Shaftpower Fuel v.2.04x-2.06x - Installation and Operating Instructions

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Installation and

Operating Instructions

for the

fixed propeller

Version 2.04x / 2.06x


subject to change without notice


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Contents Page
System overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. LEMAG Scope of supply ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Installing the rotating parts on the shaft ............................................................................................ 9 Fitting the rubber profile for the coil SP A3 ................................................................................... 12 Winding the Power Receiving Coil SP A3 .................................................................................... 14 Connecting the coil SP A3 to the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11 ...................................................... 14 Mounting the Sensor Plate SP A12 for measuring speed / direction of rotation ........................... 14 Removing the transportation locks ............................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Installing the fixed parts outside the shaft ....................................................................................... 16 Installing the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 ............................................................................... 16 Mounting the Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a and SP A2 .............................................................. 17 Mounting the RF Receivers SP A14.1 and SP A14.2 ................................................................... 18 Installing the Operator Panel Unit in the ECR (or alternative location) ......................................... 19
3. Electrical Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.1 Wiring of the rotating parts on the shaft ...................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Wiring of the stationary parts ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 Connection of stationary shaft SP A2a with power transmitting coil SP A6 ..................................... 21
3.2.2 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a to Speed Pickups SP A7 and SP A8 .......................... 21
3.2.3 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2 to RF Receivers SP A14.1/14.2 ................................... 22
3.2.4 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a with Operator Panel Unit SP A1 ................................. 22
3.2.5 Connecting the Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a/b ............................................................................ 23
3.2.6 Connection of power supply to Stationary Shaft Unit SP A 2b ........................................................ 23
3.3 Wiring the Operator Panel Unit SP A1 ........................................................................................................ 24
3.4 Setting up the system ................................................................................................................................. 28
3.5 Set up functions for the whole system ........................................................................................................ 32
3.5.1 Set up Clock .................................................................................................................................. 33
3.5.2 Zero Setting ................................................................................................................................... 33 First Zero Setting during installation of the system ............................................................................ 33 Periodic Zero Setting performed by the crew .................................................................................... 37
3.5.3 Set up Integration Time .................................................................................................................. 39
3.5.4 Set up Display Limits...................................................................................................................... 39 Set up RPM Limits / analogue output ........................................................................................... 40 Set up BHP Limits / analogue output ............................................................................................ 41 Set up Torque Limits / analogue output ........................................................................................ 42 Set up Load Diagram / Propeller curve ......................................................................................... 43
3.5.5 Set up Power Measurement ........................................................................................................... 44 Set up FUEL Measurement .......................................................................................................... 45
3.5.6 Set up Alarm Limits ........................................................................................................................ 47
3.5.7 Changing Set up Password ............................................................................................................ 48
4. Menu System of the operator panel unit(s) SP A1 ............................................................................................. 50
4.1 Page 1 - Display of actual values ............................................................................................................... 51
4.2 Page 2 - Display of operating point with propeller curve ............................................................................. 52
4.3 Page 3 - Optional screen with customized functions .................................................................................. 53
5. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................. 54
5.1 No Power .................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.2 No Power .................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.3 No Power .................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.4 No Radio Communication ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.5 No Radio Communication ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.6 No Radio Communication ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.7 Incorrect Speed Measurement ................................................................................................................... 55
5.8 Incorrect Torque Signal .............................................................................................................................. 56
5.9 Incorrectly calculated Shaft Power ............................................................................................................. 56
5.10 The Screen of the Operator Unit SP A1 is dark .......................................................................................... 57
5.11 The displayed characters are diffuse .......................................................................................................... 57
5.12 No data is received or displayed on the Operator Unit SP A1 .................................................................... 57
6. System Commissioning Set up Data .................................................................................................................. 58
7. System Zero Setting Inspections ....................................................................................................................... 59


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

System overview
The LEMAG Shaftpower® Monitoring System is designed to instantly measure the
shaft torque and shaft revolution. The system calculates the shaft power based on these
measurements. The LEMAG Shaftpower® Monitoring System is designed for a
maximum revolution of 200 rpm.

Fig.1 shows an overview of the whole system.

Fig. 1 System overview


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

The shaft torque is measured by sensing the twist of the shaft along a defined length,
which is stipulated by the two shaft clamp rings SP A4 and SP A5 that are fixed to the
shaft. Fig.2 shows the pre-mounted LEMAG Shaftpower® Monitoring System.

Clamp Rings SP A4 Sensor 1 SP A9

Clamp Rings

Rotating Shaft
Unit SP A11 Sensor 3 SP A10

Fig. 2 The pre-mounted measuring system for the shaft

Sensor 1 SP A9 Sensor 3 SP A10

Sensor Retainer

Fig. 3 The length measuring sensors in position

The Torque Sensors SP A9 and SP A10 are mounted on a special sensor retainer.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Rotating Sensor
Shaft Clamp Ring A4 Retainer

RF transmitter
Antenna A13
Cable run Shaft Unit
SP A11

Fig. 4 RF Transmitter and Measuring Amplifier SP A11 mounted on SP A4

The sensor signals from SP A9/SP A10 are amplified by the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11
and finally transmitted without the use of wires from the rotating shaft to a Stationary
Shaft Unit SP A2a mounted close to the shaft.

The power for the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11 is transmitted via a rotating transformer,
formed by the Stationary Power Transmitter Coil SP A6 and the Rotating Power
Receiving Coil SP A3.

The stationary mounted Speed Pickups SP A7 and SP A8 sense a Rotating Sensing

Plate SP A12 allowing speed and rotating direction measurement. All energy and
signal transmissions to and from the shaft are therefore contact-free providing a long
term operation with high accuracy without any service work. It is influenced neither by
dust nor water or oil/grease.

The Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a/b transmit the measured results via a serial RS485
communication cable to one or more Panel Unit(s) SP A1 in the Engine Control Room.

The system contains no serviceable parts suffering from wear and tear. Only a zero
setting of the system should be done over longer periods of operation every 6 months
because a slow drift of mechanical systems can occur.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

1. LEMAG Scope of supply

The whole system is delivered by LEMAG LEHMANN & MICHELS as one unit usually
packaged in a wooden box (Fig. 5/6).

