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In this chapter, we will study some of the basie concepts about vectors, various ‘operations on vectors, and their algebraie and geometric properties. VECTOR ALGEBRA | TOPIC 1] y CHAPTER CHECKLIST Basic Concepts «Basie Concepts * Vector Joining Two Points SCALAR QUANTITIES OR SCALARS + Scalar Product of Two Vectors ‘Those quantities which have magnitude but no direction, are called scalar * Vector (or Cross) Product ‘quantities or scalars. eg. The height of Ram may be 1.6 m. Here, height of Two Vectors involves only one value (magnitude), which is a real number. Some scalar quantities are length, mass, time, distance, speed, area, volume, temperature work, density, voltage, resistance, etc. A scalar quantity is represented by a real ‘number alongwith 2 suitable unit. VECTOR QUANTITIES OR VECTORS hich have magnivude as well as direction are called vector quantities or vectors. eg. A football player hie the ball to give a pass to another player of his team. Hence, he apply a quantity (called force) which involves ‘muscular strength (magnitude) and direction in which another plyer is poseboned Some vec pani ae fas depen, vey, aceon EXAMPLE |1| Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors. (40 watt (i) 20 m/s? (a) 100 ni? (Gv) 2 m North-West Sok () 40 watt represents power, which is scalar. (i) 20 mp? represents seceleration, which isa vector (ii) 100 s# represents an area, which isa scalar (Gv) 2m North-West has magnitude as well as direction, so it is a vector. Representation of a Vector ‘Any straight line “J” in plane or three dimensional space can be given wa dirccrions by means of arcowheads.A line with one of these directions prescribed is called a directed line and if we restrict the line J to the line segment AB, then a magnitude is prescribed on the line/ with one of the two dizectons, so we obtain a directed line segment. Thus, a directed line segment has may direction, soit iscalled vector denoted as AB (or simply as @) and read as vector ‘AB* (or vector ‘a’. Here, the point A from where the vector AB stars is called its initial poine and the point B- where it ends is called its terminal point. Generally, vectors are denoted by 4, b,c, ete. Note The anc incl thececton of the vector MAGNITUDE (OR LENGTH) OF A VECTOR The length of the vector AB or a is called the magnitude of AB ord anditis represented by| AB |or| alor a Since, the gh ever ea, he notion AB a) ai So. represents the uni vector the drecton of and we (i For any seat bk 3 =. PROPERTIES OF MULTIPLICATION OF A VECTOR BY A SCALAR The addition of vectors and the multiplication of a veecor by a scalar together constitute the following distribution law Lee @ and & be any two vectors and & and m be any wo scalars chen Okdtma=Gema (i Mard)=barkd Gi) on a) = bm (a) COMPONENTS OF A VECTOR Lee a point P in a space has coordinates (x, y,2)and i, jand& are unit vectors along OX, OY and OZ-axes, respectively. Then, the position vector of Pwith respect to Oisgiven by OPlorr)=xityjeeh z 12 _[. [oT ie This form of vector OP is called component form. Herc, ‘yand 2 are called the scalar components and xi, yj and 2 ate called the vector components of OP (or) along the respective axes. Sometimes +, 7 and 2 are ako termed as rectangular components, The length of any ver ? =al'+ y+ ab i even by Debs + yt dle Note 12 pont? to a aro. sy X-plano anc as corarates (cy) Then, OF = x7 + yj, where? and] are unk vectors along OX. and OF-axes,resnecavely. Aso, | OF |= fF + iF. EXAMPLE |6| If a = 2) +37 +48 , then find its scalar and veetor components. Sol. Weave, a= 21 +3}+4h Cleary, the scalar components are 2,34 and the vector components are 233.44. EXAMPLE |7| Find a vector in the direetion of veetor @ =i ~2) that has magnitude 7 units [NCERT Exemplar} Sol. Wehavs, d=2~2}.shen (aja dar ore = faa ‘The nit vector inthe ection ofthe given vetor ds Now, the vector having magnitude 7 units and in the direction of @ =74 Important Results in Component Form UZ and B are any two vectors given in the component form such that @ = yi +43} + ayd and B = byl + ba} + bs. ‘Then, (i) the sum (or resultant) of the vectors @ and Z is given by B+ Bala, +6)i + (ay +b) i+ Cay +hy)b (i) dhe difference of the vectors and is given by 2B ala, —h)i Ha, —0) 7 Has bh (iii) the vectors @ and B are equal, if and only if 4, =a, =byand ay =b, Go) the multiplication of veetor F by any scalar Bis given by AZ = (hay) + (hag) j+(hay)h. (0) The vectors a and B are collincar (or parallel) if and only if there exists a non-zero scalar A such that bane. = (hi +b j+bM= Mai +a,j+ash) ayhanddy = ash EXAMPLE |8| Ifa = then find] ~238 -2j +h and 6 =2i -4j -28, Sol Wehsve, a=3)-2) +8 0) and batinaj-3i = B22 -4-sh) {roulipying by 20m both sides] = tbeai-sj-sk “) (On subtracting Ei from Ea (), we get Goo =0'-2) +)-ca-8} -0i) 0-07 4-249 jeaH9k _losbracting corresponing tems] nieajert Now, [2-28 |=[-i+6) +74) (or +o +0F ~ iene