Indian Penal Code Pyq 3 Years LLB BU

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HMC TMCP BUILLB(H)/Sem•Il/3.2.4/2 015

Subject : Indian Penal Code
Paper :3.24
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Cndidutes are reyuired to give their answers in their own words
as far as pructicable.
Answer any four questions.
EYery person shall be liable to punishment under the code and not otherwise for every act or omission
contrury to the provisions thereof which he shull be guilty within lndia," 20

Afne "Rape' us defined by. he IPC. 3 15

the arious sexual offences not amounting to rnpe.
Discusx he essential eleinents of, robbery. When does it amount to dacoity and what happens when the
offender. while commiting the dbove offence. kills a person? Explain with illusirations. 20
Exanine the following problems and mention the offences committed, if-any: Sx4=20
(a) A child, 9 ycars 10 months old, has killed a 12 years old_child.
tb) ivthe married wife of B. They have no child. So, with the written consent of A,
B has married

(e) A has given consent to B to make video of some sexual acts with him. B while commiting some
sexual acts took
, th, photographs and subsequently disseminated_these to his friend C through
(d) A offers bribe to B, thpublic servant, as a reward for showing A. some favour in the exercise of B's
official functions. B ecepts the bribe: What is the offence commitied y A here? :
3, (u) Diseuss the provisios of.the-weptions 54Ä andPC:
(b) Distinguish between.crinyin) lorq und assaul. 65 14+620
ostinguish hetween: 10+10=20
(u) higumy and ndaltery.
und culpable homieide¿ec19& 360
eneu', Disguss
the vurious limiiaios io tilš HsWhh'itsratjogs.
tdr'Diseuss the provisions df.Sycians 3Z6A.und AhePA i
(b) Deriune 'Gung ripe' as defined by the lPC. 15+5-20
LLB. idn
Uno Semester Examination, 2016
{Law Subject : PC
Paper :3.2.4
(New Syllabus)

Time: 3Hours Full Marks: 80

The flgures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.
Mariam entepise. His yrother-in-law had underaken an assignment of
1. (a) R is the chief accountant
some, yoosen

work the office of Mariam enterprisa,Some disputes arose.related to the payment of

the asigiment. On 26.11,2016 he Temoved aome 'of tho papers from the fle cantaintng the
documents of tho asignment and kept the documents back:,tho, file on 27.11.16. Based on the
aforementloned facts has 'R' commited any 'offence?-Bxplain.
6 -Disttnguished between theft and extortion.
6) Explan the offence of robbery with relevant illustration, 10+5+5=20
a For the post of General Secretary af College Association, there were two candidates 'M" and 'N. As
apart of elecion campaign "M' circulated a post on the intermet stating. "Na thief by
see419 cin he bea responsibe representative of young mids?77
Dacs.this act of 'M compriso of any offonce committed according to IPC7 Justify with relevant case
iws andlor lustrations,
) Distinguish between slnder and lbel.
ko Bxplaln in bdef the excepions to the law of defamation as COntsined in IPC. 8+2+10=2C
5..Dscyss the iaportance relèvaisce af The Criminal Law (Amedment) Act, 2013 in the context od
affeases ngainst womçn.
ad 20
on 14h of Fetruary, 2015. Since.their mariage they always had smal
4. () Rahl wàs aded to Sonia
teroatkonsRgaégselves. Durlng on6 uch ncddent on- 15h of March, 2016, Rahul uring the
courso of iof
vtbl çxchango and atercation sald to Sogs Marriage to has bèen the bigges
Aurse of my s
loave this house and die on thc ralway track". Sonia did not return home tha
See informed him that the
The next day Rahul received a call from local polico station, which dea
sobight. on It appeared that Sonia had committed suicide.
body of Sonfa was found the railway track
cases laws whether Rabuli
Express your opingbased on the law contained in IPC and relevant
Jablefor Sonla's stifclde.
120A of IPC.
6) Distinguish betwWecn Secion 107(2) and Sectlon
Explain. 10+5+5=
(c) Conspiracy is a substantive offencç.

