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Philippine Journal of Linguistics 43 (2013)

The Interrogator and the Interrogated:

The Questioning Process in Philippine Courtroom Discourse

Marilu Rañosa-Madrunio
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines

Courtroom interaction in judicial settings differs from ordinary conversational discourse in that
it is based on institutional modes of talk. As such, it is the lawyer that controls the topic and de-
cides who can talk and when the question and answer exchange may commence and end. This
paper investigates the questioning process in Philippine courtrooms, specifically the typology
and structure of the lawyers‟ questions and the turn-taking system between the interrogator and
the interrogated that show how power is enacted and legitimated in the discourse genre of direct
and cross-examinations. Selected court proceedings served as corpus of the study. Most of the
materials were sourced from RTC Branch 80 in Malolos City in the Philippine province of Bu-
lacan, which is classified as a Special Court for Drug Cases. The court was included in a pilot
project conducted by the Committee on Linguistic Concerns of the Supreme Court of the Phil-
ippines in 2008 which directed the use of Filipino in courtroom proceedings.

1.0 Introduction restrictions observed most especially if the

With the introduction of Forensic said domain is guided by institutional norms.
Linguistics as a new field of Applied Most likely, if a judicial system employs
Linguistics in the 1990s, courtroom English, then legalese will take its rightful
interaction has increasingly become an place in the legal process.
interesting area to study. However, unlike In the Philippines, English remains to
ordinary conversations, the structure of be the language of legislation and of the
courtroom discourse differs in that it is based court. Being in a multi-lingual country,
on institutional modes of discourse where people may experience some challenges as a
courtroom players observe rules executed by result. There have been some minor attempts
the court‟s jury, or in the case of the by noted legal experts to introduce the use of
Philippines, by the court‟s judge(s) and/or the country‟s national language into the
lawyers. judicial system, such as the translation done
One contentious issue in the legal by Judge Cesar Peralejo who worked on
setting is the place of English (as well as Filipino versions of the Revised Rules on
other languages) in a country‟s legal system, Civil Procedure, the Revised Rules on
which impacts on the pacing of court Evidence and a legal dictionary as well as a
proceedings and the rendering of decisions judicial decision rendered in court by Jose
by the court‟s jury or judges. Another is the dela Rama in response to an appeal written in
variety of English used. These are critical Filipino by journalists prosecuted for libel
components especially in countries where (Reyes 2007 in Powell, 2012).
English is the language of controlling Very few lawyers, though, have
domains like government and law. It is to be attempted to carry out legal proceedings in
noted that the paradigm of World Englishes the national language except for a pilot
closely affects the use of public discourses. project conducted by the Committee on
Thus, verbal encounters in the courtroom Linguistic Concerns of the Supreme Court of
should be properly studied as there are the Philippines starting in 2008, which

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

directed the use of Filipino in court language as it is used in cross examinations

proceedings in at least six regional trial in criminal trials executed by lawyers who
courts in Malolos in the province of Bulacan have the power and the means to inhibit the
(ie., Br. 81, Br. 6, Br. 21, Br. 80, Br. 9, Br. suspects and witnesses from divulging their
17) and one municipal trial court in the town own stories. Gibbons (in Gibbons & Turrell,
of Guiguinto in Bulacan (ie., Branch 79). 2008) avers that cross-examination is a
However, it was only Regional Trial Court verbal battle between the lawyer and the
(RTC) Branch 80 in Malolos, a Special Court witness, in which lawyers have the upper
for Drug Cases under the supervision of hand since they are in control of the
Judge Ma. Resurreccion Ramos-Buhat, that questioning process (p. 116). Conley and
pursued the project. O‟Barr (1998 in Ehrlich, 2010) have argued
Known as a staunch supporter of the that the interactional control of questioners
Filipino language, Judge Buhat translated a (i.e., lawyers) is most pronounced during
well-known rape case in 1994 on the People cross-examinations when the use of the
of the Philippines vs. Leo Echagaray leading questions allow cross-examining
(personal communication with Adelina lawyers to impose their (i.e., their clients‟)
Ramirez, 29 November 2012) which version of events on evidence (pp. 267-268).
culminated in the death penalty by lethal Gibbons (2003 in Ehrlich, 2010) adds that
injection of the suspect in 1999, the first one way by which cross-examining lawyers
death penalty ever imposed after 23 years. manage to construct a version of events
However, with the untimely demise of Judge during questioning that serves the interests of
Buhat in July 2012, RTC Branch 80 reverted their own clients is by “include[ing] elements
back to the use of English as it did in the of this desired version…in the questions” (p.
past. Indeed, this confirms Powell‟s findings 268). Likewise, Heffer (2010) claims that
(in Low and Hashim, 2012) that Filipino has lawyers can also mold or influence
made limited inroads into the country‟s legal interpretation through the wording of their
system. questions. Gibbons (2003 in Powell, 2012)
This paper examines the structure of also expressed that lawyers manipulate
courtroom discussions carried out in both evidence in order to produce favorable
English and Tagalog with the corpus taken reconstructions of events (p. 243). Indeed,
from RTC Branch 80 in Bulacan. The questioning is a defining feature of
purpose of this paper is to show how courtroom testimony since witnesses and
courtroom talk is carried out with emphasis suspects are repeatedly questioned or
on the questioning process that characterizes interrogated by lawyers to elicit responses
courtroom interaction in the discourse genre during the direct examination and re-elicit
of direct and cross examinations. How power answers to check the consistency and
is manifested in the structure of courtroom accuracy of their accounts during the cross-
talk and in the questioning process is examination.
highlighted in the analysis of the typology of Woodbury (1984 in Ehrlich, 2010)
questions used, the structure of the questions defines control as the “degree to which the
raised, the turn-taking system as well as questioner can impose his [sic] own
silence in the courtroom. interpretations on the evidence” (p. 268). It
can be noted that question-types can be
2.0 Review of Related Literature placed in a continuum of “less controlling”
Research shows that power in the to “more controlling.”
courtroom is best exemplified through From this typology, it can be deduced

