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Poverty is a global issue that has plagued countries and communities for centuries.

It is a state of
deprivation where individuals lack basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. The poor in the
world are those who struggle to meet their daily needs and live below the poverty line. This essay will
explore the causes and effects of poverty, as well as the efforts that are being made to alleviate it.

The causes of poverty are complex and multifaceted. One of the main reasons for poverty is lack of
education. Many impoverished individuals do not have access to quality education, which limits their
chances of acquiring skills and obtaining well-paying jobs. This perpetuates a cycle of poverty, as the lack
of education leads to limited job opportunities and low income, making it difficult for families to break out
of poverty.

Moreover, structural inequalities such as discrimination, unequal distribution of resources, and political
instability also contribute to poverty. In many developing countries, the gap between the rich and the poor
is widening, leading to a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals. This creates a vicious
cycle where the poor are unable to access resources and opportunities, making it challenging for them to
improve their living conditions.

The effects of poverty are far-reaching and devastating. One of the most significant consequences of
poverty is malnutrition. The poor often do not have access to nutritious food, leading to malnutrition and
other health issues. Children living in poverty are also more likely to suffer from stunted growth and
developmental delays, which can have lifelong impacts on their well-being.

Moreover, poverty also limits an individual’s access to quality healthcare, education, and housing. This
perpetuates a cycle of poverty, as the poor are unable to acquire the necessary skills and resources to
improve their living conditions. Poverty also leads to social exclusion and marginalization, as the poor are
often stigmatized and discriminated against due to their economic status.

Despite these challenges, efforts are being made to alleviate poverty in the world. Governments, non-
governmental organizations, and individuals are taking steps to address the root causes of poverty and
provide support to those in need. For instance, governments are implementing policies and programs
aimed at reducing inequality and providing access to education and healthcare for all citizens.

NGOs and charities are also playing a crucial role in tackling poverty. They provide aid and support to
impoverished communities, such as providing food, shelter, and education. Furthermore, individuals are
also making a difference by volunteering their time and resources to help those in need.

In conclusion, poverty is a global issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. Its causes are
complex and varied, and its effects are far-reaching and devastating. However, with concerted efforts from
governments, NGOs, and individuals, progress is being made in eradicating poverty. It is crucial for all of
us to play our part in creating a more equitable world, where everyone has access to basic necessities and
the opportunity to improve their lives. Only then can we truly say that we have succeeded in eliminating
poverty in the world.

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