Please Turn Ove

4) Discuss the different: nature of mens nea
A.e.Section involyed in the offences of ulpable homicide and murder
299 and300 of PC.
6) Wite a shot noteon döwry death.
6 (a) Distinguish between mistake
of fact and-mistake of law referinp to the
reference. relevant law and case
by ExplainDoli-in-capax.
(c) Roshan went to a shop to buy a
treadmill, Before buying he was testing some
testing One such machine, as he of the brands. While
started running on the machine, the speed 2:
and neither could it be controlled or got accelerated on its own
suffered severe injuries including stopped. Due to the accelerated speed, he slipped and
lips, nose etc. According fel
bleeding from bis and
management of the shop
the machines were all maintained Jaws,
and in good workable condition.
to the
In your opinion will Roshan succeed
if be fles a case against the shop for the injuries suffered?
7. Discuss in brief the basic prinoiples 8+4+8-20
to be folowed in the practice of
) Explain with the help of illustration a case ight to private defence.
amounting to murerdue to whero & person is accused
th exercse ofight to private defence. of culpable homicide not
(C State in brief the grotnds wben tho ight to privato defcnce extends up
to cansíng of death, 8+4+8=20
Write Short Notoaon (anyfour): an
Aa) Adultery Sx4 20
A Bigarny
(c) Intoxication as a general
(d) Consent as, a general oxception
() Cotnrion
Inteitko' -
a) Abduction .... (.



Years LLB. (onours) 2nd Semester Examination,:

Subject:Law of Crimes : Penal Hooghty
Code, Union
Paper :3.2.4 TMCP
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.
K (a) Distinguish between culpable homicide and murder. 7
a on a

Saumyojit was
driving back bome from party late Saturday night. He was drunk but he thought
he was in control of himsclf. However, as he was driving, he could not keep the control and banged
against pavement and ran over a young man who was sleeping on the pavenent. Saumyojit was
driving the car at a speed much above the prescribed speed limit. The highly speeding car and the
effect of alcohol probably prevented him from controlling the car and caused the death of the young
man, though, Saumyojit had no motive to kill the young man.
According to you, is Saumyojit responsible for the death of the pavement dweller? Explain in detail.
Roshni, five years to
old girl loved draw and paint, Rudra, a young scholar Arts college used to
teach her painting at his home. Roshni was very fond of Rudra Mana'. On a Saturday, Roshni's
classes were over and Rudra's parents too were not present in the house. Roshni's mother called
Rudra and said, she was stuck in a severe jam and would take enother 30-45 mninutes to pick up
Roshni. Roshni and Rudra played together as Rudra locked his room, closed the windows, where they
Roshni's mother found Roshni to be abnormally quiet in the car on her way back. She called Rudra to
enquire, whether she was fine, to which Rudra said she was fine at his home. On reaching home,
Roshni complained of difficulty in urinating. Her mother also found blood stains in her clothes. She
asked Roshni, what she did at Rudra Mama's place. Roshni said, We played... doctor-doctor"
"But Maa, our doctor uncle, never inserted his pen from where I urinate.. like Rudra Mamna....
And she cried stating, its hurting her. Rudra was guilty of committing what offence? Explain the
prescnt law.
V (b) Distinguish between Rape and Adultery. 10+10=20
(a) Ankit is in a relaionship with the wife of Piyush. Ankit works in' a company which is a rival to the
company where Piyush works. Both the Gompany's were quoting for a paricular order and the
hearsay news in the official 'circle was that Piyush was sure to get the order. Ankit influenced wife of
Piyush, Radhika, to get the relevant file from Piyush's desk, as ke kept the file at home for safety.
Radhika after contermplaing on the matter, agrecd to do so but on condition that Ankit would retum
the file within few hours. Ankit agreed and he returned the file within two hours. What is the nature
of the offence committed? Explain in detail.

Plense Turn Over

Xin, in detail, the difference between theft and extortion.
t is daccity?
of fact is excusable but Mistake of law is not excusable". Comment.
person of unsound mind under PC. 10+10=20
Discuss the immundty, guaranteod to a child anda

"S. ) Discuss the-Iaw governing immunity from criminal liability

in case, of intoxication under PC with
relevant case laws.
as a general defence. Does 'self preservation' guarantee
o) Discuss the law goverming necessity 10+10=20
immunity from criminal liability?
common intention an integral element of the offence? Can an
Discuss the law of conspiracy, How is in detail with relevant
individual get booked for the offence of conspiracy independently? Explain
legal provisions, illustrations and/or case laws.
intention? 10+(8+2)=2(
Distinguish,between Common Intention and Common Object. What is similar 1

Are the offences covered ws 304B and 498A IPC inclusive exclusive of each other? Explain i
7. a)
detail describing and distinguishing the above mentioned offences.
b When can a person claim right to private defence under the
provisions of IPC? What are the limits t
the right of private defence?
8. Write shbort notes on:
(a) Defamation
(b) Bigamy
(c) Right to die
(d) Mensrea

( Scanned with OKEN SCan

3 Years LLB. (Honours) 2nd Semester Examination,
Subject :Law of Crimes: Penal Code
HMC LAOS ECTIDN Paper :3.2.4
Time: Hours

Full Marks: 80
The figures in the margin tndicate full marks.
17 Candidates are required to give
thelr answers in their ownwords
as far as practicable.

