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I. Listen and choose the correct answers
1. How is the girl going to help her dad?

2. Which place would the boy most like to visit?

3. What’s the girl learning to do?

4. What did the boy forget to buy?

5. Where did the girl leave her glasses?

II. Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. (10
6. One walk includes a break at the oldest pub so that the walkers can get some
7. The castle walk allows more time to see the ______________and walk on the castle wall.
8. You have to __________________if you want to go the Ghost Walk.
9. The Ghost Walk goes to the castle and the __________________
10. The fourth shows people the __________________of the writer Robert Jones.
6. refreshments
7. exhibits
8. book ahead
9. cathedral
10. life and time
III. You will hear a woman call called Yvonne on a TV programme giving her opinion about
children being punished at school. (20 points)
For questions 1-10 complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
The strap was a long piece of leather made especially for hitting children's palms.
Today, children who misbehave at school seldom even get a (11) __________________
In the fifties, Yvonne was strapped for coming to school (12) __________________in Yvonne
thought the way she was disciplined at schools was (13) __________________and unfair. The
members of the organisation P.O.P.P.I. all had young children
In 1979, because of P.O.P.P.I. (14) __________________made the strap illegal.
Yvonne describes her children as lazy and irresponsible.
Yvonne does not think her children understand how lucky they are.
She is now sorry that the government changed the law
She believes that there would be less (15) __________________if the strap was still used.
11. telling off 12. the wrong shoes
13. (very) cruel 14. the government
15. (teenage) crime
IV. You will hear part of a discussion between Velm and Andrews, a lawyer, and Sergeant
William Bailey, a police officer. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear. (10 points)
16. How did William feel the first time he gave evidence in court?
A. humiliated B. nervous C. furious D. indifferent
17. Velm a suggests that police officers giving evidence should ……….
A. study the evidence more carefully.
B. ignore the lawyer for the defence.
C. not take comments personally.
D. demonstrate that they are honest and reliable.
18. Velma compares a police officer's evidence to a piece in a jigsaw puzzle because ……….
A. it is unimportant unless it is part of a bigger picture.
B. it m ay not fit in with the rest of the evidence.
C. the defence lawyer w ill try to destroy it.
D the police officer should only talk about his or her evidence.
19. William suggests that lawyers ………….
A adopt a special manner in the courtroom .
B. can be detached about a case.
C. might actually be close friends.
D. do not take their work seriously.
20. William's main concern is that
A. a criminal could get away with his or her crime.
B. a court case could be confusing,
C. young police officers find courts terrifying.
D. police officers might argue with the lawyer.
I. Choose the word or phrase that would best complete each sentence (2pts)
21. Some animals are on the ________ of becoming extinct.
A. edge B. verge C. side D. tip
22. John is talking to Peter about the household chores in his family.
- John: "How often does your father do the washing up?"
- Peter: “______.”
A. Not so often B. By hand C. Not too expensive D. About 4 kilometers
23. Alice and Mary have just finished watching a movie.
- Alice: “Endgame is such a wonderful movie.”
- Mary: “__. It has many beautiful scenes and two main actors are really involved in their
A. I didn't say anything B. I couldn't agree more
C. I'm a huge fan of Marvel D. I don't like your saying
24. Could I pick your ________ on the subject before the meeting?
A. brains B. head C. intellect D. mind
25. I was prepared to lend my brother some money but he turned ____ my offer.
A. back B. up C. out D. down
26. I ________ with the performances but I got flu the day before.
A. was to have helped B. helped C. was to help D.had helped
27. Peter: “________” - Dick: “Sorry, Brian is not her.”
A. Can I leave a message then? B. Can I take a message then?
C. Can I speak to Brian, please? D. Would you like to leave a message?
28. Very soon I found some other people to ________ and we began to write songs.
A. keep up with B. team up with C. talk through with D. get along with
29. ________ chair the meeting.
A. John was decided to B. It was decided that John should
C. There was decided that John should D. John had been decided to
30. I thought about the problem but I couldn’t ________ a solution.
A. come in for B. come across C. come up with D. come out
31. ________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was
32.Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a
A. delay B. stand C. brake D. halt
33. John refused to put his career in ________ by opposing his boss.
A. jeopardy B. hazard C. risk D. stake
34. The more expensive carpet is a good choice ________it will last longer.
A. by means of B. due to C. in that D. in view of
35. “Can I carry these suitcases into the room for you?” - “________”
A. You can't, I think! B. No, you can’t.
C. Yes, you can. D. Can you? That’s very kind.
36. A: “I think it is a good idea to have three or four generations living under one roof.
B: “________. Family members can help each other a lot.”
A. It’s not true B. That’s wrong
C. I couldn't agree more D. I don’t agree
37. ________ the phone rang later that night did Anna remember the appointment.
A. No sooner B. Only C. Not until D. Just before
38. After feeling off ________ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
39. There was ________ evidence to bring charges against the man.
A. insubstantial B. inferior C. ineffective D. insufficient
40. The interviewer told Alison that she would earn £30,000 a year,_______ she to be offered
the job.
A. were B. should C. let D. would
II. Give the correct form of the words in the brack
41. Our class team has won five ________________football match. (SUCCEED)
42. The _____________have discovered the laws of inheritance (GENE)
43. Thousands of patients' lives have been made ________________ better by the application
of cloning genes. (MEASURE)
44. His actions in destroying the tapes were _________________. (DEFEND)
45. Nobody wants to make friends with a/ an __________________ person (HEART)

