguniang Panlalawigan member who had lobbied
Engr. A’s authorized drivers but the same were never for the award of the project in the Sangguniang
returned. Further, there were funds under City Engr. Panlalawigan; and 25% to Mayor Dolor of the
A’s custody amounting to P10 million which were Municipality where the project would be
found to be missing and could not be accounted for. In implemented. Governor Datu received his share
another project, he was instrumental in awarding a through his wife, Provincial First Lady Dee, who then
contract for the construction of a city school building deposited the amount in her personal bank account.
costing P10 million to a close relative, although the
lowest bid was P8 million. Investigation also revealed Previously, upon facilitation by Bokal Diva, Mr.
that City Engr. A has a net worth of more than P50 Gangnam concluded an agreement with Mayor Dolor
million, which was way beyond his legitimate income. for the construction of the Blank Sports Arena worth
(2014 BAR) ₱800 Million. The project was highly overpriced
because it could be undertaken and completed for not
(a) If you are the Ombudsman, what charge or more than ₱400 Million. For this project, Mayor Dolor
charges will you file against City Engr. A? received from Mr. Gangnam a gift of ₱10 Million, while
Bokal Diva got ₱25 Million.
A: If I am the Ombudsman, I would file a case of Plunder
under R.A. No. 7080 against City Engineer A. It is very clear In both instances, Bokal Diva had her monetary gifts
from the facts given that all the elements of plunder are deposited in the name of her secretary, Terry, who
present, namely: personally maintained a bank account for Bokal Diva's
share in government projects.
1. The offender is a public officer holding a public office
in the Government of the Republic of the Philippines; (a) May each of the above-named individuals be
held liable for plunder? Explain your answer.
2. The offender amassed, accumulated, or acquired ill- (2017 BAR)
gotten wealth through a combination of overt or
criminal acts of misuse, misappropriation, conversion A: NO. Governor Datu is not liable for plunder. To be held
or malversation of public funds, receiving kickbacks liable for plunder, the pubic officer must amass,
from persons in connection with a government accumulate or acquire ill-gotten wealth through a
contract or project by reason of his office or position combination or series of overt or criminal acts. The word
and illegally or fraudulently conveying or disposing of “combination” means at least two different predicate
assets belonging to the National Government or any of crimes; while the term “series” means at least two
its subdivisions; and predicate crimes of the same kind. A single predicate
crime amounting to 50 million pesos is not plunder. The
3. The aggregate amount or total value of the ill-gotten act of receiving P50 Million by Governor Datu in
wealth amassed, accumulated or acquired is at least connection with any government contract or project for
P50 million. the development of an economic and tourism hub is a
predicate crime of plunder.
(b) Suppose the discovered net worth of City Engr.
A is less than P50 million, will your answer As regards, Mayor Dolor Kickback, the series acts of
still be the same? receiving by or gift in the amount of P25 million and P10
million in connection with any government contract or
A: YES, the answer will still be the same since in plunder project for the development of an economic and tourism
the basis the combination of criminal acts or series of acts, hub and for the construction of the Blank Sports Arena,
which constitutes the accumulation of more than P50 respectively, are predicate crimes of plunder. However,
million. The predicate crimes are already absorbed in the the aggregate amount of ill-gotten wealth acquired is less
crime of plunder. City Engineer A’s net worth being less than P50 million. Hence, plunder is not committed since
than P50 million is not determinative of his liability, as element that the aggregate amount of ill-gotten wealth is
long as the wealth amassed/accumulated is more than at least P50 million is not present.
P50 million. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Bokal Diva is liable for plunder because he acquired ill-
Q: Overjoyed by the award to his firm of a multi-billion gotten wealth in the aggregate amount of P50 million
government contract for the development of an through a series of predicates crimes consisting of receipts
economic and tourism hub in the Province of Blank, of kickback or gift in the amount of P25 million and P25
Mr. Gangnam allotted the amount of P100 Million to million in connection with any government contract or
serve as gifts for certain persons instrumental in his project for the development of an economic and tourism
firm's winning the award. He gave 50% of that amount hub and for the construction of the Blank Sports Arena,
to Governor Datu, the official who had signed the respectively.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 72
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Mr. Gangnam, is liable for plunder for giving kickbacks to and the institution of judicial proceeding for its
Bokal Diva, and Terry for depositing the money in his investigation and punishment.” In this case, Andy was
account for Bokal Diva are also liable for plunder. Under charged with the crime of plunder after 20 years from his
RA No. 7080, any person who participated with the said defeat in the last elections he participated in, despite
public officer in the commission of an offense contributing knowledge by the authorities of his ill-gotten wealth. Thus,
to the crime of plunder shall likewise be punished for such the crime has already prescribed.
offense. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(b) Can the State still recover the properties and
(b) Define wheel conspiracy and chain conspiracy. assets that he illegally acquired, the bulk of
Is either or both kinds existent herein? (2017, which is in the name of his wife and children?
2016 BAR) Reason out.

A: In the case at bar, both types of conspiracy exists. The A: YES, because Sec. 6 of R.A. No. 7080 provides that
distribution of commissions or gifts by Mr. Gangnam and recovery of properties unlawfully acquired by public
the acceptance of Governor Datu, Bokal Diva, Mayor Dolor officers from them or their nominees or transferees shall
is a type of wheel conspiracy where a single person, Mr. not be barred by prescription, laches or estoppel. (UPLC
Gangnam, dealt individually with the public officials to Suggested Answers)
commit overt acts. The chain conspiracy, on the other
hand, is evident in the overpricing of the sports complex 3. PROHIBITION OF CHILD MARRIAGE LAW
through the facilitation of Bokal Diva, the conclusion of the R.A. No. 11596
agreements by Mayor Dolor, and the distribution of the
gifts by Mr. Gangnam. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: A “wheel conspiracy” occurs
when there is a single person or group (the hub) dealing
individually with two or more other persons or groups
(the spokes), typically interacting with the hub rather than H. CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS OF 2003
with another spoke; while a “chain conspiracy”, exists R.A. No. 9208, as amended by R.A. 11862
when there is successive communication and cooperation Arts. 246-266
in much the same way as with legitimate business (2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
operations between manufacturer and wholesaler, then 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,
wholesaler and retailer, and then retailer and consumer 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998,
(Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148965, 26 Feb. 2002) 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1989, 1988
1987 BAR)
Q: Through kickbacks, percentages or commissions
and other fraudulent schemes/conveyances and
taking advantage of his position, Andy, a former PARRICIDE
mayor of a suburban town, acquired assets amounting (2018, 2015, 2012, 2006, 2003, 1999, 1997, 1996,
to P10 billion which is grossly disproportionate to his 1994 BAR)
lawful income. Due to his influence and connections
and despite knowledge by the authorities of his ill- Q: After a heated argument over his philandering,
gotten wealth, he was charged with the crime of Higino punched on the head his wife Aika, who was six
plunder only after 20 years from his defeat in the last (6) and a half months pregnant. Because of the impact,
elections he participated in. (1993 BAR) Aika lost her balance, fell on the floor with her head
hitting a hard object. Aika died and the child was
(a) May Andy still be held criminally liable? Why? expelled prematurely. After 36 hours, the child died.
(2015 BAR)
A: NO, Andy will not be criminally liable because Sec. 6 of
RA 7080 provides that the crime punishable under this (a) What crime(s) did Higino commit? Explain.
Act shall prescribe in twenty years and the problem asked
whether Andy can still be charged with the crime of A: Higino is liable for parricide under Art. 246 of the RPC
plunder after 20 years. (UPLC Suggested Answers) for the death of his wife, Aika. Higino is also liable for
infanticide under Art. 255 of the RPC. When a child was
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO, Andy will not be criminally killed below 3-days-old, the crime is infanticide regardless
liable. Under Sec. 6 of RA 7080, “the crime punishable of the person who killed such child. Moreso, a child who
under this Act shall prescribe in twenty years.” For crimes had been born less than 7 months and lived for at least 24
punished by special penal laws, Sec. 2 of Act 3326 hours already acquired personality. (Bar Q&A by Judge
provides that “prescription shall begin to run from the day Alejandria, 2022)
of the commission of the violation of the law, and if the
same be not known at the time, from the discovery thereof

73 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
(b) Assuming that when the incident occurred, Q: In 1975, Pedro, then a resident of Manila,
Aika was only 6 months pregnant, and when abandoned his wife and their son, Ricky, who was then
she died, the fetus inside her womb also died, only 3-years-old. 20 years later, an affray took place in
will your answer be different? Explain. a bar in Olongapo City between Pedro and his
companions, on one hand, and Ricky and his friends,
A: YES. If the child died inside the womb of Aika, who was upon the other, without the father and son knowing
only six months, the crime committed is complex crime of each other. Ricky stabbed and killed Pedro in the
Parricide with Unintentional Abortion. Killing the unborn fight, only to find out, a week later, when his mother
child as a result of the violence employed against the arrived from Manila to visit him in jail, that the man
mother without intent to abort is unintentional abortion. whom he killed was his own father. (1996 BAR)
Since the child died inside the womb of the mother,
unintentional abortion is committed regardless of viability (a) What crime did Ricky commit?
of the victim. Because the same violence that killed the
mother also caused unintentional abortion, the crime A: Ricky committed parricide because the person killed
committed is a complex crime (People v. Pacayna, Jr. G.R. was his own father and the law punishing the crime (Art.
No. 179035, 16 Apr. 2008; People v. Robinos, G.R. No. 246, RPC) does not require that the crime be knowingly
138453, 29 May 2002; People v. Villanueva, G.R. No. 95851, committed.
01 Mar. 1995; People v. Salufrania, G.R. No. L-50884, 30
Mar. 1988) (UPLC Suggested Answers) (b) Suppose Ricky knew before the killing that
Pedro is his father, but he nevertheless killed
Q: Procopio, a call center agent assigned at a him out of bitterness for having abandoned
graveyard shift, went home earlier than usual. He him and his mother, what crime did Ricky
proceeded immediately to their bedroom to change commit? Explain.
his clothes. To his surprise, he found his wife Bionci in
bed making love to another woman Magna. Enraged, A: The crime committed should be parricide if Ricky knew
Procopio grabbed a knife nearby and stabbed Bionci, before the killing that Pedro is his father, because the
who died. (2015 BAR) moral basis for punishing the crime already exists. His
having acted out of bitterness for having been abandoned
(a) What crime did Procopio commit, and what by his father may be considered mitigating. (UPLC
circumstance attended the case? Explain. Suggested Answers)

A: The crime committed by Procopio is parricide qualified Q: Aldrich was dismissed from his job by his employer.
by the circumstance of relationship. Killing a spouse after Upon reaching home, his pregnant wife, Carmi, nagged
having been surprised in the act of committing sexual him about money for her medicines. Depressed by his
intercourse with another woman is death under dismissal and angered by the nagging of his wife,
exceptional circumstance under Art. 247 of the RPC. Aldrich struck Carmi with his fist. She fell to the
However, in this case this is not death under exceptional ground. As a result, she and her unborn baby died.
circumstance because Bionci was having homosexual What crime was committed by Aldrich? (1994 BAR)
intercourse with another woman and not sexual
intercourse with a man. “Homosexual intercourse “is not A: Aldrich committed the crime of Parricide with
within the contemplation of the term “sexual intercourse” Unintentional Abortion. When Aldrich struck his wife,
in Art. 247. However, the crime of parricide is attended by Carmi, with his fist, he committed the crime of
the circumstance of passion arising from a lawful maltreatment under Art. 266(3) of the RPC. Since Carmi
sentiment as a result of having caught his wife in the act of died because of the felonious act of Aldrich, he is
infidelity with another woman. (People v. Belarmino, G.R. criminally liable of parricide under Art. 246, RPC in
No. L-4429, 18 Apr. 1952) relation to Art. 4(1) 1 of the same Code. Since the unborn
baby of Carmi died in the process, but Aldrich had no
(b) Assuming that Procopio and Bionci were intention to cause the abortion of his wife, Aldrich
common-law spouses, will your answer be the committed unintentional abortion as defined in Art. 257,
same? Explain. RPC. Inasmuch as the single act of Aldrich produced two
grave or less grave felonies, he falls under Art. 48, RPC, i.e.
A: NO, the answer will not be the same. Procopio will be a complex crime. (People v. Salufrancia, G.R. No. L-50884,
liable for homicide in the instant case but he is entitled to 30 Mar. 1988) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
a mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation. (Bar
Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 74
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
DEATH OR PHYSICAL INJURIES INFLICTED UNDER Q: Jojo and Felipa are husband and wife. Believing that
EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES his work as a lawyer is sufficient to provide for the
(2018, 2016, 2015, 2007, 2001, 1991, 1988 BAR) needs of their family, Jojo convinced Felipa to be a
stay-at-home mom and care for their children. One
Q: Rafa caught his wife, Rachel, in the act of having day, Jojo arrived home earlier than usual and caught
sexual intercourse with Rocco in the maid’s room of Felipa in the act of having sexual intercourse with
their own house. Rafa shot both lovers in the chest, their female nanny, Alma, in their matrimonial bed. In
but they survived. Rafa charged Rachel and Rocco with a fit of rage, Jojo retrieved his revolver from inside the
adultery, while Rachel and Rocco charged Rafa with bedroom cabinet and shot Alma, immediately killing
frustrated parricide and frustrated homicide. her. (2016 BAR)

In the adultery case, Rachel and Rocco raised the (a) Is Art. 247 (Death or Physical Injuries Inflicted
defense that Rafa and Rachel, prior to the incident in Under Exceptional Circumstances) of the RPC
question, executed a notarized document whereby applicable in this case given that the
they agreed to live separately and allowed each of paramour was of the same gender as the
them to get a new partner and live with anyone of erring spouse? (2016, 2015 BAR)
their choice as husband and wife. This document was
executed after Rachel discovered that Rafa was A: NO, Art. 247 of the RPC is not applicable. Under the
cohabiting with another woman. Thus, they also RPC, for Art. 247 to apply, the offender must catch his or
raised the defense of in pari delicto. In the frustrated her spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse
parricide and frustrated homicide cases, Rafa raised with another person. In People v. Marciano Gonzales (G.R.
the defense that, having caught them in flagrante No. 46310, 31 Oct. 1939), the Court held that to avail of the
delicto, he has no criminal liability. privilege under Art. 247, the accused should surprise his
wife in the "very act of sexual intercourse”. Sexual
Will the actions for frustrated parricide and frustrated intercourse generally presupposes the penetration of the
homicide prosper? (2018 BAR) man’s sexual organ into that of a woman's.

A: YES. The actions for frustrated parricide and frustrated In this case, the paramour was of the same gender as the
homicide will prosper, and Rafa will be found guilty of erring spouse. As such, there is legally, no sexual
these crimes. The penalty, however, that the trial court can intercourse to speak of, hence, Art. 247 is not applicable.
impose is only destierro not penalties for frustrated
parricide and frustrated homicide, being the spouse of ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: YES, Art. 247 of the RPC is
Rachel. (Art. 246, RPC) applicable. The requisites of Art. 247 are: (1) a legally
married person surprises his spouse in the act of
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO. The actions for frustrated committing sexual intercourse with another person; (2) he
parricide and frustrated homicide will not prosper or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or
because Rafa is entitled to the benefit of Art. 247 of the both of them any serious physical injury “while in the act”
RPC. or immediately thereafter; and (3) he has not promoted or
facilitated the prostitution of his wife or that he or she has
Art. 247 of the RPC states that any legally married person not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse.
who having surprised his spouse in the act of committing
sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of All the foregoing requisites are present in the case at hand.
them or both of them in the act or immediately thereafter, It is a given in the problem that Jojo caught Felipa and
or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury, shall Alma in the “act of sexual intercourse.” The law did not
suffer the penalty of destierro. If he shall inflict upon them qualify that the other person with whom the spouse be
physical injuries of any other kind, he shall be exempt caught committing sexual intercourse be “male or female.”
from punishment. Hence, the gender of the paramour, Alma, being of the
Same gender as the erring spouse, Felipa, is immaterial.
The action will prosper to allow the court to receive
evidence. However, Rafa can be held liable only for NOTE: The answer given presupposes that Jojo and Felipa
destierro based on Art. 247 of the RPC. The act committed are legally married.
by Rafa amounts to at least serious physical injuries, so
the penalty of destierro will be imposed. If the court finds (b) Is Felipa liable for adultery for having sexual
that the act amounts to less than serious physical injuries, relations with Alma?
Rafa will not have any criminal liability. (UPLC Suggested
Answers) A: NO. Under Art. 333 of the RPC, adultery is committed by
any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse
with a “man” not her husband. Thus, Felipa in having
homosexual intercourse with Alma, a “woman,” is not
committing adultery. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

