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Biting around the bush

Meaning: Avoiding the main topic; not getting to the point.

 Examples: Instead of addressing the issue directly, she kept biting around the bush.
 Stop biting around the bush and tell me what you really think.
 The manager was frustrated with the employee's habit of biting around the bush during

Break a leg
Meaning: Good luck.
 You're going to do great in the exam—break a leg!
 Break a leg at your audition; I know you'll shine.
 Wishing you all the best on your presentation—break a leg!

Raining cats and dogs

Meaning: Heavy rain.
 We had to postpone the outdoor event because it was raining cats and dogs.
 I got soaked on my way home; it was really raining cats and dogs.
 Take an umbrella; it looks like it's going to start raining cats and dogs.

Think outside the box

Meaning: Be creative and think innovatively.
 In order to solve this problem, we need to think outside the box.
 His success in business came from his ability to think outside the box.
 The teacher encourages his students to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas.

Tie the knot

Meaning: Get married.
 After years of dating, they finally decided to tie the knot.
 The couple is planning to tie the knot next spring.
 We're invited to their wedding—they're going to tie the knot in Maldives.

Go the extra mile

Meaning: Put in extra effort; go above and beyond what is required.
 To succeed in this project, we need to go the extra mile.
 She always goes the extra mile to ensure she achieves her dreams.
 Going the extra mile is what sets exceptional students apart.

To go down in flames
Meaning: To fail spectacularly.
 Unfortunately, the new product launch went down in flames.
 The ambitious project went down in flames due to poor planning.
 His attempt at a stand-up comedy career went down in flames after the first show.

Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: Reveal a secret.
 I can't believe you let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party!
 She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the upcoming changes.
 Don't let the cat out of the bag until the official announcement is made.

Pig out
Meaning: Eat a large amount of food, often in a greedy or messy manner.
 After the diet, I allowed myself to pig out on my favorite desserts.
 We always pig out on pizza when we have movie nights.
 I'm going to pig out at the buffet—they have amazing food.

A cold day in July

Meaning: Something highly unlikely to happen.
 Getting him to admit he was wrong is like expecting a cold day in July.
 A promotion for that lazy coworker? That'll happen on a cold day in July.
 He'll apologize when it’ll be a cold day in July.

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