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This period within classical Marxism comprises the

SCINCES debates conducted during the first decades following
NAME: _________________________ Marx’s death.
SECTION: _______________________ a. Early Socialism
TEACHER: ______________________ b. The Marxism of the Third International
c. The Marxism of the Second International
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. d. None of the above.
1. Functionalism is a sociological theory that explains 9. The term _______ denotes those theories and
social life using a __________ approach. discussions that emerged, as it were, in the space
a. Micro analysis c. Macro analysis between dogmatic Marxism - Leninism and the
b. Interpretive analysis d. Statistical Analysis reformism of social democracy.
2. Functionalism is a sociological theory that views a. Austro - Marxism c. Maoism
society as _________________. b. Left Socialism d. Trotskyism
a. Genetic c. Chaotic 10. It is a social class which owns the means of
b. Symbolic d. Stable production (i.e. land, factories, machinery, raw
3. When a society’s parts work together to maintain materials, and commercial organizations which are
stability, functionalists refer to this as used to produced goods and services).
________________. a. Bourgeoisie c. Social Status
a. Equilibrium c. Anomie b. Proletariat d. None of the above.
b. Social solidarity d. Latent function 11. He argued that the power of ideology was stronger
4. Schools pass on generational knowledge, hospitals than Marx had realized and that more work is needed
treat the ill, and religion provides comfort. What is it to be done to overcome cultural hegemony or rule
called when a social institution serves a purpose for through common sense.
society? a. Antonio Gramsci c. Max Weber
a. Symbol c. Dysfunction b. Karl Marx d. Pierre Bourdie
b. Agency d. Function 12. Which of these DOES NOT belong to the Marxist
5. Sociologists refer to parts of society that do not Three Levels of Culture Model?
make positive contributions to the stability of society a. Infrastructure c. Superstructure
as __________. b. Structure d. Value
a. Dysfunctional c. Equilibrium 13. It happens when there are incompatible
b. Functional d. False consciousness expectations attached to some position in a social
6. Manifest functions are _________________. relationship.
a. Actions which cannot be measured a. Role Conflict c. Social Structure
b. Intentional actions meant to fulfill a goal b. Role Taking d. Social Act
c. Unintentional actions meant to fulfill a goal 14. Which of the following is the application of
d. Actions which usually result in dysfunctions symbolic interactionism?
7. Education keeps a number of young people from a. Creating reality c. Symbol Manipulation
being classified as unemployed is an example of b. Naming d. All of the above
_________________. 15. The label symbolic interactionism was formulated
a. Manifest Function c. Dysfunction by _______, which is the process of interaction in the
b. Latent Function d. Functional Imperative formation of meanings for individuals.
a. Blumer c. Dewey
b. Robert K. Merton d. Max Weber

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