75 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Macky, a security guard, arrived home late one The elements of murder are: (1) that a person was
night after rendering overtime. He was shocked to see unlawfully killed; (2) that such a killing was attended by
Joy, his wife and Ken, his best friend, in the act of any of the above-mentioned circumstances; (3) that the
having sexual intercourse. Macky pulled out his killing is not parricide nor infanticide; and (4) that the
service gun and shot and killed Ken. Macky was accused killed the victim. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
charged with murder for the death of Ken.
Q: Lina worked as a housemaid and yaya of the one-
The court found that Ken died under exceptional week-old son of the Sps. John and Joana. When Lina
circumstances and exonerated Macky of murder but learned that her 70-year-old mother was seriously ill,
sentenced him to destierro. The court also ordered she asked John for a cash advance of P20,000.00, but
Macky to pay indemnity to the heirs of the victim in the latter refused. In anger, Lina gagged the mouth of
the amount of P50,000.00. Did the court correctly the child with stockings, placed him in a box, sealed it
order Macky to pay indemnity? (2007 BAR) with masking tape, and placed the box in the attic.
Lina then left the house and asked her friend Fely to
A: NO, the court did not act correctly. Since the killing of demand a P20,000.00 ransom for the release of the
Ken was committed under the exceptional circumstances spouses' child to be paid within twenty-four hours.
in Art. 247, RPC, it is the consensus that no crime was The spouses did not pay the ransom. After a couple of
committed in the light of the pronouncement in People v. days, John discovered the box in the attic with his
Coricor (G.R. No. 48768, 04 Dec. 1947) that banishment child already dead. According to the autopsy report,
(destierro) is intended more for the protection of the the child died of asphyxiation barely minutes after the
offender rather than as a penalty. Since the civil liability box was sealed.
under the RPC is the consequence of the criminal liability,
there would be no legal basis for the award of indemnity What crime or crimes, if any, did Lina and Fely
when there is no criminal liability. (UPLC Suggested commit? Explain. (2016 BAR)
A: Lina is liable for murder. Gagging the mouth of the child
MURDER with stockings, placing him in a box, sealing it with
(2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012, 2011, 2010, masking tape, and placing the box in the attic were only
2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2001, 1999, 1996, the methods employed by the defendant in committing the
1995, 1993, 1991, 1989, 1987 BAR) murder qualified by treachery (People v. Lora, G.R. No. L-
49430, 30 Mar. 1982). Taking advantage of the defenseless
Q: Define murder. What are the elements of the crime? condition of the victim by reason of his tender age, one-
(1999 BAR) week old, is treachery. (People v. Fallorina, G.R. No. 137347,
04 Mar. 2004)
A: Murder is the unlawful killing of a person which
otherwise would constitute only homicide, had it not been She is not liable for kidnapping with murder. The essence
attended by any of the following circumstances: of kidnapping or serious illegal detention is the actual
confinement or restraint of the victim or the deprivation
1. With treachery or taking advantage of superior of his liberty. In this case, the victim was not deprived of
strength, or with the aid of armed men, or employing his liberty since he immediately died. The demand for
means to weaken the defense or of means or persons ransom did not convert the offense into kidnapping with
to insure or afford impunity; murder. The defendant was well-aware that the child
would be suffocated to death in a few moments after she
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise; left. The demand for ransom is only a part of the diabolic
scheme of the defendant to murder the child, to conceal
3. By means or on the occasion of inundation, fire, his body and then demand money before the discovery of
poison, explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, the cadaver. (People v. Lora, G.R. No. L-49430, 30 Mar.
derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an 1982)
airship, or by means of motor vehicles, or with the use
of any other means involving great waste and ruin; Fely is not liable for murder as principal or accomplice
since there is neither conspiracy or community of design
4. On occasion of an earthquake, eruption of a volcano, to commit murder since her criminal intention pertains to
destructive cyclone, epidemic or other public kidnapping for ransom. In addition, her participation of
calamity; demanding ransom for the release of the child is not
connected to murder. Her criminal mind to assist Lina in
5. With evident premeditation; or committing kidnapping for ransom is not constitutive of a
felony. Mens rea without actus reus is not a crime. (UPLC
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanely Suggested Answers)
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or
scoffing at his person or corpse.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 76
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Q: Eddie brought his son Randy to a local faith healer A: YES. B is criminally liable for Murder (qualified by
known as "Mother Himala." He was diagnosed by the treachery) because the death of A appears to be the
faith healer as being possessed by an evil spirit. Eddie proximate cause of the overt acts of B.
thereupon authorized the conduct of a "treatment"
calculated to drive the spirit from the boy’s body. A died of cardio-respiratory arrest which evidently was
Unfortunately, the procedure conducted resulted in brought about by the convulsion and bleeding in the
the boy’s death. The faith healer and tree others who mouth of the victim due to the removal by B of the
were part of the healing ritual were charged with endotracheal tube twice. The two acts of B can be
murder and convicted by the lower court. If you are considered as the result of one criminal design.
appellate court Justice, would you sustain the
conviction upon appeal? Explain your answer. (2007 In People v. Umaging (G.R. No. L-52797, 31 Aug. 1981), the
BAR) Supreme Court ruled that removal of the endotracheal
tube is attempted murder, qualified by treachery, because
A: NO, the conviction of murder should not be sustained the patient did not die. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
because there was no intent kill. The intent of the accused,
on the contrary is to treat Randy of his illness. However, HOMICIDE
considering that proximate cause of Randy’s death is the (2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2005,
ritual, accused may be held criminally liable for Reckless 2003, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1992, 1990, 1989 BAR)
Imprudence Resulting in Homicide. (UPLC Suggested
Answers) Q: Explain and illustrate the stages of execution of the
crime of homicide, taking into account the nature of
Q: Candido stabbed an innocent bystander who the offense, the essential element of each of the stages
accidentally bumped him. The innocent bystander of execution and the manner of committing such
died as a result of the stabbing. Candido was arrested intentional felony as distinguished from felony
and was tested to be positive for the use of “shabu” at committed through reckless imprudence. (2012 BAR)
the time he committed the stabbing.
A: Homicide as an intentional felony has three stages,
What should be the proper charge against Candido? attempted, frustrated and consummated. In whatever
Explain. (2005 BAR) stages homicide is committed, intent to kill must be
established for being an indispensable element thereof.
A: Candido should be charged with murder qualified by However, if the victim died as a consequence of wounds
treachery because the suddenness of the stabbing caught caused by an act committed with malice, intent to kill is
the victim by surprise and was totally defenseless. Being conclusively presumed. Hence, the crime committed is
under the influence of dangerous drugs is a qualifying consummated homicide. If the victim died as a
aggravating circumstance in the commission of a crime consequence of an act committed with recklessness, the
(Sec. 25, RA 9165, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of crime committed is Reckless Imprudence Resulting in
2002). Hence, the penalty for murder shall be imposed in Homicide. But if the victim did not die as a consequence of
the maximum. wounds caused by an act committed with malice, intent to
kill must be established beyond reasonable doubt. If intent
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Candido should be charged to kill is proven, the crime committed is frustrated or
with homicide only because the incident which gave rise attempted homicide. If intent to kill is not proven, the
to the stabbing occurred accidentally. There is no crime committed is physical injuries.
conscious and deliberate adoption of the means, method,
and manner of attack. However, the penalty for homicide If the offender with intent to kill attempted to inflict or
shall be imposed in the maximum because Candido was inflicted non-mortal wound upon the victim, he already
under the influence of dangerous drugs when he directly commenced an overt act to commit homicide.
committed the crime, which is a qualifying circumstance Hence, the crime committed is attempted homicide if he
under Sec. 25 of R.A. No. 9165. failed to inflict mortal wounds upon the victim by reason
of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous
Q: A, a 76-year-old woman, was brought to the desistance. If the offender with intent to kill inflicted
hospital in a coma with slight cerebral hemorrhage. mortal wounds upon the victim, he already performed all
An endotracheal tube was inserted in her mouth to acts of execution which would produce the homicide as a
facilitate her breathing. B, a hospital janitor, removed consequence. Hence, the crime is either frustrated
the tube. The victim started to convulse and bleed in homicide if death is not produced despite the mortal
the mouth. Only the timely arrival of the nurse character of the wound due to cause independent of the
prevented the patient’s death. The patient was then will of the offender or consummated homicide if death is
transferred to another hospital where she died the produce.
next day of cardio-respiratory. Is B criminally liable?
If so, what crime was committed? (1991 BAR)

77 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
All the elements necessary for execution and Homicide.
accomplishment of homicide are present if the victim die
due to wounds inflicted with the offender with intent to Do you agree with the charge of Homicide against
kill. Buboy? Explain briefly. (2022 BAR)

ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: A: NO, I do not agree. Although, mere suddenness of the

attack is not sufficient to hold that treachery is present,
Elements of the crime – homicide as an intentional felony where the mode adopted does not positively tend to prove
has three stages, attempted, frustrated and consummated. that they thereby knowingly intended to ensure the
In whatever stages homicide is committed, intent to kill accomplishment of their criminal purpose without any
must be established for being an indispensable element risk to themselves arising from the defense that the victim
thereof. However, if the victim died as a consequence of might offer, the immediate and without warning attack
wound cause by an act committed with malice, intent to made by Buboy, consciously and deliberately adopted the
kill in conclusively presumed and the crime committed is particular means. methods and forms in the execution of
consummated homicide. But if the victim did not die as a the crime which tended directly to insure such execution,
consequence of wounds cause by an act committed with without risk to himself. (People v. Gayon, GR No. 230221,
malice, intent to kill must be established beyond 10 Apr. 2019)
reasonable doubt. If intent to kill is proven, the crime
committed is frustrated or attempted homicide. If intent to The sudden and unexpected attack made on the
kill is not proven, the crime committed is physical injuries. unsuspecting victims, depriving the latter of any chance to
Thus, lack of intent to kill is a defense in attempted or defend themselves and thereby ensuring the commission
frustrated homicide. the crime constitutes treachery which qualifies the killing
to the crime of Murder.
Nature of the crime – if the offender with intent to kill
attempted to inflict or inflicted non-mortal wounds upon Q: Ms. M, a Malaysian visiting the Philippines, was
the victim, he already directly commenced an overt act to about to depart for Hong Kong via an Indonesian-
commit homicide. Hence, the crime committed is registered commercial vessel. While on board the
attempted homicide if he failed to inflict mortal wounds vessel, which was still docked at the port of Manila,
upon the victim by reason of some cause or accident other she saw her mortal enemy, Ms. A, an Australian
than his own spontaneous desistance. If the offender with citizen. Ms. A was seated at the front portion of the
intent to kill inflicted mortal wounds upon the victim, he cabin and busy using her laptop, with no idea
already performed all acts of execution which would have whatsoever that Ms. M was likewise onboard the ship.
produced the homicide as a consequence. If death is not
produced despite the mortal character of the wounds due Consumed by her anger towards Ms. A, Ms. M
to causes independent to the will of the offender, the stealthily approached the Australian from behind, and
crime committed is frustrated homicide. If death is then quickly stabbed her neck with a pocketknife,
produced, the crime committed is consummated homicide. resulting in Ms. A's immediate death. Operatives from
the Philippine National Police - Maritime Command
Intentional felony and culpable felony – homicide arrested Ms. M for the killing of Ms. A, and thereafter,
regardless of stages must be committed with malice intended to charge her under the RPC. Ms. M
(general intent) and intent to kill (specific intent). Even if contended that the provisions of the RPC cannot be
there is no intent to kill and evil intent, the offender is applied and enforced against her because both she
liable for culpable felony if the victim died or injured as a and the victim are not Filipino nationals, and besides,
result of the recklessness of the former. If there is no the alleged crime was committed in an Indonesian-
intent to kill, evil intent, and recklessness on the part of registered vessel.
the accused, he is not liable for his intentional act, which
cause the death of or injury upon the victim because of the Assuming that the provisions of the RPC can be
exempting circumstance of accident. (UPLC Suggested applied against Ms. M, what crime under the RPC
Answers) should she be charged with? Explain. (2019 BAR)

Q: Moe, Curly, and Larry were drinking and singing A: Ms. M should be charged with the crime of Homicide
inside a karaoke bar when suddenly, Buboy entered under the RPC. Art. 249 of the RPC punishes any person
the bar and without warning, immediately shot all who shall kill another without the attendance of any of the
three of them using a caliber .45 pistol. qualifying circumstances mentioned in Art. 248, including
treachery. The suddenness of the attack does not by itself,
Thereafter, Buboy ran out of the bar to escape. Moe, suffice to support a finding of alevosia, even if the purpose
Curly, and Larry died instantly due to gunshot wounds was to kill, so long as the decision was made suddenly, and
in their heads and bodies. With the help of the victim’s helpless position was accidental. (People v.
eyewitnesses, Buboy was arrested. After inquest, the Lubreo, G.R. No. 74146, 02 Aug. 1991)
prosecutor charged Buboy with three counts of

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 78
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
In a number of cases, the Court held that treachery cannot on the victim a slight wound that did not cause the
be appreciated simply because the attack was sudden and deceased’s death nor materially contribute to it. It was
unexpected. (People v. Vilbar, G.R. No. 186541, 01 Feb. B’s gunshot that inflicted a fatal wound on the
2012) deceased. A contended that his liability should, if at
all, be limited to slight physical injury. Would you
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Ms. M should be charged with agree? Why? (2003 BAR)
Murder. She killed Ms. A by stealthily approaching the
latter from behind and stabbing the latter’s neck with a A: NO. I beg to disagree with A’s contention that his
pocketknife. Ms. M therefore employed means and liability should be limited to slight physical injury only. He
methods which tend directly and specially to insure the should be held liable for attempted homicide because he
execution of the planned killing, without risk to herself inflicted said injury with the use of a firearm which is a
arising from the defense which Ms. A might make. Hence, lethal weapon. Intent to kill is inherent in the use of a
there was treachery on Ms. M’s part, and treachery firearm. (Araneta, Jr. v. CA, G.R. No. L-43527, 03 July 1990)
qualifies an act of killing to Murder. (UPLC Suggested (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Q: Tommy saw Lino and Okito engaged in a street
Q: Belle saw Gaston stealing the prized cock of a fight. Lino then suddenly drew his balisong and
neighbor and reported him to the police. Thereafter, lunged at Okito. In an effort to break up the fight,
Gaston, while driving a car, saw Belle crossing the Tommy tried to snatch the balisong from Lino but not
street. Incensed that Belle had reported him, Gaston before the latter had inflicted a wound on Okito. As
decided to scare her by trying to make it appear that Lino withdrew the weapon and attempted to stab
he was about to run her over. He revved the engine of Okito a second time, Tommy tried to grab the weapon
his car and drove towards her but he applied the again. In so doing, his left forearm was slashed. As he
brakes. succeeded in snatching away the balisong with his
right arm, it flew with such force, that it hit Nereo, a
Since the road was slippery at that time, the vehicle passerby who was seriously injured. Explain your
skidded and hit Belle causing her death. Was Gaston answers fully. (1992 BAR)
criminally liable? What is the liability of Gaston? Why?
(2005 BAR) (a) What is the criminal liability of Lino with
respect to Okito, Tommy and Nereo?
A: YES, Gaston is liable for Belle's death because even
though Gaston has no intent to kill Belle rather just to A: As far as Okito is concerned, Lino is liable for frustrated
scare Belle. "To scare" does not indicate intent to kill. homicide, assuming that the wound suffered by Okito is
However, under Art. 4 of the RPC, provides in part that such that for reasons or causes independent of the will of
criminal liability shall be incurred by any person Lino (such as timely medical attention) Okito would have
committing a felony although the wrongful act done be died. If the injury is not serious enough, the liability is only
different from that which he intended. In other words, the attempted homicide.
rule is that when a person, by a felonious act, generates in
the mind of another a sense of imminent danger, Intent to kill is manifest because of the use of a deadly
prompting the latter to escape from or avoid such danger weapon. For the injury on the arm of Tommy, Lino is liable
and in the process, sustains injuries or dies, the person only for physical injuries (serious, less serious or slight,
committing the felonious act is responsible for such depending on the nature of the injury). Apparently, there
injuries or death. (US v. Valdez, , G.R. No. L-16486, 22 Mar. is no intent to kill.
1921; People v. Apra, G.R. No. L-26789, 25 Apr. 1969)
For Nereo, Lino should be liable for serious physical
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: YES, Gaston is liable for Belle's injuries as the wounding of Nereo was the natural and
death because by his acts of revving the engine of his car logical consequences of Lino’s felonious act.
and driving towards Belle is felonious, and such felonious
act was the proximate cause of the vehicle to skid and hit (b) In turn, is Tommy criminally liable to Nereo?
Belle, resulting in the latter's death. Stated otherwise, the
death of Belle was the direct, natural and logical A: Tommy is exempted from criminal liability for the
consequence of Gaston's felonious act. (People v. Apra, G.R. injury to Nereo as he was performing a lawful act with due
No. L-26789, 25 Apr. 1969) (UPLC Suggested Answers) care and the injury was caused by mere accident (Art.
12(4)), or that he was in lawful exercise of a right (Art.
Q: In a free-for-all brawl that ensued after some 11(6)), that is, defense of a stranger. (UPLC Suggested
customers inside a nightclub became unruly, guns Answers)
were fired by a group, among them A and B, that
finally put the customers back to their senses.
Unfortunately, one customer died. Subsequent
investigation revealed that A’s gunshot had inflicted

79 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
DEATH CAUSED IN A TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY consummated. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(2010, 1997 BAR)
Q: Mrs. Robinson is a teacher at an elementary school.
Q: A, B and C are members of SFC Fraternity. While In one of her classes, she found, to her consternation,
eating in a seaside restaurant, they were attacked by that an 8-year-old Richard was always the cause of
X, Y and Z, members of a rival fraternity. A rumble distraction, as he was fond of bullying classmates
ensued in which the above-named members of the two smaller in size than him.
fraternities assaulted each other in a confused and
tumultuous manner resulting in the death of A. As it One morning, Reymart, a 7-year-old pupil, cried
cannot be ascertained who actually killed A, the loudly and complained to Mrs. Robinson that Richard
members of the two fraternities who took part in the had boxed him on the ear. Confronted by
rumble were charged for death caused in a Mrs. Robinson about Reymart’s accusation, Richard
tumultuous affray. Will the charge prosper? Explain. sheepishly admitted the same. Because of this, Mrs.
(2010 BAR) Robinson ordered Richard to lie face down on a desk
during class. After Richard obliged, Mrs. Robinson hit
A: NO, the charge of death caused in a tumultuous affray him ten (10) times on the legs with a ruler and
will not prosper. In death caused by tumultuous affray pinched his ears. Richard ran home and reported to
under Art. 251 of the Revised Penal Code, it is essential his mother what he had suffered at the hands of Mrs.
that the persons involved did not compose groups Robinson. When Richard’s parents went to Mrs.
organized for the common purpose of assaulting and Robinson to complain, she interposed the defense that
attacking each other reciprocally. In this case, there is no she merely performed her duty as a teacher to
tumultuous affray since the participants in the rumble discipline erring pupils.
belong to organized fraternities. The killer of A, a member
of SFC Fraternity could not be any other but member of Richard’s parents ask your advice on what actions can
the rival fraternity. Conspiracy is therefore present among be instituted against Mrs. Robinson for acts
the attackers from the rival fraternity and thus rules out committed on their minor child. (2018 BAR)
the idea of an affray. The liability of the attackers should
be collective for the crime of homicide or murder as the (a) May Mrs. Robinson be charged with child
case may be. (UPLC Suggested Answers) abuse OR slight physical injuries? Explain.

Q: During a town fiesta, a free-for-all fight erupted in A: YES. Mrs. Robinson can be charged with either child
the public plaza. As a result of the tumultuous affray, A abuse under R.A. No. 7610 or slight physical injuries if the
sustained one fatal and three superficial stab wounds. injuries inflicted constitute slight physical injuries. Sec. 10
He died a day after. B, C, D and E were proven to be of R.A. No. 7610 provides that “Any person who shall
participants in the “rumble”, each using a knife commit any other acts of child abuse, cruelty, or
against A, but it could not be ascertained who, among exploitation, or be responsible for other conditions
them, inflicted the mortal injury. Who shall be held prejudicial to the child’s development including those
criminally liable for the death of A and for what? covered by Art. 59 of P.D. 603 but not covered by the RPC
(1997 BAR) shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor.”

A: B, C, D, and E being participants in the tumultuous In other words, Richard’s parents may choose to
affray and having been proven to have inflicted serious prosecute Mrs. Robinson under the RPC or R.A. No. 7610. I
physical injuries, or at least, employed violence upon A, will advise them to consider R.A. No. 7610 as there was no
are criminally liable for the latter’s death. And because it showing of the extent of the physical injuries inflicted.
cannot be ascertained who among them inflicted the
mortal injury on A, there being a free-for-all fight or (b) May Mrs. Robinson be charged with child
tumultuous affray, B, C, D and E are all liable for the crime abuse AND slight physical injuries? Explain.
of Death Caused in a Tumultuous Affray under Art. 251 of
the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers) A: NO. Mrs. Robinson cannot be charged with both of child
abuse and slight physical injuries, because the latter is
PHYSICAL INJURIES deemed absorbed in the charge of child abuse. (UPLC
(2018, 2017 BAR) Suggested Answers)

Q: Why is there no crime of frustrated serious physical

injuries? (2017 BAR)

A: According to Justice Regalado, the crime of physical

injuries is a formal crime since a single act consummates it
as a matter of law; hence, it has no attempted or frustrated
stage. Once the injuries are inflicted, the offense is

