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Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard.

Order #27449

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activities and programs offered by

AMRAP Plus One, LLC, and to use its programs and training, in addition to the payment of
any fee or charge, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge and hold harmless
AMRAP Plus One, LLC and its consultants, officers, agents, and employees from any and
all responsibility, liability, cost and expenses, including injuries or damages, resulting from
my participation in any activities, or my use of any programs designed by AMRAP Plus
One, LLC. I do also hereby release AMRAP Plus One, LLC its consultants, officers, agents
and employees from any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage or disorder
(physical, metabolic, or otherwise) to myself, or in any way arising out of or connected
with my participation in any activities with AMRAP Plus One.
I understand and am aware that strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, including the
use of equipment are a potentially hazardous activity. I also understand that fitness
activities involve a risk of injury and even death, and that I am voluntarily participating in
these activities and using equipment and machinery with knowledge of the dangers
involved. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or
death related to said fitness activities. In addition, I certify that I am 18 years of age or
I do hereby further declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition,
impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would affect nutrient metabolism or
prevent my participation or use of equipment or machinery except as hereinafter stated. I
do hereby acknowledge that AMRAP Plus One, LLC has recommended to me that I obtain
a physician’s approval for my participation in an exercise/fitness activity or in the use of
exercise equipment and machinery. I also acknowledge that AMRAP Plus One, LLC has
recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and
consultation with my physician as to physical activity, exercise and use of exercise and
training equipment so that I might have his/ her recommendations concerning these
fitness activities and equipment use. I acknowledge that I have either had a physical
examination and been given my physician’s permission to participate, or that I have
decided to participate in activity and use of equipment, machinery, and programs
designed by AMRAP Plus One, LLC without the approval of my physician and do hereby
assume all responsibility for my participation and activities, and utilization of equipment
and machinery in my activities. AMRAP Plus One diet/training programs are not meant to
treat or manage any health condition. Always consult with your healthcare provider prior
to adjusting your current style of eating or beginning any new diet and/or training plan.
In addition, I hereby represent and warrant that I am currently covered by an accident and
health insurance policy. With my purchase of the AMRAP Plus One Training Programs or
any other template purchase, I understand that I am not purchasing individual
consultation services, and I neither expect nor presume any requirement on the part of
the AMRAP Plus One, LLC staff to answer specific, direct questions about the templates
nor their modification procedures. I understand that by purchasing any of AMRAP Plus
One Training Programs I am bound to this entire agreement. I also agree that the
templates are not a guaranteed guide to results of any sort and agree not to hold AMRAP
Plus One, LLC staff liable for any outcomes or a lack thereof.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449
12-Week Intermediate Olympic Lifting

10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 Box Jumps
30 sec Handstand Hold Practice
(Heels against the wall)

Barbell Over Head Squat:

2 Sets of 4 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @65%

Barbell Power Clean + Push Press:

2 Sets of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @65%
(% of your Max Squat Clean)

Barbell Back Squats:

4 Reps @50%
4 Reps @60%
4 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @75%

For Time:
15 Snatch Grip High Pulls #95/#65
15 Wallballs
50 Sit-Ups
*Rest 3 min
9 Snatch Grip High Pulls
9 Wallballs
50 Sit-Ups
*Rest 3 min
7 Snatch Grip High Pulls
7 Wallballs
50 Sit-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
20 sec Sprint in place

Barbell Hang Power Snatch:

2 Sets of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%
(% of your Max Snatch)

Barbell Power Clean & Jerk:

1 set of 3 Reps @50%
1 set of 2 Reps @60%
4 sets of 2 Reps @70%

3 Power Cleans #155/#105
3 Box Jumps
6 Power Cleans
3 Box Jumps
9 Power Cleans
3 Box Jumps

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
6 Tuck Jumps

Barbell Push Press to Overhead Squat:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @75%
*Behind the neck
(% of your Max Snatch)

Barbell Jerk:
1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @75%
(% of your Max Jerk)
*Behind the neck - from rack

18 Rounds:
(20 sec on – 10 sec off)
Ring Pull-Ups
Sprint Row
(6 Rounds per movement)

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
8 Box Jumps
2 Sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%
(% of your Max Squat Snatch)

Barbell Squat Clean:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
4 Sets of 1 Rep @75%
(% of your Max Power Cleans)

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 4 Reps @70
2 Sets of 3 Reps @80%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @90%
(% of your Max Snatch)

