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AKSHAY KUMAR: M.A (Economic) OSE > Mob.-9873550745)"° = = a ane Bess Bom pee cy om rare products sho believe — canes ah arash an nny Jute act cannes ss Connact Sedans the the pease ie — _ [= Aa Econom SE. i 7484 A Baice Review of MonoPoryn TF se sThe_ above cAggrann oe poster pf a__dingle men. The re ne Pod a en saree Scanned with CamScanner 1 MAR oe SH te OSE & con 2 d— -Sauctaurt alle. Marginal revenue — Sede ea ctoliimald revenue the pea ——— Bint ee adcditrimet Aan bs __ becouse ts setlan adcitianat unit, — Ans y i _Chscees 2 euctp uct ot _ashieh mR =mc, The _pagpit _maximigzin 9—— dhsum as Om ,—the ice at seh — exctpuct iad eiaainded (8 Pro The menopaly— propia she egiatta_the anse¢} shad. — —" sreectangie ie —_CPra = ACI 8m AKSHAY KUMAR “A (Economic) DSE — 1b» 987 35507487 “RisatiousuiP Betwocen DaRGinan Revenue Ke _PRice S = __and_price 2 things = ______— —) Blecciepeeee hau _rou chet ue thre finn ta —Lalneadiy Acid Ogee not delling very many = tha 5 uch bey custeg the price ts received on’ these units. oe ee _ “The _bétivean price and margin al Aevenue _/ dependa sa_thedlepe of —clermancl Cunve .saohich _ Ketls. row —rauch the maenspstieT Aasta cut ’ ce te sett ne more units) otpuit .—— Ff eh © Cave veny flat, then+th anenepolist _ Can detlanadaiitienatsanct Asitth only alamoll price cut 20 the miangihal hevenue: Aart be close i fp bats thee price /unit. Bn the other Aand,— 2 eco | |p te demanal canes a Mey hte AG _— Scanned with CamScanner d “ARSHAY KUMAR_ M.A (Economic) DSE BH pate Mob.-9873550745.. ee ce Q = A= BxP - | where Q 2s the number 5) units the —finm Px & ’AKSHAY KUMAR Mob. TSO The above eguctien reveals jtaat the 6 ap —— ies eee ee de perch Scanned with CamScanner xRSHAY KUMAR uk ny pATE__— : 5 a EMA (Economic) OSE: ea ie J Antes, (C= farm's ctstod Coat a Given, this dinean Coot fundtian, the firm's am Cost td := = = —— ae KUMAR a & © ‘M-A{Economic) OSE — ee Mob 9873550745, ; i ’ ) a , _ est ee\e 6 a Be oo ARSBAY, ' : » Tawa, Ac wm c Cec) and A€clines Uith the — _eutput produced a — a Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR M.A (Economic) DSE, , AI ‘Mob. 90738507485 : &, MonoPoristic ComPerition: tition: — Gonaid en the ——— Ses ta _2ell mene the | tonper the tetal_ demand for Abs _j.nduratrugis | product andl higher the prices changed ‘ y Ahs rivets 5) The _fonen_ia expected ta self tesa, greater — Agneta oil. the —Aiphen ita even price. __AKSHAY KUMAR Mob. pete een peer Scanned with CamScanner M.A (Economic) 0S ‘yMob.-98736507454 Tester costa _p/a fyprcad — pen ae re oe Be Bey nt ety Cs Cie iF te i Se 8 Mob.-88735507454 “AsiumPTion be. AU the finns ane dyrometue e_cipfenent? ated ) The nomser of Figms Avo Avernge Cost: 7 ppicad often clathencinnain dite Sei eo prcod fon —chepencie tn thie — Muartbie a: +} — fares : tnt i tree att pros ma? Sore — Syren BE ain Saleh they oll chanpe the __ se ice ie P=P_ A. BE S/n eee Oc= F+ros neE+ (J Sz The obeve—egsmiten states thet Mette from = : cthene ance sh —indudti,, heghen ta th, 7 7 € avena5e Coste, The r2ei1en ts “that the mane far —thene ake, sche és cack tien produced Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR: M.A (Economic) DSE Mob.