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 80
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
RAPE NOTE: this is the rule prior to Agao v. People (04, Oct.
(2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2004, 2022).
2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1995, 1993, 1992, 1987 BAR)
Q: 16-year-old Aliswan prodded Amethyst, his
Q: A, a male, takes B, another male, to a motel and girlfriend, to remove her clothing while they were
there, through threat and intimidation, succeeds in secretly together in her bedroom late one evening.
inserting his penis into the anus of B. What, if any, is Failing to get a positive response from her, he forcibly
A’s criminal liability? Why? (2002 BAR) undressed her. Apprehensive about rousing the
attention of the household who did not know of his
A: A shall be criminally liable for rape by committing an presence inside her room, she resisted him with
act of sexual assault against B, by inserting his penis into minimal strength, but she was really sobbing in a
the anus of the latter. muffled manner. He then undressed himself while
blocking the door. Yet, the image of a hapless and
Even a man may be a victim of rape by sexual assault sobbing Amethyst soon brought him to his senses and
under par. 2 of Art. 266-A of the RPC, as amended, “when impelled him to leave her room naked. He did not
the offender’s penis is inserted into his mouth or anal notice in his hurry that Amante, the father of
orifice.” (UPLC Suggested Answers) Amethyst, who was then sitting alone on a sofa in the
sala, saw him leave his daughter's room naked.
Q: If the slightest penetration of the female genitalia
consummates rape by carnal knowledge, how does the Outside the house, the now-clothed Aliswan spotted
accused commit attempted rape by carnal knowledge? Allesso, Amethyst's former suitor. Knowing how
(2017 BAR) Allesso had aggressively pursued Amethyst, Aliswan
fatally stabbed Allesso. Aliswan immediately went
A: It is consummated rape when it describes a penis into hiding afterwards.
touching the vagina is the penis penetrating the cleft of the
labia majora, however minimum or slight. In other words, Upon learning from Amethyst about what Aliswan had
the penis' mere touch of the pudendum would not result done to her, an enraged Amante wanted to teach
in any degree of penetration since the pudendum is a Aliswan a lesson he would never forget. Amante set
muscular part located over the labia majora and therefore out the next day to look for Aliswan in his school.
mere touch of or brush upon the same would only There, Amante found a young man who looked very
constitute attempted rape, not consummated. Similarly, a much like Aliswan. Amante immediately rushed and
penis' mere grazing of the fleshy portion, not the vulva knocked the young man unconscious on the
cleft of the labia majora, will also constitute only pavement, and then draped his body with a prepared
attempted rape and not consummated rape, since the tarpaulin reading “RAPIST AKO HUWAG TULARAN.”
same cannot be considered to have achieved the slightest Everyone else in the school was shocked upon
level of penetration. Stated differently, the Court here witnessing what had just transpired, unable to believe
elucidates that "mere touch" of the penis on the labia that the timid and quiet Alisto, Aliswan's identical
majora legally contemplates not mere surface touch or twin brother, had committed rape. (2017 BAR)
skin contact, but the slightest penetration of the cleft of
the labia majora, however minimum in degree. (People v. (a) A criminal complaint for attempted rape with
Agao, GR No. 248049, 04, Oct. 2022) homicide was brought against Aliswan in the
Prosecutor's Office. However, after
NOTE: this case is beyond the cut-off period. preliminary investigation, the Investigating
Prosecutor recommended the filing of two
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: To be held liable for attempted separate Informations: one for attempted rape
rape by carnal knowledge, the penis of the accused must and the other for homicide. Do you agree with
not touch the labia of the pudendum of the victim, but his the recommendation? Explain.
acts must be committed with clear intention to have
sexual intercourse. Intent to have sexual intercourse is A: NO. I do not agree with the recommendation for the
present if it is shown that the erectile penis of the accused filing of attempted rape. Intent to have sexual intercourse
is in the position to penetrate (Cruz v. People, G.R. No. is an essential element of attempted rape. In other words,
166441, 08 Oct. 2014) or the accused actually commenced intent to lie with the victim must be closer. However, this
to force his penis into the victim’s sexual organ. (People v. intent is not established for failure to show that Aliswan
Banzuela, G.R. No. 202060, 11 Dec. 2013) If the offender had done acts to have sex with Amethyst (Cruz v. People,
touches the body of the victim through force, with lewd G.R. No. 116441, 08 Oct. 2014); or that Aliswan had actually
design but without clear intention to have sexual commenced to force his penis into the victim’s sexual
intercourse, the crime committed is acts of lasciviousness. organ (People v. Banzuela, G.R. No. 202060, 11 Dec. 2013).
(People v. Sanico, G.R. No. 208469, 13 Aug. 2014) (UPLC Moreover, he spontaneously desisted from committing
Suggested Answers) further lascivious acts after undressing Amethyst which is
a defense in attempted rape. Undressing the victim with

81 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
lewd design merely constitutes Acts of Lasciviousness. bag of marijuana to be sold to PO2 Masahol. To cut the
(People v. Sanico, G.R. No. 208469, 13 Aug. 2014) laces that he had tied the bag with, Solito took out a
Swiss knife, but his doing so prompted PO2 Masahol to
However, I agree with the recommendation of separate effect his immediate arrest out of fear that he would
charges instead of a special complex crime. Acts of attack him with the knife. PO2 Masahol then
lasciviousness cannot be merged with homicide to form a confiscated the bag of marijuana as well as the Toyota
special complex crime. There is no special complex crime lnnova.
of acts of lasciviousness with homicide under the statute
books. Moreover, to be held liable of a special complex Two Informations were filed against Solito in the RTC:
crime, there must be a direct connection between the one for Forcible Abduction with Rape, raffled to
components thereof. In this case, the homicide is not Branch 8 of the RTC; the other for Illegal Sale of Drugs,
directly connected with the acts of lasciviousness since the assigned to Branch 29 of the RTC. Was Solito charged
killing was motivated by personal grudge of Aliswan with the proper offenses based on the circumstances?
against Alesso, which has no link to the crime committed Explain. (2017 BAR)
against Amethyst.
A: YES. The charge of Rape through Forcible Abduction is
(b) After receiving medical attendance for 10 correct. The rule is settled that if the main objective of the
days, Alisto consulted you about filing the accused is to rape the victim, the crime committed is rape
proper criminal complaint against Amante. even if he abducted her forcefully. Forcible abduction is
What crimes, if any, will you charge Amante absorbed. The doctrine of absorption rather than Art. 48
with? Explain. of the RPC is applicable, since forcible abduction is an
indispensable means to commit rape. (People v. Mejoraday,
A: In People v. Lasala (G.R. No. L-12141, 30 Jan. 1962), the G.R. No. 102705, 30 July 1993; People v. Almanzor, G.R. No.
Supreme Court ruled that the crime committed in Less 124916, 11 July 2002; People v. Sabadablab, G.R. No.
Serious Physical Injuries under Art. 265 of the RPC as the 175924, 14 Mar. 2012)
medical attendance if for a period of 10 days only.
Where the victim was abducted with lewd design and
Considering, however, that the Less Serious Physical brought to a house (People v. Magdaraog, G.R. No. L-40988,
Injuries was inflicted with manifest intent to insult or 15 Apr. 1988; People v. Buhos, G.R. No. L-40995, 25 June
offend the offended party or under circumstances adding 1980; People v. Velasquez, G.R. No. 137383-84, 23 Nov.
ignominy to the offense, there shall be an added penalty of 2000) in a desolated place where she was raped, forcible
fine not exceeding P500 pesos. (Art. 265(2), RPC) (UPLC abduction should be treated as a necessary means to
Suggested Answers) commit rape, and thus, the crime committed is a complex
crime of Rape through Forcible Abduction under Art. 48 of
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Amante may be charged for the RPC.
violation of R.A. No. 7610. Being 16 years old and a minor,
the act of Amante constitutes child abuse as he maltreated The charge of sale of dangerous drugs is improper since
Alisto when he inflicted on him physically with cruelty. this crime is consummated only upon the delivery of the
Further, by draping his body with a prepared tarpaulin dangerous drugs to the poseur buyer for a consideration.
with a statement "rapist ako wag tularan,” it debases, Since in this case, Solito has not yet delivered the
degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of marijuana to PO2 Masahol when the latter apprehended
Alisto. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2023) the former; therefore, the crime committed is not sale of
dangerous drugs but Attempted Sale of Dangerous Drugs.
Q: Maita was the object of Solito's avid sexual desires. In People v. Figueroa (G.R. No. 186141, 11 Apr. 2012),
Solito had attempted many times to entice Maita to a where the sale was absorbed when the police officers
date in bed with him but Maita had consistently immediately placed accused under arrest, the crime
refused. Fed up with all her rejections, Solito abducted committed is attempted sale. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Maita around 7 p.m. one night. With his cohorts, Solito
forced Maita into a Toyota lnnova and drove off with Q: Charlie was charged for the Qualified Rape of AAA.
her to a green-painted house situated in a desolate The Information alleged that AAA was 14 years old at
part of the town. There, Solito succeeded in having the time the crime was committed and that Charlie
carnal knowledge of Maita against her will. was AAA's stepfather. The presentation of AAA's birth
certificate during the trial duly established the
Meanwhile, the police authorities were tipped off that following: (1) that AAA was indeed 14 years old at the
at 11:30 p.m. on that same night Solito would be time of the rape; and (2) that AAA's mother is BBB and
selling marijuana outside the green-painted house. her father was the late CCC. BBB and Charlie only
Acting on the tip, the PNP station of the town formed a became live-in partners after CCC's death. The RTC
buy-bust team with PO2 Masahol being designated the found Charlie guilty of qualified rape. On appeal, the
poseur buyer. During the buy-bust operation, Solito Court of Appeals convicted Charlie of simple rape.
opened the trunk of the Toyota lnnova to retrieve the Charlie appealed before the Supreme Court. How will

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 82
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
you rule and why? (2015 BAR) Heinous Crimes Law, amended Art. 335, RPC, by adding
the phrase “or is demented.” (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: I will reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals and
convict Charlie for the crime of Qualified Rape. NOTE: in determining whether a person is "twelve (12)
years of age" under Article 266-A(l)(d), the interpretation
Under Art. 266-B of the RPC, the crime of Rape is qualified should be in accordance with either the chronological age
when the victim is under 18 years of age and the offender of the child if he or she is not suffering from intellectual
is the common-law spouse of the parent of the victim. In disability, or the mental age if intellectual disability is
this case, Charlie was the common law spouse of BBB, established. (People v. Rabelas, GR No. 253603, 14 June
AAA’s mother. At the time of the crime, AAA was below 18 2021)
years old. The following qualifying circumstances were
alleged in the information and proven by the evidence. 1. ANTI-TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS ACT OF 2003
Thus, Charlie should have been convicted of the Qualified R.A. No. 9208 as amended by R.A. No. 11862
Rape and not Simple Rape only. (Compendious Bar (2014, 2012, 2009 BAR)
Reviewer on Criminal Law: Based on Bar Exam Syllabus
(2023) by Dean Nilo T. Divina)
Q: The creditor who resorts to forced labor of a child
under the pretext of reimbursing himself for the debt
Q: Flordeluna boarded a taxi on her way home to
incurred by the child's father commits the crime of
Quezon City which was driven by Roger. Flordeluna
slavery. (2009 BAR)
noticed that Roger was always placing his car
freshener in front of the car aircon ventilation but did
A: FALSE, the crime committed violates Anti-Trafficking of
not bother asking Roger why. Suddenly, Flordeluna
Persons Act. 9208. The purpose of trafficking is
felt dizzy and became unconscious. Instead of bringing
exploitation which includes exploitation or the
her to Quezon City, Roger brought Flordeluna to his
prostitution of others or other forms of sexual
house in Cavite where she was detained for two (2)
exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servitude, or
weeks. She was raped for the entire duration of her
the removal or sale of organs. (People v. Casio, G.R. No.
detention. May Roger be charged and convicted of the
211465, 03 Dec. 2014)
crime of rape with serious illegal detention? (2000
Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11862
A: NO. Roger may not be charged and convicted of the
(2014, 2012)
crime Rape with Serious Illegal Detention. Roger may be
charged and convicted of multiple rapes. Each rape is a
Q: Loko advertised on the internet that he was looking
distinct off’ense and should be punished separately.
for commercial models for a TV advertisement. Ganda,
Evidently, his principal intention was to abuse Flordeluna;
a 16-year-old beauty, applied for the project. Loko
the detention was only incidental to the rape. (UPLC
offered her a contract, which Ganda signed. She was
Suggested Answers)
asked to report to an address which turned out to be a
high-end brothel. Ganda became one of its most
Q: The complainant, an eighteen-year-old mental
featured attractions. What is Loko’s liability, if any?
retardate with an intellectual capacity between the
What effect would Ganda’s minority have on Loko’s
ages of 9 and 12 years, when asked during the trial
liability? (2014 BAR)
how she felt when she was raped by the accused,
replied “Masarap, it gave me much pleasure.”
A: Loko may be held liable for the crime of trafficking in
persons under Sec. 4(a) of R.A. No. 9208 which declared
With the claim of the accused that the complainant
unlawful to recruit, or to receive a person by any means,
consented for a fee to the sexual intercourse, and with
including those done under the pretext of domestic
the foregoing answer of the complainant, would you
employment for the purpose of prostitution. Loko
convict the accused of rape if you were the judge
recruited Ganda in the guise of making her a commercial
trying the case? Explain. (1996 BAR)
model, the deceit that Loko employed to recruit Ganda for
the purpose of prostitution making him liable for
A: YES, I would convict the accused of rape. Since the
trafficking in persons.
victim is a mental retardate with an intellectual capacity of
a child less than 12 years old, she is legally incapable of
Ganda’s minority is a qualifying circumstance since R.A.
giving a valid consent to the sexual intercourse. The sexual
No. 9208 provides that when the trafficked person is a
intercourse is tantamount to a statutory rape because the
child, the crime is considered qualified trafficking. (Sec.
level of intelligence is that of a child less than 16 years of
3(b) in rel. to Sec. 6(a), R.A. No. 9208) (UPLC Suggested
age (as amended by R.A No. 11648). Where the victim of
rape is a mental retardate, violence or intimidation is not
essential to constitute rape. (People v. Trimor, G.R. 106541-
42, 31 Mar. 1995) As a matter of fact, R.A. No. 7659, the

83 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: When the adoption of a child is effected under the A: For withdrawing support for Rona, such act is a
Inter-Country Adoption Act for the purpose of violation of R.A. No. 9262, Sec. 3(d), which reads:
prostitution, what is the proper charge against the
offender who is a public officer in relation to the “Economic abuse” refers to acts that make or attempt to
exploitative purposes? (2012 BAR) make a woman financially dependent which includes, but
is not limited to the following:
A: Adoption or facilitating the adoption of child for the
purpose of prostitution constitutes trafficking in person 1. Withdrawal of financial support or preventing the
(Sec. 4(f) of RA No. 9208). The means to commit trafficking victim from engaging in any legitimate profession,
in person can be dispensed with since the trafficked victim occupation, business or activity, except in cases
is a minor (Sec. 3). However, trafficking is qualified when wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid,
trafficked person is a child or when the adoption is serious and moral grounds as defined in Art. 73 of the
effected through Inter-Country Adoption Act of and said Family Code. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
adoption is for the purpose of prostitution. (Sec. 6(a) and
(b)) (UPLC Suggested Answers) c) PROTECTION ORDERS
Secs. 8-16
Sec. 3
Sec. 6, R.A. No. 11862
Q: What are the three phases of the "Battered
2. ANTI-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR Woman Syndrome"? (2016, 2010 BAR)
R.A. NO. 9262 A: The three (3) phases of the BWS are:
(2020-21, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2010) (1) tension-building phase;
(2) acute battering incident; and
a) DEFINITION OF TERMS (3) tranquil, loving, or non-violent phase. (People v.
Sec. 3 Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, 15 Jan. 2004)
(2010 BAR)
Q: Would the defense prosper despite the absence of
Q: Define "Battered Woman Syndrome." (2010 BAR) any of the elements for justifying circumstances of
self-defense under the RPC? Explain. (2010 BAR)
A: “Battered Woman Syndrome” refers to a scientifically
define pattern of psychological and behavioural symptoms A: YES. Sec. 26 of R.A. No. 9262 provides that victim-
found in woman living in battering relationships as a survivors who are found by the courts to be suffering from
result of cumulative abuse. (Sec. 3(d), R.A. No. 9262) battered woman syndrome do not incur any criminal and
civil liability notwithstanding the absence of any of the
b) ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN elements of justifying circumstances of self-defense under
AND THEIR CHILDREN the RPC. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Sec. 5
(2018 BAR) Q: Romeo and Julia have been married for 12 years
and had two (2) children. The first few years of their
What crimes did Ruben commit: (2018 BAR) marriage went along smoothly. However, on the fifth
year onwards, they would often quarrel when Romeo
(a) For beating and humiliating Rorie? comes home drunk. The quarrels became increasingly
violent, marked by quiet periods when Julia would
A: For beating and humiliating Rorie, such acts violate R.A. leave the conjugal dwelling.
No. 9262, known as the “Anti-Violence Against Women
and Their Children Act of 2004,” particularly Sec. 3(a) During the times of quiet, Romeo would court Julia
thereof under “Physical Violence” referring to acts that with flowers and chocolates and convince her to
include bodily or physical harm against a woman with return home, telling her that he could not live without
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating her; or Romeo would ask Julia to forgive him, which
relationship. she did, believing that if she humbled herself, Romeo
would change. After a month of marital bliss, Romeo
(b) For withdrawing support for Rona? would return to his drinking habit and the quarrel
would start again, verbally at first, until it would
escalate to physical violence.

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 84
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
One night, Romeo came home drunk and went straight Battered Woman Syndrome is a defense notwithstanding
to bed. Fearing the onset of another violent fight, Julia the absence of any of the elements for justifying
stabbed Romeo, while he was asleep. A week later, circumstances of self-defense under the RPC such as
their neighbors discovered Romeo’s rotting corpse on unlawful aggression. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262) (UPLC
the marital bed. Julia and the children were nowhere Suggested Answers)
to be found. Julia was charged with parricide. She
asserted “battered woman syndrome” as her defense. Q: Dion and Talia were spouses. Dion always came
(2016 BAR) home drunk since he lost his job a couple of months
ago. Talia had gotten used to the verbal abuse from
(a) Explain the cycle of violence. Dion. One night, in addition to the usual verbal abuse,
Dion beat up Talia. The next morning, Dion saw the
A: The Battered Woman Syndrome is characterized by the injury that he had inflicted upon Talia and promised
so-called “cycle of violence,” which has three phases: (1) her that he would stop drinking and never beat her
tension-building phase; (2) the acute battering incident; again. However, Dion did not make good on his
and (3) the tranquil, loving (or at least, nonviolent) phase. promise. Just after one week, he started drinking
again. Talia once more endured the usual verbal
During the tension-building phase, minor battering occurs abuse. Afraid that he might beat her up again, Talia
– it could be verbal or slight physical abuse or another stabbed Dion with a kitchen knife while he was passed
form of hostile behavior. The woman tries to pacify the out from imbibing too much alcohol. Talia was
batterer through a kind, nurturing behavior; or by simply charged with the crime of parricide. (2015 BAR)
staying out of his way. The acute battering incident is
characterized by brutality, destructiveness and (a) May Talia invoke the defense of Battered
sometimes, death. The battered woman deems this Woman Syndrome to free herself from
incident as unpredictable, yet also inevitable. During this criminal liability? Explain.
phase, she has no control; only the batterer may put an
end to the violence. The final phase of the cycle of violence A: NO, a single act of battery or physical harm committed
begins when the acute battering incident ends. During this by Dion against Talia resulting to the physical and
tranquil period, the couple experience profound relief. psychological or emotional distress on her part is not
sufficient to avail of the benefit of the justifying
(b) Is Julia’s “battered woman syndrome” defense circumstance of “Battered Woman Syndrome”.
meritorious? Explain.
The defense of Battered Woman Syndrome can be invoked
A: YES. Under Sec. 3(c) of R.A. No. 9262, “Battered Woman if the woman with marital relationship with the victim is
Syndrome” refers to a scientifically defined pattern of subjected to cumulative abuse or battery involving the
psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women infliction of physical harm resulting to the physical and
living in battering relationships as a result of “cumulative psychological or emotional distress. Cumulative means
abuse”. Under Sec. 3(b), “Battery” refers to an act of resulting from successive addition. In sum, there must be
inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child “at least two (2) battering episodes” between the accused
resulting in physical and psychological or emotional and her intimate partner and such final episode produced
distress. in the battered person’s mind an actual fear of an
imminent harm from her batterer and an honest belief
In sum, the defense of Battered Woman Syndrome can be that she needed to use force in order to save her life.
invoked if the woman in marital relationship with the (People v. Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, 15 Jan. 2004)
victim is subjected to cumulative abuse or battery
involving the infliction of physical harm resulting to the (b) Will your answer be the same, assuming that
physical and psychological or emotional distress. Talia killed Dion after being beaten up after a
Cumulative means resulting from successive addition. In second time? Explain.
sum, there must be “at least two battering episodes”
between the accused and her intimate partner and such A: YES, Talia can invoke the defense of Battered Woman
final episode produced in the battered person’s mind an Syndrome to free herself from criminal liability for killing
actual fear of an imminent harm from her batterer and an her husband since she suffered physical and emotional
honest belief that she needed to use force in order to save distress arising from cumulative abuse or battery. Under
her life. (People v. Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, 15 Jan. 2004) Sec. 26 of R.A. No. 9262, victim survivors of Battered
Woman Syndrome do not incur any criminal or civil
In this case, because of the battering episodes, Julia feared liability despite the absence of the requisites of self-
the onset of another violent fight and honestly believed defense. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
the need to defend herself even if Romeo had not
commenced an unlawful aggression. Even in the absence
of unlawful aggression, however, Battered Woman
Syndrome is a defense. Under Sec. 27 of R.A. No. 9262,

85 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Ms. A had been married to Mr. B for 10 years. Since a. Corruption of minors under the Penal Code
their marriage, Mr. B had been jobless and a b. Violation of the Child Pornography Act
drunkard, preferring to stay with his “barkadas” until c. Violation of the Child Abuse Law
the wee hours of the morning. Ms. A was the d. None
breadwinner and attended to the needs of their three
(3) growing children. Many times, when Mr. B was A: B. Violation of the Child Pornography Act.
drunk, he would beat Ms. A and their three children,
and shout invectives against them. In fact, in one of the 4. SPECIAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AGAINST
beating incidents, Ms. A suffered a deep stab wound CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION
on her tummy that required a prolonged stay in the ACT
hospital. Due to the beatings and verbal abuses R.A No. 7610 as amended
committed against her, she consulted a psychologist (2022, 2020-21, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2006, 2004,
several times, as she was slowly beginning to lose her 2002, 1993 BAR)
mind. One night, when Mr. B arrived dead drunk, he
suddenly stabbed Ms. A several times while shouting
Q: To motivate their 8-year-old daughter to study well
invectives against her.
and have a better future, her parents resorted to
making her kneel on rice spread on the floor, spanking
Defending herself from the attack, Ms. A grappled for
her with a bamboo stick, or requiring her to stand in
the possession of a knife and she succeeded. She then
the rain for hours if her grades fell below 80 in any
stabbed Mr. B several times which caused his
subject. Did the parents commit a crime? Explain
instantaneous death. Medico-Legal Report showed
briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
that the husband suffered three (3) stabbed wounds.
Can Ms. A validly put up a defense? Explain. (2014
A: YES, the parents are liable for Child Abuse under R.A.

