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ACTION: The lion calls all animals for a gathering.

LION: My dear friends! I am sick, I think I may not live many more days. Please come and meet
me every day, so that I am happy to see you in my last days.

ELEPHANT: who will visit the lion first? Rabbit, you go first.

RABBIT: No, I am very small animal. Bird, can you go first.

BIRD: I am even smaller than all of you. Big animal should visit the lion first, like deer.

DEER: I will go first to visit the lion.


DEER: Good morning lion! How are you today?

ACTION: Lion will come and eat the deer.


PEACOCK: Good morning lion! How are you today?

ACTION: Lion will come and eat the deer.


All animals gathered together:

RABBIT: Dear elephant. Since last two days whoever visited the lion’s den didn’t come

BIRD: So, who will go today?

FOX: I will go today.

ACTION: Fox, went to the lion’s den and was waiting outside.

LION: Why this much late today, nobody has not come yet? I will go outside and check.

ACTION: Fox, standing outside the den.

LION: Why are you waiting outside? come inside.

FOX: No, no I am little confused.

LION: Why are you confused?

FOX: Because, I saw one strong lion, same like you while coming to your den.

LION: Oh, is it? same like me? Please show the one who is stronger than me.

FOX: Please come with me my lord, I will show you.

ACTION: Fox and Lion walks and stops at a well.

FOX: My lord, please come near to the well and see inside.

ACTION: Lion looking inside the well and it sees, his own reflection in the water.

LION: Who are you? What are you doing in my forest? Go back to your place.

ACTION: whatever lion said resounds, lion listen his own voice and thinking that, opponent is
shouting at him. With lots of anger again lion says

LION: I am coming to kill you right away.

ACTION: Lion jumps into the well and dies. Then fox leaves that place and meet his four friends.

FOX: Hi, everyone. It is the lion who was killing our friends.

ELEPHANT: I know it was the lion.

FOX: Yes. He is. I taught a very good lesson to him so that he knew the pain of death.

BIRD: Thank God. We all are safe because of you and your cleverness fox buddy.


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