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

that the type of answers expected is related to yes is followed by a full clause to clarify
the degree of coerciveness of the different what the person answering the question
question types. For instance, Tkǎcuková intends to say (Kachru & Nelson, 2006, p.
(2010) categorizes the cross-examination 43).
question types into “open” and “closed” On the whole, Tkǎcuková 2010
questions. Open questions are wh-questions explains that cross-examiners are tasked to
whereas closed questions are alternative, yes challenge the credibility of the witness,
-no, declarative, and tag questions. These propose an alternative approach to the
questions relate to their syntactic structure as events, and persuade the audience. From the
well as the type of answers expected. narrative perspective, Heffer (2010) cites two
According to Huddleston and Pullum (2002 objects to cross-examination: to dismantle
in Tkǎcuková, 2010), yes-no questions are the story co-constructed during examination
generally regarded as least coercive since and to present alternative versions of the
they offer limited possibility for witnesses to facts (p. 209).
digress, unlike tag and declarative questions According to Brennan (1994 in Holt
which are considered more biased towards a & Johnson, 2010), the linguistic features of
confirmative answer and so are more cross-examination questions include the
coercive (p. 336). Hobbs (2003b in following: a.) use of negatives; b.)
Tkǎcuková, 2010) supports this point that juxtaposition of topics that are not overtly
such types of questions offer an important related; c.) nominalisations; d.) multifaceted
advantage to counsels and that they are questions; e.) unclear questions; f.)
perceived as statements helping to change embedding and much more (pp. 21-22).
the questions into evidence. Tag questions Another characteristic of legal talk
and declarative questions can become a relate to questions in court trials which
powerful tool that enables counsels to give involve the system of turn-taking. It has been
evidence on behalf of witnesses, reducing the noted that lawyers may manipulate power in
latter to the role of minimal responders (p. the turn-taking process apart from their
336). Woodbury (1984) and Berk-Seligson ability to control to a certain extent the
(1999 in Tkǎcuková, 2010), consider the tag nature of the witnesses‟ responses through
questions to be the most coercive since they their questions. Atkinson and Drew (1979 in
have an additional pragmatic meaning (p. Holt and Johnson, 2010) state that at certain
336). points during the proceedings, the judge and
It should be noted that the question- the lawyers have long turns where no one
answering systems can also induce more else contributes (during opening and closing
problems to many non-native English speeches and in summing up), whereas the
speaking countries that follow the agreement examination of witnesses proceeds through a
-disagreement system instead of the positive- series of question and answer exchanges.
negative system in which an answer Although there can be a considerable number
confirming the assumption of the questioner of people present, there are rules on who can
is always in the positive to signal agreement, talk and when (p. 23). This structure limits
as opposed to a negative answer that the opportunity for the suspects and
expresses agreement with that assumption. witnesses to speak and give more
For those who are used to following the information as they can be charged with
positive-negative system, they have difficulty „contempt of court‟. Any attempt to do so,
interpreting yes-no responses in the even if not done deliberately to defy
agreement-disagreement system unless the authority, can be used against the

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

interrogated. For in the courtroom, suspects questions.

and witnesses can and should talk only when
they are ordered to do so. Likewise, if the 3.0 The Corpus
suspect and the witness refuse to reply and The corpus subjected to analysis for
simply observe silence, contempt of court this purpose consisted of selected criminal
may likely be imposed upon them. As Solan and civil cases taken from RTC 80 in
(in Cotterill, 2002) states: “Lawyers are not Malolos, Bulacan, the only regional trial
under oath, and sometimes abuse this court in the Philippines that ever used
position of power by their own violations of Tagalog in its courtroom proceedings. RTC
the cooperative principle, and by 80 is classified as a drugs court headed by
bullying” (p. 192). When to speak and when Presiding Judge Ma. Resurreccion Ramos-
not to speak is a situation controlled by the Buhat from April 2006 to July 2012, the year
powerful group, in this case, the judges and/ of her untimely demise.
or lawyers. The suspects and witnesses In 2008, the Committee on Linguistic
simply await command for them to talk in Concerns of the Supreme Court of the
such verbal encounters or public discourses. Philippines directed the use of Filipino in
The amount of information is also dictated court proceedings in several Bulacan courts,
by the type of questions asked of the suspects including RTC 80. In the pilot scheme, one
and witnesses. Clearly, the instance just cited municipal trial court and several regional
is an example of power asymmetry. Solan trial courts were involved in the project but it
expresses an ironic statement about lawyers, was only RTC 80, under the leadership of
that while they have a special duty to the Judge Buhat, that persisted with the project.
legal system to be forthright, their conduct is After her demise, the court reverted back to
not appropriate for perjury persecution (p. the use of English in hearing their cases.
193). It is worthy to note that in the
With regard to the structure of Philippines, the language of the law is
Philippine courtroom discourse, a local study English and very few people ventured into
conducted by Santos (2006) analyzed the adopting Filipino as the medium in litigation.
triadic verbal exchanges among the lawyers, Since this has remained to be the scenario
the witness, and the court interpreters during through the years, court interpreters are
courtroom interrogation in a multilingual present in courtroom interactions to translate
context. The corpus consisted of audio- English utterances into Tagalog, the mother
recordings of courtroom questions asked by tongue or major language used in the place.
lawyers and responded to by the witnesses in In our study, the official transcripts in
the trial of 13 different criminal cases from Tagalog had their translations done in
Branches 14, 15, 16, 17 of the 9th Judicial English and encoded in italics. For the
Regional Trial Courts in Zamboanga City. English corpus, no editing was done even for
The study revealed that the modal auxiliaries the glaring errors. Words, phrases, sentences
can and could, interpreted either as pabor, coded in red signify that they were not heard
pwede ba, and mahimu ba in the local in the audio-recording but were found in the
language were used as a softening device or official transcripts.
as an indirect request. Of the three question The corpus of the study included both
types, wh questions predominated the direct audio-recordings and official transcripts of
examination followed by bi-polar questions. selected cases heard from 2009 to 2012 at
Finally, lawyers from both the prosecution RTC 80. Four written transcripts were used,
and defense panels rarely used open-ended two of which were direct examinations while

