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Week at a Glance

Sunday, November 6
9:00 a.m.
Classic Service | Sanctuary
10:00 a.m. New at Aspire?
Welcome to Next Steps: First Step | D300
Small groups for all ages
Join us Sundays
1 0:00 - 11:00 a.m. | Room D300
Aspire Church! 11:00 a.m.
Modern Service | MFC
November 6, 2022
We believe God has
3:45 p.m.
Handbells | Choir Suite
Upcoming Events
placed infinite value and 5:00 p.m.
worth on every person San Marco Singers | Choir Suite
Annual Members Meeting/Unity Service
regardless of who they Monday, November 7 Sunday, November 20
are, what they’ve done, or 9:00 a.m. Plan now to join us for this exciting day of celebration and worship! We will
Senior Tables Games | MFC welcome new members, elect Trustee and deacon leadership, vote on proposed
what they believe. We are
6:30 p.m. changes to our bylaws and on the operating and Invested budgets for 2023. The
glad you are here today. day will culminate with worship for the entire Aspire Church family. Here is the
Women’s Bible Study | A211
7:00 p.m. schedule:

Let’s Connect! Friends of Bill | MFC

Tuesday, November 8
9:00 a.m. – Continental breakfast in the fellowship center. Sign in and pick up
your ballot at the door. You must be present to vote.
Whether you are a first-time 10:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – Annual Members Meeting in the fellowship center. Childcare/
visitor or a regular attender, we Women on Mission | A100
activities will be provided for babies – 5th grade. No adult small groups will meet.
want to connect with you! Fill 6:00 p.m.
out this form and place it in the Pickleball Open Play | Gym 11:00 a.m. – Unity Worship Gathering in the sanctuary. Preschool care available
offering basket following worship. Wednesday, November 9 for babies-4 years.
6:00 p.m.
Kids CREW | Kid Cove
Student Worship Night | D303 Fall Break Day Camp for K - 5th Grade
Phone: Parenting Class | Aspire U | B304 Wednesday, November 23 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. | $30 per camper
30 Words | Aspire U | D300a Have your kids spend the day with us while we play games, get our
Thursday, November 10 crafts on, and enjoy the day together. Each child should bring a lunch
Email: and water bottle. Registee by Monday, November 21, via this handy
10:00 a.m.
Women’s Bible Study | D300a QR Code or contact Molly Howard at
I would like more information Sunday, November 13
about: 9:00 a.m.
Classic Service | Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.
Next Steps: Second Step | D300
Small groups for all ages
11:00 a.m.
Modern Service | MFC
3:45 p.m. Gary Lee Webber
Handbells | Choir Suite
Aspire Church San Marco November 6, 2022
Co nn ect w i t h us d i g i t a l l y by
5:00 p.m. 1 4 3 5 Atla ntic Blvd., Ja ckso nv ille, FL 32207
textin g V I P t o 904- 441 - 8 6 5 0 . San Marco Singers | Choir Suite 904-396 -6 6 33 | AspireJa x .o rg
Small Group Questions The Great Adjustment Daily Readings Prayer Requests
As you read these passages, look for
the major adjustments people made to
and Praises
Use this outline for personal reflection, as a couples or family devotion, or with a small group.
Gary Lee Webber join God in what He was doing. Invite We would be honored to pray for
HANGOUT November 6, 2022 the Holy Spirit to reveal any adjust- or with you! Fill out the information
ments He is inviting you to make. on the back of this card and write
1. Describe the last significant adjustment that you made in life. Why did Any time God calls you to join Him and His work, you can be sure that you
your prayer request below.
you make it? How did it change you? will face a crisis of belief. That crisis will always require faith and action as you o Day 1: Numbers 13
make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing. From the Check here if this
2. This week we are considering Reality 6: You must make major adjustments o Day 2: Joshua 2 & 6:15-17
earliest stories in the Bible to its final pages, we see examples of people standing request is confidential
in your life to join God in what He is doing. o Day 3: Job 41-42 (shared only with the pastors)
at the crossroads of doubt and faith. Some heard God’s invitation and adjusted
their lives to follow Him, while others listened to the invitation and refused to
LARGE GROUP QUESTIONS make the necessary changes. Join us for part 6 of Experiencing God, where we
o Day 4: Matthew 9
3. Read Exodus 4:18 – 5:9 will compare two men who both heard God’s invitation but made very different o Day 5: John 19
• What major adjustments were necessary for Moses to join God’s work (see 4:18- choices. o Day 6: John 20
20, 24-26)?
Passage o Day 7: Acts 3
• How does knowing Moses’ history with the Egyptians add to your understanding
of Moses’ crisis of belief and the major adjustment required to join God in what He 1 Kings 19:15-21 & Mark 10:17-27
was doing (see 4:19)? Think Deeper
• What does the story about circumcision, the sign of God’s covenant with the Realities of Experiencing God 1. What are the three most sig-
Israelites, suggest about Moses’ previous relationship with God and the community nificant life adjustments you’ve
of God’s people (see 4:24-26)? How does it highlight the major adjustments required 1. God is ____________ at ________ around you.
made? Were they by choice, or
of Moses and the people around him?
were they forced upon you?
• How did the following people respond to the major adjustments in Moses’ life? 2. God pursues a continuing ________ ____________________ with you that is
2. Do you believe that following
• Jethro, his father-in-law (see 4:18)
________ and ________________. God always requires major ad-
• Zipporah, his wife (see 4:35) justments in your life? Why or
• Aaron, his brother (see 4:31) 3. God _____________ you to become involved with ______ and His ________. why not?
• Pharoah (see 5:2-9) 3. What significant adjustment
4. God speaks by the ________ ___________ through the Bible, prayer, would you need to make to
SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS (3 - 5 people) join God in what He is doing
4. Review this week’s daily readings. If you did not do this week’s lesson, circumstances, and the church to reveal _____________, His ____________, and around you?
feel free to join the conversation anyway! If you’d like a copy of The Seven
Realities of Experiencing God, please ask your group leader. His _______.
• What success or comfort could tempt you to resist Christ’s invitation to do
Suggested Resources
something else? What apparent failure discourages you from trusting God’s call to 5. God’s invitation always leads you to a ____________ ____ __________ that Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
join His work? The Purpose Driven Life
requires faith and action. by Rick Warren
• What area of your life would be the easiest to adjust to God’s will? What area
would be the most difficult or significant to adjust if God required change? Invitation to a Journey
6. You must make __________ ______________________ in your life to join God by Robert Mulholland
• What’s the most significant sacrifice in your life? How did God prove more satisfying
than whatever you sacrificed? C heck out these and other
in what He is doing.
• What do you feel is getting in the way of God’s will in your life? How have you suggested books at
blamed other people or circumstances for the spiritual condition of your life? ht tps: //bit .ly/AspireSM B
• Talk about it, invite accountability, and pray together.
__________________ an ______________________ you need to make to join God
Te ar t hi s c ard and drop i t o f f i n
and what He is doing.
U se this fo r yo ur da ily rea ding t he o f fe r i ng baske t .

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