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Sticky Bomb or similar
Non Vi Sed Arte - Not by Strength but by Guile
Additional SMG
This force represents an offensive operation such as Operation
Caravan, a behind the lines assault on the airfield at Barca, Libya in
Elite Medical Orderly
Elite Engineer Mine Clearance Team, 3 men
Elite Engineer Wire Cutting Team, 3 men
Platoon Force Rating: Elite +3 (increased by options taken)
Elite Engineer Demolition Team, 3 men
Command Dice: 6
Elite 2” Mortar Team with 2 crew
Elite Boys AT rifle Team, 2 men
Lieutenant, Senior Leader, with SMG
Elite Vickers K LMG Team with 2 Crew and 2 Riflemen
Elite LRDG Truck with Junior Leader
2” Mortar Team with two crew
Elite Sniper Team
Elite LRDG Auto Cannon Truck with Senior Leader
Sniper Team
Elite LRDG Portee Truck with Senior Leader
Elite Engineer Section with Junior Leader (no Flamethrowers)
Sergeant, Superior Junior Leader, with SMG
Elite Vickers MMG on tripod mount, 5 crew Team
Seven Infantry w 4 Rifles, 3 SMGs
One Sticky Bomb or similar
Elite LRDG Section w 4 Rifle, 3 SMG, Superior Junior Leader w SMG
Section of 3 Elite LRDG Trucks, 1 Senior Leader and 2 Junior Leaders
Sergeant, Superior Junior Leader, with SMG
Vickers K Light Machine Gun
Two Crew
The classic Chevy CWP 30cwt Truck modified for LRDG use. This
Two Riflemen, one with Rifle Grenade launcher
can also be represented by a Willy's Jeep. All LRDG trucks are
treated as Fast, Wheeled, Soft Skinned and Raiders. Commanded
Elite LRDG Truck with Superior Junior Leader
by a Junior Leader. Includes a forward firing Internal Vehicle MMG
and a 360 degree firing Top Mounted HMG.
Elite LRDG Auto Cannon Truck with Senior Leader
Elite LRDG Portee Truck with Senior Leader
Commanded by a Senior Leader. Fast, Wheeled, Soft Skinned and
Raiders. Includes a forward firing Internal Vehicle MMG and a 360
Mission Load-outs: The player may choose to re-distribute the non
degree firing 20mm Breda Auto Cannon. This is treated as a turret
Leader SMGs in the infantry sections in any way they wish as long
mounted weapon. The auto cannon uses the “Mitragliera Oerlikon
as they stay with the same number of SMGs in total.
da 20mm” entry from the Italian 1940-42 Arsenal Table with an AP
of 4 and an HE of 6.
Element of Surprise: LRDG start with 1 CoC Point.
Seize the Initiative: Once per game at any time during their phase,
Commanded by a Senior Leader. Fast, Wheeled, Soft Skinned and
the LRDG may use a CoC Point to retain the next phase.
Raiders. Includes a forward firing Internal Vehicle MMG and a rear
firing 37mm Bofors AT Gun. This gun uses the “37mm Anti-Tank
Scouting: When an LRDG Leader sends out a two man Scout Team
Gun” entry from the British North Africa 1940-42 Arsenal Table
they may move with 1D6 or 2D6 and assume a Tactical stance at
with an AP of 5 and an HE of 3.
the end of their movement. If they are within line of sight of their
Squad Leader he can activate them for one Command Initiative
without being in command range.
A section of three LRDG Trucks with one Senior Leader and a
Junior Leader in each truck.
Limited Supply: A maximum of one Heavy Weapons truck can be
selected, whether in the base platoon or the support options.
Treated as a Belt Fed Bipod LMG to reflect it's increased RoF.
Captured Weapons: After winning a Close Combat the LRDG may
use enemy weapons from dead troops. Original crew rules apply. 2” MORTAR TEAM
The 2” mortar uses the rules from the main CoC rulebook on p.91.
LRDG Troops are Aggressive.
British National Rules from the base rule book also apply.