Buy In:
400m Row
Barbell Thrusters #95/#65
Buy Out:
400m Run

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Day 2

10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 Frog Jumps

Barbell Snatch:
2 Sets of 4 Reps @50%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @60%

Barbell Snatch From Hips:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps@70%
3 Sets of 1 Rep @75%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 4 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @70%

5 Rounds For Time:

20/15 Calorie Row
5 Squat Cleans #155/#105

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @75%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%

Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

10 Shoulder 2 Over Head
10 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg

Barbell Jerk from Rack:

2 Sets of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
(% of Max Jerk)

Barbell Muscle Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @65%
(% of your Max Snatch)

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 4 Reps @50%
1 Set of 4 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @70%

10 Hang Power Snatch #75/#55
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
5 Sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps 50%
1 Set of 2 Reps 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps 70%
4 Set of 2 Reps 75%

Barbell Hang Squat Cleans:

1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

200 meter Run
5 Power Snatch #135/#95
10 Handstand Push-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps@75%

Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @95%

3 Rounds For Time:

21 Calorie Row
15 Power Snatch #115/#75
9 Lateral Burpees Over ERG

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
Barbell Power Snatch:
1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 4 Reps @50%
1 Set of 4 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

5 Toes to Bar
7 Box Jumps
9 Overhead Squats #95/#65

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 Frog Jumps
2 Sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Hang Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Jerk from Rack:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

3 Rounds For Time:

10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #35/#20
(20 total)
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead #95/#65
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
(10 total)

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80

Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @95%

For Time:
Overhead Squat #75/#55
Power Snatches
Knees 2 Elbows

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
5 Bear Walks
(50 meters)
400 meter Run

Barbell Snatch Balance:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Hang Power Clean:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

For Time:
Deadlift #225/#155
Bar Facing Burpees
400m Run
(400 m Run after each set of Burpees)

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 Frog Jumps
2 Sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%

Tempo Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

5 Overhead Squat #95/#65
10 Alternating Romanian Deadlifts
(Single leg)
15 Burpees
20 Mountain Climbers

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
6 Tuck Jumps

Barbell Power Clean:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 4 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @100%

15 Rounds for Quality:

(20 sec on – 10 sec off)
Box Jumps
Sprint Row

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 Box Jumps

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @65%

Barbell Power Clean + Push Press:

2 Sets of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @65%
(% of your Max Squat Clean)

Barbell Back Squats:

4 Reps @50%
4 Reps @60%
4 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @75%

4 Rounds For Time:

15 Snatch #95/#65
15 Dips
9 Snatch Grip High Pulls #95/#65
9 Wallballs
7 Hand Stand Push-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
8 Rounds:
30 sec Sprint in Place
30 sec rest

Barbell Hang Power Snatch:

2 Sets of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%
(% of your Max Snatch)

Barbell Power Clean & Jerk:

1 set of 3 Reps @50%
1 set of 2 Reps @60%
4 sets of 2 Reps @70%

6 Rounds For Time:

8 Push Jerk #115/#75
8 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @100%

5 Deadlift #185/#155
10 Burpee Over Bar
400 meter Run

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


40 yd Walking Ducks
3 min Handstand Hold

Barbell Snatch Balance:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

7 Rounds For Time:

7 Thrusters #95/#65
9 Barbell Snatch
100 meter Run

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
8 Rounds:
10 sec Sprint in Place

Barbell Power Snatch:

2 Sets of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
(% of your Max Snatch)

Barbell Power Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
4 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1
Hang Power Snatch #95/#65
Shoulder to Over Head
Calorie Air Bike

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @100%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
4 Sets of 4 Reps @70%

200 meter Run
5 Power Cleans #155/#105
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


2 Seated Box Jumps:
(seated on a Wallball and jump to a box)
2 Sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Snatch Pull + Snatch:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
4 Sets of 1 Rep @70%

Barbell Jerk:
1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

10 Hang Power Snatch #75/#55
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
Barbell Push Press:
3 Sets of 3 Reps @40%

Barbell Hang Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 4 Reps @50%
1 Set of 4 Reps @60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps 80%

200 meter Run
3 Squat Cleans #185/#135
8 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @100%

200 meter Run
5 Power Snatch #135/#95
10 Handstand Push-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
5 Sprints
(50 meters)

Slow Barbell Snatch Pull + Power Snatch:

1 Set of 2 Reps+3 @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps+3 @60%
4 Sets of 1 Rep+2 @70%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15...
Power Clean
Toes 2 Bar

