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Reducing and replacing

animal experiments: Europe

needs an action plan
Without pro-active targets,
more animals will suffer in
laboratories in Europe
Testing on animals is slow, unreliable, unethical,
costly, and not what we need in Europe to deliver
the objectives of the European Green Deal and a
resilient NextGenerationEU.

Despite an oft-cited commitment to gas emissions; vehicle emissions;

replace animal experiments in the targets for green energy; recycling; the
European Union (EU), and widespread representation of women in leadership
public unease about the scale and positions and others. The logic is that
persistence of animal testing, there is no targets focus the mind, incentivise and
proactive strategy to phase out animal drive change – so why not apply this
testing in place and, in practice, no one approach to reducing and replacing
body that feels a responsibility to make animal testing?
this happen. Each decade passes with
only slow, incremental change at a rate The European Commission has always
that could see animal experiments said that setting a date after which
persist in Europe for the best part of ingredients could no longer be tested
another century. on animals for cosmetics purposes,
irrespective of the availability of
The standard response is that we cannot non-animal methods, hastened the
end animal experiments until non-animal development of animal-free tests. Why
methods are in place. It’s a Catch-22 not apply the same approach to more
argument that Europe will remain trapped areas of animal testing?
in unless the development, validation,
dissemination and use of non-animal In this report, Cruelty Free Europe makes
methods is given the leadership, funding the case for a targeted and proactive
and urgency in the EU and its member approach to the phase out of animal
states, and until we accept that we need testing across the EU. We explain why
to think beyond like-for-like replacements the existing Directive on the protection
and towards a fundamental change of animals used for scientific purposes
in approach. This does not mean (2010/63/EU) is not sufficient to achieve
compromising safety or innovation, this, and we provide suggestions for
but the opposite. change.

It is also essential that Europe use For the first time, we calculate how
opportunities like the new EU Chemicals many animals could be saved if a more
Strategy for Sustainability to be clear that rigorous approach were taken, and we
the comprehensive levels of protection suggest legislative, political and funding
we all want to see for health and for the commitments that could be made. Finally,
environment will never be met by more we provide some concrete actions that
and more animal testing. That approach the European Commission, its agencies,
would arguably deliver more data and member states and other organisations
enable us to tick more boxes to say could take – many immediately – to bring
that we have met legal obligations, but animal testing to an end.
it will not deliver real-world protection
As Europe seeks to build back better
to change health and environmental
after the Covid-19 pandemic – and
with sustainability, human health, the
In other important areas of policy, the environment and research and innovation
EU argues that unless ambitious and at the heart of its agenda – a new
binding targets are set, industry and humane and human-relevant approach
other stakeholders will not change. There to research and testing that does not rely
are numerous examples: greenhouse on live animals is essential. 2
The use of animals in
research and testing
in the EU
How animals can be used in research and testing
in the EU is governed by Directive 2010/63/EU
on the protection of animals used for scientific
purposes (the Directive)1.

Additional MS Creation and breeding of GA Animals








1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2015 2016 2017
Fig. 1. Uses of animals for scientific purposes across EU member states, 1996-2017. In 2015,
reporting changed from number of animals to number of uses. GA: genetically altered.

According to the Commission report in fact, very similar as most animals

under the Directive, in 2017, there were are used only once and then killed.
9.6 million uses of animals in the EU for
the purposes of research, testing and Reporting of genetically altered
education. Note that subsequent years (GA) animals with a harmful genetic
follow on the whole very similar patterns mutation who are used to create and
but have not been included in the figure maintain colonies but are not used in
as 2017 is the most recent year that further experiments only began in 2015
includes all animals, including those bred (shown in pale teal). However, these
and not used. are defined as procedures under the
European Union. Directive 2010/63/
Directive and should have been included
EU of the European Parliament and Also note that comparisons cannot be in the Commission’s total. In 2017, this
of the Council of 22 September
2010 on the protection of animals
directly made between pre- and post- represented 1.3 million animals,
used for scientific purposes. 2015 figures because ‘uses’ rather than bringing the total number of
Available at: https://eur-lex.
‘animals’ are now counted. However, procedures to 10.9 million.
PDF/?uri=CELEX:32010L0063&from=EN it is important to say that the two are, 3
Animal testing has dropped by

on average every year

According to separate reports from The 15 states in membership of the EU

member states in 2017,2 in addition to when the collection of these statistics was
the 10.9 million used in procedures: first introduced (shown in pink) continue
to account for the vast majority of animal
• 6.1 million conventional or experiments, the number of which has
apparently normal GA animals dropped by only 1% on average every
were used to create or maintain year from 1996 to 2016 inclusive.
GA lines of animals but were not
used themselves in experiments, These trends do not account for the
breeding of GA animals with a harmful
mutation as we simply do not know the
• 6.5 million conventional (non-GA) scale of their use prior to 2015. The same
animals were bred and not used applies to the scale of production of GA
and then killed as surplus or for animals with a non-harmful mutation, or
European Commission. their tissues. normal animals bred for experiments but
Commission Staff Working not used.
Document Accompanying the
document Report from the
Commission to the European
Parliament and the Council on the
implementation of Directive 2010/63/
At least 23.5 million
EU on the protection of animals
used for scientific purposes in the
Member States of the European
animals are bred in
Union (SWD(2020) 15 final). 2020.
Available at: https://ec.europa. laboratories and killed
every year in the EU. 4
The Directive
Directive 2010/63/EU establishes the minimum
standards that must be adopted by institutions
breeding or using animals for scientific purposes.

One of the stated goals of the Directive is However, the Directive is limited in
to fully replace animal testing. Although a ambition, seeking to achieve the end of
recital, and limited by the interpretation of animal testing only through replacement
‘scientifically possible’, this is an important and only when those replacements
commitment. exist. Furthermore, there is very little
within the Directive to ensure that those
Recital 10 states: replacements will materialise.

While it is desirable to replace the Development of alternatives

use of live animals in procedures Article 47 of the Directive imposes
by other methods not entailing the responsibilities on the European
use of live animals, the use of live Commission and member states to
animals continues to be necessary contribute to the development, validation
to protect human and animal health and uptake of alternative approaches.
and the environment. However, this
Directive represents an important Article 47 (1) states:
step towards achieving the final goal The Commission and the Member
of full replacement of procedures States shall contribute to the
on live animals for scientific and development and validation of
educational purposes as soon as alternative approaches which could
it is scientifically possible to do so. provide the same or higher levels
To that end, it seeks to facilitate of information as those obtained in
and promote the advancement of procedures using animals, but which
alternative approaches. It also seeks do not involve the use of animals or
to ensure a high level of protection for use fewer animals or which entail
animals that still need to be used in less painful procedures, and they
procedures. This Directive should be shall take such other steps as they
reviewed regularly in light of evolving consider appropriate to encourage
science and animal-protection research in this field.
measures. 5
Mandatory use of alternatives The problem with Article 13 is the
The Directive maintains the position first Commission’s interpretation that if an
adopted in its predecessor, Directive alternative method is not capable of
86/609/EEC, which is that an animal ‘obtaining the result sought’ for a third
test must not be authorised when an country then the animal test can be
alternative approach is available. performed. Oddly, that animal test could
not be performed if it were for an EU
country. This means that those animal
Article 4(1) states: tests for which the alternatives have not
Member States shall ensure that, yet obtained regulatory acceptance in
wherever possible, a scientifically third countries can and are still being
performed in the EU (see Animal tests that
satisfactory method or testing
have been replaced). This cannot be what
strategy, not entailing the use of live the legislators intended.
animals, shall be used instead of a
procedure. Harm:Benefit Assessment
Under the Directive, all projects that
intend to use animals in research that
Article 13(1) states: may cause ‘pain, suffering, distress
Without prejudice to national or lasting harm’ must undergo a
harm:benefit analysis (HBA), where
legislation prohibiting certain types of
the harms caused to the animals are
methods, Member States shall ensure weighed against the likely benefits
that a procedure is not carried out if to humans or other animals or the
another method or testing strategy environment as a result. If the project
for obtaining the result sought, not passes the test, it is authorised.
entailing the use of a live animal, is
recognised under the legislation of Article 36 (2) states:
the Union.
Member States shall ensure that
no project is carried out unless
However, Article 4 lacks teeth. The a favourable project evaluation
use of the term ‘wherever possible’ is by the competent authority has
a glaring loophole that provides an been received in accordance with
opt-out rather than an incentive to Article 38.
hasten change or take actions other
than direct replacement. Furthermore,
member states tend to authorise large Article 38 (2) states:
projects involving several procedures on
animals. This makes it very hard to judge The project evaluation shall consist in
the genuine opportunities to replace particular of the following:
animals. For regulatory testing, whether
an alternative approach can be used …a harm-benefit analysis of the
is often specific to the substance being project, to assess whether the harm
tested. Project applications may not to the animals in terms of suffering,
include the substances to be tested and pain and distress is justified by
^ the Commission has told member states the expected outcome taking into
Sinkevicius V. Written Answer on that they can delegate responsibility for

behalf of the European Commission

account ethical considerations, and
to question E-002535/2020, 27 determining if an alternative can be used may ultimately benefit human beings,
July 2020. Available at: https:// to the institution they are authorising.3 animals or the environment…
ASW_EN.html 6
There is no stated aim in the Directive that
animal testing should be reduced per se,
that is not dependent on the availability of
direct replacement by like-for-like alternative
methods. The only potential mechanism in
the Directive for limiting the number of animal
tests lies in the HBA.

The HBA could be used as a mechanism Tests that are often outside the
to limit animal experiments to those acceptability factor of the group of
that are considered to be essential people authorising animal experiments
(high benefit) and/or cause only low are arguably those that are not permitted
suffering (low harm). However, without an anyway; for example the use of great
imperative to use the HBA in this way all apes, testing finished cosmetic products
that the HBA does – in our opinion – is act and tests causing prolonged, severe
as a crude check that filters out the most suffering.
egregious experiments. In fact, there
has been no assessment of how the HBA
works in practice in member states. In practice, the harm
In the meantime, the HBA – as it stands
on paper – has been criticised in the
benefit assessment
academic literature.4,5,6 is not used as a tool
Taylor K. Harms versus Benefits:
A Practical Critique of Utilitarian
Problems include that: to change where the
Calculations. In: Linzey A. and Linzey
C. ed. The Ethical Case against • there are no clear guidelines for how it line is drawn but is a
Animal Experiments. 2018. University is to be performed,
of Illinois Press, pp. 148-159.
bureaucratic exercise
• it is not quantitative but instead entirely
Grimm H. Turning apples into
to show that the line

oranges? The harm-benefit subjective,

analysis and how to take ethical
considerations into account. Altern
Lab Anim. 2015;43(2):22-4. doi: • it is not transparent, (wherever that is) has
not been crossed.

Grimm H et al. The Road to Hell
• the assessment is often done by the
Is Paved with Good Intentions: institution wishing to do the research,
Why Harm-Benefit Analysis and
Its Emphasis on Practical Benefit
Jeopardizes the Credibility of • the institution itself may be the
Research. Animals. 2017;7(9):70. competent authority authorising the
assessment,7 and
European Commission.
Implementation Report 2020. • it is almost always done by a limited
Taylor, K. Harms versus Benefits.
number of scientific persons who are
2018. advocates for animal testing.8 7
Why we need a proactive
targets-based strategy to
phase out animal testing
Directive 2010/63/EU
is not the mechanism
for change
The basic difficulty in the EU approach is
that it is a demand-led system, in which the
number of animal experiments is ultimately At current rates, it will be another
decided by the number of researchers

who would like to conduct them. Since new
types of animal experiment continue to be
proposed, the replacement of older types
of experiment tends to be balanced or
exceeded by the addition of new ones.

This is evident in the fall of on average only

1% per year over the last 20 years in the

numbers of experiments.

Assuming animal tests continue to follow

a linear decrease at around 1% per year, it before animal experiments
will be another 100 or more years (around are ended in the EU
2126) before there are no more animal
experiments in the EU.


