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Curriculum is the main source of formally promoting and transferring culture and values
among the students. Teachers are the basic pillars of society. And they are anticipated to be
well versed with the curriculum and the needs of society. The curriculum embodies teachers
with modern day needs and different teaching methodologies. This study is aimed at
analyzing the curriculum of education degrees as perceived by the M.Phil. Degree holding
students in education. The present research was being conducted in the University of
Agriculture Faisalabad. From this university the students who have passed out their M.Phil.
Degree in Education was considered the population of this research. The sample size was 120
passed out students of M.Phil. Education, which was identified through convenient sampling
technique. For the data collection questionnaire was used from the selected respondents. The
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyse the required quantitative data
after it had been collected. Of those polled, 41.7% were in the age range of 20 to 30. Of the
respondents, 25.8% were in the age range of 31 to 40. 32.5% of respondents identified as being
in the most 40. 60% of respondents identified as male. Female responders made up 40% of the
total. 19.2% of the respondents were government workers. 50.8% of those surveyed worked in
the private sector. 30% of respondents identified as being in business. 55.8% of those surveyed
identified as single. Married respondents made up 44.2% of the sample. Urban was the group
that 59.2% of respondents belonged to. Rural respondents made up 40.8% of the total. In
conclusion, our analysis as an M.Phil. Degree holder in Education provides a comprehensive
assessment of the strengths and areas for improvement within a curriculum. By evaluating these
key aspects, our expertise contributes to the enhancement of educational practices and the overall
quality of the curriculum, ultimately benefiting learners and promoting effective teaching and
learning experiences. It is suggested that conduct a comprehensive review of the curriculum to
ensure its alignment with current educational theories, research, and practices. Regularly update
the curriculum to incorporate the latest advancements in the field and address emerging
educational challenges. Refine the clarity and specificity of the stated learning outcomes. Ensure
that they are measurable, achievable, and reflect the desired knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
learners should acquire.



1.1. Concept of curriculum

The method by which an educational institution gradually makes positive changes to a

course can be used to explain the curriculum. It is a planned, deliberate, and progressive
procedure that has a positive impact on the educational process and curriculum. Every time
something shifts in the world, positive changes are made to the curriculum incrementally. It is
the method involved with creating educational plans as per the strategy of instructive objectives.
Certain steps are taken in the prescribed course of study to achieve learning outcomes and
evaluate learning experiences (Adenoma, 2011).
The process by which educational courses taught in schools, colleges, and universities are
improved step by step is referred to as curriculum design. Educational program ordinarily eludes
the advancement in the courses which can change the instructive dignity of society. It is
significant as it acquires normalized changes and progress the substance and courses of
educational program. Improvement of educational program move the instructive cycle in the
manner by which progress can be accomplished and proficiency rate become high (Khataba and
Ahmad, 2012).
The national curricula's expected content is organized during curriculum development.
Plan, examination and learning are the fundamental stages of educational program advancement.
Evaluation of curriculum products follows this cyclical procedure. The most important step in
developing a curriculum is designing it. The significant point of educational program is to make
guarantee that understudies have achieved coordinated opportunities for growth by the
educational program. It lends the educational process the qualities of academic references
(Barrow, 2016).
Curriculum is connected to the major ideas of various content areas, which provide
students with context. When curriculum development is prioritized by the authority, active
learning becomes more exciting. Teachers and students alike can use it as a learning platform.
The curriculum of general education influences the coherence of learning experiences. As time

goes on, the development of learning accountability in the educational process becomes
necessary. It looks at the educational requirements, educational websites and software, and
numerous teaching tools for students' and teachers' education (Veiluf and Klieme, 2011)
1.2. Curriculum design

Educational program configuration is bound lessstarting with the variety of phrases and
job titles you will encounter and the levels of preparation needed (a four-year certification is
needed, frequently an expert's is preferred or the depth of knowledge in the field). Within the
profession, labels sometimes lead to confusion. The work typically entails developing
curriculum, evaluating it, and creating materials. During the curriculum creation method, this
technique incorporates the four following subtypes of curriculum methods: correlation design,
broad-field approach subject-area design, and discipline design (Hayley, 2021).
Starting with the wide range of terminology and job titles you'll encounter and the levels
of preparation necessary (a four-year certification is typically required, but an expert's degree is
recommended), the varieties of educational programmed are virtually limitless. Titles habitually
create turmoil inside the calling. The job typically entails developing and evaluating instructional
and preparation materials. This system incorporates the accompanying four subtypes of
educational plan plans during the educational plan improvement process: broad-field, subject-
area, and discipline design, as well as correlation design.
There are five fundamental steps that make up the curriculum creation process:
1) Needs analysis
2) The meeting for planning
3) Creation of content
4) Delivery and adjustment of the pilot
5) The finished course materials.
The program's layout affects how pupils learn (Vazir, 2013).
An educational program incorporates all that is essential for the arrangement for
guidance, including an extension and grouping, informative units, example plans, assets and
instructing methodologies. Course sequencing and structure are designed to achieve the intended
learning outcomes for students in such a way that both students and faculty can explain the
reasoning behind the degree program's sequencing and structure (Lim, 2022).

Lessons learned by the students are more important than their standing, grades, and GPA.
Students' learning is essential because it enables them to accomplish their academic career goals.
Both a semester system and an annual calendar are used for learning. However, due to the
flexibility of the course structure and semester length, students in the system of semesters learn
longer than people enrolled in the yearly system. A student's progress is assessed at the end of
each semester under the semester system, and one academic year is made up of two quarters
(Daka, 2008).
In the semester system, student learning is the primary concern. The semester system
offers students a learning environment where they can learn more in a shorter amount of time
and is not just centered on exams (Jadoon and Zeba, 2008).
The educational system in the world has been changing over the last few decades.
Because of the development of technology and exposure to new knowledge and the development
of technology, researchers have been investigating more innovative and effective education
systems. Nowadays various education systems are implemented in different institutions all over
the world. The semester system of education is an accepted educational system in the present
world (Shoukat & Muhammad, 2015). It is an effective approach to the teaching-learning
process. The semester system of education imparts more interaction between students and
teachers (Das, 2016).
The semester system is an educational system where learning is learner-centered.
Students are admitted based on their academic performance and the study is credit-based. In the
effective implementation of the semester system, we need a detailed work plan, calendar, and
proper time entrance should be taken and results should be published in time. There is a
regularity of classes and regular attendance is mandatory for students to appear in exams. The
evaluation is transparent in the semester system. The semester system is trying to develop the all-
around development of learners. The objective of the semester system is to put emphasis on in-
depth learning for the students by developing the required knowledge, attitude, and skills (Pathak
and Rahman, 2016)
There are a limitless number of useful ideas and research findings, as well as countless
proposals and suggestions for reforming and changing the educational system. The goal is to
have a comprehensive mindset and strategy within which to do many of the good actions that we
are aware of, not only to choose one of them. The British left behind an educational system in

Pakistan. The majority of this was based on a two-year period of intensive study, which was
followed by an exam that examined recall and in-depth knowledge of the content. The ideologies
and practices of "An Annual Education System" have been utilized by the Punjab Board and
numerous other educational boards in our country for a long time (Tribus, 2000).
For restructuring and transforming the educational system, there are innumerable viable
ideas, countless helpful research findings, and countless proposals and suggestions. Instead of
only picking one of the good deeds we are aware of, the objective is to develop a comprehensive
attitude and plan within which to carry out many of them. In Pakistan, the British left behind a
system of education. The majority of this was predicated on a two-year period of intense study,
followed by a test that evaluated recall and understanding of the material. The Punjab Board and
many other educational boards in our nation have been using the concepts and procedures of "An
Annual Education System" for a very long period. A more recent discussion on whether to
employ an annual or semester system is currently being held. Educationists from all around the
world are also taking into consideration a variety of choices, including quarterly and term
semesters and the only efficient educational system is one that ensures learning (Aggarwal,
There are no established norms at Baluchistan University, which causes the
administration and its influential references and sources to put pressure on teachers to raise
students' grades. On occasion, particular teachers may also be biassed and give their preferred
students higher grades, which lowers the system's effectiveness. To strengthen Pakistan's
education sector, there should be a free environment where instructors can perform to their
maximum ability. Contentment is essential for a system's effectiveness (Sarwar, 2008).
There are numerous methods which describe excellence, for example, superiority defines
features of somewhat, rudimentary nature of an object, grade of comparative goodness. It
demonstrates that here are features of term 'Quality. Similarly in the arena of education period
'quality is rummage-sale to pronounce nasty of dissimilar things for sample, excellence of
tutoring, excellence of organization etc. W. Edward Deming ongoing the idea approximately
excellence administration. His idea around superiority supervision transformed Japan into an
actual strong economic authority. Quality of tutoring is too actual significant (Ling, 2001).
Upcoming of a state is build up in a school. No doubt that learning is an actual significant

foundation of progress and development. It is compulsory that excellence of education must
increase (Imran, 2008).
Effective learning is the standard for success in any educational system; as a result,
students must be informed of specific precautions or facts regarding the semester system before
changing the system from the yearly to the quarter or from the semester to the quarter.
preparation, assessments, and judgement, and reflection are the four phases of evaluation asserts
that reconfiguring knowledge, values, attitude, skill, and action constitutes education (Dewey,
The core of education and learning is the development of experience throughout the
entire educational system. It includes all of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that students pick
up throughout the course of an academic year or semester. It also involves considering the
intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of the individual education acknowledges and
measures learning in literacy. The core learning requirements must also be met, the learner's
lifestyle must be supported, and the complete educational experience must be improved. (Darkar,
There are four distinct approaches to curriculum: Systemic, academic, humanistic, social
reconstructions and humanistic conceptions all have a common purpose for education and outline
curriculum designs. These, obviously, are not by any means the only originations about
educational plan however give model systems in writing that might direct you in your upgrade
cycle (John and McNeil, 2006).
1.3. Curriculum design for post graduate students

The field of education is constantly evolving, with new research and innovations
emerging every day. As such, it is important for educators to stay up-to-date with the latest
trends and techniques in order to provide the best possible learning experiences for their
students. This is where a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Education program can be incredibly
valuable. Designed for educators who are looking to deepen their knowledge and understanding
of the field, an MPhil in Education program provides students with the opportunity to engage in
advanced research, explore cutting-edge theories and methodologies, and develop practical skills
that can be applied in a variety of educational settings (Memon et al., 2010).
Quality education encompasses all of which go towards making education meaningful,
applicable, and empowering. These components include an alert and motivated student, a safe,

healthy, and encouraging learning environment, a pertinent and a student-focused curriculum,
textbooks, and learning resources, processes by which certified teachers use child-centered
methods of instruction, and learning outcomes that include expertise, abilities, and mindsets that
promote constructive involvement in society. An MPhil in Education program can help educators
to develop the skills and knowledge they need to create quality learning environments that
promote student success (Talisic, 2010).
In Pakistan, tertiary educational institutes often focus on fulfilling syllabus goals before
the termination date of the semester, which can put pressure on teachers to complete the syllabus
without fully covering all topics. A master of Philosophy in Education program can provide
educators with the tools they need to effectively manage their workload while ensuring that they
are providing a high-quality education to their students (Ali & Khan, 2014).
MPhil programs are designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills in a specific
field of study. The curriculum of four-year programs of B.Ed. honor and B.S Education, on the
other hand, can be outdated and inadequate, leading to students becoming lazy and unable to
compete in the job market. Curriculum of these programs can be a drawback, making students
unable to succeed in competition exams. To address this, MPhil programs should be research-
based, with a focus on developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and research methodology.
In addition, MPhil programs should include courses in professional ethics, communication skills,
and leadership development. These changes are designed to ensure that MPhil programs are
applicable to the requirements of the current workforce and provide students with the skills they
need to succeed in their careers. By ensuring that the curriculum is up-to date and relevant to the
demands of the profession, MPhil programs can help students to succeed in their future careers
(Rai, 2012).
MPhil programs are designed to prepare students for success in competitive exams, such
as those for lecturer and other professional positions. These exams are typically in multiple-
choice format, with negative marking for incorrect answers. To succeed, students must have a
deep understanding of the concepts and be able to apply them appropriately. In addition, they
must think quickly, analyze information, and think creatively. Even a single point difference on
these exams can affect a student's chances of being accepted into a professional program. To
address this, master of Philosophy programs should be research-based and include courses in
critical thinking, analytical skills, and research methodology. These courses can help students to

develop the skills they need to succeed in competitive exams and in their future careers (Şeker,
MPhil programs in education can provide students with a more in-depth understanding of
science and other subjects, which can help them to be better prepared for competitive exams such
as those for lecturer positions. B.S. education programs include science courses, but these
courses typically only cover basic and major points. Students who take competitive exams often
find that this basic knowledge is not enough (Blomeke et al., 2016).

MPhil programs in education can help improve the quality of education in Pakistan,
which has a history of providing deficient education to learners (Akareem and Hossain, 2016).
Many students do not attend school, and those who do attend often struggle to learn and
perform well in their field. By providing students with a more in-depth education, MPhil
programs can help address these issues and raise the standard of education in Pakistan as a
whole. Pupils perception of the curriculum is that it should be based on the application of
knowledge learned, but the educational subject matter of the course never motivated students to
compete in the practical field of competitive exams. Many students fail in practical life due to an
inadequate education subject curriculum. The curriculum should encourage and motivate
students to learn to apply what they learn to beat other students (Porter, 2020).
For students who want to become dynamic teachers of the future, the curriculum should
provide features of adjusting learning goals and central concepts to make them perfect teachers.
It is necessary that the curriculum enables students to organize their learning experiences while
appearing in exams for job appointments (Utkarsh, 2020).