A: YES. Ms. A can put up the defense of battered woman

R.A. 7610 punishes; (a) child abuse, (b) child cruelty, (c)
syndrome. It appears that she is suffering from physical
child exploitation and (d) being responsible for conditions
and psychological or emotional distress resulting from
prejudicial to the child's development. When a child is
cumulative abuse by her husband.
subjected to physical abuse or injury, the person
responsible can be held liable under R.A. No. 7610 by
Under Sec. 26 of R.A. 9262, “victim survivors who are
establishing the essential facts above. It need not prove
found by the courts to be suffering from battered woman
that the acts of child abuse, child cruelty, and child
syndrome do not incur any criminal and civil liability
exploitation have resulted in the prejudice of the child
notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for
because an act prejudicial to the development of the child
justifying circumstances of self-defense under the RPC.”
is different from the former acts. (Patulot vs. People, G.R.
No. 23507, 07 Jan. 2019)
As a rule, once the unlawful aggression ceased, stabbing
the victim further is not self-defense. However, even if the
Here, the offenders cannot invoke that their acts are
element of unlawful aggression in self-defense is lacking,
merely imposition of parental discipline as the acts are
Ms. A, who is suffering for battered woman syndrome, will
excessive and abusive. Hence, the parents may be liable
not incur criminal and civil liability. (UPLC Suggested
for violation of R.A. 7610. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria,


R.A. No. 9775 Sec. 3, R.A. No. 7610
(2011 BAR) (2022, 2017 BAR)

a) DEFINITION OF TERMS Q: Joben, a school principal, called high school

Sec. 3 students Paula and Gina, both 15 years old, to the
faculty room regarding the sexual text message
b) UNLAWFUL OR PROHIBITED ACTS circulating around campus which made reference to
Sec. 4 Joben’s daughter. In front of teachers and some
(2011 BAR) students, Joben shouted at Paula and Gina, asking
them who sent the said text message. Joben also
Q: Mr. P owns a boarding house where he knowingly threatened to sue them and said: “Siguro nainggit
allowed children to be videotaped while simulating kayo sa anak ko kasi maganda sya, matalino, at
explicit sexual activities. What is Mr. P's criminal mayaman. Sabihin niyo kasi sa mga magulang niyo
liability, if any? (2011 BAR) magsumikap sila para maging mayaman din kayo. Di
yung tatamad-tamad.” Joben then raised her middle

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 86
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
finger in front of Paula and Gina, saying “Mga burikat son, Tonito, who fell to the ground due to the shoving of
(whore)!” Juanito. With the loss of his self-control, he lacked that
specific intent to debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic
Later that day, Paula and Gina narrated the incident to worth and dignity of a child as a human being that was so
their parents and said that they were ashamed of essential in the crime of child abuse; hence, the crime
going back to school. committed is only physical injuries. (Bongalon v. People,
G.R. No. 169533, 20 Mar. 2013) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Is Joben guilty of violating Sec. 10(a) of Republic Act
No. 7610 for other acts of child abuse? Explain briefly. b) CHILD PROSTITUTION AND OTHER SEXUAL ABUSE
(2022 BAR) Sec. 5, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by 11648
(2022, 2020-21, 2018, 2016 BAR)
A: NO, Joben is not liable for R.A. No. 7610. In Escalano v.
People (G.R. No. 226991, 10 Dec. 2018), which involved Q: Madame X, with the promise of money, and without
facts similar to the instant case, the Court held that the the use of force, intimidation, or threat, enticed Zia, a
mere shouting of invectives at a child, when carelessly 15-year-old, to engage in oral sex by allowing Madame
done out of anger, frustration, or annoyance, does not X to lick Zia’s vagina. Zia consented because she
constitute Child Abuse under Sec. 10 (a) of R.A. No. 7610 needed the money. What crime, if any, was committed
absent evidence that the utterance of such words was by Madame X? (2022 BAR)
specifically intended to debase, degrade, or demean the
victim’s intrinsic dignity. In simple terms, there was a A: Madame X is liable for Acts of Lasciviousness but the
failure to establish the specific intent to debase, degrade, penalty to be imposed shall be that provided under R.A.
or demean required in child abuse cases under Sec. 10(a) No. 7610.
in relation to Sec. 3(b)(2) of R.A. No 7610 (Brubas v.
People, G.R. No. 254005, 23 June 2021) R.A. No. 7610, as amended by R.A. No. 11648, punishes
those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
Q: Tonito, an 8-year-old boy, was watching a free lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or
concert at the Luneta Park with his father Tony. The subject to other sexual abuse; Provided, That when the
child stood on a chair to be able to see the performers victim is under 16 years of age, the perpetrators shall be
on the stage. Juanito, a 10-year-old boy, who was also prosecuted under Art. 335(3), for rape and Art. 336 of Act
watching the concert, could not see much of the No. 3815, as amended, the RPC, for rape or lascivious
performance on the stage because Tonito was blocking conduct, as the case may be: Provided, that the penalty for
his line of sight by standing on the chair. lascivious conduct when the victim is under 16 years of
age shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period; xxx
Using his elbow, Juanito strongly shoved Tonito to get
a good view of the stage. The shove caused Tonito to It bears emphasis, as well, that consent is immaterial in
fall to the ground. Seeing this, Tony struck Juanito on cases involving violation of Sec. 5(b), Art. III of R.A. No.
the head with his hand and caused the boy to fall and 7610. The law being malum prohibitum, the mere act of
to hit his head on a chair. Tony also wanted to strangle committing lascivious conduct with a child subjected to
Juanito but the latter's aunt prevented him from doing sexual abuse already constitutes the offense. (Carbonell v.
so. Juanito sustained a lacerated wound on the head People, G.R. No. 246702, 28 Apr. 2021) (Bar Q&A by Judge
that required medical attendance for 10 days. Alejandria, 2023)

Tony was charged with child abuse in violation of Sec. Q: Interviewed for a newspaper, a former beauty
10(a), in relation to Sec. 3(b)(2), of R.A. No. 7610 for queen revealed that when she was 16 years old, she
allegedly doing an "act by deeds or words which had her first sexual intercourse with her ex-boyfriend,
debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and who was then 28 years old. In her narration, she said
dignity of a child as a human being." that she did not know what she was doing and noted
that her ex-boyfriend of a more advanced age misled
In his defense, Tony contended that he had no her into doing what he wanted. She added that, at
intention to maltreat Juanito, much less to degrade his certain points during the encounter, she repeatedly
intrinsic worth and dignity as a human being. Was said no but her ex-boyfriend was just too strong for
Tony criminally liable for child abuse under R.A. No. her. The ex-boyfriend left her shortly thereafter. Was
7610? Explain your answer. (2017 BAR) there a crime committed by the ex-boyfriend? Explain
briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
A: NO. Tony laid hands on Juanito without intent to
debase the “intrinsic worth and dignity” of Juanito as a A: YES, the ex-boyfriend is liable for violation of R.A. 7610.
human being. It appears that the laying of hands on For purposes of sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct
Juanito have been done at the spur of the moment and in in child abuse cases under R.A. No. 7610, the sweetheart
anger, indicative of his being then overwhelmed by his defense is unacceptable. A child exploited in prostitution
fatherly concern for the personal safety of his own minor or subjected to other sexual abuse cannot validly give

87 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
consent to sexual intercourse with another person. The Q: Braulio invited Lulu, his 11-year-old stepdaughter,
language of the law is clear: it seeks to punish those who inside the master bedroom. He pulled out a knife and
commit the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct threatened her with harm unless she submitted to his
with a child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other desires. He was touching her chest and sex organ
sexual abuse. Unlike rape, therefore, consent is immaterial when his wife caught him in the act.
in cases involving violation of Sec. 5, Art. III of R.A. No.
7610. The mere act of having sexual intercourse or The prosecutor is unsure whether to charge Braulio
committing lascivious conduct with a child exploited in for acts of lasciviousness under Art. 336 of the RPC, for
prostitution or subjected to sexual abuse constitutes the lascivious conduct under R.A. No. 7610 (Special
offense. It is malum prohibitum, an evil that is proscribed. Protection against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and
(People v. Udang, Sr., G.R. No. 210161, 10 Jan. 2018) Discrimination Act); or for rape under Art. 266-A of
the RPC. What is the crime committed? Explain. (2016
Here, regardless whether the former beauty queen gave or BAR)
did not give her consent to the sexual intercourse, the
adult ex-boyfriend having sexual intercourse with a 16- A: The acts of Braulio of touching the chest and sex organ
year-old child defined under the law is liable for of Lulu who is under 16 years of age, are merely Acts of
committing sexual abuse under R.A. No. 7610. (Bar Q&A by Lasciviousness and not attempted rape because intent to
Judge Alejandria, 2023) have sexual intercourse is not clearly shown. (People v.
Banzuela, G.R. No. 202060, 11 Dec. 2013)
Q: With a promise of reward, Robert asked Romy to
bring him a young girl that he (Robert) can have The same acts of touching the chest and sex organ of Lulu
carnal knowledge with. Romy agreed, seized an 8- under psychological coercion or influence of her
year-old girl and brought her to Robert. After stepfather, Braulio, constitutes sexual abuse under Sec.
receiving his reward, Romy left while Robert 5(b) of RA No. 7610. (People v. Optana, G.R. No. 133922, 12
proceeded to have carnal knowledge with the girl. Feb. 2001)
(2018 BAR)
Since the requisites for acts of lasciviousness under Art.
(a) For what felony may Robert and Romy be 336 of the RPC are met, in addition to the requisites for
charged? sexual abuse under Sec. 5 of RA No. 7610, and the victim is
under 16 years of age, Braulio shall be prosecuted for acts
A: Robert may be charged with the crime of Child of lasciviousness under the RPC but the penalty imposable
Prostitution or other sexual abuse under Sec. 5(b) of R.A. is that prescribed by RA No. 7610. (Amployo v. People, G.R.
No. 7610, as amended by R.A. No. 11648, by having sexual No. 157718, 26 Apr. 2005) Under Sec. 5 (b) of R.A. No. 7610
intercourse with a child exploited in prostitution. Because (as amended by R.A No. 11648), when the victim (child
the victim was under 16 years of age, (in this case, 8 subjected to sexual abuse) is under 16 years of age, the
years), Robert shall be prosecuted under Art. 266-A and perpetrators shall be prosecuted (for acts of
266-B of the RPC. lasciviousness) under Art. 336 of Act No. 3815, as
amended: Provided, That the penalty for lasciviousness
Romy, on the other hand, may be charged with the crime conduct when the victim is under 16 years of age shall be
of Child Prostitution or other sexual abuse under Sec. 5(a) reclusion temporal in its medium period. (UPLC Suggested
of R.A. No. 7610 by acting as procurer of a child prostitute. Answers)

(b) Will your answer in (a) be the same if the c) ATTEMPT TO COMMIT CHILD PROSTITUTION
victim is a 15-year-old lass who was enticed, Sec. 6, R.A. No. 7610
through cunning and deceit of Romy, to
voluntarily go to the house of Robert where d) CHILD TRAFFICKING
the latter subsequently had carnal knowledge Sec. 5, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by 11648
with her?
A: YES. R.A. No. 7610 covers sexual abuse committed Sec. 8, R.A. No. 7610
against a child or children below 18 years of age. Children
who, for money, profit, or any other consideration due to f) OBSCENE PUBLICATION AND INDECENT SHOWS
the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, Sec. 9, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by 11648
indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are
deemed to be children exploited in prostitution and other g) EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN
sexual abuse. Robert and Romy may be prosecuted under Sec. 12, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by R.A. No. 9231
the said law. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 88
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
OTHER ACTS OF NEGLECT, ABUSE, CRUELTY OR (a) What crime may the retired colonel be
EXPLOITATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS charged with, if any? Discuss.
Sec. 10 A: The retired colonel may be charged with child abuse, in
(2016, 1993 BAR) violation of R.A No. 7610, a law providing special
protection against child abuse, exploitation, and
Q: Arnold, 25 years of age, was sitting on a bench in discrimination. One of the acts of child abuse or
Luneta Park, watching the statue of Jose Rizal, when, exploitation penalized under Art. VI of R.A No. 7610 is that
without his permission, Leilani, 17 years of age, sat of keeping company of a minor who is ten (10) years or
beside him and asked for financial assistance, younger than the offender in a hotel, motel, beer house,
allegedly for payment of her tuition fee, in exchange disco joint, pension house, cabaret, sauna or massage
for sex. parlor, beach resort, and similar places.

While they were conversing, police operatives Considering that Lt. Col. Agaton is a retiree pursuant to a
arrested and charged him with violation of Sec. 10 of compulsory retirement, while the child he kept company
R.A. No. 7610, accusing him of having in his company a within a private room in the beach resort, is only 14 years
minor, who is not related to him, in a public place. It old, there must be an age difference of more than 10 years
was established that Arnold was not in the between them. This fact plus the circumstance that Lt. Col.
performance of a social, moral, and legal duty at that Agaton stayed with the child, a girl, in one room at such
time. Is Arnold liable for the charge? Explain. (2016 beach resort for two nights, and thereafter he gave her
BAR) P1,000.00 "for her services", constitutes the very evil
punished, among other acts, in said law.
A: NO, Arnold is not liable. Under Sec. 10 of R.A. No. 7610,
as amended by R.A No. 11648, any person who shall keep (b) What possible defenses can he interpose?
or have in his company a minor, 16 years or under or who Explain.
in 10 years or more his junior in any public or private
place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, A: The possible defenses Lt. Col. Agaton may interpose
pension house, sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or are:
other tourist resort, or similar places is liable for child
abuse. (a) That the child is related to him within the fourth
degree of consanguinity or affinity or by a bond
To be held liable under Sec. 10(b) of R.A. No. 7610, it is recognized in law, or local customs and traditions; or
indispensable that the child in the company of the
offender must be 16 years old or under or who is 10 years (b) That he was only acting in pursuance of a moral, social
or more his junior in a public place. In this case, Leilani is or legal duty. (Sec. 10 (b), Art. VI, R.A. No. 7610) (UPLC
17 years of age, and she is only 8 years younger than Suggested Answers)
Arnold. Moreover, Leilani sat beside Arnold without his
permission. Hence, he is not in the company of a child in a 5. PROHIBITION OF CHILD MARRIAGE LAW
public place. R.A No. 11596

Lastly, applying the episdem generis principle, Luneta Park

is not a place similar to hotel, motel, beer joint,
Sec. 3
discotheque, cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage
parlor, beach and/or other tourist resort. (UPLC Suggested
Sec. 4

Q: Sometime in Dec. 1992, retired Lt. Col. Agaton,

celebrating the first year of his compulsory retirement
Sec. 5
from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, had in his
company a 14-year-old girl whose parents were killed
by the Mt. Pinatubo eruption and being totally 6. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR STRONGER PROTECTION
orphaned has been living or fending for herself in the AGAINST RAPE AND SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND
streets in Manila. They were alone in one room in a ABUSE, INCREASING THE AGE FOR DETERMINING THE
beach resort and stayed there for two (2) nights. No COMMISSION ON STATUTORY RAPE
sexual intercourse took place between them. Before R.A No. 11648
they parted, retired Lt. Col. Agaton gave the girl
P1,000.00 for her services. She gladly accepted it. a) AMENDMENT ON RAPE
(1993 BAR) Sec. 1

89 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
b) AMENDMENT ON QUALIFIED SEDUCTION moreover, that at the time abduction is committed with
Sec. 2 lewd design; hence, his abduction constitutes illegal
detention. Since Angelino was killed in the course of the
detention, the crime constitutes Kidnapping and Serious
I. CRIMES AGAINST Illegal Detention with Homicide under Art. 267.
(2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2009, Having sexual intercourse with Angelino is not rape
1999, 1998, 1991, 1989, 1988, 1989 BAR) through sexual intercourse since the victim in this crime
must be a woman. This act is not rape through sexual
assault either. Razzy did not insert his penis into the anal
orifice or mouth of Angelino or an instrument or object
into anal orifice or genital orifice, hence, this act
(2020-21, 2016, 2014, 2009, 1991 BAR)
constitutes acts of lasciviousness under Art. 336. Since the
acts of lasciviousness is committed by reason or occasion
Q: The accused in a pending case forcibly snatched the
of kidnapping, it will be integrated into one and indivisible
daughter of a Judge and kept her in an undisclosed
felony of kidnapping with homicide. (People v. De Leon,
location. The accused then called to tell the Judge that
G.R. No. 179943, 26 June 2009; People v. Jugueta, G.R. No.
the daughter would only be released if the Judge
202124, 05 Apr. 2016)
would acquit the accused in the pending case.

Max is liable for kidnapping with homicide as an

Did the accused commit a crime with these acts?
accomplice since he concurred in the criminal design of
Explain briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
Razzy in depriving Angelino his liberty and supplied the
former material aid in an efficacious way by helping him
A: YES, the accused is liable for Serious Illegal Detention
beat the latter. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
against the daughter of the judge.