EXAMPLE |9| For what values of 2-3] + 4k and ai +6] -8k are collinear? the vectors {etht 20111 (44k and b= al + Wekowow that vectors d= a/-+0,)-+ayé and B= bi +b.) + bh are collinear, iff Sol. Let given vectors are a= 2 isk. bebe DIRECTION COSINES AND DIRECTION RATIOS OF A VECTOR Suppose OP (or +) is che position vector of a poine POs, 7.2) shown in che Figure 2 s, Here, the angles at, and y made by the vector OF with positive dizections of coordinates axes OX, OY and OZ respectively, are called direction angles. The cosine values of these angle, ic. coset, cos and coe'y are known as the direction cosines of OP. ‘Generally, they are denoted by J,m and 1 respectively, 08 0, m= cos B and 1 =cos 7. In the figure, the AOAP is a right angled triangle, so we + where r =|]. have, cos Similarly, from the right angled AOBP and AOCP, we have and cos P may also be expressed as (rcos0t, reosB, ros) or (rr, The numbers fr, mr and nr ate proportional to Thus, che coordinates of the point the direction cosines, called direction ratios of vector ? and denoted as x,y and =, respectively Noto © x Lansnete “a voir ha gener tebe ned at = P= tt ea Pt rat 0 tee) 40x) +a, en 9,0, a 2,2 an cal dcton ete of 6) Fale gh tut. ann ae chien css cha ect tin i+ mjd fnsa)is eon) ean ih ‘tn unt vet ne detent vc, whew Bandy Eee ngewe be wet a win. a es ‘nae EXAMPLE |10] Find a vector @ of magnitude 54/2, raking an ante of with Ant, th Yai nan seat anle ith vxtini2014 Sol Give, vector makes on ale with X-xisand = i 3 (4) +07 +» stewer 25 nest 2 ee eZ makes seute angle with Zax a so we take a positive sign] cote 8ieanante ana wih Zoe oa “Thus, the direction cosines of @ are, ae Now, vector @= 3 (soe Si ~ coe £ joe 0} a0(Li+enje tiled ost sil Gi-o)- pis EXAMPLE |11| Write the direction ratios of the vector d =i + 72k and hence calculate its direction cosines. INCERT] Sol. We have, vector ‘We know that, direction ratios ofa vector i+ yal arte clr componente x yand of the vector. So, required dieton ratio are, 4and 2 Now, [al=li+j-ail= aso fara Suppose [Lm and are the direction cosines of given fa fel ra 4 m= and a eo We 2 the required direction casi nae J eH) TOPIC PRACTICE 1 | OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1 The magnitude of the vector 6] +23 + 3818 5 (0)7 INCERT Exemplar} 2 @ 2. The vectorin the direction of vector! ~2} +2 that has magnitude 12is ()i-2j+ak by; (ai - 25 +24) iaajaak 3 @ai-2j +28) 3. In triangle ABC, which of the following is not true incre M+R abe R-ci=0 4 Ifaand b are two collinear vectors, then which ofthe following areinonee Non (0) bse fr some ser, wanes () Therespective componentsof aand bare proportional (@) Both the veetors a and bhave same direction but different magnitudes ‘The direction cosines of the vector i +2) +3i (0) AB + BC -AC OL 2 what aa a i va Bt OF ZZ ONmeottioe VERY SHORT ANSWER ‘Type Questions 6 waa si+2}-2handb=3i-yj+haretwo equal vectors, then find the value of + y+ Dell 2013 7 Write a vector in the direction of the vector 7-2} +28 that has magnitucle 9 units. (Delhi 20146} 8 Finda vector in the direction of @ =2i—j+2k ‘hich has magnitude 6 units. INCERT Exemplar! 9 Find the sum of the vectors d= i-2j+ &, B= ~2144]+ Skand¢ = i- 6j— 7 welhiz0121 10 Write a unit vector in the direction of the sum jth (eth 20140 11. Find the unit vector in the direction of the sum of the vectors = 2 +2} - shana ofthe vectors @ = 2— j+2k andd=-i+j+3% INCERT Exemptar| 12 a=4i—j+kand =2)-2}+#,thentinda ‘unit veetor parallel to the vector a + 8. {Alt ndia 2016) 1B. Find the value of p for which the vectors 8)+2)+ 98 andi — 2p) +f are parallel \allindia 20141 14 wmte the value of cosine ofthe angle which the vector’ =i jodi makes with Yeats. (pet 201401 15 Find the angle between X-axis and the vector is jth [Alltndia 2014¢ 16 Write the direction cosines of vector ti j-5h SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions 17 14, B,PQand Re the five points in a plane, then show that the sum of the vectors AP, 40, AR, PB, QB and RB is 3 AB. (Dethi 2011), 18 tfObe the centre of a regular hexagon PORSTU, then prove that OP +00+0R + OS +07 +O =O. 19 Wa =i+ j+2%andd -2i + j-24, then find the unit vector in the direction of 24 - b. INCERT Exemplar! SHORT ANSWER ‘ype II Questions 20 Find a vector of magnitude 5 units and parallel tothe resultant of @ =2i+8}- 9f and be INceRT 21. Show that the vector! + j+is equally inclined tothe axes OX, OV and OZ 22. Avector? is inclined at equal angles to the three axes. IFthe magnitude of? s2V3 units, then find the value of 7 25+ 3k 23. Show that the vectors @ = 31-2) +k, Bei-aj+sé andz angled triangle, 7+ jak form aright ‘24 Ifavector? has magnitude 14 and direction ratios 2,3 and 6, Then, find the direction cosines and components of? given that 7 makes an acute angle with X-axis. INCERT Exemplar} 25 fa unit vector d makes angle + with i, = with j and an acute angle with then find the components of @ and the angle 26 tfaunit vectordé makes angles = with ,* with - mel 3 4 ‘and an acute angle @ with then fina the angle@ and hence the components of. (NCERT] 27 Leta=i+j+k,6=4i-2)+ 3eand 2<1--2}+ hand find a vector of magnitude 6 units which is parallel tothe vector web 80 | HINTs & SOLUTIONS | 1. Qld d+ 9} ab, then|dl= Yeo e oe =r 2 Olea Unit vector in the diction of vector Zs given by 2 ic tieat invjet JP zt e 2? 