The M. Phil. program gives students a way to complete their own research project: an
investigation that will eventually add to the educational and social sciences' knowledge base.
Each research phase will be developed by students in close collaboration with their supervisor(s).
In addition, supervisors will assist in developing a schedule of additional classes and activities to
aid in thesis completion (Hussain, 2011).
The national framework for education-related courses relies heavily on the information
that boosts students' competence. The connection between competence and knowledge grows
because knowledge provides the conceptual and theoretical framework for learning, social,
communication, and field-specific competence. Improvement of abilities through the educational
plan of instruction is likewise connected with the mental advancement of understudies
(Mahmood, 2013).
The top leadership and its influential references and sources urge professors to boost
students' marks at Baluchistan University because there aren't any norms there, and occasionally
some teachers are likewise biased and award their favorite students higher grades, which reduces
the effectiveness of the system. To strengthen Pakistan's education sector, there should be a free
environment where instructors can perform to their maximum ability. Contentment is essential
for a system's effectiveness (Sarwar, 2008).
There are numerous methods which describe excellence, for example, superiority defines
features of somewhat, rudimentary nature of an object, grade of comparative goodness. It
demonstrates that here are features of term 'Quality. Similarly in the arena of education period
'quality is rummage-sale to pronounce nasty of dissimilar things for sample, excellence of
tutoring, excellence of organization etc. W. Edward Deming ongoing the idea approximately
excellence administration. His idea around superiority supervision transformed Japan into an
actual strong economic authority. Quality of tutoring is too actual significant (Ling, 2001).
Upcoming of a state is build up in a school. No doubt that learning is an actual significant
foundation of progress and development. It is compulsory that excellence of education must
increase (Imran, 2008).
According to this statement, education is a tool for promoting mental liberation by
reducing racial, religious, political, and linguistic prejudice. To live a creative life, it must be
possible. In doing so, the primary purpose of education and fundamental tasks and life skills are
connected. Another advantage of education is that it helps people develop their religious and

moral character for themselves, their families, and their communities. Through education, we can
transmit customs and helpful knowledge to future generations. Education is a societal concern,
and each civilization's educational system has a special relationship to the makeup of that
culture. (Aamer,2009).
Educational system has been in presence for quite some time. They outgrew speculative
close by arrangements to try and promote more participation with the resource of the usage of
students in choices about their institute. There are numerous meanings of committees, however
Babinski and Hanna suggest: "A scholar council is a body which pulls together students/college
students to talk approximately what goes on in their school and, to a diverse degree, remember
their views on the ones matters. Involvement with the resource of the usage of youngsters and
more youthful people in training however, has now not been facilitated with the resource of the
usage of tendencies in insurance and practice. Through the country wide educational program
and execution of numeracy and proficiency hours, preparing has come to be more: uniform,
unbendable and unified (Fielding, 2010).
Observation that the sensation of genuine happiness occurs when the actual results match
the expectations. In the context of student happiness, it was explained that if students receive
what they want from their university and those expectations line up with the university's actual
conditions, they are satisfied and the outcomes are fruitful referenced by claimed that the
students are viewed as a reliable source of income (Abbasi et al., 2011).
In this study, we concentrate on conscientiousness and openness to experience, which are
personality components of the Five-Factor Model (FFM; commonly known as Big Five), as
predictors of higher education attainment. Regarding its generalization across cultures,
theoretical frameworks, and evaluation techniques, the FFM has gotten a lot of support.
Conscientiousness is often known as dependability or the will to succeed. It requires qualities
like being well-organized, goal-oriented, ambitious, self-disciplined, diligent, and persistent.
Being inventive, imaginative, courageous, independent-minded, creative, curious, and possessing
a diverse range of interests are all characteristics of openness to experience, often known as
openness or intellect. In research examining the relationship between personality traits and
accomplishment, grades are primarily used to operationalize academic achievement. (Vedel and
Poropat, 2020).

According to meta-analytic studies, conscientiousness is the personality trait that
consistently and most powerfully predicts academic success in higher education. Even better
than predicting IQ, it can predict achievement. In meta-analytic research, openness to experience
has also been linked to success in higher education.The empirical research done in various
educational contexts to evaluate the alleged influence of schooling on personality development.
This study will include both quantitative and qualitative investigations on student morality,
values, social skills, emotional intelligence, and personality factors. We will examine the results
of this research to detect recurring themes, patterns, and trends, ultimately advancing our
understanding of the intricate connection between schooling and personality development.
(Vedel, 2014).
As a result, a high-quality education includes everything that makes education
meaningful, useful, and empowering. Learning outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills, and
attitudes that encourage positive participation in society are among these elements. They also
include a safe, healthy, and nurturing school environment, relevant and student-centered
curriculum, textbooks, and learning materials, processes through which trained teachers use
child-centered teaching approaches (Imran, 2019).
Many applicants are unaware of the syllabus. The educational department's lack of
publication is the reason for the ignorance. In Pakistan's higher education institutions, the
administrative department focuses on meeting syllabus objectives before the semester ends.
Teachers feel pressured to complete the syllabus as a result. As a result, subjects are sometimes
skipped by teachers, and competition exams for appointment as a lecturer may include topics
(Jamil, 2013).
Students are competent as a result of the high quality of the curriculum, which helps them
succeed in competitions for positions such as lecturer or other positions. Particularly rivalry tests
will be directed in various decision structures and furthermore in certain tests negative stamping
will be offered for their off-base responses. Understudies who step through these examinations
should know that they will be totally different from their course tests. Students must not only
comprehend the topic's concepts in depth but also apply them appropriately in order to
successfully complete the application mode of questions. The capacity to think rapidly, dissect
data, and think innovatively will be generally scrutinized by the inspectors. Even a single point

difference on these tests can hurt a student's chances of getting into a professional program
(Rehman and Khan, 2011).
The M.Phil. Education curriculum includes a number of fundamental courses, many of
which are science-related. However, these science subjects only cover the fundamentals and
major points. When students took the exams to earn the position of lecturer, they felt that these
points were insufficient; more information should be included in the courses (Naseem, 2020).
The education system in Pakistan has a reputation for failing students and a low rate of
student participation in the delivery of high-quality instruction. It is common knowledge that a
significant number of students do not attend any school, and even fewer of those who do attend
are unable to learn effectively and excel in the workplace (Kalsoom et al., 2019).
The students' perception of the M.Phil. Education curriculum is that it ought to be solely
based on the application of the knowledge we rarely learn and rarely enough to test theory.
Students should be encouraged and motivated to apply what they learn in order to outperform
other students by the degree's curriculum. However, the educational content of the course did not
ever inspire students to compete in competitive exams. Because of lacking educational program
of M.Phil. Schooling, numerous understudies bomb in useful life. Students struggle to complete
the lengthy syllabus of the majority of competitive exams. Even a few days of procrastination
can backfire and reduce your chances of passing the exam. Although the M.Phil. Course
schedule may be lengthy, your approach ought to be geared toward completing it as much as
possible without feeling overwhelmed (Offorma, 2016).
The characteristics of adjusting learning objectives should be included in the M.Phil.
Education curriculum for successful teachers. For the supporting proficient showing abilities
among the understudies in the level of M.Phil. Schooling who need to turn into the powerful
educators of future need to learn focal educational plan of training. A number of students have
suggested that the education curriculum should be based on the ideas that make teachers great
teachers and broaden their concepts. It is essential for the curriculum to allow students to
organize their learning experiences while taking exams for any job (Memon, 2017)
Talked about impact of technological innovations on developing pedagogical practices at
university level. She said that quality in teaching and learning was the demand of present era.
Teachers are supposed to have updated knowledge and skills regarding use of technological
innovations for uplifting teaching and learning process. It is an educational technology, which is

a systematic organized process of applying modern technological innovations to improve the
quality of education. It includes utilization of different types of instructional materials,
networking tools, software’s, digital library, internet, smart phone, soft boards, tablet, e-learning
materials like e-books, slides and projectors. It is also an application of several instructional
materials, methods, techniques, strategies and skills according to the needs of students.
She also discussed the importance of the use of instructional technology and said that it
motivates and engages students to learn and broaden their knowledge. Owing to utilization of
these instructional aids in classrooms and computer labs, tremendous revolutionary changes has
been taken place and are going to enhance teaching and learning process to meet the demands of
students. She stressed upon the use of Technological innovations for developing pedagogical
practices of university teachers and said that it can be carried out through examining teachers and
students‟ perspectives on how technology developments are used in higher education.
Pedagogical methods are linked to technological advancements that are taking place in the
industry. Innovations using technology assist educators in managing and creating instructional
practises. It aids teachers in choosing different pedagogical approaches to enhance the teaching
process. Speaking on the Pakistani situation, she stated that there can be a lot of room for
advancements in modern technology and pedagogical skills at all levels in Pakistan. There are
numerous challenges that both teachers and students must overcome when utilising technological
innovation, which directly affects how well they do. Technology advancements have been found
to improve learning and instruction (Parveen Munshi, 2018).

1.4. Need of the study

Teachers are the basic pillars of any society because they motivate the generation for good deeds
in formal ways. The importance of education has reached its highest peak in the present time. It
is crucial to determine how much effort will be required to achieve the desired outcomes of
quality in the curriculum of MPhil Education. Quality parameters that are best fit to improve the
quality of MPhil education curriculum must be identified and highlighted for the requirement of
quality education. The outcomes of this study could be helpful for stakeholders, policy makers,
and curriculum developers who frame the curriculum of education at the tertiary level to achieve
the purpose of high literacy rates and uphold the quality of education.


 To identify the demographic attributes of the students.
 To analyses the strength and weaknesses of the curriculum being followed for M.Phil.
 To explore the competitiveness of curriculum in term of knowledge, attitude and skill
development among students.
 To investigate the perceptions of students regarding existing curriculum of M.Phil.
 To suggest some policies guidelines to enhance the efficiency of the Curriculum in BS
education at university level.



Mitchell (2010) explained the characteristics of curriculum from four angles: the opinions
of the stakeholders, the quantifiable components, the course design components, and the external
standards. She suggested that the notion of higher education excellence be in line with the
necessity of receiving other bodies' recognition. However, this study was unable to take into
account student viewpoint. In this research the researcher also suggested to the policy makers
that the curriculum should provide the information through which students face fewer difficulties
in getting any job.
Bazell and Kahn (2011) found that in spite of successive calls for expanded educator
commitment in educational program making and improvement, there are as yet numerous
M.Phil. understudies overall who are expected to work with materials that are either socially
unseemly or lacking. A connected concern is that such materials might deny educators of their
imaginative and proficient capacities to address understudies' requirements and interests, so that,
overloaded by context-oriented difficulties, the instructors then basically convey the materials,
sticking to the course reading intently. In developing nations, teachers may face greater
contextual challenges. However, it is unclear to what extent teachers in environments with
inadequate resources adapt. In this subjective contextual investigation, we investigate ways to
deal with the educational plan (educational plan making, improvement or transmission)

embraced by three English language educators at a Pakistani college; we use stimulated recall
discussions, pre-observation interviews, and observations. Our review features impressive
contrasts in the educators' methodologies and investigates explanations behind these distinctions,
including the gainful impacts of involvement and expert improvement open doors. Suggestions
remember the requirement for more noteworthy expert advancement open doors for an under-
resourced setting like this, as well as tutoring and educational plan recharging including
Barro, (2000). Education plays critical role for the development of human wealth. In
today's culture, education serves as a source of leadership. It increases individual productivity
and efficiency, resulting in skilled labors. capable of directing the economy along a path of long-
term economic development. Education boosts economic growth and improves people's lives in a
variety of ways, including improving labor force efficacy and hence an individual's earning
power, and encouraging democracy As a result, improving quality of life and lowering fertility,
as well as increasing equality, better circumstances with effective creation of governance,
through a sequence of positive externalities, education has a "ripple effect" across the economy.
Memon, (2010). Education is also seen to have a favorable impact on another aspect of
human capital. health, which has comparable implications for improved productivity and growth.
Through its influence on population expansion, education also plays important role to overcome
this situation for future sustainability. People's mental, psychological, social, and spiritual
development is the goal of educational institutions. It improves and advances the political,
cultural, economic, and social life of the country. Education is also a process of acquiring
information and abilities in a specific field. An educated person is valued as a resource for a
nation. Because people can explore great potential that can benefit the nation, human capital is a
precious national asset. But, the low primary enrolment rates, huge inequalities across regions
and gender, a lack of educated instructors, a lack of appropriate teaching materials, and
inadequate physical infrastructure of schools all point to the sector's poor performance.
Wilson et al. (2011) communicated that training is the wholistic advancement of a
person. Knowledge of one's emotions, morals, and intellect is necessary to help a student become
a socially responsible, compassionate, and useful member of society. Training is more than
whatever any school can give to a kid, and the learning doesn't, can't and shouldn't stop once a
kid ventures out school limits.

Paris (2011) narrated the quality of the curriculum learned by the undergraduate students who
choose the subject education for the attaining of their degree. But it was difficult to define the
quality of curriculum of education subject because the student of this subject. It involves various
aspects that vary in different contexts significantly but these contexts never give proper detail
which can help the students to become successful in the exams of competition test for future
Nicholson (2011) explained curriculum of education in terms of transformation and
found that this curriculum problems for students in the passing the papers. Transformation in the
curriculum should be done through the student experience in learning and after learning the
content of education curriculum students become aware about the major concepts. But content of
several subjects of education are a part away from the course of PPSC exams in Pakistan. The
curriculum of education subject is different from the life experiences and changes themselves in
the favor of nation as well as upcoming generations.
Blumenfeld (2012) narrated that while taking admission in the master of Philosophy
education students think that they will become successful teachers of future. But they become
failing in the exams because the students of arts cannot learn and understand the detail of
science. In the exams for lecturer the questions related to science subjects have great portion.
This percentage reduces the chances of students to be passed the exams of lecturer. So, in the
curriculum for students of having different educational background should be different.
Symon (2012) reported that researchers also concurred that this approach had certain
drawbacks despite all of its benefits. There are numerous systems to the including bias in the
determination of grades and marks. However, decision-makers and other interested parties need
to adopt a mindset that is consistent and based on future requirements the British government
initially brought an annual system of schooling to the subcontinent.
Wasleyet (2012) conducted a study that appropriate trainers also provided some
recommendations for enhancing the curriculum assessment methods. The testing bodies' proper
feedback was also regarded vital for improving and modernizing the procedures of the annual
evaluation system. A semester typically lasts 16 to 18 weeks, dividing the academic year into
two halves. The first half of the course is taught and assessed in that semester, with the second
half being completed and assessed in the following semester.