Fig. 5/6 Shaftpower measuring

system from LEMAG ready for

Essential parts of the LEMAG Shaftpower® Monitoring System are delivered pre-
mounted. These parts are:

• Complete Rotating Measuring System (Fig. 7), comprising of:

- Shaft Clamp Rings SP A4 and SP A5

- Torque Sensors SP A9 and SP A10
with Sensor Retainer
- spacers and security locks for
- RF Transmitter and Amplifier SP A11
- RF Transmitter Antenna SP A13
- protective covers
Fig. 7 Pre-mounted rotating
Shaftpower Measuring System

• Power Transmitting Coil SP A6

Fixed on a plastic bracket. The proximity

switches SP A7/A8 for sensing of
rotational speed and rotating direction
are also mounted to this plate using a U
shaped bracket (Fig. 8/9)

Fig. 8/9 Pre-mounted transmitter

systems (Power Transmitter Coil SP A6)
with bracket and speed sensors
SP A7/A8


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

• RF receiver SP A 14.1 / 14.2

(Fig. 10)

Two items with mounting brackets

Fig. 10 RF receivers with unit

mounting brackets

• Stationary shaft units SP A2a / b

(Fig. 11)

Mounted close to the shaft. The

stationary unit SP A2a transmits
the measurements via cable to
the engine control room. The unit
SP A2b contains the mains
adapter and supplies the
complete system with 24V.
Fig. 11 Stationary shaft units SP A2a/b

• Panel Unit SP A1 (Fig. 12)

Mounted in the engine control

room. The Panel Unit SP A1
displays the measured results.

Fig. 12a Stand AloneUnit

SP A1 (optional)

Fig. 12 Panel Unit SP A1

Fig. 12b Wall Mounted Unit
SP A1 (optional)


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

All other parts as well as supporting tools are covered also by the scope of supply. They
are shown in Fig. 13-16.

Fig. 13 Parts for the Power Receiving Coil Fig. 14 Other parts and supporting
SP A3 incl. included isolated copper wire tools (optional)
(Cu, ø0.5mm, l = 60 x ø shaft)

Fig. 15 Cable SP Cb.2 connecting SP A2b Fig.16 Supporting frames for mounting
to SP A2a, and SP A2b to SP A1 Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a/b

Fig.17 Supporting frame for mounting the

Stationary Transmitter System SP A6
with bracket and Speed Sensors SP A7 /
SP A8 (optional)


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

2. Installation
Before beginning the installation check the delivered goods against the scope of supply
(Part A) and order confirmation.

Consult with the ship staff / Chief Engineer where to install the Operator Panel Unit SP
A1 in the Engine Control Room. If the Operator Panel Unit SP A1 has to be mounted
outside of the Engine Control Room, ensure it is separated from cabling carrying
currents for big consumers. A maximum ambient temperature of 45°C should not be
exceeded. The area should be free of moisture. We recommend using the LEMAG
Shaftpower® display cabinet for stand-alone application (optional).

Ask the ship owner or chief engineer where to mount the LEMAG Shaftpower®
Monitoring System on the shaft.

Agree where and how to fix the support frame for the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6.

Negotiate necessary supplementary work to be done by the ship crew or yard staff. The
fixation of the Power Transmitter Coil SP A6 on the ship structure is very important.

Check if the shaft diameter conforms to the order confirmation and the diameter of the
delivered shaft clamp rings.

Check that the voltage of the power supply conforms to the input voltage of the
Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2b (can be switched between 115 VAC and 230 VAC).

Ensure that the turning gear is ready for operation and the engine start is blocked.

2.1 Mechanical Installation

All screws using for installing rotating parts must be fitted using Loctite 243 (in scope of
All metal screws must be tightened to a torque of 4 Nm unless stated otherwise.

2.1.1 Installing the rotating parts on the shaft

Before installing the system inspect the location on the shaft and around the shaft
where the system is to be installed.

Check that there is enough space on the shaft and the surroundings where the Chief
Engineer has specified to install the system.

There must be at least 850 mm of free shaft length with the same given shaft diameter
according the contract.

There must be at least 300 mm free space around the shaft to mount the Power
Transmitting Coil SP A6.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Before starting the installation clean the location on the shaft from paint, grease and
possible rust where the rotating parts are to be mounted.

Fig. 18 Cleaning the shaft before installing

the system

Remove the protective covers from the upper and lower semi-circles before mounting
the unit on the shaft.

The Shaft Clamp Rings SP A4 and SP A5 are delivered as two semi-circles. The upper
semicircles are connected with sensor brackets.

Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4 is directly connected to the sensor bracket holding the Torque
Sensors SP A9 and SP A10.

Shaft Clamp Ring SP A5 is directly connected with the sensor bracket holding the
moveable core for the torque sensors.

Clamp Rings SP A4

Clamp Rings SP A5

Supporting plates for 5 spacers for

transportation (below) transportation and mounting

Fig. 19 Pre-mounted LEMAG Shaftpower® Measuring System with transportation

supporting locks and spacers (rotating parts)


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Release the two connecting bolts between

the Shaft Clamp Rings SP A4 / SP A5
(see Fig.19a).

Fig. 19a

Using two people unfold the semi-shells and

place the semi-shell containing the sensors
SP A9 / SP A10 on top of the shaft.
(see Fig. 19b)

Fig. 19b

Fold the other semi-shell back underneath

the shaft and connect both shells by loosely
tightening the two connecting bolts between
the Shaft Clamp Rings SP A4 / SP A5.
(see Fig. 19c)

Fig. 19c

Check that the unit is fitted to the shaft

correctly. Once it is in place simultaneously
tighten the connection bolts (torque 150 Nm).
(see Fig. 19d)

Fig. 19d


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Fitting the rubber profile for the coil SP A3

First cut the profiled rubber to fit the circumference of the shaft exactly.
Place the rubber profile for the Power Receiving Coil SP A3 around the shaft outside
the Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4 and glue both ends together by firmly pressing the ends
towards each other for 1 minute (Fig. 20/21).

Fig. 20/21 Gluing the rubber profile to the shaft

Cut a hole into the rubber profile close to the shaft allowing insertion of the wires for the
power receiving coil (Fig. 22). Place the wire transit hole in the rubber profile exactly
face to face with the notch on the inner circumference of the shaft clamp ring SP A4.

Fig. 22 Cutting a wire transit

into the rubber profile


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Check for equal distance of 120 mm +/- 0,25mm between the rubber profile and the
Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4. (Fig. 23/24.)

Clamp Ring SP A4

Fig. 23 Check the distance of 120 mm +/- 0,25mm between Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4
and rubber profile

120mm +/- 0,25 mm

Fig. 24 Check the distance 120mm between Shaft Clamp Ring and rubber profile


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Winding the Power Receiving Coil SP A3

The Power Receiving Coil SP A3 has to be wound into the rubber profile on the shaft.
Use the included isolated copper wire (Cu, ø0.5mm, l = 60 x ø shaft) and make 60 turns
into the rubber profile. Be careful not to break the isolation of the wire.