-9873550745!: This upwsand sloping —-reletenship between —— —w9-andl_avens5e— Coat (dh suss lest Co un —___ the —cltegrem ‘below. == a 2) Te _umBer QF Fiams & PACE The price. = —— changed bya typical pone —aliae depends oa —_ — A _aartLt_olso _tokea Pas given, — “Companing Oanc@,— “parsing a onomic] — M.A (Ec — - — . Mob.-2§ _ A= Sly + SxbxP S a E Be sxXb : _ “mrs P-O = P-a a Sxb - _Fer_a_profit moa simis ~Gama, REMC je a _P-8 sc Oo =— _ 4 SXb 7 Scanned with CamScanner EARSHAY KUMAR, VI §M.A (Economic) 1 eifo 907 3550745 f°" ll es oe Sxb ——— 4 ps 7 = ame pouce, eachnalt — —AeLL am” amount “© 5 s/n — + ASA KUMAR iM.A (Economic) { ——— ———"Nigb.-987355074 , : — — —_— — —— = . : Exp. nthe abeve diagram, the dbuimuaricl )_Aloping canve PP show thet them, Sus v +thene one tn the industiuy the dower the ' _peuce each pian 17ill change. The mane puis | » —thene ane, the mone Compatifisin each pinnn faces. » The _mpuord—aloping CC Cunve tncitcates that _the mone “there ane tn industry , the Aighen the avenoge Cost 5) each piven —~ ze Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR ; _ M.A (Economic) DSE +: “ ae Mob.-9873550765., The 2 Achedules int ensect ot pats nt EF wh . bh aun wey ieee ee roma ining | -parayit = enaximiscag price a Py_1hich iv enxectly = | and exit ene tn awhich the fone mengy Thus, 2 AU ie oven Hmed 4} Sng _ A Z. “nk s F i Paton mate. il 0 neSHAPKUMAR peice Po sasitts ang fener d+. (.conomia) OSE — MMab.-9873550745f | MomoPoristic ComPetizion ANO TRAAE Errects SF an qwereased Moaxer dines |_“The. ura ; gfe om forliiertern le __ peepee ladeg” wn pean both lower prices anda greater : — __pereducta thar Comaumess in ee ee Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY RUMAR® MA Economic) DSeE ie & oare__— —Mab.-9873550745.7 PAGE. — Costa eee os Thea becouse |} the mankel pronis serie — muniases 6} feiend Cn? a ta Dell Genatant, itpict—__ oe —Gaot “A ee nel a Tea eee eee mn amon kKet a eee eer eee i Comat ther, tine egamitiéa ef PP usmve te — eh Pe c+ _I _ oo bxn _ i: on Since the aAtge pf manket _cdeeanct enter trite abowe equntion an Tin S deeanct shyt the PP cues | _AKSHAY KUMAR: a ‘conomic) OSE Mob.-9873580745, Ding: £FFECT OF AN INCREASED MARKET SIZE ) Exp? Se “The Above pili genie “Ahead ee Spectafan )_inchease io a ee Ce RS eae 44 ot feint 1 tan = pee ee (forms m1. Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR: M.A (Economic) DSE oo Mob.-9873550745. - & nce__ Arn Tin Aige 5} manket measuned by 4 Aotes Sahjpte the CC Cunve doum Pers CE} te — Cz aohtle st Aaa no .gfect m PP cunve. The Mew egsrilibriiun is act peint2. The number —— 7 Ginna ae from ny, ta m2 awhile the price Corte eS a Cleossly, Connaumerna_turcertel : prepente b ep asco — Ket siather than Amall ene. ~ __ a Lange moon | At paint 2, a grecter wv rity of procenses | ome oumilatte ot 9 lower pri! nat point de - _BRSHAY | —___—_—_—_ KUMAR M.A (Economic) DSE Mob.-9873550745 | A NumeRicalL ExamPe To UnSéRsSTAND THe a | Gains ee ee er a i ( _asthete Q= no astemobes rolcl_per firma —__{ ( i —gtven yp Se ppasmcbtrrnte, 2 ee . -2__#S9000,900 + SopoQ 25.0,020;000 + FooQ a ( t Scanned with CamScanner “ARBHAY KUMAR, “M.A (Economic) Ose Mob.