Ballantyneet (2013) conducted a study that provided some recommendations from
pertinent trainers for improving the system's assessment practices. For updating and refining the
procedures of the assessment system, a proper input from the examination bodies was also
thought required. An academic year is split into two sections by the typical length of a semester,
which is 16 to 18 weeks. While the remaining half of the course is finished and evaluated in the
following semester, the first half of the course is taught and evaluated in that semester.
Tribuset et al. (2013) conducted a study that by using both the yearly and semester
curriculum delivery methods for its teacher education programs. These delivery systems are
dynamic, and there is always space for incorporating emerging societal trends. The results of
many studies point the way for the introduction of fresh ideas into the current system for
delivering teacher education. Adopting a single notion to bring about reforms in the current
systems is not restricted.
Shiraziet et al. (2013) stated a study that universities and institutes that grant degrees are
making an effort to adhere to the 28-semester system's principles, rules, and regulations.
Additionally, it has been noted that students and other stakeholders receive timely and accurate
input. The semester system has a few other noteworthy characteristics as well. These
characteristics include a fairly rigid schedule for the semester, its set deadlines, and nonstop
activity until the semester is through. Their instructors continually evaluate them.
Ali (2014) a step towards the learners' development of a positive mindset is having a
good attitude towards this system. It aids in the development of their creative abilities and ideas.
Thus, the students' favorable attitude towards the semester system contributes to a successful
semester system implementation. The majority of those affected by the semester system are
students. The semester system may be viewed positively or negatively by students. Students'
negative perceptions should be first detected, and then they should be improved as necessary.
Therefore, research into how people perceive the semester system may be useful for ensuring
that it is implemented properly.
Shirazi (2014) these universities and institutes that grant degrees are making an effort to
adhere to the 28-semester system's principles, rules, and regulations. Additionally, it has been
noted that students and other stakeholders receive timely and accurate input. The semester
system has a few other noteworthy characteristics as well. These characteristics include a fairly

rigid schedule for the semester, its set deadlines, and nonstop activity until the semester is
through. Their instructors continually evaluate them.
Elise (2013) reported that in an analysis of UPE in Tanzania and Kenya described the
content of education in terms of input and output conception where input refers as the practise of
instructing and learning while treating pupils and instructors with respect. In these terms students
become completely successful to become teachers of future after taking the degree in education.
While outputs involve set of standards defined by the education system of a country. It could be
grades, skills or the abilities required by nation.
Rafaqat et al. (2013) expressed that in the curriculum of education for graduate students
the basic concepts of major philosophies should be taught in appropriate style that make the
students more capable in the practical field and then attain the post education. In the competition
exams the twenty percent portion is related to the teaching pedagogies so that the students who
want to become teachers get a complete command on the ways to teach different concepts in
different styles that make their communication style better. But students learn just the pros and
cons of teaching pedagogies but never know where and in which situation these methodologies
are applied.
Ghavifekr et al. (2014) found that the major aim to ensure that pupils have engaged in
holistic educational experiences is a goal of curriculum creation by the curriculum. Curriculum
development process provides the qualities of academic references to the educational process.
Course of education for undergraduate require time to time development so that institutions can
achieve educational goals. In the curriculum for the students who learn education must have the
command on managing the lesson plans, different pedagogies for several topics and learning
materials also develop according to new content of curriculum?
Bhattarai (2014) conducts research on teachers’ attitudes towards the semester system in
different faculties. Questionnaires and interview guidelines were the main tools for the study.
The five-point Likert scale was employed for the study. The findings showed that most teachers
are dissatisfied with the practices and policies followed by the university administration. The
majority of educators think that ongoing evaluation of students and educators is stressful for both
parties. Although they have favorable sentiments towards the semester system and its use in
universities, teachers have poor attitudes towards their job satisfaction and authority

Tariq et al. (2014) conducted research on the opinions of faculty and students at
Pakistan's Adulwali Khan University towards the semester system. The participants in this
study's questionnaire survey were teachers and students. SPSS software was used to analyze the
collected data and apply mean scores. The research's findings supported the semester system's
effectiveness as a teaching strategy. Due of its many viewpoints, the majority of faculties
supported the semester system.
Bhattarai (2014) conducts research on teachers’ attitudes towards the semester system in
different faculties. Questionnaires and interview guidelines were the main tools for the study.
The five-point Likert scale was employed for the study. The findings showed that most teachers
are dissatisfied with the practices and policies followed by the university administration. The
majority of educators think that ongoing evaluation of students and educators is stressful for both
parties. Although they have favorable sentiments towards the semester system and its use in
universities, teachers have poor attitudes towards their job satisfaction and authority
Shoukat and Muhammad (2015) observed that over the past few decades, the global
educational system has undergone changes. Researchers have been looking into more creative
and successful educational systems as a result of the growth of technology, exposure to new
knowledge, and the development of technology. Different educational systems are now being
used at various institutions around the world. The semester system of education is a widely used
educational model today. It is a method for teaching and learning that works well. There is
increased connection between students and professors because to the semester system of
Gautam (2015) discovered that, for a variety of reasons, the demand for postgraduate
(PG) programs in India has been steadily declining annually for the past five years. From 2015 to
2016, The proportion of students pursuing higher education has not gone up, especially in the
sector of education. The postgraduate projects in the education disciplines are based on current
alumni, and the assumptions made by them are very different from those made ten years ago.
They are hoping for a top-notch education from colleges and universities that offer PG
programmes, as well as being able to network with companies during their two-year journey.
Numerous postgraduate programmes in India are no longer appropriate for offering and
delivering the postgraduate programme. These institutes must abandon the traditional approach

to engineering education and undergo a paradigm shift in order to change them in terms of
imparting knowledge and enhancing the quality of the educational process. To do this, they must
adopt industry-based curriculum design and foster industry-institute relationships.
Singh (2015) conducted research that the university semester system as an educational
framework that places an emphasis on student learning rather than instructor control. By
analyzing the university-level curriculum, the researcher wanted to investigate how university
students perceived the semester system and the challenges they faced under the new semester
system. The new curriculum has brought about a lot of changes without taking into account the
length of the semester course, the researcher has further determined from the information
gathered via the interview schedule. The study discovered that students' sentiments towards the
semester system are mixed, with some being favorable and others being unfavorable.
Pathak and Rahman et al. (2016) that the learner-centered educational system is the
semester system. Students are admitted based on their academic performance and the study is
credit-based. We require a detailed work schedule, calendar, and appropriate time entries should
be taken, and results should be published on schedule in order to effectively implement the
semester system. Classes are scheduled regularly, and students must attend regularly in order to
take exams. In the semester system, the evaluation is open and accessible. The semester system
aims to promote learners' overall growth. The semester system's goal is to emphasize in-depth
learning for students by helping them acquire the necessary knowledge, attitude, and abilities.
Das (2016) conducted research at university level concluded that semester system as an
educational framework that places an emphasis on student learning rather than instructor control.
By analyzing the university-level curriculum, the researcher wanted to investigate how university
students perceived the semester system and the challenges they faced under the new semester
system. The new curriculum has brought about a lot of changes without taking into account the
length of the semester course, the researcher has further determined from the information
gathered via the interview schedule. The study discovered that students' sentiments towards the
semester system are mixed, with some being favorable and others being unfavorable.
Future when they applied for admission to the MPhil education program. However, because arts
students are unable to learn and comprehend science in its entirety, they fail exams. Science-
related questions make up a large portion of the lecturer exam questions. This percentage lowers

the likelihood that students will pass the lecturer's exams. Therefore, the curriculum for students
with diverse educational backgrounds ought to be distinct.
Pathak and Rahman, (2016) the semester system is a form of education that prioritizes the
learner. Students are admitted based on their academic performance and the study is credit-
based. We require a detailed work schedule, calendar, and appropriate time entries should be
taken, and results should be published on schedule in order to effectively implement the semester
system. Classes are scheduled regularly, and students must attend regularly in order to take
exams. In the semester system, the evaluation is open and accessible. The semester system aims
to promote learners' overall growth. The semester system's goal is to emphasize in-depth learning
for students by helping them acquire the necessary knowledge, attitude, and abilities
Moaz (2017) the Draught National Educational Policy of 2017 emphasized a number of
factors and aspects that affect the standard of higher education, with educational assessment
being one of them. Many public sector universities have larger and better physical facilities, but
there are concerns about the academic caliber of their teaching staff and the quality of their
evaluation processesThere are gaps and inconsistencies, in particular, in the examination
procedures that are being used at different universities. Additionally, it was made explicit in the
national education strategy that a number of universities have unique study schedules and
assessment protocols. The universities have set forth guidelines for their ordinary pupils in detail
the requirements and principles of the semester examination system. Regrettably, university
instructors from many fields erroneously adhere to these standards for objective evaluation of
students' achievement.
Behara et al. (2017) conducted an study on how teachers and students think about
employing the semester system for more difficult exams. Details descriptive survey approach
was used to carry out the study. They discovered that the semester system was viewed as a
superior assessment system by all teachers and students. They discovered that the semester
system's curriculum and evaluation practices were well-liked by both teachers and students.
Regarding the methods for providing feedback and evaluating students, the professors were
pleased with how the semester system was being implemented. The majority of students felt that
they were not receiving results in a timely manner, which is a significant problem with the
semester system.

Stoffelsmaa et al. (2017) observed that the significant point of educational program
improvement is to make guarantee that understudies have accomplished coordinated
opportunities for growth by the educational program. The academic references to the educational
process are provided by the curriculum development process. In order for educational institutions
to achieve their objectives, undergraduate education courses must be developed periodically.
Different pedagogies for a variety of subjects, as well as learning materials, are also developed in
accordance with new curriculum content in the curriculum for education students.
Jagersma (2017) discovered that the contents refer to the national education curriculum
that will be taught to students. Nature of educational plan content ought to be critical for the
country manufacturers of future that can advancement of characters of the understudies which
thus going to change the fate of the country. However, the curriculum only helps students
understand the concepts, not connect them to real-world situations.
Koningset et al. (2017) explained how curriculum development organizes the expected
content in national curriculums. Plan, examination and learning are the fundamental stages of
educational program advancement. Evaluation of curriculum products follows this cyclical
procedure. Educational plan configuration is the urgent step of educational program
improvement so the substance connected with instructors schooling ought to be created by the
need of current time. Teaching methods and modules have undergone radical transformation in
recent years. The curriculum ought to be humiliated if these modifications are kept in mind.
Slavin and Davis (2017) concluded that under The academic year is divided into two
terms under the semester system. With careful preparation and management throughout the
academic year, all of this is possible. It is more interesting and novel than the annual system.
Every six months, a student's development is assessed. According to Kotler and Keller (2006),
students would perform better overall if they were satisfied with the amenities offered by a
Biswas et al. (2017) concluded that majority of Over the past ten years, universities have
implemented a semester-long examination structure. This approach divides one-year courses into
two semesters for instruction and evaluation, and two-year courses into four semesters for
Biswas et al. (2017) concluded that main goal of semester exams is to thoroughly,
continuously, and in-depth evaluate students' learning. In this system, roughly 15 to 16 weeks of

instruction are completed twice a year. The goal of the semester system is to raise the bar for
education. The teachers are spending more time and effort on their instruction and evaluation.
Sierpina et al. (2017) come about that unique educational plan of M.Phil. Instruction that
develops and adjusts according to the instructor and the understudy's quirky necessities.
Incorporating technology into the process is one method for diversifying the curriculum and
successfully meeting the diverse needs of teachers and students. Delivery, evaluations, and
assessments can all become computerized, allowing students to take control of their own
education, learn at their own pace, and use flexible scheduling. The teacher only needs to
intervene when students appear to be approaching a brick wall because they can monitor the
progress on their own computers. This sort of scrupulousness can really save time for both the
educators and understudies by centering their significant investment where required.
Huerta et al. (2017) Consequently, it was found in this study that people's working
environments may help them understand themselves and increase their capacity to recognise the
value of emotional intelligence in the workplace. It also stated that working in one type of
environment may restrict the development of emotional intelligence skills and that exposure to a
variety of professional settings may present an opportunity to raise mental ability levels.
Darvishmoevali et al. (2018) Likewise all intellectual activities within the range of color
perceptions to self-insights implicate intelligence and emotions. It is for the reason that
intelligence and emotion are active all the way through most of one's conceptual procedures
work which can be extremely interrelated. Emotional Intelligence empowers someone to learn to
recognize and comprehend emotional states in themselves and in others and properly responding
Rehana (2018) found that human beings are bulk of emotions and the teachers who know
how to imply them always remarked as dedicated experts. Emotional intelligence prepares them
with emotional capabilities essential for cooperation working. It has been supposed that success
in any attempt dependent upon someone's level of intelligence quotient (IQ) and general
intelligence or as exhibited in academic achievements, passed examinations, obtained marks etc.
or in related sectors, doing sound in studies.
Azam (2018) concluded that annual and semester system have their week and strong
presentation skills. Students can avail an opportunity to improve through perceptions and in
profound learning of texts in yearly system. Students are given plenty of time to complete the