60 turns
Power Receiving Coil SP A3

Fig. 25/26 Wound Power Receiving Coil SP A3 with 60 turns with connection to SP A11
with shrink tube Connecting the coil SP A3 to the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11

Fix the wire endings with super glue. Connect both wires to the Rotating Shaft Unit SP
A11 (Fig. 25/26/27) using shrink tubes. On older versions there are only two cable
grommets. If this is the case run two cables through a grommet. To ensure a correct
connection note the wiring diagram for the Rotating Shaft Unit (Fig.35). Then cover the
first rubber profile containing the windings of coil SP A3 with the second rubber profile.

Super glue

Fig. 27 Connection of coil SP A3 with the rotating shaft unit SP A11 covered with a
shrink tube


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Mounting the Sensor Plate SP A12 for measuring speed / direction of

The Sensor Plate SP A12 (see scope of supply)

should be mounted using the designated borings
opposite the amplifier SP A11 on the Shaft Clamp
Ring SP A4. (see Fig. 27a)

Sensor Plate
SP A12

Fig. 27a Removing the transportation


Remove the 5 spacers between the two

shaft rings. (see Fig. 27b)

Fig. 27b

Remove both supporting plates between

the sensor brackets (mounted below the
sensor brackets). (see Fig. 27c)

Fig. 27c


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

2.1.2 Installing the fixed parts outside the shaft Installing the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6

The Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 is screwed to a u-shaped steel bracket, which

allows easy height adjustment of the power transmitting coil. Between the Power
Transmitting Coil and steel bracket is a plastic spacer block.

To mount the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 check the following:

• There is a distance of 5,00 +/- 0,25 mm between the ferrites on SP A6 and

the shaft
• The Power Receiving Coil SP A3 is right in the middle of the ferrites
• The unit can be mounted vibration-free on the ship’s structure

Gap of 5,00 +/- 0,25 mm

Power Transmitting Coil SP A6

Fig. 28 Alignment of Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 with relation to Power Receiving

Coil SP A3 and shaft surface

Gap of 5,00 +/- 0,25 mm

Fig. 29 Distance of 5,00 +/- 0,25 mm
between ferrite pole of the Power
Transmitting Coil SP A6 and propeller shaft


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

The ferrite of the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 should point towards the centre line of
the shaft. The Power Receiving Coil SP A3 should be right in the middle of both ferrites.

The Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 and the pickups SP A7 and SP A8 for the speed
and direction of rotation are mounted on an aluminium corner profile. This profile is
screwed to the plastic spacer block also holding the Power Transmitting Coil.

Ensure there is a gap of 2 mm +/- 0,1mm between the pickups SP A7 and SP A8 and
the Sensor Plate SP A12 (see Fig. 30).

Gap of 2,00 +/-0,1 mm

Speed Pickups
SP A7 and SP A8

Fig. 30 Speed pickups SP A7 und SP A8

for measuring speed Mounting the Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a and SP A2

Choose a place free of vibration in a dry environment for mounting the Stationary Shaft
Units SP A1a and SP A2b (Fig. 31). The maximum distance to the shaft is a cable
length of 10 m (no extension possible).

Fig. 31 Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a and SP A2b


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

The supporting frames (Fig. 32) should be fixed to the ships structure.

Fig. 32 Supporting Frames for SP A2a and SP A2b Mounting the RF Receivers SP A14.1 and SP A14.2

Mount the RF Receivers SP A14.1 and SP A14.2 on both sides outside of the shaft
(vibration free) using the z-shaped brackets. The location of the RF receivers SP A14
should be at the position of the Power Receiving Coil SP A3. There should be no
metallic parts between the RF Receivers SP A14 and the RF Transmitter Antenna SP
A13 (see Fig. 33).

Fig. 33 Mounting the RF Receivers SP A14.1 and SP A14.2


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Installing the Operator Panel Unit in the ECR (or alternative location)

Consult the ship owner / crew where to install the Operator Panel Unit SP A1 in the
Engine Control Room. The panel unit must be mounted in a control room console with
an installation depth of 150mm without big current consumers. The maximum
environment temperature must not exceed 45°C and must be protected from moisture.

Drill the four outer bore holes and cut out a hole as described on the template. Then
install the Operator Panel.

New templates can be ordered from LEMAG directly.

Fig. 34 Installing the Operator Panel Unit


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3. Electrical Installation
3.1 Wiring of the rotating parts on the shaft

The rotating parts on the shaft are pre wired in such a way that the Torque Sensors SP
A9 and SP A10 are already connected to the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11 mounted on
Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4.

The RF Transmitter Antenna SP A13 is also already mounted on the outer side of the
Shaft Clamp Ring SP A4 and wired to the Rotating Shaft Unit SP A11.

The Power Receiving Coil SP A3 has to be connected to SP A11 as already described

In chapter (see Fig. 35).

Ø 0,5mm
l = 60 x Ø shaft

Fig. 35 Wiring Diagram, Rotating Shaft Unit

Attention! Please ensure that all cables are mounted on cable supports. Make sure
that cables are not touched by rotating parts.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.2 Wiring of the stationary parts

3.2.1 Connection of stationary shaft SP A2a with power transmitting coil SP A6

Connect both wires of the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 to the Stationary Shaft Unit
SP A2a (see Fig. 36).

3.2.2 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a to Speed Pickups SP A7 and


Connect the wires of the Speed Pickups SP A7 and SP A8 to the Stationary Shaft Unit
SP A2a (see Fig. 36 Wiring Diagram, Stationary Shaft Unit).

The revolution and rotational direction is recognized with assistance of the speed
pickups SP A7 and SP A8. The sequence of the sensors on the clamps X3 and X2
should be determined according to the layout on board. The sensors are therefore
attached to the clamps X3 and X2 undefined.

Fig. 36 Wiring Diagram, Stationary Shaft Unit – Part A

Attention! Please ensure that all cables are mounted on cable supports. Make sure
that cables are not touched by rotating parts.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.2.3 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2 to RF Receivers SP A14.1/14.2

Connect both RF Receivers SP A14.1/14.2 to the Stationary Shaft Unit (see Fig. 37).

Fig. 37 Wiring Diagram, Stationary Shaft Unit – Part B

Attention! Ensure that all cables are mounted on cable supports. Make sure that cables
are not touched by rotating parts.

The RF receivers must be mounted near to the shaft in opposite (180°) direction. No
metal or other wall should be in between the RF receivers and the shaft.

3.2.4 Connection of Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a with Operator Panel Unit SP A1

To connect the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a with the Operator Panel Unit run a cable
(Cb.2 100 m. incl. in scope of supply) from the SP A2a to SP A1.

Make sure that all relevant rules and terms from classification societies etc. are fulfilled
when passing walls or similar, use only approved cable penetrations.

Connect the Comm. Cable Cb.2 to the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a (see Fig. 38).

