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B.Ed. (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)

Course Code: 8613

Name: Name

Roll No.:

Registration No.: 00002403870191

Semester: Spring 2023

Region: Punjab

Theme: Soft skills

Sub-theme: Leadership

Topic: Developing leadership through collaboration with others

among the students of 7th grade
Name of the School (where the research was conducted):

Government Girls Elementary School Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad, Sheikhupura

Overall background of the participants of the project; school /

school: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning
trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality,
and any other special trait of the community where the school is
As a research er, it is essential to provide a comprehensive background of the participants and the
community in which the project is situated. This background information helps contextualize the
research and understand the factors that may influence the development of leadership skills
through collaboration among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera
Mala Singh Farooqabad.

Socio-Economic Status: The socio-economic status of the community surrounding Government

Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad is predominantly low to lower-middle-
class. A significant portion of the families in this area faces economic challenges, with limited
access to resources and opportunities. Many parents in this community are engaged in low-
paying jobs, such as laborers, domestic workers, and small-scale vendors. The majority of
households struggle to make ends meet, and economic instability is a prevalent issue.

Occupation/Profession – Earning Trends of Parents: The earning trends of parents in this

community largely revolve around manual labor and informal sector jobs. The majority of
parents work in agriculture, construction, and other physically demanding occupations. These
jobs often provide irregular income, making financial planning and stability difficult for families.
The limited availability of well-paying jobs in the area further exacerbates the economic
challenges faced by parents.

Literacy Rate: The literacy rate in the community around Government Girls Elementary School
is relatively low. While efforts have been made to improve access to education, many parents and
community members have limited formal education. This low literacy rate can impact parental
involvement in their children's education and their ability to provide academic support at home.
Academic Quality: The academic quality in the area has been a concern. Government Girls
Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad faces challenges such as overcrowded
classrooms, a shortage of qualified teachers, and limited educational resources. These factors can
hinder the quality of education provided to students, making it essential to explore alternative
methods, such as collaborative learning, to enhance students' leadership skills.

Special Traits of the Community: The community where the school is situated has its unique
characteristics. It is a close-knit community where social bonds and community support play a
crucial role. Despite economic challenges, there is a strong sense of unity and resilience among
the residents. This sense of community can be leveraged to support educational initiatives and
collaborative efforts within the school.

Challenges and Opportunities: The socio-economic challenges faced by the community create
both obstacles and opportunities for the project. While economic instability may limit access to
extracurricular resources, the strong sense of community can serve as a foundation for
collaborative learning and leadership development. By focusing on building leadership skills
within the school environment, the project can empower students to become positive influencers
in their community, potentially breaking the cycle of limited opportunities.

The participants of the project, the 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in
Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad, come from a socio-economically disadvantaged community with
low literacy rates and limited access to quality education. These challenges make it crucial to
explore innovative approaches to education, such as collaborative learning, to foster leadership
skills among these students. The unique traits of the community, including its strong sense of
unity, provide opportunities for positive change and growth within the school. The research
project aims to leverage these opportunities to empower the students and contribute to their
personal and academic development.

Q.1 Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it
to your experience/problem in your classroom/institution.
The selection of the sub-theme and topic, which revolves around developing leadership through
collaboration among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala
Singh Farooqabad, is rooted in a combination of personal experience and the pressing issues
faced within the educational institution. This choice reflects a deep understanding of the unique
challenges and opportunities that exist within the school's context, which serve as the backdrop
for this research study.The decision to delve into the realm of leadership development through
collaboration was motivated by several interconnected factors that demanded attention and
intervention within the educational environment.

The first and foremost factor is the stark educational disparities that are evident within the
community. Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad, while a place of rich cultural heritage and resilient
community bonds, faces significant challenges in terms of providing quality education to its
children, particularly those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The school,
Government Girls Elementary School, serves as a microcosm of these disparities. Overcrowded
classrooms, resource limitations, and a shortage of qualified teachers have hindered the academic
progress of students.

The traditional rote-learning methods that are often prevalent in such contexts do not equip
students with the essential life skills they require to thrive in an evolving global landscape. Soft
skills, including leadership, communication, teamwork, and adaptability, are essential for
personal and professional growth but are often neglected in the pursuit of academic excellence.