-9873550745: 2 —Asles sf 16, o0900 0 +6 milwen |The 2———_ —Coustiies one orumedl have same costo} | —pesedactin So i cae mE to FS c+ bX . -* 35a ovone +4 Sooo = Sooo ft F9000 | 220 n 999990 = AKSHAY KUMAR- M.A (Economic) OSE - m= 6 Mab..9873550745 B—— —________— P= c+ J = S000 + BO090 = figc09 bxn 6 g oo. ° = (50000 unit 7 Ez it, Acs 3FS9009000 + S009 = OQ — 7 IsQ0200 “Since P= AG, oll menapoly prope have been Corapéte oA Thus, SS Fereigais Amalpra:- Works dase ot Hon SS Wwe a ‘n=8 P= = £8350 Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY RUMAR © M.A (Economic) DSE- ---~ -9873550745 and AC= #50 990000 _ +5000 = $8750 —— 209000 _ ss — “Neus; buppone at_ia pessvie fan Heme & a= i ae trade Pens Patina A New —___— | erty ene Another. Thtsa creates. _integaatect —-tusith “total _aoleas/—2- c nt + «= c+ 1 Ss bx FSO 209 000 N) -ri-SO09 5 Se 2 $09,080 > 2 te n= BsvosceoX 30099 = 100 FS 0 vs9999 ‘AKSHAY KUMAR. Mob.:9873550745,7 PZ n=10. = Pe sooo + 39009 = $ F009 10 a Q= SF = 2 So0000 = 2590900 Cans -" / 1o@ “pina eas preanctng 289.200 6 —and____ Acting ther at a precede pf gooo$ . Ac= Fsoovs0090 + S009 = Ff FO0O 289000 - C _ The _integrdted market supperts 1 Scanned with CamScanner KSHAY KUMAR™ ee {M.A (Economic) DSE by oo *“Mob.-9873550745, —_seniceesteea el _! [ _Formvra FoR CApwiating, swnpeatonce Of —— 2, ‘SHAY NIRA- INDUSTRY TRADE: romtc) pee —— i lob.-9873550745 5 "sho inthe Orasuant 2 voye eachanges pf __ Beedle. —retectet in beth ekpets Be iempaeoa This nunmten (4 meaimned at a avenge Drode of lo.o Ptracte tn_an inctud Glatt _in Gay ene dixzecten ~ then r=O since Amatlest trade flow ca gee. Thene is m9 Antia-induttryy teade En othen Aand £ - a Countuy's experts Ko imports urtth in an tnasitiy ane © , then ret. Z Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR M.A (Economic) DSE Mob.-9873550745 - Tene Becamanice ree enancesnsess Baan hea the 2ame—— vushich meant that Tipe “fost tae -and ne At en ge _ AKSHAY. KUMAR C =M.A (Economic) DSE— ootee IS, \ Mob.-9873550745¢ vertical axis aftnce Q=0) _Furms 1 and 2. chasse output evela QandO, respectively te —mnaximge —thein _protits. ot mR= —Arespecttive enc They. aet prices Pi ancl Py “He t _Gorinea pend te these euctpice evels on Cemmen de a eae Scanned with CamScanner "ARSHAY KUMAR ni go M.A (Economic) DSE°*") °=5° _ “Mah 9873550745 = —Cleanly, F ‘ a lower peice ancl — —Allaa_aince MR curve ca Atecper than demanal — : : Aipher markup over mn putinn 2 fe Py = cy 7 Pa =p = = eee = a 1 ZAKSHAY KUMAR, . = = Mob.-9873550745 = r ict, tine optima pom x re a = | aoe peor hom ane aes » r : : aah + do xxt dS], het c™ encte thts + Cost cout ppp — a pine sanith _o marginal Cast ce above i Oe. oy Ad effectively priced aut p/manket p_Ond would eamm negeilve ape sHeg pepe et Senate ttle act pane D veto ch duce. Scanned with CamScanner AKSRAY KUMAR. M.A (Economic) DSE 90) 08044 ne Mob.-9873550745 = Date Le nce NOTE: The -model Gamumea thet ental a F wndemness abo ¢ ; ; ee hens putane— Cost Levers C ARE DRivedi FAV ZERA | EFFECTS OF Increased MARKET SIZE: . | DIAG:- _WwinneRS AND. LoseRS FROM £ Canomic integ RATION oR¥ AKSHAY KUMAR? ang 8 __ M.A (Economic) DSI Ty ) — Bde —Mob.-9873550745.° “Hs co bers a ‘ <> Scanned with CamScanner JAKSHAY KUMAR. ees 1M.A (Economic) DS NE Nob 9073850748 : ae [A expectect ata shy - dernand in fon each — then hand, a bigger manker —— d t Sc oe | te clemand ouct.— Recah, Lat sddaie verth&e) fatencepr pf this 520 (oimono2 3g EF ! shite +h: Combining —pecssta4).and.2) given anon deman ol Horne Y oCashich & flatten and Aas a tewen 7 vertical fnbencepi than the snteinal clemamol -M.A(Econemic)-DSE:——— | Carve DMs E: —— __* Mob.