Q: A charged B with the crime of rape. While the case

In the case at bar, when the accused detains the daughter
was pending in court, B, together with his mother and
of the judge and was not allowed to be released until the
brother, overpowered A while riding a tricycle,
judge acquits him, there was actual deprivation of the
dragged her inside a carenderia owned by them and
victim’s liberty. Deprivation of liberty is qualified to
detained her for two (2) days. They demanded that
serious illegal detention when the victim is a female
she sign an affidavit of desistance and reimburse B the
punishable under Art. 267 of the RPC.
sum of P5,000.00 which he paid to his lawyer in the
case. She was released only after she signed the
The accused may also be liable for the crime Grave
affidavit asking for the dismissal of the case and
Coercion under Art. 286 of the RPC. Since the purpose of
delivered to B P1,000.00. She promised to deliver the
the accused is to compel the judge to acquit him, the
balance of P4,000.00 30 days later. What crime/s
taking of the judge’s daughter constitutes violence to
was/were committed by B, his mother and brother?
control the judge to do something against his will. (Bar
(1991 BAR)
Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)

A: This is Kidnapping with Ransom which is kidnapping or

Q: Angelino, a Filipino, is a transgender who
illegal detention committed by a private person for the
underwent gender reassignment and had implants in
purpose of extorting ransom. Since the victim is a woman,
different parts of her body. She changed her name to
it is serious. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Angelina and was a finalist in the Miss Gay
International. She came back to the Philippines and
Q: Virgilio, armed with a gun, stopped a van along a
while she was walking outside her home, she was
major thoroughfare in Manila, pointed the gun at the
abducted by Max and Razzy who took her to a house in
driver and shouted: "Tigil! Kidnap ito!"
the province. She was then placed in a room and Razzy
forced her to have sex with him at knife's point. After
Terrified, the driver, Juanito, stopped the van and
the act, it dawned upon Razzy that Angelina is actually
allowed Virgilio to board. Inside the van were
a male. Incensed, Razzy called Max to help him beat
Jeremias, a 6-year-old child, son of a multi-millionaire,
Angelina. The beatings that Angelina received
and Daday, the child’s nanny. Virgilio told Juanito to
eventually caused her death. What crime or crimes, if
drive to a deserted place, and there, ordered the
any, were committed? Explain. (2016 BAR)
driver to alight. Before Juanito was allowed to go,
Virgilio instructed him to tell Jeremias’ parents that
A: Razzy is liable for Kidnapping with Homicide.
unless they give a ransom of P10-million within 2
Abducting Angelino is not forcible abduction since the
days, Jeremias would be beheaded. Daday was told to
victim in this crime must be a woman. Gender
remain in the van and take care of Jeremias until the
reassignment will not make him a woman within the
ransom is paid. Virgilio then drove the van to his
meaning of Art. 342 of RPC. There is no showing,

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 90
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
What crime or crimes, if any, did Virgilio commit? sustained injuries that incapacitated him for 25 days.
Explain. (2009 BAR)
What crime/s did Dante commit? (1994 BAR)
A: The crime committed against Jeremias, the 6-year-old
child, is Kidnapping with Serious Illegal Detention under A: Dante committed qualified trespass to dwelling,
Art. 267(4) of the RPC. frustrated homicide for the stabbing of Jay, and less
serious physical injuries for the assault on Mamerto.
The criminal intent of Virgilio is to deprive Jeremias his
liberty to demand ransom. Whether or not the ransom The crime of qualified trespass to dwelling should not be
was eventually obtained will not affect the crime complexed with frustrated homicide because when the
committed because the demand for ransom is not an trespass is committed as a means to commit a more
element of the crime; it only qualifies the penalty to death serious crime, trespass to dwelling is absorbed by the
but the imposition of the penalty is now prohibited by R.A. greater crime and the former constitutes an aggravating
No. 9346. circumstance of dwelling. (People v. Abedosa, G.R. No. L-
28600, 21 Mar. 1928)
As to Daday, the nanny of the child who was told to remain
in the van and take care of the child until the ransom is Dante committed frustrated homicide for the stabbing of
paid, the crime committed by Virgilio is Serious Illegal Jay because he had already performed all the acts of
Detention because the offended party deprived of liberty execution which would have produced the intended felony
is a female (Art. 267(4), RPC). of homicide were it not for causes independent of the act
of Dante. Dante had the intent to kill judging from the
Virgilio also committed Grave Coercion (Art. 286, RPC) for weapon used, the manner of committing the crime and the
seriously intimidating the driver with a gun pointed at him part of the body stabbed.
to drive to a deserted place.
Dante is guilty of less serious physical injuries for the
TRESPASS TO DWELLING wounds sustained by Mamerto. There appears to be no
(2012, 1994 BAR) intent to kill because Dante merely assaulted Mamerto
without using the knife. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Q: What is the criminal liability, if any, of a private
person who enters the dwelling of another against the THREATS AND COERCION
latter's will and by means of violence or intimidation (2016, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 1999, 1998,
for the purpose of preventing some harm to himself? 1989, 1988, 1989 BAR)
(2012 BAR)
Q: A entered the house of B. Once inside the house of
a. The private person is criminally liable for B, A took and seized personal property by compulsion
qualified trespass to dwelling. from B with the use of violence and force upon things,
b. The private person is criminally liable for believing himself to be the owner of the personal
simple trespass to dwelling. property so seized. What is the criminal liability of A?
c. The private person incurs no criminal (2012 BAR)
d. The private person is criminally liable for A. A is criminally liable for robbery with violence
light threats. because he employed violence in the taking of
the personal property from B, robbery
A: C. Under Art. 280 of the RPC, qualified trespass to characterized by violence being graver than
dwelling is committed by any private person who shall ordinary robbery committed with force upon
enter the dwelling of another against the latter’s will and things.
by means of violence or intimidation. However, the
provisions of Art. 280 shall not be applicable to any B. A is criminally liable for robbery with force
person who shall enter another’s dwelling for the purpose upon things in an inhabited house because the
of preventing some serious harm to himself. (UPLC act was committed in a house constituting the
Suggested Answers) dwelling of one or more persons.

Q: At about 11:00 in the evening, Dante forced his way C. A is criminally liable for grave coercion
inside the house of Mamerto. Jay, Mamerto’s son, saw because the presumption of intent to gain is
Dante and accosted him. Dante pulled a knife and rebutted.
stabbed Jay in his abdomen. Mamerto heard the
commotion and went out of his room. Dante, who was D. A is criminally liable for qualified trespass to
about to escape, assaulted Mamerto. Jay suffered dwelling because he employed violence.
injuries which, were it not for the timely medical
attendance, would have caused his death. Mamerto A: C. A is criminally liable for grave coercion because

91 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
the presumption of intent to gain is rebutted. Q: Isagani lost his gold necklace bearing his initials. He
saw Roy wearing the said necklace. Isagani asked Roy
A is not criminally liable for robbery since the to return to him the necklace as it belongs to him, but
presumption of intent to gain, an element of this crime, is Roy refused. Isagani then drew his gun and told Roy,
rebutted because he took the personal property under a “If you will not give back the necklace to me, I will kill
bona fide belief that he owns the property. However, A is you!” Out of fear for his life and against his will, Roy
liable for grave coercion because he used violence in gave the necklace to Isagani. What offense did Isagani
seizing the property by reason of his mistaken belief that commit? (1998 BAR)
he owned it.
A: Isagani committed the crime of Grave Coercion (Art.
Q: 286, RPC) for compelling Roy, by means of serious threats
(a) Distinguish coercion from illegal detention. or intimidation, to do something against the latter’s will,
(1999 BAR) whether it be right or wrong. Serious threats or
intimidation approximating violence constitute grave
A: Coercion may be distinguished from illegal detention as coercion, not grave threats. Such is the nature of the threat
follows: In coercion, the basis of criminal liability is the in this case because it was committed with a gun, is a
employment of violence or serious intimidation deadly weapon.
approximating violence, without authority of law, to
prevent a person from doing something not prohibited by The crime cannot be robbery because intent to gain, which
law or to compel him to do something against his will is an essential element of robbery, is absent since the
whether it be right or wrong; while in Illegal Detention, necklace belongs to Isagani. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
the basis of liability is the actual restraint or locking up of
a person thereby depriving him of his liberty without Q: Lina worked as a housemaid and yaya of the one-
authority of law. If there was no intent to lock up or detain week-old son of the Sps. John and Joana. When Lina
the offended party unlawfully, the crime of illegal learned that her 70-year old mother was seriously ill,
detention is not committed. she asked John for a cash advance of P20,000.00, but
the latter refused. In anger, Lina gagged the mouth of
(b) Forcibly brought to the police headquarters, a the child with stockings, placed him in a box, sealed it
person was tortured and maltreated by agents with masking tape, and placed the box in the attic.
of the law to compel him to confess a crime Lina then left the house and asked her friend Fely to
imputed to him. The agents failed, however, to demand a P20,000.00 ransom for the release of the
draw from him a confession which was their spouses' child to be paid within 24 hours. The spouses
intention to obtain through the employment of did not pay the ransom. After a couple of days, John
such means. What crime was committed by discovered the box in the attic with his child already
the agents of the law? (1999 BAR) dead. According to the autopsy report, the child died
of asphyxiation barely minutes after the box was
A: Evidently, the person tortured and maltreated by the sealed.
agents of the law is a suspect and may have been detained
by them. If so and he had already been booked and put in What crime or crimes, if any, did Lina and Fely
jail, the crime is Maltreatment of Prisoner and the fact that commit? Explain. (2016 BAR)
the suspect was subjected to torture to extort a confession
would bring about a higher penalty, in addition to the A: The crime committed by Lina is Murder for killing a
offender’s liability for the physical injuries inflicted. child of tender years. Fely shall not be liable for murder
because there is no showing that she participated with
But if the suspect was forcibly brought to the police Lina in putting the child in the box which caused the
headquarters to make him admit the crime and latter's death.
tortured/maltreated to make him confess to such crime,
but later released because the agents failed to draw such The act of demanding ransom by Fely would not
confession, the crime is Grave Coercion because of the constitute the crime of Kidnapping since there was
violence employed to compel such confession without the actually no “taking to another place” was committed for
offended party being confined in jail. (US v. Cusi, G.R. No. L- the purpose of detaining the child in exchange for ransom.
3699, 18 Mar. 1908) Fely may be liable however for Light Coercion under Art.
287(2) of the RPC, which provides; any other coercions or
It is noted that the offended party was merely “brought” to unjust vexations shall be punished by arresto menor or a
the police headquarters and is thus not a detention fine ranging from 5 pesos to 200 pesos, or both, for
prisoner. Had he been validly arrested, the crime demanding ransom for the release of the spouses' child to
committed would be Maltreatment of Prisoners. (UPLC be paid within 24 hours. It cannot be said that such act
Suggested Answers) constitutes Grave Coercion in the absence of violence
employed. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 92
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
1. CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2012 A: The accused may be liable under R.A. No. 10175, or the
R.A. No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. Under Sec. 4(c)(4), a
(2022, 2019, 2018 BAR) cybercrime offense includes the unlawful or prohibited
acts of libel as defined in Art. 355 of the RPC committed
through a computer system or any other similar means
which may be devised in the future. Thus, R.A. No. 10174
Sec. 4
penalizes the publication of a libelous article on an online
(2022, 2019, 2018 BAR)
news platform, and the penalty to be imposed shall be one
(1) degree higher than that provided under the RPC,
Q: During the 2022 national elections, Bern posted on
pursuant to Sec. 6. thereof. (UPLC Suggested Answer)
her Facebook page a statement that Alfredo, an
incumbent mayor vying for re-election, has a pending
Q: Mr. S, a businessman and information technology
corruption case with the Sandiganbayan for pocketing
practitioner, claimed to have devised an innovative
Php 20,000,000.00 of public funds under his custody.
business model. He would diligently compile a list of
Czarina, Bern’s friend, saw the post and commented
known personalities and entities in the fields of
online, stating: “Bhie, true yan. Alfredo is so corrupt.
entertainment, arts, culture, and sports, and acquire
Marami ding binabahay yan. Sugarol pa!” Donnabel,
numerous domain names on the internet using the
also Bern’s friend, reacted to Bern’s post by clicking
names of these known personalities and entities for
the “like” button. Another person, Justine, who is a
the purpose of selling these registered domain names
stranger to Bern and her friends, but who claims to be
to said personalities and entities in the future.
a crusader for good governance, came across the said
post. Finding it relevant to her advocacy and crusade,
Does Mr. S's "innovative business model" expose him
Justine shared the link to Bern’s post on her Twitter
to any criminal liability under the Cybercrime
account. Who among Bern, Czarina, Donnabel, and
Prevention Act of 2012? If so, for what crime? Explain.
Justine, if any, are liable for the crime of Cyberlibel?
(2019 BAR)
(2022 BAR)

A: YES. Mr. S’s “business model” exposes him to liability

A: Only Bern shall be liable for Cyberlibel. Liking, sharing,
for Cyber Squatting under Sec. 4(a)(6) of the Cybercrime
or retweeting a libelous post would generally not be
Prevention Act of 2012. (R.A. No. 10175)
criminal in nature, and subject the person liking, sharing,
or retweeting to liability for the crime of cyberlibel.
Cyber Squatting is the acquisition of a domain name over
(Disini, et al. v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 203335, 11 Feb.
the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy
2014). Under the legal maxim, nullum crimen nulla sine
reputation, and deprive others from registering the same,
poena lege, if there is no law punishing such act, and in the
if such a domain name is:
absence of legislation expressly prohibiting such activity,
there should be no crime. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria,
a. Similar, identical or confusingly similar to an
existing trademark registered with the
appropriate government agency at the time of the
Q: Mr. L is a newspaper reporter who writes about
domain name registration;
news items concerning the judiciary. Mr. L believed
that members of the judiciary can be criticized and
b. Identical or in any way similar with the name of a
exposed for the prohibited acts that they commit by
person other than the registrant, in case of a
virtue of the public nature of their offices. Upon
personal name; and
receiving numerous complaints from private citizens,
Mr. L released a scathing newspaper expose involving
c. Acquired without right or with intellectual
Judge G and his alleged acts constituting graft and
property interests in it. (UPLC Suggested Answer)
corruption. Consequently, Mr. L was charged with the
crime of Libel.
Q: Robin and Rowell are best friends and have been
classmates since grade school. When the boys
In response, Mr. L contended that truth is a valid
graduated from high school, their parents gifted them
defense in Libel and in this relation, claimed that he
with a trip to Amsterdam, all expenses paid. At age 16,
was only exposing the truth regarding Judge G's
this was their first European trip. Thrilled with a
misdeeds. Further, Mr. L contended that in any event,
sense of freedom, they decided to try what Amsterdam
his expose on Judge G is based on the complaints he
was known for. One night, they scampered out of their
received from private citizens, and as such, should be
hotel room, and went to the De Wallen, better known
deemed as a mere fair commentary on a matter of
as the Red-light District of Amsterdam. There, they
public interest.
went to a "coffee shop" which sells only drinks and
various items made from opium poppy, cannabis, and
What is the effect on the criminal liability of an
marijuana, all of which are legal In Amsterdam. They
accused if he or she publishes a libelous article on an
represented themselves to be of age, and were served,
online news platform? Explain. (2019 BAR)

93 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
and took shots of, cannabis and marijuana products.
They indulged In these products the whole night, even J. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY
if it was their first time to try them. (2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2003,
Before returning to Manila, they bought a dozen 2002, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1987 BAR)
lollipops laced with cannabis, as souvenir and
“pasalubong” for their friends. They were accosted at
the Manila International Airport and were charged
with importation of dangerous drugs under the
(2022, 2020-21, 2019, 2018, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2003,
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. They
2002, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1987 BAR)
were also charged with use of dangerous drugs after
pictures of them in the "coffee shop" in Amsterdam
NOTE: See also Q&A under Special Complex Crimes – page
were posted on Facebook, showing them smoking and
taking shots of a whole menu of cannabis and
marijuana products. Their own captions on their
Q: One Sunday afternoon, while standing at the corner
Facebook posts clearly admitted that they were using
of C.P. Garcia and Katipunan Avenues, an off-duty
the dangerous products. The pictures were posted by
police officer accosted a motorcycle rider and asked
them through Private Messenger (PM) only for their
them to alight. The off-duty police officer then
close friends, but Roccino, the older brother of one of
inspected the motorcycle's compartment box.
their best friends, was able to get hold of his younger
Pretending that a sachet of shabu was found, the off-
brother's password, and without authority from his
duty police officer demanded PHP1,000.00 in order to
brother, accessed his PM and shared Robin and
prevent an arrest.
Rowell's Amsterdam photos on Facebook.

Fearful of being incarcerated for life for a crime that

Can Roccino be prosecuted for the act of accessing and
was not really committed, the motorcycle rider
sharing on Facebook the private pictures sent by PM
readily complied. Unknown to the off-duty police
to his brother? If yes, for what crime? (2018 BAR)
officer, a surveillance camera caught the entire
incident. Will a charge of robbery prosper against the
A: Roccino shall be liable for the violation of R.A. No.
off-duty police officer? Explain briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. All
crimes defined and penalized by the RPC, as amended, and
A: YES, the charge for Robbery against off-duty police
special laws, if committed by, through and with the use of
officer will prosper.
information and communications technologies shall be
liable under R.A. No. 10175. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
The elements of the crime of robbery under Art. 293 of the
RPC are (1) that there is taking of personal property; (2)
the personal property belongs to another; (3) the taking is
Sec. 5
with animus lucrandi; and (4) the taking is with violence
against or intimidation of persons or force upon things.

There is intimidation when there is unlawful coercion;

extortion, duress; putting in fear. To take, or attempt to
take, by intimidation means “willfully to take, or attempt
to take, by putting in fear of bodily harm.” As shown in
United States v. Osorio (G.R. No. 6660, 17 Jan. 1912),
material violence is not indispensable for there to be
intimidation, intense fear produced in the mind of the
victim which restricts or hinders the exercise of the will is
sufficient. (Jomar Ablaza v. People, G.R. No. 217722, 26 Sept.

In this case, the demand of the police officer for PHP1,000

to refrain from arresting the motorcycle rider and because
of fear of being incarcerated for a crime he did not commit
and the motorcycle rider complied, the charge for robbery
against the off-duty police officer is proper since the
taking with intent to gain, committed through intimidation
are present. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 94
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Q: A entered the house of another without employing What crime/s did Mr. R commit under the RPC?
force or violence upon things. He was seen by a maid Explain. (2019 BAR)
who wanted to scream but was prevented from doing
so because A threatened her with a gun. A then took A: Mr. R committed Robbery with Homicide under Art.
money and other valuables and left. Is A guilty of theft 293, in relation to Art. 294, par. 1 of the RPC. The elements
or robbery? Explain. (2002 BAR) of the crime are: (a) the taking of personal property with
the use of violence or intimidation against the person; (b)
A: A is liable for robbery because the intimidation he the property taken belongs to another; (c) the taking is
employed on the maid before the taking of the money and characterized by intent to gain or animus lucrandi; and (d)
other valuables. It is the intimidation of the person on the occasion or by reason of the robbery, the crime of
relative to the taking that qualifies the crime as robbery, homicide, as used it is generic sense, was committed. It
instead of simply theft. must be established that the original criminal design of the
malefactor is to commit robbery and the killing is merely
The non-employment of force upon things is of no incidental thereto.
moment because robbery is committed not only by
employing force upon things but also by employing Here, Mr. R’s intent to commit robbery preceded the
violence against or intimidation of persons. (UPLC taking of Mrs. V’s life. The killing took place on the
Suggested Answers) occasion or by reason of the robbery. (UPLC Suggested
Q: A, brother of B, with the intention of having a night
out with his friends, took the coconut shell which is Q: Wielding loose firearms, Rene and Roan held up a
being used by B as a bank for his coins from inside bank. After taking the bank’s money, the robbers ran
their locked cabinet using their common key. towards their getaway car, pursued by the bank
Forthwith, A broke the coconut shell outside of their security guards. As the security guards were closing in
home in the presence of his friends. (2003 BAR) on the robbers, the two fired their firearms at the
pursuing security guards. As a result, one of the
(a) What is the criminal liability of A, if any? security guards was hit on the head causing his
Explain. immediate death.

A: A is criminally liable for Robbery with Force upon For the taking of the bank’s money and killing of the
Things, because the coconut shell with the coins inside, security guard with the use of loose firearms, the
was taken with intent to gain and broken outside of their robbers were charged in court in two separate
home. (Art. 299 (b)(2), RPC) Informations, one for Robbery with Homicide
attended by the aggravating circumstance of use of
(b) Is A exempted from criminal liability under loose firearms, and the other for Illegal Possession of
Art. 332 of the RPC for being a brother of B? Firearms. Are the indictments correct? (2018 BAR)
A: The indictment for Robbery with Homicide is correct.
A: NO. A is not exempt from criminal liability under Art. Robbery with homicide, a special complex crime, is
332 because said Article applies only to theft, swindling, primarily a crime against property and not against
or malicious mischief. Here, the crime committed is persons, homicide being a mere incident of the robbery
robbery. (UPLC Suggested Answers) with the latter being the main purpose of the criminal. The
elements of robbery with homicide are: (a) the taking of
Q: In dire need of money, Mr. R decided to steal from personal property with the use of violence or intimidation
his next-door neighbor, Mrs. V. On the night of May 15, against a person; (b) the property thus taken belongs to
2010, Mr. R proceeded with his plan entered Mrs. V's another; the taking is characterized by intent to gain or
bedroom by breaking one of the windows from the animus lucrandi; and (d) on the occasion, the crime of
outside. Finding Mrs. V sound asleep, he silently homicide, which is therein used in a generic sense, was
foraged through her cabinet, and stashed all the committed.
bundles of cash and jewelries he could find.
The indictment for Illegal Possession of Firearm is wrong.
As Mr. R was about to leave, he heard Mrs. V shout, In the case of People v. Gaborne (G.R. No. 210710, 27 July
"Stop or I will shoot you!", and when he turned 2016), the Supreme Court clarified the issue, to wit: In
around, he saw Mrs. V cocking a rifle which has view of the amendments introduced by R.A. No. 8294 and
pointed at him. Fearing for his life, Mr. R then lunged R.A. No. 10591, to P.D. No. 1866, separate prosecutions for
at Mrs. V and was able to wrest the gun away from her. homicide and illegal possession are no longer in order.
Thereafter, Mr. R shot Mrs. V, which resulted in her Instead, illegal possession of firearm is merely to be taken
death. Mr. R's deeds were discovered on the very same as an aggravating circumstance in the crime of murder. It
night as he was seen by law enforcement authorities is clear from the foregoing that where murder results
fleeing the crime scene. from the use of an unlicensed firearm, the crime is not

95 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
qualified illegal possession but murder. In such a case, the A: YES, the police officer is liable for Theft. Theft is
use of the unlicensed firearm is not considered as a consummated when three (3) elements concur: (1) the
separate crime but shall be appreciated as a mere actual act of taking without the use of violence,
aggravating circumstance. intimidation, or force upon persons or things; (2) intent to
gain on the part of the taker; and (3) the absence of the
Thus, where murder was committed, the penalty for illegal owner’s consent.
possession of firearms is no longer imposable since it
becomes merely a special aggravating circumstance. The The police officer who is not authorized to take the mobile
intent of Congress is to treat the offense of illegal phone, not being included as subject of the search warrant
possession of firearm and the commission of homicide or and he took the same without to gain or animus lucrandi is
murder with the use of unlicensed firearm as a single presumed from the unlawful taking by the offender of
offense. (UPLC Suggested Answers) thing subject of asportation. (Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria,
Q: A person who, on the occasion of a robbery, kills a
bystander by accident is liable for two separate Q: During a Senate hearing in aid of legislation, a
crimes: robbery and reckless imprudence resulting in Senator's staff member took a resource person's
homicide. (2009 BAR) mobile phone without their consent or knowledge.

