Section 5

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ICT Notes IGCSE 0417 Section 5


A) The effects of IT on patterns of employment:

The introduction of IT has had two effects on employment.
Some staff have lost their jobs because the use of IT.
However, the other effect has been an increase in the need
for workers in more technical aspects of work.
General unemployment (any 2)
o Many car workers have lost their jobs when car manufacturing companies have
introduced the use of robots into factories.
o Jobs that used to be done by clerical workers have been replaced by computers;
for example, the calculation of payroll, the issuing of invoices etc.
o Most car parks are now automated and there is less need for car park attendants.
New employment opportunities (any 2)
o Computer programmers are needed to write code for the new systems.
o Computer technicians are required to install and service the computer hardware
and Website designers are required to create and maintain websites.
o The need for help desk and support staff has developed and call centres have
created fresh opportunities.
B) 1. Reskilling: When people change their jobs by learning the new skills necessary for
another job. Example : A type writer man learned word processor for creating word
document which is much more professional looking .

2. Deskilling: Deskilling means that skilled are replaced by technology that can be
operated by people who require fewer skills. Example :To operate robotic arms in a car
production line .

C) VOIP :( Voice over Internet Protocol ( set of rules)

Voice over Internet Protocol is a category of hardware and
software that enables people to use the Internet as the transmission
medium for telephone calls by sending voice data

ICT Notes IGCSE 0417 Section 5

D) The effects of IT on Working Patterns :*********************

Part Time Working : Working fewer hours per week than people usually do .
Flexible working: Doing a job at a time that suit the worker and not necessarily
during the traditional 9 to 5 hours.
Job sharing: When one job is shared between two or more workers.
Compressed hours: Extending the number of working hours in a day in order
to decrease the numbers of days spend at work during working week or two.

E) The effects of microprocessor-controlled devices(Tv, Mobile, laptop, washing

machine, refrigerator ……) in the home:**
Positive effects:
 User can leave devices to complete their tasks so they have more leisure(free)
 Computers linked to the Internet have greatly reduced the need for people to
leave the home.
 You can programme your television to record programs while you are away .

Negative effects:
 Lack of Social Interaction(meeting relatives and friends outside)
 Lack of Physical fitness (obesity )
 Increase of Internet Bill/Electricity bills

F) Health problems related to the use of IT: *****************

1. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
RSI is often caused by computer users having their arms and wrists at awkward
angles(strange) when working at the computer.
2. Posture problems
Upper back /neck problems/lower back are often caused by bad positioning of a
computer screen. Lower back pain can be caused by prolonged sitting or standing.

3. Eye problems

Visual problems such as eye irritation and eye strain are quite common among long-term
computer users. This can be caused by glare ( small particles comes from the screen)
/radiation from the screen, poor positioning of the screen and poor lighting.

ICT Notes IGCSE 0417 Section 5

***Health Problems: Preventions:***

o Seating should be height-adjustable, so that the workers can adjust
according to the need.
o Use footrests so that the legs are kept at a more natural angle
o Take frequent breaks.
o Use monitors which don't flicker.(CRT type of monitors) .
o Regularly look away from the screen and focus on something in the
o Attach antiglare screen to the monitor.
o The room should be well lighted while using television or Computer .


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