As a research er embedded within this educational environment, my personal observations and

interactions with students revealed a latent potential waiting to be unlocked. Despite the odds
stacked against them, the 7th-grade students exhibited resilience, creativity, and a desire to lead
and make a positive impact within their community. These qualities were not only heartening but
also posed a significant question: How can we harness and nurture these leadership attributes
within the constraints of the current educational framework?

Given these challenges and opportunities, the choice of research as the methodological approach
was a natural fit. Research aligns with the ethos of the institution, which is committed to
continuous improvement and responsive adaptation to the evolving needs of its students. It is a
participatory, reflective, and iterative process that empowers both educators and students to be
active agents of change within their educational ecosystem.

Collaborative learning emerged as the central theme due to its potential to address multiple facets
of the identified issues. The approach not only fosters leadership skills but also enhances
communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability – all critical soft skills. Moreover,
it aligns with the existing community values of cooperation and unity, creating a bridge between
the classroom and the broader social context.

The selection of the sub-theme and topic for this research project is grounded in a holistic
understanding of the educational context, personal observations, and a commitment to addressing
the pressing needs of the students and the community they belong to. It is a proactive response to
the challenges faced by Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad,
with the aspiration of not only enhancing academic outcomes but also nurturing well-rounded
individuals who can lead, collaborate, and thrive in an ever-changing world. The journey into
developing leadership through collaboration is a testament to the belief that education is not just
about imparting knowledge but also about empowering the next generation to be leaders and

Q.2 What was your discussion with your colleague/friend / senior

teacher or supervisor regarding the problem?

Discussion with Colleague:

Engaging in discussions with a colleague from the same educational institution was an essential
initial step in shaping the research direction. We both recognized the pressing need for
comprehensive educational reform within the school, especially in terms of equipping students
with essential life skills. Our conversations revolved around the challenges faced by the 7th-grade
students, including overcrowded classrooms, resource limitations, and the deficiency of qualified
teachers. We lamented the fact that these circumstances hindered holistic development and often
left students ill-prepared for the challenges beyond the classroom.

In our discussions, we also highlighted the remarkable potential we had observed among the
students, particularly their resilience, creativity, and the desire to lead. It was clear that these
qualities, if nurtured effectively, could serve as a catalyst for change, not only within the school
but also within the broader community. This led us to contemplate alternative approaches to
education that could empower the students to develop leadership skills and other essential soft

Discussion with Friend:

Conversations with a close friend, who was not directly affiliated with the educational institution
but had a background in social work and community development, provided a fresh perspective
on the problem. My friend emphasized the importance of community engagement and
empowerment as a means to address educational challenges effectively. We discussed how the
community's socio-economic status and literacy rate influenced the students' educational

My friend suggested that involving the community in the research and subsequent interventions
could be a powerful approach. This idea resonated with me because it aligned with the strong
sense of unity and resilience within the community. We brainstormed ways to bridge the gap
between the school and the community, such as organizing community meetings, involving
parents in school activities, and encouraging community members to share their skills and
experiences with the students.

Discussion with Senior Teacher:

Engaging in a dialogue with a senior teacher within the school provided valuable insights into the
practical aspects of implementing changes in the educational approach. The senior teacher shared
experiences and challenges faced by educators in the classroom, emphasizing the need for
methods that were feasible within the existing constraints. We discussed how traditional teaching
methods often struggled to capture the attention and enthusiasm of the students.

During our conversation, the senior teacher expressed optimism about the potential of
collaborative learning as an alternative approach. It was noted that collaborative learning not only
aligned with the existing curriculum but also had the flexibility to adapt to various classroom
sizes and resource limitations. We discussed strategies for integrating collaborative learning into
the curriculum and how it could be tailored to the specific needs of 7th-grade students.

Discussion with Supervisor:

Consulting with my supervisor, who had extensive experience in educational research and
research projects, was instrumental in refining the research proposal. The supervisor emphasized
the importance of a systematic and well-structured approach to research . We discussed the need
for a clear research question, a well-defined scope, and a robust data collection and analysis plan.
During our conversation, my supervisor also provided guidance on ethical considerations,
ensuring that the research would be conducted with the utmost respect for the students' rights and
well-being. We discussed the importance of obtaining informed consent from both students and
parents and maintaining confidentiality throughout the research process.

My supervisor encouraged me to explore existing literature and best practices related to

collaborative learning and leadership development in educational settings. This guidance helped
in shaping the theoretical framework of the research and identifying potential sources of
inspiration and guidance for the project.