A: FALSE, the crime committed is still Robbery with While the hearing was ongoing, the staff member read
Homicide because when someone dies, regardless who the the resource person's messages contained in the
person is and regardless the number of persons killed on mobile phone and hurriedly wrote notes which were
occasion of Robbery, the crime committed is Robbery with passed to the Senator. Thereafter, the staff
Homicide. surreptitiously returned the mobile phone.

Q: Christopher, John, Richard, and Luke are fraternity The resource person would not have noticed that the
brothers. To protect themselves from rival mobile phone was taken had it not been for a TikTok
fraternities, they all carry guns wherever they go. One video posted by a journalist who was present during
night, after attending a party, they boarded a taxicab, the hearing. The TikTok video caught the entire act of
held the driver at gunpoint and took the latter's the Senator's staff member. The TikTok video even
earnings. had accompanying music and narration. The video
became viral. Can the staff member be liable for Theft
What crime, if any, did the four commit? Enumerate of the mobile phone? Explain briefly. (2020-21 BAR)
the elements of the crime. (2010 BAR)
A: YES, the staff member shall be liable for the crime of
A: The crime committed is robbery by a band since there Theft.
were four (4) offenders acting in concert in committing
the robbery and all the four were armed.The elements of Theft is consummated when three (3) elements concur:
this crime are: 1. unlawful taking of personal property (1) the actual act of taking without the use of violence,
belonging to another (the earnings of the taxi-driver);2. intimidation, or force upon persons or things; (2) intent to
intent to gain in the taking; 3. violence against or gain on the part of the taker; and (3) the absence of the
intimidation of person or force upon things was employed owner’s consent.
in the taking; and4. there were more than three armed
malefactors taking part in the commission of the robbery Intent to gain is presumed from all furtive taking of useful
(Art. 296 in relation to Art. 294, Revised Penal Code) property appertaining to another, unless special
circumstances reveal a different intent on the part of the
THEFT perpetrator. (Herman Medina v. People, G.R. No. 182648, 17
(2020-21, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2005, June 2015)
2001, 2000, 1998, 1989 BAR)
The act of the staff member in taking the mobile phone,
Q: While executing a search warrant, a police officer without the owner’s consent and his act of taking
pocketed and absconded with the mobile phone of the information therein to be used by the Senator that may be
occupant of the premises being searched. The mobile used by him in the session satisfies the element of intent
phone was not the subject of the search warrant. It to gain. The fact that the mobile phone was returned is of
was not enumerated in the order. no moment as the crime had already been consummated.
(Bar Q&A by Judge Alejandria, 2022)
Did the police officer commit a crime? Explain briefly.
(2020-21 BAR) Q: Is the crime of theft committed by a person who,
with intent to gain, takes a worthless check belonging
to another without the latter's consent? (2012 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 96
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
A: YES. All the elements of the crime of theft are present: A: Even if it was proven that the necklace was bought by
that there be taking of personal property; that the the store from another person who was the real owner of
property belongs to another; and that the taking be done the necklace, Rica still cannot be held liable for theft
with intent to gain and without the consent of the owner. absent a felonious intent. “Actus non facit reum, nisi mens
sit rea”. A crime is not committed if the mind of the person
Q: Is the crime of theft susceptible of commission in performing the act complained of is innocent.
the frustrated stage? Explain your answer in relation
to what produces the crime of theft in Its The ruling in U.S. v. Vera (1 Phil 485, 31 May 1974) is
consummated stage and by way of illustration of the emphatic; i.e., if a person takes personal property of
subjective and objective phases of the felony. (2011 another believing it to be his own, the presumption of
BAR) intent to gain is rebutted and therefore he is not guilty of
theft. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: There is no crime of Frustrated Theft, and this is well-
settled in the case of Valenzuela v. People. In that case, the Q: Bruno, a taxi driver, had an indebtedness in the
SC held that unlawful taking/asportacion, is the sum of P10,000.00 which would become due in one
deprivation of the one's personal property, is also the week. He was starting to worry because he still had
element which produces Consummated Theft. This is not raised the amount to pay for his debt. Every day,
deemed complete from the moment the offender gains he had prayed for divine intervention. One night,
possession of the thing belonging to another. Without while returning the taxi to the garage, he found a
asportacion, there can only be attempted theft. That being wallet on the back seat. Inspecting it, he learned that it
the case, the crime of theft cannot be committed in the contained exactly P10,000.00 cash, the amount of his
frustrated stage. obligation, and IDs. Thinking it was divine
intervention, and that his prayers were answered, he
Q: On the way home from work, Rica lost her necklace took the money and used it to pay his debt. (2015
to a snatcher. A week later, she saw what looked like BAR)
her necklace on display in a jewelry store in Raon.
Believing that the necklace on display was the same (a) What crime, if any, did Bruno commit?
necklace snatched from her the week before, she Explain.
surreptitiously took the necklace without the
knowledge and consent of the store owner. Later, the A: Bruno committed the crime of theft. The owner is
loss of the necklace was discovered, and Rica was known to Bruno because there are IDs found in the wallet.
shown on the CCTV camera of the store as the culprit. Under Art. 308 of RPC, “theft is likewise committed by any
Accordingly, Rica was charged with theft of the person who, having found lost property, shall fail to
necklace. Rica raised the defense that she could not be deliver the same to the local authorities or to its owner”
guilty as charged because she was the owner of the
necklace and that the element of intent to gain was (b) Assuming that instead of using the money,
lacking. Bruno turned over the wallet and its contents
to the nearby police station, and it was the
What should be the verdict if: (2018 BAR) chief of police of that station who
appropriated the money for his own benefit,
(a) The necklace is proven to be owned by Rica? what crime was committed by the chief of
police? Explain.
A: Under Art. 308 of the RPC, theft is committed by any
person who, with intent to gain but without violence, A: The chief of police is liable for theft. Although he is not
against, or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, the one who found the property, he is considered as finder
shall take personal property of another without the in fact since the property was surrendered to him by the
latter's consent. While the CCTV captured Rica actual finder. He acquired the position occupied by the
surreptitiously taking the necklace from a jewelry store actual finder and assumed by voluntary substitution the
without the knowledge and consent of the store owner, obligation to surrender the property to the lawful owner.
she cannot be charged with theft, because the taking was Appropriating the property is of the same character of that
made under a claim of ownership. The fact of ownership made by one who originally found the same. (People v.
negates any intention to gain, as Rica cannot steal the Avila, G.R. No. L-19786, 31 Mar. 1923) The liability of the
necklace which she claims to own. finder in fact is the same liability of the finder in law. Thus,
what the Chief of Police committed is Theft. (UPLC
(b) It is proven that the store acquired the Suggested Answers)
necklace from another person who was the
real owner of the necklace?

97 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Francis Garcia, a Jollibee waiter, found a gold and was on her way out of the store, with evident intent to
bracelet in front of his working place in Makati and, gain, the taking constitutes theft and being complete, it is
upon inspecting it, saw the name and address of the consummated. It is not necessary that the offender is in a
owner engraved on the inside. Remembering his position to dispose of the property. (UPLC Suggested
parents’ admonition that he should not take anything Answers)
which does not belong to him, he delivered the
bracelet to PO1 Jesus Reyes of the Makati quad QUALIFIED THEFT
precinct with the instruction to locate the owner and (2016, 2006, 2002, 1992 BAR)
return it to him. PO1 Reyes, instead, sold the bracelet
and misappropriated the proceeds. Subsequent events Q: A fire broke out in a department store. A, taking
brought out the fact that the bracelet was dropped by advantage of the confusion, entered the store and
a snatcher who had grabbed it from the owner a block carried away goods which he later sold. What crime, if
away from where Francis had found it and further any, did he commit? Why? (2002 BAR)
investigation traced the last possessor as PO1 Reyes.
A: A committed the crime of Qualified Theft because he
Charged with theft, PO1 Reyes reasoned out that he took the goods on the occasion of and taking advantage of
had not committed any crime because it was not he the fire which broke out in the department store. The
who had found the bracelet, and moreover, it turned occasion of a calamity such as fire, when the theft was
out to have been stolen. Resolve the case with reasons. committed, qualifies the crime under Art. 310 of the RPC,
(2001 BAR) as amended. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

A: PO1 Reyes is criminally liable. His contention that he Q: A is the driver of B’s Mercedez Benz car. When B
has not committed any crime because he was not the one was on a trip to Paris, A used the car for a joy ride with
who found the bracelet and it turned out to be stolen also, C whom he is courting. Unfortunately, A met an
is devoid of merit. It is enough that the bracelet belonged accident. Upon his return, B came to know about the
to another and the failure to restore the same to its owner unauthorized use of the car and sued A for Qualified
is characterized by intent to gain. Theft. B alleged that A took and used the car with
intent to gain as he derived some benefit or
The act of PO1 Reyes of selling the bracelet which does not satisfaction from its use. On the other hand, A argued
belong to him and which he only held to be delivered to its that he has no intent of making himself the owner of
owner, is furtive misappropriation with intent to gain. the car as he in fact returned it to the garage after the
joy ride. What crime/s, if any, were committed?
Where a finder of lost or mislaid property entrusts it to Explain. (2016 BAR)
another for delivery to the owner, the person to whom
such property is entrusted and who accepts the same, A: The crime committed by A is Carnapping. The unlawful
assumes the relation of the finder to the owner as if he taking of motor vehicles is now covered by the Anti-
was the actual finder; if he would misappropriate it, he is Carnapping Law (RA 6539, as amended) and not by the
guilty of theft. (People v. Avila, G.R. No. L-19786, 31 Mar. provisions on qualified theft or robbery. (People v.
1923) (UPLC Suggested Answers) Bustinera, G.R. No. 148233, 08 June 2004) The concept of
carnapping is the same as that of robbery and theft. Hence,
Q: Sunshine, a “beauteous” colegiala but a shoplifter, rules applicable to theft or robbery are also applicable to
went to the Ever Department Store and proceeded to carnapping. (People v. Asamuddin, G.R. No. 213913, 02
the women’s wear section. The saleslady was of the Sept. 2015) In theft, unlawful taking should be understood
impression that she brought to the fitting room three within the Spanish concept of apoderamiento. In order to
(3) pieces of swimsuits of different colors. When she constitute apoderamiento, the physical taking must be
came out of the fitting room, she returned only two (2) coupled with the intent to appropriate the object, which
pieces to the clothes rack. The saleslady became means intent to deprive the lawful owner of the thing,
suspicious and alerted the store detective. Sunshine whether permanently or temporarily. (People v.
was stopped by the detective before she could leave Valenzuela, G.R. No. 160188, 21 June 2007)
the store and brought to the office of the store
manager. The detective and the manager searched her In this case, A took the car without the consent of B with
and found her wearing the third swimsuit under her intent to temporarily deprive him of the car. Although the
blouse and pants. Was the theft consummated, taking was “temporary” and for a “joy ride”, the Supreme
frustrated, or attempted? Explain. (2000 BAR) Court in People v. Bustinera (supra), sustains as the better
view which holds that when a person, either with the
A: The theft was consummated because the taking or object of going to a certain place, or learning how to drive,
asportation was complete. The asportation is complete or enjoying a free ride, takes possession of a vehicle
when the offender acquired the exclusive control of the belonging to another, without the consent of its owner, he
personal property being taken. In this case, when is guilty of theft because by taking possession of the
Sunshine wore the swimsuit under her blouse and pants personal property belonging to another and using it, his

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 98
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
intent to gain is evident since he derives therefrom utility, For the reason that the houses were already awarded
satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure. (UPLC Suggested to military personnel who have been found to have
Answers) fully complied with the requirements for the award
thereof, NHA demanded the group to vacate within ten
Q: Domingo is the caretaker of two (2) cows and two (10) days from notice the houses they occupied and
(2) horses owned by Hannibal. Hannibal told Domingo were still occupying. Despite the lapse of the deadline,
to lend the cows to Tristan on the condition that the the group refused to vacate the houses in question.
latter will give a goat to the former when the cows are
returned. Instead, Tristan sold the cows and pocketed What is the criminal liability of the members of the
the money. Due to the neglect of Domingo, one of the group, if any, for their actions? (2018 BAR)
horses was stolen. Knowing that he will be blamed for
the loss, Domingo slaughtered the other horse, got the A: The members of the group who, by means of violence
meat, and sold it to Pastor. He later reported to against or intimidation, shall take possession of any real
Hannibal that the two horses were stolen. property or shall usurp any real rights in property
belonging to another, is criminally liable under Art. 312 of
What crime/s, if any, were committed by Domingo? the RPC or Occupation of Real Property or Usurpation of
Explain. (2016 BAR) Real Rights in Property. In addition, they may also be
charged with other crimes resulting from their acts of
A: Domingo is liable for Qualified Theft. Although Tristan violence. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
received the horse with the consent of the owner,
Hannibal, his possession is merely physical or de facto Q: Teresita is the owner of a two-hectare land in
since the former is the employee of the latter. Slaughtering Bulacan which she planted to rice and corn. Upon her
the horse, which he physically possessed, and selling its arrival from a three-month vacation in the United
meat to Pastor shall be considered as taking without the States, she was surprised to discover that her land had
consent of the owner with intent to gain, which constitutes been taken over by Manuel and Teofilo who forcibly
theft. (Balerta v. People, G.R. No. 205144 26 Nov. 2014) evicted her tenant-caretaker Juliana, after threatening
Since the horse is accessible to him, the theft is qualified to kill the latter if she would resist their taking of the
by the circumstances of abuse of confidence. (Yangco v. land. Thereafter, Manuel and Teofilo plowed,
People, G.R. No. 209373, 30 July 2014) cultivated and appropriated the harvest for
themselves to the exclusion of Teresita. (1998 BAR)
Further, Domingo committed an act in violation of the
Anti-Cattle Rustling Law (P.D. No. 533). Cattle rustling is (a) What crime or crimes did Manuel and Teofilo
the taking away by any means, method or scheme, without commit? Explain.
the consent of the owner/raiser of large cattle, which
includes cows and horses, whether or not for profit or A: Manuel and Teofilo committed the crime of Usurpation
gain, or whether committed with or without violence of Real Rights under Art. 312 of the RPC for employing
against or intimidation or intimidation of any person or violence against or intimidation of persons. The threats to
force upon things. It includes the killing of large cattle, or kill employed by them in forcibly entering the land is the
taking its meat or hide without the consent of the means of committing the crime and therefore absorbed in
owner/raiser. (UPLC Suggested Answers) the felony, unless the intimidation resulted in a more
serious felony.
(2019, 2018, 1998, 1996, 1989, 1988 BAR) (b) Suppose Manuel and Teofilo killed Juliana
when the latter refused to surrender
Q: A group of homeless and destitute persons invaded possession of the land, what crime or crimes
and occupied the houses built by the National Housing did the two commit? Explain.
Authority (NHA) for certain military personnel. To
gain entry to the houses, the group intimidated the A: The crime would still be Usurpation of Real Rights
security guards posted at the entrance gate with the under Art. 312, RPC, even if the said offenders killed the
firearms they were carrying and destroyed the caretaker because the killing is the violence against
padlocks of the doors of the houses with the use of persons which is the means for committing the crime and
crowbars and hammers. They claimed that they would as such, determinative only. However, this gives way to
occupy the houses and live therein because the houses the proviso that the penalty provided for therein is in
were idle, and they were entitled to free housing from addition to the penalty incurred in the acts of violence
the government. (murder or homicide) executed by them. The crime is
similar to a robbery where a killing is committed by
reason thereof, giving rise only to one indivisible offense,
plus the fine mentioned therein. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