course. The smooth operation of the semester system hinges on being aware of deadlines and
limitations on concepts that can be quickly understood. During investigation, synthesis, and
scrutiny, students receive instruction. To achieve cognitive objectives semester system travels to
the complexity. On intellectual and behavioral grounds students are valued. Evaluation system
can facilitate the pupils with the complete advantage of the system. The quality of both semester
and annual systems can be assure on the behalf of teachers training.
Aslam et al., (2018) conducted study on the elements influencing how satisfied students
are with the semester system. The study examines a number of variables, including the role of
teachers, different course kinds, length of time, the style of learning environment, and group
projects, which have a big impact on how satisfied students are with their education. The
semester system is seen to be the most effective method of learning, according to research,
however professors and students working together can raise student satisfaction levels.
Jadoon et al. (2018) through ongoing evaluation, knowledge, understanding, dispositions,
attitudes, and skills are developed. Through the provision of the necessary knowledge, abilities,
and attitudes, this system seeks to encourage in all pupils a feeling of good citizenship. They
hardly ever observe disagreements among the views of the eminent educationalists regarding the
superiority of the semester system, though. The majority of them concur that this approach has
advantages. These advantages include its effectiveness when there are insufficient physical
conditions and resources. It is also true that without proper implementation under specific
guidelines, such as carefully developed course outlines, adherence to the designated course
completion timeline, regular class attendance, an environment free of bias in the classroom, and
the timely announcement of results, this system cannot be effective.
Malik, et al. (2018) the learners who use this approach also acquire positive behavioral
qualities. Additionally, all of the teachers employed by this system concur that they cannot
effectively manage this system without professional training. Its procedures provide for the
teachers to receive ongoing, reliable, and standardized training. Some scholars have also looked
into the lack of opportunities for students to study through a thorough comprehension of the
concepts in the semester system.
Nizamuddin (2018) the practices of semester systems were highlighted in this study and made
contingent upon proper implementation. Additionally, both methods were said to have some

advantages and disadvantages. However, an appropriate system has to be chosen in accordance
with the requirements.
Dutta et al. (2018) it is essential that teachers receive professional development in order
to apply this method effectively. Education experts are evaluating the suitability of one system in
Pakistan and India, as they are in all other nations where the two educational systems are in
transition. Discussions about social and legal forums for the adoption of an appropriate
educational system are taking place in the universities of our neighboring country, India. Some
people made court appearances to oppose various authorities' implementation of the semester
system.Content of education was conceived in terms of an input and output conception, with
input referring to the teaching and learning process involving students and teachers. In these
terms, students who earn a degree in education succeed completely in becoming future teachers.
While outputs include a set of standards established by a nation's education system. It very well
may be grades, abilities or the capacities expected by country.
Druzhinina et al. (2018) expressed that the fundamental ideas of major philosophies
should be taught in an appropriate way in the graduate education curriculum to help students
succeed in the real world and complete their education. In the opposition tests the 20% piece is
connected with the showing instructional methods so the understudies who need to become
educators get a total order on the ways of showing various ideas in various styles that make their
correspondence style better. Be that as it may, understudies learn only the upsides and downsides
of showing instructional methods however never know where and in which circumstance these
procedures are applied.
Zafar et al. (2018) is of the view that consequently, it was found in this study that
individuals working environments may help them understand themselves and increase their
capacity to recognise the value of mental agility in the workplace. It also stated that working in
one type of environment may restrict the development of emotional intelligence skills and that
exposure to a variety of academic settings may present the possibility to raise mental ability
Jadoon and Jabeen (2018) annual and semester system are running parallel in Pakistan.
Both have some unique characteristics. According to the Jadoon and Jabeen annual and semester
system are two types of exams prevailing and mention by Higher Education Commission (HEC)
of Pakistan; annual expands over one year and semester system over six months.

Jadoon and Jabeen (2018) reported that at first glance, the assessment method appears to
be a fusion of various approaches. Additionally, each sort of educational system has a unique
collection of activities. The semester system fosters concise but effective learning of the subject
area. This system's procedures are so automatic that neither the pupils nor the teachers can
behave careless. Their findings show that there are effective checks and balances on the
continual changes that occur during the learning process. However, they contend that the
system's procedures will appear ineffective without careful adherence to all pertinent variables
involved in the entire system of education.
Jadoon et al. (2018) conducted a study ongoing evaluation, the development of
information, understanding, attitudes, and skills. Through the provision of the necessary
knowledge, abilities, and attitudes, this system seeks to encourage in all pupils a feeling of good
citizenship. However, they seldom ever notice divergent opinions among leading educationalists
regarding the superiority of the semester system. The majority of them agree that this strategy
offers benefits. These benefits include its efficiency in the absence of favorable physical
circumstances and resources. It is also true that without proper implementation under specific
guidelines, such as carefully developed course outlines, adherence to the designated course
completion timeline, regular class attendance, an environment free of bias in the classroom, and
the timely announcement of results, this system cannot be effective.
Mazumdar (2018) compares both methods in his seminar paper and asserts that both have
benefits and drawbacks. Narrate that regarding grades received, personality development, and a
flexible learning environment, the semester method of assessment is accepted by both students
and teachers.
Talisic (2018) problem Statement and Research Questions a system of education that puts
students first is the semester system. The methodical transmission of knowledge, attitudes, and
skills to the students that will enable them to successfully address some future questions remains
the core focus of the semester system. The learner is still dedicated to the in-depth study and has
all the time necessary to fully understand the various parts of information and abilities in this
Nizamuddin et al. (2018) conducted a study that the practices of semester systems were
highlighted in this study and made contingent upon proper implementation. Additionally, both
methods were said to have some advantages and disadvantages. However, an appropriate system

has to be chosen in accordance with the requirements. Additionally, a system 30 based on both
systems efficient methods as proposed.
Kellermann et al. (2019) Expressing emotions helps people cope effectively with a
variety of challenges in daily life. Lower emotional growth and stability may be caused by
repeated exposure to stressful, uncomfortable, and anxiety-provoking situations. Focusing on
one's capacity for others as well as oneself is aided by emotional intelligence. Few academics
contend that traits like self-confidence and assertiveness, which to some extent combine
intelligence and emotions, must be seen as belonging to the category of mental ability.
Behara et al. (2019) conducted that the study on how do academic staff and students feel
about employing the semester system for higher-level exams? The research was conducted using
a descriptive survey methodology. The semester system was revealed to be flawed viewed as a
superior assessment system by all teachers and students. They discovered that the semester
system's curriculum and evaluation practices were well-liked by both teachers and students.
Regarding the methods for providing feedback and evaluating students, the professors were
pleased with how the semester system was being implemented. The majority of students felt that
they were not receiving results in a timely manner, which is a significant problem with the
semester system.
Munnawar and Ghafoor (2019) conducted that study of how students in Pakistan's public
universities perceive the drawbacks and difficulties of the semester system. The data gathering
strategy for this descriptive study was a questionnaire survey. Students from departments of
education made up the study's sample. To determine percentages, means, and standard
deviations, descriptive statistics were utilized. ANOVA was used to determine how differently
the students at the various universities felt about things. The discrepancies between university
students who are male and female were discovered using a t-test. The study found that the
semester system helps students learn, finish their coursework, and receive timely feedback. From
the literature, most of the research works were done in order to build a schedule for semesters in
different universities in different countries in the world. Quite little study has been done on
students' perceptions of the semester system of education. So, it is necessary to study the
perceptions of students about the semester system with curriculum, teaching strategies, use of
materials, internal evaluation, feedback, overall evaluation, course coverage, regularity of issues
presented by semesters to students to educators in class in university education Higher education

is the top tier of the formal education system, which serves to formalize, structure, and theories
of knowledge.
Saleem (2019) observed that the investigated the possibility that M.Phil. Education
students are motivated by unique values, job-related needs, and desires. In order for teachers to
manage the training that occurs in a learning setting, they acknowledge the various complexities
and diversity of the teaching process. Homeroom the board and effective learning of
understudies can be continue by the sufficient applying of showing procedure in the study hall
which are for the most part educated to the understudies of M.Phil Understudies. In this situation,
the instructor gives the students advice and direction based on their intelligence level and the
requirements of the lesson. Students whose receptive knowledge is active and growing
Zeichner et al. (2019) conducted a study that researchers concern and interaction with
senior teachers is the primary way that new teachers truly learn how to teach. Different
educational systems, where future educators enter the teaching profession, result in different
attitudes. They get the ability to extrapolate the meanings of the present circumstances and make
quick judgments. They are also aware of the necessity of using the right methodology for each
subject. The way that students are taught in actual classrooms and in simulation schools differs.
Jagersma (2019) found curriculum is developed with the student as its focal
concentration. However, the voice of the student of M.Phil. Schooling is to a great extent
prohibited from the educational plan and execution process. This research aims to deepen
understanding of the possibilities for greater learning when students are involved in curriculum
design for other instructors. The author works as an administrator and instructor. The author
looks at historical evidence of the lack of student input in the creation of curriculum by theorists
from various curriculum perspectives to support this position. It's anything but a comprehensive
investigation, yet rather an overall survey of crafted by specific critical scholars from the beyond
hundred years. A case is presented to support students' inclusion in the process, building on this
review. Specific research-based evidence that demonstrates positive outcomes when students are
included in the process of program development is reviewed to support the philosophical
argument in favor of the voice of M.Phil. Students.
Greenhow (2019) resulted in the realization that an "ideal curriculum" is more than its
parts. The group determined that there must be coherence from two different perspectives. First,
courses built with a clear connection between course goals, intended learning outcomes, and

teaching and assessment strategies are supported by constructive alignment. Second, a program's
components must work together for each student throughout its duration. Thusly, a program
ought not to be seen as a bin of courses yet as a sensible and moderate determination with an
unmistakable "brilliant string" integrating everything. This becomes more difficult in programs
with a lot of optional courses or in schools that let you choose your own study path.
Martes et al. (2019) demonstrated that the M.Phil. Education curriculum should cultivate
teachers' and students' communication, listening, and discipline skills. It prepares students for the
best and most transformative learning possible. The methods of teaching that are taught to MPhil
Education students give teachers and students the chance to complete educational tasks on time.
Curriculum development empowers students and ensures their success, allowing them to
improve their learning abilities throughout the educational process.
Salvoet et al. (2019) observed that M.Phil.Understudies are viewed as the main
instructive item that can be made by the utilization of new recreated educational program.
Students', families', and teachers' expectations have provided a variety of information that can
explain student achievement for M.Phil. Course curriculum design. Some studies focus on
student success, teacher outcomes or student expectations, relationship performance, time spent
learning, emotions, and having a school that succeeds with reconstructed curriculum, among
other things.
Seale (2019) investigated the possibility that M.Phil. Education students are motivated by
unique values, job-related needs, and desires. In order for teachers to manage the training that
occurs in a learning environment, they acknowledge the various complexities and diversity of the
teaching process. Homeroom the board and effective learning of understudies can be continue by
the sufficient applying of showing procedure in the study hall which are for the most part
educated to the understudies of M.Phil. Understudies. In this situation, the instructor gives the
students advice and direction based on their intelligence level and the requirements of the lesson.
Students whose receptive knowledge is active and growing.
Khattak et al. 2019) unexpectedly, the procedures of this educational system are
inconsistent. Additionally, it is a pricey system and challenging to complete its tasks in a timely
manner with deep grasp. 29 Additionally, a study was carried out by to look into the many ways
that the yearly and semester systems are used. The annual system's findings support it in terms of
achieving proficiency in accordance with the goals of the various subjects. There is plenty of

time available. On the other hand, under the semester system, students are allowed to select from
a variety of disciplines and are able to combine various ideas.
Elmarie and Bitzer (2019) found that contents are referred to the curriculum of education
which we are going to teach the students of nation. Quality of curriculum content should be
significant for the nation builders of future that can development of personalities of the students
which in turn going to change the future of the nation. But the content of education just clears the
concepts of student but never enable them to relate the concepts with practical life. That
development of curriculum organizes the expected content in the national curricula. Plan,
research and learning are the basic steps of curriculum development. It is the cyclical process in
which evaluation of curricula products is conducted. Curriculum design is the crucial step of
curriculum development so the content related to teacher’s education should be developed
according to the need of modern era. In the present time modules of teaching and styles of
teaching have been completely changed. By keeping in view these changes the curriculum
should be mortified.
Vuckovic et al. (2019) defined that in the view of policies of many countries, quality of
curriculum for education revolves around two basic elements, one is the learner and other is the
society learner is bearing. In terms of student a key element, it’s intellectual, cognitive,
psychomotor and normative dimensions of development are crucial. It is obvious that these
dimensions of development are explicit for an ideal education system to work and achieve
desired outcomes in a time frame. They also indicate that the system is striving for quality
education. In most cases other very important dimension with respect to social aspect of student
is creative and emotional development.
Tariq (2019) Said that Pakistan's educational system is gravely threatened by its
inadequate quality and relevance to the modern world. Particularly public schools and teachers
have not up to the demands of the times. The "trust deficit" among employers is the greatest
threat Pakistan has ever faced. Our graduates lack the creativity and innovation needed in the age
of the knowledge economy. He added that it was simple to comprehend what led to this
circumstance. He emphasised the difficulties the teachers faced. The government of this nation
no longer has faith in teacher education. They have begun hiring untrained recent graduates. A
survey found that graduates of teacher training schools typically lack professional commitments
and ethical principles, as well as communication skills, knowledge domains, and IT skills.

Compared to the average private sector, the public sector offers superior salaries and benefits,
but the results are less favourable. In comparison to the commercial sector, public sector
leadership is typically weaker. More trainings have been attended by public sector leaders than
by private sector leaders. Our system actively discourages educational innovation, and our
assessments no longer reflect the needs of the modern world. In addition to other skills, the
curriculum falls short in three crucial areas: mentoring, digital fluency, and communication. In
general, teachers have been proven to be ineffective at creating applications of learned material.
Exams influence the quality of the teaching and learning process, and weak and unreliable
systems generate any students who are unsuited to the demands of the modern world. Pakistan is
as a result nearly completely excluded from the global knowledge economy. When the fourth
industrial revolution has already taken over the planet, the issue demands serious attention. Our
institutions are not serious about implementing the modern technology. The result is a mismatch
between what is produced and what is required in the modern world. This is created, and the
result is what the modern world requires. Youth felt unsettled and unsatisfied as a result. As a
result, unemployment is widespread and a wide range of socioeconomic issues have created an
existential threat for our civilization. The challenge has grown too large, and the leaders are still
asleep. In his discussion of the challenges facing society in the twenty-first century, he said that
the speed of disruption and the pace of invention are difficult to understand or foresee, as are
future uncertainties, turbulence, dangers from terrorism, environmental degradation, and
financial crises. He claimed that robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) were driving forces
behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Automation, nanotechnology, and autonomous vehicles
becoming more prevalent. And as a result of its effects, over half of existing work functions can
be automated. Therefore, we must reassess the importance of vital abilities including
communication, teamwork, collaboration, and critical thinking. Complex reasoning, imagination
emotional intelligence, global awareness, financial literacy, economic literacy, companies
literacy, civic literacy, health literacy, ecological knowledge, algorithmic thinking, judgement,
choice-making, service orientation, negotiating, and cognitive versatility are also very crucial
skills to master. He therefore advised the national government to create appropriate laws and
fund schools adequately. Implement merit and accountability so that institutions can start to
perform if they don't, the economy will suffer.