41. successive 42. 43. immeasurably 44. indefensible

45. hard- hearted
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction (0.5 pts)
46. Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal images.

47. John composes not only the music, but also sings the songs for the major Broadway
48. Even on the most careful prepared trip, problems will sometimes develop.
49. Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water,
followed by long periods covering by water.
50. Because parents did not satisfy with the explanation given by the bus driver, they were
asking for an official investigation into the accident.
I. Which notice says this:

A. Katie is upset that Erica hasn’t returned

the book she’s borrowed.
B. Katie disagrees with Erica about a book
they’ve both just read.
C. Katie wants some suggestions about what
she could read next.
D. Katie want Erica to give her another book
like this.
A. This entrance is only for use by cyclists
who need to enter the building.
B. You will prevent people entering and
leaving if your bicycle is left here.
C. There is somewhere you can leave your
bicycle opposite this building.
D. Leave bicycles near the entrance because
it is available all day.
Why is Mr. Davidson contacting students?
A. to give his opinion of the film they
watched together
B. to suggest that they should spent another
lesson talking about the film
C. to congratulate on the way they took part
in a film event
D. to give a comment on the film show

A. Young people have the chance to learn
some new watersports at this club.
B. You don’t need to pay for several sessions
in advance at this club.
C. To become a member at this club, apply
by Saturday at the latest.
D. You can register for this club as long as
54. you are above 16.
A. To attend a Melt tour concert, check the
site regularly to find out more.
B. You’ll soon be able to buy tickets for
Melt’s concerts on this website.
C. Melt have just started touring again even
though they’ve had problems in the band.
D. You can book ticket in advance on the


II. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, D best fits each space.
From Romeo and Juliet to Hamlet and Macbeth, the world-renowned Royal Shakespeare
Company performs all year (56) _________ in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of our most
famous literary figure. With its rolling hills, meandering rivers and canals, picturesque
Warwickshire-Shakespeare’s England is the ideal place for a country escape.
The Tudor house where the great playwright grew up is a shrine for Shakespeare fans all
over the world. You can wander (57) _____ the rooms and (58) ______ a glimpse of the world
that shaped the man. Other (59) _______ Shakespeare family houses in Stratford-upon-Avon
open to the public (60) ________ the homes of his wife, Anne Hathaway, and his mother. A
stroll through the pretty town will take you to the River Avon, where you can take a relaxing
boat cruise and let your mind (61) ________ the past.
Nearby, the magnificent Warwick Castle is one of the country’s (62) ______ medieval
fortresses. A lavish interior of state rooms and a great hall is complemented by beautifully
landscaped gardens. You can climb to the top of towers and ramparts to see breathtaking
views and watch birds (63) _____, jousting tournaments and fireball launching.
The market town of Warwick offers a mixture of old and new, with antique sellers, tea
shops, fine dining, and literary and folk festivals. After a day’s sightseeing, you could unwind
(64) ____ style at the Ardencote Manor Hotel and Spa or Wroxall Abbey Hotel and Estate,
once (65) _______ to Sir Christopher Wren.
56. A. up B. about C. round D. down
57. A. around B. towards C. at D. by
58. A. give B. put C. make D. get
59. A. reserved B. conserved C. preserved D. observed
60. A. inclusive B. include C. including D. included
61. A. grow into B. drift into C. grow on D. drift on
62. A. better-kept B. best-kept C. better-keeping D. best-keeping
63. A. of prey B. of predator C. on prey D. on predator
64. A. on B. at C. for D. in
65. A. house B. homage C. home D. housing
III. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
Write your answer on the numbered blanks given below.
How long will a baby born today live? 100 years? 120 years? Scientists are studying
genes that could mean long life for us all.
There are already many, many people who have passed the landmark age of 100. In
fact, there are now so many healthy, elderly people that there’s a new term for them: the
wellderly. These are people over the age of 80 who have no diseases such a high blood
pressure, heart disease or diabetes and have never taken medicines for these conditions.
There have been many scientific studies of communities where a healthy old age is typical.
These include places like Calabria in southern Italy and the island of Okinawa in Japan. The
small village of Molochio in Calabria has about 2,000 inhabitants. And of those, there are at
least eight centenarians. When researchers ask people like this this the secret of their long life,
the answer is almost always to do with diet and is almost always the same. ‘I eat a lot of fruit
and vegetables.’ ‘A little bit, but of everything.’ ‘No smoking, no drinking.’
Whilst in the past scientists have looked at things such as diet and lifestyle for an
explanation of long life, these days they are investigating genetics. Once such researcher is Eric
Topol, who says, ‘There must be genes that explain why these individuals are protected from
the aging process.’
The new research into long life looks at groups of people who have a genetic
connection. For example, one group of interest lives in Ecuador. In one area of the country
there are a number of people with the same genetic condition. It’s called Laron syndrome. The
condition means that they don’t grow to more than about one metre, but is also seems to give
them protection against cancer and diabetes. As a result, they live longer than other people in
their families. Meanwhilst, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, there’s another group of long-lived
men, Japanese-Americans. They have a similar gene to the Laron syndrome group.
Back in Canada, scientists are trying to work out exactly how much of the longevity is due to
genetics and how much to environment. By checking public records going back to the 29th
century, researchers have reconstructed the family trees of 202 nonagenarians and
centenarians. They concluded that there were genetic factors involved. And they seemed to
benefit the men more than the women – a surprising result because generally in Europe, there
are five times more women centenarians than men.
So what really makes people live longer? It seems likely that it is an interaction of genes, the
environment and probably a third factor – luck.