Attention! Please ensure that all cables are mounted on cable supports. Make sure
that cables are not touched by rotating parts.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.2.5 Connecting the Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a/b

Connect the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a/b to each other using cable Cb.2 (see Fig.38)

3.2.6 Connection of power supply to Stationary Shaft Unit SP A 2b

Ensure that the electrical system is power-free during the whole installation process.

Check that all relevant rules and terms from classification societies etc. are fulfilled
when passing walls or similar, use only approved cable penetrations.

Connect the Power Supply Cable Cb.1 (not in the scope of supply, can be ordered,
optional) to the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2b (see Fig. 38).

- ensure that the supply voltage is between 100 VAC to 240 VAC.
- use a free circuit breaker (4A/480VAC – C4/2) to protect the Shaftpower® system.

Ensure that all cables are mounted on cable supports.

Check that the cables are not touched by rotating parts.

Fig. 38 Wiring Diagram

Stationary Shaft Units SP A2a and SP A2b to the Operator Panel Unit SP A1


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.3 Wiring the Operator Panel Unit SP A1

Connect the communication cable Cb.2 from SP A2a to the Operator Panel Unit SP A1,
Terminal X1 (see Fig. 38 Wiring Diagram, Stationary Shaft Unit to Operator Panel Unit).

Connect the 24 VDC power supply cable Cb.2 from SP A2a to the Operator Panel Unit
SP A1, Terminal X4. (see Fig. 38 Wiring Diagram, Stationary Shaft Unit to Operator
Panel Unit).

Fig. 39 Wiring Diagram, Operator Panel Unit

Optionally connect alarm output signals from ship’s automation system to Operator
Panel Unit SP A1, Terminal X9 (see Fig. 39 Wiring Diagram, Operator Panel Unit).

Optionally connect additional communication signal to Operator Panel Unit SP A1,

Terminal X2 (see Fig. 39 Wiring Diagram, Operator Panel Unit).


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Fig. 40 View of the whole system SP A1

Operator Panel Unit SP A1

Terminal X1

Terminal X2

Terminal X9

Terminal X3

Terminal X5 Terminal X7

Terminal X4 Terminal X6 Terminal X8

Fig. 41 Overview of the Operator Panel Unit SP A1


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Fig. 42 Terminal location plan Operator Panel Unit SP A1


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Optionally connect analogue output signals to Operator Panel Unit SP A1,

Terminal X6 (see Fig. 43 External Wiring Diagram, analogue output).

The standard analogue output range is 0…+4,917 VDC at Terminal X6.

Fig. 43 Operator Panel Unit, External Wiring Diagram, analogue output

Insulating amplifiers can optionally be delivered which give an output of 4 to

20 mA. They have full isolation between input and output and input/output against
power supply. Power supply is 24 VDC. (see Wiring Diagram Fig. 43 Operator Panel
Unit, External Wiring Diagram, analogue output.)


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.4 Setting up the system

Before switching on the system please check:

- the gap of 5,00mm +/- 0,25mm between the ferrites of
Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 and Shaft
- the gap of 2 mm between Speed Sensors SP A7/A8 and Shaft
- a voltmeter is connected over the blue capacitor C2 of the Rotating Shaft Unit
SP A11 for measuring the a DC voltage
- the line voltage of between 100 VAC and 240 VAC is available.

Now switch on the system by using a circuit breaker in ECR and measure first
the internal 24 VDC supply at the output of the Switched Power Supply Module A2.3
(Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2b - Terminal DC+ / DC-).

After switching on the system LED D1 and D3 lights up on the printed circuit board
SP-Control A2.1 in the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a (see Fig. 44 SP-Control P2.0)
as an indication that the system voltage of 24 VDC is now available.

At the same moment the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 is energized and LED’s D4/D5
starts to flicker after some seconds indicating that RF receiver Antennas A14.1 and
A14.2 are receiving signals from the RF transmitter Antenna A13.

In a next step the green LED’s D7, D8, D9, D12 light up indicating that the system
voltage reached the rotating shaft electronics (only during start up procedure).

The optimum voltage for the rotating shaft electronics can be adjusted by the blue rotary
switch (GAIN) on printed circuit board SP-ETrans 4.1 inside the Stationary Shaft
Unit SP A2a.

The optimum power is reached if LED D12 and D9 lights up on SP Control during the
start procedure of LEMAG Shaftpower® (see Fig. 44 SP- Trans P2.0).
For decreasing the system voltage on the rotating part of LEMAG Shaftpower® slowly
turn the Rotary switch (GAIN) counter clockwise or clockwise for increasing the system

In addition the system voltage of min. 9,5 VDC to max. 11,0 VDC can be measured
across the big blue electrolytic capacitor C2 on the rotating electronic SP A11
(see Fig. 46 Multimeter connected to Terminal Box).

Operation cannot be guaranteed if the voltage goes below 8,5 VDC.

Please note: A special measuring instrument e.g. FLUKE 187 must be used to
measure this output voltage. The voltage must be AC sine wave with 10 kHz and
between 5 - 8 VAC. Using an instrument that is not intended for this purpose can lead to
false measurement results and a failure of the system!


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

S2 System reset
SP Control P2.0

Shaft Unit SP A2.a

SP Etrans 4.1


Fig. 44 Detailed view of the printed surfaces inside Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

If the voltage exceeds 20V an over voltage protection circuit in the rotating shaft
electronic is activated, which should be avoided in all cases.

After 30 sec the rotating electronic parts from the rotating shaft unit start to send the
signals from the two Torque Sensors SP A9 and SP A10. The red LED D3 must be on,
indicating that the Power Transmitting Coil SP A6 is energized.

Approximately every three seconds the red LED D6 must light up for 3 seconds,
indicating that a radio transmission is performed. Then for another 3 seconds the fourth
red LED (D6) will be off. The green light emitting diodes D12, D9, D8, D7 are dark.

This start routine can be initiated again by pressing the black push button S2 on the
printed circuit board SP-Control P2.0 (see Fig. 44 SP-Control P2.0).

To check the signals from the Speed Pickups SP A7 and SP A8, turn the shaft
clockwise. As soon as the Sensor Plate SP A12 covers the Speed Pickup SP A7 or SP
A8, the left LED D10 on SP-Control P2.0 should light first.

It is also possible to carry out the test without turning the shaft: Using e.g. a
screwdriver, touch the Speed Pickup which is first covered by the sensor plate SP A12
on a clockwise turning shaft. The LED D10 on the on SP-Control P2.0 should then
light up.

If however LED D11 lights up first, swap the cables running to clamps X2 and X3.

Before powering on the 24 VDC supply to the Operator Panel SP A1, ensure that the
voltage is in the range of 18V to 32 VDC with the right polarity (see Fig. 39 Wiring
diagram, Operator Panel Unit).