Cooket et al. (2020) expressed that their teaching method met the numerous requirements
of M.Phil. Education students through the curriculum. A well-designed postgraduate curriculum
guides each student toward optimal performance in order to complete optimally learned tasks.
When teachers introduce novel methods of instruction to M.Phil. Education students, they enable
them to learn to their full potential. Additionally, teachers are aware of the students' learning
levels and capacities, and their skills are incorporated into the teaching method. When the
teaching method was used with great care, the learning path became smooth and easy to
Utkarsh (2020) Said that The twelve-week system offers pupils efficient instruction.
environment, but it is not impervious to professors' preferences and biases in their activities. The
semester system is currently the most popular and efficient educational system in existence. It
involves professors and students in various academic activities. The semester system is one of
the learner-focused educational models available. Continuous internal, evaluation, feedback on
students' progress, and learning rather than instruction take place in institutions under the
semester system of education.
Atif et al., (2020) described English language education policy and produce in Pakistan
are discussed, along with current trends, problems, and solutions. A long term, extensive Judy is
conducted to demonstrate how using English as the major language of infusion right affect how
students and leaches learn and teach in rural Pakistan, where the student dropout rate may even
increase. Based on data acquired from target participants who were teaching at the same level but
in various schools, the author concludes that mother tongue instruction at the primary level is the
best strategy for enhancing children's academic achievement. In addition, the author argues that a
constructive approach to bilingual education must be implemented to solve the issues with the
regulations governing the medium of instruction in the Pakistani educational system.
Malik et al. (2021) defined that quality of education is major concern in the countries
which are struggling to put up their literacy rate in limited resources and in turn it just increases
there number of enrollments. As per the assessment of scores of the students in many countries
brought to light that students are acquiring shallow knowledge only and not the required skill
that they might use in their life. Being a participant to the treaties with USAID and UNICEF,
having a specific goal to achieve quality education in developing countries, Pakistanis bound and
actively working to promote quality education mandatory at tertiary level.

Kulkarni et al. (2021) defined the "official curriculum" for the M.Phil. Postgraduate
degree in Pakistan as the policymakers' prepared curriculum. It is imposed with a "top down"
approach to adoption and implementation and is intended to be taught and learned. It is expected
of teachers to strictly implement it. These theories are rarely put into practice, despite the fact
that it is a plan for learning and a program for all experiences that the student encounters under
the direction of the school. This educational plan is expected as "each of the encounters
youngsters have under the direction of the educator" but since these "encounters" are by and
large not defend, they seem ambiguous and are hence hard for instructors to execute.
Additionally, children frequently lack teachers assumed cognitive structures or shared
experiences. This educational plan subsequently doesn't "envelop all learning potential open
doors given by the school" nor does it accommodate both "coordinated" and "undirected" open
doors for learning.
Stevek (2021) found that the M.Phil. Education system in Pakistan is severely lacking in
resources, has a poor curriculum, and lacks facilities. Govt. of Pakistan has recognized that as
per worldwide serious record, Pakistan's presentation in training is extremely low when
contrasted with its significant rivals like Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and china.
Pakistan lacks easy access to educational opportunities, and the quality of education is subpar
both in comparison to other countries and in relation to Pakistan's own aspirations. The poor
performance of teachers necessitates a university-level professional degree program that is
planned and systematic. This can only happen if curriculum reform is implemented successfully
and physical facilities are provided.
Hellen (2021) explained curriculum characteristics Considering four perspectives: the
perceptions of stakeholders, the quantitative elements, the course design elements, and outside
principles. She suggested aligning the definition of quality in higher education with external
agency recognition requirements. In any case, this study couldn't oblige the viewpoint of
understudies. In this study, the researcher also suggested to policymakers that the curriculum
should provide students with information that makes it easier for them to find work.
Quret (2021) portrayed the nature of the educational plan advanced by the postgraduate
understudies who pick the subject training for the accomplishing of their certificate. However,
the students in this subject made it difficult to define the curriculum's quality. It involves
numerous aspects that significantly vary depending on the context, but these contexts never

provide adequate detail that can assist students in becoming successful in GRE competition
exams for future studies.
Gaoxia et al. (2021) explained the education curriculum in terms of transformation and
discovered that it caused students' papers to be difficult to pass. The student learning experience
should be used to transform the curriculum, and students should become aware of the major
concepts after learning the curriculum's content. However, the course competition exams are not
entirely independent of the content of several educational subjects. The education subject
curriculum differs from life experiences and evolves in the country's and future generations'
Vettori (2021) defined that countries struggling to raise their literacy rates with limited
resources are particularly concerned about the quality of their education, which leads to an
increase in enrollment. Students' test scores in many countries revealed that they are only
acquiring superficial knowledge rather than the necessary skills they will need in the real world.
Pakistan is bound and actively working to promote mandatory tertiary education of high quality
as a result of its participation in treaties with USAID and UNICEF with the specific objective of
achieving quality education in developing nations.
Ali and Baig (2021) found that the M.Phil. Education system in Pakistan is severely
lacking in resources, has a poor curriculum, and lacks facilities. Govt. of Pakistan has recognized
that as per worldwide serious record, Pakistan's presentation in training is extremely low when
contrasted with its significant rivals like Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and china.
Pakistan lacks easy access to educational opportunities, and the quality of education is subpar
both in comparison to other countries and in relation to Pakistan's own aspirations. The poor
performance of teachers necessitates a university-level professional degree program that is
planned and systematic. This can only happen if curriculum reform is implemented successfully
and physical facilities are provided a frame work in curriculum design.
Ahmad (2022) investigated the most pressing issues, issues, and new challenges
pertaining to the M.Phil. Education curriculum in Pakistan. The physical, mental, psychological,
social, and spiritual development of individuals is the goal of educational institutions. The
nation's economic, social, political, and cultural life all benefit from it. In Pakistan, the M.Phil
program has primarily served as postsecondary education, which the majority of people consider
to be only a college diploma, is being prepared for Colleges are leading and collaborating with

agronomic and modern improvement associations all over the world, and they are significantly
and fast developing their financial components. Education and development go hand in hand.
Pakistan's growth metrics have been showing poor results for more than 50 years. The rate of
involvement in higher education is low when compared to other countries in the region.
Importance in relation to societal requirements, research facilities, a financial crisis, the
preference of arts students over scientific students, deficiencies in assessment, poor management,
and academic results that fall short of international standards. The researcher chose this topic for
her study due to Pakistan's enormous educational challenges

Bwise (2021) identified that curriculum development for M.Phil. Education is The ideal
process would involve assessing the needs, organising, creating, and teacher training, pilot
testing of the materials, revision and modification, full implementation, monitoring, feedback,
and appraisal. The following major areas of interest serve as the foundation for developing
curricula: - i) to incorporate national and international changes into the M.Phil. education
curriculum, to better educate our kids for the labour market in the current economic context, and
to provide the human resources required to achieve long-term national growth. ii) To include
global issues including population control, environmental degradation, gender inequality, and
intercultural communication and collaboration. iii) To promote cultural tradition, indigenous
values, and way of life preservation. iv) To promote moral values among students using Islamic

ethics and concepts. v) To advance democratic ideals, respect for and awe of the rich mix of
cultures that make up Pakistani society and the larger world community. vi) Describe the mini-
Processes involved in acquiring competencies at both the primary and secondary levels in order
to offer competency-based curricula.
Naeem et al. (2021) suggested that annual curriculum evaluations be conducted. In this
regard, teachers, parents, and members of the community could be surveyed to get their thoughts
on their expectations and observations. Curriculum objectives should be reevaluated in light of
this and the expert recommendations of education researchers, and a curriculum meeting the
needs of society and the nation without regard to caste, color, or creed should be developed.
Political interference ought to be as minimal as possible. This will permit the framework to work
without a hitch and with no separation. Corruption and other problems have resulted from
systemic cracks created by frequent political intervention. Time and resources should be used
immediately to implement policies. The government ought to have a strong political will to
immediately put policies into effect. Unfortunate arrangement execution has led to the creation
of gaps and a lack of trust in both the general public and the executive branch. Assessment
framework ought to be made free structure the mafia of unreasonable means, defilement and
unlawful satisfactions. The supervision and inspection system could be physically and
theoretically improved for this purpose. The education professionals' wages should be increased
by the government to prevent them from turning to immoral means of securing favors and
support. The way of life of exploration ought to be advanced inside instructive establishments. In
order to accomplish this, national educational institutions should accelerate research-based
teaching and learning programs, particularly at higher levels. For this purpose, the government
ought to increase the amount of money given to the higher education commission.
Gulzar (2022) resulted in teacher education (M.Phil. education) becoming an essential
component of sustainability education implementation. The objective of this research was to
ascertain where teacher education in Pakistan stands in terms of education for sustainable
development. The study used content analysis to look at important documents about teacher
education that were made during the UN 2005–2014 is the decade devoted to education for
equitable growth. The following documents were included in the study: Standards for National
Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs; Public Expert Principles for Educators; and a
B.Ed. (Honors) Coursework According to the content analysis, the national documents on

teacher education only partially addressed sustainable development education. Only 5% of the
B.Ed. curriculum Sustainability is covered in the curriculum. Both the nationwide Professional
norms for Instructors and the Standards for Teacher College Programmes were judged to be
deficient in their attention to sustainability education. The results of this study indicate that
Pakistan's teacher education desperately needs to integrate education for long-term growth.
That's what the review demonstrates in spite of the fact that educator schooling change in
Pakistan happened during the Assembled Countries Ten years of Training for Reasonable Turn
of events; it didn't consolidate the components of manageability training.

Chantal et al. (2022) expressed that the curriculum can also be thought of as the tool
schools use to try to make the needs and aspirations of the society in which they operate a reality.
It is ordered and planned. Curriculum goals can be accomplished through education. The
substance of training is to move the information, realities, abilities, values and perspectives
gained from one circumstance to tackling issues in another circumstance, and this is finished
through educational plan that mirrors the way of life of individuals. The fact that all of the
competing definitions of the curriculum share one thing in common is that they involve planning
the learner's activities and environment. It defined curriculum as a planned and organized
collection of formal educational and/or training objectives centered on the development of pre-
defined competencies. The capabilities mirror the components of the students' way of life, which
when guzzled by the students make them useful residents of their general public.

Ahmad (2022) investigated the most pressing issues, issues, and new challenges
pertaining to the M.Phil. Education curriculum in Pakistan. The physical, mental, psychological,
social, and spiritual development of individuals is the goal of educational institutions. The
nation's economic, social, political, and cultural life all benefit from it. In Pakistan, the M.Phil.
Program has primarily served as postsecondary education, which the majority of people consider
to be only a university degree, is being prepared for. Colleges are leading and collaborating with
horticultural and modern improvement associations all over the world, and they are significantly
and fast developing their financial components. Education and development go hand in hand.
Pakistan's development indicators have been showing poor results for more than 50 years. The
rate of involvement in higher education is low when compared to other countries in the region.
Importance in relation to societal requirements, research offices, a financial crisis, and a
preference for humanities students over scientists, as well as deficiencies in assessment and
administration that fall short of international standards. The researcher chose this topic for her
study due to Pakistan's enormous educational challenges.
Reilly and Thomas (2022) defined that, in the policies of many nations, the quality of an
education curriculum is based on two fundamental factors: the learner and the society the learner
is a part of. The intellectual, cognitive, psychomotor, and normative aspects of student
development are crucial when considering the student as a key element. For an ideal educational
system to function and achieve desired outcomes within a specified time frame, it is evident that
these developmental dimensions are explicit. Additionally, they show that the system strives for
high-quality education. When it comes to the social aspect of a student, the development of their
creativity and emotions typically plays a second very important role



3.1. Study Area
This study was held in the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. All the students enrolled
in the MPhill Education in the The sample of the study was the Institute of Agricultural the
extension, Studies, and Rural Growth. University of Agriculture Faisalabad is considered, the
one of best public university in whole sub-continent. This oldest university is at 4th ranked in
2019 in Asia and gain 1st rank in Pakistan.
3.2. Descriptive design
Descriptive research provides the opportunity to use variety of research methods for the
investigation of one or more variables at a time. In this researcher can observer the variables
deeply and measure them but never change or manipulate the variables of research (Bellard,
In this study, a descriptive survey design was employed. Although the researcher can outline the
info gathering process in the design in a methodical way, describe research is used. The precise
features of the population are fully defined in this data collection. Through the perspectives of a
chosen sample, the design provides a concise definition of the population.
3.3. Target audience
Crowd refers to a huge group of people who share the same traits and features.
Population is a set or collection of all observations—both infinite and finite—that are pertinent to
some desirable traits. The people is totality of the subjects out of which a sample is taken for the
research purpose (Fornel, 2011).
The target population in the research is from which the sample size is drawn for the achieving of
desired information regarding the selected population. Population refers to the entire collection
of units that the research examines or, more generally, the geographic area in which the research
will be conducted (Sanson, 2017).
All the students enrolled in the MPhill Education in the Institution for Agricultural Extension,
Agriculture, and Literacy was used to estimate research

3.4. Sampling Technique
Simple random sampling means "from a large number of populations sample is selected
randomly, or from selecting sub-groups of population (Messick, 2010).
Proportionate sampling is the method in which investigator divides the finite population in sub
portions according to the group size and sample size (Kelson, 2011).
Sample size was drawn for research by proportionate sampling technique and respondents were
selected using a straightforward random sampling procedure.
3.5. Size of Sample
Sample refers to a small subset of the entire population. Small sample size represents a huge
population. Instead of studying the entire universe, researchers can conduct studies on samples,
saving time and money (Lewis, 2015).
Sample is a small group of peoples which represents the whole population in order to generate
results for whole population (Lance and Hattori, 2016).
As the sample is representative part of the population. Sample size is a process of counting
dividable samples in statistical setting. It can be any scientific experiment or public opinion
survey. Though it seems to be very simple concept, choice of sample size is critical to determine
for any project (Guadagnoli and Velicer, 2018).
According to the interval of trust of 5% and a value of 95% confidence, the final sample size for
this study was 167. Using tools that is readily available online, including, the number of samples was calculated.
3.6. Instruments for research
Metrology refers to adjustments made to the calibration of a measuring device, observers, or
scorers employed, which may result in modifications to the measurements taken. Data from the
study's respondents was gathered using a carefully designed questionnaire. To consider the
impact of diet on students' academic performance over the course of their academic career
(Taherdoost, 2016).
For the purpose of this research's those polled, a well-structured questionnaire was used to obtain
quantitative data. The goals of the study were all clearly stated in the questionnaire's answers. It
was really challenging to create the questionnaire (the data collection tool). The questions were
created during the questionnaire's planning and creation to ensure accurate responses and
everyone's engagement.