Answer any four questions.

Define the following terms aS used in the Indian Penal
( Fraudulently'
Gi Offence
) Explain the law on lotnent contained in the Indian Penal code.

Can a person be beld responsible for attempt to commit an offence umder Indiaa
Penal Code?
2 (a) Describe the offence-ofgrievous hurt.
(b) What is the law concerming the victims of acid attack contained
in the Indian Penal Code?
(c) What is the relevance and importance of 'good faith'
contained in the Indian Penal Code?
3. Explain private defence as a general exception.
4. () Ram followed Sophia at various places. They both lived in
Kolata, Ram foand Sophia on
facebook and poxed and messaged her on her facebook
continued for around 6months. Then one day Ram met Sophia
and messenger account. This
and proposed her. Over this
period, ue
to various emotional expressions by Rarn and his confession
that as he was an
orphan and had no one in his life, he wanted Sophia to be a part
of his life, made Sophia
emotionally soft for him. Sophia accepted his proposal. After one
month, Ram took Sophia to
a temple and smneared vermillion on
her forehead stating that it was the only custom of his
tribe to perform mnarriage. Though, Sophia was more than happy,
but she still questioned Ram
about their court mariage. Rarm replied, a court ... we can
... "What's in marriage perform it
later however have already initiated the process
I ... trust me". Straight from the temple
they went to a flat of Rama's friend and started living as "husband
and wife'.
Within a month's time, Sophia conceived and this made Ram very uncomfortable.
that Sophia undertakes abortion. During this tine, onc night, Sophia discoveréd a insisted
couple of

Plesse Turn Over

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LLB-IIP-3.2.4/19 (2)
messages from a lady to Ram, in
the capacity of his wife. Noicing the pbone mumber, Sophia
contacted the lady and found that Ram was already married to that lady and
had two children.
They stayed in Vgranas.
On questioning Ram, Ram threatened Sophia of publishing videos of their prdvate mornents
on the internet.
In your opinion, If Sophia approaches police, what are the ahanges that can be framed against
6) What is the law conceming 'consent' contained in Indian Penal Code?
5. Vivan and Rehan were students of 3rd semester in a Management
institute. Both were rowdy
by nature. They both entered into an altercation over an
issue of organising a cultural event.
The altercation reached the stages of physical assault and in the course
out a pistol and fired two gunshots at Rehan's of which Vivan took
abdomen on lst Sept, 2018. He was
immediately admitted in the hospital. While treating
the patient, doctors
Rehan ws uffering from blood sugar due to which the wound took more discovered that
beal. Sa got discharged on 25th Sept, 2018. time than usual to
However it was pot clear from the discharge
report whether. he was completely fit and out
of danger or not. Finally on the morning of 28h
Sept, 2018, Rehan expired.
In yoar opinion, can Vivan held responsible for the
b 'murder of Rehan?
bState in brief the exceptions to aurder contained in Indian Penal Code.
6. (a) Define 'Robbery'.
(b) It is immaterial whether anything has
been done in pursuance of the unlawful
agreement"- Bimbadhar Pradahn v/s State of Orissa.
Air 1956 SCA69, Explain the law of conspiracy in the light
of ths above staterment.
(c) Bxplain and analyse the curent decriminalization
of the offence ofAdultery as contained in
the Indian Penal Code.
7. (a) Discuss in brief the signiicance of the
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018 in the Indian
Penal Coe.
b) Discuss in detail the law concerning defamation containcd
in the Indian Penal Code with
relevant case laWs and illustrations.
(c)) How is defarnation' different under Tort
and Penal law?
8. yitefbort notes on:
YComtnon Intention Sx420
s Sedition

Gd) Kidnapping and Abduction

ay Jurisdiction under Indian Penal Code

O Scanned wilh OKEN SCan

3 Years LL.B. (Honours)(CBCS) 2nd Semester Examination, 2020
Subjcct: Law of Crimes I: IPC
Papcr LCC 3.2.4
Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40
Each question caries 10 marks.
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.