If everything is ok power on the Operator Panel SP A1 and watch the screen. After a
short moment there should be a beep and the panel should show the start screen with
software version number:

Now click on touch button Set up. Enter a password to allow the set up data to be
changed (the initial password is 12345):


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Enter the assigned password (5 numbers) and the Set up screen will be shown:
(no password is required to see the Zero Setting screen).

Select function Zero Setting:

The system will show approx. every 3 seconds new offset signals from the two torque
sensors Sensor 1 (SP A9) and Sensor 3 (SP A10).


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5 Set up functions for the whole system

The system must be adapted to the actual installation situation.

Depending on the maximum shaft speed, maximum torque and maximum shaft power
the limits of the individual values (min, max., MCR operating point) can be set up by the
customer. Depending on the shaft diameter and material the conversion factor between
the sensor signals and the corresponding torque must be inserted into the computer.

The user is able to carry out a zero set up of the sensor system. The integration time for
calculating the average shaft power can be set up.

To protect unwanted changes of the sensitive set up data a password dialog is used:

If the password entered correctly (5 numbers) the user has the right to change sensitive
set up data. Without the correct password the individual screens can be viewed but data
can not be changed.

Now the individual set up sub functions can be selected:


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5.1 Set up Clock

The shaft power central unit is equipped with a battery backed up real time clock. The
real time clock uses a quartz oscillator to provide long time accuracy. Although
depending on the environment conditions over time a time difference between the board
clock and the real time clock can occur and so the user has the possibility to set the real
time clock to the actual board clock time.

Move the cursor by touch keys < and >. Change the value by touch keys + and -.

By clicking ACK the new date and time will be saved. By clicking ESC the actual date
and time of the real time clock remains unchanged.

3.5.2 Zero Setting First Zero Setting during installation of the system

The torque sensor is based on two shaft rings clamped onto the propeller shaft with a
known distance between the two rings. Due to the power transmitted through the shaft
there will be a twist between the both positions of the shaft rings. The twist is measured
by two high accuracy displacement sensors, which are pre-set in the factory to 1,25V.

Attention! Only carry out a zero setting when the shaft is torque free. Any torque will
distort all future measurements.

To check the voltage outputs, open the Terminal Box on the Clamp Ring (see Fig. 45).


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Sensor 1
Sensor 3

Fig. 45 Terminal Box Fig. 46 Multimeter connected

to Terminal Box

Connect a multimeter to ground and voltage output Sensor 1. Compare the reading to
the factory settings sheet SP116_0206. If these do not correspond please carefully
readjust the sensor as follows:

Gently loosen the two screws that hold Sensor 1 (see Fig. 47).

- + + -

Fig. 47 Adjusting Sensor 1 Fig. 48 Adjusting sensors

Adjust the sensor until the voltage equals that shown in the data sheet. Pressing Sensor
1 towards the Sensor 3 increases the value, whereas pulling it away decreases the
value (see Fig. 48). Once the voltage corresponds with the data sheet SP116_0206,
tighten the screws to a torque of 3 Nm.

Then gently loosen the two screws that hold Sensor 3.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Adjust the sensor until the voltage equals that shown in the data sheet. Pressing Sensor
3 towards the Sensor 1 increases the value, whereas pulling it away decreases the
value. Once the voltage corresponds with the data sheet SP116_0206, tighten the
screws to a torque of 3 Nm.

Attention! These values are easy to achieve. A difference of +/-0,06V from the
stipulated value is acceptable (within 100 offset).

The sensors, electronics and all other materials are chosen with long term stability in
mind. But caused by the ever changing load conditions there could be some drift over
time. The reason for this can be material settlement as well as electrical drift. To
minimize this influence on the torque measurement it is recommended to check every 6
months the zero setting of the system and if there are differences to set the new zero
point for both torque sensors. This must be performed with no load on the propeller
while slow turning the propeller shaft. Even if there is no load on the propeller there will
be some forces on the propeller shaft and the amount and direction is changing with the
crank angle of the engine. That’s why the following procedure has to be followed to find
the most accurate zero set point for the system.

Start the function Set up, Zero Setting and turn the engine clock wise (by use of
turning gear) for one revolution. Note the displayed offset values for Sensor 1 and
Sensor 3 every 45° of rotation
Then turn the engine counter clock wise for one revolution and also note the displayed
offset values for Sensor 1 and 3 every 45° of rotation (in total 9 readings, because
starting position should be read again after 360°).


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Position Offset Sensor 1 Offset Sensor 3
control value 9
sum 1 (1-8)
Position Offset Sensor 1 Offset Sensor 3
control value 1
sum 2 (9-2)
= offset

The readings of Pos. no. 9 should be

closed to the readings No.1 (this is valid in
both directions. Note: readings Pos. no. 9
is only for comparison).

Now build an average value for Sensor 1

and Sensor 3 using the table above. Enter
the calculated offset values in the menu
function Set up, Set up Measuring

The measuring procedure is only to be

carried out when the shaft is continuously
turning. The measurement will be invalid if
there are stops in between.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Periodic Zero Setting performed by the crew

The periodic Zero Setting performed by the crew (recommended at least every 6 month)
does not involve adjusting the torque sensors or measuring voltages inside of the

The crew has simply to turn the shaft fully clock wise and also fully counter clock wise
and write down the sensor signals for every 45° crank angle and calculating an average
value for Sensor 1 (Offset 1) and Sensor 3 (Offset 3) and inserting both values into the
Operator Panel as described at the end of this chapter.

The sensors, electronics and all other materials are chosen with long term stability in
mind. But caused by the ever changing load conditions there could be some drift over
time. The reason for this can be material settlement as well as electrical drift. To
minimize this influence on the torque measurement it is recommended to check every 6
months the zero setting of the system and if there are differences to set the new zero
point for both torque sensors. This must be performed with no load on the propeller
while slow turning the propeller shaft. Even if there is no load on the propeller there will
be some forces on the propeller shaft and the amount and direction is changing with the
crank angle of the engine. That’s why the following procedure has to be followed to find
the most accurate zero set point for the system.

Start the function Set up, Zero Setting and turn the engine clock wise (by use of
turning gear) for one revolution. Note the displayed offset values for Sensor 1 and
Sensor 3 every 45° of rotation
Then turn the engine counter clock wise for one revolution and also note the displayed
offset values for Sensor 1 and 3 every 45° of rotation (in total 9 readings, because
starting position should be read again after 360°).


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Position Offset Sensor 1 Offset Sensor 3
control value 9
sum 1 (1-8)
Position Offset Sensor 1 Offset Sensor 3
control value 1
sum 2 (9-2)
= offset

The readings of Pos. no. 9 should be

closed to the readings No.1 (this is valid in
both directions. Note: readings Pos. no. 9
is only for comparison).