Number of uses of animals






1996 2006 2016 2026 2036 2046 2056 2066 2076 2086 2096 2106 2116 2126

Fig. 2. The number of animal experiments (discounting GA animals) in the 15 member states of the
EU at the time reporting began has decreased by 20% in the last 20 years and at that rate may not
reach zero for 100 years. 9
Although the Commission now frequently of the sector-specific vertical laws that
claims that the Directive is the EU’s require animal testing.
strategy for ending animal testing, this
claim is fundamentally flawed. Whilst the Furthermore, these sector-specific
Directive has full replacement of animal laws are inconsistent in their treatment
use as an aim within its recitals, recitals of animal testing and the promotion
themselves are not legally binding of alternative methods. The most
and the only mechanism it provides for progressive language is found in the
achieving this is via the use of like-for- Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
like alternatives. Without specific targets and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
for its achievement, full replacement Regulation – which entered into force in
will depend entirely on the normal 2006. Worryingly, updates to other pieces
speed of scientific progress with all the of legislation since 2006 have not even
inherent hurdles and barriers entailed included the language of animal testing
in challenging the status quo. There is as a last resort nor the need to promote
nothing in the Directive to help speed alternatives (see Table 1). This is despite
that up. Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union requiring that
Furthermore, it cannot be animal welfare be considered when
formulating and implementing relevant
possible that all 23.5 million policies.9
animals used each year
The problem with relying on waiting
across the EU are absolutely for the replacement of animal testing
essential to scientific with like-for-like alternatives as the only
progress, regardless of one’s mechanism to end all animal testing is
views on the scientific validity
of animal testing. 1) It will take a long time, which is
unacceptable to many,
There must be elements of duplication
and redundant testing in the system. 2) It assumes all animal testing is
The Directive does not speak to this essential, which is not the case, and
issue either.
3) It doesn’t consider the fact that new
Not only does the overarching horizontal animal-based test methods are being
legislation (the Directive) not have targets, developed as fast if not faster than
actions or provide a clear mandate to replacements.
reduce animal testing, neither do any

Table 1 . Examples of sector specific legislation and their treatment of animal testing

Mandate to to promote Data sharing to
reduce animal Animal testing alternative reduce duplicate
Sector Primary legislation Last amended testing as a last resort methods animal testing

REACH Regulation
Chemicals 2020 No Yes Yes Yes

Veterinary Veterinary Medicines

2019 No No No Yes
medicines Regulation 2019/6

Biocidal Products
Biocides 2019 No No No Yes
Regulation 528/2012

Plant Protection Products

Pesticides 2019 No Yes No Yes
Regulation 1107/2009

Novel Food Regulation

Food 2018 No No No Yes

Human Medicines Directive

2012 No No No Yes
medicines 2001/83

European Union. Consolidated
version of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union.
2012. Available at: https://eur-lex.
do?uri=CELEX:12012E/TXT:en:PDF 10
Progress with the
development of
The last 20 years has seen a dramatic models have been put aside in favour of
increase in the development of non- novel non-animal techniques that use,
animal methods. In the scientific for example, in vitro methods based on
literature, the use of in vitro (cell-based) human cells and engineered tissues, or
methods is continuing to grow, whilst in silico approaches employing computer
the use of animals may have plateaued modelling and simulation. The first
(see Fig.3). review, on respiratory disease research,
found almost 300 non-animal models
The European Centre for the Validation had been used for the development of
of Alternative Methods (EURL ECVAM), new drugs and therapies.10 The second
part of the European Commission, has review, on breast cancer research, found
recently been commissioning reviews of 935 non-animal models.11 Reviews on
disease models to track the progress of immunogenicity of advanced medicinal
the development of alternative methods products, neurodegenerative disorders,
in basic and applied medical research. immune oncology, autoimmunity and
The aim is to identify and describe cardiovascular disease will follow.
specific research contexts where animal

in vivo in vitro


Publications in PubMed




European Commission. Respiratory
tract diseases. Available at: https:// 10,000


















European Commission. Breast














Cancer. Available at: https://
knowledge-sharing-3rs/life-science- Fig. 3. Number of publications in PubMed based on in vitro (cell-based) methods and
research/breast-cancer in vivo (animal-based) methods, 1979-2019. 11
Within regulatory testing, we now have There are several reasons why, despite
replacement methods for skin absorption, the growth in the use of non-animal
skin irritation, eye irritation and skin methods, there has not been more
sensitisation, and there are cell-based progress in achieving full replacement:12
methods that could soon replace acute
toxicity tests in mammals and fish. On a • There has not been enough
case-by-case basis, computer models investment in the development of
and expert approaches can obviate non-animal methods, sufficient to
the need for a specific animal test like overcome the significant scientific
repeated dose or reproductive toxicity. and technological hurdles;
And for quality control, we now have
• Non-animal methods may be being
replacements for various vaccine batch
used in addition to animals, not
safety tests, pyrogen tests, batch potency
replacing but supplementing their use;
tests and shellfish toxin safety tests.
• Bureaucratic hurdles are slowing
Replacements for animal tests are
down the implementation of non-
more advanced in the field of regulatory
animal methods once they are
testing because it is this area that has
developed; and
received the most attention. This is partly
because it is the only use of animals • The desire for international
that is in any way mandated and – due harmonisation is causing further
to the standardised nature of the tests delay to the implementation of any
– replacement of just one test has a replacement method developed
permanent effect on the use of animals in the EU.
in that area and is therefore particularly
worthwhile. Annex 1. outlines the status
of alternatives for the most common
endpoints for toxicity testing that have
traditionally, and in most cases still do,
Taylor K. Recent Developments use animals.

in Alternatives to Animal Testing.

In: Herrmann K. and Jayne K.
ed. Animal Experimentation: However, as is evident by the numbers,
Working Towards a Paradigm
Change. 2019. Brill, pp. 585-609.
animals are still used in huge quantities
doi:10.1163/9789004391192_025 and the trajectory downwards is minimal. 12
Central funding
The Commission is required to report on it considered a project was contributing
‘the amount and distribution of funding to the development of alternatives,
made available by the Commission including whether the project focused on
for the development and evaluation of animal methods that reduce suffering
alternative test methods’ every five years or numbers (highly likely). Most of the
under the reviews of REACH provided for funding comes through the EU research
in Article 117(4) of the REACH Regulation. Framework Programmes. The Framework
There is a great deal of overlap in the Programmes are funding streams
analysis given by the Commission in created to support and foster research in
its first13 and second14 REACH Reviews the European Research Area.
and no clarity on the method by which

An analysis of the two Commission REACH

revies reports suggests that the amount of
funding provided for non-animal methods
under the Framework schemes has not been
increasing over time.


European Commission. 250
Commission Staff Working
Document General Report
on REACH Accompanying the
document Report from the 200
Commission to the European NanoCluster
Parliament, the Council, the
Millions of Euro

European Economic and Social

Committee and the Committee of 150
the Regions (SWD(2013) 25 final).
2013. Available at: https://eur-lex.
do?uri=SWD:2013:0025:FIN:EN:PDF 100
European Commission.

107 133 137

Commission Staff Working
Document General Report 50
on REACH Accompanying the
document Communication from
the Commission to the European
Parliament, the Council and the 0
European Economic and Social
Committee (SWD(2018) 58 final) – FP6 (2002-2006) FP7 (2007-2013) Horizon 2020
part 5. 2018. Available at: https:// (2014-2020), by 2018
11e8-ac73-01aa75ed71a1.0001.02/ Fig. 4. EU framework funding related to alternative methods, provided in the first and second
DOC_4&format=PDF REACH Review reports, millions of euro. 13
European Commission. The
6th EU Research Framework According to the REACH reviews, under The methodology and details of the
Programme. 2002. Available at: the sixth Framework Programme (FP6; projects are given in our report. In
presscorner/detail/%20en/ 2002-2006), 107 million euros were given comparison, 300 projects cited the
MEMO_02_152 to 26 projects related to alternatives. This use of ‘animal models’ as part of their
16 constituted just 0.6% of the total budget methodology. Ninety-three million euros
fp7/pdf/fp7_evaluation/2_fp7_ for FP6, which was 17.5 billion euros.15 constitutes approximately 0.1% of the
overall_findings.pdf [No longer total 80 billion euro programme.
accessible] Under the seventh Framework
Programme (FP7; 2007-2012), 271 million Whilst there are some disparities in
European Commission.

Commission Staff Working euros were given to 57 projects on the number of projects funded under
Document General Report on
alternatives and also on nanomaterials. Horizon 2020 to date, and no final
REACH. 2018
The basis for including 25 projects figure available yet, it is clear that
European Commission. Horizon totalling 138 million euros under the the percentage of funding is unlikely,
2020: First results. 2015. Available at: NanoCluster as contributing to alternative by a long stretch, to exceed or even
horizon2020/sites/default/files/ methods is, however, unclear. The larger match that of the previous Framework
figure constituted 0.6% of the total 45.3 Programme.
Gabriel M. Written Answer on billion euros invested overall under FP7.16
behalf of the European Commission The previous and current level of central
to question E-003804/2020, 31
August 2020. Available at: https://
funding, whilst appearing significant, By 2018, only 137 million euros had compares poorly to the funding given to
document/E-9-2020-003804- been allocated to 23 projects related to equally ambitious projects. For example,
alternatives to animal testing and also the U.S. government invested 3.8 billion
Public Impact Limited. Research on nanomaterials under Horizon 2020 dollars in the Human Genome Project.21
into and promotion of alternatives
to animal testing in the EU Budget
(2014-2020).17 Whilst Horizon 2020 projects The EU has pledged 2 billion euros
and prospects for the 2021-27 MFF continued to be approved through to for development of innovative low-
(Report Prepared for Cruelty Free
International). 2020. Available upon
2020, by 2018 this only constituted carbon technology under the NER 300
request. 0.2% of the 80 billion euro project.18 programme.22 And, to respond to the
Grosjean M. Evidence: $3.8B urgency and ambition of the European
Investment in Human Genome
In a recent written parliamentary Green Deal objectives, Horizon 2020
Project Drove $796B in Economic
Impact Creating 310,000 Jobs and answer, the Commission claimed launched a call worth close to 1 billion
Launching the Genomic Revolution. euros.23 The final tranche of the Horizon
2015. Available at: https://ec.europa. that ‘In Horizon 2020, more than
2020 budget – 11 billion euros – will
EUR 45 million are estimated to be also focus on new solutions for societal
project-drove-796b-economic- committed each year to research challenges and drive innovation-led
html projects on the development of non- sustainable growth. The amounts given
animal alternative methods – more to innovation in non-animal methods are
European Commission. NER 300
programme. Available at: https:// than EUR 270 million for the period 10 to 100 times less than this. Clearly, the
innovation-fund/ner300_en 2014-2019. The annual budget for this rate of change is likely to be slow unless
activity in Horizon 2020 is 1.5 times levels of funding significantly increase
European Commission. European
higher than in FP6 and 4 times higher and are proportionate to the scale of the
Green Deal Call: €1 billion
problem being addressed.
investment to boost the green and
digital transition. 2020. Available at:
than in FP5.19
EU central funding also compares poorly
The basis for the claim is not given, and to the level of U.S. government funding,
CNBC. It sounds futuristic, but it’s
it is notable that the Commission does especially given these two regions have
not sci-fi: Human organs-on-a-chip.
2017. Available at: https://www. not claim that Horizon 2020 funding of close to the same share of the world’s
alternatives is greater than the previous gross domestic product. Single agency
on-a-chip.html FP7 scheme. grants on specific projects have included
a five year 37 million dollar grant in 2010
U.S. National Institutes of Health.
NIH Awards $35.5 Million to Our analysis of Horizon 2020 funding from the federal Defense Advanced
Use Tiny, Bioengineered Organ (conducted in March 2020)20 suggests Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the
Models to Improve Clinical Trials’
Development and Design. 2020. that, to date, 48 projects which have the National Institutes of Health and the FDA
Available at: https://ncats.nih. development of alternatives as a primary to develop human organs-on-chips,24
awards-tiny-bioengineered-organ- or secondary aim have been awarded followed by a further 35.5 million dollars
models-to-improve-clinical-trials- funding totalling 93 million euros. over five years, pledged in 2020.25
development-and-design 14
It is also notable that EU Framework Analysis of the five year operation reports
projects tend to be broad projects required under Article 117(1) of REACH28
involving a number of partner shows that only ten out of the then 28
organisations. Their value, in our opinion, EU member states reported funding of
is in supporting academic research alternative methods, totalling 7 million
and training young researchers. They euros in 2015 – a one million euro
have not proven to be good sources of decrease overall from 2010. Two-thirds
technologies that have developed into of member states stated that they had
validated, accepted non-animal methods. ‘no information’ on the amount of funding
The most recently validated, accepted they were providing.
methods – the skin and eye irritation
and skin sensitisation models – were Cruelty Free International conducted a
developed by industry. There has been survey in 2013 to obtain more information
little progress in the development of a on member state direct funding of all
testing strategy using the 10 in vitro tests alternative methods for all purposes,
for reproductive toxicity suggested by the not just in relation to REACH. The total
RePROTECT project, nor was there great reported was only 18.7 million euros
uptake of the testing strategies developed annually coming from seven member
for REACH under the OSIRIS project, to states. The amount provided by the most
give two examples. It is unclear what has generous provider (the UK; approximately
come out of the NanoCluster projects 11 million euros) was still only 0.04%
related to alternatives to animal tests. of its national science research and
development expenditure for that year.29
The other notable element of central
European Commission. Commission funding of alternatives is support for According to the Review of Directive
Staff Working Document General
Report on REACH. 2018. EURL ECVAM. Even here, funding of EURL 2010/63/EU in 2017,30 only 14 member
ECVAM appears to have been reduced states had submitted voluntary reports
Gabriel M. Written Answer on
from an average of 6.5 million euros per detailing their efforts towards the
behalf of the European Commission
to questions E-004076/2020 and year, reported in 2017/8,26 to 5 million development, validation and promotion
E-004077/2020, 4 September 2020.
euros for 2019/20.27 of alternative methods required under
Available at: https://www.europarl. Article 47(1) of the Directive. An analysis
Member State funding of these reports31 shows that the annual
European Commission. Member According to Article 47(1) of Directive total may be 20.6 million euros also from
States Reports on the operation of
2010/63/EU, member states should only seven contributing countries. Only
REACH (Art. 117). 2020. Available at: ‘contribute’ to the development of eight of the reports are more recent
alternative methods. How they should than 2015.
Taylor K. EU member state contribute is not detailed, and in fact
government contribution to alternative
methods. ALTEX. 2014;31(2):215-8. doi:
it has been difficult to determine how
10.14573/altex.1401061. member states have been contributing
since the entry into force of the Directive.
European Commission.
Commission Staff Working Document
Accompanying the document
Report from the Commission to the
European Parliament, the Council,
the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee
of the Regions (SWD(2017) 353
final/2). Available at: https://eur-lex.
Only a proportion of member states are
contributing to the development of alternative

European Commission. Animals
used for scientific purposes:
Development, validation and methods and the amounts of funding provided
promotion of alternative approaches
by Member States. Available at:
are small. There is incomplete information for
en.htm approximately half of the EU member states. 15
Citizens support
a phase out of
animal testing
A 2009 opinion poll of citizens of six EU
countries found that 79% agreed that
Directive 2010/63/EU should prohibit
all experiments on animals which do
not relate to serious or life-threatening
human conditions.32 Furthermore, 84%
agreed ‘the [Directive] should prohibit

all experiments causing severe pain or
suffering to any animal’.