Discussions with colleagues, friends, senior teachers, and my supervisor played a pivotal role in
shaping the problem statement and research approach. These conversations not only provided
diverse perspectives but also enriched the research with practical insights, ethical considerations,
and a solid theoretical foundation. The collaborative nature of these discussions reflects the
essence of research , where multiple stakeholders contribute to a holistic understanding of the
problem and the development of viable solutions.

Q.3 What did you find about the problem in the existing discussion
method (books/articles/websites)?
I embarked on a comprehensive exploration of existing research papers, articles, books,
and online resources to gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand—developing
leadership skills through collaboration among 7th-grade students at Government Girls
Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad. This literature review, conducted in
accordance with APA style for citation and referencing, provided valuable insights into
the nature of the problem and the existing body of knowledge surrounding it.

1. Cohen, S. G., & Bailey, D. E. (1997). What Makes Teams Work: Group
Effectiveness Research from the Shop Floor to the Executive Suite. Journal of
Management, 23(3), 239-290. This seminal work examines the dynamics of teamwork
and collaboration within various organizational settings. While not specific to educational
contexts, it offers foundational insights into the factors that contribute to effective
collaboration, which can be applied to the school environment. It highlights the
significance of trust, communication, and shared goals in achieving successful
collaborative outcomes.
2. Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Holubec, E. J. (2013). Cooperation in the
Classroom (9th ed.). Interaction Book Company. "Cooperation in the Classroom" is a
renowned resource for educators interested in promoting cooperative learning. It outlines
practical strategies and structures for implementing collaborative learning in the
classroom. This book is particularly relevant to the problem at hand, as it offers evidence-
based approaches for fostering teamwork and leadership skills among students.

3. Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological

Bulletin, 63(6), 384-399. Tuckman's classic model of group development—forming,
storming, norming, performing, and adjourning—remains a cornerstone in understanding
the stages that teams and groups go through. While the study primarily addresses adult
groups, its principles can be adapted to the school context to better understand the
challenges and opportunities in developing leadership through collaboration among 7th-
grade students.

4. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed

methods approaches. Sage publications. Creswell's comprehensive guide on research
design provides valuable insights into the methodology of research . It outlines various
research approaches and methodologies, helping research ers make informed choices
about data collection and analysis methods. This resource is essential for designing and
conducting research effectively.

5. Kagan, S. (1994). Cooperative Learning. Resources for Teachers, Inc. "Cooperative

Learning" by Kagan offers practical and research -based strategies for implementing
cooperative learning in classrooms. It emphasizes the importance of structuring activities
that promote interaction and collaboration among students. The book provides insights
into how cooperative learning can enhance leadership skills and other soft skills.

6. Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management.

Educational Leadership, 61(1), 6-13. Marzano and Marzano's article delves into
effective classroom management strategies, which are essential for creating an
environment conducive to collaborative learning and leadership development. It
highlights the significance of clear expectations, positive relationships, and student
engagement—elements that play a crucial role in fostering leadership skills.
7. Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. NYU
press. While primarily focused on media and culture, Jenkins' work explores the concept
of participatory culture and how it influences learning and collaboration. It sheds light on
how students' engagement with digital media can be harnessed to promote collaborative
learning and leadership development.

8. Gibbs, G. (1992). Improving the quality of student learning. Technical and

Educational Services. Gibbs' book on improving the quality of student learning offers
insights into various pedagogical approaches that enhance student engagement and
participation. It underscores the importance of active learning, which is closely related to
collaborative learning, in developing leadership skills and critical thinking abilities.

9. Lewin, K. (1946). Research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues, 2(4), 34-
46. Kurt Lewin's pioneering work on research laid the foundation for the methodology
used in this study. His article discusses the principles and benefits of research in
addressing societal and educational issues. It emphasizes the role of collaboration and
community involvement in research projects.

10. Hoyt, L. T., Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & McDade, T. W. (2012). Positive youth, healthy
adults: Does positive well-being in adolescence predict better perceived health and
fewer risky health behaviors in young adulthood? Journal of Adolescent Health,
50(1), 66-73. This study investigates the long-term effects of positive well-being during
adolescence on various outcomes in young adulthood. While not directly addressing time
management, it highlights the importance of fostering positive youth development, which
includes the acquisition of essential life skills such as time management.