3 Nestor in the dteton of with magnitude 12 3. (@ Hint By triangle law of vector addition, AB + BC = ACor AB + BC =-CA 4. (@) By definition collinar vectors may have same or ‘opposite directions 5. (ait ai + 2)436 thenjal= Jive ro = VF it? a3 Now,te Let, m= Za andneS. ae a 6. Wehave,d =31+-2)-shand B=3i-9-+£ re equal degjnabasl-yjek (n comparing the corresponding elements, we ge 2 aa Hence. x+y +2 Similar ax Example 7. [Anes] 6) +48] B. Siler as Exarop 9. Wehave.« and ‘Now, sum of the vectors is Ga Bed =a} shy eaiecjestya(i—o)—niy —2anji+-244—0))+(45—79E jk 10. Given, d= 08+ 2)—sh and hit vector along the divection of 3 + Now, @ + baaivaj—sivaiej—7k 9) 10 Vio? +0)? + (12° fever Si=13 unit vetor is and (343 So, the requ a+b ais gj. BB (e+h Siar Quen 10 ane Fie FH] 12 Sines Qusinn [ane =F 28) 1B. Given, +2} +9 and i - 2p} +k are two parallel vectors, so their direction ratios will be proportional 4209 " Now, unit vector in the direction of a is D_tejed isded i FoF e Le ~firkie ge Hence, cosine of angle which the given vector makes with Younis, is t 5. simi os Quin 14 [Am «=(d)] 16, Similar as Example [= Ze Bl 17. Applying triangle law of addition of vectors in twiangles APS, AQB and ARE, we get AP + Pi = AB, AQ+ QB = AB and AR + RG = AB (On adding all these, we got a ¥ AP + PH +AQ+Q8 + AR + RB =348 | We know that the centre ofa regular hexagon bisects all ‘he diagonal passing trough OP =-08 09 =-OT and GU =-O8 OP 408 = 0,00 +01 =0 and OU + OR =0 (On adding all of them, we get OP +05 +00 +0T +00 + OR =0 => OP +00 +0R +05 +07 OU =0 Oe Nece proved Salve as Question 10 is F st outer SEP Fay 6 £3] a+e) ‘The direction ratios of 74+ }-+é are (1,11) So, its direction cosines are =, = - Feo Tan et “BEE Suppose vector i+ }+£ makes angles cB. with the covedinates nz. 1 Then cosa cos Bre t= Hence, the vector +} +4 is equally inclined to the anes OX. OF and 02, especie Webave|7 |= Since, Fis equally inclined tothe three axes. So, direction cosines of 7 will be same, ie 24, Fadi + mj + nl)-fFl= =ab +o} -1t We know that, Pm! + . “hus, the componcats of 7 are 4.6) and 126 - 25. We know that fa vectora makes angles randy with 1} and reqpoctvaly, them cose + "8 4c084y =1 So Btcos*y tis given that, = ©,§ = Zand y =n acute angle. " Gia Tandy Now, #2741 cosa + c0s*B +c08?7=1 Given, @- and F204 — Now, Now, |2|=@?= a=) = faaat avi, : 1b )= farsa oF = i048 = and [¢ |= (la +0) +24) = fists tot cs [a +[ef =14 4213s = lap eler=ter ‘Hence, the vectors form a right angled triangle ‘hus. the components ofa are "= # ta andif? =ai +8)+ of, then a= 21,6 for some h #0, Give, [ ande=— 26, Sore m Quon [Ane 27. Given, d= 345+ &, Baal -2}pshand ¢ = fas Now, 23 -B+3e ais j+ Bi zjesbysaii— zis B nals aje2b—ai 42} shes! —6jak jek Direction cosines I,m and mare ‘Now, we finda unit vector inthe direction of vector 24—B +36, which sequal 0 Binbese _inajeal [eabese) WY tCe@ iegjea_teaj+ot Yeu So, the diection cosines I, mand mare 2, 2and=© Trey fe # makes an acute angle with Kas, So, vector of magni 6 units parallel tothe vector so wil take positive vale ofA] 2B asd fll Sje i) ajo a3 ITOPIC 2| Vector Joining Two Points Let A (xys.915 23) and B (x3. 794223) be any two points on the plane. Then, position vectors of A and B with respect to the origin O are OA tani njtad and OB =2,i+ 7, }+28, respectively. Y B yo 2) a AQAR, by applying triangle law of addition, we get Od + AB = 08 AB = 08-04 = (xii +ys)rnb-Cierienky sOg- ai tno mi t@ ak aud | AB |= Y= 4) =O, +a EXAMPLE [1] Find the vector joining the points ?(2 3,0) and Q(-4,=2,=4) disected from Qto P. Sol. Given points are (2 5 O)and f-1,~2-4) Then, the position vector of P, OF = 2/ +37 +0 & and position vector of 9. 09 =-i- 2) -48. Here, the vectors directed from 9 to P. So, Qs the initia point and Pi the terminal pont. » Required vector, QP = OP-00 = (+9) +0b) (1-2) ah) = (241 +342) +0 +4 asesjead EXAMPLE |2| Find the scalar and vector components of the vector with initial point (3, 4) and terminal point (5.7). Sol. Let the initial point be AC, 4) and the terminal point be ‘B(-87). tenth egmpogent form of AB is AB= 05-04 =-5i-+1}~(i-+4)) Dit 41} = 8+ 35 ence, the scalar components of ABare —8and 3nd vector components of ABare 81 and 3. Section Formulae let Aand Bb two poines represented by position vectors (OA and OB respectively, with respect to the origin. Then, the line segment joining the points A and Bmay be divided by a third point C (ay) in two ways which are given below. INTERNAL DIVISION Leta point C divide the line joining 4, B internally in the ratio of msm. Then, the position vector