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Group member: Lu c Phong Nguyn Vn Hiu Nguyn Vn Thng Nguyn Hong Vit 3c08 3c08 3c08 3c08

Table of contents
I. Introduction ....3 1. Definition...3 2. Purpose... 3 3. Scope..3 4. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations.3 II. Overall Description............................................................4 1. Product Perspective.....4 2. Product Functions....4 3. User Characteristics..4 4. Constraints....4 III. Software requirement specification.5 1. Functional requirement..5 a. General functions...5 b. Administrator functions.5 c. Normal user functions ...5 2. Non-functional requirements..6 a. Usability .6 b. Reliability6 c. Performance.6 d. Supportability...6 e. Security.7 f. Software Quality Attributes.......7 g. User Interfaces........8

I. Introduction
1. Definition Requirement definition is a process of collecting the user needs to solve a problem or issues and achieve an objective. It is the most crucial part of the project. Incorrect, inaccurate, or excessive definition of requirements must necessarily result in schedule delays, wasted resources, or customer dissatisfaction. 2. Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements for the Multiple Choice Test System (MCTS). The intended audience includes all stakeholders in the potential system. Developers should consult this document and its revisions as the only source of requirements for the project. They should not consider any requirements statements, written or verbal as valid until they appear in this document or its revision. 3. Scope The proposed software product is the Multiple choices test system (MCTS) that will be used for the student to do the test then save the result on the database. The current system in use is a paper-based test system. It is too slow and cannot store or provide as many questions as this software. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the flexibility of taking test for students. They can practice by doing test many times to improve their knowledge, with so many questions. Requirements statements in this document are both functional and non-functional. 4. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations MCTS: Multiple choices test system


Overall Description

1. Product Perspective: This Multiple choice test system is a self-contained system on that each student has an account for logging on then taking the test and the administrator manages users

accounts, the data (questions) of the software . Various stakeholders are involved in the hospital patient info system. 2. Product Functions The system functions can be described as follows: Administrator functions: o Manage users account: admin can add, delete, edit, list the normal account. o Manage the question bank: admin can add, delete, edit the question on the database. o Manage the result list. Normal user functions: o Take the test. o Edit personal information. o See the correct answer and final result. 3. User Characteristics The system will be used in Thang Long Atptech school. The administrators and the students will be the main users. The administrator users may have to be trained on using the system. The system is also designed to be user-friendly. It uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Every user need to have basic computer training. The administrators are responsible for managing the user and the question system.

4. Constraints The number of questions is limited. Administrator must input the question one by one.

III. Software requirement specification

1. Functional requirement a. General functions: Log in function: o Every user must log in their account to work with the software. Log out function: o After logging in to the system, user can log out.

b. Administrator functions: Manage users account o The software will allow the administrator to create, delete, edit, list, normal user account on the system. Manage the question bank o The software will allow the administrator add, delete, edit questions on the database. Manage the result list o The software will allow the administrator show the list of students results.

c. Normal user functions: Choose test level: o The software will allow users to choose the level of the test like: easy, normal, hard Take the test: after choosing the tests level, users can do their test. Edit personal information o All users have their own accounts information and users are able to edit their personal information. See the correct answer and final result: o After finish the test, user can see the answer of each question and the final result.

2. Non-functional requirements Non-functional requirements are attributes that either the system or the environment must have. a. Usability System uses friendly and familiar interface so that users will use easily. The end user will be able to place an order within thirty seconds. The end user will be able to access any page within five seconds. The end user will be able to view products information within four seconds.

b. Reliability The system have product warranty. The system will support users immediately as soon as possible. The mean time to failure shall be at least three months.


Performance Response Time: the system shall give responses in 2 second after each action interacts with the software. Capacity: the system can support 100 people at a time. User-interface: the user-interface screen shall respond within 5 seconds. Conformity: The systems conform to the Microsoft Accessibility guidelines The performance of the functions and every module must be well. At every step the output of the one phase is the input of the other phase and it will be reliable and accurate. The risk factor must be taken at initial step for better performance of the software. For individual function the performance will be well.

d. Supportability System allow users to send an email directly to websites manager . System allows users to chatting with website online helpers.

e. Security Logon ID : Any user who uses the system shall have a Logon ID and Password. Modification :Any modification (insert, delete, update) for the Database shall be synchronized and done only by the administrator in the ward. Administrators' Rights: Administrators shall be able to view and modify all information in the software. Normal users rights: just be able to view the information (question, result,)cant modify them. The external security can be provided by given the login authentication. The data that are stored in the database must be private. There is also required a user authentication. There is also the facility that the admin can lock his private data that will not beaccessed by anyone. The whole software is secure from the outside accessing.

f. Software Quality Attributes Our software has many quality attribute that are given below: Adaptability: This software is adaptable by any organization. Availability: The availability of the software is easy and for everyone. Correctness: The results of the function are pure and accurate. Flexibility: The operation may be flexible and reports can be presented in many ways. Maintainability: After the deployment of the project if any error occurs then it can be easily maintain by the software developer. Portability: The software can be deployed at any machine. Reliability: The performance of the software is better which will increase the reliability of the software. Reusability: The data and record that are saved in the database can be reused if needed. Robustness: If there is any error in any window or module then i t does not affect the main part of the software. Usability: to perform any operations and to understand the functioning of software is very easy.

Productivity: This software will produce every desired result with accurately. Timelines: The time limit is very important. It will save much time and provide fast accessing. Cost effective: This software is less in cost and bearable by any organization

g. User Interfaces The design or layout of every form will be very clear and very interactive to the user. When the user open the software the welcome window will appear. In the login window the user can easily entered the desired password and login name. Then it will give the successfully login message. From each and every window the user can easily go to any desired window that is there will be a absolute and relative linking. There will be a proper collection of GUI interface, which will provide better look and feel. In the screen layout the background color is very light and the graphics and font style will be in proper manner and well organized. In each and every window there will be alert, confirm etc message box for displaying message. In the opening interface of the software there will be a menu window where the overall table contents of the software will be present through which the user can move to any desired window. This will provide the better security data because the menu window will be displaying according to the login (admin or normal user).

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