Now build an average value for Sensor 1

and Sensor 3 using the table above. Enter
the calculated offset values in the menu
function Set up, Set up Measuring

The measuring procedure is only to be

carried out when the shaft is continuously
turning. The measurement will be invalid if
there are stops in between.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5.3 Set up Integration Time

The measured data for rpm and torque and following the calculated shaft power change
due to weather and sea conditions as well as changed engine load on command. To
compare the calculated shaft power, e.g. for speed and fuel consumption trials, it is
typical to calculate an average power produced over a defined time period. This menu
function is used to set this time period and to clear any previous calculated average

3.5.4 Set up Display Limits

This menu point is used to scale the display unit to the actual engine. The ranges for
rpm, torque and shaft power can be adjusted for optimum resolution and the minimum
and maximum displayable value can be adjusted. For rpm and break horse power BHP
the MCR conditions can be given to allow the system to show the margin during

Select the touch screen button Set up Engineering Units to select between hp and

Select the touch screen button Set up RPM Limits to set the values for RPM (min,
max, MCR).
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Select the touch screen button Set up BHP Limits to set the values for BHP (shaft
power min, max, MCR).

Select the touch screen button Set up Torque Limits to set the values for Torque (min,

Select the touch screen button Set up Load Diagram / Propeller Curve to set the
values for Page 2. Set up RPM Limits / analogue output

This menu function can be used to adjust the range for the shaft speed displayed as bar
graph on Page 1:

RPM min: left hand side border of rpm bar graph on Page 1
RPM max: right hand side border of rpm bar graph on Page 1
RPM (MCR): nominated rpm for 100% engine load, used on Page 2

Move the cursor using touch keys < and >. Change the value using touch keys + and -.
By clicking ACK the new RPM limits will be saved. By clicking ESC the actual RPM
limits remain unchanged.

Analogue outputs

The analogue output DAC3 gives the actual rpm signal. The RPM min value is
assigned to 0 Volt output or 4 mA when the external isolating amplifier is used.

The RPM max value is assigned to +4,917 VDC output or 20 mA when external
isolating amplifier is used.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Set up BHP Limits / analogue output

This menu function can be used to adjust the range for the shaft power (Break Horse
Power) displayed as bar graph on Page 1:

BHP min: left hand side border of BHP bar graph on Page 1
BHP max: right hand side border of BHP bar graph on Page 1
BHP (MCR): nominated BHP for 100% engine load, used on Page 2

Move the cursor using touch keys < and >. Change the value using touch keys + and -.
By clicking ACK the new BHP limits will be saved. By clicking ESC the actual BHP limits
remain unchanged.

Analogue outputs

The analogue output DAC2 gives the actual BHP signal. The BHP min value is
assigned to 0 VDC output or 4 mA when external isolating amplifier is used.

The BHP max value is assigned to +4,917 VDC output or 20 mA when external
isolating amplifier is used.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Set up Torque Limits / analogue output

This menu function can be used to adjust the range for the shaft torque displayed as bar
graph on Page 1:

Torque min: left hand side border of Torque bar graph on Page 1
Torque max: right hand side border of Torque bar graph on Page 1

Move the cursor by touch keys < and >. Change the value by touch keys + and -. By
clicking ACK the new Torque limits will be saved. By clicking ESC the actual Torque
limits remain unchanged.

Analogue outputs

The analogue output DAC1 gives the actual torque signal. The Torque min value is
assigned to 0 Volt output or 4 mA when external isolating amplifier is used.

The Torque max value is assigned to +4,917 VDC output or 20 mA when external
isolating amplifier is used.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x Set up Load Diagram / Propeller curve

This menu function is used to set up the load diagram and propeller curves (Page 2).

Set up Nominal Propeller Curve (1)

This menu point enables the adaptation of the system to the actual propeller curve.
Because of a double logarithmic diagram on Page 2 the nominal propeller curve (1) will
appear as a straight line. It is possible to give the x and y values for both end points (left
and right). The top right end point is usually the MCR operating point.

Set up Light Propeller Curve (2)

The light propeller curve (2) is typically given as a percentage below the nominal
propeller curve (1). So the nominal propeller curve is shifted downwards by the amount
of that given percentage. The right end point of the light propeller curve is defined where
this line is crossing the speed limit (3).

Attention! The entered propeller curves are standard diagrams. Please ensure that the
settings correspond to the specific ship’s data; otherwise the alarm outputs could be

Set up Speed Limit (3)

The speed limit has to be inserted for continuous running of the engine.

Set up Torque / Speed Limit (4)

The torque/speed limit curve can be defined by specifying 2 end-points by their x- and
y- values (for left and right end points).

Set up Overload Limit (5)

The allowed overload value above the Torque/Speed Limit has to be inserted.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5.5 Set up Power Measurement

This menu function adjusts the measurement system to the actual installation:

The measurement system contains 2 sensors for measuring the twist of the propeller
shaft, Sensor 1 (SP A9) and Sensor 3 (SP A10). During Zero Setting (see chapter
4.4.2), while slow turning the shaft without any load on the propeller, the actual offset of
both sensors is examined. This offset has to be inserted into Offset 1 for Sensor 1 and
Offset 3 for Sensor 3. This should be repeated over the lifetime of the system because
minor changes over time can occur. The results should be noted in this operator manual
for tracing the system behaviour.

The next set up value is the Rotating direction of the shaft for running ahead. For
container vessels using fixed pitch propeller this is usually Clockwise. For ships using
controllable pitch propellers this is usually Anticlockwise.

The next set up value called Gain (see factory settings sheet SP116_0206)
is to be inserted during commissioning from a qualified technician. This value doesn’t
change over lifetime of the system as long as there are no changes to the mechanical
design and dimension of the system.

The Gain value is solely affected by:

- shaft diameter (outer, inner)
- modulus of elasticity E (Young’s modulus) of the shaft material
- free length between shaft clamp rings
- fixed sensitivity of torque sensors
- fixed amplification factor of rotating shaft unit.

If the modulus of elasticity E of the shaft material can’t be provided by the customer,
LEMAG will use a standard value of 206 kN/mm2 instead.

Any deviation of this value from the real shaft property will directly influence the torque
and power measurement accuracy of the shaft power meter.
This is common for all shaft power measuring instruments.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

LEMAG has a computer program which calculates the correct gain value depending on
the actual installation environment; these settings have been entered in the factory.
The system calculates the actual torque depending on the position of both Torque
Sensors SP A9 and SP A10. If the sensing element dives deeper into the sensor
housing the output signal is increased and therefore a more positive torque is calculated
for this sensor. At the same time the sensing element for the opposite torque sensor
protrudes out of the sensor reducing the output signal.