of point C is given by where, m and 1 are postive scalars. EXTERNAL DIVISION Leta point C divide the line joi ratio of min Then, the position vector of point (is given by 1g AB externally in the Fe nt O8 = nod where, m and 2 are positive scalars, Note FC 1 a mic-point, hon ho poston vector ot port EXAMPLE [3] Find the position vectors of the points Which divide the line joining the two points 3a -2 and 2@ ~55 internally and externally in the ratio 3 Sol Let A and Be the given points whose position vectors are3a ~ 2 and 2a ~56 respectively, with respect to the origin O,ie. OA =34 ~26 and OB =2a-56 Let P and Q be the points, which divides the line joining, ‘A and Banterally and extemaly respectively, in the mto3:2 a2 ts ‘Then, by using section formula of internal division, we eo pp -208 +204 _3(0—5h) + 20-28) 342 6a -15b +684 5 27 e 55 Now, by using section formula of extemal division, we eet TOPIC PRACTICE 2| OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1. The vector having initial and terminal points as (2,5,0) and(-3, 7,4), respectively is INCERT Exemplar! (sie 2j-ak iejek (a) =i +12) 4k (-siezjeak 2. 21+ 4k, Si + 3V3) 44k, -2/3 j+hand2i+kare the position vectors of points AB. Cand D respectively then CD is equal to I 1s @5 45 545 (5.aB (@ None of these 3. The position vector ofthe point which divides the join of points with position vectors a+ and2—B in theratiol:2is |NCERT Exemplar} it wa 4 © © 3 ‘The ratio in which i +2) + 38 divides the join of -2i+3}+Skand Ti-zis @)i2 Wid 2s VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions 5 IP (5,4) and (4,1,-2), then find the direction ratios of PO. sa 6 Find the direction cosines of the veetor joining the points A(L,2,-3) and B(-1,~21) directed from Bto A Iallindia 20161 7 Find the scalar components of AB with initial point A @, 1) and terminal point B(~ 5,7) \allIndia20121 8 If d.and# denote the position vectors of points ‘Aand B respectively and C's a point on AB such that AC =2CB, then write the position vector of Delhi 2016¢) 9 Aand B are two points with position vectors 24 ~ 36 and 6B ~a, respectively. ‘Write the position vector ofa point Pwhich divides the line segment AB intemally in the fal: {all nda 2013) 10 Land Mare two points with position vectors 24 -B and d +26, respectively. ‘Write the position vector of a point Nwrhich divides the line segment LMin the ratio 2:1 externally (All india 2013) 1. Find the position veetor of a point which 4ivides the join of points with position vectors G2 and 2d 4 externally inthe ratio2=1 eth 2016) SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions 12 1fPO+00= 06 +OR, then show that the points P,Q and R are collinear. 13. Find the scalar and vector component of QP with initial point Q 8, 5) and terminal point POLS). INGER Exemplar} SHORT ANSWER Type II Questions 14 1fGand b are the position vectors of Aand B respectively, then find the position vector of a point Cin Bd produced such that BC =1.9BA Also, itis shown by graphically. 15. Find the position vector of a point Cwhich divides the line segment joining Aand B, whose position vectors are 2a +b and @-38, externally in the ratio 1:2. Also, show that Ais the mid-point of the line segment BC. 16 Points L, Mand N divide the side BC, C4and AB of AABCin the ratio 1: 4,3:2.and 3:7, respectively. Prove that AL + BM +CNisa vector parallel to CK, where K divides ABin the ratio? 17 Ifthe position vectors of the points 4,B,C and D. are2i +h, 5+ 3/8} +4i, -2/8} +i andi +k respectively, then prove that CD is parallel to AB and CD = 2.48. 3 18 Show that the points A(6,~7,0), (16, -19, -4), (0,3, -6) and D(2 ~ 510) are such that AB and © intersect at the point PQ, 1.2) 19 Using vectors show that the points A(-2,3,5), BG@0,-0,C(-3,-2,-5) and D(S,4,7) are such that AB and GB intersect at the point P(,2, 3). HINTS & SOLUTIONS | (6) Required vector | = (3-214 -5) 544-08 = (2) We know that, ‘AB = Position vector of B~ Position vector of A a Gi+38ij+4k)—(ai say i +343 j=a1 + 08 j) “i Peston vector oD ~ Position vectors of C (+b--ab id +i j= ais VDF (i) Sa, om Ep. (and i, we get o-2 m8 3 4 2j 44k (@ Applying section formula the postion vector of the required point is Aa+by+uza-b)_ set a1 3 (a) Let the required rato be 23, then applying section formula, we get heoteateGissiesben ib Tat > isajeat. ( } +8 jd wat) heal ea ‘On equating the coeficent of j we get 3 et Obe the origin of reference. Then, OP =/45j+4F and OD the dicetion ratios of FQ are 3,~4.~6 Hint BA = 2944)—4£ -.DR'sof BA are 2, 4,4 ADC of BA are 2 4 = Beeay fey (Fee 7. Similar as Example 2. Ans. 7.6) 8. Hint 2 1 a € a @ © ia Position veto of = 222 | 9. Similar as Example 3. (Ans. ] 10, Similar as Example 3. [Ans.56] 41, Similar as Example 3.[Ans.3@ +48] 12. Wehave, PO +00 = Q0 + OR = 0G-0P = 08-09 = M-a 5 $ a ‘As Qin a conmon point for bth vectors enc, the pont PQ and Rare collinear 1B. Similaras Example 2 [Ans.