The existing literature offers a rich tapestry of insights and resources that inform the
problem of developing leadership skills through collaboration among 7th-grade students.
These works provide a foundation for understanding the dynamics of collaboration,
cooperative learning, leadership development, and research —all crucial components of
the research endeavor. Furthermore, they underscore the importance of community
engagement and participatory approaches in addressing educational challenges
Q.4 What were the major variables/construct of your project? Give
definitions/descriptions from the discussion method.
The major variables can be categorized into two primary types: independent and dependent

Independent Variable: Collaborative Learning The independent variable in this project is

collaborative learning. Collaborative learning refers to the instructional approach where students
work together in groups or teams to achieve common learning goals. It involves tasks, projects,
or activities that require students to actively participate, share ideas, and collaborate with their
peers. Collaborative learning is considered the independent variable because it is manipulated or
introduced as an intervention to observe its impact on the dependent variable, which is leadership

Dependent Variable: Leadership Development The dependent variable in this research project
is leadership development. Leadership development represents the growth and enhancement of
leadership skills and qualities among 7th-grade students. It encompasses various aspects of
leadership, including communication, teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, adaptability,
and the ability to initiate positive change within a group or community. Leadership development
is dependent on the implementation of collaborative learning strategies, as changes in leadership
skills are expected to result from the collaborative learning intervention.

The study aims to investigate how changes in the independent variable (collaborative learning)
influence and contribute to changes in the dependent variable (leadership development). By
examining the relationship between these variables, the research seeks to provide valuable
insights into the effectiveness of collaborative learning as a means of nurturing leadership skills
in students within the specified educational setting.

Q.5 What did you want to achieve in this research project?

The primary objective of this research project, conducted as an research initiative, was to explore,
implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative learning strategies in developing
leadership skills among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala
Singh Farooqabad. This endeavor aimed to address several interrelated goals and critical
The central aim was to facilitate the development of leadership skills among 7th-grade students.
This encompassed enhancing their abilities in communication, teamwork, problem-solving,
decision-making, adaptability, and the capacity to initiate positive change within their peer
groups and the broader school community. The project sought to empower students with the
confidence and competencies needed to become proactive and responsible leaders within their
educational environment. The overarching goal was to instill in them a sense of agency, where
they could actively contribute to improving their school's overall learning atmosphere.

The research aimed to assess the impact of collaborative learning as an instructional approach. It
sought to answer critical questions about how collaborative learning influences leadership
development among 7th-grade students in a real-world classroom setting.

Q.6 Who was the participants in your project?

The participants in this research project were primarily the 7th-grade students, These students
were at a pivotal stage in their educational journey, transitioning from childhood to adolescence.
The selection of 7th-grade students was strategic, as this stage presented an opportune moment
for nurturing leadership skills and other soft skills that are valuable for personal and academic

The project focused on the entire cohort of 7th-grade students rather than singling out specific
individuals or groups. This inclusive approach aimed to ensure that all students had the
opportunity to benefit from the collaborative learning interventions and the subsequent
development of leadership skills.

The project recognized the significance of involving the broader school community, including
teachers, parents, and local residents, as indirect participants. These stakeholders played a crucial
role in supporting and facilitating the implementation of collaborative learning strategies and the
cultivation of leadership skills among the 7th-grade students.

Q.7 How did you try to solve the problem?

As a research er conducting an research project aimed at developing leadership skills through
collaboration among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala
Singh Farooqabad, the process of solving the problem unfolded in ten key steps:
Step 1: Identifying the Problem and Setting Objectives The journey began with a thorough
assessment of the educational context and the challenges faced by the 7th-grade students. The
problem of limited leadership skills and the potential benefits of collaborative learning were
identified. Clear objectives were set to address this problem, including fostering leadership skills
and enhancing the educational environment.

Step 2: Reviewing Existing Literature Extensive literature review was conducted to gain
insights into best practices, theories, and methodologies related to collaborative learning,
leadership development, and research . This review informed the project's design and approach.

Step 3: Formulating a Collaborative Learning Plan A comprehensive plan for collaborative

learning was developed. This plan included selecting appropriate collaborative activities, creating
teams, and integrating these activities into the existing curriculum. The plan also considered the
unique needs and dynamics of 7th-grade students.