An EU-wide poll by Eurobarometer in

2010 found that, when asked whether
scientists should be allowed to
agreed the [Directive]
experiment on larger animals like dogs should prohibit all
and monkeys for the improvement of experiments causing
human health and wellbeing, only severe pain or suffering
44% of respondents agreed.33 to any animal

Cruelty Free Europe agree animal tests

commissioned an opinion for household

poll of EU citizens across 76% cleaning products

should be banned
12 member states in 2020 in the EU

agree that Europe agree that animal

should set targets tests for cosmetics
72% and deadlines to
phase out animal
74% and ingredients are
unacceptable in all
testing circumstances
BUAV/You Gov. Opinion poll on
animal experiments. 2009. Report
available on request.

Eurobarometer. Special agree that replacing
Eurobarometer 340: Science and agree that
animal tests with the EU should
70% 66%
Technology. 2010. Available at: https:// non-animal methods immediately end
s806_73_1_ebs340?locale=en should be an EU all animal tests
Savanta: ComRes. Cruelty Free
Europe – Animal Testing in the
EU. 2020. Available at: https://

Fig. 5. Responses to Cruelty Free Europe opinion poll on animal testing, 2020.34 16
Furthermore, the following percentage • In 2018, Cruelty Free International
of adults agreed that the EU should end and The Body Shop collected over
experiments conducted for medical eight million signatures in support
research on dogs, (72%), horses (72%), of a global ban on animal testing for
cats (71%) and monkeys (69%).35 cosmetics. It was the largest animal
related petition in the world and
As further evidence of the public’s the second largest the UN had ever
disquiet with animal testing: received on any issue.
• Following ‘One of Us’ and • An online petition following an
‘Right2Water’, ‘Stop Vivisection’ was investigation of a German contract
the third European Citizens’ Initiative testing facility (LPT) in 2019 gained over
to reach the necessary threshold. a million signatures within only a few
It was submitted to the European weeks, in support of closing the facility.
Commission on 3 March 2015, signed
by 1.17 million citizens and with the • In 2019, prior to being elected, 89
active support of 50 MEPs. It asked the successful MEPs and considerably
European Commission ‘to abrogate more candidates signed the Eurogroup
Directive 2010/63/EU… and put for Animals Vote for Animals
forward a new proposal aimed at pledge to ‘promote the adoption of
phasing out the practice of animal a comprehensive and concrete EU
experimentation, making compulsory strategy with milestones to phase
the use in biomedical and toxicological out the use of animals in research,
research of data directly relevant for testing and education’.
the human species.’

It is clear that the public has only limited

support for animal research and is in fact
opposed to much of the testing that is going
on in the EU and wishes to see a proactive
phase out strategy in place.

Ibid. 17
Animal testing is
not working
Biotechnology Innovation
Drug development is in crisis. Currently, The situation in basic and applied
Organization. Clinical Development 92% of drugs fail in clinical trials despite medical research is even worse. A
Success Rates and Contributing
Factors 2011-2020. 2021. Available at:
the prior conduct of extensive animal review of 101 high impact basic science tests suggesting that these medicines discoveries based on animal experiments
were safe and effective;36 55% of failures found that only 5% resulted in approved
are due to lack of efficacy, while 28% treatments within 20 years.44 A study of
Lee BY. The NIH Microphysiological are due to toxic effects in humans.37 This 17 animal research programmes licensed
Systems Program: Tissue-on-chips
for Safety and Efficacy Studies in Drug general failure rate is bad enough, but in Germany in the early 1990s which
Development. Presentation given at for drugs aimed at treating complex and promised new therapies, or at least direct
ICCVAM Public Forum, 23 May 2019.
Available at: https://ntp.niehs.nih. poorly understood conditions, failure clinical impact, found they had resulted
gov/iccvam/meetings/iccvam-forum- is almost a certainty. For example, the in ‘no clinical relevance’ 17 years later.45
failure rate for Alzheimer’s drugs is A systematic review of highly cited animal
Alteri E, Guizzaro L. Be open about estimated to be higher than 99%.38 studies from the top seven science
drug failures to speed up research.
Nature. 2018;563(7731):317-319. doi: journals found that of 76 qualifying
10.1038/d41586-018-07352-7. Only a handful (approximately 20) of animal studies, only eight led to
novel medicines are released onto the therapies approved for clinical use.46
Biotechnology Innovation
Organization. Clinical Development market every year,39 and withdrawals and
Success Rates 2006-2015. Available warnings of adverse effects commonly A recent analysis of claimed ’medical
files/legacy/bioorg/docs/Clinical%20 follow as the drug is tested in the wider breakthroughs’ reported in the
Development%20Success%20 human population.40 The efficacy of the mainstream British media in 1995 found
Biomedtracker,%20Amplion%20 drug can also prove to be more limited that some 25 years later only one out
2016.pdf than initially thought based on the of 27 had resulted in clinical use and
van Meer PJ et al. The ability of
animal test data. For example, out of 48 even then, with significant caveats.
animal studies to detect serious cancer drugs approved by the European Twenty-one of the ‘breakthroughs’ failed
post marketing adverse events is
limited. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol.
Medicines Agency from 2009 to 2013 outright to translate to human benefit,
2012;64(3):345-9. doi: 10.1016/j. to treat 68 types of cancer, almost half while the remaining five were classed
showed no survival benefits, and even as inconclusive (one case) or, at best,
Davis C et al. Availability of evidence in cases where benefits were seen, the partially successful (four cases).47
of benefits on overall survival difference was judged to be ‘clinically Given this level of failure, it is clear
and quality of life of cancer drugs
approved by European Medicines insignificant’.41 This tells us that the animal in hindsight that both the media
Agency: retrospective cohort study testing paradigm is failing. articles, and often the scientific papers
of drug approvals 2009-13. BMJ.
2017;359:j4530. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4530. themselves, were wrong to claim that the
In addition to the low approval rates, the animal-based breakthrough would lead
Marchetti S, Schellens JH. The impact discovery and development of new drugs to human benefit. The scientific literature
of FDA and EMEA guidelines on drug
development in relation to Phase 0 is an excruciatingly long and expensive is replete with concerns over the current
trials. Br J Cancer. 2007;97(5):577-581. process and typically takes an average of drug testing paradigm, as well as calls
ten to 15 years to complete,42 at a cost of to transition to more predictive and more
DiMasi JA et al. Innovation in $2.6 billion per drug.43 human-relevant approaches as a matter
the pharmaceutical industry: New
estimates of R&D costs. J Health of urgency.
Econ. 2016;47:20-33. doi: 10.1016/j.

Contopoulos-Ioannidis DG, Ntzani
E, Ioannidis JP. Translation of highly
promising basic science research
into clinical applications. Am J Med.
2003;114(6):477-84. doi: 10.1016/s0002-

of drugs fail in clinical


Lindl T, Voelkel M. No clinical
relevance of approved animal
experiments after seventeen years.
trials despite the prior

ALTEX. 2011;28(3):242-3. doi:10.14573/
conduct of extensive
Hackam DG. Translating animal
animal tests suggesting
research into clinical benefit. BMJ.
2007;334(7586):163-164. doi:10.1136/
that these medicines
were safe and effective
Bailey J, Balls M. Clinical impact of
high-profile animal-based research
reported in the UK national press. BMJ
Open Science. 2020;4:e100039. doi:
10.1136/bmjos-2019-100039 18
Promises that
have been made
In 1999, a European Council Decision48 SCHEER also recommended that:
made the EU party to the Council
of Europe’s Convention ETS 123 on The anticipated benefits of NHP
the protection of animals used for studies and scientific progress in
experimental and other scientific developing alternative methods
purposes, Recital 3 of which says: should be regularly assessed to
ensure that validated alternatives
The use of primates for experimental
are adopted as soon as they are
and other scientific purposes carries
reasonably and practical available.
the risk of suffering for those animals
This also has not been done.
and therefore has to be reduced.

The second report made two other

Three years later, in 2002, the European
relevant recommendations:
Parliament returned to the issue,49
resolving that it: It is also necessary to reduce
Considers that the need for the the timescale and bureaucracy
continued use of non-human associated with the process of formal
primates in research and testing validation and to overcome the lack of
should be critically evaluated in the regulatory harmonisation both within
European Council. 1999/575/
light of scientific knowledge, with the and across sectors.
EC: Council Decision of 23 March
1998 concerning the conclusion by intention of reducing and eventually
the Community of the European
ending their use… The EC should instigate strategic
Convention for the protection
of vertebrate animals used for research funding initiatives to support
experimental and other scientific
purposes. Available at: https://eur-
the scientific and technological
There have been two reports by the development required to achieve
Commission’s Scientific Committee on NHP replacement, or at least
European Parliament. Resolution
on Council Directive 86/609/EEC on
Health, Environmental and Emerging considerable progress towards it.
the protection of animals used for Risks (SCHEER), in 200950 and 2017,51 This would also help the scientific
experimental and other scientific looking into the use of non-human community meet the policy objectives
purposes (2001/2259(INI)). 2002.
Available at: www.europarl.europa. primates (NHP) in medical research, of the Commission.
eu/sides/ partly as a response to these calls.
EN&redirect Both failed to set any clear proposals
for reduction and were widely criticised
Scientific Committee on Health and The revision of the then animal
by animal protection groups as being
Environmental Risks. The need for experiments Directive 86/609/EEC in 2009
non-human primates in biomedical written by those in favour of NHP
research, production and testing of was set to tighten the restrictions on the
products and devices. 2009. Available use of primates but was amended by
ph_risk/committees/04_scher/docs/ The first report however did recommend the Council. Directive 2010/63/EU placed
that: some limits on uses of primates;
Scientific Committee on Health a timetable for moving away from the use
Environmental and Emerging Risks.
The predicted degree of severity of wild caught animals and a ban on the
Final Opinion on The need for
non-human primates in biomedical for NHP work should be limited to use of great apes. Other NHPs may only
research, production and testing be used in applied research with a view
of products and devices (update moderate.
2017). 2017. Available at: ec.europa. to the avoidance, prevention, diagnosis
eu/health/sites/health/files/ or treatment of debilitating or potentially
scheer_o_004.pdf life-threatening clinical conditions in
This was ignored; there is no timetable,
human beings. They are not permitted to
Bailey J, Taylor K. The SCHER report programme or even concrete policy
be used for forensic enquiries, education

on non-human primate research - commitment to eliminate severe NHP

biased and deeply flawed. Altern and training or protection of the natural
Lab Anim. 2009;37(4):427-35. doi: experiments.
environment. However, NHPs can be
used for basic research for any purpose,
rendering the restrictions of very limited
meaning. 19
In 2003, the Seventh Amendment to In recent years, national governments
the former Cosmetics Directive (76/768/ and agencies have started making some
EEC) banned the testing of finished promising commitments towards phasing
products on animals and set a final out animal tests.56
deadline of 2013 for the testing and
marketing of ingredients that had been Notably,
tested on animals.53 This target date
• The Netherlands made an initial
of 2013 was maintained even though
commitment towards ending toxicity
alternative methods were, at the time, not
testing on animals by 2025 and has
considered available for all of the animal
followed this up with their Transition
tests. There is wholesale agreement that
Programme for Innovation without the
the impending animal test bans provided
use of animals (TPI).57
renewed enthusiasm and investment in
the development of alternative methods • The US Environmental Protection
to the betterment of cosmetic science and Agency has committed to ending
other sectors. mammalian toxicity testing by 2035.58
European Commission. Ban The momentum set by the legislators • The US Interagency Coordinating
on animal testing. Available at: in the Cosmetics Directive has sadly Committee on the Validation of
cosmetics/animal-testing_en not been carried forward to any other Alternative Methods has committed to
European Commission.
concrete commitments to reducing and a Strategic Roadmap for Establishing
Communication from the Commission replacing animal testing since then. New Approaches to Evaluate the
on the European Citizens’ Initiative
“Stop Vivisection”. 2015. Available Safety of Chemicals and Medical
at: In response to the successful Stop
Products in the United States in 2018.59
chemicals/lab_animals/pdf/ Vivisection European Citizens’ Initiative
in 2012, the European Commission • The US FDA has launched a Predictive
European Commission. Non-animal stated that: Toxicology Roadmap on viable ways to
approaches the way forward: report
on a European Commission Scientific foster the development and evaluation
Conference held on 6-7 December The EU shares the Citizens’ Initiative’s of emerging toxicological methods.60
2016 at The Egg, Brussels, Belgium.
2017. Available at:
conviction that animal testing should
environment/chemicals/lab_ be phased out. This is the ultimate
non_animal_approaches_ goal of EU legislation.

Alliance for Human Relevant
Despite statements
Science. Accelerating the Growth of
Human Relevant Life Sciences in the
United Kingdom: A White Paper. 2020.
The Commission outlined some
commitments related to phasing out
in support of a
Available at: humanrelevantscience.
animal experiments but using the phase-out of animal
development of alternatives as the main
Nationaal Comité advies
dierproevenbeleid. NCad
mechanism (see below).54 This seems experiments, in
like a far from adequate response to the
opinion Transition to non-animal
research. 2016. Available at: concerns of Europe’s citizens. comparison with
ncad-opinion-transition-to-non- In 2016, the Commission hosted a other territories,
animal-research conference on alternatives,55 reiterating
that it:
including the US,
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. EPA New Approach Methods:
Efforts to Reduce Use of Animals
Supports the ultimate goal that all
the EU has no
proactive and
in Chemical Testing. Available at: animal testing should be phased out
and replaced by scientifically valid
alternatives. horizontal strategy
U.S. National Toxicology Program.
to end the use of

A Strategic Roadmap for Establishing

New Approaches to Evaluate the
Safety of Chemicals and Medical
Products in the United States. 2018.
Available at:
The conference report did include in its animals in research
conclusion that:
index.html and testing.
There is also potential in considering
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
FDA’s Predictive Toxicology Roadmap. deadlines to phase out animal testing
2017. Available at:
in specific areas, where possible …
toxicology-roadmap 20
EU targets in
other areas
The EU regularly uses targets in other
important areas of policy to drive innovation
and change. Why is there reluctance to apply
the logic of targets with deadlines to bring
animal testing to an end and hasten the use
of human-relevant science?

