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课题:U7 Memory

Lesson 1:Vocabulary and Reading 1

1. 课前学习任务
(1) 完成课本第 98 页 A2 的练习。
(2) 思考自己生活中存在的记忆方面的困难。
2. 视频课
步骤(时长) 活 动 陈 述 台词
(2mins) 问候、学习
Hello my dear boys and girls.
I am Raina from Guangzhou True Light Middle
前动员 School. Nice to meet you again. Today we are going to
step into the world of memory and have a reading lesson
of Unit 7.
今天我们将一起进入 Unit 7 Memory 的学习。
词汇方面,我们需要认读和理解单词 memory
corner improve mention spelling method silly 等
What is memory? Let's learn about it first. Look at
the first sentence:
The dream wakened a forgotten memory.
The “memory” here means a thought of sth that you
remember from the past, 回忆,记忆
And the second sentence:
He had a good memory for faces.
The “memory” here means your ability to remember
things, 记忆力。 Do you have an excellent memory?
Would you like to become a memory king? Today I will
give seven memory cards for you to achieve. The group
who get the most cards will be the memory king.

I can't wait! Let's begin to get the cards.
1(4mins) Warming up First, we are going to have a warming-up activity.
Yes, we will have a memory test. If you do well in
this part, you will get memory cards. Let’s go! Test One:
Read the words for 30 seconds and see how many you
can remember.
Time is up. Can you repeat all the words? They are
star, mountain, February, baby, river, apple, monkey,
window, computer and soldier. Wow, you are
excellent. How can you remember all of them? I have a
clever tip. I make up a story with the words here. A star
dropped down onto the mountain this February. Then a
baby appeared by the river. The next morning, a monkey
found it and fed it with an apple...As time went by, the
baby grew up and became a soldier. I wrote the story in
the computer by the window. Do you think it very funny
and helpful? If you can make up a story with the words
and imagine the pictures in your mind, you can
remember the words easily. Well, we finish test 1
successfully and this is the first memory card for you.
Well done! Here is a new phrase for you, let’s read--in
your mind, in your mind.
Then let’s go to test 2. Look at the pictures for 1
minute and see how many you can remember. Time is up
and now let’s try our best. Frog, letter, book,
computer...Oh no, I forget the rest of the pictures. It is so
hard. Do you have any smart tips to help me? What
about this? Can we put the pictures in groups? Let’s see.
Frog, bird, dog, horse, lion! Yes, they are animals.
Basketball, football, skiing, running, these are sports.
Computer, light, sofa, telephone, they are parts of home
life. Earth, Sun, tree, snowman, they are parts of nature.
The next group is letter and book. Church, tower, and
they are buildings. As for the last group, you can

imagine a picture in your mind. Next to the traffic lights,
a lady is playing the violin in the bread shop, then we
can remember traffic lights, violin and bread. To
remember lots of different words or pictures in a short
time, we can put them into groups or categories. Have
you got the tip? Terrific, and this is the second memory
card for you.

2(3mins) Pre-reading Just now, we have got two memory tips. Do you
want to learn more? Let’s explore the memory world.
Today we get the chance to read three short articles
about memory. Please turn to page 99. First look at the
introduction and the title of the article and then circle the
correct answers.
1. What do Henry, Paula and Millie do for the school
newspaper? They write articles. From the first
sentence of the introduction we can get the answer.
2. Why have Henry, Paula and Millie written these
articles? Because they want to help students improve
their memory. From the second sentence of the
introduction we can know it. “Improve” means to make
sth. better than before, for example, improve your
English, improve students’ memory, improve our living
standards. They write articles to help students improve
memory, and that’s why the title is called Memory

Now please look at the first sentence of each

article. Then circle the correct answers to questions 3
and 4.
3. What way does Henry’s article mention to help
students remember something? “Mention” means to
write or speak about something, 提 到 , 说 到 . Yes, to
imagine a picture. From the first sentence of Henry’s
article, we can know that.
4. What’s Paula’s article mainly about? From the first
sentence of her article, we know it is mainly about a
method for remembering the spelling of a word.
“Method” means the way of doing sth.,方式,方法. And
“spelling” is the way a word is written. It is also the
noun form of spell, 拼写.

3(6mins) While-readin It seems that we can learn a lot of good memory
g methods from Henry, Paula and Millie. What are you
still waiting for? Let’s read!
We are going to read each of the articles carefully
and learn about their memory methods.
First, let’s read to see how Henry remembers
things. Please fill in the blanks after reading. Henry’s
memory method is to imagine a picture in your mind. He
advises us to make the picture big, strange and silly, that
is, stupid. For example, to remember the word “smiles”,
we can imagine there is a mile between the first letter
and the last letter. Henry concludes the article in this
way, a picture is worth a thousand words. To introduce
his memory method, Henry shows his method directly
and gives a tip. He also sets an example to make himself
understood. And in the end he draws a conclusion. This
is Henry’s memory method, have you got it? Wow,
another memory card for you, congratulations! Here I
have two questions for you to think about. Why is it
better to remember if we make the picture big, strange or
silly? What does Henry mean by saying “a picture is
worth a thousand words”? Our life experience tells us
that unusual and special things are easier to remember.
By saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, Henry
means pictures can be much more helpful than words.
Next, let’s read the second article to see how Paula
remembers the spelling of words. Paula’s memory
method is to make a short sentence with each letter of a
word. For example, when memorizing the word
“because”, we can use the sentence “Big elephants can
always understand small elephants.” Just like Henry,
Paula also sets a good example after she introduces her
method. In this way, we can understand her better. Can