99 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Q: Jorge is the owner of 10 hectares of land in the Q: In Aug. 2018, B entered a contract with S for the
foothills which he planted with lanzones. On his last purchase of the latter's second-hand car in the amount
visit there, he was shocked to discover that his land of P400,000.00 payable in two (2) equal monthly
had been taken over by a group of 15 families whose installments. Simultaneously with the signing of the
members had forcibly driven away his caretaker, had contract and S's turnover of the car keys, B executed,
appropriated the fruits for themselves, and were not issued, and delivered two (2) post-dated checks, all
threatening to kill him should he try to eject them. payable to S, with the assurances that they will be
honored on their respective maturity dates.
What crime should Jorge charge these 15 families?
Explain. (1988 BAR) However, all two (2) checks were dishonored for
being drawn against insufficient funds. Consequently,
A: Jorge can charge the 15 families of 2 separate crimes notices therefore were duly issued to and received by
namely: B, but this notwithstanding, no payment
arrangements were made by him. Further, upon S's
(a) Violation of Art. 282, Grave threats x x x; and investigation, it was uncovered that B's checking
(b) Violation of Art. 312 which provides that: “Occupation account had only P50,000.00 when it was opened in
of real property or usurpation of real rights in June 2018 and no further deposits were made after
property. – Any person who, by means of violence that. S also found out that B knew fully well of such
against or intimidation of persons, shall take circumstance at the time he issued the two (2) checks.
possession of any real property or shall usurp any real
rights in property belonging to another, in addition to What crime/s should B be charges with and for how
the penalty incurred for the acts of violence executed many counts? Explain. (2019, 2018 BAR)
by him, shall be punished by a fine...” (UPLC Suggested
Answers) A: B should be charged with 1 count of Estafa and 2 counts
of violation of B.P. 22. Under Art. 315, par. 2(d) of the RPC,
SWINDLING AND OTHER DECEITS estafa by postdating a check or issuing a check in payment
(2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2002, 1996 BAR) of an obligation is committed when: (a) the offender post-
dated a check, or issued a check in payment of an
Q: What crime is committed by a capataz who enrolls obligation; and (b) such postdating or issuing a check was
two fictitious names in the payroll and collects their done when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his
supposed daily wages every payday? (2017 BAR) funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the
amount of the check. Here, B’s act of postdating checks in
A: The crime committed is Estafa through Falsification of payment of an obligation was the efficient cause of the
Public Documents. A capataz is a foreman for the defraudation. Postdating the checks was committed prior
government and since the falsification of the public to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud.
document is committed as a means to commit estafa, the
proper charge is Estafa through Falsification of Public B should also be charged with two (2) counts of violation
Documents. (UPLC Suggested Answers) of B.P. 22 or the Bouncing Checks Law. B.P. 22 may be
violated by making or drawing and issuing any check to
Q: Domingo is the caretaker of two (2) cows and two apply on account or for value, knowing at the time of issue
(2) horses owned by Hannibal. Hannibal told Domingo that he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the
to lend the cows to Tristan on the condition that the drawee bank for the payment of such check, which check
latter will give a goat to the former when the cows are is subsequently dishonored for insufficiency of funds or
returned. Instead, Tristan sold the cows and pocketed credit, or would have been dishonored for the same
the money. Due to the neglect of Domingo, one of the reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason,
horses was stolen. Knowing that he will be blamed for ordered the bank to stop payment. Here, all the elements
the loss, Domingo slaughtered the other horse, got the of the offense are present. B issued two (2) checks, which
meat, and sold it to Pastor. He later reported to was subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for
Hannibal that the two horses were stolen. (2016 BAR) insufficiency of funds. The gravamen of B.P. 22 is the
issuance of the check, thus, the issuance of each bouncing
(a) What crime or crimes, if any, did Tristan check constitutes as one count of the offense.
commit? Explain.
While a BP 22 case and an estafa case may be rooted from
A: Tristan is liable for Estafa through Misappropriation an identical set of facts, they nevertheless present
under Art. 315 of RPC. Their transaction is a different causes of action, which, under the law, are
commodatum. He received the cows with the duty to considered "separate, distinct, and independent" from
return the same thing deposited and acquired legal or each other. (Rimando v. Aldaba, G.R. No. 203583, 13 Oct.
juridical possession. Selling the cows as if he owned it 2014) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
constitutes misappropriation or conversion within the
contemplation of Art. 315. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 100
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
Q: Val, a Nigerian, set up a perfume business in the misappropriation or conversion. In money market
Philippines. The investors would buy the raw placement, there is transfer of ownership of the money to
materials at a low price from Val. The raw materials be invested and therefore the liability for its return is civil
consisted of powders, which the investors would mix in nature. (Sesbreño v. CA, G.R. No. 84096, 26 Jan. 1995)
with water and let stand until a gel was formed. Val (UPLC Suggested Answers)
made a written commitment to the investors that he
would buy back the gel at a higher price, thus assuring ARSON
the investors of a neat profit. When the amounts to be (2019, 2015, 2000, 1995, 1994, 1989 BAR)
paid by Val to the investors reached millions of pesos,
he sold all the equipment of his perfume business, Q: Mr. A has a long-standing feud with Mr. B. As
absconded with the money, and is nowhere to be payback for Mr. B's numerous transgressions against
found. What crime or crimes were committed, if any? him, Mr. A planned to bum down Mr. B's rest house.
Explain. (2016 BAR)
One night, Mr. A went to the rest house and started
A: The crime committed is estafa through false pretenses pouring gasoline on its walls. However, just as Mr. A
(Art. 315 (2)(a)). Val defrauded the investors by falsely had lit the match for burning, he was discovered by
pretending to possess business or imaginary transactions. Mr. B's caretaker, Ms. C, and was consequently
The fact that he sold all the equipment of his perfume prevented from setting the rest house on fire. Mr. A
business, and absconded with the money when the was then charged with Frustrated Arson. (2019 BAR)
amounts to be paid by him to the investors reached
millions of pesos shows that the transaction or his (a) Is the charge of Frustrated Arson proper?
business is imaginary, and he defrauded the victims. Explain.
(UPLC Suggested Answers)
A: NO, the proper charge is Attempted Arson. Under Art. 6
Q: A sold a washing machine to B on credit with the of the RPC, there is an attempt when the offender
understanding that B could return the appliance commences the commission of a felony directly by overt
within two weeks if after testing the same, B decided acts and does not perform all the acts of execution that
not to buy it. Two weeks lapsed without B returning should produce the felony by reason of some cause or
the appliance. A found out that B had sold the washing accident other than his own spontaneous desistance. Here,
machine to a third party. Is B liable for estafa? Why? Mr. A commenced the commission of arson by pouring
(2002 BAR) gasoline on the house and lighting a match. However, he
did not perform all the acts of execution which includes
A: NO. B is not liable for estafa because he is not just an setting the rest house on fire. Thus, Mr. A should only be
entrustee of the washing machine which he sold; he is the liable for Attempted Arson.
owner thereof by virtue of the sale of the washing machine
to him. The sale being on credit, B as buyer is only liable (b) Assuming that Mr. A successfully burned down
for the unpaid price of the washing machine; his Mr. B's rest house, and as a result, Ms. C was
obligation is only a civil obligation. There is no felonious trapped therein and was subsequently killed
misappropriation that could constitute estafa. (UPLC in the fire, what crime/s did Mr. A commit?
Suggested Answers) Explain.

Q: On March 31, 1995, Orpheus Financing Corp. A: In cases where both burning and death occur, in order
received from Maricar the sum of P500,000 as money to determine what crime was committed, there is a need
market placement for sixty days at fifteen (15) to ascertain the main objective of the malefactor: (a) if the
percent interest, and the President of said Corp. main objective is the burning of the building or edifice but
issued a check covering the amount including the death results by reason or on occasion of arson, the crime
interest due thereon, postdated May 30, 1995. On the is simply arson, and the resulting homicide is absorbed;
maturity date, however, Orpheus Financing Corp. (b) if the main objective is to kill a particular person who
failed to deliver back Maricar's money placement with may be in the building or edifice, when fire is resorted to
the corresponding interest earned, notwithstanding as a means to accomplish such goal, the crime committed
repeated demands upon said Corporation to comply is murder only; and (c) if the objective is to kill a
with its commitment. Did the President of Orpheus particular person, and in fact the offender has already
Financing Corporation incur any criminal liability for done so, but the fire is resorted to as a means to cover up
estafa for reason of the non-payment of the money the killing, then there are two separate and distinct crimes
market placement? Explain. (1996 BAR) committed – homicide/murder and arson. (People v. Sota
and Gadjadli, G.R. No. 203121, 29 Nov. 2017)
A: NO. The President of the financing corporation does not
incur criminal liability for estafa because a money market
transaction partakes of the nature of a loan, such that non-
payment thereof would not give rise to estafa through

101 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
Here the main purpose was to burn the house and the 1. ANTI-FENCING LAW
death of Mr. C was only incidental, hence, arson was P.D. No. 1612
committed, and the homicide is absorbed. (UPLC (2016, 2014, 2013, 2010, 2005, 1996, 1995, 1992,
Suggested Answers) 1990, 1987 BAR)

Q: Senio planned to burn Bal's house. One evening,

during a drinking spree at his house, Senio told his
(2016, 2014, 2013, 2010, 1995, 1987 BAR)
friends what he intended to do and even showed them
the gasoline in cans that he would use for the purpose.
Q: What are the elements of fencing? (1995 BAR)
Carlo, a common friend of Senio and Bal, was present
at the drinking spree. He was still sober when Senio
A: The elements of fencing are:
told them his plans. Before going home, Carlo warned
Bal that Senio would burn his house and had already
(a) A crime of robbery or theft has been committed;
bought gasoline that would be used for the purpose.
Bal reported the matter to the police authorities.
(b) Accused, who is not a principal or accomplice in the
Meanwhile, Senio went to Bal's house and proceeded
crime, buys, receives, possesses, keeps, acquires,
to pour gasoline around the walls of the house and it
conceals or disposes or buys and sells or in any
was at that point when he was caught by the police.
manner deals in any article, item, object or anything of
What crime did Senio commit, if any? Explain. (2015
value, which has been derived from the proceeds of
said crime;

A: Senio is liable for Attempted Arson. He manifested

(c) The accused knows or should have known that said
before his intention to burn the house of Bal to his friends.
article, item, object, or anything of value has been
He then performed the act of pouring gasoline around the
derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or
walls of the house to execute his criminal design to
theft; and
commit arson. This is not just a preparatory act, because it
already ceased to be equivocal and revealed a clear
(d) There is, on the part of the accused, intent to gain for
intention to burn the house. In sum, he already
himself or for another. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
commenced the commission of the crime of arson directly
by overt acts but he did not perform all acts to execute his
criminal design to commit arson by setting the house on
(a) What is the difference between a fence and an
fire due to a cause other than his spontaneous desistance,
accessory to theft or robbery? Explain. (1995
and that is, having been caught by the police. (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

A: One difference between a fence and an accessory to

Q: One early evening, there was a fight between Eddie
theft or robbery is the penalty involved; a fence is
Gutierrez and Mario Cortez. Later that evening, at
punished as a principal under P.D. No. 1612 and the
about 11 o’clock, Eddie passed by the house of Mario
penalty is higher, whereas an accessory to robbery or theft
carrying a plastic bag containing gasoline, threw the
under the RPC is punished two degrees lower than the
bag at the house of Mario who was inside the house
principal, unless he bought or profited from the proceeds
watching television, and then lit it. The front wall of
of theft or robbery arising from robbery in Philippine
the house started blazing and some neighbors yelled
highways under P.D. No. 532 where he is punished as an
and shouted. Forthwith, Mario poured water on the
accomplice, hence the penalty is one degree lower.
burning portion of the house. Neighbors also rushed
in to help put the fire under control before any great
Also, fencing is a malum prohibitum and therefore there is
damage could be inflicted and before the flames have
no need to prove criminal intent of the accused; this is not
extensively spread. Only a portion of the house was
so in violations of RPC.
burned. Discuss Eddie’s liability. (2000 BAR)
(b) Is there any similarity between them? (1995
A: Eddie is liable for Destructive Arson in the
consummated stage. It is destructive arson because fire
was resorted to in destroying the house of Mario which is
A: YES, there is similarity in the sense that all the acts of
an inhabited house or dwelling. The arson is
one who is an accessory to the crimes of robbery or theft
consummated because the house was in fact already
are included in the acts defined as fencing. In fact, the
burned although not totally. In arson, it is not required
accessory in the crimes of robbery or theft could be
that the premises be totally burned for the crime to be
prosecuted as such under the RPC or as a fence under P.D.
consummated. It is enough that the premises suffer
1612. The state may choose to prosecute the person either
destruction by burning. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
under the RPC or, P.D. 1612, although the preference for
the latter would seem inevitable considering that fencing

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 102
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
is a malum prohibitum, and P.D. 1612. creates a ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: YES, under Sec. 5 of P.D. 1612,
presumption of fencing and prescribes a higher penalty mere possession of any good, article, item, object, or
based on the value of the property. (Dizon-Pamintuan v. anything of value which has been the subject of robbery or
People, G.R. No. 111426, 11 July 1994) (UPLC Suggested theft shall be prima facie evidence of fencing. Failure to
Answers) prove that Ofelia knows, or should have known that the
jewelry is stolen is not a defense since this element is
(1) DEFINITION presumed to be present because Ofelia is in possession of
Sec. 2 the stolen property. Moreover, there is no showing that
(2016 BAR) Ofelia secured a permit or clearance from PNP station
commander of the place of sale required in Sec. 6 of P.D.
Q: Ofelia engaged in the purchase and sale of jewelry, 1612. (UPLC Suggested Answer to a 1995 bar question)
was charged with violation of PD 1612, otherwise
known as the Anti-Fencing Law, for having been found ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: NO. Although Ofelia as a
in possession of recently stolen jewelry valued at possessor of a stolen property is presumed to have
P100,000.00 at her jewelry shop. Her defense is that committed the crime of fencing such presumption is
she merely bought the same from Antonia and overcome by presentation of the receipts showing that her
produced a receipt covering the sale. She presented transaction is legitimate. The logical inference follows that
other receipts given to her by Antonia representing Ofelia had no reason to suspect that the jewelry was
previous transactions. Convicted of the charge, Ofelia stolen. Admittedly, there is no jurisprudence to the effect
appealed, arguing that her acquisition of the jewelries that a receipt is a sufficient defense against charges of
resulted from a legal transaction and that the fencing, but logically and for all practical purposes, such
prosecution failed to prove that she knew or should receipt is proof—although disputable—that the
have known that the pieces of jewelry which she transaction in question is above-board and legitimate.
bought from Antonia were proceeds of the crime of Absent other evidence, the presumption of innocence
theft. (2016 BAR) remains. (D. M. Consunji, Inc. v. Esguerra, G.R. No. 118590,
30 July 1996) (UPLC Suggested Answers)
(a) What is a “fence” under P.D. 1612?
A: A “fence” includes any person, firm, association Sec. 5
corporation or partnership or other organization (2014, 2013, 2010, 1987 BAR)
who/which commits the act of fencing. (Sec. 2(b), P.D.
1612) Q: Manolo, an avid art collector, was invited to Tonio’s
house. There, Manolo noticed a nice painting that
Fencing is the act of any person who, with intent to gain exactly looked like the painting which he reported was
for himself or for another, shall buy, receive, possess, stolen from him some years back. Manolo confronted
keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or shall buy and Tonio about the painting, but Tonio denied any
sell, or in any other manner deal in any article, item, object knowledge, claiming that he bought the painting
or anything of value which he knows, or should be known legitimately from a friend. Manolo later proved to
to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the Tonio that the painting was indeed the stolen painting.
crime of robbery or theft. (Sec. 2(a), P.D. 1612) What crime/s, if any, may Tonio be charged with?
(2014 BAR)
(b) Is Ofelia liable under the Anti-Fencing Law?
Explain. A: Tonio may be charged with the crime of fencing. Under
Sec. 5 of P.D. 1612, a mere possession of a stolen article or
A: NO, Ofelia is not liable under the Anti-Fencing Law. object or anything of value which has been the subject of
While under the said law mere possession of any good, robbery or thievery is prima facie evidence of fencing.
article, item, object, or anything of value which has been Here, since Tonio is in possession of a stolen property, it is
the subject of robbery or thievery shall be prima facie presumed that he committed the crime of fencing. (UPLC
evidence of fencing, such evidence when sufficiently Suggested Answers)
overturned constitutes a defense.
Q: Roberto bought a Toyota Fortuner from Iñigo for
In this case, Ofelia's defense that she merely acquired the P500,000. While driving his newly bought car, Roberto
jewelry through a legitimate transaction is sufficient. met a minor accident that made the examination of his
Further, there is no other circumstance as regards the vehicle's Registration Certificate necessary. When the
jewelry which would indicate to Ofelia, an innocent policeman checked the plate, chassis, and motor
purchaser, that the jewelry was the subject of theft. There numbers of the vehicle against those reflected in the
was even a receipt produced by Ofelia for the transaction. Registration Certificate, he found the chassis and
motor numbers to be different from what the
Registration Certificate stated. The Deed of Sale
covering the sale of the Fortuner, signed by Iñigo, also

103 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
bore the same chassis and motor numbers as Q: Arlene is engaged in the buy and sell of used
Roberto's Registration Certificate. The chassis and garments, more popularly known as "ukay-ukay."
motor numbers on the Fortuner were found, upon Among the items found by the police in a raid of her
verification with the LTO, to correspond to a vehicle store in Baguio City were brand-new Louie Feraud
previously reported as carnapped. blazers. Arlene was charged with "fencing." Will the
charge prosper? Why or why not? (2010 BAR)
Roberto claimed that he was in good faith; Iñigo sold
him a carnapped vehicle and he did not know that he A: NO, a charge of “fencing” will not prosper. “Fencing” is
was buying a carnapped vehicle. If you were the committed when a person, with intent to gain for himself
prosecutor, would you or would you not charge or for another, deals in any manner with an article of value
Roberto with a crime? (2013 BAR) which he knows or should be known to him to have been
derived from proceeds of theft or robbery (Sec. 2, P.D.
A: I will charge Roberto with violation of the Anti-Fencing 1612). Thus, for a charge of fencing to prosper, it must first
Law. The elements of “fencing” are: be established that a theft or robbery of the article subject
of the alleged “fencing” has been committed – a fact which
a. a robbery or theft has been committed; is wanting in this case.
b. the accused, who took no part in the robbery or
theft, “buys, receives, possesses, keeps, acquires, It should be noted that the suspect is engaged in the buy
conceals, sells or disposes, or buys and sells, or in and sell of used garments, which are in the nature of
any another manner deals in any article or object personal property. In civil law, possession of personal or
taken” during robbery or theft; movable property carries with it a prima facie
c. the accused knows or should have known that the presumption of ownership. The presumption of “fencing”
thing was derived from that crime; and arises only when the article or item involved is the subject
d. by the deal he makes he intends to gain for of a robbery or thievery. (Sec. 5, P.D. 1612) (UPLC
himself or for another. Suggested Answers)

Here, someone carnapped the vehicle, and sold it to Q: Pedro, a municipal treasurer, received from the
Roberto who did not take part in the crime. Roberto Provincial Treasurer of the Province five (5) brand
should have known also that the car was stolen because it new typewriters for use in the municipal treasurer’s
was not properly documented as the deed of sale and office. Each typewriter is valued at P10,000.00. Since
registration certificate did not reflect the correct numbers Pedro needed money for the hospitalization of his sick
of the vehicle’s engine and chassis. Apparently, he made son, he sold four (4) of the typewriters to his friend,
no effort to check the papers covering his purchase. Lastly, Rodolfo, a general merchant in San Isidro for
Roberto’s defense of good faith is flawed because P.D. P2,000.00 each. Rodolfo, as a general merchant knew
1612 is a special law and, therefore, its violation is that one typewriter could easily be between P6,000.00
regarded as malum prohibitum, requiring no proof of to P10,000.00. For this reason, he readily agreed to
criminal intent. (Dimat v. People, G.R. No. 181184, 25 Jan. buy the typewriters. Rodolfo then resold the
2012) typewriters at P6,000.00 thus making a profit of
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: The facts given show that
Roberto “bought” the car from Iñigo; that a “deed of sale” Two months after the transaction, Pedro was audited
covering the subject vehicle was executed by Iñigo; that and the investigation as to his accountabilities led to
there is also a copy of the “Registration Certificate”; that the discovery that Rodolfo bought the four (4)
Roberto aver, too, of being a buyer in good faith and typewriters from Pedro. Is Rodolfo liable as an
lacking any knowledge that the subject car is a carnapped accessory or for violation of the Anti-Fencing Law?
vehicle. (1987 BAR)

As against the foregoing, there is only a certification from A: Rodolfo is not liable for violation of the Anti-Fencing
the Land Transportation Office showing that the vehicle Law as this law refers only to the buy and sell of articles of
had been previously reported as carnapped. value which are the proceeds of robbery and theft. Rodolfo
is liable as an accessory to the crime of malversation as he
Consequently, in light of the satisfactory explanation of purchased the typewriter for P2,000.00 each only
Roberto of his possession of the vehicle, the presumption although he knew it could easily be sold for P6,000.00 to
of authorship of the theft upon a person found in P10,000.00. Therefore, he profited or assisted the
possession of the stolen personal property finds no principal to profit from the effects or proceeds of the
application in the instant case. There is thus, no probable commission of the crime. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
cause or evidence to warrant the prosecution of Roberto
for any wrongdoing. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 104
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
(2019, 2016, 2013, 2009, 2006, 1994, 1993, 1992
Sec. 6
Q: Mr. O, a 75-year-old retiree who has been a
widower for the last ten (10) years, believed that, at
K. CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY past 70, he is licensed to engage in voyeurism to
(2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, satisfy his lustful desires. If not peeping into his
2002, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991 BAR) neighbors' room through his powerful single-cylinder
telescope, he would trail young and shapely girls
along the hallways and corridors of shopping malls.
While going up the escalator, he stayed a step behind a
mini-skirted, 20-year-old girl, and in the heat of the
(2019, 2010, 2005, 2002, 1994, 1991 BAR)
moment, put his hand on her left buttock and
massaged it. The girl screamed and hollered for help.
Q: A is married. He has a paramour with whom he had
Mr. O was thus apprehended and charged with Acts of
sexual relations on a more or less regular basis. They
Lasciviousness under Art. 336 of the RPC. Mr. O's
meet at least once a week in hotels, motels, and other
counsel, however, claimed that Mr. O should only be
places where they can be alone. Is A guilty of any
charged with the crime of Unjust Vexation.
crime? Why? (2002 BAR)

Is the contention of Mr. O's counsel tenable? Explain.