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

the other two were cross-examinations. 2010). Gibbons (2003 in Ehrlich, 2010)
It should be noted that video- claims that the questioning is based
recordings were not permitted by the court. according to a questioner‟s ability to include
The researcher had to rely on the audio- “elements of the [ir] desired version of
recordings of at least two cases lent by the events” in questions (p. 268). Indeed, as cited
court as well as the official transcripts of one earlier, for Woodbury (1984 in Ehrlich,
civil case and one criminal case. This is one 2010), control refers to the “degree to which
limitation of the study. However, it is not an the questioner can impose his [sic] own
isolated case since the same happens in trial interpretations on the evidence” (p. 268).
courts all over the world. Audio-recordings, The language used in the
more so video-recordings, are not allowed in interrogation process takes on a crucial role
court proceedings even in other countries. as it may accelerate or decelerate the flow of
Finally, while drug cases were heard the questioning process. In the case of
in Tagalog in RTC Branch 80 in Bulacan, Philippine litigation, some lawyers claim that
proceedings in civil cases continued to be the use of Tagalog or Filipino expedites the
conducted in English in the same branch. whole legal process. Judge Buhat avers that:
Thus, in this study, courtroom discourse Using Filipino captures the
refers to discourse in the courtroom attention of the litigants. They
conducted in both English and Tagalog. manage to easily understand
4.0 Results and Discussion
This section focuses on a discussion everything. It also lessens the
of the research problems starting with the time spent on trials because
questioning process which deals with the there are no more translations.
typology of questions in the courtroom and There is more silence in my
sentence structures that include the analysis court because everybody
of direct and indirect reported speech and
understands what is going on
and-and-so prefaced questions. The question
-and-answer sequence or turn-taking system and everybody listens.
is likewise investigated along with silence as (, 20 August 2009)
observed in the courtroom. This claim was corroborated by
4.1. Typology of Questions Justice de la Rama, a retired Court of
It is crucial to analyze at this point Appeals associate justice, who stated that:
how the questioning process is carried out in The use of Filipino in court
the courtroom that is, the types of questions proceedings would expedite the
utilized in direct and cross-examinations as
handling of cases because
well as how the turn-taking and sequencing
operate in the discourse of courtroom translators would no longer be
players. Such an analysis would show how needed. Using our national
manipulation is played out and achieved. language will also allow the
Researchers have argued that the litigants to fully understand
interactional control of the questioners (i.e.,
what is happening in the court.
the lawyers) is best manifested during cross-
examination when the use of leading Transparency inside the court
questions allow cross-examining lawyers to can be achieved more by using
impose their clients‟ version of events on our national language.
evidence (Conley & O‟Barr 1998 in Ehrlich, (, 20 August 2009).

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

Indeed, Buhat and De la Rama‟s witness was saying and not to challenge or
claim can be further substantiated by court weaken it (Ehrlich, 2010). Few closed
proceedings done in the past until before the questions were utilized since the goal was to
untimely demise of Judge Buhat in 2012 establish the credibility of the witness.
where official transcripts (or Katitikan) It should be noted that in the 2nd
showed the smooth exchange of question- extract of the direct examination, the
and-answer sequence between the question asked by the counsel used the
interrogator and the interrogated. In this modal do answerable by yes or no. However,
study, it should be noted that the language when translated by the courtroom interpreter,
used in criminal cases such as those dealing the question used the paano structure which
with drugs made use of Tagalog while civil is the direct translation of the interrogative
cases employed English. In an interview with question how.
one of Judge Buhat‟s staff, it was noted that Counsel: This P177,400.00 Miss
there was difficulty in using Tagalog in civil Witness, do you know how
cases since English terms do not have one-on this [uh] amount was
-one correspondence in Tagalog (personal arrived at?
communication with Adelina Ramirez, 19 Interpreter: Pano narating yung
October 2012). However, in the analysis of P177,000?
the typology of questions, only one (Alam mo ba Miss Witness
framework was used for the analysis of kung paano narating ang
courtroom proceedings carried out in English halagang P177,400?)
and Tagalog. (Did you know how the
In the analysis of the typology of amount of P177,400 was
questions in Philippine legal proceedings, arrived at?)
Tkǎcuková‟s taxonomy of questions was As regards the first extract for the
employed. Questions are classified according cross examination having a total of 26
to open and closed. Open questions are wh- questions, there were more closed questions
questions while closed questions are employed at 16 instances while open
alternative (or choice), yes/no, declarative, questions were counted at 10 instances.
and tag questions. In the Tagalog sample for However, for the closed questions, apart
direct examination, out of the 60 questions from yes-no, there were also a few instances
asked of the witness by the counsel, there of declarative and alternative questions as
were more of the closed questions in the illustrated in the following examples:
form of yes-no at 31 and open questions in Declarative: Now this alleged transaction
the form of wh at 29 instances but the between alyas XXXX and the poseur buyer
difference is not marked. For the English happened inside the alley where the house
corpus analyzed for the direct examination, of alias XXXX is located?
out of the 47 questions in the extract, open Alternative or Choice: Was that the asset
questions in the form of wh were identified at who acted as poseur buyer or another asset?
32 instances and closed yes-no at 15
instances. It appears then that open Similar to the 1st sample, the 2nd sample of
questions were employed as the lawyer co- cross-examination revealed more closed
constructed the narrative of the witness and questions at 30 instances and open questions
not much to control the information sought. at 10 instances for a total of 40 questions.
The lawyer posed questions to elicit Apart from yes-no questions, alternative and
testimony to presuppose the truth of what the declarative questions were also employed as