you use this method and make a short sentence with
each letter of “family”? Father and mother I love you.
F-A-M-I-L-Y, family. Wow, you are so smart! You got
another memory card.
Henry and Paula teach us good ways to remember
things. But sometimes we forget things easily. Let’s read
Millie’s article and find out how she can avoid forgetting
things quickly. Millie’s method is to understand things
well. For example, unless we understand how water
cycle works, we will forget it quickly. Millie writes her
article in the same way as Paula. She introduces her
method first and gives an easy example. So far, you have
got five memory cards. How brilliant you are!
From the three articles, we can work out the
structure of expositions. To introduce a method, writers
usually write a topic sentence first. And then writers use
explanation (解释说明), data presentation (数据呈现),
metaphor ( 比 喻 ), comparison ( 对 比 ), examples to
further explain the method. In this way, readers can
understand the writers’ ideas more easily and clearly.
And finally writers may draw a short but strong
conclusion to restate their ideas.
文中出现的新词汇,let's go!

4 (2mins) Vocabulary Do you like reading stories? This is a funny story

about memory. Complete the article with the words we
have just learnt. Change their forms if necessary.
Remember, the article introduces the story of Mr. White,
so we should use the simple past tense here. Let's begin!
OK! Time is up! Let’s read the story together.
Mr. White is a careless man and has a poor
memory. He always forgets things and gets himself into
trouble. One night when he came back from work, he
found that he had lost his keys, so he decided to climb
into his house. While he was trying to climb up the wall,
a policeman came up and shouted at him. He mentioned
why he climbed the wall to the policeman. As he looked
too nervous and silly, the policeman didn’t trust him.
Unluckily, he was arrested.
What a funny story! Sometimes bad memory may
cause trouble. I hope you guys won’t have similar

5 (2mins) Strategies It seems that you are good at memorizing and using
new words. However, to learn English well, we need to
remember thousands of English words. Do you have any
good methods to remember words better? Let’s have a
group work.
This is a form about some good methods for
remembering words. First, add a prefix or suffix to a
root.给词根加前缀或后缀。Second, form a compound
word. 构成一个合成词。Third, use syllables, 用音节
的方法来记忆. And at last, you need to think of your
own method. Please work in groups and fill the form.
Don’t forget to give some examples for each method.
Now I will give you a box of words. Please choose
2 groups of 4 words from the box and use two different
methods to remember the two groups of words. Each
group will get 2 cards. You are expected to complete the

cards with the methods you use. Are you ready? Let’s
Have you completed the cards? Here I will show
you my cards.
A good way to remember the four words schoolbag,
doorbell, notebook and weekday is to form a compound
with two words together.
A good way to remember the four words luck,
lucky, unlucky and unluckily is to add a prefix or suffix
to a root.
If you complete your cards, you can get the last two
memory cards. In total, you got seven! Wow, you are the
memory king today! Congratulations!

6 (2mins) Summary How time flies! This lesson is going to its end. But
Homework you have learnt a lot and become a memory king. Now
let’s summarize what we have learnt today. First of all,
we learn to use some new words like memory, mention,
silly, improve, method and spelling as well as the
sentence “A good way to to...”. We also
learnt about three memory methods--to imagine a
picture, to make a short sentence with each letter of a
word, to understand things well. At last, we learnt some
useful ways to memorize words, for example, to add
prefix or suffix, to form a compound and to use
After this lesson, you are expected to write a short
article for the school newspaper to help students
improve their memory. Share your own methods with
them. To introduce your method more clearly, you can
mention the method and add some tips, examples and
finally draw a conclusion. I’d like to call it “hamburger
structure”. Interesting, right? In this lesson, we’ve
already learnt to use this sentence, to make your article

better, you can find out more sentence patterns from the
three articles we read today. We are going to discuss
more in next lesson. See you then!
Thank you for your wonderful performance and
good bye.

(5mins) 答疑时间 Hello my dear boys and girls.

I am Raina from Guangzhou True Light Middle School.
Nice to meet you again.
现在是 Unit 7 Memory Vocabulary and Reading 1 的答
在 Memory Corner 这篇文章中,三位小作者在介绍记
Before we read an article, we should focus on its format,
title and introduction first. For example, from the school
name, the date and the introduction here, we can know
that the three articles are from school newspaper. And
from the title as well as the introduction, we can find
that these articles are mainly about how to improve
students’ memory. There is no doubt that this is also the
authors’ writing purpose. Where can you read these
articles? What do these articles mainly talk about?
What’s the purpose of these articles? These kinds of
questions can be easily answered by reading the format,
title and introduction of an article. It is also necessary
for us to learn to write introduction for an article. Would
you like to write an introduction for Memory Corner by
yourself? You may write in this way:
Henry Paula and Millie have written articles to help
students improve their memory. Here is their advice.
As students, do you have problems with your memory?
Here are some good methods to help improve your

After getting the main idea of an article, we need to
think about what each paragraph mainly talks about. For
example, in Henry’s article, from the first and last
sentences, we can get his method to remember
something, that is to imagine a picture in your mind. The
key word of this paragraph is “picture”. While we read,
in order to get the main idea of paragraphs, we can focus
on the topic sentences and then get the key words.
Examples are helpful for us to understand a new idea.
With the help of Paula’s example--“Big elephants can
always understand small elephants”, we can easily figure
out what she means. This is from an article about kites.
Over the years, kites have also helped people understand
the natural world. You may wonder how kites helped to
understand the natural world. Don’t worry. The writer
would set some examples to help you understand. In
1749, for example, thermometers were tied to kites to
measure temperatures. In 1906, cameras hanging from
kites took pictures of San Francisco California after an
earthquake. 原来风筝还有这样的作用啊!读完这两个
Thank you for your watching and goodbye!
3. 课后作业

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