-9873550745 4 — thls _demand—clsnge Ga the pen ates pape : different at terwels Veg. Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR M.A (Economic) OSE Mob.-9873550745, The decrease tn demenol fo _Amatter perros a Arronaletes inte a new, lower Coat cut Qytf __, és aastt hh Aggh cost devels _ above C¥ 1 | Connect Aunifve the decrease 1h Cemanct & eke DEcistomSt _avttin 2 identical Counthces Home & Foreiga | |_Aet the manket se Panameter S hetlect the 1 —Aige pj each manket, 40 that 2XS nejlects _! _ the “Ai, pri monks. However the treed! _Cannet ha hia. wort monket oso single —manket ef tise 2Xs because this market 4 -me_lengen perfectly inteprdied Ouets Trade ats. = Specifically, the anode! ormumes theta often. — wet nadcitvehal Coat for each aunt eactput thet it relia te Customers Across the Berder. Ouiite tiede coat tb, firma ae aet Aer enct prices ain tivein expert maonket relative ta tnecrn Aemectic market. This soit) Aeads dipfenent _ovantities deld tn each masnket ond sutitmately ts _chYenest broth bevels connect — Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR: M.A (Economic) OSE. 5 -Mob.-9873550745 7 __¢' ooo e tte manket silt —_—_ —Arave no impact aw praftte bility of Ate neat —— itv 2 export mnanket > AKSHAY KUMAR ——— —ecitimaa qoors ; mG i JOSE a) Domestic met CHome? 7? b) Expert CFovei gn monket Expres. ~Garider, the cate p/—ftnms ecated sn __Heme. Firms 1 and 2 “beth spenste tn thei _ Osmestic Heme moarket. Now, Consider the — _ Ae cisnina pf (fees Land 2 ith marginal 2 Costs Cy and cy espectively _repamcing the expoxt —Cfrreignd noanket. They Jace the Jame demand __ Curve in Feneign— i Csince buth Coustiied ane iclentical) The only a {pponence ia_tnat the finms M.c_in expert Mranket ta Abgted sup by trade Gate __ ————— Clearly, sin Tabove ALagram,—foren 2 Com = i pewypiteb hy —epencte in ata —senestic market _ ) Arnce it} Goat there is beleus the threshold ie ics coe Howeven, it Cannot profitably s Senate »_-tn__expextmanket becouse its Caxt’ thene ia _ b above threshold te Se et eck ) Fume 1 hos o lon enough Gort thet it Can ’ - Ns both clemestic and - p— prep lade —aplente in export Scanned with CamScanner “AKSHAY KUMAR M.A (Economic) DOSE -Mob.-9873550745, manket because @et S$ c® ——. SSE RUN " ; : ey C oe | Conceusion CGeneRaALizaTion ab SET The leweat = Gat often aarith Ce Se export. te - oe = 2) —ebngdrentneert paranodal. cf. Soe 8 cf 4 Scanned with CamScanner VARSHAY KUMAR: a ao »M.A (Economic) DSE> - Mob.-98735. 0745 _ eae ea al emia re =| > mol Aveuloltterretiy be dcalect —Gitce dj yenence betan Pe and PAT — 7 Moitination ars. & oursauRcinGy = Vrccanding t US stants, a US Supe Ad Cons tdeneol— foneignns = Goatnotiect = ian Tpttanotmtad iS alsa a2 eol_ a fret _by a fn Goapoey— ~ ss a a ; Tenasieabdead gy 2k Busnes mohe Trenan soihasf a fend Terma noroGey —> —bihen a US A> lo mohe | than_197. gf a —fometgn pier ars no us to Aina wag meas production pactltty. \_@bntead, tine investment representa ~ ’ 5 ' US FOL supfiens: The farmer is Catted | BRown FeO” FO\ anol latter & Called. 1 GReenAED FO 1___AKSHAY KUMARY a ——Mob-2272550745f 7 Mere: The. easen uohy. a foinn etal ) _Chseeets operate an Offillate sna 1 peeeigar decthinn debenda enthe prreduztiin =} é Q. . Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR M.A (Economic) OSE Mob.