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

illustrated in the extracts below: signed in her house or at the house of

Declarative: XXXX.
1) So you will admit that you
had no part in the terms and
conditions contained in this Q: So you were not present then when
“Kasulatan sa this document was signed by the
Pagkakautang? defendants, is that what you mean?
2) So you will admit that that A: It was presented to me, then I signed
receipt of the amount does not it. It was a long time ago, 1990.
refer to any agreement of sale
of a parcel of land owned by
the defendant? Q: You said that you signed it. Your
Alternative or Choice: signature does not appear in this
1) Which is which now, Madame document, is it not?
Witness, did you sign, or did A: I want to see that document.
you not sign that receipt?
2) So Madame Witness, which
document were you referring In the preceding extract, the witness,
to, Exh. “A” or Exh. “C”. in her effort to contradict the lawyer‟s own
According to Archer (2010), wh version of the story, did not answer the
questions are often resorted to when question about the place where the document
questioning witnesses. These questions are was signed. She further added that she was
restrictive in nature lessening the chances for not even present at the time of the signing
the witness to narrate freely. Archer 2010 and that the whole proceeding happened a
claims that the framing of questions is a long time ago, making her response to the
strategy. They appear to be open-ended but query quite uncertain. When the last question
in reality allow a tight control over testimony was thrown her, she readily gave a directive
(p. 191). “I want to see that document.”
Another characteristic of courtroom Extract 2:
interaction is the use of questions that elicit Q: Do you mean to say that prior to the
yes or no confirmatory answers. However, in receipt of this amount there was
the example below, the witness employed already an agreement to sell lands to
descriptions or explanations to disconfirm you?
the lawyer‟s version and not yielding to the
A: Yes, because at that time she needs
lawyer‟s power. This strategy, however, is
found only in the cross-examination of a civil money, and she told me…
case analyzed but not in the criminal or drug
case. Counsel 2: There is no question.
Extract 1:
Q: Where, where was it signed? A: I am just explaining my part, sir.
A: It was prepared by XXXX, and
notarized by… Court: You wait for the question, Madame
Q: Where was it signed by the defendant Witness.
A: I was not present then. I think it was In extract 2, the witness‟s answer was

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

immediately followed by an explanation bearing on the guilt or innocence, employing

which the counsel immediately interrupted question forms that exert increasing pressure
by saying that there was no question raised. for a confirmatory response (p. 178).
But this did not stop the witness from There were also instances when the
further speaking, claiming that she was just answers of the witness consisted of two
explaining her part. While she is trying to parts: the first part providing the information
enact resistance of power in the courtroom, needed and the second part providing an
her desire to do it was finally put to a stop explanation or expansion:
when the judge politely retorted, giving a Counsel: Sino po sa inyong grupo ang
directive: “You wait for the question, nakaka-alam ng bahay o lugar
Madame Witness.” [kung] saan matatagpuan si alyas
Thus, in the Philippine courtroom, a XXXX?
witness may get the chance to resist power Who among the members of your
in the interrogation process but would not group know where XXXX lives?)
necessarily achieve success since ultimately, Witness:[ Bale po ma’am di] Yun [lang]
it is the voice of the court or the judge that pong asset namin [ma’am] ang
will prevail. Exchange of utterances between nagturo [at] sinamahan lang po
the interrogator and the interrogated gets kami [noong] [nung] mga Brgy.
terminated upon the instruction of the judge. Tanod [kasi] Sila po ang lubos na
This is favorable to the interrogator. nakakaalam.
In general, though, a direct (Ma‟am, it was only our asset who
examination is carried out in a friendlier led us to the place of XXXX and the
manner than cross examinations. It is BarangayTanod simply accompanied
described to be supportive and cooperative us. They were the ones who were
to the witness‟s claims. In cross familiar with the place).
examinations, the questioning is more
aggressive, adversarial, and antagonistic at The intimidation strategy is likewise
times, leading to coerciveness. Since a cross- employed and is often found effective. Even
examination is carried out by the opposing when insults are levied or hurled at the
side when the examination of the witness is suspects and/or witnesses, they do not adopt
complete, the cross-examiner finds ways to a defensive counter-strategy as in the
disprove or destroy the witness‟ earlier examples below:
claims, sounding combative to create an Counsel: But she is insisting that she has a
atmosphere of fear and hostility. As signature on that receipt, your honor,
mentioned earlier, Heffer (2010) claims that but the one offered your honor, there
there are two objectives of cross- is no signature of the witness.
examination: a.) to dismantle the story co- Witness: Maybe it was not…I don‟t
constructed during examination and b.) to remember. I did not sign that or I was
present alternative versions of the facts. not asked to sign that paper by
These can be achieved through the framing XXXX who prepared that.
of the lawyer‟s questions in terms of form, Counsel: Which is which now, Madame
content, and management (p. 209). Witness, did you sign, or did you not
According to Heritage and Clayman (2010), sign that receipt?
a common pattern is for the lawyer to Witness: I do not remember. I did not sign
proceed from relatively factual to more that because that was notarized. Can
interpretive questions that will have direct it be notarized without the signature

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

of the … 19, 1990…

Counsel: It was not notarized, your honor. In both extracts, the witness was
The witness is telling a lie. That is instructed by the counsel to answer only the
not notarized. question, no explanation needed. It appears
Witness: I admit that I do not have a that the lawyer was simply waiting for a
signature here, maybe I did not sign. categorical „yes‟ or „no‟ answer. In the first
Maybe, I do not remember. extract, the exchange of utterances was
terminated when the judge herself instructed
In the sample extract above, cross- the witness to wait for the question, implying
examination was done for the purpose of that the witness should refrain from further
presenting an alternative version. As such, speaking if not asked. Similarly, in the
the new version could result in the second extract, even if the witness answered
discrediting of the witness and putting the the lawyer‟s question with another question
arguments of the prosecuting lawyer on attempting to enact resistance, she did not
greater ground during the course of the cross succeed when the lawyer immediately cut off
-examination. her statement.
As confirmed by the extracts below, Another feature worth noting in cross
in lawyer-witness interaction, witnesses -examinations is the use of a question labeled
cannot engage in free narration. They are as leading. A question is leading if it
expected to answer only those questions suggests to the witness the response that the
raised by the counsel. examining counsel desires, and which the
1) Counsel: And this does not refer to a other party disputes or challenges as seen in
sale of a portion of a land the example below:
owned by her, is it Counsel 1: At that time, how much was
not? Just answer my question. the total price you already
Witness: On the first part, it was not a paid to XXXX involving these
sale but a contract of three (3) transactions?
indebtedness. Witness: P119,600.00, [ma‟am] [the
Court: Madame Witness, please total].
refrain from making any Counsel 1: So [uh] by that time, was the
statements when you total purchase price of the
were not asked yet of any lot…
question. Counsel 2: Leading your honor.
2) Counsel: So you will admit Madame Court: Rephrase the question.
Witness that you were not the How far the counsel can go in
one who prepared the receipt dominating the courtroom has been
and you were not present discussed explicitly. However, it should also
when this receipt was be noted that in the Philippine courtroom, the
executed? judge also has his/her own share of
Witness: Is that a receipt? That is not a exercising control over both the counsel as
receipt. There was a seen in Extract 1 and the witness as seen in
document, a receipt… the examples below:
Counsel: I am just asking you this Extract 1:
particular document which is Counsel (Defense): So you did not see him in
a receipt for the amount of the act of …
P12,480.00 under date May Counsel (Prosecution): Already answered,