Step 4: Gaining Stakeholder Buy-In Engagement with teachers, parents, and the local
community was crucial. Meetings were held to communicate the project's objectives and seek
support. Teachers were provided with training and resources to effectively implement
collaborative learning activities.

Step 5: Implementing Collaborative Learning Activities Collaborative learning activities were

introduced into the classroom. These activities were designed to promote teamwork,
communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students were actively engaged in group
projects, discussions, and problem-solving exercises.

Step 6: Data Collection through Observations Data collection involved continuous

observations of students' participation, interactions, and leadership behaviors during collaborative
activities. Detailed field notes were taken to capture both quantitative and qualitative data.

Step 7: Reflecting and Adapting Regular reflection sessions were conducted with teachers and
students. Feedback and insights from these sessions were used to adapt and refine the
collaborative learning activities. This iterative process allowed for continuous improvement.

Step 8: Assessing Leadership Development The project included a structured assessment of

leadership development among the 7th-grade students. This assessment considered both self-
assessment by students and observations by teachers and research ers. Leadership behaviors, such
as taking initiative, facilitating group discussions, and problem-solving, were evaluated.

Step 9: Analyzing Data and Drawing Conclusions Collected data, including observations,
student self-assessments, and teacher assessments, were analyzed systematically. Patterns and
changes in leadership development were identified. Conclusions were drawn regarding the
impact of collaborative learning on leadership skills.

Step 10: Sharing Findings and Recommendations The project findings were shared with all
stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and the local community. Recommendations for
sustaining and expanding the collaborative learning approach were discussed. The aim was to
create a sense of ownership and commitment to ongoing improvement.

Throughout these ten steps, the research approach was characterized by its cyclical nature. It
involved continuous planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, allowing for dynamic
adjustments based on the evolving needs and responses of the 7th-grade students and the broader
educational context. This systematic process aimed to not only address the initial problem of
limited leadership skills but also contribute to the ongoing enhancement of the educational
environment at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh Farooqabad.

Q.8 What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was
the instrument developed?
I used the following instruments to collect data for this research project, which focused on
developing leadership skills through collaboration among 7th-grade students:
I, along with trained observers, systematically observed students during collaborative learning
activities. We recorded observations related to students' participation, communication, teamwork,
problem-solving, leadership behaviors, and overall engagement. Observations were conducted
using structured observation sheets to ensure consistency and objectivity.
To structured observations, field notes were taken during and after each collaborative learning
session. These notes captured qualitative data, including students' interactions, discussions, and
notable instances of leadership behaviors. Field notes provided context and depth to complement
quantitative observations. To gather students' perspectives on their own leadership development,
self-assessment surveys were administered. These surveys were designed to allow students to
reflect on their growth in leadership skills over time. Questions were framed to assess their
confidence, ability to work in teams, and their perception of their own leadership capabilities.
Teachers played a crucial role in evaluating students' leadership development. They used rubrics
and assessment tools developed collaboratively to assess students' leadership behaviors and
contributions during collaborative activities. Teacher assessments provided an educator's
perspective on students' progress. Focus group discussions were conducted with 7th-grade
students at various points during the project. These discussions allowed students to express their
experiences, challenges, and insights related to collaborative learning and leadership
development. The qualitative data from these discussions enriched the understanding of students'
perspectives. To involve the broader community, including parents and local residents,
community feedback sessions were conducted. These sessions involved open dialogues about the
project's progress and impact on students. Community members shared their observations and
suggestions, contributing to a holistic understanding of the project's effects.

Q.9 What were the findings and conclusion?

The findings and conclusions of the research project focused on developing leadership skills
through collaboration among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera
Mala Singh Farooqabad are presented below.


1. Positive Impact of Collaborative Learning: The data collected through observation,

field notes, and teacher assessments consistently indicated a positive impact of
collaborative learning on leadership development. Students who engaged in collaborative
activities demonstrated improved communication skills, better teamwork, and increased
confidence in their ability to lead within a group.

2. Increased Participation: Observations and teacher assessments revealed a notable

increase in student participation during collaborative learning sessions. Students who
were previously reserved or hesitant to take on leadership roles became more active
contributors within their teams.

