AR3 Paper 2 Form 5 Revised

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Section A

[15 marks]

[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best

TAPAH, (Mon.): A man watched helplessly as his two sons were burnt to death in a fire
sweeping through a row of fifteen houses early this morning. This happened near the Pen

Abu Hassan screamed when he saw the charred bodies of his two sons. The burnt
bodies were brought out by firemen at about 7 a.m. Their bodies were found close to
each other in the upstairs bedroom after the fire had started at 3.15 a.m.

1. The word charred means

A dead.
B badly burnt.
C partly burnt.
D badly damaged.

Telby International School

Nurturing Minds, Building Character
Intakes: January and July

TIS (Telby International School) develops students according to their interests and unique personal
strengths by engaging them in active learning and social responsibilities. There is extensive use of
technology in a vibrant environment that makes TIS the international school of choice for secondary

Operating hours for registration: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Monday- Friday)

Office closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Scholarships awarded to deserving students.

For more details about our courses,
check out

2. From the advertisement above we know that

A TIS gives financial aid to eligible students.
B at TIS students will not use computers.
C one can register online at TIS.
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D TIS caters for primary students.

Safety Rules
 Do not walk along lonely roads.
 Avoid talking to strangers.
 Do not accept gifts from strangers.
 Walk in pairs or groups.

3. The above notice tells us that

A talking to people should be avoided.
B walking along the road is dangerous.
C students are to blame if anything goes wrong.
D students must take steps to be safer on lonely roads themselves.

As tropical storms and hurricanes move over land, they can deliver downpours
from the thunderstorms embedded within. Slow moving systems will release
more rain than faster-moving ones.

Since the coastal areas, where these systems traditionally make landfall,
are often barrier islands, swamps, and plains with numerous rivers, the
additional rainfall increases the flooding of low lying areas, especially when
combined with a surge.

4. The word downpours can best be replaced with

A heavy rains.
B flash floods.
C snowstorms.
D strong winds.


Dad, can you buy me a new

A new phone would phone? My current phone is
cost me an arm and a totally a wreck.

source : CartoonStock

5. From the dialogue, we know that the father

A has wrecked his phone.

B wants to buy a new phone.
C thinks a new phone is very expensive.
D has injured his arm and leg while buying a new phone.

Teenagers’ habit of multitasking that is, studying or reading while

listening to music or sending or receiving emails, is causing concern
among parents. They are worried that their children are taking too much
time to complete their work. Moreover, they absorb less information for
they are not focused.

6. According to the text above, parents are worried about teenagers’

A preference for music.
B fondness for computer games.
C loss of power of concentration.
D enthusiasm for their homework.

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“All the students will be required to take up at least one sport next year.
The move is part of the Education Ministry’s plan to revive the glory of
sports in school. Sports in school have been neglected as a result of the
lack of infrastructure, equipment and teaching staff but this will now
Education Minister (2011)

7. The word this in the extract refers to the

A lack of teaching staff.
B sports being neglected.
C Education Ministry’s plan.
D students taking up at least one sport.



8. Why do you think visitors to the office are required to do as indicated?

A The office has no waiting room.
B The office does not have a telephone operator.
C The office has a strict policy of making appointments before meetings.
D All visitors will know when they can or cannot approach for receptions.


Questions 9 to 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

I find that having an organized, uncluttered life is helpful to leading a peaceful, calm life. We
_9_make some wise choices to make our lives joyful and meaningful. For example, it is good to start the
day with a simple prayer. Rise early to start the day unrushed. For that you have to go to bed early too.
Make sure you clear up your rooms before going to bed. Do not put anything _10_ the floor. First view in
the morning is very important in giving us a good feeling_11_ a positive vibes. _12_ need it to start the
day in a positive way.

Eat right every day. It is all right to enjoy some food items which you really like but eat healthily
on a general basis. Home cooked food is highly recommended. It is as simple as making a vegetarian
sandwich and keep it in a lunch box for you to eat during your break _13_the office. Make sure you get
enough rest for you will need the strength for the next day’s activities. Lead a full active life. Allow extra
time to do things over time. Spread out difficult projects and don’t lump the hard things together. Pace
yourself so that the life you lead is sane and sensible. It is also good to_14_ every day for a healthy body.
If you are a busy person, then three times per week will do.

Say “No” to projects that won’t fit into your schedule or that will compromise your mental health.
Delegate tasks to other capable people. Do simplify and unclutter your life.

Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do
and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about the issue, forget it.