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

your Honor, please. doon sa eskinita, talagang

Court: Sustained. doon lang sa [may] labas ng
eskinita magkakaroon ng
Extract 2: transaksyon, ganoon po ba?
Counsel: How, how much per square (When you arrived at the
meter? Barangay Hall on your way to
Witness: P70,000.00 for the five the alley, is the
hundred fifty (550) square transaction to take place only
meters, ma‟am. at the entrance of the alley?)
Court: The question is how much per Witness: Opo. (Yes.)
square meter? However, the second set of utterance
Witness: Ano po kasi yun eh 70,000 below obviously points to the lack of
pesos po yung 550 square accuracy on the part of the witness with the
meters. (For the 550 square use of indirect reported speech “Ang sabi
meters, it’s P70,000). lang po ng asset namin [ma‟am] ay
magkikita raw po sila sa tabing kalsada.” It
4.2 Sentence Structure shows that the witness does not have any first
-hand knowledge or direct experience of the
4.2.1 Direct vs. Indirect Reported Speech event that occurred. The use of raw implies
Philippine courtroom interaction that the information is coming from someone
between the counsel and the witness makes and not from the speaker himself and the use
use of reported speech. Toolan (2001 in Holt of lang implies that it is the only thing that
& Johnson, 2010) claims that direct speech the asset or informer knows.
pretends to be a faithful verbatim report of a Counsel: Pano po] [uh] [Naalala, nalaman
person‟s words while in indirect speech, the niyo ho ba [uh:3.0] kung nagkaroon
speech of the reported speaker is not simply ng usapan itong asset ninyo at yong
reproduced but „instead the narrator‟s words target niyo bago kayo nagpunta
and deictic orientation‟ are foregrounded as [dun] sa eskinita?
the reported speech becomes subordinate to (Did you learn that a transaction is to
the main reporting clause (p. 31). take place between your asset and the
In the judicial context, more weight is target before you went to the alley?)
given to direct speech as it is important for Witness: Ang sabi lang po ng asset namin
the witness to give an accurate account of [ma’am] ay magkikita raw po sila sa
what was really said and what really tabing kalsada.
transpired. The use of direct reported speech (Our asset simply told us that they
is even more critical in cross-examinations. It will see each other near the street.)
lessens the probing done by the counsel
when the responses appear to be closer to the In the English extract, what is striking is the
actual words said rather than when the translation done by the courtroom interpreter
witness relies only on hearsay, and is simply which obviously speaks of the indirect
making a report of someone else‟s account. involvement of the witness.
Witnesses therefore have the duty to report Counsel: [uh] Likewise [uh] Miss Witness,
faithfully to the court what really transpired. XXXX denied that [uh] this is her
This claim is illustrated in the example signature appearing on Exh. “A”.
below: What can you say about that?
Counsel: Noon po bang pagkagaling Interpreter: Sabi daw ni XXXX hindi mo rin
‘nyo sa Brgy. Hall papunta daw pirma yan, eh.

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

(XXXX said it is not also your Witness: Hindi ko na po

signature.) [matandaan] [ma(.)batid
While the counsel phrased the ma‟am].
question in a way that should make XXXX (I can no longer recall,
the agent of the action, the translated version ma’am.)
however, made it appear that XXXX was no 2) Counsel: Sino ho ang sumunod na
longer the focus. With the use of daw in the pumasok pagkatapos na
sentence which is a reporting article, the pumasok ang dalawang
information given is no longer first-hand but [uh] Brgy. Tanod na iyon?
second-hand, thus lessening the impact of the (Who immediately followed
action. Denied as used in the first sentence after the two Barangay
means renounce, revoke, nullify, disprove or Tanod?)
disown which all have strong meanings Witness: Sunud-sunod na po kami
hence giving the impression that the witness [ma’am mga pulis].
is dishonest. In the second sentence, such (We did, then the police came
strong impact is no longer felt with the use of one after the other.)
daw, referring to something that has been Counsel: Natatandaan niyo po ba kung
said or quoted by another person. Thus, the sino sa inyong mga pulis ang
interpretation could have been better if sumunod pagkapasok ng
stated: dalawang Brgy.Tanod?
“Hindi mo lagda iyan batay sa (Do you recall who among the
sinumpaang salaysay ni XXXX.” police immediately followed
(This is not your signature based on the two Barangay Tanod?)
the signed affidavit of XXXX.) Witness: Hindi na po [ma’am].
(I can no longer recall,
It is also important that the witness is ma‟am).
able to recall details of the event. In the 4.2.2 And- and So-Prefaced
example below, it shows that the witness Questions
does not have the ability to recall details and Another striking feature of questions
therefore his responses are considered as asked by lawyers is the so-called and-
weak evidence. prefaced and so-prefaced questions. Holt and
1) Counsel: At [noong] [nung] dumating Johnson (2010) claim that so-prefaced
[ho] [po] kayo doon [ay] sino questions help construct evidential discourse
po ang inyong nakausap sa and evaluate previous utterances by the
Brgy. Hall ng XXXX? interviewee. As it is, those involved in
(And when you arrived there, serious criminal cases would not be willing
whom did you talk to to give an extensive account of something
at the Barangay Hall of that will incriminate them. So-prefaced
XXXX?) questions allow the interviewer to repeat the
Witness: Yon pong Desk Officer nila. discourse of the interviewee thereby enabling
(Their Desk Officer.) the interviewer to process and evaluate the
Counsel: [Alam niyo po ba o] significance of the developing narrative and
Natatandaan niyo po ba ang produce weighted evidence.
pangalan nitong desk officer? In the Tagalog extracts analyzed,
(Do you recall the name of the there was only one instance when the word
desk officer?) so or its equivalent in Tagalog (kaya, kaya

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

nga) was used in any of the sentences. A: Opo [ma‟am].

