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Celeb fmt from Wizzy

I set up this page to appreciate my loyal fans thanks once more for the love 💚 and

===================================================Thanks for being a fan and

thanks for being here for me! I really appreciate your love💚 and support..thanks
for all the comments and stay blessed

Hello dear fan, thanks for being a fan and thanks for being here for me! facebook,
twitter e.t.c i really appreciate your love and support..thanks for all the
comments please keep watching my movies and stay blessed🌺


Hey beautiful how are you doing at this peaceful moment? i hope you are cool , am
only having a random check on my fan page before i come across your profile and
wanna say you are such beautiful woman , thanks for being a fan of mine


How is life treating you and your family?


Hope work is going well with you?



It's a very nice place,I've been there before for work and some personal
business..How is life there ?


Have you ever been in LA ?


Well LA its very nice place , whenever you come for a visit you can let me know if
i will be around..


I must say that I have enormous respect for you considering the manner in which I
have made contact with you. I am very glad you are a fan of mine. May GOD bless you
some more.


have been noticing your comments on my post for a very long time, suddenly i came
thru your profile and checked your picture and saw you are very beautiful, i can't
stop looking at your picture, I wish i could have the keys to your heart i promise
to take good care of you and ever let you go till eternity and am going to get you
diamond ring, do you believe love is blind and age is just a number but love matter

Nobody teaches a baby to crawl, nobody teaches birds to fly, nobody teaches the sun
to rise and nobody teaches the fish to swim; the same is with me nobody teaches me
to love you, I just do


Hi I am the real ... I'm just taking my time out of my busy schedule reaching out
to few of my loyal fans and you are lucky to be one, i know it's strange, but i
just wanted to know how my fans feel about me in a different way. My official
account is been monitored by my management so i can't write to fans, but this
account is private for me.

You are looking so beautiful..I can see your man is taking good care of you..


so sorry to infringe on your privacy but i will like to ask why you are still
single because you are nice , cool and beautiful than to be single and you don't
look like you are.


I have to go now, but I feel like maybe we can have a chat some other times here is
WhatsApp +1 (786) 265-0112 you can write to me on WhatsApp. please don’t share it
to anyone. Do you have WhatsApp?


How long have you been single and what happened to your last relationship????

Well I used to have a girlfriend some months ago but I broke up with my girlfriend
when i caught her creeping with my best close friend..and also she is
materialistic, you know how that is, it's a SHOCK, this led me to break up
with her, was I right by that decision???
So since then i have been seeking for a complete honest woman,who will come home to
me, love me, adore me, a strong woman with a strong heart who will want our
relationship to last forever, a compassionate woman, one with good heart and know
how to handle matters, I want a lover not a fighter.


What are you looking for in a man ?

I'm looking for a woman who is understanding, caring, loving, and a woman who will
be there for me. Someone who is willing to give.

In some relationships only one person gives, but this is not what I want. A
relationship must take both people working together, and loving one another, doing
whatever it takes to make things work.

I 'm a pretty easy going guy. It takes a lot to get me angry. I want that in a
woman as well. It is all about communication and communication is not just talking
but also being able to listen. Not just hear the person but listen and absorb and
understand what the person is conveying to you..I love individualism. Don't become
what you think I will like, be yourself and let me like you!!! With this as a
foundation all the trust and honesty falls into place. It becomes a given and not
something you have to look for or ask for..

So now i really have to ask... Are u that special woman?????

I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that women need to be treated with
respect and as an equal partner in a relationship, but all I seem to find is the
ones that do not know how to respond to that or are entrusting to it.

I feel like u should treat somebody with

respect and like they are a person not a piece of meat or whatever.

I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel wanted not just as a trophy.

I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I
feel, not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the
bed on the couch or wherever..

I am very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste. When I am
in a relationship I am committed, honest, and loyal. I think that falling in love
is always a good thing, even if it doesn't work out. There is always something to
learn from being with someone, and happy times and memories should be cherished

What sort of relationship do you seek for?

I seek a relationship where both of us are worth the same as humans and partners
who commit to one another for love by their own free will..