The Kyoto Protocol was signed by 37 In 2019, the European Green Deal set
industrial countries as well as the out a roadmap with actions, including
European Union in 1997 and set the goal the target to become a climate neutral
of a 5% reduction in carbon emissions continent by 2050. Ways it will achieve
below 1990 levels by 2012. The target was this include:
met.61 No one suggested that, in order to
United Nations. Kyoto Protocol • Investment of 35% of the near 100
- Targets for the first commitment meet this target, manufacturing of cars
period. Available at: ceased, or power was turned off. Instead, billion euro Horizon Europe budget
process-and-meetings/the-kyoto- in climate objectives, through the
protocol/what-is-the-kyoto-protocol/ goals to reduce emissions are being met
kyoto-protocol-targets-for-the-first- by increased efficiency and innovation development of innovative and cost-
commitment-period effective zero-carbon solutions.66
spurred on by targets and the need to be
European Commission. 2020 better.62 One can see that the reduction
climate and energy package. • Requiring member states to develop
Available at:
and replacement of animal testing
national long-term strategies
policies/strategies/2020_en could similarly be achieved through
to achieve the greenhouse gas
more efficient use of and investment in
Ibid emissions reductions.
• A European Climate Law to turn this
Europe made further commitments to
European Commission. A European political commitment into a legal
Green Deal. Available at: ec.europa. reduce carbon emissions levels by 20%
eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/ by 2020.63 In 2014, the Commission
proposed further targets as part of • A strategy for sustainable and smart
European Commission. the EU’s 2030 climate and energy mobility that will achieve a 90%
Communication from the Commission
to the European Parliament, the
framework:64 reduction in transport emissions.
European Council, the Council, the
European Economic and Social • At least 40% cuts in greenhouse gas Other targets include:
Committee, theCcommittee of the
Regions and the European Investment emissions (from 1990 levels).
Bank. A Clean Planet for all A • CO2 emission performance standards
European strategic long-term vision • At least 32% share for renewable for new passenger cars and for new
for a prosperous, modern, competitive
and climate neutral economy energy. vans in the EU in Regulation (EU)
(COM/2018/773 final). Available at: 2019/631/EU.
• At least 32.5% improvement in energy
efficiency. • A zero-pollution action plan for
European Commission.
Communication from the Commission air, water and soil.67
to the European Parliament, the
The European Green Deal proposes
Council, the European Economic and an increase to 55% from the 40% cut in • 2030 goals for energy efficiency
Social Committee and the Committee
of the Regions. Pathway to a Healthy
greenhouse gas emissions.65 and deployment of renewable
Planet for All. EU Action Plan: ‘Towards
Zero Pollution for Air, Water and
energy in Directive 2012/27/EU
Soil’ Brussels, 12.5.2021. COM(2021) and 2018/2001/EU.
400 final 21
In summary:

• The current legal framework does not have appropriate mechanisms in

place to reduce animal testing, except passively and is solely dependent
on the development of alternative methods. Directive 2010/63/EU does not
provide that mechanism.

• The development and implementation of non-animal methods are limited

by comparatively low levels of funding, bureaucratic hurdles and poor
enforcement, and no pressure or incentives.

• Public opinion demands that animal research be significantly more


• There is evidence of an appetite for change within the scientific community

and in industry.

• A political commitment is needed to ensure that minds are focused on

reduction, replacement and new ways of tackling challenges like a toxic-
free environment and some of the major health issues of the day, rather
than passively waiting to solve the problem, much as we have had to in
other areas like carbon reduction. 22
Where could reductions
come from?
Voluntary research
(7.7 million animals)
Regulatory testing, mainly related to determining the safety of products, accounts for
only 20% of all animal experiments. This is the only area of testing that companies
could argue ‘must’ be done (although of course they can decide not to produce any
new products that require testing).

20% Regulatory use

of GA animals

Routine production
12% Other purposes

Basic research
40% 3%

Fig. 6. Purpose of animal use in 2017 across the EU, N=10.9 million uses.

Legislation on medical
products for veterinary
20% use
Industrial chemicals
11% legislation

Feed legislation
3% Plant protection product
2% Medical devices
61% Food legislation

Other legislation

Legislation on medical
products for human use

Fig. 7. Legislative purposes, % out of all regulatory use (N=2,186,859 uses) 24
Furthermore, out of the 2.2 million uses governance in their careers. Old ideas can
for regulatory purposes, 1.3 million were persist. Research projects are typically so
regulatory tests for human pharmaceuticals specialised and complex that only those
(only 12% of the total uses of animals). scientists involved or recently involved in
such research can decide if the research
At least 80% of the EU’s animal is worth funding. This is the same situation
testing is therefore entirely in the peer review of journal articles68 – the
whole system is in fact very insular.
Very large, national or international funding
The decision to do an animal test usually
streams such as the EU’s Framework
starts with the researcher. They are then
projects tend to have very broad research
supported by their institution in that
themes dictated by emerging threats as
decision or because they are acting on
well as exciting opportunities. It is up to
behalf of their institution’s wishes. The
researchers already in academia to make
decision to test on animals may be further
the more specific project proposals. They
supported by any external funding bodies
will naturally propose to do the same
and finally endorsed by the government
kind of research that they already tend
that is authorising it under the national
to do, and the work will be reviewed by
animal experiments legislation. Along the
their peers. The entire process is not given
way, internal and external ethical review
enough scrutiny and it is possible there is
committees may also agree that the
a significant amount of conflict of interest,
experiment is worthwhile.
malaise, and inertia in the system that
Just because several different groups (all should be tackled.
interrelated, all science-focused, some
Once it is appreciated that not all research
with a conflict of interest and generally
that has high value is being done then it
of the same mindset) agree that an
becomes less uncomfortable to decide that
animal experiment is needed to satisfy
some types of research that cause suffering
the researcher’s or institution’s objectives
to animals will not be done, except in very
does not mean that it ‘must’ be done.
specific circumstances. Other types of
Furthermore, just because an ethical review
research will be done in their place, and
body or competent authority agrees the
these could lead to greater benefits for
experiment meets the HBA also does not
mean that it is indispensable and must be
done for society to progress. The HBA under the Directive is a tool
that could be used in conjunction with a
If a commitment is made to target-based approach to reduce animal
reduce animal testing, then there experiments. If member states are under
is wide scope to tackle the 80% some potentially self-imposed limitation
of testing that has a much more as to the number of animal tests they can
authorise, then the HBA becomes the tool
voluntary element. to decide which tests should be permitted
What is needed is an appreciation that not and which ones should not.
all science that could be done is being done
The 3D cube suggested by Bateson that
- there is already a limit on the amount of
features in Appendix II of the Directive
scientific research that is being done. It is
Working Document on Project Evaluation,69
constrained by the scale of funding and the
is still the best visualisation of how the HBA
capacity and imagination of the scientific
could work. Experiments are notionally
classified as of low, medium or high
benefit and causing low, medium and high
Already, the scientific community suffering. The cube allows the evaluator to
collectively on a daily basis makes see that experiments considered to be of
decisions about what research low benefit and yet cause high suffering
should be done and therefore should not be permitted.
what should not. However, there is currently little quantitative
European Commission. Scientific
Conference Non-Animal Approaches. assessment of harms (numbers of animals
2016. This decision is made in an uncoordinated
and level of suffering) and benefits
manner by individual scientists (in their
National Competent Authorities (including chances that the benefit will be
for the implementation of Directive own heads) but is shaped very much by
realised) being done in practice by ethical
2010/63/EU on the protection of the priorities of funding bodies. How
animals used for scientific purposes. review bodies across Europe.70 If those
Working document on Project and why funding bodies make decisions
conducting the HBA were tasked with
Evaluation and Retrospective about what research topics are the
Assessment. 2013. Available not only being more quantitative in their
at: most important and what are the most
approach but under some pre-determined
chemicals/lab_animals/pdf/ appropriate methods to use is a black
Endorsed_PE-RA.pdf constraints then it is possible to see how
box which needs to be opened.
the HBA can be used to achieve reductions.
Taylor, K. Harms versus Benefits.
2018. It is long suspected that the scientific The HBA is the tool however, it is not the
community shapes its own approach complete answer.
as scientists move from research into 25
Tests of limited benefit
from the outset
There are at least four types of animal test that could be considered of low benefit from
the outset; in other words, it is known in advance that the outcome of the research is likely
to be of low benefit. This includes:

1. Tests using animal ‘models’ that have been heavily criticised

in the scientific literature.
2. Tests in subject areas that are more ‘frivolous’ than others.
NC3Rs. Evaluating Progress in 3. Duplicated animal tests.
the 3Rs: the NC3Rs Framework.
Available at: 4. Tests that the public clearly do not support.

BBSRC. Review of Research Using
1. Tests using animal ‘models’ that using statistics if the animal model was
Non-Human Primates: Report of a have been heavily criticised in the predictive of effects in humans. This is a
panel chaired by Professor Sir Patrick
scientific literature higher standard of predictivity.73
Bateson FRS. 2011. Available at: mrc.
review-of-non-human-primates/ As science progresses there can be There are a few research groups however
evaluation of its success in certain areas. that are looking at the validity of animal
Balls M, Combes R. The need for
a formal invalidation process for
For example, did test A lead to outcome models (often with a view to improve
animal and non-animal tests. Altern B? This could give us an insight into the them rather than end them).74 They are
Lab Anim. 2005;33(3):299-308. doi:
value of ‘animal models’. Unfortunately, focusing on disease areas for which the
this kind of reflection is not common medical community are struggling to
For example, CAMARADES (www. (science likes to move forward, not look find treatments, such as stroke. They are
research/camarades/about- back). Reports are rife with the difficulty finding areas where animal models have
camarades) and SYRCLE (www. of evaluating the value of scientific not led to clinical benefit, despite years of
departments/health-evidence/ research.71, 72 Surprisingly, funding bodies effort (see Animal testing is not working)
systematic-review-center-for- still look more at publication rates than or are so fundamentally flawed that they
actual outcomes when evaluating are extremely unlikely to. Unfortunately,
Bailey J, Taylor K. Non-human research. This is a general issue for there does not seem to be a coordinated
primates in neuroscience
research: The case against its science, not just a problem within effort to root these methods out of the
scientific necessity. Altern Lab animal research. scientific community. Here are just a few
Anim. 2016;44(1):43-69. doi:
10.1177/026119291604400101. examples of animal models that have
Animal experiments however are
been heavily criticised scientifically and
PR Newswire. New model of a special case in science as most
Alzheimer’s derived from skin cells of yet are still being used:
people with the disease. 2012. experiments are using the animal as
a ‘model’ to represent a human. They • Vision research (e.g., on cats and
Chesselet MF. In vivo alpha-
synuclein overexpression in rodents:
are therefore an approximation of what monkeys)75
a useful model of Parkinson’s might happen if you performed the same
disease? Exp Neurol. 2008;209(1):22-7.
experiment in a human. When you are • Alzheimer’s disease (e.g., APP and tau
doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2007.08.006.
relying on a model to mimic what you transgenic mice)76
Gladstone DJ et al. Toward really want to know it becomes crucial • Parkinson’s disease (e.g., MPTP
wisdom from failure: lessons from
neuroprotective stroke trials and to ensure your model is accurate and induced models)77
new therapeutic directions. Stroke. reliable. In other areas such as business
2002;33(8):2123-36. doi: 10.1161/01.
str.0000025518.34157.51. and technology, it would be unthinkable • Stroke (e.g., cerebral artery occlusion
to not be routinely checking to make model)78
Trivedi B. The primate connection.
Nature. 2010;466, S5. https://doi.
sure your model is predicting what it • HIV (e.g. SIV model)79
org/10.1038/nature09236 should be. Surprisingly, this is not often
done, beyond a justification for choosing • Multiple sclerosis (e.g., EAE induced
Behan P et al. The Pathogenesis of
Multiple Sclerosis Revisited. J R Coll that ‘animal model’ in the first place. It models)80
Physicians. 2002;32:244-265. is taken on face value that the animal • Rheumatoid arthritis (e.g., collagen-
Firestein G. Rheumatoid arthritis model is a good approximation of what induced arthritis model)81
in a mouse? Nat Rev Rheumatol. might happen in humans. Over time
2009;5, 1.
ncprheum0973 however it becomes possible to evaluate • Cancer (e.g., graft models)82
Edwards JC et al. Do self-
perpetuating B lymphocytes drive
human autoimmune disease? A more coordinated effort could be made to identify and root
Immunology. 1999;97(2):188-96. doi:
10.1046/j.1365-2567.1999.00772.x. out animal ‘models’ that are accepted to be of limited validity
and therefore unlikely to deliver clinical benefit. 26
2. Tests in subject areas that are also suffer high levels of harm, such as:
more ‘frivolous’ than others
• Using animals to investigate
This is the kind of research, usually human behavioural disorders (e.g.,
conducted in universities, that may schizophrenia and anxiety) or aspects
be considered by some to be more of human behaviour (e.g., sleep).
‘frivolous’ from the outset than other (basic research)
areas of research. It is usually not directly
linked to human medical problems • Veterinary research linked to other
and can be termed ‘curiosity-driven’ or exploitative industries, e.g., racing,
‘blue-sky’ research. The tests are done intensive food production (applied
to investigate hypotheses that often research)
lead to more research. Academics can • Food product health claims (applied
spend their entire professional lives research)
studying one or two areas, and are able
to gain funding, presumably based on • Pet food health claims (applied
publication of papers, training of students research)
and providing evidence for interesting
• Ageing, as distinct from diseases of
ideas that may move the field on but
the older population (basic research)
rarely - in our experience - lead to human
medical benefit. • Effects of recreational drugs (tobacco,
alcohol, drugs) (applied research)
It is contentious of course to weigh the
benefit of one area of research over • Defence research (applied research)
another, but this is precisely what the • Educational purposes only (education
HBA requires us to do. Furthermore, if and training)
public opinion is to be respected, only the
most essential research using animals As part of a targeted approach,
should be done, which means that the
the Commission and member
less essential research using animals
should not be done. It has been argued states could re-evaluate the
that knowledge for knowledge’s sake ‘benefit’ of types of research
may be enough to justify causing harm from the outset to inform their
to an animal in an experiment,83 but the decision making.
Directive requires more than this.