3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Collaborative learning fostered problem-solving

skills among the students. They became adept at identifying and addressing challenges
within their groups, finding innovative solutions, and making informed decisions

4. Improved Communication: Collaborative learning activities encouraged students to

communicate more effectively with their peers. They learned to express their ideas
clearly, actively listen to others, and engage in constructive dialogue—a vital component
of leadership.

5. Increased Confidence: Self-assessment surveys revealed a significant boost in students'

self-confidence as leaders. They reported feeling more capable of taking initiative and
guiding their peers, both inside and outside the classroom.

6. Community Engagement: Community feedback sessions highlighted the positive

influence of the project on the local community's perception of the school. Parents and
residents expressed satisfaction with the collaborative learning approach and noted
improvements in their children's leadership skills.


Based on the findings, several conclusions can be drawn:

1. Collaborative Learning as an Effective Tool: Collaborative learning, when integrated

into the curriculum, emerged as an effective tool for developing leadership skills among
7th-grade students. It not only enhanced their leadership abilities but also contributed to
overall personal growth.

2. Nurturing Confidence: Collaborative learning activities played a vital role in nurturing

students' self-confidence. This newfound confidence extended beyond the classroom,
empowering students to take on leadership roles in various school activities.

3. Enhancing Problem-Solving and Communication: The project's impact on problem-

solving and communication skills was notable. Students acquired valuable skills that are
not only critical for leadership but also for their future academic and professional

4. Community Involvement: The engagement of parents and the local community proved
to be a valuable aspect of the project. It fostered a sense of ownership and collaboration,
strengthening the school's connection with the community.

5. Continuous Improvement: The cyclical nature of research ensured that the project could
adapt and evolve based on ongoing feedback and reflection. This approach allowed for
continuous improvement in both collaborative learning strategies and leadership
development outcomes.

6. Broader Implications: The success of this project has broader implications for
educational practices. It highlights the importance of incorporating collaborative learning
methodologies into the curriculum to equip students with essential life skills, including

The findings and conclusions of this research project support the idea that collaborative learning
can be a transformative approach in nurturing leadership skills among 7th-grade students. It
underscores the importance of a holistic educational approach that goes beyond traditional
teaching methods to empower students with the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing
world. The project's success serves as a model for future initiatives aimed at enhancing the
educational experiences of students and fostering stronger ties between schools and their

Q.10 Summary of the Project.

This research project was conducted with the main objective of developing leadership skills
among 7th-grade students at Government Girls Elementary School in Dera Mala Singh
Farooqabad through collaborative learning. The research process involved a systematic and
iterative approach, and the findings indicated positive outcomes.

The project began by identifying the problem of limited leadership skills among the 7th-grade
students. It aimed to address this challenge through a collaborative learning approach, with a
focus on fostering communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and confidence-building. The
research was conducted through ten key steps, including literature review, collaborative learning
plan formulation, stakeholder engagement, implementation of collaborative activities, data
collection through observation, self-assessment surveys, teacher assessments, focus group
discussions, reflective journals, and community feedback sessions.

The findings of the project highlighted the positive impact of collaborative learning on leadership
development. Students who participated in collaborative activities exhibited improved
communication skills, increased confidence as leaders, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and
greater participation in classroom discussions. The project also positively influenced the school's
relationship with the local community, strengthening community engagement.

This research project demonstrated the effectiveness of collaborative learning in nurturing

leadership skills among 7th-grade students. It emphasized the importance of involving all
stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and the community, in the educational process. The
success of this project has broader implications for educational practices, underscoring the value
of holistic approaches that empower students with essential life skills and create stronger
connections between schools and their communities.

Q.11 How do you feel about this practice? What have you learned?
I have experienced a profound sense of fulfillment and learning throughout the process.

First and foremost, I have gained a deep appreciation for the power of collaborative learning as
an educational strategy. Witnessing the transformation in the students as they actively engaged in
collaborative activities and developed their leadership skills has reinforced my belief in the
effectiveness of student-centered and participatory approaches to education. It has become clear
to me that collaborative learning not only enhances academic outcomes but also nurtures essential
life skills that are crucial for personal and professional success.

This project has highlighted the significance of involving all stakeholders in the educational
journey. The active participation of teachers, parents, and the local community demonstrated the
collective responsibility we share in shaping the future of our students. It reinforced the idea that
education is not confined to the classroom alone but extends into the broader community, and the
collaboration of all parties is instrumental in creating a nurturing and empowering educational

Through self-reflection during the project, I have also learned the importance of adaptability and
flexibility in educational research . The iterative nature of research allowed for adjustments and
refinements based on real-time feedback and observations. This flexibility is essential in
addressing the evolving needs of students and the dynamic educational landscape.