A: A is guilty of the crime of concubinage by having sexual
(2019 BAR)
intercourse under scandalous circumstances, with a
woman who is not his wife.
A: NO, the contention of Mr. O’s counsel is untenable.
Under Art. 366 of the RPC, the elements of Acts of
Having sexual relations on a more or less regular basis in
Lasciviousness are:
hotels, motels, and other places may be considered
scandalous circumstances that offends public conscience,
(1) That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness
giving rise to criticism and general protest, such acts being
or lewdness;
imprudent and wanton and setting a bad example. (People
(2) That the lascivious act is committed against a person
v. Santos, 86 SCRA 705)
of either sex; and
(3) That it is done under any of the following
(a) By using force or intimidation;
A is not guilty of any crime because a married man does
(b) When the offended party is deprived of reason
not incur the crime of concubinage by merely having a
or otherwise unconscious;
paramour, unless under scandalous circumstances, or he
(c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave
keeps her in the conjugal dwelling as a mistress or
abuse of authority; or
cohabits with her in any other place. His weekly meetings
(d) When the offended party is under 12 years of
with his paramour do not per se constitute scandalous
age or is demented.
circumstance. (UPLC Suggested Answers)

Lascivious conduct is defined as “the intentional touching,

Q: A, a married woman, had sexual intercourse with a
either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus,
man who was not her husband. The man did not know
groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttock, or the introduction
she was married. What crime, if any, did each of them
of any object into the genitalia, anus or mouth, of any
commit? Why? (2002 BAR)
person, whether of the same or opposite sex, with an
intent to abuse , humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or
A: A, the married woman, committed the crime of adultery
gratify the sexual desire of any person, bestiality,
under Art. 333 of the RPC, as amended, for having sexual
masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic
intercourse with a man not her husband while her
area of a person.” (Orsos v. People, G.R. No. 214673, 20 Nov.
marriage is still subsisting. But the man who had carnal
knowledge of her, not knowing her to be married, shall not
be liable for adultery. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Here, when Mr. O touched the buttocks of the offended
party, he was animated with lewdness; thus, acts of
lasciviousness was committed.

105 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: YES, the contention of Mr. O’s Those who are regarded as “domestic” in relation to the
counsel is tenable. Mere touching or massaging the victim, enjoying the confidence and intimacy shared by
buttocks does not clearly indicate sexual design. To be members of the same household, such as household
liable under acts of lasciviousness, the act must be one helpers and boarders living under the same roof and with
that shows perversity to gratify sexual arousal or desire. same household as the victim. (UPLC Suggested Answers)
Circumstances in the problem fell short to qualify as one.
Thus, unjust vexation is proper where it only brought 1. ANTI-PHOTO AND VIDEO VOYEURISM ACT OF 2009
annoyance and irritation to the woman. (UPLC Suggested R.A. No. 9995
Q: At the Maligaya Disco Club, Leoncio and Evelyn
Sec. 3
were intimately dancing a very seductive dance
number. While gyrating with their bodies, Leoncio
dipped his private parts in Evelyn’s buttocks.
Sec. 4
Incensed, Evelyn protested, but Leoncio continued
and tightly embraced her. (2009 BAR)
(a) What crime or crimes, if any, did Leoncio CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION, AND
R.A. No. 7610, as amended
A: Leoncio committed the crime of unjust vexation only
because the act was done in the course of dancing. The act a) CHILD PROSTITUTION AND OTHER ACTS OF ABUSE
of dipping his private parts in Evelyn’s buttocks during a Sec. 5, R.A. No. 7610 as amended by R.A. No. 114648
very seductive dance, although offensive to Evelyn, may be
viewed as part of a dirty dancing. Lewd intent cannot (1) COMPARE PROSECUTION FOR
simply be presumed from the act of dirty dancing. The fact ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS UNDER ART. 366, RPC, AND
that the act was perpetrated in a public place and with an R.A. NO. 7610, AS AMENDED
audience, negates lewd designs or lascivious intent, which
is essential in the crime of acts of lasciviousness.
(b) Would your answer be the same if, even after STATUS OF PERSONS
the music had stopped, Leoncio continued to (2012, 2004, 2002, 1995, 1994 BAR)
dance dirty, rubbing his private parts on
Evelyn’s buttocks? Explain.
A: NO, the crime would then be acts of lasciviousness.
(2002 BAR)
That the music for dancing had already stopped, puts an
end to any pretense of dancing by Leoncio. His continued
Q: A childless couple, A and B, wanted to have a child
dirty acts absent the dancing as there was no music
they could call their own. C, an unwed mother, sold
anymore is patently lewd and lascivious. More so, Evelyn
her newborn baby to them. Thereafter, A and B caused
already protested Leoncio’s lewd acts in the course of
their names to be stated in the birth certificate of the
dancing. So where the dance ended, Leoncio’s continued
child as his parents. This was done in connivance with
dirty acts cannot be veiled as still part of dancing. (UPLC
the doctor who assisted in the delivery of C. What are
Suggested Answers)
the criminal liabilities, if any, of the couple A and B, C,
and the doctor? (2002 BAR)
(2007 BAR)
A: The couple A and B, and the doctor shall be liable for
the crime of Simulation of Birth, penalized under Art. 347
Q: What are the three (3) classes of offender in the
of the RPC, as amended. The act of making it appear in the
crime of qualified seduction? Give an example of each.
birth certificate of a child that the persons named therein
are the parents of the child when they are not really the
biological parents of said child constitutes the crime of
1.) Those who exercise moral influence over the
simulation of birth.
victim, such as a priest who acts as spiritual
adviser of the victim, or a teacher in the school
While C, the unwed mother, is criminally liable for “child
where the victim is enrolled;
trafficking,” a violation of Art. IV, Sec. 7 of R.A. No. 7610.
The law punishes inter alia the act of buying and selling of
2.) A brother or ascendant by consanguinity of the
a child.
victim, such as her uncle; and

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 106
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: The couple A and B, the unwed the first and/or second marriages presented by the
mother C, and the doctor being all involved in the accused in the prosecution for bigamy is a valid defense,
simulation of birth of the newborn child, violate R.A. No. irrespective of the time within which they are secured.
7610. Their acts constitute child trafficking which are
penalized under Art. IV of said law. (UPLC Suggested The aforesaid conclusion is anchored on and justified by
Answers) the retroactive effects of a void ab initio marriage, the
legislative intent of Art. 40 of the Family Code and the
BIGAMY fundamental rules of construction governing penal laws.
(2012, 2004, 1995, 1994 BAR)
The Family Code specifically provides that certain
NOTE: In Pulido v. People, (G.R. No. 220149, 27 July 2021, J. marriages are considered void ab initio namely, Arts. 35,
Hernando), the Supreme Court abandoned its earlier 36 (on Psychological Incapacity), 37, 38, 44 and 53. These
pronouncements and held that “a judicial declaration of marriages are void from the beginning. To all legal intents
absolute nullity is not necessary to prove a void ab initio and purposes, the void ab initio marriage does not exist
prior and subsequent marriages in a bigamy case. and the parties thereto, under the lens of the law, were
Consequently, a judicial declaration of absolute nullity in never married. While Art. 40 of the Family Code provides
the first and/or second marriages presented by the that there must be a judicial declaration of the nullity of a
accused in the prosecution for bigamy is a valid defense, previous marriage, the SC ruled that said requirement
irrespective of the time within which they are secured.” under Art. 40 is merely for purposes of remarriage and
does not affect the accused's right to collaterally attack the
Q: validity of the void ab initio marriage in criminal
(a) What are the elements of the crime of bigamy? prosecution for bigamy. (Pulido v. People G.R. No. 220149,
(2012 BAR) 27 July 2021, J. Hernando)

A: In Marbella-Bobis v. Bobis (G.R. No. 138509, 31 July Q: CBP is legally married to OEM. Without obtaining a
2000), the Supreme Court laid down the elements of marriage license, CBP contracted a second marriage to
bigamy thus: (1) the offender has been legally married; (2) RST. Is CBP liable for bigamy? Reason briefly. (2004
the first marriage has not been legally dissolved, or in case BAR)
his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse has not been
judicially declared presumptively dead; (3) he contracts a A: Whether CBP could be held liable for bigamy or not,
subsequent marriage; and (4) the subsequent marriage depends on whether the second marriage is invalid or
would not have been valid had it not been for the valid even without a marriage license. Although as a
existence of the first. general rule, marriages solemnized without license are
null and void ab initio, there are marriages exempted from
(b) If you were the judge in a bigamy case where the license requirement under Chapter 2, Title 1 of the Family
defense was able to prove that the first Code, such as in Art. 27 which is a marriage in articulo
marriage was null and void or a nullity, would mortis. If the second marriage was valid even without a
you render a judgment of conviction or marriage license, then CBP would be liable for bigamy.
acquittal? Explain your answer. (2012 BAR)
Otherwise, CBP is not liable for bigamy but for Illegal
A: I would render a judgment of acquittal. A void ab initio Marriage in Art. 350 for the RPC, specifically designated as
marriage is a valid defense in the prosecution for bigamy "Marriage Contracted Against Provisions of Laws." (UPLC
even without a judicial declaration of absolute nullity. Suggested Answers)
(Pulido v. People, G.R. No. 220149, 27 July 2021, J.
Hernando) Q: Joe and Marcy were married in Batanes in 1955.
After two years, Joe left Marcy and settled in
(c) Assuming the existence of the first marriage Mindanao where he later met and married Linda on
when accused contracted the second marriage 12 June 1960. The second marriage was registered in
and the subsequent judicial declaration of the civil registry of Davao City three days after its
nullity of the second marriage on the ground of celebration. On 10 Oct. 1975 Marcy who remained in
psychological incapacity, would you render a Batanes discovered the marriage of Joe to Linda. On
judgment of conviction or acquittal? Explain 01 Mar. 1976 Marcy filed a complaint for bigamy
your answer. (2012 BAR) against Joe.

A: I would render a judgment of acquittal. In the case of The crime of bigamy prescribed in fifteen years
Pulido v. People (G.R. No. 220149, 27 July 2021, J. computed from the day the crime is discovered by the
Hernando), the SC held that a judicial declaration of offended party, the authorities or their agents. Joe
absolute nullity is not necessary to prove a void ab initio raised the defense of prescription of the crime, more
prior and subsequent marriages in a bigamy case. than 15 years having elapsed from the celebration of
Consequently, a judicial declaration of absolute nullity of the bigamous marriage up to the filing of Marcy's

107 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
complaint. He contended that the registration of his Q: Because of a pendency of a labor dispute, two (2)
second marriage in the civil registry of Davao City was belligerent labor unions had a confrontation in a
constructive notice to the whole world of the picket line during which the President and the
celebration thereof thus binding upon Marcy. Has the Secretary of one union shouted to the members and
crime of bigamy charged against Joe already officers of the rival union composed of men and
prescribed? (1995 BAR) women, the following: “Mga tuta, mga walang bayag,
mga kabit ng Intsik, mga tuta, mga segunda mano.”
A: NO, the prescriptive period for the crime of bigamy is Are the President and the Secretary of said union
computed from the time the crime was discovered by the liable for oral defamation/slander? (1993 BAR)
offended party, the authorities or their agents. The
principle of constructive notice which ordinarily applies to A: NO. The President and the Secretary of the Union are
land or property disputes should not be applied to the not liable for oral defamation or slander because there is
crime of bigamy, as marriage is not property. Thus, when no identity of the offended party. The individual defamed
Marcy filed a complaint for bigamy on 07 Mar. 1976, it was or slandered was not singled out. (People v. Uy Tioco, G.R.
well within the reglementary period as it was barely a few Nos. 9986 & 9891, 22 Dec. 1915)
months from the time of discovery on Oct. 10, 1975.
(Sermonia v. CA, G.R. No. 109454, 14 June 1994) (UPLC 1. CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2012
Suggested Answers) R.A. No. 10175
(2019, 2016, 2013, 2011, 2005, 2002 BAR)


(2019, 2016, 2013, 2011, 2005, 2002 BAR) (2019, 2016, 2013, 2011, 2005, 2002 BAR)

Q: Mr. L is a newspaper reporter who writes about

SLANDER; ORAL DEFAMATION news items concerning the judiciary. Mr. L believed
(2011, 2003, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1990, 1988 BAR) that members of the judiciary can be criticized and
exposed for the prohibited acts that they commit by
Q: During a seminar workshop attended by virtue of the public nature of their offices. Upon
government employees from the Bureau of Customs receiving numerous complaints from private citizens,
and Bureau of Internal Revenue, A, the speaker, in the Mr. L released a scathing newspaper expose involving
course of his lecture, lamented the fact that a great Judge G and his alleged acts constituting graft and
majority of those serving in said agencies were utterly corruption. Consequently, Mr. L was charged with the
dishonest and corrupt. crime of Libel.

The following morning, the whole group of employees In response, Mr. L contended that truth is a valid
in the two bureaus who attended the seminar, as defense in Libel and in this relation, claimed that he
complainants, filed a criminal complaint against A for was only exposing the truth regarding Judge G's
uttering what the group claimed to be defamatory misdeeds. Further, Mr. L contended that in any event,
statements of the lecturer. his expose on Judge G is based on the complaints he
received from private citizens, and as such, should be
In court, A filed a Motion to Quash the Information, deemed as a mere fair commentary on a matter of
reciting fully the above facts, on the ground that no public interest. Are the contentions of Mr. L tenable?
crime was committed. If you were the judge, how Explain. (2019 BAR)
would you resolve the motion? (2003 BAR)
A: YES. Mr. L’s contention that truth is a valid defense in
A: I would grant the Motion to Quash on the ground that libel is tenable. Under Art. 361 of the RPC, if the
the facts charged do not constitute an offense, since there defamatory statement is made against a public official
is no definite person or persons dishonored. with respect to the discharge of his official duties and
functions, and the truth of the allegations is shown, the
The crime of libel or slander is a crime against honor such accused will be entitled to an acquittal even though he
that the person/s dishonored must be identifiable even by does not prove that the imputation was published with
innuendoes. Otherwise, the crime against honor is not good motives and for justifiable ends. (Lopez v. People, G.R.
committed. Moreover, A was not making a malicious No. 172203, 14 Feb. 2011)
imputation, but merely stating an opinion; he was
delivering a lecture with no malice at all during a seminar Q: A is the president of the corporate publisher of the
workshop. Malice being inherently absent in the daily tabloid, Bulgar; B is the managing editor; and C is
utterance, the statement is not actionable as defamatory. the author/writer. In his column, Direct Hit, C wrote
(UPLC Suggested Answers) about X, the head examiner of the BIR-RDO Manila as

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 108
QuAMTO (1987-2022)
“Itong si X ay talagang BUWAYA kaya ang logo ng dependent, that he had several mistresses, and that he
Lacoste T shirt niya ay napaka suwapang na buwaya. was corrupt, having accepted bribes or favors from
Ang nickname niya ay si Atty. Buwaya. Ang PR niya ay parties transacting business in his previous office, and
90% sa bayad ng taxpayer at ang para sa RP ay 10% therefore he was unfit for the position to which he had
lang. Kaya ang baba ng collection ng RDO niya. been nominated. As a result of the publication, the
Masyadong magnanakaw si X at dapat tanggalin itong nomination was not confirmed by the Commission on
bundat na bundat na buwaya na ito at napakalaki na Appointments. The official sued the concerned
ng kurakot.” citizens and the newspapers for libel and damages on
account of his non-confirmation. How will you decide
A, B, and C were charged with libel before the RTC of the case? (2002 BAR)
Manila. The three (3) defendants argued that the
article is within the ambit of qualified privileged A: I will acquit the concerned citizens and the newspapers
communication; that there is no malice in law and in involved from the crime of libel. One of the requisites of
fact; and that defamatory comments on the acts of libel is the existence of malice on the part of the accused.
public officials which are related to the discharge of In this case, the publication is made from a moral or social
their official duties do not constitute libel. duty. Thus, there is an absence of malice.

Was the crime of libel committed? If so, are A, B, and C As a nominee for the public position of a Department
all liable for the crime? Explain. (2016 BAR) Secretary, A’s moral, mental, and physical fitness becomes
a public concern. The publication merely reflects on his
A: YES, the crime of libel is committed. Fair comment on public character and image as a public official. Hence, the
acts of public officers related to the discharge of their act of publishing such criticisms is bereft of malice. (UPLC
duties is a qualified privileged communication, hence, the Suggested Answers)
accused can still be held liable for libel if actual malice is
shown. In fair comment, actual malice can be established
by showing that comment was made with knowledge that N. CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE
it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was (2013, 2012, 2008, 2007, 2001 BAR)
false or not. (Guingguing v. The Honorable CA, G.R. No.
128959, 30 Sept. 2005) Journalists bear the burden of
writing responsibly when practicing their profession, even
Q: After drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels, Jonjon drove
when writing about public figures or matters of public
his BMW sports car at high speed, rammed into a
group of crossing pedestrians, and hit a traffic light
post. The incident caused the death of one (1)
The report made by C describing a lawyer in the Bureau of
pedestrian, serious injuries to three (3) others, and
Customs as corrupt cannot be considered as “fair” and
the destruction of the traffic light post. If you were the
“true” since he did not do research before making his
prosecutor, what would you charge Jonjon? (2013
allegations, and it has been shown that these allegations
were baseless. The articles are not “fair and true reports,”
but merely wild accusations. He has written and published
A. Homicide with serious physical injuries
the subject articles with reckless disregard of whether the
through simple negligence.
same were false or not. (Erwin Tulfo v. People, G.R. No.
B. Damage to property, serious physical injuries
161032, 16 Sept. 2008)
and homicide through reckless negligence.
C. Simple negligence resulting in damage to
A, president of the publishing company, B, managing
property, serious physical injuries and
editor, and C, writer of the defamatory articles, are all
liable for libel. Under Art. 360 of the RPC, the publisher,
D. Reckless imprudence resulting in homicide,
and editor of newspaper, shall be responsible for the
serious physical injuries and damage to
defamations contained therein to the same extent. The law
makes the publisher and editor liable for libel as if they
were the author. (Tulfo v. People, supra) (UPLC Suggested
A: D. Reckless imprudence resulting in homicide, serious
physical injuries, and damage to property.

Q: A was nominated Secretary of a Department in the

Q: AB was driving a van along a highway. Because of
Executive Branch of the government. His nomination
her recklessness, the van hit a car which had already
was thereafter submitted to the Commission on
entered the intersection. As a result, CD who was
Appointments for confirmation. While the
driving the car suffered physical injuries, while
Commission was considering the nomination, a group
damage to his car amounted to P8,500.00. What is the
of concerned citizens caused to be published in the
proper charge against AB?
newspapers a full-page statement objecting to A’s
appointment. They alleged that A was a drug

109 U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S
A. AB should be charged with complex crime of A: NO, the conviction of murder should not be sustained
reckless imprudence resulting in damage to because there was no intent kill. The intent of the accused,
property with slight physical injuries. on the contrary, is to treat Randy for his illness. However,
considering that proximate cause of Randy’s death is the
B. AB should be charged with reckless imprudence ritual, accused may be held criminally liable for Reckless
resulting in slight physical injuries and reckless Imprudence Resulting in Homicide. (UPLC Suggested
imprudence resulting in damage to property. Answers)

C. AB should be charged with complex crime of slight

physical injuries with damage to property.

D. AB should be charged with slight physical injuries

and reckless imprudence resulting in damage to
property. (2012 BAR)

A: A. Reckless imprudence under Art. 365 is a single

quasi-offense by itself and not merely a means to commit
other crimes. Hence, conviction or acquittal of such quasi-
offense bars subsequent prosecution for the same quasi-
offense, regardless of its various consequences. Thus, AB
may be convicted of one crime, either Reckless
Imprudence Resulting in Slight Physical Injuries or
Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Damage to Property.
(Ivler v. Modesto-San Pedro, GR No. 172716, 17 Nov. 2010)
(UPLC Suggested Answers)

Q: Olimpio caught a cold and was running a fever. His

doctor prescribed paracetamol. Olimpio went to a
drug store with the prescription, and the pharmacist
sold him three (3) tablets. Upon arriving home, he
took a tablet. One hour later, he had a seizure and
died. The autopsy showed that the tablet he had taken
was not paracetamol but a pill to which he was
allergic. The pharmacist was charged with murder. Is
the charge proper? If not, what should it be? Explain.
(2008 BAR)

A: The charge was improper. The pharmacist should be

charged with criminal negligence, or reckless imprudence
resulting in homicide, because there was no intent to kill
Olimpio. The accused inexcusably lacked precaution in
failing to dispense the proper medicine to the victim
which caused the latter’s death. (Art. 365, RPC) (UPLC
Suggested Answers)

Q. Eddie brought his son Randy to a local faith healer

known as "Mother Himala." He was diagnosed by the
faith healer as being possessed by an evil spirit. Eddie
thereupon authorized the conduct of a "treatment"
calculated to drive the spirit from the boy’s body.
Unfortunately, the procedure conducted resulted in
the boy’s death.

The faith healer and three (3) others who were part of
the healing ritual were charged with murder and
convicted by the lower court. If you are appellate
court Justice, would you sustain the conviction upon
appeal? Explain your answer. (2007 BAR)

U N I V E R S IT Y O F S A N T O T O M A S 110

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