Article 38(2)9d of Directive 2010/63/EU 3. Duplicated animal tests

requires that the HBA should “assess It has long been assumed that there
whether the harm to the animals could be an element of duplication
in animal tests, particularly between
in terms of suffering, pain and
nations. Given that there are nearly
distress is justified by the expected 11 million experiments every year in the
outcome taking into account ethical EU it is inconceivable that some of these
considerations, and may ultimately could not be duplicates.
benefit human beings, animals or
the environment;” (emphasis added). The fact that many scientific experiments
give different results when repeated by
another researcher is currently a hot
The Commission in its member state topic, the so-called reproducibility crisis.85
guidance says:84 Many scientists claim that it is indeed
Grimm H et al. The Road to Hell Is important that experiments are repeated
Paved with Good Intentions. 2017.
to show that the results can be trusted.
National Competent Authorities.
“increased knowledge” as the This is a particular ethical problem when
2013. primary benefit should be linked it comes to animal experiments. The
S86 Harris R. Rigor Mortis: How to a more tangible strategic goal, animal research community is relatively
Sloppy Science Creates Worthless even though any wider benefits may quiet about the need to replicate (not
Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes
Billions. 2017. Hachette UK. be much further in the future and duplicate) experiments. Several studies
less predictable; benefits should go have shown that there is a huge amount
Kleinstreuer NC et al. A Curated
Database of Rodent Uterotrophic beyond “it would be nice to know”. of discord between two studies on
Bioactivity. Environ Health Perspect. the same species86, 87 so the subject
2016;124(5):556-62. doi: 10.1289/
is naturally uncomfortable for animal
Animal protection groups have been the researchers.Repeating experiments
Braakhuis HM et al. Testing
most forthcoming in suggesting areas to ensure reproducibility is not (yet) a
developmental toxicity in a second
species: are the differences due to of research that could be of particularly requirement across science but can
species or replication error? Regul
low value (benefit). Often these examples be used as an argument when animal
Toxicol Pharmacol. 2019;107:104410.
doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.104410. include experiments where the animals groups complain about ‘duplication’. 27
Either animal experiments must be the EU revised implementing decision
replicated, or they must not. This needs to on the Directive,92 the Commission has
be cleared up. begun publishing the Non-Technical
Summaries (NTS) of authorised animal
There are two types of duplication that experiments from all 27 member states.
are particularly concerning: Language differences between the
member states could be a barrier to
Firstly, the kind of duplication when
effective searching, but there will be
an experiment is proposed (and then
key words in English. The problem with
conducted) by a researcher in country
this however is that the NTS is simply a
A when researcher in country B has
summary and may not include the details
done, or is doing, the same or very
of particular experiments. In many cases,
similar work. Researcher A just simply
the projects themselves are so broad
doesn’t know. One might argue that this
and complex that it will be very difficult to
is not a problem if it is relevant to the
identify if there is potential for duplication.
reproducibility issue described above,
In this case, researchers would have to
but the problem is that researchers A
contact the researcher to check the details
and B may never know they have done
of their work to determine if duplication is
the same experiment, especially if the
likely. More crucially, unless researchers
results are not published. The scale of
are forced by their competent authorities
this unwitting duplication is simply not
to check the database then no-one will
recognised, largely because not all
Sena ES et al. Publication bias in know.
reports of animal stroke studies leads experiments are published, particularly
to major overstatement of efficacy.
PLoS Biol. 2010;8(3):e1000344. doi:
those that are negative or inconclusive,88 Secondly, there is the risk of duplication of
10.1371/journal.pbio.1000344. and there is no single database of those regulatory safety and efficacy tests. This
that are published. Whilst researchers used to occur in Europe for batch safety
EURL ECVAM. Good Search Practice
on Animal Alternatives, Re-edition. are very familiar with checking the tests of vaccines and other biologicals
2013. Available at: relevant journal databases like Pub Med, because there was lack of coordination
guide depending on the search terms they may between member states and a mistrust of
use (and of course the lack of publication) the results from one country to another.93
STAT. Califf’s big idea: Build a
database for research done before they are not guaranteed to identify all It is not clear the extent to which this has
clinical trials. 2016. Available at: www. similar experiments that have been been resolved and whether this now may
database-preclinical-trials/ done.89 Duplication may be more likely for still occur between the EU and non-EU
postgraduate because PhD student may countries. Duplication of tests between
The Journal of Negative Results in
Biomedicine was a peer-reviewed
be more at risk of their experiments going different pharmaceutical companies
open access medical journal wrong or running out of time to publish that are testing the same or very similar
established in 2002 but ceased
publishing in September 2017.
the results. drugs is possible due to the high levels
of secrecy. Findings from drugs that get
European Union. Regulation (EU) There have been calls for a central
2019/1010 of the European Parliament dropped may never be published and
database to avoid this unwitting
and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on could be repeated by others.94 The UK
the alignment of reporting obligations duplication. Suggestions include a
in the field of legislation related to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics report in
database of all proposed animal studies
environment. Available at: https:// 2005 raised the issue of duplication in like the website,90
TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32019R1010 animal testing and suggested strategies
containing all results regardless of if
to overcome it.95
Associate Parliamentary Group for they are positive or negative,91 or of all
Animal Welfare. The use of animals approved studies. As a consequence of
in vaccine testing for humans. 2005.
Available from the RSPCA or APGAW.

Prior H et al. Opportunities for use of
one species for longer-term toxicology

A review of the current potential for

testing during drug development:
A cross-industry evaluation. Regul
Toxicol Pharmacol. 2020;113:104624.
doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2020.104624.
duplication of all animal testing should be
Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
done to ensure that all efforts are being

The ethics of research involving

animals. 2005. Available at: www.
animal-research made to avoid it. 28
4. Tests that the public clearly do The views of the public should be
not support considered when deciding whether
animal tests should be permitted.
Animal testing of cosmetics is the only
This could be done by including more
area to date where public opinion has
members of the public in ethical review
been directly considered in the legislative
bodies so that their voices are heard in
process, and yet there are other uses of
the decision-making process on individual
animals that the public consistently does
animal experiments. More heed should
not support.
also be given to public opinion when
Tests that the public does not support96 deciding the overall approach to animal
include: testing and prioritisation of types of
testing for replacement and reduction.
• Tests that cause severe suffering For several years, the UK Government has
(1,023,138 uses in 2017) been tracking the public’s view on animal
research,97 but it is yet to incorporate that
• Tests on monkeys (8,235 uses in 2017)
into its decision making. Clearly, the HBA
• Tests on dogs (13,688 uses in 2017) being done across the EU does not reflect
the views of the public.
• Tests on cats (1,879 uses in 2017)
• Tests on rabbits (351,961 uses in 2017) There is much animal testing
• Tests on horses (2,414 uses in 2017) that the public does not support,
and it is important that this is
These areas of testing have generally factored into decisions about
had less political attention paid to them which experiments should be
to date, although there has been some
focus on the use of monkeys and, to a
lesser degree recently, on dogs. Testing
on animals of other non-essential
domestic products has attracted some
attention but that is also yet to be
followed up with legislation.

Ipsos MORI. Views on Animal
Experimentation. Available at: https://
A regular review of public opinion should
views-animal-experimentation. See be done and used as a guide for those
also other opinion polls referenced in
this report.
responsible for conducting the HBA and
Ipsos MORI. Views on Animal
ultimately authorising animal research.

Experimentation. 29
Surplus animals
(6.5 million animals)
Not much has been known about the year, 28% will be simply bred and
scale of and reasons for the breeding of then killed. Unfortunately, there is no
animals who are not then subsequently requirement to report the reasons for the
used in experiments. Until now, there deaths of these animals, but the reports
have been only a few estimates of do include animals who were surplus
numbers.98 However, the publication to requirements, were not suitable for
of the Commission’s implementation testing or were killed for their tissues.
report, in which member states have to
count the number of animals bred and Based on the member state individual
not used every five years, now provides reports to the Commission100, the vast
the first reasonably accurate figure.99 majority of the non GA animals killed
and not used were mice, rats and fish.
In 2017, the EU member states reported However, 230 dogs were reported to
that 6,484,535 animals were bred and have been bred and not used, including
not used. This is a huge figure. Of all 38 from France and 97 from the UK.
animals in laboratories in any given


6,484,535 Killed and not used

6,113,281 Non harmful GA breeding

Laboratory Animal Science
Association. Usage of dogs, cats and
non-human primates that are bred 10 1,300,361 Harmful GA breeding
or obtained for scientific purposes
but are not subsequently used for
that purpose: Report on a survey
by the Laboratory Animal Science
Association. 2003. In Report of the
Animal Procedures Committee for
2003, HC 1017, pp. 51–54. London, Experiments
UK, The Stationery Office and Taylor
K, Alvarez LR. An Estimate of the
Number of Animals Used for Scientific
Purposes Worldwide in 2015. Altern
Lab Anim. 2019;47(5-6):196-213. doi:
10.1177/0261192919899853. 0
European Commission.
Implementation report. 2020
Fig. 8. A total of 23.5 million animals were bred in laboratories and killed in 2017 in the EU
Ibid according to the European Commission statistical and implementation reports. 30
It is entirely possible that some reduction Unfortunately, the Commission does not
in this figure could be made by: seem inclined to address this issue:

• Improving the way breeding facilities

communicate with their clients so that Good oversight of breeding
the number of animals bred is as close programmes is essential to minimise
as possible to the number that the surplus animals as far as practicable,
client actually uses. but given the fluctuations in supply
• Improving standards of oversight so
and demand, and the specificity of
that animals are not bred by accident, requirements for certain studies,
which can be a problem in less well there will always be some animals
managed facilities. which cannot be used for scientific
• Improving standards of care and
breeding so that animals are not
rejected for actual use because they The Commission should acknowledge
are ill or too small. that 6.5 million animals is much more
than ‘some animals’ - this is a crisis
• Moving away from the use of animal
that should be recognised as such
tissues towards using human tissues
and tackled.
or cell lines.

A review of the reasons behind breeding of

animals and subsequent non-use is urgently
needed and recommendations followed up
by member states.

Ibid 31
Production of
GA animals
(7.4 million animals)
The number of animals used in the • Storage of cryopreserved sperm
production of new and established GA and/or embryos so that a particular
lines is huge. This area of research has strain can be recovered/rederived
mushroomed in the last 20 years and is as needed rather than keeping
now responsible for 43% of all animals colonies alive.
bred and killed, with the majority of
them not having actually been used • Matching the supply of animals
in experiments. Out of the 9.6 million with the scientific demand.
experiments conducted in 2017, 2.6
• Efficient colony management.
million used GA animals. A further
7.4 million animals were used in GA • Communication and collaboration with
breeding and not used in experiments. other institutions to avoid duplication.
Therefore, only 26% of the GA animals
produced are used in experiments. The impact on UK GA production since
the project is not known. The Commission
This scale of animal production cannot services are developing guidance on
all be essential. GA animals. It is hoped it will include
further advice on how surplus can be
The UK Government was asked to look
at this issue in 2014. It responded with
several recommendations for efficient
UK Home Office. Efficient breeding within institutions:102
Breeding of Genetically Altered
Animals Assessment Framework.
2016. Available at: assets.

A review of the mechanisms for reducing


Sinkevicius V. Answer given on the production of GA animals is urgently
behalf of the European Commission
to question E-002719/2020.
Available at: www.europarl.europa.
needed and recommendations followed
002719-ASW_EN.html up by member states. 32
Animal tests that
have been replaced
(approx. 1.5 million
Over the last 30 years there have This could be because the regulators
been significant developments in the are not checking properly that
replacement of tests on animals for alternatives are being implemented,
regulatory purposes. Alternatives have or they are wilfully allowing the
been developed that can now replace animal tests to be conducted for
wholly, or in part, several animal tests non-EU purposes (the lack of global
for several product sectors. However, harmonisation issue above).
our experience has been that these
methods can become ‘stuck’ in the • Need for a defined approach
process and replacing the animal tests In more complicated areas where
takes much longer than is appreciated several non-animal methods must
because of these delays. be used in combination, there needs
to be an agreement about which
Table 2. below is a list of just ten animal methods are the most relevant, as
tests for which animal uses were well as a clear and defined approach
reported in 2017 despite validated to how the methods can be used in
alternatives, other examples exist. In different combinations to obtain the
most cases, the corresponding animal necessary information.
test has not been deleted from legislation
on guidelines, and there may be reasons • Product specific validation required
why regulators or users still prefer to see In some cases, regulators will accept
the animal test data. However, for these the non-animal method, but only
ten tests there appears to be a pervasive after the company/manufacturer
problem which is exacerbated for batch validates it for each of its products and
tests because they involve significantly demonstrates that it produces results
more animals as they are repeated for that are comparable with the animal
each ‘batch’ of product. test (which was never validated itself).
Some companies will be reluctant to
The main issues with achieving complete do this as it can be an expensive and
replacement are: time-consuming process and there is
poor regulatory enforcement to make
• Lack of global harmonisation them do this.
Companies are reluctant to invest
resources in moving to a non-animal • Availability of the alternative
test if the animal test is still required by Even when a non-animal method
regulators in other countries. Countries has been validated and proven to be
need to come together to agree on superior to the animal test it replaces,
a way forward to replace these tests it can be difficult to find contract testing
worldwide. facilities that are actually using it or to
find manufacturers that are producing
• Lack of regulatory enforcement and selling it for use.
In the EU it is illegal to conduct animal
tests if accepted alternatives exist, and
yet these tests may still be conducted. 33
Table 2. Ten tests that are being conducted in the EU although there are replacements, total
762,788 uses.