(Yes, ma’am).
Extract 1:
On the other hand, the use of and-prefaced
Q: Kanina po ang sabi ‘nyo ay questions in the Tagalog sample helps the
[pumasok] dumating kayo sa eskinita counsel support his understanding of the
(.) at ang unang pumasok ay ang mga previous utterances and arrange the discourse
Brgy. Tanod at pagkatapos ay into a clear crime narrative that approximates
sumunod kayo. Paano po na ngayon the actual happening of the event.
sinasabi [‘nyo] [ninyo]na pagdating Noteworthy is the use of the coordinator “at”
ninyo sa lugar ay arestado na si alyas for at least 21 times or 35% in the 60 actual
XXXX? exchanges of utterances between the counsel
(Earlier you said that when you and the witness:
reached the alley, the first to enter Counsel: At noong [uh] nalaman na po [uh]
were the Barangay Tanod ng inyong [uh] hepe ang
followed by you. How did it happen patungkol sa ulat ng inyong asset,
that when you reached the place, ano po ang iniutos sa inyo na gawin?
XXXX had already been (And when your Chief of Police
arrested?) learned about your asset‟s report,
A: [ma’am] Yung unang opera[syon] what did he instruct you to do?)
[tion] po namin sa kalsada [po Witness: [uh] Magsagawa po kami ng buy
ma’am] yong po asset namin doon po bust operation [ma‟am].
nagkabilihan. (To organize a buy-bust operation).
(Ma‟am, the first operation by the Counsel: At yung [pong] mga pulis, mga
street was with our asset, it was then pangalan ng pulis na kanina ay
that the transaction took place). binanggit ninyo, yun din po ba ang
[Uhhmm] inyong makakasama sa [gagawin
Q: Kasi kanina po ay tinatanong ko kayo ninyong] buy bust operation?
kung pagkatapos sa Brgy. Hall (And the names of the police you
saan kayo sumunod na pumunta mentioned earlier, were they also the
ang sinabi nyo [eh] [uh] [ay] ones who were with you in the buy-
pumunta kayo doon sa [may] eskinita bust operation?)
at may pumasok sa eskinita? Witness: Opo. (Yes.)
(Because earlier when I asked you Counsel: At sino po ang [uh]
where you proceeded after going to magpapanggap na
the Barangay Hall, you stated that bibili?
you went to the alley and that (And who was to act as the
someone entered the alley). poseur buyer?)
A: Opo [ma‟am]. Witness: Yun pong asset po namin, ako
Q: [So] Ibig mong sabihin ay noong po yung kanyang back-up.
pumasok kayo sa eskinita [ay] (Our asset; I was to serve as
tapos na yong sinasabi ninyong his back-up).
bilihan, [ganoon] [ganun] po ba? With respect to the English sample,
(So you mean to say that when you out of the 47 question-and-answer
entered the alley, the transaction had exchanges, at least eight or 18% of the
already taken place, is that it?) counsel‟s questions began with and and six

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

or 13% with so. The rest are classified as wh Thus, the use of and- and so-prefaced
questions. questions have semantic and pragmatic
Q: And [uh] when was it for the first meanings.
time that [uh:3.0] XXXX talked to Semantically, and and so-prefaced questions
you about the said [uh] P300.00 per combine smaller meaningful units to form
square meter [price] of these three (3) larger meaningful ones, establishing the
parcels of lot? relationship between form and meaning.
A: We received a subpoena from [the] Pragmatically, they recreate the scenes and
Barangay XXXX] for us to appear help present these scenes in a continuous
[in] [at] the said [uh] barangay manner.
[office or barangay XXXX], [ma‟am] 4.3 Turn-taking System
and from there we came to know Atkinson and Drew (1979 in Ehrlich,
[that] the price of the lot [was being 2010) point out that the question-answer
raised] was being raised to P300.00 sequence is characterized by turn-type pre-
per square meter. allocation, meaning that the types of turns
Q: So when was that when [uh] you were participants can take are pre-determined by
summoned before the barangay? their institutional roles. The turn-taking
A: That was in July 8, 1998, [ma‟am.] system operating in the courtroom is quite
different from ordinary conversations. In
As for the cross-examination extracts informal conversations where there is power
analyzed, and questions were identified at symmetry, there is negotiation and
five instances and four instances for so participants may self-select; either they self-
questions for the first sample which had a select themselves or others. In contrast, legal
total of 26 sets of utterances. In the second interaction highly depends on the power
sample, so questions were found at 16 relationships among the participants. In the
instances and six instances for and questions courtroom, lawyers are able to argue and
out of the 45 exchanges of utterances. narrate against the witness because they
Extract 2: wield power in the turn-taking process.
Moreover, Atkinson and Drew (1979
Q: Madame Witness, would you kindly in Heritage and Clayman, 2010) claim that a
inform this Honorable Court your highest special turn-taking system exists in the
educational attainment? courtroom organized around questions and
A: I passed the CPA Board last 1995, answers, with the lawyers restricted to asking
Class 1968. questions and the witnesses limited to
Q: So you are an accountant? answering them, as other parties are
A: Yes, sir. prohibited from speaking at all except under
Q: And you will admit that all these special circumstances. Compliance with this
documents that you presented turn-taking system is monitored and enforced
before this Honorable Court as your by the participants themselves, with the judge
exhibits in this case were charged with the task of adjudicating
prepared by you? procedural disputes. By pre-specifying who
A: Yes, sir, but dictated to me by XXXX. may speak at any given juncture, the system
Q: And where did you prepare these helps to manage the traffic of interaction in a
documents? situation where the large number of
A: It was prepared in their house, sir. participants might otherwise lead to a
cacophony of simultaneous speech. This