The next setup value is called C factor. It can be used to compensate for different shaft
material properties. The normal value is: 1.000

We declare a clockwise rotating direction looking from the propeller toward the engine.
In this case the signal from Sensor 1 (SP A9) will decrease with higher shaft power and
the signal from Sensor 3 (SP A10) will increase with higher shaft power.

In doing so running the ship astern with reversed rotational direction of the engine still
gives positive output power as the energy flows from the engine to the propeller. Only if
the propeller is driving the engine (engine stopped but ship still moving through the
water) the system will give a negative torque and output power because energy flow is
reversed. Set up FUEL Measurement

For volume flow meters with pulse output (pulses/liter) set the following setup data in
menu point Setup Measurement System, Setup Fuel Measurement:

Insert the reference Fuel gravity (at 15 °C).

Insert for Fuel counter: the liter / pulse output signal of the fuel counter.

For temperature measurement insert the two reference temperatures Ftemp1 and
Ftemp2 and the accompanying ADU values ADU1 and ADU2.

For volume flow meters with current output ( l/min = mA) set the following setup data in
menu point Setup, Setup Measurement, Setup Fuel Measurement:


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Insert the reference Fuel gravity (at 15 °C).

Select Flow signal: l/min = 4 ..20 mA.

Insert for Fuel Counter: the liter / minute for 20 mA output signal of the fuel counter.
For temperature measurement insert the two reference temperatures Ftemp1 and
Ftemp2 and the accompanying ADU values ADU1 and ADU2.

For mass flow meters with current output ( kg/min = mA) set the following setup data in
menu point Setup, Setup Measurement, Setup Fuel Measurement:

Insert the reference Fuel gravity (at 15 °C).

Select Flow signal: kg/min = 4 ..20 mA.

Insert for Fuel counter: the kg / minute for 20 mA output signal of the fuel counter.
For temperature measurement insert the two reference temperatures Ftemp1 and
Ftemp2 and the accompanying ADU values ADU1 and ADU2.

Temperature measurement is not necessary for mass flow meters!


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5.6 Set up Alarm Limits

This menu point is used to set up the alarm limits for the system:

Both limits are related to the Overload Limit curve 5 from Page 2.


The BHP Overload warning level is set to –15%.

The BHP Overload alarm level is set to –5%.
The actual measured rpm may be 90% of the MCR rpm.
The actual measured BHP may be 78% of the MCR BHP.

The corresponding Torque/Speed overload BHP according curve 5 may be 90% of the

A BHP Overload warning will be activated because 78% exceeds 75% = 90%-15%.

A BHP Overload alarm will not be activated because 78% does not exceed 85% =

If the set up BHP Overload warning level is exceeded an BHP Overload warning alarm
will be given on output X9:3(+) and X9:4(-). If no BHP Overload warning alarm is
activated, the contact X9:3,X9:4 is closed. In case of BHP Overload warning alarm the
contact X9:3,X9.4 is opened.

If the set up BHP Overload alarm level is exceeded an BHP Overload alarm will be
given on output X9:5(+) and X9:6(-). If no BHP Overload alarm is activated, the contact
X9:5,X9:6 is closed. In case of BHP Overload alarm the contact X9:5,X9.6 is opened.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

3.5.7 Changing Set up Password

It is possible for the user to change the Set up Password. (The initial password on
delivery is 12345). Select the menu point Set up:

Click on button Set new password and enter the existing password (5 numbers).

If the password was correct the following screen is shown:

Enter the new password (5 numbers) and the following screen is shown:


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Repeat the new password (5 numbers). If both passwords are the same the new
password is stored in EEPROM and will be used for future set up.

Attention! Only LEMAG technician can unlock the forgotten password!

The following message appears for 2 seconds showing that new password is accepted:

If the two passwords are not identical the following message appears:


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

4. Menu System of the operator panel unit(s) SP A1

The LEMAG Shaftpower® Monitoring System is operated by a touch screen display
mounted usually in the Engine Control Room.

After power on the system shows the start screen with version number information:

The start screen offers 4 touch sensitive buttons:

Page 1 Shows the actual value of rpm, torque and shaft power as numerical
Data and bar graph.

Page 2 Shows the actual operating point with respect to propeller curve.

Page 3 Optional screen with customized functions.

Set up Set up functions for the whole system.

Pressing a button on the screen the program jumps to the selected function. Only select
one button at a time otherwise the program will not respond.

A beep gives feedback if the command was received properly.


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Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

4.1 Page 1 - Display of actual values

This menu function shows the actual engine parameters.

The bar graphs are scaled according the limits set in the menu function Set up
Display Limits (see chapter 3.5.4)

The data are updated every 5 seconds. The following values are displayed:

RPM The shaft speed measured by the system

TORQUE The shaft torque measured by the system
ACTUAL POWER Shaft power calculated using measured RPM and TORQUE
AVG. POWER The average calculated shaft power using elapsed time
For: 2h 20min Elapsed integration time
Set: 2h 20min Desired integration time, setup integration time
TOT.SUM POWER The calculated tot. sum power since installation.
FCONS actual fuel consumption in kg/h
SFOC specific fuel oil consumption in g/kWh

If the results of the measurement are in doubt check the offset of the torque sensors
(see Set up, Zero Setting).

The min and max limits of the bar graphs can be adjusted within menu function Setup,
Set up Display Limits (see chapter 3.5.4).

If the elapsed integration time reaches the user selected integration time, the
AVERAGE POWER value will freeze. You must RESET AVERAGE POWER in menu
function Setup, Set up Integration Time (see chapter 3.5.3) to restart. The TOT. SUM
POWER is the total produced work since installation of the system.


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Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

4.2 Page 2 - Display of operating point with propeller curve

This menu function displays the actual operating point with respect to the propeller
curve. The shaft rpm and the effective shaft power have logarithmic scaling.

The actual operating point is defined by the actual rpm and the actual calculated shaft
power as percentage of the 100% MCR data. The data is updated approx. every 3

The following lines are defined in the Set up, Set up Load Diagram/Propeller Curve:

1 Nominal propeller curve

2 Propeller curve light running
3 Speed limit
4 Torque/Speed limit
5 Overload limit

The individual curves can be adjusted within menu function Set up, Set up Display
Limits, Set up Load Diagram/Propeller Curve (see chapter

If the message O warn appears, the warning level for overload is exceeded.

If the message O alarm appears, the alarm level for overload is exceeded.

See chapter Setup, Setup Alarm Limits for details.


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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

4.3 Page 3 - Optional screen with customized functions

The display of this screen is optional and shows customized functions.

Select between testing the digital and analogue outputs (Test Outputs) and testing
communication with the Shaft.

Test Outputs

This function enables switching data for analogue output rpm between 0 rpm, max.
rpm and MCR rpm. It also enables switching data for analogue output torque between
0 and max. torque. It is possible to switch data for analogue output power between 0,
max. BHP and MCR BHP. It is also possible to set the digital outputs for SYSOK,
WARNING and ALARM to either open or closed.