I have come to recognize that research is not merely an academic endeavor but a means of
driving positive change within educational institutions. The findings and outcomes of this project
have the potential to influence educational practices beyond the immediate context. They
underscore the importance of equipping students with soft skills and leadership abilities that
extend far beyond the classroom and into their future endeavors.

My involvement in this research project has been a rewarding journey of discovery and growth. It
has reinforced my commitment to student-centered and participatory approaches to education,
highlighted the importance of community engagement, and deepened my understanding of the
transformative power of collaborative learning. This experience has not only contributed to the
development of the students but has also enriched my perspective as a research er and educator,
inspiring me to continue advocating for innovative and holistic approaches to education.

Q.12 What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher?

This experience has provided me with valuable insights and enhanced various aspects of my
teaching practice.

One of the most significant additions to my professional skills has been the ability to innovate in
my pedagogical approach. Collaborative learning strategies employed during the project
introduced me to new teaching methods and classroom activities that fostered active student
engagement. I learned to design and implement collaborative activities that encourage critical
thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. This innovative approach has not only
benefited the students but has also revitalized my teaching style, making it more dynamic and
student-centered.I gained a deeper understanding of the diverse needs and learning styles of my
students. I learned to differentiate instruction to accommodate varying skill levels and interests
within the classroom. Collaborative learning allowed me to tailor activities to address individual
strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that each student had the opportunity to thrive and contribute
meaningfully to the group.

The project emphasized the importance of data-driven decision-making in education. I developed

skills in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from various sources, including observations,
self-assessment surveys, and teacher assessments. This data informed my teaching strategies,
enabling me to make informed adjustments to better support students' leadership development.
This analytical approach has become an integral part of my teaching practice, ensuring that my
methods are evidence-based and responsive to students' needs.
Engaging in regular reflection sessions with students, colleagues, and community members has
enhanced my ability to reflect critically on my teaching practice. I have learned to seek feedback
and insights from various stakeholders, enabling me to continuously improve my instructional
methods. This reflective teaching approach has made me more receptive to feedback and open to
adapting my strategies based on the evolving dynamics of the classroom.

The project highlighted the importance of community engagement in education. I have developed
skills in building partnerships with parents and local residents to create a supportive and
collaborative educational environment. This engagement has enriched my professional network
and has allowed me to tap into valuable community resources to enhance the learning
experiences of my students. I have always aimed to be a role model for my students, but the
project encouraged me to take on a more active leadership role in the classroom. I learned to
facilitate discussions, guide students in problem-solving, and encourage them to take ownership
of their learning. This shift towards a leadership-oriented teaching approach has empowered me
to cultivate leadership skills not only in my students but also within myself.

The research project has added a multifaceted dimension to my professional skills as a teacher. It
has made me a more innovative, adaptable, and data-informed educator. I have become more
attuned to the unique needs of my students and have honed my abilities to engage with the
broader community to support their development. This experience has not only enriched my
teaching practice but has also reinforced my commitment to nurturing the holistic growth of my
students and fostering a dynamic and collaborative educational environment.

Q.13 List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA
manual – 7th Edition).

1. Cohen, S. G., & Bailey, D. E. (1997). What Makes Teams Work: Group Effectiveness
Research from the Shop Floor to the Executive Suite. Journal of Management, 23(3), 239-

2. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods

approaches. Sage publications.
3. Gibbs, G. (1992). Improving the quality of student learning. Technical and Educational

4. Hoyt, L. T., Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & McDade, T. W. (2012). Positive youth, healthy
adults: Does positive well-being in adolescence predict better perceived health and fewer
risky health behaviors in young adulthood? Journal of Adolescent Health, 50(1), 66-73.

5. Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. NYU press.

6. Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Holubec, E. J. (2013). Cooperation in the Classroom
(9th ed.). Interaction Book Company.

7. Kagan, S. (1994). Cooperative Learning. Resources for Teachers, Inc.

8. Lewin, K. (1946). Research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues, 2(4), 34-46.

9. Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational
Leadership, 61(1), 6-13.

10. Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological

Bulletin, 63(6), 384-399.

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