Key 7

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I. Listen and choose the correct answers.
1. What does mum say Helen’s brother can eat?

2. What does the man complain about?

3. At what time might the road be OK to use?

4. How much is a return flight to Paris at the moment?

5. Which program has been cancelled?

II. You’ll hear a recording and complete the notes below with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
answer. (14.0 pts)
 the Main Hall – seats ……..200……….
Room and cost
 the (6) __________ Room – seats 100
 Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: £115
+ £250 deposit (7) __________ payment is required)
 Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also parking
 Additional charge for use of the kitchen: £25
Before the event
 Will need a music licence
 Need to contact caretaker (Mr Evans) in advance to arrange (8)
During the event
 The building is no smoking
 The band should use the stage door at the back
 Don’t touch the system that controls the volume
 For microphones, contact the caretaker
After the event
 Need to know the code for the cleaning cupboard
 The (9) _______ must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags
 All (10) _______ must be taken down
 Chairs and tables must be piled up

6. Charlton 7. cash 8. entry

9. floor/ floors 10. decoration/ decorations

III. You will hear somebody giving their opinion about the media and its influence on society. For questions
1-8, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. (16.0 pts)

The three forms of media are TV, radio and newspapers.

Politicians use the media during political (11) _______ .
Entertainers use it to stay in the (12) _______ .
The percentage of people who did not have a particular point of view about the privacy of celebrities was 4% .
The most influential form of media is TV.
We can be deceived by TV when we are shown carefully selected pictures .
Some TV stations turn true events into (13) _______ .
A newspaper had to pay (14) _______ for printing lies about a rock singer.
Sometimes a paper can avoid being sued if it makes a public apology .
There are two kinds of newspaper, the “quality” papers and the (15) _______ .