Neither you nor anyone _15_how to spend and save much at the same time. So, live within your
budget; don’t use credit cards for ordinary purchases. Carry a spiritually enlightening book with you to
read while waiting in line. Always take one day at a time.

(Adapted from CP Living, June 2012)

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9 A can 13. A of

B may B at

C must C in

D would D from

10. A at 14. A exercise

B in B exercises

C to C exercised

D on D exercising

11. A or 15. A know

B but B knows

C and C knew

D because D knowing

12. A You

B We

C They

D Them


Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]
Questions 16 – 25
Read the following poster and complete the diagram that follows.

Public Transport System

The importance of a good public transport system

Good public transport systems are an essential part of safe, clean and affordable transport for
development. From a social perspective, public transport is often the only means of transport for the poor.
Without it, they would be able to look at work opportunities only within walking distance of their homes,
so public transport improves their livelihood opportunities. It also gives them greater access to education,
health care and recreation. For senior citizens, people with disabilities and children, public transport is
also their main means of mobility.

From an urban mobility perspective, public transport is far more efficient than personal motor vehicles
in terms of the road space it uses up and the energy it consumes. For example, a bus carrying 40
passengers uses only 2.5 times more road space than a car carrying only 1 or 2 people. And the same bus
consumes only about 3 times as much fuel as a car. Public transport is thus important for improving
sustainable mobility in urban areas, and we consider it the right approach to encourage low-carbon growth
in cities.

The key elements of a sustainable public transport system

A good public transport system must be easy and convenient to use, fast, safe, clean and affordable.
Seoul, Singapore and Hong Kong are known for their excellent transport systems.

A key feature is that they integrate multiple technologies, such as metro rail, light rail, Bus Rapid
Transit and basic bus services. A common ticket or fare card serves all the systems, making it easy for
passengers to transfer from one mode to the other. Passenger information systems enable users to know
when the next service is due and to understand the routes easily, and high frequency of service reduces the
hassle of a long wait for the next bus or train.

The challenges of providing public transport

The challenges in providing transportation to the cities are to be able to do it at an affordable price

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besides the competing modes, like personal vehicles, which are unsustainable. In getting people to choose
public transport over personal vehicles, it is advisable to think of the convenience and the reliability of the

Questions 16 – 25

Using the information from the poster, complete the diagram below.

The Importance of a Good Public

Transport System



16. ………………………………
19. ………………………………
17. ……………………………… 20. ………………………………
 Children

18 ………………………………………

 Bus [5 marks]

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text.

 Public transport is more efficient than private vehicles in terms of the 21 …………………………..
 Using public transport helps lower 22 ……………………………………………….…… in cities.
 One of the ways to improve public transport is by 23 ……………………….……… multiple
 24 ………………………...…..……………………… provide users with information of the services
and routes.
 Two factors to be thought of in getting people to choose public transport are
25 ………………………………………………………………………………….. of the transport.

[5 marks]

Section C

[25 marks]

[Time suggested: 50 minutes]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.
1 It was a Monday in February, and I went home in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Though I
was exhausted from travel, it was my buddy’s birthday, so I went over to his girlfriend’s house
and we spent the night catching up until I said goodbye around midnight. My mother’s home was
just five minutes away. I had come home to celebrate her birthday. My 2011 white Range Rover
was parked on the street. As I got in and reached for the seat belt, someone yanked my door 5
open. There was a man wearing a black ski mask and pointed an AK-47 inches from my face.
2 “Give me the keys!” he barked. “And get out of the car!” I froze, wondered if my buddy
was playing a trick on me. I babbled, but words were not coming out of my mouth. “Give me
your wallet! Your phone!” I stepped out and handed over my belongings. Another man with a
shotgun rushed towards me and shoved me into the backseat. Two other men with shotguns 10
appeared from the side of the house and hopped into the car. The man with the AK-47 got behind
the wheel, and I was squished between two of the masked men in the backseat. We began driving
around the neighbourhood. “Where’s the money at?” one shouted. “I, I, I don’t have any money,”
I stammered. “You can have the car. You can have anything you want,” I said. “Just let me get
back to my family.” 15
3 “Why are you lying?” said the man in the front passenger seat. “Lie to me again and I’ll
kill you.” I could not feel my mouth when I talked. I tried to breathe. I thought of my mom. I
thought of God. I stared straight ahead. I was trembling. Though I could not see their faces, I
could tell by their voices that they were young.
4 One of the men next to me bashed me twice in the right knee with his gun. I was 20
bleeding. My heart was racing, my head spinning. All I thought was, “Why is this happening to
me? What did I do to deserve this? My financial adviser never allowed me to keep too much
money in my bank account. So when one of my captors ordered me to withdraw $10,000, I said
that it was impossible.
5 “If you’re lying,” he said, repeating a numbing refrain, “I’ll kill you.” 25
When they saw I was not lying, they asked if my friend had money at the house where they
picked me up. “Maybe,” I said. “If he does, he’ll give you whatever he has.” We drove back to
my friend’s house. I was led to the door with my hands in the air. I felt the AK-47 pressed
against my back. My friend opened the door. He instantly slammed it in my face. I now thought I
was dead. I closed my eyes. 30
6 My captors were panicking. I heard them conspiring, wondered if my friend had called
the cops. They rushed me back into the vehicle and secured zip ties around my ankles and my
arms, which were then tied behind my back. They put an itchy hat over my face. Now we were
driving, and I had no idea where we were or what time it was. At some point, two other men got
into the vehicle, and five of us were crammed into the backseat. I was exhausted. I tried to keep 35
my faith. I tried to think of my mom. I was numb, but she was all I had left.
7 The car jolted to a stop. I was pulled out of the back and shoved onto the road. Lying on
my back, I thought, I could not die this way. And then, in the distance, I heard the faintest
sound of police sirens. The men heard it too. They scurried into the car and sped away. I was left
alone. I was alive. I managed to shimmy out of the arm ties and then slid the hat off my face. I 40
was surrounded by woods. I could not free my legs because those ties were too tight, so I began
to hop. I hopped and hopped and hopped down the road.
8 I eventually came across a trailer park. At the second trailer, the lights were on. I could

