Panzergrenadierdivision Kurmark

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Panzergrenadierdivision Kurmark

n Kurmark
The unit that was to become
Panzergrenadierdivision Kurmark was
formed on 30 January 1945 as
Kampfgruppe (Brigade) Langkeit from
Großdeutschland ‘Gneisenau’ at Frankfurt
an der Oder. It was immediately sent
eastwards into combat.

Following this initial fighting, it was

restructured and reinforced as a
Panzergrenadierdivision in the area of
Cottbus in early February 1945. On 1
February 1945 it was given the title
‘Kurmark’, after the Kurmark region of
Brandenburg. From 7 February 1945 the
division held defensive positions extending
around 18km from Frankfurt an der Oder
north to Reitwein Bridgehead (south of
Küstrin). It was further reinforced in these
positions by several Fahnenjunker-
Grenadier Regiments (Officer Cadet
Grenadier Regiments) to cover the
frontline. Also attached for a short time in
the first half of February - when Kurmark
was taking over the frontline - was III.
Abteilung/SS-Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment (SS
Artillery Demonstration Regiment).

Oder Front
The first of its troops were already
deployed from 4 February facing the
Soviet Reitwein bridgehead south of Neu
Manschnow. The command post was set
up in Libbenichen on the Frankfurter
Strasse south of Seelow.
On 2 March the command was moved from Libbenichen to the estate of Plötzenhof. The main
task of the division was to push the Soviets out of their foothold over the Oder in the area of
Reitwein and the associated bridgehead between their and Neu Manschnow. Numerous
counter-attacks launched from the heights of Podelzig, Mallnow, Wuhden and Klessin towards
the Oder were unable to dislodge the Soviets from their toehold.
An additional threat was posed from the middle February with the establishment of another
Soviet bridgehead at Lebus. This was immediately south of the Neu Manschnow-Reitwein
bridgehead and significantly threatened the flanks of the operational area and the fortress of
Frankfurt an der Oder. The bridgehead increased pressure on the division’s frontage not only
at Reitwein and the hard fought areas of Wuhden and Klessin, but further south from Lebus as
well. Only with the insertion of 712. Infanteriedivision in the southern sector around Lebus was
the overstretched frontage of the division reduced.

However, several Soviet attacks had succeeded in expanding the Reitwein bridgehead. On 2
March the Soviets took Hathenow and Rathstock, about 1km west of Reitwein, despite
vigorous defence by Kurmark Panzergrenadiers. As the bridgehead continued to expand,
Hitler declared the villages of Wuhden (12 March) and Klessin (23 March) fortresses to be held
to the bitter end.
With all indications
that the Soviets
were about to
launch another big
offensive the
divisions was
withdrawn to
reserve to prepare.
It was positioned in
the area of Lietzen
to Schönfließ.
However, it was
soon back in
frontline on 16 April

With the launch of

the Soviet Berlin
Offensive on 16
sion ‘Kurmark’ taken
from reserve and
moved into
defensive positions
along the high-
ground running
through Mallnow,
Carzig, Schönfließ,
and Dolgelin.
Mounting Soviet
pressure forced the
division to withdraw
on 19 April, with the
retreat taking place
across the front. A
rearguard covered
the retreat from
good defensive
positions at
Hohenjesar and

After retreating
southwest it ended
up trapped in the
Halbe Pocket with
the majority of the
Ninth Army.
ion ‘Kurmark’, along
with 502. Schwere
Abteilung, led the
break out of the
Halbe Pocket on 28
April 1945. The
northern group
consisted of the
remnants of the
Brandenburg (II.
Abteilung, Panzer-
Regiment Kurmark)
and remnants of SS-
Abteilung 10, with
supporting artillery
and mortars. The
southern group was
led by 502. Schwere
Abteilung, an
company, as well as
the rest of
Regiment Kurmark,
and a supporting
rocket launcher
These were followed by the
divisional headquarters of
‘Kurmark’, the headquarters of
the Ninth Army, XI. SS
Panzerkorps, V. SS
Gebirgskorps, and V. Korps.
The rearguard was formed from
Corps units of the XI. SS
Panzerkorps and remnants of
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 32.

Approximately 35,000 to 45,000

people managed to escape
during the breakout, including a
large number of civilian women
and children. They arrived at
Beelitz south of Potsdam in the
area of German Twelfth Army
(under General der
Panzertruppen Walther Wenck).

What was left of the division

surrendered to US forces near
Jerichow on 5 May 1945.

Generalmajor Willy Langkeit

Order of Battle
Panzer-Regiment Kurmark

 I. Abteilung (1. - 4. Kompanien, with 1. Kompanie of Panzer-Jagd-Abt. 1551)

(Never fully equipped)
 II. Abteilung was the attached I. Panther Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment Brandenburg
(formerly I. Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 26) (5. - 8. Kompanien)

Panzergrenadier-Regiment Kurmark

 I. Bataillon (formerly Alarmverband Schmelter, I. Bataillon/Kampfgruppe Langkeit)

(1. - 3., 4.[MG], 5.[Granatwerfer] Kompanien)
 II. Bataillon (6. - 8., 9.[MG], 10.[Granatwerfer] Kompanien)
 11.[Infantry Gun] Kompanie, 12.[Pioneer] Kompanie

Panzer-Füsilier-Regiment Kurmark (formed from Fahnenjunker-Grenadier Regiment 1235

[Fahnenjunker-Schule I Dresden] in April 1945)

Panzer-Artillerie Regiment Kurmark

 I. Abteilung (1. - 3. Batterie)

 II. Abteilung (4. - 6. StuG Batterie)

Panzerjäger-Abteilung 151 (1 Company)

Panzer-Aufklärungs-Schwadron Kurmark (gemischt, or mixed)

Pionier-Bataillon Kurmark

 1. Panzerpionierkompanie
 2. Pionerkompanie

Nachrichten-Kompanie (Signals)


Fahnenjunker-Grenadier-Regiment 1234, 1235, 1239, 1241, & 1242.

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