66. What two factors for long life do scientists usually investigate?
A. where people live and what their lifestyle are
B. genetic factors and environmental factors
C. people’s diet and activity when they were young
D. people’s working and living habits
67. Diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure _________.
A. are common illnesses in elderly people.
B. teach scientists a lot about old age and long life.
C. are never found amongst a group of people in Ecuador.
D. affect people in some areas more than those in others.
68. What do some people from Calabria and Okinawa have in common?
A. They suffer from diabetes.
B. They have an unusual genetic illness.
C. They live long and healthy lives.
D. They have similar genetic patterns.
69. According to the article, ____________.
A. scientists are investigating people who are 120 years old.
B. scientific advances mean we will all live to at least 100 years.
C. scientists have found genes that might influence how long we live.
D. scientists haven’t discovered why people in some areas typically live longer than
70. The word “landmark” is closest in meaning to __________.
A. important stage B. major breakthrough
C. hallmark D. benchmark
71. According to the article, _________.
A. people who live in small villages have healthier lifestyles.
B. in parts of Italy and Japan, most people live to be a hundred.
C. men generally outlive women in most parts of the world.
D. some communities in Italy and Japan have been studied by scientists.
72. Healthy elderly people __________.
A. often say that their diet is the most important thing.
B. don’t usually know what the secret to long life is.
C. give many different reasons for their old age.
D. used to pursue at least one type of physical activity when they were young.
73. The word “nonagenarians” is closest in meaning to _________.
A. people under 100 years old.
B. people over 100 years old.
C. people from 50 to 59 years old.
D. people from 90 to 99 years old.
74. Laron syndrome is interesting to scientists because ___________.
A. it might help people with growth problems.
B. it shows that there is a genetic reason for old age.
C. there are different versions of the syndrome.
D. what causes it is still a mystery.
75. Scientists think that healthy old age ________.
A. is typical in certain communities only.
B. is a genetic condition in European women.
C. was more common in the 19th century than it is today.
D. is the result of the interaction of different factors.
IV. Read the following passage and choose T (True) or F (False)
Archaeologists identify the mummy of a lost Egyptian queen
Egyptian archaeologists announced on Wednesday that they have identified a mummy
discovered in 1903 as that of Queen Hatshepsut (hat-shep-soot), Egypt’s most powerful
female pharaoh. The mummy was originally found in the Valley of the Kings, a
sacred burial site for kings and powerful nobles located on the west bank of the Nile River in
Egypt. Although the mummy was discovered more than a century ago, it remained in a tomb
until this past spring, when it was brought to the Cairo Museum for testing.
A Powerful Ruler’s Legacy
Queen Hatshepsut was the only woman to rule ancient Egypt while the kingdom was at the
height of its wealth and power, from about 1502 to 1482 B.C. Of all the female pharaohs–
including Cleopatra and Nefertiti–Hatshepsut’s reign was the longest and most successful.
While in power, she established trade routes and built hundreds of monuments and temples
throughout Egypt. Despite her prosperous reign, both her mummy and her legacy were
virtually erased from Egyptian history. Many historians believe that Tuthmose III, Hatshepsut’s
stepson, destroyed records and monuments bearing her name. It may have been his revenge.
It is believed that she stole the throne from him. Finding the mummy of this powerful queen
may provide details about an important part of Egyptian history.

76. The mummy was found in Egypt on Wednesday. F

77. Archaeologists identify the mummy of a lost Egyptian queen T
78. The mummy has been in a museum since it was discovered F
79. Her mummy may help historians to understand what happened. T
80. She built all her temples in the Valley of the Kings. F

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
81. I am absolutely sure he took the money on purpose.
->He couldn’t_________________________________________________.
82. Advanced technology cannot operate without special glass.
-> Were it _________________________________________________________.
83. People became aware of the damage to the zone layer when an enormous hole was
discovered over the South Pole.
-> It was the __________________________________________________________.
84. The new musical has delighted theatre audiences throughout the country. (STORM)
The new musical has taken ____________________________________
85. The villagers prepared themselves to withstand the coming storm. (BRACED)
The villagers______________________________________________________.

81. He couldn’t (possibly) have taken the money by mistake/ chance/ accident/ coincidence.
82. Were it not for special glass advanced technology could not operate.
83. It was the discovery of an enormous hole over the South Pole that made people aware of
the damage to the ozone layer.
84. The new musical has taken theatre audiences by storm.
85. The villagers braced themselves for the coming storm.
II. Recently, you had a party at your house. There was a lot of noise late at night and you
disturbed your next-door neighbor.
Write a letter (80 words) to your neighbor.
III. Nowadays, there have been an increasing number of school students choosing to take
standardized English examinations like TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC.
What are the causes of this trend?
Write a paragraph of about 160-180 words to improve your opinions.

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