Gidb4999653-Cp4 Ut1 Math Paper 2 QP

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Cambridge Primary

Unit Test 1 Maximum Marks: 25

Class: CP4 Duration: 45 Minutes
Date: Signature:

QP Code: 202122MA2CP4
Subject: Mathematics Paper 2
For Teacher’s Use
Stage 4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Question

number Mark
1 /2
Additional materials: Ruler 2 /2
3 /2
4 /1
Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question 5 /1
paper. 6 /1

You should show all your working on the question paper. 7 /1

8 /1
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of 9 /2
each question or part question.
10 /1
The total number of marks for this paper is 25. 11 /2
12 /2
13 /1
14 /1
15 /1
16 /2
17 /2
Total /25

EB-QP-02 1
Q.No: Questions Working
1. a) Write the place value of the 6 in the number 63,147

b) Write in figures number that is hundred more than eighty
thousand eight hundred and eighty


Here is a part of a sequence .

78 ,69,60, ....
The sequence continues in the same way.
a) Write the next two terms in this sequence.

-------------------------------- , -----------------------------
b) Complete the rule for this sequence.

I use the previous term and ----------------------------------- [2]

Here is a train time table


a) How long does it take to travel from Moonham to Cloudy


-------------------------- minutes

EB-QP-02 2
b) Hassan arrives at Moonham station at 14:05
How long does he wait for the train?

------------------------- minutes [2]

4 Here are two calculations with answers.

Tick the calculation if the answer is correct.
Cross the calculation if the answer is incorrect.


5 Complete these calculations:


A shop has 445 magazines.

The shop sells 75 magazines.
How many are left?
Show your working here:



EB-QP-02 3
The numbers in this sequence increase by 50 each time.
10, 60, 110, . . .

The sequence continues in the same way. Which number in the

sequence is closest to 250 [1]


Pierre reads 137 pages from a story book .
He has 63 pages more to read on .
How many pages are there on the story book ?

----------------------------- pages [1]

9 a) Ring around the expression that can be solved with the

following number line?

a) 832 + 79

b) 832 +709

c) 823 +709

EB-QP-02 4
b) Complete the number line to solve this subtraction:

[2] [2]

10 Tick the correct box to show if the answers are odd or even


11 a) Write the missing number in this sequence

-----------------------, 13,886 , 13,786, 13,686 , --------------------

b) The number in each circle is the sum of the numbers on the

two circles below it.
Observe the pattern and complete the series


EB-QP-02 5
Here is part of a bus timetable

Alex wants to travel from New town to Sandville.

He arrives in New town at 10:30

a) How long must Alex wait until the next bus


b) How long does the journey last?


13 Jamila is counting forwards in tens from 5715

Mia is counting backwards in ones from 7500
Tick the numbers both of them will count.


EB-QP-02 6
Give time digitally in 24 hour clock timing : One has been done
for you




The chart shows the times that planes leave an airport in

Destination Flight Flight

Number time
Amsterdam A438 1:40 pm
New York A173 2:25 pm
Madrid A462 3:25pm
Berlin A986 04:00pm

Aiko is travelling from London to Madrid. [1]

What time will her flight Leave?


EB-QP-02 7
16 The chart shows the lowest daily temperature recorded in a

a) On how many days the tempeature was lower than -4 °c

b)Arrange the given temperature from lowest to greatest



17 a) Bashir is thinking of a number

He says, “If I add 36 to my number the answer is 105”
What number is Bashir thinking of?


b) Decompose these numbers by filling in the missing


527,069 =500,000 +------------ +----------- + 60 +9 [2]

***** END ****

EB-QP-02 8

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