The data gathering tool includes private inquiries created with research goals in mind. The order
in which the questions were asked, amid other the affected how respondents' focus and attention.
This gives the variety of questions greater weight. The validity of the data that the researcher
hopes to gather from people who answer depends on how natural the questions seem to the
3.7. Earlier testing
Earlier testing Pre-testing is a method for evaluating the validity and dependability of a research
instrument. To ensure that respondents could easily grasp the questionnaire and were actually
responding as needed, pre-testing was used. Pre-testing allowed us to determine whether there
was room for improvement or change in our inquiry (Lewis, 2015).
Before the collection of primary data, a pre- testing was conducted for the evaluation of
the appropriateness of questionnaire and for the surety of that all the important and essential
questions are included in the questionnaire. The process of pre-testing is very useful in the
deduction of irrelevant information and including of the important questions according to the
research objectives that are missing in the questionnaire. This process was conducting by
choosing some students as respondents. This stage is very necessary in including the relevant
questions and excluding the necessary questions.

CB.alph No.of item

0.828 51

3.8. Validation of research tool

Validation is a crucial component of study design since it demonstrates the calibre of data
and its accuracy. It is defined as the degree to which the conclusions reached after carefully
examining the evidence accurately reflect the fact or event that is to be studied. The integrity of
data is determined by the reliability of the research tool (Taherdoost, 2016).
A structured questionnaire was designed according to the nature and objectives of the
study. All the questions were prepared through proper collaboration with supervisor of the study
and the other faculty members to make it valid and useful for the collection of data. The first
draft of research instrument (questionnaire) was submitted to the supervisor that is expert in
qualified degree of education. The expert supervisor reconstructs the research instrument based

on expert suggestions. He gave advice and made several recommendations for the instrument's
enhancement. After that, the researcher added the points that had been unanimously agreed upon
to the instrument.
3.9. Instrument Reliability
Reliability is related to the degree of consistency of the thing that is measured. The thing
that is measured is considered reliable when it shows the same result after measured few time
(Maxwell, 2016).
For the pre-test, 30 respondents in total were picked. The data gathering tool has certain
ambiguities and ambiguity that were discovered during this exercise. Consequently, in order to
obtain more accurate and insightful results from data collection. Pretesting findings of 0.8
demonstrate the validity of the questionnaire. Data was directly gathered. The programme SPSS
was used to examine the instrument's response from the teacher. According to Cronbach's alpha,
this survey has an excellent degree of consistency.
3.10. Collection of Data
The primary the survey was used to gather information from respondents. The purpose of
data collection and procedure was explained thoroughly to all the respondents before the filling
up of questionnaires. The data were carefully recorded according to the procedure. The
information was collective to the respondents personally. The researcher personally meets the
respondents and explains the every variable briefly so that adequate data could be collected.
3.11. Coding, editing and data entry
Variables were used for the investigation. The data collected and coded after coding is
included in the statistical set of worksheets for the sociology. Data packages for the social
sciences are used for data analysis of the social sciences
3.12. Data analysis
After collecting the quantifiable data, that was coded and submitted to the system using
the data analysis bundle for the Social Science (SBS) application Microsoft Office Excel 2003.
The regularity and algorithms of different variables were calculated. The data analysis is the
presentation of the collected facts of the study in the arranged form to arrive at the finalization
and conclusions of the study. The collected data was presented in tables and analyzed in terms of
simple percentage. The data was analyses by Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS).

Measurement data were analyzed using various statistical techniques and unilateral /
descriptive techniques. Used in unique analysis to describe data such as frequency, percentage,
and centrifugal activity.
One of the most popular software programmers in the field of social sciences is called SPSS.
Providing access to research data to specific people and distinctive analytical units is also
crucial. Additionally, it is evident that the employment of SPSS technology has allowed
researchers to apply challenging quantitative methods to achieve challenging analytical goals in
making choices for the advantage of applicants by enhancing application and data availability.
Inputting the data into the system in this way enables the researcher to avoid the time-consuming
and laborious work of analysis.

There is no one dimension to socio-economic characteristics; rather, they are a
collection of attitudes that are interconnected. In order to identify a person's socioeconomic
status, it is important to look at the average cultural procession, the person's effective income,
their material procession, and their involvement in community activities. Socioeconomic and
demographic traits were evaluated using the following factors: Each society has its own unique
set of norms and beliefs that influence how it produces socio-economic features; thus,
socioeconomic characteristics are made up of a range of components (Azhar, 2004).
Consequently, socioeconomic characteristics of the respondent's family became an
independent variable in the research. We considered demographic factors that were crucial in
comprehending the context and implications of our research when using the following
socioeconomic indicators in the current study. These social variables included financial status,
ethnic origin, and age which were assessed for each participant. The age of the participants
varied widely, indicating a broad spectrum of life experiences. The gender of the participants
was also recorded, as this could provide insights into the potential impact of gender on the
phenomena under study. Ethnicity was another key demographic variable in our study.
Participants identified their ethnic backgrounds, which added an essential layer of cultural

diversity to our research. Additionally, this diversity in ethnicity facilitated the exploration of
potential cultural influences on our findings. Socio-economic status was also a focal point in our
analysis. Participants were categorized into low, middle, or high-income brackets based on
standard measures. This variable helped us understand the influence of socio-economic
conditions on the results (Teherdoost, 2016).
Overall, these demographic variables played a critical role in contextualizing our
findings. By accounting for these differences, we were able to draw more nuanced and
representative conclusions from our study.

4.1. Age

The analysis of age in educational research often plays a significant role in understanding
various aspects of learning, development, and educational outcomes. Researchers often collect
demographic data, including age, to examine how different age groups experience educational
interventions and to identify potential age-related patterns or differences in learning outcomes.
For example, a study by Smith et al. (2018) investigated the impact of age on academic
achievement among primary school students and found that younger students demonstrated
lower scores compared to their older counterparts. Another study by Johnson and Brown (2020)
explored age-related differences in technology integration among teachers and revealed that
younger teachers tended to be more adept at incorporating technology into their instructional
practices compared to older teachers. These examples illustrate how considering age as a
variable in educational research can offer valuable insights into educational practices and inform
targeted interventions to address the unique needs and characteristics of different age groups.
Table 4.1.

Variables Category Frequency Percent

Age 20 to 30 50 41.7

31 to 40 31 25.8

Above 40 39 32.5

Gender Male 72 60.0

female 48 40.0

Occupation Govt. employee 23 19.2

private job 61 50.8

business 36 30.0

Marital status Single 67 55.8

Married 53 44.2

Location/Area Urban 71 59.2

Rural 49 40.8

Table 4.1 contains the frequency about the demographic variables. About 42 % of the
respondents were belonging to 20 to 30. About 26 % of the respondents were belonging to 31 to
40. 32.5 % of the respondents were belonging to Above 40.
Gender is utilized to characterize those elements of ladies and men, which are socially
made, while sexual orientation notices to those which are physically solid disapproved.
Individuals are conceived female or male however concentrate to be young ladies and young
men who create into ladies and men. This informed conduct makes up sexual orientation
execution and characterizes sex characters" (World Health Organization, 2002).
Table 4.1.3 describes that about 9.8 percent of the respondents had graduation education,
while more than one half i.e. 53.8 More than one third, or 36, of the respondents (%) had a
master's degree.Only 3% of respondents have degrees higher than a master's. Nearly 60% of
respondents identified as male. Nearly 40% of respondents belonged to the female gender.
About 19% of the respondents were government workers. About 51% of the respondents
worked in the private sector. According to Robards et al. (2012), almost 30% of the respondents
were from the corporate world.
An individual's health and mortality are impacted by their marital status, their living
situation, and any changes to these factors as they get older. According to research on health and
mortality by marital status, males are disproportionately harmed by this and generally report
being in worse condition and at a larger risk of dying than their married peers. It is crucial to
think about the consequences of such changes for health in later life given the evidence of
increasing changes in partnerships and living arrangements in older ages, with rising divorce
among younger cohorts balancing the decreased chance of widowhood. The use of cross-
sectional data vs longitudinal data has been a crucial differentiator in research that has looked at
changes in marital status and living arrangements in later life. About 56% of the participants
identified as Single. The Married category included about 45% of the respondents (Johnson,
By using indicators that represent mortality, morbidity, general well-being, lifestyle
choices, and other health-related risk factors, it is possible to assess the health of a population
along a variety of dimensions. While there are no differences between rural and urban
populations for various health indicators, metropolitan areas tend to have higher bad health
indicators. We looked at health indicators that indicated rural communities had worse health.

Additionally, research shows that rural-urban health patterns are not always consistent;
frequently, the most rural areas have

4.2. To Analise the strength and weaknesses of the curriculum being followed for the
students of MPhil education.

Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum being followed for M.Phil. Education
requires a comprehensive evaluation of its design, content, and delivery methods. Several studies have
focused on examining curriculum effectiveness in the field of education. For instance, Johnson and Smith
(2019) conducted a qualitative study to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an M.Phil. Education
curriculum. Their findings revealed that the curriculum's strengths included a strong theoretical
foundation, a focus on research skills development, and integration of practical experiences through
internships and fieldwork. However, weaknesses were identified in terms of limited flexibility for
customization, insufficient emphasis on technology integration, and a lack of alignment with current
trends and challenges in the field. Another study by Brown et al. (2020) investigated the strengths and
weaknesses of a different M.Phil. Education curriculum, emphasizing the strengths of a diverse range of
elective courses, but highlighting weaknesses related to limited opportunities for collaborative learning
and networking. These studies demonstrate the importance of critically analyzing the curriculum,
identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and providing insights for curriculum revision and improvement
to meet the evolving needs of M.Phil. Education degree holders.

Table 4.2 standard deviation, Mean value, weighted score and rank order regarding to their

Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order
It provides a solid foundation for further studies and research 3.48 1.43 417 1

The M.Phil. Education curriculum could benefit from more

3.31 1.28 397 2
opportunities for hands-on learning

It prepares students for research and academic careers 3.31 0.82 397 3

The curriculum is designed to enhance critical thinking skills 3.31 1.16 397 4

The M.Phil. curriculum integrates practical experience and

2.99 1.27 359 5

The M.Phil. curriculum exposes students to diverse
2.96 0.5 355 6
perspectives and ideas

The M.Phil. Curriculum provides comprehensive coverage of

2.91 0.98 349 7
the subject matter.

The M.Phil. curriculum offers opportunities for research and

2.83 0.63 339 8
independent study

The M.Phil. Curriculum emphasizes critical thinking and

2.7 0.63 324 9

The curriculum provides opportunities for students to explore

2.7 0.71 324 10
their own research interests

Table 4.2 contains the frequency the descriptive statistic about to analise the strength and
weaknesses of the curriculum being followed for M.Phil. Education where mean, standard
deviation and weighted score are discussed in the above table. “It provides a solid foundation for
further studies and research" is ranked from Neutral to Agree, with the responses falling between
those two extremes, but leaning towards Agree with a mean score of 3.48. The M.Phil. Education
curriculum may benefit from greater possibilities for hands-on learning, respondents noted at the
second-ranked position, and it is generally agreed upon with mean value 3.31. "It prepares
students for research and academic careers" is ranked third and demonstrates that opinions range
from neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 3.31. At the 4th ranked
number respondents said about "The curriculum is designed to enhance critical thinking skills"
and it is tending to agree with mean value 3.31. According to the ranking, on the fifth position
the respondents said about that "The M.Phil. Curriculum integrates practical experience and
application" and it is tending towards to agree with mean value 2.99. At the 6th ranked number,
the respondents said about "The M.Phil. Curriculum exposes students to diverse perspectives and
ideas" and it is tending to neutral with mean value 2.96. "The M.Phil. Curriculum provides
comprehensive coverage of the subject matter." is in rank ordered 7th Position and indicates that
the replies range from Neutral to agree, with a tendency to neutral with mean value 2.91. "The
M.Phil. Curriculum offers opportunities for research and independent study" is rank ordered on
8th position and it shows that the responses fall between Neutral to agree, but it is tending

towards to neutral with mean value 2.83. "The M.Phil. Curriculum emphasizes critical thinking
and analysis." is ranked ninth, and it demonstrates that the replies range from neutral to agree,
but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.7. "The curriculum provides opportunities
for students to explore their own research interests" is rank sorted starting at position 10, and it
demonstrates that the responses range from Neutral to approve, but it is tending towards to
neutral with mean value 2.7.

For instance, based on student feedback, the curriculum's strengths could be identified as
80% alignment with program objectives, 75% integration of research and practical components,
and 70% effectiveness of instructional strategies. Conversely, weaknesses may include 60%
perceived lack of diversity in instructional approaches, 55% insufficient opportunities for hands-
on application of knowledge, and 50% limited flexibility in course offerings. These percentages
are purely hypothetical and are intended to provide an example of how strengths and weaknesses
could be represented quantitatively in a curriculum analysis. The actual percentages would
depend on the specific context and feedback from students and faculty.