11. campaigns 12. public eye

13. fiction/ lies 14. £1.000.000 15. Tabloids

IV. You will hear two psychologists talking about modern childhood. For questions 1 – 5, choose the answer
(A, B, C, or D) which fits best according to what you hear. (10 pts)
16. What does Daniel imply about past images of childhood?
A. They are entirely fictional.
B. They all show the misfortunes of childhood.
C. They are diverse.
D. They represent the innocence of childhood.
17. When mentioning the children throwing bags on the bus-stop, Louise is _____.
A. critical B. amused C. angry D. sarcastic
18. According to Daniel, ______.
A. children are failing to learn adequate social skills
B. children do not eat a balanced diet
C. children are becoming involved in political scandals
D. children are far more sociable than they used to be
19. Louise believes that ________.
A. parents are no longer interested in their children
B. children should study harder to pass school exams
C. modern life has a negative effect on children
D. most parents are emotionally unstable
20. Daniel implies that _______.
A. children would be happier if their parents taught them at home
B. machines are more of a menace to children than people are
C. teachers aren’t helping children to be competitive enough
D. most teenage problems stem from an unbalanced diet
I. Choose the word or phrase that would best complete each sentence (2pts)
21. Her hands were swollen and wrinkled, but she still had her nails _____ regularly.
A. manufactured B. manicured C. Maintained D. managed
22. The girl’s large, heavy earrings had __________ her earlobes permanently
A. displaced B. dismayed C. disfigured D. diseased
23. More and more people are having satellite dishes ___________ on their roofs
A. installed B. introduced C. implanted D. inserted
24. Cut flowers may ______ through lack of water.
A. faint B. collapse C. wilt D. drop
25. Tom: “Your kitchen is fantastic! Did you do it all by yourself?”
Mary: “No, I ________ by a professional.”
A. have it designed B. designed it
C. had it designed D. had designed it
26. “How about a small present for little Jimmy after his performance?” “ ________
A. Thank you for being so respectful.
B. It’s a great idea. He would like it.
C. Thanks for your promise. I’m sure he’ll be proud.
D. Not at all.
27. The ________ cheered when the final goal was scored in the match today.
A. viewers B. onlookers C. spectators D. audience
28. Most people _____ family heirlooms and keep them safe.
A. cosset B. cherish C. nourish D. nurture
29. She is traveling to work by train today because her car is being ________.
A. stopped B. broken C. serviced D. rented
30. I would like to thank you, _______my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us.
A. on account of B. on behalf of C. because of D. instead of
31. Anything he does is in _____with the law and that’s why I have suggested him for the post.
A. compliance B. obedience c. commitment D. responsibility
32. When the automobile salesman described the car so ______, we became very unpleasant about buying it.
A. ambiguity B. ambiguousness C. ambiguous D. ambiguously
33. There was _______ evidence to bring charges against the man.
A. insubstantial B. interior C. ineffective D. insufficient
34. The automobile, along with several other important inventions ___ an incredibly complex world.
A. has creased B. have creased C. have been creased D. has been creased
35. She resigned __________ No one forced her to do so.
A. for her own sake B. of her own accord C. with a will D. on purpose
36. Strong protests were made, _______ with demands for an international enquiry.
A. joined B. added C. coupled D. included
37. ______, it is certain that in the future some things will be very different.
A. It can be better or worse B. For better or for worse
C. Either better or worse D. Better than worse
38. Mai: “Wow, I’ve never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam.” Nam: “________”
A. Oh, I don’t know. B. Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
C. You’re welcome. D. I agree with you.
39. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Laura: “________”
A. Of course not. You bet. B. Well, that’s very surprising.
C. There is no doubt about it. D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
40. “You haven’t been to the bank today, have you?” “________”
A. Yes, 1 haven’t. I am busy. B. No, I haven’t any money.
C. No, I have. I got some money. D. No, I haven’t. I’m about to.
II. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets.
41. We are so proud of your most ___________ (credit) academic achievements that we have decided to take
you on trip to Australia.
42. The boy’s manners were highly ___________ (contempt). No wonder that the teacher objected to having
him in his class.
43. We cannot rely on her account of the occurrence, it doesn’t sound very ___________(fact)
44. If only we hadn’t forgot to take the mosquito ___________ (repel), we wouldn’t have suffered from so
severe bites.
45. Mrs. Stone is an ___________ (expect) mother. Her baby is due next month.
41. creditable
42. Contemptible
43. Factual
44. Repellent
45. Expectant
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction (0.5 pts)
46. What happened in that city were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and
policemen who had been laid off from their jobs.
47. Nitrogen must be combine with another element such as hydrogen or oxygen to be useful
in agriculture or industry.
48. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic
representative to France, and he invented many useful devices.
49. Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night.
50. Anyone reproducing copyrighted works without permission of the holders of the
copyrights are breaking the law.
I. Which notice says this:

A. Get £10 of all sales.

B. Offer lasts two weeks.
C. Spend up to £50 and save £10.
D. Buy more and get more


A. Charles can’t meet Paul at 9.00.

B. Charles will email Paul.
C. Paul should confirm that 9.00 is OK.
D. Paul can phone Charles to rearrange the meeting.


A. the waiter will explain our special meals of the day.

B. Inform us of any issues with your diet.
C. Orders must be paid for before you eat.
D. You can take note about your food allergies before ordering.

A. Tracy needs to take a taxi to the station.
B. The boss needs to be collected from the station.
C. The boss doesn’t know when the train arrives.
D. Tracy can take a taxi if nobody picks her up.


A. Driver needed for five hours a week.

B. Lifts available to community center.
C. Driver needed for retired people.
D. Retired people should not apply for this job.


II. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, D best fits each space.

You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information about
yourself. Think about how you want to present your (56)____, experiences, education, work style, skills, and
goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements you make. It is
also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (57) ____ areas that an employer might see as
limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer difficult' questions (58) ____ and
positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (59)_____ to get to know you. While you do want to market yourself to the
employer, answer each question with an honest (60) _____.
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always think of
something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (61) ____. If you are genuinely
interested (62) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the
organization prior to the interview. You can also (63) ____ interest by asking questions about the job, the
organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions that build
upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (64) ____ close attention to the
interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful comment based on your
conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (65) _____ of an interview, it is appropriate for you
to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.