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

sustains a collective focus on a single course ba [uh] dumating ang asset para mag
of activity (p. 176). -ulat?
Note the exchange of utterances (And do you mean to say you had
between the lawyer and the witness and the companions at that time? Around
length of utterances given by each: what time did the asset come
Q: [uh] G. [(Ginoong) Saksi, noong [uh] for his report?)
kayo [ho] ay naglahad sa A: Humigit kumulang alas 11:00 po
Hukumang to noong ika-7 ng Hunyo nang [ng] umaga.
2010 ay [uh:8.0] sinabi niyo na (More or less 11:00 in the morning.)
noong 2008 kayo ay [uh] nakatalaga Q: At sino po [ang] partikular sa inyo
sa [uh:3.0] DEU ng XXXX Police ang [ang] [uh] nakausap nya at
Station, naalala ‘nyo po ba? nabigyan niya ng ulat?
(Mr. Witness, when you narrated to (Who in particular did he talk to and
this court on June 7, 2010, you was given the report?)
said that in 2008, you were A: Ako po.
designated at the DEU of the XXXX (Me, sir.) [6.0]
Police Station, do you recall that? T: Ito po bang asset na ito ay [uh]
A: Opo. matagal nang [ng] nagbibigay ng
(Yes.) [6.0] ulat sa inyong tanggapan
Q: At sinabi niyo rin na noong ika-21 ng patungkol sa [uh] [mga]
Agosto [taong] 2008 ay [uh] ipinagbabawal na gamot?
nagpunta sa inyong himpilan (This asset you‟re referring to, has he
ang [isang, ang] inyong civilian asset been giving reports to your Office for
at [uh:3.0] nag-ulat patungkol sa (.) long concerning illegal drugs?)
bentahan ng ipinagbabawal na gamot [6.0]
sa Brgy. XXXX at XXXX, naalala S: Hindi pa po [katagalan] [matagal].
‘nyo po ba? (Not too long.)
(And you also said on August 21, An analysis of these utterances
2008 that the civilian asset went to revealed that the first part of the examination
your station and reported on the sale used closed questions while the succeeding
of illegal drugs at Barangay XXXX ones employed open wh questions. The first
in XXXX, do you recall that?) two sets of questions are very restrictive in
A: Opo. that they call for a „yes-no‟ answer only,
(Yes). with no elaboration required. And while the
Q: Sinu-sino po ang mga kasama niyo sa succeeding question is open in nature, the
inyong tanggapan noong panahon na question asked is a who question and the last,
nagbigay ng ulat itong asset na ito? a confirmatory question which does not call
(Who were with you in your Office at for an elaborate answer. The topic is likewise
the time the asset gave his report?) determined by the lawyer. Whatever is asked
A: Si P/Insp. XXXX po, si PO2 XXXX, by the counsel, the witness is obliged to
PO2 XXXX [at si] [8.0] PO3 XXXX po. answer.
(Police Inspector XXXX, PO2 XXXX To reiterate, the system of turn-taking
and PO3 XXXX). that participants adopt is obviously based on
Q: At [ang] [uh] ibig mong sabihin ay institutional modes of talk or discourse rules.
marami kayong kasama noong oras The advantaged group or the interrogators,
po na iyon[.] (?) Mga anong oras po that is, the judges and the lawyers, are given

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

longer turns especially when they give their rephrased at that. To elicit the response, the
opening and closing speeches. In the counsel had to ask the question several times
conduct of both direct and cross before he received an acceptable response to
examinations, they control the topic, decide his inquiry.
who can talk and when the question-and- In some instances, the counsel asks
answer exchange will begin and end leaving confirmatory questions but answers elicited
the powerless group or the interrogated, that do not confirm at all as seen in the following
is, the suspects and the witnesses, at a example:
disadvantage. As it is, with the training that Q: Do you mean to tell this Honorable
lawyers underwent, it is presumed that they Court that she has a typewriter in her
already have an idea as to how the witness house?
will answer any given question. A: The initial draft was prepared in her
Moreover, answers yielded by the house but I typed it in our office. But
witness should be relevant and the criteria these were documents not
for such relevance are drafted by the lawyers typewritten, only handwritten in the
themselves. From time to time, suspects and house of XXXX. She was present
witnesses may also be interrupted in the with the witness XXXX.
course of their responses to stop them from
giving unnecessary and “insignificant” In the legal setting, witnesses and/or
information. This is one reason why studies suspects generally succumb to the power of
show that the narrative reports given by the the lawyers especially when they do not
witnesses are not accurate since they are know how to counteract the lawyer‟s
deprived from „telling their own stories.‟ To strategy. But in the turn-taking system,
get explicit answers, lawyers engage in witnesses may also exercise power on their
reformulation, rewording what has been said own by resisting the carefully-designed
by the witness or witnesses in response to question/s of the lawyer:
the lawyer‟s query. The rewording may be
done in one turn or a series of turns or even Extract 1:
in one whole episode, the purpose of which Q: Now this alleged transaction between
is to make the witness or the suspect accept alyas XXXX and the poseur buyer
the lawyer‟s own version of events as seen in happened inside the alley where
the example below: the house of alias XXXX is
Q: And this was, as you said, this was located?
signed where? A: No, Ma‟am. It happened at the
A: That was 1990 and… barangay road.
Q: Where, where was it signed?
A: It was prepared by XXXX, and Extract 2:
notarized by… Q: What time was the transaction
Q: Where was it signed by the defendant between alias XXXX and the poseur
XXXX? buyer?
A: I was not present then. I think it was A: It happened at night time, but I could
signed in her house or at the house of not exactly tell the exact time
XXXX. because it happened a long time ago.
In this extract of trial examination, it Q: Can you still recall when your team
could be noted that the counsel asked the was dispatched to proceed to the
witness the question three times, the last one place of your buy bust operation?