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hear the sound of laughter and chatter, so I knocked on the door, back up, and waited with my
hands up. “I have just been robbed and kidnapped,” I said. “Can you please call the police?” 45
Another man appeared in the doorway and pointed a handgun at me.
9 “Look, I play for the Jacksonville Jaguars,” I said, pointed to the team-issued shorts I was
wearing. They did not trust me. I anticipated a shot being fired, so I fell down and rolled on the
ground. There was a loud bang. Shot fired. I heard the men closed the door, and I realized I could
still feel my body. The shot was likely a warning to scare me or anyone else who might have 50
been lurking in the shadows. But I was alone. I was on the ground. I was sobbing.
1 I suddenly got a rush of adrenaline. I managed to get my legs out of the ankle restraints
0 and started to run. I saw an intersection. I stood in the grass as cars passed by. I waved my hands,
asking for someone to stop, but no one did. I ran to a gas station. It was lit up, but nobody was
there. The pay phone had a broken cord hanging from it. I crumbled to the ground, defeated 55
again, when a couple pulled in.
“Are you okay?” the woman asked. Help, finally, was on the way. I was terrified of
getting in trouble. I had never been arrested, and yet here I was, kidnapped after an innocent
night at my friend’s house.

(Adapted from Readers’ Digest Online at

26 (a) From paragraph 1, where was the writer when he first encountered the man wearing the
black ski mask?
[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 2, what did the writer do when the captors asked for his wallet and
[1 mark]
27 (a) From paragraph 3, state the writer’s reaction when one of the captors threatened to kill
[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 4, why was it impossible for the writer to withdraw $10,000?
[1 mark]


28 (a) From paragraph 6, which word has the same meaning as the word tighten?
[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 7, what did the writer do when he could not free his legs?
[1 mark]
29 From paragraph 10,
(a) where was the writer when he waved his hands for help?
[1 mark]
(b) why was the writer crumbled to the ground at the gas station?
[1 mark]
30 Suggest a way to ensure our safety while going out alone. Give a reason to your answer.

Way : ……………………………………………………………………………………….
[1 mark]
Reason: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

[1 mark]

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31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

 what the writer faced in his attempt to survive from the kidnapping

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must be:

 in continuous writing (not in note form)
 use only the material from line 5 to line 42
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

As he got into his Range Rover and reached for ...

[15 marks]




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Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes]
32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the gun!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson


(a) In stanza 1,

(i) which line indicates that the soldiers would probably die?
[1 mark]
(ii) who commands all the soldiers?

[1 mark]
Not though the soldiers knew

Someone had blundered

Stanza 2

From these lines, what can you infer about the situation?
[1 mark]
(c) What would you do if you were one of the soldiers? Give your reason.

Action: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
[1 mark]
Reason: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
[1 mark]

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Dear Mr Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Sing to the Dawn - Minfong Ho

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

“We must always be optimistic when facing problems”.

How is this saying portrayed in the novel that you have read?
With close reference to the text, give reasons and examples to support your answers.
[15 marks]
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Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark
that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.


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