Test Species used Number of EU testsa Product area Progress since 2015

1 Skin irritation Mostly rabbits 4,120 Chemicals EU REACH legislation no longer demands the
animal test (2016)

2 Eye irritation Rabbits 814 Chemicals EU REACH legislation no longer demands the
animal test (2016)

3 Skin sensitisation Mice, guinea 47,341 Chemicals Defined Approach agreed at the OECD (2021)
pigs Incl. 30,785 guinea pigs

4 Pyrogenicity Rabbits 35,172 Medicines The MAT was more strongly encouraged in the
(human and Ph.Eur. in 2016 and the rFC method added in
veterinary) 2020. Numbers are decreasing

5 Botulinum toxin batch Mice 400,000b Medicines Between 2011 and 2019 three major
potency test (human) manufacturers have had the cell-based
method approved in the FDA and EU

6 Antibody production Mice, rabbits, 200,000c Medicines EU body ECVAM has recommended that
sheep, goats Incl.45,024 by ascites (human and companies switch to the ‘phage display’
veterinary) alternative method (2020)

7 Leptospira vaccine batch Hamsters 3,826d Medicines The Ph.Eur. was updated in 2015 to include
potency (veterinary) an option to waive the hamster test based on
‘consistency of production’

8 Target and laboratory batch Can include mice, 5,000e Medicines In 2019, the VICH released draft guideline GL59,
safety (veterinary vaccines) farm animals, (veterinary) which includes an option to waive the LABST
dogs, cats

9 Abnormal toxicity batch test Mice and 25,000f Medicines The test was completely deleted from the
guinea pigs (human) European Pharmacopeia in 2017

10 Shellfish toxin batch safety Mice 41,515g Food In 2019, the mouse test was removed from
EU regulation as the reference method for
detecting PSP toxins, allowing for complete

Numbers of tests (not animals) in 2017, unless otherwise indicated, taken from Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the
Council on the statistics on the use of animals for scientific purposes in the Member States of the European Union in 2015-2017 (COM/2020/16 final).

Based on official national statistics and non-technical summaries as described in ‘Taylor K, et al. Botulinum toxin testing on animals is still a Europe-
wide issue. ALTEX. 2019;36(1):81-90. doi: 10.14573/altex.1807101’. Furthermore in 2017 there were 892,723 batch potency tests in the EU in which category
this test would fall.

In 2017 as well as 45,024 ascites tests, there were 259,780 uses for the routine production of blood-based products (incl. polyclonal antibodies) and
164,554 for ‘other product types’ (incl. monoclonal antibodies). Since both categories include other products such as sera, a conservative estimate is

2017 uses of hamsters in ‘batch potency tests’, likely to all be for Leptospira vaccine testing.

Estimated based on expected animal saving per year reported in ‘Veterinary Medicines Directorate. Animal usage in quality control tests for the
batch release of Immunological Veterinary Medicinal Products (IVMPs) via the UK from 2007 to 2012. 2014.’

The report ‘Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare. The use of animals in vaccine testing for humans. 2005.’ indicated that deleting the
test in the European Pharmacopoeia would save 25,000 animals. Furthermore, the Abnormal Toxicity Test uses five times as many mice per test as the
Target Animal Batch Safety Test, estimated at 5,000 animals per year.

2017 uses of mice for ‘food legislation’ requirements, likely to be for shellfish toxin testing. 34
Another test close to replacement include that already have the animal test data
the acute fish toxicity test, which used which therefore can be ‘read across’ to
44,915 fish in 2017. The zebrafish embryo the substance, avoiding the need for a
acute toxicity (ZFET) test method is a specific test. For other substances, the
replacement of the acute toxicity test and activity of the substance, such as its ability
uses fish embryos rather than young to bioaccumulate or be a sensitiser,
fish. The ZFET has been shown to agree can be very accurately predicted by its
with adult acute fish test results 90% of chemical structure, and a database or
the time,105 but it is struggling to gain computer model can be used to predict
acceptance by regulatory authorities, the animal test result without actually
including the European Chemicals having to carry out the test.
Some alternative methods can only be
No official animal-based version of used if the properties of the substance
the phototoxicity test exists and yet being tested allows it. For example, some
525 such tests were conducted in 2017. alternatives cannot test sticky substances
The standard test is actually an in vitro well, or solids or insoluble substances.
test based on a mouse cell line, the What is important in these circumstances
3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test.107 However, is that an independent person checks
the European Medicines Agency - this for each substance on behalf of the
supported by the International Council for company commissioning the testing.
Harmonisation of Technical Requirements Unfortunately, project applications in the
EURL ECVAM. Recommendation
on the Zebrafish Embryo Acute for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) EU do not have to specify the substances
Toxicity Test Method (ZFET) for - appears to be recommending the use being tested and, since they run for
Acute Aquatic Toxicity Testing.
2014. Available at: publications.jrc. of the (unvalidated) animal test in some five years, the company may not in fact situations; for example when the in vitro know what they will test in two years’
test comes back positive.108 The same time. Furthermore, the Commission has
European Chemicals Agency. 3T3NRU test is also an excellent predictor permitted member states to delegate
Non-animal approaches: Current
status of regulatory applicability
of lack of acute mammalian toxicity109 the responsibility for checking whether,
under the REACH, CLP and and yet this has also not been taken up. if alternatives become available during
Biocidal Products regulations.
2017. Available at: echa.europa.
the life of the project, they are used by
eu/documents/10162/22931011/ Other tests can be replaced on a the establishment doing the testing. Thus,
non_animal_approcches_ case-by-case basis depending on the the regulatory oversight to ensure that
f4003e9e7d7d substance being tested. It may be that alternatives are used wherever possible
there are other very similar substances is still not there.
OECD. Test No. 432: In Vitro
3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test. 2019.
OECD Guidelines for the Testing
of Chemicals, Section 4. OECD
Publishing, Paris. https://doi.

ICH. Guidance S10 on Photosafety
Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals.
2014. Available at: https://
The Commission needs to ensure that
member states enforce the Directive and
have better mechanisms place to prevent
animal tests being done where there is a
EURL ECVAM. Recommendation
on the 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake
Cytotoxicity Assay for Acute Oral
Toxicity Testing. 2013. Available
recognised alternative method. 35
Redundant animal tests
(up to 200,000 animals)
Table 3. Examples of (potentially) redundant animal tests still being conducted in the EU, total uses = 183,610.

Test Species used Number of EU testsa Product area Redundancy

1 Acute toxicity, oral Rats, mice 65,707b Chemicals Has been shown to be redundant for human
Medicines medicines as companies use the repeated
(human) dose test to get the information they need.c
Biocides This progress has not translated to chemicals
Pesticides or other substances.

Acute toxicity, dermal Rats, mice Chemicals Conducting the test via the dermal route as well
Biocides as the oral route can be waived in many cases
Pesticides under REACH and Biocides, but still goes on.
Similarly, both the oral and inhalation route
may be done for REACH.

2 28 day (sub-acute) repeated Rats, mice 54,412d Chemicals If it is known that a 90-day test is also needed
dose test Medicines then 28-day test becomes redundant, but often
(human) is still conducted. These kinds of decisions are
Biocides left to the company which may not be always
Pesticides well advised.

3 90 day (sub chronic) Rats, mice 30,819e Chemicals For chemical substances showing low toxicity
repeated dose test in the 28-day study there is no added value in
conducting a 90-day test as well, even though
this is still required under REACH.f

4 90 day (sub chronic) Dogs, monkeys 2,549 dogs Medicines SCHEER stated it may be possible that data
repeated dose test 2,720 monkeysg (human) from one species is sufficient for progression of
a potential new drug into human clinical trials.h
Research conducted by Cruelty Free
International provided evidence that the
second species test does not provide
additional confidence in whether a drug
is likely to be toxic to humans.i, j
A follow-up study by the pharmaceutical sector
and NC3Rs found that out of 172 drugs studied,
two-thirds could have progressed using just
one, instead of two animal species in longer-
term tests.k The recommendations have not yet
been implemented.

5 90 day (sub chronic) Rabbits 14,910 Chemicals There is mounting evidence that testing on two
repeated dose test species (the norm) is not necessary. A recent
study concluded that the reproducibility error
between studies is greater than any potential
interspecies differences, rendering the added
value of a second species study questionable.l
No-one has yet looked to see if the same
applies for human medicines.

6 Carcinogenicity Rats, mice 12,493 Medicines This assay is known to be unreliable and may
(human) add no additional information to other animal
Chemicals and non-animal genotoxicity tests.
The ICH has been looking at the redundancy of
the test for several years but has yet to formally
Test is rarely asked for under REACH but still
goes on. 36
Numbers of tests (not animals) in 2017, unless otherwise indicated, taken from Report from the Commission to the European
Parliament and the Council on the statistics on the use of animals for scientific purposes in the Member States of the European
Union in 2015-2017 (COM/2020/16 final).

Mice and rats used in acute toxicity tests in 2017.

Robinson S et. al. A European pharmaceutical company initiative challenging the regulatory requirement for acute toxicity studies
in pharmaceutical drug development. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2008;50(3):345-52. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2007.11.009.

Mice and rats used in tests up to 28 days in length in 2017.

Taylor K, Andrew DJ. The added value of the 90-day repeated dose oral toxicity test for industrial chemicals with a low (sub)acute
toxicity profile in a high quality dataset: An update. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2017;90:258-261. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2017.09.018.

Mice and rats used in tests from 28-90 days in length in 2017.

Dogs and monkeys used in 29-day studies or longer in 2017.

Scientific Committee on Health Environmental and Emerging Risks. 2017

Bailey J et al. Predicting human drug toxicity and safety via animal tests: can any one species predict drug toxicity in any other,

and do monkeys help? Altern Lab Anim. 2015;43(6):393-403. doi: 10.1177/026119291504300607.

Bailey J et al. An analysis of the use of dogs in predicting human toxicology and drug safety. Altern Lab Anim. 2013;41(5):335-50.
doi: 10.1177/026119291304100504.

Prior H et. al. 2020.

Braakhuis HM et al.2019.

ICH. Concept Paper S1: Rodent Carcinogenicity Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals. 2012. Available at:

Retrospective reviews have also shown Table 3. lists some regulatory tests that
that some animal tests add little extra are potentially redundant; there may be
information to other animal tests done others. They may have been deleted from
to assess the safety of a substance. In one sector but not yet in another, or there
this case, there could be an element may be growing evidence of redundancy
of ‘redundancy’ of one or more tests. If for all sectors which is not yet recognised.
the HBA were used properly, such tests In some cases, there appears to be a
would be of low benefit and would not fear to remove the animal test - and
be authorised, particularly in regulatory replace it with nothing - even in the face
toxicology where several animal tests of evidence of redundancy. In other
are usually conducted on the same cases, there appears to be a lack of
substance, some of which overlap in communication between sectors which
terms of the toxicities of interest. For means that advances in reducing animal
example, up to 16 animal tests could use are not being transferred as rapidly
be required for a single, high tonnage from one sector to another as they could
substance under the REACH Regulation, and should be, for example from the
covering acute, repeated dose, pharmaceutical to the chemicals sector
reproductive and environmental toxicity.110 and vice versa.

A review of potential redundancy in

regulatory tests should be performed both
within and between sectors and guidance
Our analysis of the tests in
for companies updated as necessary.

REACH Regulation Annexes VII to X. 37
There is plenty of scope for creating a roadmap to phase out animal tests in
Europe, starting by:

• Reviewing the utility of animal ‘models’ to see if they are of sufficient clinical

• Identifying those tests that are of low benefit from the outset, either due to
scientific limitations or clinical need.

• Using the harm:benefit analysis more quantitatively and more strictly,

paying due heed to public opinion and rejecting experiments that are
likely to cause high suffering and/or be of low benefit.

• Reviewing the reasons behind the numbers of surplus animals and taking
measures to reduce them.

• Reviewing the need for the production of so many GA animals and

proposing ways to reduce this.

• Ensuring that animal tests are not conducted when an alternative is

available by improving communication between the Commission,
member states and companies.