(5~2 08152 1. Given, OA = @ and 08 = Now, Ba =0A - 08 and 155A Graphically, explanation ofthe above solution is shown below a ap ° 8 XK, a cs 6 15. Given, A =24 + band 05 = d-38 i) ‘Also, i ig given that Cis the point which divides the line Joining A and B externally inthe ratio l:2. Then. by using section formula of external division. we get e = (om 4.0] ask «i Now, we have to show tht isthe mid-point of BC ie toshow OF = DEO (om Ep. (ae Gi (frome, Hence, A is mid-point of line segment BC. 16. Let a,b and c be the postion vectors ofthe vertices A, B and C of A ABC, then the positon vectors of L,M and N are SBte Sate | Tate 3S Also, K divides AB in the ratio 1 : 3. Therefore, the be 4 Ab) respectively. position vector of K Hence, Al + Bi +CN is parallel to CK. 17, Wehave, “Gf = Postion vector of B Position vector of A = (51+ Wij ak) (24 ecb) sismBjsok = 30i+ SBF +0k) =i +h) Ca) +h) ia 245} 08 = 20+ 48) +08) Hence, CD is parle to AB and CD = 2B. 18 Wehave, Ad'=Postion vector of P— Postion vector of A (i j+28)-(6i—7}-+08) wsiacjeak and PH = Position vector of 8 Position vector of P 151-18) —6f =a +6)+28) |TOPIC 3| Scalar Product of Two Vectors ‘Mulkiplication of product of ewo vectors is defined in wo ways, namely salar (or dot) product where the esulcisa scalar and vector (or cross) product where the result isa vector. SCALAR (OR DOT) PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS Let @ and & be ewo non-zero vectors inclined at an angle 8. Then, the scalar product or dot product of @ and & is denoted by @-6 and defined as % 2 |b | cos 80505" or tb = abeos 08,0505 el su where a=|a [and b=|b] Note totter 3 = Bor = 8, then O's not dened and i this ease we deme, 3-8-0 Clealy, Fi =-87F So, the vectors HP and 7 are collinear. But Pisa common point to AP and PA. Cleany, @ = 7B. But, Pisa common point to GF and 7B. Hence, C.P and D are colinca points. Thus. A.BC.D and Pore points such that A,B and CrP, Dave two se of clinea plats enc, 2H and ZB intersect the pint. 19. Solves Question 18 IMPORTANT RESULTS ON SCALAR. PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS he salar proc of wo veo ie 4) ina number. 0 (i) Lee and be two non-zero vectors, then @-b = Oi and only if @ and b are perpendicular co each other. ieabo0e als. Gi) 0=0, chen 2.8 =[2I10} Also, 22 = (iv) 10 = 1, then @-6 =—[al iB Also, @-(~7) =—[aP. (v) For mutually perpendicular unit vectors f Finj jab bat and 7 jaj bedi vi) The angle beeween evo non-zero vectors @ and & is given by, cosoe 22 73) aile| rani) EXAMPLE |1| Find the angle between two vectors and b with magnitude 2 and 1 respectively, such that a ual Sol. Given,|al = 218\=Land &-5 = V5 Lethe the angle between @ and b. Then, cos =e Hence the angle between Gand ie Properties of Scalar Product of Two Vectors 6) Sear product of vo vector is commutatine i. for vectors a and b, we have a:b = bea. (i Scalar product of vectors is distributive over addition, i. for vectors 4, Band ¢, we have Bibs aabeae. ii) If m is any scalar and @and} be two non-zero @B)=(a) (nb) (iw) Sealar product of ewo vectors in component form. vectors, Then, (me @)-(B) = Suppose two vectors @ and & are given in component form, ay Deal tag] tagh and babys + b,j tbh Then, thei sae products given by ab (ayi + aj + ash)-(bi b,j + bh) = ayby + yb, + ayhy waif Sol. Given (@ +B) B)=12and|a| =F 3 fa abeha bb=2 > lah Lee = (2B) - 181 EXAMPLE [2| Finda fb) and G@+8).@-8) [Delhi 2020) 2 Igiven.|al= ABD 2 => Bl =12 = a= EXAMPLE [3| Find (@ +28)-(3¢ - 8), if 3 Sek jee and fs jt abana Clearly, d + 28 =! Sol. We have, i+ aj tab +268 +2), + jek si saj—ab a7 ssi +0k and 34-8 =304j428)-Gi42}-0 -% EXAMPLE [4] Find angle 0 between the vectors dais j-fanab ajrk INCERTI Sok. Given, fisi-a Clearly. -’) D+ M=+(-Y0) Aina angle between two vectors J and 8 be PROJECTION OF A VECTOR ON THE LINE Let @ and & be two vectors represented by Od and OF sespectively and let @be the angle made by @ with directed line fin the anti-clockwise direction. Lis OB, which is ‘Then, the projection of O4 on the lis given by|Od |cos@ and the direction of B, called projection vveetor, being the same (or opposite) to that ofthe line J, depending upon whether cos® is positive or negative A Note =| Gil cos0-5 =|, cns0-b Some Results on Projection of a Vector (0) IE pis the unit vector along a Hine f, then the projection of a vector # an the line is given by @° p. ae oo zl! and projection of vecwr on 2 is given by Bea as (iil) 16 =0, chen the projection vector of AB will be AB (i) Projection of sector @ on Fi given by Bor itsdf and if 8= m, then the projection vector of AB will be BA. om then the projection vector of AB 20> wal bo veto. (o Ter eefh and he the ditction angles of veer Bm 0,14 aaj + aybathen ies dvctioncosinesmay begiven as Here, Jal 0304, || cosB and [4 con y are sespectively, the projection of @ along OX,OY and OZ, ic. the scalar components 4, 4 and a5 of the vector @ ate precisely the projections of 2 along X,Y and Z-axes, respectively Note iis a uit vector then t may be