Q.1. Ram got marricd to Vinecta. Rohit studicd in the same college wherc Vinceta was pursuing
her graduation. Rohit always admircd Vinceta but Vinccta never cxprcssed any such
reciprocating feelings. Subsequently Ram got married to Vineeta, while she was in her final
semester. Afer mariage when Vineeta came to college, Rohit along with his group of friends
teased, harassed and committed various such act, intending towards her, which was very
disgraceful for any woman. Their behavior made it difficult for Vineeta to continue studying in
the college. On hearing this fact, Ratn got annoyed and he along with his brother went to the
house of Rohit and charged Rohit for his behavior and used abusive language against Rohit. On
hearing this, clder brother of Rohit, became aggressive and he too uscd abusive language against
Ram and his brother. Unable to control themselves, Ram and his brother hit Rohit's brother.
Seeing this aggressive fight taking place betwecn them, Rohit tricd to run away from the
backyard of the house. During his attcmpt to do so, he was spotted and chascd by Ram. In his run
to save his life he tripped over a boulder and fell over a pointed pole which went through his
stomach and was spot dead.

In your opinion is Ram liable for murder?

Q.2. Chotu committed theft of a cow and two hen belonging to Ramamlal. On being found
having committed the theft, local peoplc of the village becamc furious and violntly startcd
beating Chotu after dragging him out of his house. Secing the condition getting worse and worse,
few elderly people of the village intervencd and proposed to place the matter before the village
panchayat. Chotu immediately agreed to the proposal in front of ali. On hearing the matter,
panchayat decided to beat Chotu with a shoe and make him take a round of the village
barefooted only wearing a dhoti. The decision was exccuted.
In your opinion, willthe members of the panchayat andthe other clderly members of the village
who intervencd and proposcd to placc thc matter bcfore the panchayat bc hcld liable for any
criminal offence for execution of the decision of the panchayat?

Q.3. Jai Shankar bought a piece of land in a village, natned Najabgarh, adjoining to his own.
People of Najabgarh, never felt comfortable about this fact that sonebody not from their village
bought a piccc of land in thcir village. However, one day while Jai Shankar along with his two
other men were ploughing his field, local people armed with weapons attacked his field and him
personally. On this act by thec local people Jai Shankar and his men retaliated and fircd back. As
a conscqucnce, two of the local villagcrs werc scvcrcly injurcd and the rest immcdiatcly ran
away. However, even when the local people withdrew their attack and were fleeing away, Jai
Shankar continued to shoot and caused fatal injury to a local villager.

WillJai Shankar get the benefit of Private Defence? Give reasons.

Q.4. Is 'common intention' an offence under IPC? How is it different from similar intention ?
Explain witl illustration.

Q.5. Explain the law on Conspiracy contained in IPC.

Q.6. Discuss in detailthe law proscribing mock or invalid marriages under IPC.
3 Years LLB. (Hons.) Semester II, Examination, 2021

Subject : Law of Crimes I (IPC)

Paper : LCC3.2.4 (CBCS)

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80
Each question carries 10 marks.
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as
far as practicable.

Answer any eight questions.

1. When can a person plead the defense of 'intoxication' under IPC? Explain with relevant case
laws and illustrations.

Z. Is self-preservation a sufficient ground to plead exemption from criminal liability?

(3 What is the nature and scope of 'consent' under general exceptions in IPC?
41Abduction is a continuing offence. Do you agree with the statement? Explain.

5. Discuss the phrase, "Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention of causing death"
under sec 299 IPC.
6. Distinguish betwecn Abatemcnt and Conspiracy. Is there any point of similarity between the
natures of these two offences?

Explainwhether the act of marrying any other person during the life time of first spouse ipso facto
makes the person liable for bigamy.

8. What is grievous hurt? How does the law criminalize the act of acid attack?
9 Explain the following on the basis of various provisions of IPC:
a. Good faith
bCommon Intention

10. Write short notes on any two:

.Movable propcrty
v/s.RutRen 9A)
Sherras De (195)

2022 (CBCS)
3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 2nd Semester Examination,
Subject :Law of Crimes-I:IPC
Coursc : LCC 3.2.4
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
figures in the margin indicate full marks.
answers in their own words
Candidates are required to give their
as far as practicable.