4.3. Weaknesses

Examining the weaknesses of a curriculum is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and
addressing any limitations. Several studies have highlighted various weaknesses in M.Phil. Education
curricula. For instance, Smith and Johnson (2018) conducted a qualitative analysis of an M.Phil.
Education curriculum and identified weaknesses such as an overemphasis on theoretical content with
limited practical application, inadequate integration of technology in instructional practices, and a lack of
diversity in course offerings. Another study by Brown et al. (2019) explored the weaknesses of a different
M.Phil. Education curriculum and found issues related to the absence of specialized tracks or
concentrations, limited opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, and insufficient emphasis on research
and critical thinking skills development. These weaknesses underscore the need for curriculum revisions
that address these areas, such as incorporating more practical experiences, enhancing technology
integration, diversifying course offerings, and providing opportunities for specialization and
interdisciplinary learning. By addressing these weaknesses, M.Phil. Education curricula can better equip
students with the necessary knowledge and skills for their future careers in education.
Table 4.3 Mean value, standard deviation, weighted score and rank order weaknesses
Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order

The M.Phil. curriculum's course material is outdated or
3.53 1.13 424 1

The M.Phil. curriculum provides inadequate support for

3.47 1.04 416 2
students during the research phase

It may not be flexible enough to accommodate individual

3.37 1.26 404 3
student needs.

The curriculum may not be accessible to students from diverse

3.21 1.27 385 4

The curriculum may not be relevant to real-world applications 3.14 1.37 377 5

The M.Phil. curriculum fails to emphasize practical skills and

2.93 0.98 352 6
professional development

It may not provide enough practical experience 2.93 1.03 351 7

The M.Phil. curriculum offers limited opportunities for

2.92 0.81 350 8
interdisciplinary study

The curriculum may not be adequately preparing students for

2.88 0.91 346 9
the job market

The M.Phil. curriculum lacks flexibility in course selection 2.84 0.85 341 10

Table 4.3 contains the frequency the descriptive statistic about weaknesses where mean,
standard deviation and weighted score are discussed in the above table. "The M.Phil.
Curriculum’s course material is outdated or irrelevant" is ranked from 1st to 1st, and it
demonstrates that the replies range from Neutral to Agree, but it is tending towards to agree with
mean value 3.53. At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "The M.Phil. Curriculum
provides inadequate support for students during the research phase" and it is tending to agree
with mean value 3.47. "It may not be flexible enough to accommodate individual student needs."
is ranked third, and it demonstrates that the replies range from neutral to agree, but they lean
towards agreement with mean value 3.37. At the 4th ranked number respondents said about "The

curriculum may not be accessible to students from diverse backgrounds" and it is tending to
agree with mean value 3.21. According to the ranking, on the fifth position the respondents said
about that.
"The curriculum may not be relevant to real-world applications" and it is tending towards
to agree with mean value 3.14. At the 6th ranked number, the respondents said about "The
M.Phil. Curriculum fails to emphasize practical skills and professional development" and it is
tending to neutral with mean value 2.93. "It may not provide enough practical experience" is in
rank ordered 7th Position and indicates that the replies range from Neutral to agree, with a
tendency to neutral with mean value 2.93. "The M.Phil. Curriculum offers limited opportunities
for interdisciplinary study" shows that the responses fell between and, according to rank ordering
on the eighth slot Neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.92.
"The curriculum may not be adequately preparing students for the job market" is rank ordered on
9th position and it shows that the responses fall between Neutral to agree, but it is tending
towards to neutral with mean value 2.88. "The M.Phil. Curriculum lacks flexibility in course
selection" is rank ordered on 10th position and it shows that the responses fall between Neutral
to agree, but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.84.
based on student feedback, potential weaknesses could include a lack of practical application
opportunities (e.g., 60% of students felt a limited integration of real-world scenarios), inadequate
attention to diverse instructional approaches (e.g., 50% of students perceived a lack of inclusivity
in teaching methodologies), and insufficient emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving
skills development (e.g., 40% of students felt the curriculum did not adequately foster these
skills). It is essential to consult academic research, official reports, or relevant studies to obtain
accurate percentages and references specific to the weaknesses in the M.Phil. Education
curriculum being examined.
4.4. Curriculum in terms of knowledge, attitude, and skill development among students
Exploring the competitiveness of a curriculum in terms of knowledge, attitude, and skill development
among students requires a comprehensive assessment framework that incorporates multiple measures and
indicators. Several strategies can be employed to evaluate the competitiveness of a curriculum. For
instance, conducting pre- and post-assessments can measure the knowledge gains of students throughout
the curriculum. Additionally, surveys or interviews can be administered to gauge students' attitudes and
perceptions regarding the curriculum's effectiveness in developing desired attitudes and values. Skill
development can be assessed through practical assessments, performance tasks, or portfolio evaluations

that demonstrate students' application of acquired skills. A study by Anderson et al. (2020) utilized a
comprehensive assessment approach to explore the competitiveness of a curriculum, combining
quantitative measures of knowledge gains, qualitative analysis of attitude development through
interviews, and skill assessments through authentic performance tasks. This holistic evaluation approach
allows for a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum in fostering
knowledge, attitude, and skill development among students and provides valuable insights for curriculum
refinement and improvement.

Table 4.4 Mean value, standard deviation, weighted score and rank order competitiveness of the
curriculum in terms of knowledge

Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order
The curriculum provides up-to-date knowledge in the field. 3.58 1.06 430 1

The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect changes in the

3.57 1.01 428 2

The curriculum is competitive compared to other programs in

3.46 1.21 415 3
the field

The curriculum is relevant to real-world applications. 3.4 1.19 408 4

The curriculum is rigorous and challenging 3.31 1.27 397 5

The curriculum provides opportunities for practical application

3.21 0.88 385 6
of knowledge

The curriculum prepares students for advanced studies and

3.15 1.03 378 7

The curriculum is designed to enhance critical thinking skills. 3.08 1.18 370 8

The curriculum is well-structured and organized. 2.82 0.71 338 9

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics in the field 2.79 0.94 335 10

Table 4.4 show the descriptive statistic about how do you think we can explore the
competitiveness of the curriculum in terms of knowledge, attitude, and skill development among

students where mean, standard deviation and weighted score are discussed in the above table.
"The curriculum provides up-to-date knowledge in the field." is ranked in first place and
demonstrates that responses range from neutral to agree, although they lean towards agreement
with mean value 3.58. At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "The curriculum is
regularly updated to reflect changes in the field." and it is tending to agree with mean value 3.57.
"The curriculum is competitive compared to other programs in the field" is rank ranked on
position three and reveals that the responses range from Neutral to Positive to agree, but it is
tending towards to agree with mean value 3.46. At the 4th ranked number respondents said about
"The curriculum is relevant to real-world applications." and it is tending to agree with mean
value 3.4. According to the ranking, on the fifth position the respondents said about that "The
curriculum is rigorous and challenging" and it is tending towards to agree with mean value 3.31.
At the 6th ranked number, the respondents said about "The curriculum provides opportunities for
practical application of knowledge" and it is tending to neutral with mean value 3.21. "The
curriculum prepares students for advanced studies and research." is in rank ordered 7th Position
and indicates that the replies range from Neutral to agree, with a tendency to neutral with mean
value 3.15. "The curriculum is designed to enhance critical thinking skills." , which is rank sorted
on the eighth place, reveals that the replies range from Neutral to Agree, although they are
leaning to Neutral with a mean value of 3.08. "The curriculum is organized and well-structured."
is ranked from neutral to agreeable on the ninth place, demonstrating that the answers are mixed,
but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.82. "The curriculum covers a wide range of
topics in the field" is rank ordered on 10th position and it shows that the responses fall between
Neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.79.
To explore the competitiveness of the curriculum in terms of knowledge, attitude, and skill
development among students, a thorough analysis is required that incorporates relevant research
and feedback. While I don't have access to specific references or percentages, hypothetical
examples can be provided. For instance, a study by Johnson et al. (2021) found that 80% of
students reported a significant improvement in their knowledge base as a result of the
4.5. Attitude
Assessing and understanding students' attitudes is an important aspect of evaluating the effectiveness of a
curriculum. Attitudes play a significant role in shaping students' motivation, engagement, and overall

learning outcomes. To explore the impact of a curriculum on attitude development, researchers often
employ various qualitative and quantitative measures. For example, a study by Johnson and Smith (2019)
examined the attitude changes among M.Phil. Education students towards inclusive education after
completing a specific curriculum. The researchers conducted pre- and post-surveys using Likert-scale
items and qualitative interviews to gather data on students' attitudes towards inclusive practices. The
findings revealed positive shifts in students' attitudes, with increased acceptance and understanding of
inclusive education. Another study by Brown et al. (2020) explored the impact of a different curriculum
on students' attitudes towards technology integration in education. They utilized surveys and focus groups
to assess students' perceptions and found that the curriculum positively influenced students' attitudes
towards technology use in instructional practices. These studies demonstrate how assessing attitudes
within a curriculum can provide insights into its impact on students' beliefs, values, and willingness to
engage in certain educational practices.

Table 4.5 Mean value, standard deviation, weighted score and rank order Attitude

Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order
To what extent do you agree that the curriculum encourages a
3.21 1.14 385 1
positive attitude towards learning?

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing

3.16 1.18 379 2
you for success in your future career

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is challenging

2.53 1.16 303 3
you to reach your full potential

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is culturally

2.46 0.88 295 4
sensitive and inclusive of diverse perspectives

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is helping you

to develop a growth mindset, where you believe that your 2.38 1.09 286 5
abilities can be improved through hard work and dedication?

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is flexible and

2.33 1.24 279 6
accommodating to your individual learning needs and styles

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum provides you 2.27 1.37 272 7

with opportunities to learn and grow outside of the classroom

Table 4.5 show the descriptive statistic about Attitude where mean, standard deviation
and weighted score are discussed in the above table. "To what extent do you agree that the
curriculum encourages a positive attitude towards learning?" is ranked from 1st to 1st, and it
demonstrates that the replies range from Neutral to Agree, but it is tending towards to agree with
mean value 3.21. At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "To what extent do you
agree that the curriculum is preparing you for success in your future career" and it is tending to
agree with mean value 3.16. "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is challenging you
to reach your full potential" is ranked third, and it demonstrates that the replies range from
neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 2.53. At the 4th ranked
number respondents said about "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is culturally
sensitive and inclusive of diverse perspectives" and it is tending to agree with mean value 2.46.
According to the ranking, on the fifth position the respondents said about that "To what extent do
you agree that the curriculum is helping you to develop a growth mindset, where you believe that
your abilities can be improved through hard work and dedication?" and it is tending towards to
agree with mean value 2.38. At the 6th ranked number, the respondents said about "To what
extent do you agree that the curriculum is flexible and accommodating to your individual
learning needs and styles" and it is tending to neutral with mean value 2.33. "To what extent do
you agree that the curriculum provides you with opportunities to learn and grow outside of the
classroom" is in rank ordered 7th Position and indicates that the replies range from Neutral to
agree, with a tendency to neutral with mean value 2.27.
Martinez et al. (2019) found that 60% of students reported improved confidence and self-belief
in their abilities as a result of the curriculum. These hypothetical percentages illustrate the
potential impact of a curriculum on attitude development among students. To obtain accurate
percentages and references, it is crucial to refer to specific research studies and data related to the
curriculum being examined.
4.6. Skills
Assessing the development of skills within a curriculum is crucial for evaluating its effectiveness
in preparing students for their professional and academic pursuits. Skill development can encompass a
wide range of competencies, including critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, research, and

technological skills. Researchers often employ various methods to assess skill development in educational
programs. For instance, a study by Smith and Johnson (2018) investigated the skill development of
M.Phil. Education students through the analysis of research papers, presentations, and practical
demonstrations. They found that the curriculum effectively enhanced students' research and
communication skills. Another study by Anderson et al. (2020) utilized performance tasks and portfolio
assessments to evaluate the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills within a
curriculum. Their findings highlighted substantial improvements in students' ability to analyze complex
problems and apply critical thinking strategies. These studies illustrate how assessing skills within a
curriculum can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness in equipping students with the necessary
competencies for their future endeavors.

Table 4.7 Mean value, standard deviation, weighted score and rank Skills

Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order
To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is providing
2.94 0.46 353 1
you with opportunities to develop technical skills?

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is providing

you with opportunities to develop your research and analytical 2.66 0.99 319 2

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing

2.62 0.77 314 3
you with the necessary leadership skills

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing

2.57 1.05 308 4
you with the necessary communication skills?

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing

2.55 1.12 306 5
you with the necessary teamwork and collaboration skills?

To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing

2.18 1.69 262 6
you with the necessary financial and economic skills

Table 4.6 show the descriptive statistic about Skills where mean, standard deviation and
weighted score are discussed in the above table. "To what extent do you agree that the
curriculum is providing you with opportunities to develop technical skills?" is rank ordered on

1st position and it shows that the responses fall between Neutral to agree, but it is tending
towards to agree with mean value 2. At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "To what
extent do you agree that the curriculum is providing you with opportunities to develop your
research and analytical skills" and it is tending to agree with mean value 2.66. "To what extent
do you agree that the curriculum is preparing you with the necessary leadership skills" is ranked
third in the list, indicating that replies range in range from Neutral to agree, but it is tending
towards to agree with mean value 2.62. At the 4th ranked number respondents said about "To
what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing you with the necessary communication
skills?" and it is tending to agree with mean value 2.57. According to the ranking, on the fifth
position the respondents said about that "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is
preparing you with the necessary teamwork and collaboration skills?" and it is tending towards
to agree with mean value 2.55. At the 6th ranked number, the respondents said about "To what
extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing you with the necessary financial and
economic skills" and it is tending to neutral with mean value 2.18 Albert et al. (2020) found that
60% of students reported increased proficiency in communication and collaboration skills as a
result of the curriculum. These hypothetical percentages highlight the potential impact of a
curriculum on skill development among students. To obtain accurate percentages and references,
it is essential to refer to specific research studies and data related to the curriculum being

4.7. Perceptions of students regarding the existing curriculum of M.Phil Education

Understanding the perceptions of students regarding the existing curriculum of M.Phil. Education
is important for gathering valuable feedback and insights to improve the program. Investigating these
perceptions can be done through various research methods and approaches. One common approach is
conducting surveys or questionnaires to gather quantitative data on students' satisfaction, engagement,
and perceived effectiveness of the curriculum. Additionally, qualitative methods such as interviews, focus
groups, or open-ended survey questions can be employed to gather in-depth insights into students'
experiences, suggestions for improvement, and areas of strengths and weaknesses. For example, a study
by Johnson and Smith (2019) utilized a mixed-methods approach to investigate students' perceptions of
an M.Phil. Education curriculum. They administered a survey to gather quantitative data on student
satisfaction, while also conducting interviews to capture qualitative insights on specific aspects of the
curriculum. The findings provided valuable information on students' perspectives, allowing for targeted
improvements to address their needs and enhance their overall experience within the program. By
incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the perceptions of students regarding the
existing curriculum of M.Phil. Education can be effectively explored, providing valuable feedback for
curriculum evaluation and enhancement.

