Defense Qestion

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1. Why did you select this topic?

• In the study area people using more case more load

• By interesting
• By low adherence this area
• Insufficient study on topic eastern Ethiopian
2. With regard to your literature review, how do you go through it? How should be the
flow? Anwer Global to local
3. How was your age classification? What is your reference?
. - By using different ligature and I know Struge’s formula k=1+3.322logn
- Where K = number of class intervals n = no. of observations
4. What are the possible reasons for wide confidence interval (CI)?
-The possible reason being CI wide is sample size small
5. for which group of people that this study will be generalized?
Source population
6. Did you do model fitness test for logistic regression? What did you use?
Model fitness was checked by using Hosmer and Leme-show goodness of model fit test at > 0.05
Classification table
7. How did you get your sample size and can you tell us how you computed your sample
size? I got the sample size for two objectives and I compare the size of two objectives and finally
I took the larger sample size for my study.
8. Your discussion is limited to few countries. Why?
Lack of literature review, in my search I didn’t get in global to local
9. How did you measure income? What is the baseline for your classification?
I depend upon reference
10. What is the difference b/n abstract and synthesis?
Abstract is summarize the whole study
-Synthesis is taking the idea and writing with their own word
S---summery is short focus on what is found out
11. Is there any connection between the source population and study population?
Study population is subset of source population
12. You have taken a power of 80 for your sample size calculation. What is that?
80% chance of not to do type II error is the chance of the study successfully demonstrate a true
result or
13. What is the purpose of reviewing literatures?
To identify the study gap and to discuss the result the study.
14. Tell me the families of quantitative study; each sub group; which is the golden
standard? Which one is best for your case?
Quantities cross-sectional study design
Advantageous - used to generalize the population,
- To determine both exposure and outcome variables simultaneously
- Short period of time, less costly
- To yield prevalence
Disadvantage - not show strong cause-effect relationships if sample size is small

15. What techniques you used to increase the reliability of your data? Goes near to reality
Decreasing sampling error by increasing sample size.
16.1 How you compute knowledge question?
1. Transform---compute target variable/ a, b, c, d, know variable/
2. Move knowledge questions to numeric expression
3. Then come to data view recode into different variable
4. New < 0.5 as 0 0.5 through 0.69 as 1 ≥ 0.7 through highest as 2
5. Finally 0 as poor, 1 as fair, 2 as good knowledge were named
16.2 How many errors did you expect from invesgation?
Systematic errors/ biases 1. sellection2 .information 3. Confounding
Random errors
17. Can you tell us the basic ethical issues in research?
Consent, scientific integrity, conflict of interests, issues of equity and fairness
18. Which is applied in your research?
Consent1.informed Consent was signed with study participants
1. Permeation letter from Woreda health office and kebele
18.1 What is the use of pre-test?
Used to increase the validity of data
Measuring tool correctly measures the concepts under investigation
18.1 Why do not do pre-test done at the same study area?
To avoid information contamination
19.1 What is similarity, difference of both simple random sampling and systematic random
But systematic random sampling needs ordering to choose sample members
While in simple random sample each member of a population has an equal chance of being
included in the sample.
Cluster sampling vs stratified sampling
In cluster sampling clusters are homogeneous, unlike stratified sampling where in stratified
sampling the strata are heterogeneous
20. Where is the best place to put a conceptual framework?
After literature review
21. When do you jump conducting pre-test?
If a check list is standardized.
22. What is the most important part of the literature review?
The methods part.
23. Your reference journals should be?
Peer reviewed and published.
23. What is the basis for your conceptual framework?
Literature review
24. What is the importance of giving training for data collectors?
To assure data quality / used to achieve objective and validate tool/ getting true data
To clear ethical issues
25. What are the basic strategies to control confounders? During design & during analysis.
During design pre-test and standard question was used to control confounders
During analysis colliniarity was checked used to control confounders
26.Can you tell us the steps you passed through to calculate the odds ratio and logistic
Variables(Hh,ws, whs, csv, csv,e, wd, t,) with P-value <0.25 in bi-variate analysis were entered
to multivariate analysis and p-value of 0.05 at 95 % CI and odds ratio were used to declare
statistically significance.
27. Can you guess sample size from confidence interval?
Yes when sample size is small CI will be wide and when CI is narrow the sample size become
27.1 Level of statistical significance was declared at p-value < 0.05
Independent variables are predictor of the study on p-value< 0.05
Why p-value on 0.05? it used to reduce confounding variables.
27.1 What by mean p -value = 0.01?
By chance independent and dependent variables are truly associated at 99 % CI.
28. Assume this is a national workshop. How can you tell the odds ratio for the audience
29. What is your research hypothesis?
Explaining the conceptual framework.
30. What were the key words you used in the internet to search your literature?
Household water, safe storage, household water handling, HHWTP
30.1 What is logistic regression mean?
The logistic regression model can be used to express the relationship between dichotomous
response variable and explanatory variables in any of the following ways:
- In terms of the probability of the event, p
- In terms of the odds the event, p/1-p
31.1 What other models do you know?
Backward stepwise logistic regression which is used when variables are small
32. How long the data collection took?
10 days
33. Why you used correction formula?
Because the population number was greater than 10, 000
34. Which specific question was used to measure your outcome variable
Do you treat/safe water in your home?
45. What is your data collection tool?
Check list, document record and registrations book, patient history model
46. in your regression model, what was the code for ‘yes’? 0 0r 1? for wich variable did
you used?
Ans for the dependent variable
47. What is the formula for proportional allocation? ni=n*Ni/N, where ni=study unit
x,n=total study unit, Ni=tota pop of x, N=total pop
48. What is the advantage of discussion?
To compare with other studies and interpret findings.
49. Tell me your short statement of conclusion without studying
1. Household water treatment practice is low in the study area.
A. Literate, drawing water by dipping and those who were fetching the water three times and
above a day were found to be predicators of household water treatment practice.

50. What is multivariate analysis mean?

Is a type of analysis of data which can analyze more than one variable?

✓ Analysis of data of independent and dependent variables..

✓ Describe the association b/n independent and dependent variables.

✓ It is measures of association when controlling of confoundingfactors.

53. Multiple regression model

The simple linear regression model is easily extended to the case of two or more explanatory
variables. Such a model is called a multiple regression model

OR and AOR == in an odd ratio confounding variables are not minimized where in an AOR
confounding variables were minimized
Categorical Variables
Variables that are measured using nominal scale and ordinal scale
– The variable may have only two levels (values) called dichotomous (E.g. Sex)
– The variable may have more than two levels (values) called a polychromous (E.g. Blood
• Continuous (numeric) variables can be condensed to categorical variables
Categorizing continuous variables
• Categorizing continuous variables is common practice in epidemiology for both descriptive and
multivariate modeling.
• The practice is used for both outcome and explanatory variables.
• Categorizing a continuous variable generally results in an ordinal categorical variable.
Test of associations for 2x2 tables
• If we call the frequencies in the four cells of2x2 table a, b, c and d then the table is given by

The chi-squared test

• The test of association for a contingency table is given byχ2 = Σ (O-E)2/ E„O‟- observed
frequency„ E‟-expected frequency χ2 (ad-bc) 2N/ nDn NDn EnNE The Chi-squared test…..
• The Chi-squared test measures the disparity between observed frequencies (data from the
sample and expected frequencies (probability distribution)
• The Chi-squared test is valid– If no observed cell is 0 and no expected cell is less than 5.

22.3. Which statistical test is used to test categorical variable?

Chi-square test

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