: 2x5
1. Answer the following questions
wrongful gain to one person or
(a) When someone does anything with the intention of causing
wrongful loss to another person, the act is said be done
(i) fraudulently
(ii) dishoncstly
(ii) deceptively
(iv) in good faith
(b) Act done in good faith is done
(i) with due care and caution.
(ii) without due care and caution.
(iii) with active mens rea.
(iv) with prior intimation.
(c) The Indian Penal Code applies to the whole of India.True/False
(d) Attempt to commit an Act is generally punishable. Tue/False
(e) 'Common Intention' under IPC is contained in SC22
(i) section 32
) section 34 196s
(iii) section 36
(iv) section 38
Answer any three of the following questions. 10x3

Ignorantia facit doth excusat, ignorantia juris

non excusat.' Explain with relevant caše laws.
distinguish betwcen legal and
Explain the defence of insanity as contained in IPC. Clearly
or pronouncements.
medical insanity with relevant illustrations judicial
to the reputation of a person
The law of defamation concerns with publishcd statements relatcd

Please Turn Over

3Yr.LL.B. (H)-IWLCC3.2.4/23 (2)
voveurism and stalking contained in
Briefly discuss the law related to sexual harassment.
IPCpost criminal law amendment of 2013.

Group-C 20x2
Answer any two of the following questions.
causes and
6. Discuss the phases of evolution of law related to the offences of Rape by narrating the
effect of the changes introduced in each phase.
Discuss the principles governing the law of private defence. Explain the grounds of absolute
immunity on pleading private defence granted after the offence of death and also mention
extent of criminal liability when the accused exceedes the principle of reasonability while
exercising the right of private defence and causes death.
8. Swayam at the age of 23 came to study masters in Econonmics at Rani Jhansi Viswavidyalaya,
Kolhapur. He belonged to a very remote village. After joining classes, he developed friendship
with Miss Sunita Tambe, his classmate. Their friendship matured and they fell in love for each
other. As they approached their second semester they married each other but this marTiage was
not accepted by the family of Sunita and neither did Swayam ever introduce Sunita to his family
or vice versa. Life for them was smooth for a month or two. After the honeymoon period,
Swayam refused to bear any responsibility of running the family and spent time with friends and
often returned late and drunk. On any question being asked by Sunita, he would beat her up,
abuse her verbally, sexually and physically and threaten her that he would marry again if she did
not stay as per his dictates. One day, the arguments on a late winter night went to such an extent
that he literally kicked her out of the house. Sunita under complete shock and trauma and severe
pain started bleeding due to the physical abuse received before she was kicked out of the house
and decided to end her life and went and jumped into a lake around 25 feet deep located in the
nearby neighbourhood. The security personnel on hearing the sound as she jumped into the lake
came and saved her. On being rescued, she was unconscious and admitted to the nearby police
station. On gaining consciousness and being questioned by police, Sunita narrated the actual fact
and police started their investigation. In the course of investigation it was found that Swayam was
married at the age of 18 and his wife and 2 years old son lived in his native village. He had kept
this unknown to everyone in the city.
Based on. thee facts suggest Sunita about the charges that can be levelled against Swayam.

9. Write short notes on: 5x4=20

(i) Criminal intimidation

(ii) Mens rea and IPC

(ii) Conspiracy
(iv) Extortion
LLB-VILaw of Crimes-/L.CC-S,5.2/22
S Years B.A. LL.B. (Honours) 5th Semester (CBCS) Examination, 2022
Subjcct : Law of Crimes-1
Course : LCC-5.5.2
(The Indian Penal Code-1860)
Time: 3 Hours FullMarks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
asfar as practicable.
1. Answer all the questions: 2x5=10
tas What is Mens Rea"?
6) What is Public Nuisance?
seo What is Criminal Conspirncy?
What is Crine?
sef What is Assault?-
Answer any threc questions. 10x3=30
What are the latest amendments brought in for the Criminal Liabiliy of Rape under the Criminal
Law (Amendment) Act, 2013? Umit 10

V Distinguish between hurt' and 'grevious hurt'. 10
Define unlawful Assembly. Distinguish between Affray' and 'Rioting'. '3
4. Uit 5+5
Discuss the law of Exemptions from criminal liability in case of minor. 10

Answer any nvo questions. 20x240

K Discuss kidnapping with the help of relevant case laws. Distinguish between kidnapping and
abduction. 10+10
7. Explain the provisions relating to privale defence af property. Examine the provisions relaing to
Abetment.of offence. Vi 10+10
8) Discuss Section 498-A of IPC with relevant case Jaws, 20
Define Theft'. Distinguish it from Extortion. State how far 'Mistake of fact' can be plended as a
defence under IPC. 5+5+10

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