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SULIT 2 1119/1

Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You are the secretary of your school’s Nature Club. During a trip to Similajau National Park, you
and your club members were attacked by a wild pack of stray dogs. Write a report to inform your
principal on the incident and explain how you and your friends managed to escape. Use the
following notes to write your report.

 Date and time

 Location of incident
 What caused the attack?
- fear
- threw stones
- being defensive
 How the dogs attacked?
- barked loudly
- chased angrily
- bit
 Who came to the rescue?
- visitors
- park rangers

When writing the report, you must remember to:

 address the report to the Principal
 provide a title
 give two ways to handle dogs attack
 use all the notes given

For your report, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20
marks for the quality of your writing.

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SULIT 3 1119/1

Section B: Continuous Writing

[50 marks]
[Time suggested: One hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. ‘Empathy could reduce bullying at school’. How far do you agree?

2. Describe yourself the way you think your best friend sees you.

3. ‘The world would have been a better place without the Internet’. Discuss.

4. Write a story in which you are in a moment of anger hurt somebody you care about. Begin your

story with: “Before I reached the Principal’s office, I feared the worst but ...”

5. The pleasures and delights of surfing.


SULIT 3 1119/1

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