• Committing to review potential redundancies in regulatory animal tests

and making sure there is a joined-up approach to deleting them where
applicable across all relevant sectors. 38
How could a
commitment to a
phase-out be made?
Directive 2010/63/EU
Whilst a directive provides the framework Another option would be to strengthen
for member states to legislate, it is still the language around the HBA in Article
entirely possible to insert reduction 38; for example, to say that ’member
commitments in the directive itself if the states shall regularly review the projects
member states agree to that. Animal they authorise and seek to use the HBA to
testing prohibitions, within a specified provide a year on year decrease of X% in
timescale, were inserted into the animal procedures’.
former Cosmetics Directive via the 7th
amendment to the Cosmetics Directive , A fourth option would be for member
now the Cosmetics Regulation. In 2003, a states to work together to agree a list
ban on the testing of final products was of experiment types that already would
put in place to be implemented in 2004, not pass the HBA and add that to a new
and a final ban on testing and marketing Annex that would be updated on an
of animal-tested ingredients by 2013. annual basis. This could also include
procedures that are redundant or have
Similar prohibitions on other types of a recognised replacement. This would
animal testing could be incorporated into help avoid the problems with awareness
Directive 2010/63/EU, or on other sectoral and enforcement that are described
legislation such as the Tobacco Products above. Animal protection groups have
Directive. Already, Directive 2010/63/ already suggested the creation of an
EU specifies in Article 10 a mandatory Annex which lists those procedures
phase-out of the use of wild caught and that would be categorised as causing
first generation wild caught primates, five severe pain, suffering or distress that
years after a feasibility study that must is likely to be long-lasting and which
have been carried out by 2017. already should not be permitted under
the current Directive. This could be
Possible other commitments could extended to include severe procedures
include: and those with death as the endpoint that
should be authorised only in exceptional
• No more experiments involving
circumstances, as an improvement on the
primates and dogs after 2030
current rules.
or earlier.
Another way to help achieve a reduction
• No more animal experiments for
in the amount of animal testing would be
purposes not directly relevant to
for the Directive to be more specific about
human or environmental health by
the contribution that should be made by
2030 or earlier.
member states to the promotion of non-
• No more experiments causing severe animal methods in Article 47. The Article
suffering by 2030 or earlier. could specify that the contribution should
include a financial contribution.
Another option would be to insert targets
directed at the member states into the
Directive requiring them to reduce their
use of animals by a certain percentage by
a specified date using the HBA. 40
As described in Table 1, there are several Other regulations which could be
pieces of EU legislation that require, amended to include animal testing
directly or indirectly, animal testing. bans include the Novel Food Regulation
These include the Novel Food Regulation, and the Detergents Regulation. As with
REACH Regulation, Plant Protection cosmetics, new novel foods, general
Products Regulation, Biocidal Products products and detergents are not
Regulation, the Medicines Directive and essential and there are strong ethical
the Veterinary Medicines Regulation. grounds to rule out the use of animal
testing. Though these changes would
Target-based reductions in animal likely have a relatively small impact on
testing would not be appropriate to the overall number of animals used in
place in these pieces of legislation as experiments, they would clearly signal
the authorisation of animal experiments intent and direction of travel and meet
lies with member states under Directive growing consumer demand for cruelty
2010/63/EU and not under these laws. free products.
It would be possible, however, to prohibit It is disappointing that none of the
animal testing in specified sectors, regulations entering into force post-
perhaps within a given period of time, REACH have included its requirement
as was the case for cosmetics with the for animal testing to only be used as
7th amendment to the then Cosmetics a last resort.
Directive. Cruelty Free Europe recently
suggested this in its response to the
review of the General Product Safety

There should be a commitment that

all new and revised legislation should
include these key statements including
an aspiration to end animal testing. 41
Other policy approaches
EU Action Plan to accelerate the transition
to innovation without the use of animals in
research, regulatory testing and education
In September 2021, the European be updated as soon as non-animal
Parliament adopted a resolution111 which: methods become available.

• Calls on the Commission to improve • Urges the Commission to work together

coordination to achieve the goal set out with member states to prioritise actions
in Directive 2010/63/EU by establishing to educate, train and retrain scientists,
a high-level inter-service taskforce, researchers and technicians in using
involving all key Directorates-General advanced non-animal models and in
and agencies, to work with EU member sharing best practices, and to raise
states and other relevant stakeholders awareness of validated non-animal
to draw up an EU-wide action plan, with models among those involved in
the aim of driving an active phase-out of evaluating project proposals and
animal testing. attributing funding.

• Stresses that a clear and ambitious • Highlights the need to work within
timeline and list of milestones should be international structures to speed up
set out to incentivise progress. validation and acceptance of alternative
methods, ensure knowledge transfer
• Underlines that the action plan should and provide financial support to non-
include ambitious and achievable EU countries, where scientists may be
objectives and timelines to be set unaware of alternative methods and
under the overarching reduction and where testing facilities may lack the
replacement goal in order to incentivise necessary research infrastructure.
change, with concrete
and coordinated actions With the will of the European Parliament
accompanied by indicators. and of Europe’s citizens now very
clearly expressed, it is beholden on the
• Stresses that the plan should include,
Commission and on member states to act
inter alia, proposals for better
quickly to produce an EU-wide action plan.
implementation and enforcement
The Action Plan on European Democracy or
of existing initiatives, including a
the Circular Economy Action Plan provide
well-functioning system of controls.
good models, introducing legislative and
• Highlights the need for increased non-legislative measures, actions, timelines
and targeted funding under and tracking mechanisms.
Horizon Europe for advanced
non-animal models. Commissioner for Animals
• Calls on the Commission, the Council At present, none of the European
and the member states to make Commissioners have responsibility for
sufficient medium- to long-term animal welfare named specifically within
funding available to ensure the fast their remits. This would be a positive
development, validation and introduction change that the Commission could make.
of alternative testing methods to replace A growing number of authorities around
animal testing methods, particularly for the world have or are considering putting
key toxicological endpoints. in place animal welfare commissioners
• Calls on the Commission to set independent of government to advise on
reduction goals in consultation with science and ethics. Scotland, for example,
relevant agencies, in particular ECHA now has an Animal Welfare Commission;
and EFSA, through a more proactive Berlin has recently appointed a new
implementation of the current Animal Welfare Commissioner – a position
regulations on the safety of chemicals it has had since 2017 – and Malta has an
European Parliament resolution
and other products, and to support Animal Welfare Commissioner appointed
of 16 September 2021 on plans
the reduction goals by using a fully by the Prime Minister. An EU-wide
and actions to accelerate the
transition to innovation without connected and interoperable EU independent Animal Welfare Commission
the use of animals in research,
chemical safety database. or Ombudsman could be an idea worthy of
regulatory testing and education
(2021/2784(RSP)) consideration.
• Recalls that Article 13 of REACH requires
that the test method requirements 42
Funding mechanisms
Commitment within Horizon Europe of 6.5 million per year in 2017 to 5 million
Under FP6 and FP7, the amount given to for 2019/20. Since 2010, EURL ECVAM has
the development of alternatives (including had a broad remit under Annex VII of
those methods that still use animals) Directive 2010/63/EU to coordinate and
appears to have been around 0.6% of the promote alternative methods, coordinate
total framework budget. It is not yet known validation projects of new alternatives,
if Horizon 2020 matched that. act as an information portal and a facilitator
of dialogue between regulators, industry
Under the Directive, reducing the number and stakeholders. These are huge tasks
of animal experiments currently depends given by the Directive on behalf of the EU.
on replacement by alternatives If the EU Clearly the more resources it receives the
continues without adopting other means to more successful EURL ECVAM can be in
reduce the number of animal experiments delivering them.
- then it will have to investment significantly
more to speed up progress. Greater funding of the Unit
responsible for the Directive
The Commission should recognise that The unit responsible for the Directive within
investment in non-animal methods is DG Environment is incredibly small. Their
not just a means to reduce the amount ability to execute the recommendations
of animal testing but will also encourage in this report will be extremely limited
technological innovation to improve the unless they are given more resource. It is
efficiency and productivity of our science not acceptable that an important piece
and medicine and help to achieve the of EU legislation with obligations to the
objectives of the Green Deal. lives of over 23 million animals and the
research capabilities of tens of thousands
In its announcement of its final funding
of researchers is given the little support it is.
tranche under Horizon 2020,112 the
Commission announced that it wanted
Agency support for promotion of
to prepare the way for Horizon Europe
by supporting the future research and alternatives
innovation landscape. It says it will ‘seek Neither the European Chemicals Agency
greater impact of its research funding by (ECHA), the European Food Safety Authority
focusing on fewer, but crucial, topics such (EFSA) nor the European Medicines Agency
as climate change, clean energy, plastics, (EMA) receive specific funding to promote
cybersecurity and the digital economy.’ alternatives to animal testing and none
of them claim to have this as a specific
The European Innovation Council – a mandate. It is therefore not surprising to
one-stop-shop for innovation funding find that the amount of work these agencies
to turn science into new business and do can be limited and ad hoc, often reliant
accelerate the scale-up of companies on the goodwill and dedication of a handful
– will be a new project under Horizon of people. This is insufficient, and there
Europe. It is already running in its pilot is no accountability. All agencies should
phase with a budget of 1.2 billion euros. be tasked with promotion of alternatives
Fifty-eight novel, high-impact technologies to animals in their remit which will give
have been selected in the last round of them grounds to ask for central funding to
investment from the European Innovation support these activities.
Council (EIC) ‘Pathfinder Open’ Pilot, funded
under Horizon 2020, totalling 191 million A Motion for Resolution adopted by the
112 euros.124 It is possible this might include European Parliament on the Chemicals
commission-invest-eu11-billion-new- some non-animal alternatives, if so, why Strategy for Sustainability114 rightly regretted
drive-innovation-led-sustainable- not make this explicit, if not, then why not the fact that there is ‘insufficient funding for
growth-2019-jul-02_en use a similar model to support the scale- the research and development of non-
113 up of companies developing non-animal animal methods’ and … ‘requests that
european-innovation-council- approaches? action be taken to remedy this situation’…
’including staff within ECHA exclusively
oct-29_en Greater funding of EURL ECVAM dedicated to animal protection and the
The support provided by the Commission to promotion of non-animal methods across
European Parliament resolution
of 10 July 2020 on the Chemicals EURL ECVAM appears, if anything, to have all ECHA activities’.
Strategy for Sustainability.
(2020/2531(RSP)) reduced in recent years, from an average 43
This was underscored by the Parliament’s Pilot projects and preparatory
decision on discharge of the ECHA 2019 actions
budget which stated that the Parliament:
Pilot projects and preparatory actions
(PPPAs) are, formerly, experimental
Regrets the absence in the 2019- programmes that don’t require a legal
2023 strategic plan of any pro-active basis, and latterly, preparations for actions
measures and resourcing for speeding that may become the basis of ongoing
up, improving and quantifying EU activity (either acquiring or based on a
reductions in the number of animal current legal basis).
tests and the replacement of such
Until recently, there had been no PPPAs on
tests by new approach methodologies; alternatives to animal testing. However,
reiterates the importance of the since 2017, there have been two pilot
principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, projects and one preparatory action. The
Reduction and Refinement) in animal first pilot project adopted in the 2017 EU
testing; notes the recommendation budget focussed on increasing cooperation
made by Parliament in its resolution and training of scientists on the alternatives
of 6 July 2020 on the Chemicals to animal testing. One million euros was
Strategy for Sustainability a that there given to ECVAM and ETPLAS to develop
some online training resources. A second
should be a team established within
Pilot Project in the 2019 budget gave
the Agency exclusively dedicated to 420,000 euros to conduct a feasibility study
animal protection and the promotion on establishing a data-sharing portal
of non-animal test methods; notes between the ECHA and EFSA. In the 2020
with concern the reply given by the budget there was a commitment of 1.8
Agency’s Director in discussion with million euros toward a further preparatory
the Committee on Budgetary Control action.
on 7 January 2021 that the Agency has
PPPAs are potentially a good mechanism
not followed up on Parliament’s call to explore some of the recommendations
to reduce animal testing; urges the in this report. For example, they could be
Agency to strongly reduce its reliance used to fund thematic reviews (see below)
on animal testing; calls on the Agency or support working groups to explore the
to contribute to international activities establishment of reduction targets.
aimed at promoting alternative test
methods within its mandate and to Preferential funding
regularly publish information on the In addition to greater actual amounts of
use of alternative methods under funding, a decrease in animal experiments
could be achieved via other funding related
For example:
Greater support to EPAA • A pledge within Horizon Europe to not
The European Partnership on Alternative fund animal research, or as a first step,
Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) not fund research on dogs or monkeys,
was set up in 2005 to act as a coordination for example.
vehicle between the European Commission
and eight industry sectors with a • Further commitments made in a revision
shared vision to apply the principles of to the Ethics Appraisal Procedure for
Replacement, Reduction and Refinement Horizon Europe projects, perhaps
(3Rs) in regulatory animal testing.116 following advice by the European
It appears to work on a voluntary basis, Group on Ethics in Science and New
a limited number of projects are actioned, Technologies (EGE).
and contribution of expert time appears to
be in-kind. Projects are created that serve • A quota on the number of animal-based
to improve the development or uptake of projects funded under
alternative methods, often in specific areas. Horizon Europe.
There is a focus on coordination, training
• A commitment to preferentially fund
and communication.
non-animal research over animal-based
The EPAA could do so much more if it were research, for example five times more
European Parliament decision
of 28 April 2021 on discharge in appropriately supported politically and funding will be given to non-animal
respect of the implementation of the
financially. It is not sufficient to rely on the methods, or five times as many projects.
budget of the European Chemicals
Agency for the financial year 2019 goodwill of companies to provide their
(2020/2170(DEC)) • Specific funding calls for non-animal
expertise on projects and doing so will
methods to focus attention on the issue.
116 naturally lend itself to only those projects
sectors/chemicals/epaa_en which industry favour being prioritised or
are investing in anyway. 44
Who can help
and how?
Aside from instigating the legislative,
non-legislative and funding mechanisms
above, the Commission could also help
Review of the Directive • looking at how reduction could be
The review of the Directive required in achieved across the sectors, i.e., how
Article 58(1) in 2017 was only a cursory some of the proposals in this report
one as many member states had barely could be taken up.
implemented the Directive at that stage.
• reviewing excess breeding of normal
The Commission openly admitted that
and GM animals and recommending
“there is only limited experience with the
future actions.
Directive’s implementation”.117 The review
indicated that, “a full REFIT evaluation Other reviews
of the Directive will be undertaken after
2019 when better information is available Whether as a thematic review or an
and sufficient time has lapsed for the activity of EPAA or an interservice working
Directive’s implementation to enable an group or under a PPPA, or as part of the
assessment of any changes in welfare process for compiling the action plan
and use practices.”118 This has not begun requested by the European Parliament,
as yet, however, a review would allow the the Commission could also undertake
Commission to consider the proposals in specific reviews mentioned in this report
this report. that would provide the evidential basis for
potential action. For example:
Thematic reviews
• A comprehensive, transparent review
of the amount of funding given to the
Article 58 of the Directive states:
development of non-animal methods
The Commission shall, where by the European Commission and
appropriate, and in consultation with member states.
the Member States and stakeholders, • A Eurobarometer survey on
conduct periodic thematic reviews animal testing which feeds into
of the replacement, reduction and recommendations for changes to the
refinement of the use of animals Directive and/or advice to member
in procedures, paying specific states undertaking HBA.
attention to non-human primates,
• A review of the potential for
technological developments, and
duplication of all animal testing
new scientific and animal-welfare with recommendations for how
knowledge. to reduce this.
• A review of potential redundancy