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
5 Tuck Jumps
2 Sprints in place
(10 sec each)

Barbell Jerk:
2 Sets of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Hang Squat Clean:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
4 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

4 Rounds For Time:

8 Hang Clean #95/#65
20 Wallballs
200 meter Run

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


8 Rounds:
(20 sec on – 10 sec off)
Air Bike Sprints
10 High Vertical Jumps

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%
(Find 1 Rep Max today)

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @90%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @100%

2 Rounds For Time:

20 Power Clean + Jerk #115/#85
30 Push-Ups
50 Double Unders

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
5 sprints
(50 meters)

Barbell Snatch Balance:

3 Sets of 3 Reps @40%

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @65%

Barbell Hang Power Clean:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 3 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

For Time:
Double Unders
Push Press #115/#75

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


4 Rounds:
10 Sec Sprint in place
(Followed immediately by 40 yd Sprint)
10 Box Jumps

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60
1 Set of 3 Reps @65%
4 Set of 2 Reps@70%

Jerk From the Rack:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @65%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @75%

Barbell Snatch Pulls:

1 Set of 4 Reps @70%
1 Set of 4 Reps @80%
3 Sets of 1 Rep @90%
3 Sets of 1 Rep @100%

Snatch Ladder:
In 10 minutes, complete as much of the ladder as possible:
10 Power Snatch #95/#65
8 Power Snatch #135/#95
6 Power Snatch #155/#105
4 Power Snatch #175/#115
2 Power Snatch #185/#125
*If completed before the 10 minutes - perform max Burpees as bonus reps

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
6 Rounds:
10 sec Sprint in place

Barbell Snatch Balance:

3 Sets of 1 Rep @40%

Barbell Power Snatch:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Push Jerk:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @75%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

Barbell Front Squats:

2 Sets of 4 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @70%
4 Set of 2 Reps @75%

5 Rounds For Time:

20/15 Calorie Air Bike
5 Squat Cleans #155/#105
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


1 Bear Walks
(50 meters)

Barbell Muscle Snatch:

3 Sets of 3 Reps @40%

Barbell Hang Power Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
4 Set of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Hang Squat Clean:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @75%

Barbell Front Squats:

1 Set of 4 Reps @50%
1 Set of 4 Reps @60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

7 Back Squat #185/#115
7 Burpees
7 Sit-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


5 Tuck Jumps
2 Sprint in place
(10 sec)

Overhead Squats:
3 Sets of 5 Reps @40%

Barbell Power Snatch:

2 Sets of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @70%

4 Hang Power Snatch #115/#85
8 Power Cleans
12 Deadlifts

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
6 Rounds:
30 sec Sprint in place

Barbell Snatch Balance:

3 Sets of 3 Reps @40%

Barbell Snatch:
1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @75%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @80%

3 Rounds For Time:

10 Deadlifts
15 Shoulder 2 Overhead
20 Double Unders
200 meter Run
*Rest 3 min in between rounds

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


10 min:
Choose your cardio - Row - Run - Air Bike - Ski Erg
4 Bear Walk
(50 meters)

Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch:

3 Sets of 3 Reps @40%

Barbell Hang Power Snatch:

1 Set of 3 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @70%

Barbell Power Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @75%

Barbell Clean Pulls:

1 Set of 4 Reps @70%
1 Set of 4 Reps @80%
2 Sets of 2 Reps @90%

For Time:
Front Squat
AbMat Sit-Ups

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


5 Tuck Jumps
Seated Box Jump
(Sit on Medball - Jump to 20” Box)

Barbell Overhead Squat:

3 Sets of 5 Reps @40%

Barbell Snatch:
2 Sets of 2 Reps @50%
1 Set of 2 Reps @60
1 Set of 2 Reps @70%
*Look for your Personal Record (PR) today

Barbell Back Squats:

1 Set of 3 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 4 Reps @70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @80%

2 Rounds For Time:

5 Overhead Squats #95/#65
10 Power Cleans #115/#85
15 Snatch Pulls
400 meter Run

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


30 sec Sprint in place

Barbell Push Jerk:

3 Sets of 4 Reps @40%

Barbell Clean & Jerk:

1 Set of 2 Reps @50
1 Set of 2 Reps @60%
2 Sets of 1 Rep @70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @80%
*Look for your Personal Record (PR) today