exressed a cota) + cospj + covrk EXAMPLE [5] 1d 271+) 4 and 3 =21 46) +30, then find the projection of @ on - Sol. Wehave,@=7i+j—4é and bai voj+3h Clearly, &:3 =(77 + j 48). +6) +38) 2712) +16) 13) = 612-8 +e +8 = fer o=V9=7 Now, rocction of om and [6 TOPIC PRACTICE 3 | OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1 The angle between two vectors @ and B with magnitude 3 and 4, respectively anda-B = 243 is INCERT Exemplar x x r Ef @F OF oF ws 2. The angle between the vectors? ~ j and j— fis INCERT Exemplar! x x sx @% oO @ ne 2 oF © oF +3. If@is the angle between two vectors @ and B, then @ 820 only when ixcern) ayococ® wosoc® wocoe% @osesé (oo : 2 =lapfa| cover ‘Similar as Example 4. [Ans. 20/3] Similar as Example 5. (Ans. 5] Similars Example 5 Ans 0] Solve 2s Question 7 [Am @= ~3s/éy° +i j+ band Since, he vectors are perpendicular. 16. Given ]=2,[5 Now, consider] d~ BP =(a— 8)" -h).G-2 G-4b- babs aba beer a =(ay- 266 +15) eb =5-4 @F = 2a) +0" ~s49=5 °B —_ [taking square root on both sides] 17. When. either @ =00r 8 ‘Thus, inequality holds trivially when either Bao Leb} When jo] 20 fh then == [eos 8 ai) But [oor esi = [abs [a\lé) 18. Wehave, @=5i—j—skandb=i+3)-sé Now. a+b =5i—j—ak4i43)—sie oi +2) -8é and $—Bast— joab-7-sjashaai—4 jek Now, (d+ B)-(é - 8) = (i+ 2) -ab)-(ai -4j+ 28) =u-8-16=0 3) are perpendicular vectors, 424k Now, B+ AB (i+ 2) alee ajehy aia ajesk— aba anon’ HQT H 24+ MI +GH ME Since, +28 is perpendicular to. GABE = (G-AN (2+ A)} ++ ALG) 2 & NOHO HO=0 = 6-249 = mhesso 20. Solve as Question 29 [Ans 4 =-2] 24. tat Gaai—sk, ba ah+7} and C= 74748 be three d+ yj +2 bea vector such that as is dot prods with a8 and © are -1, 6 rargtindy. welire od + yj42b).ai—si) 1 © aie yesh) aie7}) -«i) alt yrs G+j+ia5—xty+2 ti (On solving Eas.) i and Gi we gst yadands=2 Hence the required vector ie? = 3+ 2 Given, 34+ E=6 = Lay + 20-8 + (Bp Lal + 2a] | cos 8+ 1) [BB =[aBhcoe 9} ‘On putting the values of [él = [|= and Eq, (, we get (8)! +235 608 04 (5)! =0)" = 9+ S08 0+ 25= 49 = 30 cos 0 = 49-34 @ Sa (5+B +B Gs B42 r2G43 +2) SETEG + E+ BG RRB 4Ea48B4Ee=0 SP eabsearabeibp eke +2G+E +2 h [dot product ie commutative] 24. Var 1b +10 4288 428 422-0 ss isiee2@beBZe2a-0 tomes i sdj—she aie 2jest aeayi+6j—2é ‘he unit vector along B42 is ven by Bet _@eaylejovt 0 ied eraee Given, scalar product of (7+ 3+ 2) with above unit vector is bse te Gsjek 12+ +10 +109. ean ra 1 ek i rahe > hte fPoew 3 4 eF = 2? +42 444 [squaringon bothsides] Be rererercearenr) = Bh=83 2-1 Hence, the value of 3 is 1. On putting the value of kin Eq. (, we get Unit vector along B+ 2 = 2201+ off errr sitej— 2k fivare u wsesinat 7. ‘We know that,|2--x| =|" = BaP -@HG-5 a barbe = re = Hebe abe ia = bf = [al’-21AI boos o1é" [2 &:b = feos 8) = 1-24 1c0s 041 gven|al=th ea Eelahlal> 9 = xi +45 +i-2j+x<0 3 Ux Bre x07 x(2r=1)<0 1 = xQx-ajcosoceoand7-k>0 Ti>dandrk>o -lat-9)>0 [eTeat band b= at =9 > (0 2(0+2)>0andle+¥e-2}<0 5 a<-2ora> 2and-3<0<3 S aeca-u@a) then a + cones, ptjeea > (=> When either @ = 0 oF ial + [By “Thos the inequality holds trivially in this case When|| x0 (i) ‘Ten, =e wadtabsba =[ap +(B +283 = Rs BP Slap ofiP aR bowel. xe ad oles Be stay +1ir +i) (188i < tah = [asd sdal+ ly = le Bsta+(b) (0 wvectors 3 andi are perpendicoar, then: 0 => (s+ 2498) (7+ pj+ab) = 34ape27 (@) We know that, the vectors @ b= eb,j+0 are parallel at 5 B.B 4.) ob by So, the given vectors] = i+ 2) +08 and Gai + pj wil be parallel it fap P 31 Given and? an mally perpen veto with qual mage = Wehave, d-b=8-2 =24 =0 and vase “io sn [debs2p =[ap 4 bP 4 [zp sososo lap sar ay (rom Ea.) lar 32 Let (sy) Since, and € are mumally pepeniule vectors There, Tbe =a=0 @ Now, [ar b+clt (oes eyGrbee) ot bbe ces te berhet2e0 fa [+18 Hel"+0+0+0. [using Ea.) =o (elal= (bl =1el=41 al atbece via (a) Suppose 24642 makes angles 0,0, and ®, with 2,5 and 2, respectively, Then, cor, = SUPERS, Sete tee fallesbec] fallanBee| La ay kt > cos8,= aerore| favbee] Oh tosing Eas. (an) 2 wed) Suoay, we have no (§) a) s 0-9, =0, Hence, @-+6 +6 is equally inclined with @,b and Now, cos*@, + 00578, + e06*@, =1 > 5c0e76, 33. Wehave ales |i}=eanaicles [tis given that, GL(b+e), BL(C+ a)and C1 (a+ by 3 Gb 05 G+ )= and ee = aB4ac-0be+ba sande ate b=0 Adding all these, we get wabsboveay=o Par series a) Now, consider fev Bech apap 4 [Bp ele rsaabebesea) F448 4st 40 (using Ea] = fat bt el =V50 = 52 Since, is parallel to handece, f = 4G foe ome ssa, 0 It is given that, & =8,+8', = 8-8-8 -B-na ti) ‘Alot gven that i perpendicular to therefore = Beano > (i-aaa-o = fened=0 {osing F569) Also, given a =41—Jand i = 2f+j—3é Now, fia =(2i+ j-ah)-Gi—jya6-1+025 TOPIC 4| Vector (or Cross) Product of Two Vectors Let @ and & be ewo non-rer0 vectors inclined at an angle 8 Then, the vector (or cross) product of@ and Bis denoted by 4x5, read as @ cross B and defined as Fxb =[3 [|B |sinoa where, # is a unit vector perpendicular to both vectors Gand &, such that a, and & form a right handed system. Abo, | xB J=|2 || 2 |sin ofa] [e [a |=, [=o and) =absin® Note (0 sted ~ Berd ~ 3, mend nt detnad ae Dna ro octon ‘and in this case 3 x = 0. eS ax (1) Treat beeen ot and rose prot GBF +18 =18F1P w EXAMPLE [1] If vectors a and & are such that Jal =3. 