-9873550745 7°" 0027 Fe ) The qfpitate nepticcted the, aac - Prac cess that the _panent puter sada - — Ah _its_demesticpaciiities elrershene 1 tweed. knousn as HoRizontarl FOI pee Gubcae“tecatasn trongfernted ts | _+ttre tebe (ocetion. Knewsn ad VERTICAL ED - ‘AKSHAY KUMAR Z M.A (Economic) Mab,-9873550745 -FiRm's O&CiSion REGARDING EDI —_ dosti —— _ < pra expaat. VeuRDI chaice u8U) then _Anvelve _oa trade! betivesn Perit : fea : —erxpont oy t_and the i Cost fixed Gott i oe gh pddlititian! pracieere pallies —Yy tne ~ a Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR: 35 9 c01251 oes? ‘ ic) OSE, wee MA ennai Peo Ge mot mene @xbenatve “& EDI to the prstit maxim tC) —eme and and omer fixed E producti Cots —— —en_othen hanol both lower the FDI oe L The _fariea ecole however — spends Bens __ amce menosure. A “p> eo eth le —pexforca: : oe re Siunite_15_fancign.Crstemend 29 Athe mast —__ 7 . —oogiliate in Foneiga: ancl be lame o mauttin aittina However, Ame firms asrith intermediate _uin Fexeign but thei intended sstes done How eneygh Ao thot exports _jinat A = eve t6 meceh _jsnlt be o2moest Gat: effective ne tua 4 _these Custemets.__._____ 4.4 (Eeonomie} BSE SMO. SBT SSSoTASy 2) VERTICAL FD\ Decision: Al dainnas_dects:sn - 746. break «pita. _—proctucttén chain and __ “eve Parts of cham 6a _Paneigan yp ti cte aldo inrelved a trade. of —Betiwean pemunit & 7 xed Costs. Uthen it Csrnesta Vertical Fol __the Kes Coot Aaving ta met releted te ahipm ee 4 Breeds across benders but it —Anvolves_p edu sttsha Coat hipte rence s fer the _porda pf procduciina chain thet ane bei: moved Tust as _urtth the case p) how ED|, vewtical FD) neguines a atnetantiel . a ised Cost investment iin ‘ affiate on —a_Cou aStigy tacitn oppmapnCcte Chonadtenuetics Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR. ~ ; ee M.A (Economic) DSE ys & Mab,.9873550745 ams —Aike— Pranapentatibon /p patie tppra stuart 7 —— —ppralis —pf — ite egal institutions ete —Th: ith. cane af Aenizeste! £pl,thene— wert bea Acote Vertticad Fp | thet —clependd oo _procuuctidan Coat cjyperentrala tn —One+hand ancl fixed Cos + Bpenateg a — —paherge—aftitate an etheXs band _~ Tanowe nat ab ea ee jerctica) FOL MA (econame} BSE te __penjeten\ sheci fic i proche: eve _avtth beat eo Tht substitute ele aele doo bt ol Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR) | oat§ ——— @M.A (Economic) DSE a pAGE_————— Mob.98735507452 “WHicu is Betrer P Horizontal D1 oR — _ QurseuwRei NG, —— sMob.-9873550745 —_Antennalip nts cn ov —2 2: y KUMAR” — Sart sane a Se raniic) OSE 7 also Langpit isco eCenemies pf scale 4 a 7 advantages ff decal summenrhip 1A alignment and rm i ettuities at-_ pew ducts eee “Summary Relative te 0 Qyshant ej Cie nat breaking tp _prnde Sita chen and mowing _pastta Cp} it abroad) hath vertical EDI —_ Scanned with CamScanner ARSHAY KUMAR: | M.A (Economic) DOSE " den Mob.-9873550745 y" — a Tha S79 acate cut pf} for f Aen ts cheese —itner 94 fahornis eption- wd, els Lor Gx —¢pame si — either _sipsnertng. option — and smpext deme pj —theix internme io Anpata . _ - — __ a _ashene —C ta moanginal Goxt AE omen se ° m ~—~Mob-8873550745 9° Scanned with CamScanner AKSHAY KUMAR: = M.A (Economic) DSE, -*! -Mob.- 0745 4 Pe | +e. bn : = : ~ + TRE posts : nice changed bi a rep nasentsttve —— eae Ca :- . = _ pa. a qs FL Sb bn : ; - - L AAKSHAY KUMAR Scanned with CamScanner

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