Assignment BSIT

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University of Okara

Department of Information Technology

Class: BSIT (3 ) Subject: Linear Algebra Instructor: Zunaira Ishfaq
Q#01: Let u=(2,-5,4,6,-3) and v=(5,-2,1,-7,-4). Find:
a): ‖ ‖ and ‖ ‖, b): proj (u, v), c): d(u, v), d): u. v
Q#02: Find k so that u and v are orthogonal, where: u= (1, 7, k+2, -2), v= (3, k, -3, k).
Q#03: Find k so that w= (2, 4, 5) is a linear combination of u and v, where u= (1, 2, 3) and v= (2, 3, 1).
Q#04: Find the basis and dimension of W, where W be the subspace of spanned by the vectors:
u= (1, -2, 5, -3), v= (2, 3, 1, -4), w= (3, 8, -3, -5)
Q#05: Let f: R R and g: R R be defined by f(x) = +3x+1 and g(x)= 2x-3.
Find composition mappings: a): fog, b): gog
Q#06: Find the basis and dimension of the kernel and the image of F: defined by
F(x, y, z)= (x+2y-3z, 2x+5y-4z, x+4y+z)
Q#07: Find g(A); where A=[ ] and g(t)= -2 + +3

Q#08: Find the characteristics polynomials for matrix A=[ ]

Q#09: Let A=[ ]

a): Find eigenvalues, corresponding eigenvectors and a nonsingular matrix P such that D=
is diagonal.
b): Find and f(A) where f(t)=
Q#10: Let A=[ ]. Find an orthogonal matrix P such that D= is diagonal.

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