18), & and ax bisa unit vector, then find the angle between a and b. a2 Sol. Given. [al =4i}=2 fel=aytin4 Let O be the angle between # and & Since, [ax |=1 [ellijsino=1 = 3x2eine=1 i = Qand=1 IMPORTANT RESULTS ON VECTOR PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS. (i) The vector product of two vectors(a@ XB) isa vector. (ii) Leta and & be two non-zero vectors. Then, ‘J xb =0 if and only if @ and b are parallel (oe villinsa) so'each other, ie, 2xb= 6.92112. Gii) 2x2 = 0, 90 =0" and d x (2 iv) I= %, then a xB = [alld GF 8= >, th bald}. ween, (0) For mutually perpendicular unit vectors, jandé, © iximjxjadxdad (eu ra ts an anand Bi seine ff teenie ptodurs is given byiintd = E41 (si). Vectors of magnitude 2 normal tothe plane of @ and thax) Fate given as laxd Properties of Vector Product of Two Vectors (@) Vector product is not commutative, for vectors @ and b, we have (a xb) =—(B xa) (i) Vector product is distibusive over addition, ice for vectors a, band ¢, we have Gxbstaaxbeaxe (id Uf is any sear and and be the ewo norco vectors, then (rw a) xB = m (a x8) = aX (mb) EXAMPLE |2| For any three vectors, B and ¢., prove that €x @-<)=(axd)-@ x0). Sol. We have, LHS=ax(b—c)=4x[6 +0) GixBye 32) by disiutve aw] xB) + G@xel) (ax) —(ax2)= RES Note We can use his rest as standard rest bs axc(me) = meee) EXAMPLE [31 how thatdic = @ xEdoes nat nays imply that b Sol Wehave, axb=axe = Gxd)-(Gxe) (oxby+faxee > ax(bseeyad = ax-<) 22 00r(b-2)=00r aii(b- 2) G=Gorb=¢ ore b—<) Hence, @ x b =a x ¢ docs not always imply that B = ¢ Vector Product of ‘Two Vectors in Component Form Suppose, two vectors @ and & are given in component Feb jeoe, foum, sy 7= 0,7 +,) + ak and 6 then tei vector produ is given by EXAMPLE Mites 3i+j+ak and then find dB and| ab]. Sol. Given, a =3i+j+2f and i ik Nowaxb=|3 1 2| 2-2 4 = l(a +4)—ja2r—a)+i(-5—2) asi —aj—ai [axe OF CSF =H =e EXAMPLE [5| Find a vector of magnitude 3, which is perpendicular to both the vectors 37 + j ~ 4é and oi +5) -28. Sob Ie two given vectors = bad asj—ak Using vector product of tora vectors, we get axb=|s Q =? G-2)-5 (49) - J (2) -6(-4) +8 (36)-610)) [expanding the determinant long R,] 2+ 20) (6424) + kas—6) ans} +98 and [2 b= fia® =(1ay +0" = 720 = 27 aaxb) laxtl +98) Hence, requited vector: is? Leiven 2 =5) = 18; 18 Bi 3 a-ak oi a! EXAMPLE |6| Find the unit vector perpendicular to the plane ABC, wheze the position vectors of A, B and C are2i—) +k,i +] +2k and 2 + 3b, respectively. (allindia 2014¢) is jeak 3 Vey 8 8! AB x AC] sae sisi “Drm he Applications of Vector Product of Two Vectors Vector product of two vectors can be used to find the area of some geometrical figures which are given below 1. Area of a tangle The area of tangle having adjacent sides @ and 6 is given by 4 2. Area ofa wiangle The area of AABC is AABx AC| oe 1BCxBA lor YEBx Gy) 2 2 2 3. Area ofa pallelogam The area ofa parlelogram having jcc sides @ and is given by 2 ¢ el 4, Arca of a parallelogram The arca of a parallelogram. having diagonals 4, and 2 is given by 2 c where, AC = d, and BD are diagonals. EXAMPLE |7| Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are P(=1,2,—1),0(,~1,2) and 2,3, =1) Sol. Let &. band? be the position vectors of points P,Qand R +28 and +2), respectively. Then fasj-k Clearly, the are of AAQR = 21790» Fl Now. TQ = Position vector of Position vector of P — = fs a - 2 Texhi=|4 2 3f-0-sf-0-9j rar a1 9 sajeist and [70 x Pale (3 OF +03 = OTR =H So, area of A POR = 17 x Pi Fass EXAMPLE [9] If =2 a} +£,B=-f+2 and ~E are three vectors, then find the area of the panllelogram having diagonals (@ +B) and (& +2). (Delhi 2014¢) aj-k i -a}+B+(-f+ = i-aj sak 8-3) +k b=—-itkand a 2 ° ence the area of parallelogram having diagonals G+ byand(e +2) Gt iG ty paz) nf 2 2 josasi_ Vt =i FB Req unite 2 z EXAMPLE |9| A AOAB is determined by the vectors ‘Gand b as shown in the figure. Show that the triangle has Lar ap-eoe 4 the area, is given by A. oF SoL We know that aca of tile, 4 = YOR = wehiad 0 7 i Li) [iran os i eon? a Gn? cos°6) Now.jaxtPs(o8y iat [BP 1a 1? = (ab =a (Bra)? Yariie-Giy] (ab) From Eg (i). we get A = a TOPIC PRACTICE 4{ OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 1 IF is the angle between any two non-zero vectors Gand B, then |é-8|=|x6| when 0 is equal to UNCER mo OF WS we 2 tla) =10,16|=2anaa 8 =1, then the value of lax Bis INCERT Exemplar ys b)10 (hia (dis 3 The value off-Gjxh)+ j-Exi)+hGx is INCERT Gr Wr ®t ws 4 The value of 4 for which the vectors 3i ~ 61 + and2i—4]+2eare parallel, is (NcERT Exemplar] 2 3 5 2 a ) ) a) os »3 3% @? 