56. A. pressures. B. strengths C. practices D. promotions

57. A. hide B. limit C. express D. identify
58. A. accurately B. rightly C. hardly D. sharply
59. A. change B. practice C. way D. chance
60. A. ability B. response C. expression D. respect
61. A. enthusiast B. enthusiasm C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically
62. A. for B. on C. with D. in
63. A. appear B. show C. conceal D. cover
64. A. spend B. pay C. choose D. During
65. A. end B. close C. finish D. socialize

III. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this
viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted
concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the
conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight problems. For example, when
several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to
stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food
which relieves tension but rather the act of chewing.
A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and
crave more flavorful food than non-obese people. When deprived of the variety and intensity of tastes, obese
people are not satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after
they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin,
a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people.
In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically induced hunger for
carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough
serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and hunger for carbohydrates subsides.
Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, it has been
found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking
on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many people find difficult to continue over long periods of
time and which also increases appetite.

66. “Subscribe to” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. disagree with B. agree with C. object to D. like
67. The word” crave” in bold in paragraph 2, can best be replaced with __________.
A. devour B. absorb C. season D. desire
68. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. overweight people are tense
B. thin people don’t eat when under stress
C. weight watchers should chew on something inedible when tense
D. 56 percent of the population isn’t overweight
69. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. thin people don’t enjoy food
B. a variety of foods and strong flavors satisfy heavy people
C. overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste
D. deprivation of food makes people fat
70. According to the passage, insulin __________.
A. increases in the bloodstream when people eat large amounts of food
B. can be used to lessen the appetite
C. causes a chemical reaction when food is seen
D. levels don’t change in average-weight people who see food
71. It can be inferred that for certain people __________.
A. eating carbohydrates eliminates hunger
B. carbohydrates biologically induce hunger
C. carbohydrates don’t satisfy a hungry person
D. carbohydrates subside when serotonin is produced
72. What can be said about serotonin?
A. It is a chemical that increases the appetite
B. Only certain people produce it in their brains
C. It tells the brain when a person is full
D. It neurotransmits carbohydrates to the brain
73. The word ‘mild’ in the last paragraph can best be replaced with __________.
A. important B. hard C. heavy D. light
74. In order to lose weight, it would be a good idea for heavy people to __________.
A. jog 3 miles daily and chew on carrot sticks
B. walk upstairs and look at pictures of food
C. eat plenty of chewy carbohydrates
D. avoid stressful situations and eat spicy foods
75. Which one of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to engage in daily?
A. 10-mile bicycle rides B. cross- country skiing
C. a long swim D. an evening walk

IV. Read the following passage and choose T (True) or F (False)

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an
adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Body mass
index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese)
when their BMI is between 25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m2.
Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing
difficulties during sleep, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is most commonly caused by a
combination of excessive dietary calories, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few
cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness. Evidence to
support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on
average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy
required to maintain an increased body mass.
The primary treatment for obesity is dieting and physical exercise. To supplement this, or in case of failure,
anti-obesity drugs may be taken to reduce appetite or inhibit fat absorption. In severe cases, surgery is
performed or an intragastric balloon is placed to reduce stomach volume and/or bowel length, leading to
earlier satiation and reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.
Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing prevalence in adults and children,
and authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. Obesity is
stigmatized in much of the modern world (particularly in the Western world), though it was widely perceived
as a symbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history, and still is in some parts of the world.

76. People with a BMI of 28 kg/m2 are considered obese.

77. Genes are the most popular factor that leads to obesity.
78. It is clearly proven that people who do not eat much can still be obese because of their slow metabolism.
79. Thin people do not use much energy.
80. There are many places that criticizes obesity.

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word.
81. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.
It crossed _______________________________________________________
82. She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach
She can’t see _______________________________________________________
83. The house is very beautiful. Its gate was painted blue.
The house, the _______________________________________________________
84. Do you think Sally will be able to come to us for Christmas?
Is there any_______________________________________________________?
85. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.
Failure to _______________________________________________________

81. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.

82. She can’t see the attraction of spending all day on the beach
83. The house, the gate of which was painted blue, is very beautiful.
84. Is there any possibility that Sally will come to us for Christmas?
85. Failure to obey the regulations may lead to (result in) disqualification.

II. This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

Now write a letter (60-80 words) answering your friend’s questions.

III. Some people believe that the media like the press, television, and the Internet should be more strictly
Are you for or against this view?
You should write a paragraph of 150-180 words to express your viewpoint.

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