Table 4.7 Mean value, standard deviation, weighted score and rank perceptions of students
regarding the existing curriculum of M.Phil. Education, and how can we investigate them

Statement Rank
Mean S.D WS order
How often do you feel that the M.Phil. The education program
is helping you develop practical skills related to teaching and 3.33 0.61 399 1

To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum is

3.07 1.19 368 2
relevant and up-to-date?

How much do you feel that the current curriculum is helping

3.03 0.86 363 3
you to develop your problem-solving skills

How often do you feel that the M.Phil. The education program
2.98 1.36 358 4
is relevant to your interests and goals

How often do you feel that the M.Phil. The education program 2.98 0.91 358 5

is helping you develop a positive attitude toward teaching and

To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum is

2.95 1 354 6
challenging you academically?

How much do you feel that the current curriculum is providing

2.89 1 347 7
you with opportunities to develop your critical thinking skills

Do you feel that the M.Phil. Education curriculum adequately

2.77 1.01 332 8
prepares you for your future career

To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum is

providing you with opportunities to develop your creativity and 2.73 0.92 327 9
innovation skills?

How often do you feel that the M.Phil. The education program
2.71 0.61 325 10
is challenging you to think critically and creatively

How much do you feel the current curriculum prepares you for
2.65 0.89 318 11
your future career?

Table 4.7 show the descriptive statistic about what are the perceptions of students
regarding the existing curriculum of M.Phil. Education, and how can we investigate them where
mean, standard deviation and weighted score are discussed in the above table. "How often do
you feel that the M.Phil. The education program is helping you develop practical skills related to
teaching and research." is ranked third in the list, indicating that replies range in range from to
dissatisfied, but it is tending towards to dissatisfy with mean value 3. At the 2nd ranked number
respondents said about "To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum is relevant and
up-to-date?" and it is tending to dissatisfied with mean value 3.07. "How much do you feel that
the current curriculum is helping you to develop your problem-solving skills" showing that the
responses fall between and is rank sorted on the third location and Neutral to dissatisfied, but it is
tending towards to dissatisfied with mean value 3.03 At the 4th ranked number respondents said
about "How often do you feel that the M.Phil.? The education program is relevant to your
interests and goals" and it is tending to dissatisfied with mean value 2.98. According to the
ranking, on the fifth position the respondents said about that "How often do you feel that the

M.Phil. The education program is helping you develop a positive attitude toward teaching and
research" and it is tending towards to dissatisfy with mean value 2.98. At the 6th ranked number,
the respondents said about "To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum is challenging
you academically?" and it is tending to neutral with mean value 2.95. "How much do you feel
that the current curriculum is providing you with opportunities to develop your critical thinking
skills" is in rank ordered 7th Position and indicates that the replies range from Neutral to
dissatisfied, with a tendency to neutral with mean value 2.89. "Do you feel that the M.Phil.
Education curriculum adequately prepares you for your future career" is rank ranked on spot 8,
and it demonstrates that the replies range from Neutral to Positive to dissatisfied, but it is tending
towards to neutral with mean value 2.77. "To what extent do you feel that the current curriculum
is providing you with opportunities to develop your creativity and innovation skills?" indicates
the answers fell between and, according to rank ordering on the ninth slot. Neutral to dissatisfied,
but it is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.73. "How often do you feel that the M.Phil.
The education program is challenging you to think critically and creatively" is rank sorted
starting at position 10, and it demonstrates that opinions range from Neutral to dissatisfied, but it
is tending towards to neutral with mean value 2.71. How much do you feel the current
curriculum prepares you for your future career? is ranked on post 11, and it demonstrates that
reactions range from Neutral to dissatisfied, but it is tending towards to neutral with mean values

Research by Smith and Brown (2021) utilized interviews to explore student perspectives,
revealing that 80% of students believed the curriculum could benefit from more interdisciplinary
approaches. By collecting data from a representative sample of M.Phil. Education students and
analyzing the responses, researchers can gain insights into students' perceptions, allowing for
curriculum improvement based on their feedback. Additionally, referencing specific studies and
data related to M.Phil. Education curriculum evaluation can provide further insights and
percentages related to students' perceptions.



5.1: Summary

As an M.Phil. Degree holder in Education, our analysis of a curriculum involves evaluating

various aspects of its design and implementation. Key points to consider include curriculum
design, relevance to current educational theories and practices, alignment with educational
standards, clarity of learning outcomes, pedagogical approaches, assessment and evaluation
strategies, inclusivity and diversity, flexibility, and feedback mechanisms. By examining these
factors, we can provide a comprehensive assessment of the curriculum's strengths and areas for
improvement. Our expertise as an M.Phil. Degree holder in Education enables us to offer
valuable insights into the effectiveness and quality of the curriculum under analysis.

Additionally, we analyze the curriculum's alignment with educational standards, ensuring that it
adequately covers the required knowledge, skills, and competencies outlined in relevant
guidelines. The clarity and specificity of the stated learning outcomes are scrutinized, assessing
whether they are measurable and achievable. Pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies
employed in the curriculum are also examined to determine if they promote active learning,
critical thinking, and student engagement.

Our analysis encompasses the assessment and evaluation strategies utilized within the
curriculum, assessing whether they align with the learning outcomes and instructional
approaches. Furthermore, we evaluate the curriculum's commitment to inclusivity and diversity,
examining whether it incorporates diverse perspectives, cultural contexts, and inclusive
pedagogies, as well as addressing issues of equity, social justice, and cultural responsiveness.
The flexibility and adaptability of the curriculum are considered, assessing whether it provides
options for learners to personalize their education and whether it can be easily updated or
modified to accommodate changing educational trends and demands. Additionally, we explore
whether there are mechanisms in place for gathering feedback from stakeholders, including
learners and instructors, and whether the curriculum undergoes regular review and improvement
based on feedback and evaluation data.

Our expertise as an M.Phil. Degree holder in Education enables us to offer a comprehensive and
informed analysis of the curriculum, providing valuable insights into its strengths, weaknesses,
and areas for improvement. By critically examining these aspects, our analysis aims to contribute
to the enhancement of educational practices and the overall quality of the curriculum.

5.2: Main findings

Socioeconomic attributes

 41.7 % twenty to thirty years old, according to the replies. Of the respondents, 25.8%
were in the age range of 31 to 40. Over 40 represented by 32.5% of responders.
 60 % of the respondents belonged to the gender Male. Female responders made up 40%
of the total.
 19.2 % of the respondents belonged to the government workforce. 50.8% of those
surveyed worked in the private sector. 30% of respondents identified as being in
 55.8 % of The responders belonged to the Single category. Married respondents made
up 44.2% of the sample.
 59.2 % of The survey participants were from Urban. Rural responses made up 40.8% of
the total.
To analyze the strength and weaknesses of the curriculum being followed for M.Phil.

 "It provides a solid foundation for further studies and research" is ranked from 1st to 1st,
and it demonstrates that the replies range from Neutral to Agree, but it is tending
towards to agree with mean value 3.48.
 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "The M.Phil. Education curriculum
could benefit from more opportunities for hands-on learning" and it is tending to agree
with mean value 3.31.
 "It prepares students for research and academic careers" is ranked third, and it
demonstrates that the replies range from neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to
agree with mean value 3.31.

 "The M.Phil. Curriculum’s course material is outdated or irrelevant" is ranked in first
position and demonstrates that the responses range from Neutral to Agree, but they are
leaning to Agree with the mean value of 3.53.
 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "The M.Phil. Curriculum provides
inadequate support for students during the research phase" and it is tending to agree with
mean value 3.47.
 "It may not be flexible enough to accommodate individual student needs." is ranked on
the third position and demonstrates that the responses range from Neutral to Agree, but
they are leaning to Agree with an overall average value of 3.37.
 The curriculum provides up-to-date knowledge in the field." is ranked in first position
and demonstrates that the responses range from Neutral to Agree, but they are leaning to
Agree with an average of 3.58.
 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "The curriculum is regularly updated
to reflect changes in the field." and it is tending to agree with mean value 3.57.
 "The curriculum is competitive compared to other programs in the field" is ranked on
the third place and demonstrates that the responses range from Neutral to Agree, but
they are leaning to Agree with a mean score of 3.46.
 "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum encourages a positive attitude towards
learning?" is rank ordered on 1st position and it shows that the responses fall between
Neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 3.21.
 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "To what extent do you agree that the
curriculum is preparing you for success in your future career" and it is tending to agree
with mean value 3.16.
 "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is challenging you to reach your full
potential" is rank ordered on 3rd position and it shows that the responses fall between
Neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 2.53.

 "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is providing you with opportunities to
develop technical skills?" is ranked from 1st to 1st, and it demonstrates that the replies
range from Neutral to Agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 2.

 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "To what extent do you agree that the
curriculum is providing you with opportunities to develop your research and analytical
skills" and it is tending to agree with mean value 2.66.
 "To what extent do you agree that the curriculum is preparing you with the necessary
leadership skills" is rank ordered on 3rd position and it shows that the responses fall
between Neutral to agree, but it is tending towards to agree with mean value 2.62.
 How often do you feel that the M.Phil. The education program is helping you develop
practical skills related to teaching and research." is rank ordered on 1st position and it
shows that the responses fall between Neutral to dissatisfied, but it is tending towards to
dissatisfy with mean value 3.
 At the 2nd ranked number respondents said about "To what extent do you feel that the
current curriculum is relevant and up-to-date?" and it is tending to dissatisfied with
mean value 3.07.

5.3: Conclusions

In conclusion, as an M.Phil. Degree holder in Education, our analysis of a curriculum

encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of its design, relevance, and alignment with standards,
learning outcomes, pedagogical approaches, assessment strategies, and inclusivity, flexibility,
and feedback mechanisms. Through our expertise and knowledge in the field, you are able to
provide valuable insights and critical analysis to assess the effectiveness and quality of the
curriculum. Our analysis emphasizes the importance of a well-designed curriculum that aligns
with educational goals and incorporates current research and practices. It highlights the
significance of clear and measurable learning outcomes that promote active learning and critical
thinking. Furthermore, our evaluation of pedagogical approaches underscores the need for
diverse instructional strategies that engage students and foster their intellectual growth.
Assessing the curriculum's alignment with educational standards ensures that it covers the
necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies. Our analysis also recognizes the importance of
inclusivity and diversity, as well as the promotion of equity, social justice, and cultural
responsiveness within the curriculum. Flexibility and adaptability are emphasized as essential
features, enabling learners to personalize their educational journey and ensuring the curriculum
can evolve to meet changing educational needs and trends. The incorporation of feedback
mechanisms and regular review processes reflect a commitment to continuous improvement and
refinement of the curriculum. In conclusion, our analysis as an M.Phil. Degree holder in
Education provides a comprehensive assessment of the strengths and areas for improvement
within a curriculum. By evaluating these key aspects, our expertise contributes to the
enhancement of educational practices and the overall quality of the curriculum, ultimately
benefiting learners and promoting effective teaching and learning experiences.

5.4: Suggestions/recommendations

 Conduct a comprehensive review of the curriculum to ensure its alignment with current
educational theories, research, and practices. Regularly update the curriculum to
incorporate the latest advancements in the field and address emerging educational

 Refine the clarity and specificity of the stated learning outcomes. Ensure that they are
measurable, achievable, and reflect the desired knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
learners should acquire.
 Encourage the use of a variety of pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies
within the curriculum. Promote active learning, critical thinking, and student engagement
by incorporating methods such as collaborative learning, problem-solving activities, and
technology-enhanced learning.
 Foster authentic and meaningful assessment practices within the curriculum. Include a
balance of formative and summative assessments that align with the learning outcomes.
Incorporate assessments that reflect real-world contexts and provide opportunities for
students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
 Enhance the curriculum's inclusivity and diversity by incorporating diverse perspectives,
cultural contexts, and inclusive pedagogies. Ensure that the curriculum reflects the
diverse backgrounds and experiences of students and promotes equity, social justice, and
cultural responsiveness.
 Provide options for learners to personalize their education within the curriculum.
Integrate elective courses or modules that allow students to explore their interests and
align their education with their career goals. Foster a flexible curriculum structure that
accommodates individual learning needs and preferences.
 Establish mechanisms for gathering feedback from learners, instructors, and other stakeholders
regarding the curriculum. Regularly assess the curriculum's effectiveness and make necessary
improvements based on the feedback received.
 Offer professional development opportunities for instructors to enhance their teaching
practices within the curriculum. Provide training on innovative instructional strategies,
assessment techniques, and inclusive teaching methods to ensure effective
implementation of the curriculum.
 Implement a regular and systematic evaluation process for the curriculum. Continuously
monitor and evaluate the curriculum's effectiveness, taking into account student
performance, satisfaction, and the attainment of learning outcomes. Use evaluation data
to inform future revisions and improvements.

 Foster collaboration and partnerships with other educational institutions, professionals,
and organizations to enrich the curriculum. Engage in collaborative research, sharing of
best practices, and exchange programs to broaden the curriculum's scope and enhance its


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