5 The vectors from origin to the points A and B ja} +28 and =2i +3) +h respectively then the area of AO4B is equal to INCERT Exemplar] (a) 340 was (oR (58 VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions 6 fois the angle between two vectors -2) + si and 3f-2}+& findsin [case 2018) 7 Find) andy, if 2 +6] +27H) x(i+Aj +wi)- 0. INceRT 8 Find A andy, if + 9}+98) x(ai 9 Ifla\= angle between d andé. i +2) + 6%, find the twtlindia 20191 \|=Tanda xb = 10 Find the angle between two vectors a and hhaving the same length vi and thelr vector product is —i- +k [AllIndia 2016C] Mt Evaluate 20+ 38) x (6a +78). SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions 12 Find a vector of magnitude 8, whichis perpendicular to both the veetors d Bi j-2h. B Wa=2i+ j+3kandd = 31 +5)-2#, hen find lax}. All India 2019] 14 Given al=10,[6l-2and a-6 =12 find jax. SHORT ANSWER Type IT Questions 15, Find a unit vector perpendicular to. of the + jek and vectors a+b anda~b, where a =i bai+2j+3k. INERT] 16 fa=42j+8,b=2i+ jandé = 3i—4j- 5h, then find a unit veetor perpendicular to both of the vectors (é-#)and(2-3). jan indiaz01s1 18 2 23 24 26 Ifthe three vectors, 8 and? are given as aisa,j+akni+b,j+ 0,8 andei se,)+ek. ‘Then, show that d x (6 + €) =(@x8) +(@ x2). INCERT Exemplar] For any three vectors, 6 and, evaluate Bx Gseyabx Gade? xG +b) Maxbaexdandaxe=b xd. then show that ¢ dis parallelto — Using vectors, find the area of the 4 ABC, whose vertices are A(1, 2,3), B(2,~1, 4) and U4, 5, “1. [Delhi 2017; AllIndia 2013) Using vectors, find the area of triangle with vertices A(L 2), B@3,5) and C056). lallindia 20111 Show that (a6) 144,b and @ are three vectors such that a+b+ | then prove that axb=5 xe =¢ xa. ur + yj + 2h, then find (?rxi)-(rx +39. (Delhi 2015}, b = jk, then finda veetor ¢ such that axe =6 anda Wazi+j+éand 3. (Delhi 2013) Leta~4i+5)-8,6~i-4]+ Shand = 3i+j—é Find a vector d which is perpendicular to both & and b and satisfying d-¢ = 21 [Delhi 2016¢] | HINTS & SOLUTIONS | @)Wehave,|26]= 4x3] a/b |sino = [allb] eos © {}@ and) Jare positive] (We know, (a-5)' +) ab)" =[al" |B? 12)" + [ax BP =107-2" = 400 > lax bp = 400-144 = 256 = [a xB =16 3. @)Webove, Links HExdebdx) [jek arsieie3 4. @) Hint a bara xb <8 5. (d) Area of AOAB=—|OA x OB] =i -3}+ aby xii ea} +) pie a2 3 a 2 234 Lf es-9-Ja-a eer) =hp-sis jeu] arenot oan =! f@TTaTTaN 6 Leta i-2}+ and b=s)- 2) +k Then, 0 Here, [al= Vi? +(-2)° 43° = Siva = Vid a and a xB=| adiesjsakqaisoj+0) 3 [axbj-a PP ar 1 ian Now, fiom Eg @) we get sino = 6 _ 2h a7 T. Weave, (2i+6)+27h)x(i+ij+ub)= 0 ijk > 26 wa0 or (on 275-20} +(2A ok = 07 +0} 40h (On equating the coefficients of, jan both sides, weget ou 27h =, 24-27 =0and2h-6=0 2” = hesandy = ene 10. 1 2 8. Salve as Question 7. [Ans =—9,4 = 27] Let be the angle between @ and Wehave, xb a3i+2j+et laxb|= Fa P re =e =7 bold xB]=12 18 sng) 1 m2 = 13 )8)sin0 rensy = snvesn(E) 902% Hence th required angle between and is Solve as Question 9 Hint |al=|6| = V2 andjax =i We have, (24 +38) x(50 +78) jsf fane.003 = 10(a x a) +14(a x b) 15(b x a) +2406 x) =0414(a xb) 1 xB)+0 teaxdabxbe Danda xb=-B xa] =x) Let a=4i— jai and b = -21+ j-2£ Then, ijk Gxb-le a a]-@-98-Carojeu-ait le 3 a-fezjeat and |a xb] = f(y e2 +e Required vector: Asara==3 We have, d= 21+ j+3€ and b =3i +5j—2 v7 a Now dxbe]2 1 3} [35 2 =i(-2-15)- j-4—-9)+ 0-3) Fean-jeay+bay ar iansjs7e = /axb ea ar oF Praia = oF =i We know that, (2-8) +[ax a a3 = xb ba toprre dxb=Bx Wehave,a+b+e=0—4x(a+b+e)=axo [ting eross product with 3} = Gxataxb)n@xe)=6 [using distribative lave] = xia oto, +b 4028 5 bx(aeb+ jabs [taking cross product with B] = OxaedxiyeGxe=0 = (6 xb) +x) bebxbeabxa=—axd = axbebxe co) From Fas.) and (i), we get axbabxcsexa Hence proved. Wehave,7 =af4 yack Now, ¢xi=(xi+ yj+zbyxi = xixipe yixipe aexi) 2x04 beai) =a) [ext 0.x aux f+xJeak)) axe yora-i, Lswven] irene, feb=j-8 (On comparing the coefficients from both sides, we get a os Gejedy cde yeskyes xeytz=3 xiayes fez= 91-9 Gn saving Fas 6) and Ge pet syn 2 a yaan . - bey=2) 2.5 Fromlg @.weget satt yatta! |. Since. d is perpendicular to both @ and B. Therefore, d = 2axb) @ Pak = Afaui —21j — 20k] = kp-tsy=1 >a Ts d = Lori —21}—20h] =i 1) 78 SUMMARY * Position Vector The vector GF or fis cae the postion vector ofthe point Px y.2)mith respect o ogi O and, [OB =17) = Vi +9? + 2. © Ttiangle Law of Vector Addition The vector sum ofthe thee sides of a uiangio takon in ordoris 6. + Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition Suppose wo vectors “and 8 are represen bythe two adjacent sides ofa parallelogram, then ther si is represent bythe chagonal bottheparaelogram,whion econ wih tre given vectors + Properties of vector Adlon [cormitaine] [associate] [active Kenty} Vector Joining Two Points At. 4. 2:)and B = (ie Ya. 72h then AB = OB ~ 08 ==) «(92-1 +(e = Section Formulae Let the point C dives the ine segment AB in be ralomn. Men, mOB +00 Forintemal division OG = m0B nA For external division GC =: * Scalar (rot) Product of Two Vectors The dot product of @ and 6. given by 8-6 = | | 6lcos where 0 <0

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