A relationship built upon trust, communication, respect, support, fairness,

companionship, sharing ideas, sharing good moments and bad moments as well.

I expect to be together forever and grow old raising a beautiful happy, loving
family.When I decide to marry a woman, it means I have a firm commitment to build a
better life with her.I want a sincere and eternal relationship that each is willing
to share everything. No lying. No secret.Be there for the other in both good and
bad time.To achieve that, a true friendship and a true love must exist.


What are the basic qualities you seek in a Man?

A loving intelligent woman and wonderful caring loving tender but firm
mother.A partner, a best friend, cheerful, strong, hard working, tender,
passionate,dedicated, with great moral values, family oriented.


What do you do for fun?

I enjoy simple things like walking barefoot on the grass and listening to the birds
singing and the movement of the branches and leaves of the trees, while I feel the
warmth of the sun on my skin and look at its brightness, the blue sky and the
beautiful that is the colors around me are

.I like riding bicycles listening to different kinds of music: rock in general,

jazz, some country music, romantic, instrumental and classic even though I really
don't know names of interpreters or melodies of these last two, In English or
Italian.. I like watching Good movies too.I love playing and watching sports,
singing and playing music, listening to music, watching TV, reading news on the
internet, traveling and taking pictures.I like some outdoor activities as well. I
have more fun with more people.


What's being single like?

...To me being single it's both a sense of accomplishment , independence,

and free.Sometimes easier to make decisions, which may be good, I think; yet it is
also hard because of the lack of emotional support, very lonely all the time. It is
okay because I can concentrate my energy toward my career and life goals.However, I
always want someone with whom I can share my dream and thoughtfulness and she also
wants to share hers with me.It is very important to have a balance in life.

How do you treat your Man?.....

I treat her like my most precious gift from heaven other than my family . I
give my woman the place she has in my life, a unique one, my beloved and admired
one. I adore her and look forward to making her dreams come true along with
mine.With unconditional love. With sincerity, honesty, fairness, respect and
caring. These are my values that I apply to every person as well.


Why do you want a Man in your life ??

Well for me I want a Woman I will share My life with, to be there for her, to
love her, respect her.Because I am a man and I want to take care the woman I love


What is love to you?

To me, love is a feeling of selflessness, of no more me and me, but you and
me.Which implies thinking of the other person and yourself too of course, but many
times willingness to sacrifice oneself for the one that you love. For me this
applies not only to couples but also family, relatives, friends and even other
people.Love is giving and forgiving. Give without requiring a return. Forgive no
matter how painful it is or how stupid the mistake is.When one is sick, the other
is always at bed side.Always think and do whatever to make the other happy


Would you hit your Man for any reasons?

NO, that's a big NO to me.. I rather walk out or leave if it is the only
way out from hitting a woman.. So when talking, discussing, explaining, requesting,
demanding and everything else fails to communicate an idea, need or desire,people
need a space and time out to cool down, and look for a possible different solution
to the problem when anger is under control.

Do you like public intimacy?

For me I like public intimacy I Like to kiss Mine Mrs Right in the Public or
Private to show her how much i love her
What interests you to me ?

I'm interested in you because for what you tell me, you have the personality, and
values that I'm looking for in a woman, and very important to me, you are
interested in me, so I believe there is good chemistry between you and me.


Have you heard about my charity organization?

Well I have a charity home for the poor kids , homeless kids , and orphans kids in
Florida , New York, South Korea, Japan and I partner with Charlize Theron Africa
Outreach Program in Togo...

Is there any orphanage home around you over there ?

I would like you to be making donation to my charity home , to show your love for
the poor kids and your contribution and support to my organisation

Can I ask you for a favor ?

I want you to be helping me by sending to my Charity Organization on my behalf, I

will be the one making the funds and materials to you while you will be sending it
to them whenever they need it ..