reports_en.htm A thematic review has not yet been in regulatory tests both within
carried out, despite several proposals and between sectors with
Report from the Commission to the having been sent to the Commission.
European Parliament, the Council, recommendations for changes
the European Economic and Social to legislation.
Committee and the Committee of Thematic reviews could include:
the Regions in accordance with
Article 58 of Directive 2010/63/EU on
the protection of animals used for • looking at areas that are ripe
scientific purposes. COM(2017) 631 for replacement, e.g., primate
final. Brussels, 8.11.2017.
neuroscience, antibody production,
vaccine batch tests and working out
what needs to be done to eradicate
animal use. 46
Enforcement EU Agencies
The Commission could assist member Agencies that regulate substances which
states in their obligations under the may require animal testing such as
Directive by: the EMA, EFSA and ECHA can assist in
tasks that can lead to reductions in the
• Making statements when alternative numbers of animal used by:
methods become available, e.g., those
tests listed in Table 3 so that member • Proactively monitoring the
states are clear about their obligations development of alternatives and
and can enforce in-country. making clear statements on their
appropriate use.
• Use the NTS, the statistical and
implementation reports to review what • Promoting the use of alternative
procedures are being authorised by methods to industry and
member states. Inform and enforce internationally.
if there are apparent breaches of
the existing rules. Advise if there are • Providing advice on the acceptable use
inconsistencies in authorisation of of alternative methods to companies in
projects that could be harmonised to advance if they request it.
improve animal welfare and lead to
• Regularly reviewing the use of
alternative methods in regulatory
• If member states persist in failing submissions in order to:
to implement the Directive properly
o share best practices on new
then take infringement action promptly
methods between other
and firmly.
companies, and other regulators
Communication including cross sector.
With more resources, the Unit responsible o update guidelines if potential
for the Directive could facilitate initiatives redundancies in animal tests are
that would lead to reductions in animal found, see Table 3.
numbers. These could include:
o eliminate animal testing that has
• Working with member states to been replaced or is redundant and
regularly review animal procedures inform enforcement authorities
and issue guidance for example that if unnecessary tests have been
test X ‘would not meet the criteria of a conducted.
successful harm benefit analysis’ so
that member states can implement • Making it policy that manufacturers of
this knowing that there is agreement new biological substances that may
at the EU level, and they are not require quality control batch tests use
disadvantaging researchers in their an alternative method as the gold
country. Examples of procedures that standard prior to authorisation.
this could include are listed throughout
this report. • Regularly reviewing the use of animals
and collaborating with industry and
• Establishing a high-level inter- other regulators with an aim to replace
service taskforce, involving all key and root out ineffective or unethical
Directorates-General and agencies, tests and models.
to work with EU member states and
other relevant stakeholders to draw • Hosting industry-regulator meetings
up an EU-wide action plan, with the to develop alternatives where data
aim of driving an active phase-out of sharing may be necessary, including
animal testing. for product-specific validation studies. 47
Member states Academia, funding bodies and
Member states can also take up the companies
recommendations in this report. They can: Universities, companies, research
associations and funding bodies can
Set national targets for reducing animal of course also set their own targets for
tests by: the reduction of animal testing. They
could include their Corporate Social
• Monitoring and enforcing Article 4
Responsibility Policy and thereby also
and 13 of the Directive, ensuring that,
improve transparency around the
wherever possible, a scientifically
animal tests they do fund or conduct.
satisfactory method or testing strategy,
This would be an important first step
not entailing the use of live animals, is
in the organisation’s understanding
used instead of an animal procedure.
of its starting point.
• Making sure all authorised users and
breeders are aware of developments Targets could be achieved by:
in alternative methods or policy
decisions that would mean that certain • Instilling a quota on the number of
procedures are no longer permitted. animal tests that each ethical review
committee can authorise each year,
• Not delegating the responsibility to driving the committee(s) to set a more
establishments to ensure alternatives rigorous bar for any project to receive
are used during the course of a project a positive HBA.
but instead asking to approve all new
animal tests on a product-by-product • Working with stakeholders and the
basis in case an alternative method ethical review committee(s) to make
can be used. policy commitments about which
animal tests they will not approve/
• Conducting reviews and consultations fund/conduct.
regularly to be able to advise project
applicants about which animal tests • Preferentially funding and supporting
are ‘unlikely to meet a successful non animal research over animal
harm:benefit analysis’. research - specifying that, for example,
funding of non-animal research will be
• Increasing levels of national funding five times that of animal research.
of alternative methods, which may or
may not include setting up specific • Facilitating research areas to work
alternative (or 3Rs) centres. together to evaluate and decide
what ‘models’ are good for what
• Tasking National Committees and disease area and where animals
3Rs/alternatives centres to work with can be replaced.
industry to adopt and implement
a target-based approach towards • Requiring a thorough review
reducing animal tests. of alternative methods prior to
conducting/commissioning or
• Where market authorisations for funding any animal research.
medicines are not done centrally,
on a national basis, making it policy • Supporting cross departmental/cross
that manufacturers of new biological sector dialogue with a view to transfer
substances that may require quality of knowledge on new technologies
control batch tests use an alternative and approaches.
method as the gold standard prior to • Rewarding projects that achieve a
authorisation. reduction in animal testing.
• Reviewing all national pharmaceutical • Rewarding researchers who promote
product marketing authorisations to alternatives or assist in regulatory
ensure that there are no redundant or work related to alternatives to
replaced animal-based batch tests still animal testing.
being conducted.
• Investing in humane education of
young researchers.
• Having an in-house group dedicated
to the oversight of these objectives. 48
In a demand-led system, targets are Applying a stricter societal benefit
indispensable tools in ensuring that test as part of the harm:benefit
meaningful reduction is achieved, assessment, demanding increased
maintained and built upon. The field scientific stringency and eradicating
of scientific inquiry is limitless and duplication can help to achieve
with it the potential for animal use. targets. The result might be that
Quotas or limits, properly used, can some research would not get
inject discipline into the system and done but more likely that it will be
ensure that researchers look beyond done differently. Some products or
their traditional use of animals. It is substances, inevitably the more trivial
important to stress that quotas and ones, may not get developed, but
other tools would be additional to again it is more likely that companies
the existing legal obligation to use will find another way of testing them.
animals only as a last resort, to not The approach of regulators would
use animals if an alternative method change, but many need to be shaken
is available, to use as few as possible out of their ultra-conservative, tick-
and to cause as little suffering as box mentality, as do companies with
possible (the so called Three Rs a primary eye on pleasing regulators.
principle). That principle has been Targets will increase the incentive
singularly unsuccessful in achieving for the development of non-animal
an overall reduction in animal usage. alternatives and level the presently
highly uneven playing-field between
It is true that science is complicated, animal and non-animal methods.
but so are many other policy areas There will be pressure for greater
where targets have been agreed transparency, as with data-sharing
and implemented. Complexity of for example.
policy simply means that a targets
approach has to be reasonably Crucially, there is no reason why
sophisticated, and flexibility built targets should lead to any reduction
in for unforeseen circumstances, in health protection for people or in
albeit necessarily with a strong environmental protection. Rather,
presumption that the targets will it will mean that proposals to use
be met. animals are given much greater
scrutiny, both ethically and in terms
There are a number of different of possible alternative approaches.
possible approaches, and these can The benefits are long term and
be combined. For example, there far reaching as a target-based
can be a reduction in numbers in approach, as for green technology,
particular areas of research, research will result in less damaging, more
using particular species or research predictive and more efficient
causing a particular level of suffering; methods for investigating and
partial or complete bans of types of solving human and environmental
research; limits linked to timescales; health problems.
or a combination of these. 49

A commitment to a phase-out of animal

testing needs to be made alongside
Commitment a commitment to achieve this within a
reasonable timescale and by various means.

The commitment must be supported by

greater funding for the development of non-

Funding animal methods as well as for the agencies

tasked with delivering it. This should be
embedded within Horizon Europe and all
other relevant funding streams, as well
as in the research and innovation budgets
of EU member states.

A range of actions should be put in place

to ensure that the phase-out commitment

Action is delivered.

This could include:

• Establishing a high-level inter-service

taskforce, as requested by the European
Parliament, to mainstream the goal of
replacing all animal testing in the EU and
to give impetus to a joined-up approach
across European Commission directorates
general, member states and agencies.

• Incorporating reducing and replacing

animal testing into overarching priorities
like the Green Deal and post-COVID
recovery plans and ensuring there is a
consistent approach across legislative
and policy activities.

• Conducting thematic reviews as provided

for under Directive 2010/63/EU to identify
priority areas for replacement and

• Greater monitoring and enforcement

so that animal tests for which there are
already valid alternatives in place are
not being used in member states. 50
Annex 1.
Alternative, non-animal methods for
standard toxicity tests.

Endpoint Animal test Alternative test Regulatory acceptance?

Skin absorption The substance is rubbed onto the Ex vivo skin based tests that measure OECD TG 428 (2004). Standalone
shaved backs of rats, and they are the amount of substance that passes replacement.
killed the next day (OECD TG 427). through excised skin.

Acute toxicity Rats are exposed to a very high dose Cell based tests, in particular the Not formally accepted, can be
of the substance such that a number NRU3T3, which measures the extent used in combination with other
of them are expected to die (OECD TG of cell death in the presence of the information only.
402,403, 420,423,425,436). substance.

Skin irritation/ corrosion Substance is rubbed into the shaved Reconstituted in vitro human skin OECD TG 431 (2004) and 439 (2010),
backs of rabbits, and they are killed 2 models that measure the extent of cell plus others. Testing strategies (IATA)
weeks later (OECD TG 404). death in the presence of the substance. formalised in GL 203 (2014).

Eye irritation/corrosion Substance is placed into the eyes of Excised eyes from hens and cattle OECD TG 437 and 438 (ex vivo,
live rabbits who are monitored for up killed for food (ex vivo) can detect non- 2009), OECD TG 492 (HCE, 2015). A
to 3 weeks (OECD TG 405). irritants and severe irritants, human testing strategy (defined approach)
corneal epithelial (HCE) models based is in prep.
on excised human skin or corneas that
measure the extent of cell death in the
presence of the substance can detect
non - irritants.

Skin sensitisation The substance is rubbed onto the Several tests exist that cover the AOP OECD TG 442c (DPRA, 2015), 442d
shaved skin of guinea pigs who are for skin allergy. The peptide reactivity (keratinocyte assay, 2015) and 442e
subjectively assessed for allergy (DPRA) test measures the binding of (h-CLAT, 2016). Testing strategies
(Buehler or GPMT test, OECD TG 406) the substance to proteins (in chemico), are now adopted as a Defined
or painted onto the ears of mice who and the in vitro keratinocyte assay, the Approach Guideline (GL 497, 2021).
are killed 6 days later to assess the human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT)
immune response (LLNA test, OECD based on human skin cells measure
TG 429, 442a/b). part of the immune response. Testing
strategies using these methods in
combination are already being used by

Mutagenicity/genotoxicity The substance is force-fed or injected Several in vitro tests, including bacteria OECD TG 471 (1997), 473 (1997), 476
into mice or rats for 14 days who are (Ames) tests, in vitro chromosome (1997), 487 (2010), 490 (2015). Positive
then killed to look at the effects on aberration, cell micronucleus and gene results however still lead to follow
their cells (OECD TG 474, 475, 483, mutation tests are available. up in vivo.
486, 488, 489).
A battery of two or three cell based
tests is always carried out before
conducting an animal test.

Repeated dose Rats (occasionally rabbits, mice or In silico techniques such as read across Read across is accepted on a case-
even dogs) are force-fed, forced to can be used if the substance is similar by-case basis (OECD Guidance on
inhale, or have the substance rubbed to existing ones that have already been Grouping, GL 194, 2014), battery of
onto their shaved skin every day for tested. in vitro tests or lab on a chip are not
28 or 90 days before being killed yet accepted.
(OECD TGs 407-413). A battery of in vitro tests or lab on a
chip model are still in the development
phase. 51
Carcinogenicity Rats or mice are fed the substance Cell transformation assays (CTA) based CTA assays have failed to gain
for two years to see if they get cancer on cellular changes to rodent cells have international regulatory acceptance
(OECD TG 451, 452). been in use for 50 years and can detect and are used for screening
90% of known human carcinogens. purposes only (OECD GL 214, 2015;
OECD GL 231, 2017).

Reproductive toxicity Pregnant female rabbits or rats are In silico techniques, such as read Read across is accepted on a case-
force-fed the substance and then across, can be used if the substance by-case basis (OECD GL 194, 2014).
killed along with their unborn babies is similar to existing ones that have However, the EST has failed to gain
(OECD TG 414). already been tested. international regulatory acceptance.
Receptor binding assays (OECD TG
The in vitro Embryonic Stem cell (EST) 455, 2012; 457, 2012; 456, 2011) are
test is based on mouse stem cells; accepted to screen for potential
substances are classed as toxic if endocrine disrupting properties.
they block development into beating
heart cells.

Other in vitro tests are still in the

development phase.

Receptor binding assays are in vitro

assays that can detect activation of
genes involved in hormone production. 52
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