Chain of Command LRDG Patrol List A Chain of Command Army List By: Eamonn Glass File: British-LRDG-1942-43-v5.doc Version: 5 Modified: 2015-04-12 Page 1 of 2
Date: April 26, 2015 Date: April 26, 2015
List Version: 5 List Version: 5

Notes: April 26, 2015:

Some play-testing of this list shows that it was too powerful. I have removed the  Changed element of surprise to be a CoC Point to start the game with
Commando rule where the section leaders are able to act on a 3 or 4 with,  added special rule that once per game the LRDG may, during their active
respectively, 2 or 3 command initiatives. Instead I have opted to go with the phase, use a CoC point to retain the phase
Superior Junior Leader rule. I have reduced them down to 3 Infantry sections from  added a captured weapons rule
4. I removed one of the Senior Leaders and replaced them with an Adjutant.
April 25, 2015:
The Raiders rule for LRDG trucks is as per rule 16.3 on p.69 of the main CoC  added “element of surprise” rule giving LRDG the first 2 phases of a game
rulebook.  removed Commando Leader rule and replaced with Superior Junior Leader
 made a “mission loadout” rule that allows redistributing the SMGs
I've edited the Support list to make them all Elite. This increases their cost by one  reduced the sections down to 3 from 4
support bracket. This is an attempt to reflect that quantity and support was hard  added an LRDG Section to the Support List
to come by for the LRDG troops.  removed the HMG from the Heavy Weapon trucks; this was a typo
 removed one of the Senior Leaders
Added a captured weapons rule as a suggestion from Too Fat Lardies forum poster
 added an Adjutant so the LRDG never take morale tests when deploying
April 11, 2015:
This is a very scenario specific force. This list is a starting point, but the way it plays
 updated to most recent CoCulator values
will be very much dictated by the scenario. When playing Veterans against Green
forces in CoC the game tends to significantly favor the veterans.  limited to one heavy weapon truck per platoon
 increased force rating costs of taking trucks by +1 per option
I attempted to research LRDG as much as possible primarily from this LRDG
informational website, the LRDG Preservation Society website and Long Range October 18, 2014:
Desert Group Germany website. I also read numerous books, the most helpful  first complete v1 list published
being two excellent Osprey Books: The Long Range Desert Group Patrolman and  added support list
The Long Range Desert Group 1940 – 45.  added Sticky Bomb to Rifle Squads
 added option to take vehicles in the base platoon
The LRDG are a very unconventional force by early WWII British Army standards.
They operated with very ad-hoc compositions. They relied heavily on their modified
Chevy and Ford trucks. They frequently mounted heavy weapons in the back of
these trucks. In 1941 the British Army captured several Italian 20mm Breda Auto
Cannons. These became the favored weapon replacing the 37mm Bofors wherever
possible. While the Breda had some challenges firing forward – it was unable to
depress fully to fire directly forward – I have elected to simply treat it as a Turret
mounted weapon for game play purposes. The 37mm Bofors is limited to firing out
the rear quarter arc.

In 1942 the LRDG began to receive Willys MB Jeeps which Commonwealth forces
referred to as “Bantams”. The Willys Jeep can be used to represent an LRDG Truck,
but cannot be used to represent an LRDG Auto Cannon Truck or an LRDG Portee
Truck. These latter two vehicles should be represented by an appropriate Ford or
Chevy model with the appropriate weapon mounted.

Due to the importance of vehicles to LRDG Patrols, I have included vehicles as an

option within the base platoon. I have allowed an option to substitute the Vickers K
LMG squad for an LRDG Truck, an LRDG Auto Cannon Truck or LRDG Portee Truck.
These come at a premium to the Force Rating.

I had a great deal of excellent feedback from the Too Fat Lardies Community that
helped with this list. This thread on LRDG Forces and this thread on LRDG Vehicles.

This list has been posted to the Too Fat Lardies Forum in this thread. I can be
reached by email: Happy Raiding!

Chain of Command LRDG Patrol List A Chain of Command Army List By: Eamonn Glass File: British-LRDG-1942-43-v5.doc Version: 5 Modified: 2015-04-12 Page 2 of 2

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