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Confidential Application For Appointment as

a Distributor
Please complete all the details where applicable, if you have additional information which you believe
may assist Arihant Agencies in forming a more complete picture as to your suitability as a distributor
please submit it with this application.

1 Details of Applicant


State/ Town in which you intend to operate: ………………………………………

This should be as already formally agreed

Status of applicant: ………………………………………

Sole trader/Partnership/Type of legal entity

Full name of principle contact: ………………………………………

Business Name(s): …………………………………………

Please supply information on all the controlling
Parties. Where the applicant is a legal entity we
simply require the details of the Company

Business Address:

Post/area code:

Telephone: (business) Telephone: (private)

Mobile: Facsimile:

E-mail: www:

Registered office if different from above:

Company registration no:

Number of directors:
2 Background Information

Business/employment history/Company background

Please provide a brief description of your previous and current business activities.

Relevant experience - details & qualifications of principals:

Please provide details of any training, experience or qualification you consider relevant to assist
Somar to determine your level of competence in Sales & Marketing, Business Administration,
Technical matters.

How did you hear about Arihant Agencies?

Have you ever had any connection with an Arihant Agencies Distributor? (Yes/No)
If Yes, in what capacity?

Do they know you are submitting this Application? (Yes/No)

In which specific areas do you feel you would need more help and training from
Arihant Agencies?
Initial Strategy:
The following information should be included in this section
 Your sales strategy
 Who will be involved in marketing of the product
 Which Market Sectors you will be targeting
 Your estimated projections for turnover in the first year

3 References

Bankers Name/Address:

Account name:
Sort code:
Account number:

Could you please submit two additional references.

Ideally, people or companies with whom you have had a professional association:
4 Distributor Agreement

The Distributor hereby makes a formal application for the rights to market and distribute ARIHANT
BRAND in the territory as defined in section one above, in return the Distributor offers to make a
payment of:
INR Rs …………………………………
( as an upfront deposit towards distributorship)
This payment is non-refundable if Arihant Agencies approves the application. The
Distributor further agrees to use his best endeavors to promote and extend the sale
of the products in the Territory and in all ways act in a professional and responsible
The Distributorship is subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions of Appointment
dated 1st April 2004. The Distributor acknowledges receipt of and agrees to operate
under these terms.
This offer is made subject to Arihant Agencies supplying all items specified in the
schedule including initial stock, demonstration stock, Brouchers and promotional
material and full sales and technical training.
Application is made this day by the undersigned, and constitutes a formal offer,
however it will become valid only if accepted by Arihant Agencies in writing.
Applications will not be processed unless they are signed and accompanied by the
initial payment.
The applicant warrants that to the best of their knowledge the information supplied is
accurate, and recognizes that Arihant Agencies relies, in part, on this information to
assess the suitability of a Distributor. Attempting to mislead by deliberately providing
incorrect information could lead to subsequent termination of the Distributorship.

SIGNED by the Distributor: Date:

In the presence of: 1st Witness Date:

2nd Witness Date:

Please return this completed application to Arihant Agencies, marked 'Confidential'
for the attention of ‘The Directors’. We will contact you within five working days with
a decision. The initial payment to be made by Bank Demand Draft form only. If the
application is declined the payment will be refunded immediately. Thank you for
taking the time to complete all the questions, your co-operation is appreciated.

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