This eases the calibration of the analogue outputs as well as testing the wiring between
shaft power system and alarm/monitoring systems.

This page is updated every 3 seconds. The number of samples for a stopped engine is
always 350 (older systems use 700). The number of samples for a running engine
depends on the engine speed (about 30). The raw sensor signals (signal1 and signal3)
and the sensor offset signals (offset 1 and offset 3) are shown as well as differences
(diff 1 = signal 1 – offset 1 and diff 3 = signal 3 – offset 3) and calculated sum (sum) and
finally torque (torque) depending on the set gain (gain).
Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

5. Troubleshooting
5.1 No Power

Check the 230 VAC supply at the input of the Switched Power Supply Module A2.3 in
the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2b. If not present check the external wiring and the
source for the 230 VAC supply.

5.2 No Power

Check the internal 24 VDC supply at the output of the Switched Power Supply Module
A2.3 (Terminal V+ and V-). If not present temporarily disconnect the wires connected to
both Terminals V+. If still not present between V+ and V- replace the Switched Power
Supply Module A2.3.

If present after disconnecting wires connected to both Terminals V+ check for short
circuit or overload inside Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2b.

5.3 No Power

Check that the top red LED D3 on the printed circuit board SP-Control A2.1 in the
Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a is lighting after start up.


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Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Measure the output voltage on the printed circuit board SP-E trans P4.1 in the
Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a at Terminals KL1 and KL2. The voltage must be AC sine
wave with 10 kHz and between 5-8 VAC.

If not present check the Power Transmission Coil SP A6 for short circuits first. Then
replace the boards SP-Control A2.1 and/or SP-E trans A2.2 in the Stationary Shaft Unit
SP A2a.

5.4 No Radio Communication

Check that the second and or third red LED D4 from top on the printed circuit board SP-
Control A2.1 in the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a is also lighting together with the top
red LED D3. If not, there is a missing radio communication between the transmitter on
the shaft and the receiver in the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a.

First measure the DC voltage across the big blue capacitor C2 on the Rotating Shaft
Unit SP A11. It should be in the range of 9 VDC to 13 VDC.

If no DC voltage could be measured measure the AC input voltage of the Rotating Shaft
Unit SP A11 between terminal X1:1 and X1:2. It should be in the range of 8V to 12V
effective with frequency of about 10 kHz. If not measured check the Power Receiving
Coil SP A3 for short circuit or wire break.

5.5 No Radio Communication

Please ensure that the Antennas SP A13 and SP A14 are mounted in a distance of
180° in between each other directly in opposite position broadcast antenna.

5.6 No Radio Communication

If there is still no radio communication (second red and or third LED from top D4 and
D5 on board SP-Control A2.1 in Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a not lighting where top red
LED D3 is lighting) check the antenna connection on printed card SP A13 and SP A14.

5.7 Incorrect Speed Measurement

If there are errors with speed measurement or direction of rotation, check the function of
both Speed Pickups SP A7 and SP A8. During slow turning of the shaft the
accompanying LED behind Terminal X2 and X3 on the printed circuit board SP-Control
A2.1 in the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a must light when the Rotating Sensing Frame
SP A12 is in front of the individual sensor.

If the direction of rotation is incorrect, exchange the terminal connection between X2

and X3 on the circuit board SP-Control A2.1 in the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a.


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

5.8 Incorrect Torque Signal

If the offset signals of the Torque Sensors SP A9 and SP A10 have changed too much
from the installation then realignment may be necessary.

Both sensors should exhibit a signal (see factory settings sheet SP116_0206) when the
shaft is without force.

Slow turn the shaft in both directions and watch the changing offset values. If the
deviation (see factory settings sheet SP116_0206) is greater than 200 the sensor has to
be realigned.

For this task loosen the two fixing screws holding the sensor in the sensor bracket and
pull or push the sensor carefully by a very small amount. Pull the sensor if the offset
signal is too high. Push the sensor if the offset signal is too low. Because of the slow
update rate of 6 seconds and the location of the Operator Panel SP A1 far away from
the Torque Sensors SP A9 and SP A10 it is possible to measure the output voltage of
both sensors inside the rotating electronic. For the best signal range the offset signal of
both sensors should be 2,5 Volt at the rotating electronic input terminal X2 (Sensor 1
+Ua = X2:6, Sensor 1 –Ua = X2:7, Sensor 3 + Ua = X 2:2, Sensor 3 – Ua = X 2:3)
respectively +1,25 Volt at test points SE1 for Sensor 1 and test point SE2 for Sensor 3
against test point GND.

Finally tighten the fixing screws and check the offset signal while slow turning the shaft.
If there are still greater deviations over one revolution and the shaft is without any load
there may be a misalignment of the shaft clamp rings.

Note: Minor changes to the offset signals over time are normal. It is advised to make
Zero Setting every 6 weeks when port conditions allows (propeller without forces).

5.9 Incorrectly calculated Shaft Power

Perform a Zero Setting and insert the correct offset values for Sensor 1 and Sensor 3 in
menu function Set up, Set up Measuring System.

Check if the correct Gain is inserted in menu function Set up, Set up Measuring System.
This gain factor is calculated during commissioning depending on the shaft and sensor
dimension and material as well as the fixed amplification factor in the Rotating Shaft
Unit SP A11.


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

5.10 The Screen of the Operator Unit SP A1 is dark

Check the 24 Volt DC power supply to the Operator Unit SP A1. If ok check the
background light of the display panel.

If dark the background light bulb or the whole panel unit has to be exchanged. If ok
check the brightness control trim potentiometer on the rear side of the panel electronic
board (the daughter board has to be lifted to gain access).

5.11 The displayed characters are diffuse

Check the contrast control trim potentiometer on the rear side of the panel electronic
board (the daughter board has to be lifted to gain access).

5.12 No data is received or displayed on the Operator Unit SP A1

The Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a is running but no data is received or displayed on the
Operator Unit SP A1.

Check the communication cable cb.2 between the Stationary Shaft Unit SP A2a and the
Operator Panel Unit SP A1.

Turn the Operator Panel Unit SP A1 on and off. All set up data remains stored. Replace
daughter board SP-Central Unit in Operator Panel Unit SP A1.


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

6. System Commissioning Set up Data


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

7. System Zero Setting Inspections

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Shaftpower® Version 2.04x / 2.06x

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:

Offset Sensor 1:
Offset Sensor 3:


Sales & Service Center
Siemensstrasse 9 • D-25462 Rellingen • GERMANY
Tel. +49 4101 5880 0 • Fax +49 4101 5880 129
e-mail: • visit us at

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