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

A: Maliwa-liwanag pa po nung nag- that is, the alleged transaction between the
dispatch kami. poseur buyer and the suspect did not happen
(It was still daytime when we were in the alley but at the barangay road. For
dispatched.) extract 2, the witness did not respond
Court: appropriately to the question as to the time
Q: Can you approximate the time, five when the event happened. He only
or sick o‟clock? answered “night time” which is a long
A: Perhaps it was between five (5:00) stretch of hours impossible for the lawyer to
to six (6:00) o‟clock in the guess. It was only after the third follow-up
afternoon and the operation lasted question when he was asked by the judge
until night. herself to approximate the time that an
answer was elicited from him: “Perhaps,
Extract 3: between 5-6 pm…” implying that he was
Q: Can you estimate what time did your not even sure because of the use of perhaps.
subject arrive at the place? The same is true for extract 3 when the
A: I could no longer recall the exact witness was asked if he could approximate
time, because that happened at night the time when the suspect arrived at the
time. place where the transaction was supposed to
have taken place but the answer was an
Extract 4: implicit rejection. As regards extract 4,
Q: And this does not refer to a sale of a while it is clear that the lawyer was
portion of a land owned by her, is it exercising control over the witness by
not? Just answer my question. asking a yes-no question and following it up
A: On the first part, it was not a sale but with the directive “Just answer my
a contract of indebtedness. question”, the witness gave an answer not
related to what was being asked. Finally, for
Extract 5: extract 5, the witness avoided answering the
Q: So you again are saying that you question by not giving a „yes‟ or „no‟
were not present when this response. She responded with a statement
document was prepared…neither and followed it up with a question. For the
you were prepared,…neither you last exchange of utterances, while the
were present when this document lawyer was asking as to where the original
or receipt was executed by the document could be found, the witness
person who signed the answered by affirming her signature on the
document? document.
A: I think the original have a signature. Heritage and Clayman (2010) argue
Do you have the original? that the lack of both explicit negation and
Q: That is your Exh. “B”. Where is the intrinsic contradiction poses a puzzle as to
original? how these responses are heard to be
A: That is my signature. competing with the attorney‟s version of
events. It anchors on the absence of a
In the preceding extracts, some of confirmatory “yes” in a sequential context
the questions invite confirmation from the where that was the preferred response,
witnesses. However, in the first example, together with a discriminably different
while a “no” response was produced, it also characterization, both of which are
contradicted the place cited by the counsel, interpretive resources suggesting a

The Interrogator and the Interrogated

competitive understanding of responses. To sum up, the examples cited above

Despite the attorney‟s greater experience in validate the contention of Heritage and
the courtroom, and his command of a Clayman (2010) that attorneys are not
formidable line of questioning, the witness permitted to present their evidence in an
throws down a succession of roadblocks and uninterrupted speech since each attorney
effectively resists being steamrolled (p. must build his or her case step-by-step by
181). All these show how witnesses enact interacting with the witnesses, through a
resistance in the courtroom. series of question-and-answer exchanges
In the preceding discussion, it was concerning the facts of the case (p.176).
stated that in the courtroom, turn-taking
system is restrictive in that the lawyers are 5. Conclusion
confined to asking questions while the This paper investigated the structural
witnesses, to answering such questions with analysis of the questions raised in direct and
the other parties hindered from speaking cross examinations, the sentence structures
except under special circumstances. In the of courtroom talk that cover direct and
extract below, it could be noted that in the indirect reported speech, and- and so-
fifth exchange of utterances, the counsel for prefaced questions, as well as the turn-
the other party butts in, saying: “Already taking system observed by the courtroom
answered your honor, please” as a quick players. For those who are not aware as to
response to the question of the prosecuting how language works in the courtroom, the
attorney to help the witness from being study has raised a certain degree of
pushed to the wall. awareness among the lay courtroom players
PA: While you were waiting for this as to how power is achieved by the
subject to come to the place of the interrogators in the courtroom especially
operation, where were you when you that courtroom talk is governed by
were waiting? institutional modes of discourse giving the
W: I was in a private car. interrogators a free hand as to what
PA: And your asset, the poseur buyer questions need to be asked and how to go
was waiting for that target to come? about the turn-taking system.
W: Yes, ma‟am. It is important for courtroom lay
PA: Where in particular was the asset players to know the strategies employed by
positioned at the time he was legal professionals in terms of the
waiting for this target to come? questioning process so they do not fall prey
W: It [He] was near a store with a to the latter‟s questioning style and become
lamppost. defenseless in the interrogation process.
PA: So when this person arrived what did While there are instances when some
you observe? witnesses are able to enact resistance of the
W: When he approached the asset, the power imposed on them by the
asset made the pre-arranged interrogators, that was possible only to some
signal that he has already bought limited degree. Knowing then how the
from the target. whole legal proceedings operate in the
PA: So you did not see him in the act of courtroom can somehow equip the lay
… courtroom players with the necessary
Counsel 2: Already answered, your Honor, techniques to limit this play of power.
please. Further, as there is a close connection
Court: Sustained. between language and power, the lay who

M. Rañosa-Madrunio

are already put at a disadvantage could Heritage, J. & Clayman, S. (2010). Talk in
lessen their powerlessness through the use Action: Interactions, Identities, and
of a language known to them, a language Institutions.Wiley-Blackwell.
they are most comfortable with rather than Holt, E. & Johnson, A. (2010). Socio-
carrying out courtroom talk in a language pragmatic aspects of legal talk:
which is hardly understood by the police interviews and trial
interrogated. This way, the degree of Discourse. In M. Coulthard & A.
inadequacy of their speaking style could be Johnson (Eds.)., The Routledge
minimized and their voices heard more Handbook of Forensic Linguistics
strongly in the interest of justice. (pp. 21-36). Routledge.
Kachru, Y. & Nelson, C. (2006). World
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Englishes in Asian Contexts. Hong
This paper forms part of the research project Kong University Press.
entitled “Language, Power, and Control in Personal Communication with Ms.
Philippine Courtroom Discourse” that the Adelina Ramirez, Judge Buhat‟s
author presented in March 2013 as holder of Staff, October 19, 2012 &
the Br. Andrew Gonzalez Professorial November 29, 2012.
Chair. The author is grateful for the grant Powell, R. (2012). English in Southeast
provided by the University of Santo Tomas. Asian Law. In E.L. Low & A.
She is likewise indebted to the staff of the Hashim (Eds.), English in Southeast
late Judge Ma. Resurreccion D. Ramos- Asia: Features, policy and language
Buhat of Regional Trial Court (RTC) 80, in use (pp. 241-266). John
Malolos, Bulacan for allowing her to collect Benjamins Publishing Company.
corpus for her research data. For the Reyes, C. “Bulacan Uses Filipino in Court
complete transcripts, please refer to the Trials.” 20 August
documents at RTC 80, Malolos. 2009. Web. 4 May 2011.
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