I am partnering with Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project and some other Charity
homes, all you need to believe doing for me is to get materials for the kids and be
sending them on my instruction when they are needed.. you also get funds for them
and send to the foundation when they are needed...By doing this for me, I'm gonna
offer you a weekly pay of $500 and you also get a bonus of $100 whenever you need
to get the kids materials and also send to them that will be for food and
transportation , hope


I'm contesting for being the Ambassador of the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach
Program. in which Vote is counted by donating to the charity organization..

I would like you to vote for me by donating to the organization. for every donator
there is a reward

Hello there, I find it really odd writing to you because I don't usually chat with
fans but After reading your comment on my fan page, I realized how much you like
and follow my page. Thanks for your support and positive vibes.

Thank you for your support. I really appreciate my dear fan how long you've been
listening to my songs

I'll like you to tell me about yourself, I can take few messages on here while I'm
reading fan page comments

Hopefully we can take our friendship from the base of Facebook. and it come to a

I messaged you in confidence, I hope you’ll keep it that way? I don’t do this but
I suspect you're a nice person, I detest third parties so you must never speak to
anyone about it otherwise you'll lose my trust.
Thanks once again for your support I really appreciate you my lovely fan🥰 well this
is my private account I’ll deactivate it any moment from now. Are you on Google

I reached out to you personally because i sometimes need some sort of escape from
my busy schedule to clear my head from time to time to just chat and talk about
other things apart from work. I know you may be surprised but I just feel the need
to know people outside my career and some of my fan giving them the chance to know
me better

My goal is to relate peacefully with my supporter on this platform and everyone’s

support of my works.

We're aiming to work with a larger audience this time and I believe that would
afford you the opportunity to do just you love.

Have a wonderful day ahead and may God bless you and keep you. May His light be
always with thee. May He keep you safe from harm, and shield you and your family
from all wrong. May He grant you His peace. May He guide you on your way.

I believe that true friendship continues to grow even over the distance apart. Same
goes for true love. So it doesn't really matter how far we find ourselves in some
situations but how close we get through our thoughts and feelings for each other.

Friendship is one of life's greatest treasures. Friends that are loyal are always
there to make you laugh when you are down, they are not afraid to help you avoid
mistakes and they look out for your best interest. This kind of friend can be hard
to find, but they offer a friendship that will last a lifetime

I think I have found some perfection in you. You are the type of woman I have
always dream of and the feelings will keep burning down inside me if I don't
express it.

I don't know how to approach this with you online, I have been fighting a battle
within myself, my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not
to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and that you
wouldn't be interested considering my public figure status. I have feelings for
you for your sense of decency, delicacy, kindness and other complementary
qualities. I can't help doting on you. Therefore all my gestures of love and
kindness towards you come straight from the bottom of my heart.

I have both hangout and whatsapp

Well this is my private account I’ll deactivate it any moment from now are you on

I'd rather we stick to using hangout and not whatsapp reasons being : whatsapp is
on my phone which is strictly monitored by my management.. my Personal assistant
takes care of all incoming calls which is later being transferred to me if deemed
important enough , so I can't do anything not pertaining to business with my
phone. I can only text and take calls from family members and close friend
which my management already knows.

P to that . I save my scripts on my laptop so often times when manager sees me

using my laptop he thinks I'm studying my scripts

I'm scared of loving someone

So we stay friends and no strings attached right

I need a woman that loves me and wants to support my career and enhance my course..
not one who only loves me because of what she stands to gain... I've never seen
such a woman.. they all fail the test when the time comes

Dating me I think is one of the things they also stand to gain, no one would love
me if I wasn't a celebrity and just a n byormal guy.. making sacrifices for me is
what I have lacked from most of my past relationships, they bail out on me when the
chips are down
But I just want to be sure you will always be there for me and not abandon me in my
darkest hours
Love is all about supporting one another through thick and thin,after all they say
"what is love if not sacrifice "

I sleep now with you in my heart.. I have already fallen for you but didn't want to
let it out because I'm scared but now that you have assured me..I will gladly give
myself to you.. pls don't break my heart it's very fragile

My passport confirms my identity, I can send that to you and you must promise to
delete it from your device as soon as you have viewed it. Please don't make me

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