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Grading Sheet

Employee's Name Date

Location Auditor's Name

S.No. Factor Excellent Above Average Average Needs Improvement Not Satisfactory

(100 Points) (75 Points) (50 Points) (25 Points) (0 Points)

1 Smile

2 Greeting

3 Discipline

4 Nails

5 Hair cut

6 Uniform

7 Quality Of Work

8 Quantity Of Work

9 Self Motivated

10 Calm

11 Communication

12 Able to take Responsibilities

13 Can handle Complex situation on own

8 B /1 , Samhita Complex , New Sakinaka Telephone Exchange Lane

Andheri- Kurla Road , Sakinaka
Andheri(E) , Mumbai
S.No. Factor Excellent Above Average Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(100 Points) (75 Points) (50 Points) (25 Points) (0 Points)

14 Calls in for Supervisor in case of Emergency

15 Team Player (Co-operation with Others)

16 Job Knowledge

17 Supervision Required

18 Response to Supervision

19 Capacity to Develop

20 Utilization of resources

21 Learning Ability

22 Attendance Of Self

23 Attendance Of Subordinates

24 Initiative

25 Planning And Controlling

Points obtained Maximum points Percentage

0 2500 0

Auditor's Signature HR's Signature

8 B /1 , Samhita Complex , New Sakinaka Telephone Exchange Lane

Andheri- Kurla Road , Sakinaka
Andheri(E) , Mumbai
Percentage Increment by %

100 - 95 30

90 - 95 25

85 - 90 20

80-85 15

75-80 10

below 75 NA
Parameters Taken into consideration Parameters
Fully understands and applies the knowledge in
performing all phases of job.

Understands and is capable of performing all phases of

job very well.

Has adequate grasp of essential duties of job. Can

1 Job Knowledge proceed without special instructions on all regular

Fair knowledge but lacks knowledge of some

important aspects of job content.

Poor job knowledge. Does not understand job


Always follows instructions; you can be absolutely

sure you will get the assignment when you want

Regularly follows instructions; requires little


2 Supervision Required On only a few tasks is it necessary to check up to

be sure of deadlines or following of instructions.

Requires regular checking to be sure work will be

done on time and in accordance with instructions.

Requires very close supervision and monitoring of

all work.

Output of work is ordinarily high; regularly

produces above and beyond the established
requirements of position.
Output of work exceeds amount deemed
necessary for normal departmental operations.
Very thorough; mistakes are very rare;

Very few errors, usually minor in nature. Work

seldom has to be done over.

Most work done well, usually acceptable in both

4 QUALITY OF WORK accuracy and thoroughness.

Work often unacceptable, frequent errors or

rejections. (Use comment section).

Work constantly rejected because of inaccuracies

and mistakes.

Goes out of the way to cooperate with others and

ease conflicts.

Gets along well with others and is approachable.

Shows acceptable behaviour (not particularly
friendly but not unfriendly either).

Shows a reluctance to cooperate with others.

Refuses to cooperate with others.

and achieves objectives ahead of schedule.

Effectively plans and achieves all objectives on


Achieves objectives and schedules with some


Occasionally plans and achieves objectives


Has poor planning skills and end results.

7 Attendance and Reliability

8 Capacity to Develop

9 Utilization of resources

10 Learning Ability

11 Attendance & Punctuality

No Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable


1 Quantity of Work (Productivity) Highly productive and timely Occasionally exceeds Meets requirements on a Occasionally fails to meet requirements Does not meet requirements.
requirements. always timely timely basis.

2 Quality of Work Unusual accuracy, though, effective Work is very well executed Work is accurate with Work has some errors so that it must be occasionally redone Work must be redone
and effective almost no errors because of errors. much
improvement needed

3 Knowledge of Job Understands work well enough to propose and / or Excellent knowledge of all Knows how and why to do Insufficient knowledge of some of the phases of assigned Inadequate comprehension
implement improvement phases of work all phases of assigned work work. Satisfactory knowledge of routine phases of assigned of work.

4 Response to Supervision Independently puts forth efforts to improve Willingly accepts Improves work habits and Needs to be reminded of desired improvements in order to Fails to carry out
performance and work habits. Seeks counsel on ways suggestions for performance when maintain improvement. supervisor’s suggestion for
to improve and exceeds suggestions improvement and counseled improvement. Reluctant to
occasionally seeks counsel accept responsibility.
on performance and work

5 Cooperation with Others Extremely successful working with others. Actively Works in harmony with Works well with normal Has occasional interpersonal difficulties Argumentative with co-
promotes harmony. others. A very good team circumstances workers or supervisors.

6 Attendance and Reliability Always punctual , almost never absent Only occasionally late or Normally punctual. Punctuality irregular. frequently absent Unreliable, frequent
absent. Contacts supervisor Attendance average unexcused absence.
on a timely basis.

7 Initiative and Creativity Highly ingenious and creative. Seeks and sets Resourceful, alert for Does regular work without At times needs prodding in order to do regular work. Usually waits to be told to
additional tasks and improved method opportunities to improve waiting for instruction. do normal work
work. assignments.

8 Capacity to Develop Clearly demonstrates leadership capacity and is eager Demonstrates ability and Accepts more difficult Demonstrates moderate potential with application of effort. Demonstrates limited
to grow. willingness to accept new assignments and is usually potential.
and more complex duties able to perform them
and responsibilities satisfactorily.

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