8 Rounds For Time:

8 Push Jerk #135/#95
8 Bar Facing Burpees

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449


AbMat Sit-Ups - CLICK HERE

Air Squats - CLICK HERE
Back Rack Lunges - CLICK HERE
Back Squats - CLICK HERE
Bar Facing Burpees - CLICK HERE
Bar Muscle Ups - CLICK HERE
Barbell Push Press - CLICK HERE
Bear Crawl - CLICK HERE
Bench Press - CLICK HERE
Bent Over Rows - CLICK HERE
Bike Cals - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Bird Dogs Side - CLICK HERE
Bodyweight Lunges - CLICK HERE
Box Jump Overs - CLICK HERE
Box Jumps - CLICK HERE
Burpee Box Jump Overs - CLICK HERE
Burpee Pull-Ups - CLICK HERE
Burpees - CLICK HERE
Burpees Over ERG - CLICK HERE
Burpees to 6” Target - CLICK HERE
Burpees to Plate - CLICK HERE
Calorie Row - CLICK HERE
Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups - CLICK HERE
Clean & Jerk - CLICK HERE
Deadlifts - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Double Unders - CLICK HERE
Dumbbell Box Step Overs - CLICK HERE
Dumbbell Lunges - CLICK HERE
Dumbbell Push Press - CLICK HERE
Dumbbell Thrusters - CLICK HERE
Elbow Plank - CLICK HERE
Farmer's Carry - CLICK HERE
Frog Jumps - CLICK HERE
Front Rack Dumbbell Lunges - CLICK HERE
Front Squat - CLICK HERE
GHD Back Extensions - CLICK HERE
Goblet Squat - CLICK HERE
Hang Clean - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Hang Snatch - CLICK HERE
Hip Extensions - CLICK HERE
Hollow Hold - CLICK HERE
Hollow Rock - CLICK HERE
Kettlebell Snatch - CLICK HERE
Kettlebell Swings - CLICK HERE
Kettlebell Walking Lunges - CLICK HERE
Knees 2 Elbows - CLICK HERE
Lateral Burpees Over Barbell - CLICK HERE
Lateral Jumps Over Barbell - CLICK HERE
Mountain Climbers - CLICK HERE
Muscle Snatch - CLICK HERE
Muscle-Ups - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Overhead Lunges - CLICK HERE
Overhead Plate Carry - CLICK HERE
Overhead Squats - CLICK HERE
Pistols - CLICK HERE
Power Clean & Jerk - CLICK HERE
Power Cleans - CLICK HERE
Power Snatch - CLICK HERE
Reverse Lunges - CLICK HERE
Ring Dips - CLICK HERE
Rope Climb - CLICK HERE
Russian Kettlebell Swings - CLICK HERE
Russian Twists - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Slam Ball - CLICK HERE
Sled Push - CLICK HERE
Sprint Row - CLICK HERE
Sprinter Sit-Ups - CLICK HERE
Squat Cleans - CLICK HERE
Squat Snatch - CLICK HERE
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - CLICK HERE
Thrusters - CLICK HERE
Toes 2 Bar - CLICK HERE
Wall Walks - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Wallballs - CLICK HERE
Weighted Sit-Ups - CLICK HERE
Zercher Squats - CLICK HERE

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Cardio Scales

The following scaled cardio activities are just a guide * every

individual is different * please adjust accordingly.



* 200m Run = 180m Row
* 200m Run = 120m Air Bike
* 200m Run = 180m SkiErg
* 200m Run = 5-6 Burpees
* 200m Run = 50 Mountain Climbers


* 200m Row = 230m Run
* 200m Row = 130m Air Bike
* 200m Row = 5-6 Burpees
* 200m Row = 50 Mountain Climbers
* SkiErg = Row

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

Air Bike
* 200m Air Bike = 300m Run
* 200m Air Bike = 280m Row
* 200m Air Bike = 280m SkiErg
* 200m Air Bike = 5-6 Burpees
* 200m Air Bike = 50 Mountain Climbers


* 200m SkiErg = 220m Run
* 200m SkiErg = 130m Air Bike
* 200m SkiErg = 5-6 Burpees
* 200m SkiErg = 50 Mountain Climbers
* SkiErg = Row


* 1 Calorie SkiErg = 1 Calorie Row

* 2 Calorie SkiErg = 3 Calorie Air Bike

* 1 Calorie Row = 1 Calorie SkiErg

* 2 Calorie Row = 3 Calorie Air Bike

* 3 Calorie Air Bike = 2 Calorie Row

* 3 Calorie Air Bike = 2 Calorie SkiErg

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Benoit Richard. Order #27449

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