Closing Power and Handling Objections by Rizal Naidu (MUST Read!)

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Naidu (MUST read!)

Posted on November 2, 2014by drsuwanto


1) I do not have money to buy insurance

People who can not afford to buy insurance actually just people
who need more insurance than those who can afford it.
If you can not pay all the bills when you are healthy and able to
work, how you might be able to pay when you are sick and do not
have income? Insurance is an account that will be able to take
care MAGIC payment of all other bills if you suffer a critical
illness, disability, or death.
Insurance should be the first priority, after basic needs are met,
to be paid in your monthly spending plan.

2) I still have a home mortgage loan

when you have a home loan, you must continue to pay large
amounts of money for 10 or 15 years into the future. You are
able to fulfill this obligation, but if your family can pay for it if
you died or suffered permanent disability before the loan
installment is completed? Let's make sure that your family will
stay in a beautiful home, home that you have provided for them
for good.

3) I do not need insurance

I strongly agree you do not need it. Do you think that becoming a
permanent disability due to an incident need insurance? Are
people who have recently had a heart attack and had to spend
150 million to operating costs need it? Does the world need
people who died?
Yes! they need but can not afford it at the time.
Insurance should be bought just when you do not need
it. Because when you need it, you probably already can not afford
it anymore. That insurance. You can only buy insurance when you
are healthy. You buy insurance to pay for your health and your
money. If you do not pass the medical examination, then you will
not be able to buy insurance even if you have the money.
This is the time for you to buy insurance.

4) I discuss with my wife

If your wife asks you whether you need to buy life insurance, then
your wife would think, "If I asked my husband to buy, my husband
probably would have thought that my husband dies expect me to
be a rich widow"
But deep down inside and thought maybe he was thinking about
what would happen to her and her children if her husband
dies. After all you've put your wife in a difficult situation.
Insurance is the best gift you bought for your wife. You do not
need to discuss with him.You can directly buy it. Once you receive
the policy then you take the policy and berkatakan to him: "My
love, all of my life I will keep and fulfill all our needs, food,
clothing, shelter, education of our children. But if one day I died,
then this policy will take care of you and fulfill every need of food,
clothing, shelter, education is now the same as I provide. As
much as this is my love for you and the family we "That's the real
proof of your love. Your wife will love you.

5) I want to compare with other companies Insurance

It is a good idea, do you know how many tens of life insurance
companies in Indonesia and if you do not make a comparison
with any such company then you will not really know if you've got
the best. Thus it true?
There is one drawback. What if something happens to you during
your time to compare all of this company? You've sure that you
are in need of protection. While you will do a comparison, you
should not have been protected beforehand?
So while you compare, you can enjoy free protection with the
"FREE LOOK" so long as 2 weeks after receiving the policy, you
can make a comparison with calm.

6) Let the Lord that provides everything

Yes, you are right, I agree with you. And if you are aware of God
who has sent me to help you and that is why I am here and come
to you.
God who cares for us and provide all our needs. God also has
equipped us with the intelligence and wisdom to meet our
needs. But if you just stay silent in the bedroom all day? Certainly
not right ..?
7) You are forced, I do not want to buy from you
if you do not want to buy it from me, no problem. If I too urge
you, I apologize. It is not essential that you purchase this
insurance from me, but I beg after you read this, please
immediately pick up the phone and call an agent you another.
I apologize once again that I have made mistakes, sometimes I
unconsciously too pushy prospective clients. But I really sincere
and honest to do it.
When my son refused to take medication when he was sick, I
would force him even though he did not like. For the good of him
because I know that after taking medication he will recover. I am
also doing the same thing now, I am forcing you for your own
Did you ever see a doctor who force their patients to undergo
surgery? They trust and believe in what they do, so I trust and
believe in what I do. I believe sincerely that everyone needs

8. My friend is also an agent you know, I will take away from him
If you have a good friend who is also a life insurance agent,
should you currently have an insurance policy. When it turns out
you do not have an insurance policy, then that person is not your
true friends, but I am the one your friend.
Whose name is a true friend is someone who can help us in our
time of distress. If we go to the hospital, usually a friend we carry
fruit, insurance agents take money. I want to be a friend who
force you to sign a letter of submission of the current policy that
will provide security for your family.

9) Insurance against my religion

What do you usually use for daily food needs of your family?
If Rp 50 thousand per day, or a year, equivalent to Rp 50
thousand x 365 days = USD 18.5 million. Thus, if you buy
insurance program worth 200 million dollars, then this would
provide enough to feed your family for 10 years.
Will God punish you because you have to provide food for your
family if you die or permanent disability? No religion stating that
buying life insurance is against the religion.
According to Islam, the law of sin if you do not provide your
family's needs even if you're not around them.
There is a friend of someone who says that insurance is contrary
to his religion and he did not want to buy any policy.
He runs a business. Every time I travel out of town, I'll stop by the
restaurant to drink tea and eat, while resting.
One day when I stopped there, I saw him limping while serving
me. I asked what happened. He said that the new 3 months
before he underwent heart bypass surgery. I advised him to rest,
but he said that he had to open his business 24 hours a day to
pay his debts. he was forced to borrow money amounting to 150
million dollars to relatives of the operating costs.
I asked where she was? He said that his wife was selling food in
the school cafeteria in order to earn extra money to pay the
He said that he regretted his decision to not follow the insurance
program that I offer at the time before all these things happen. If
he buys the insurance program he does not need to open the
house eating for 24 hours and had to pay off the debt.
He said again that he did not dare to imagine what would happen
to his family if he died in surgery. how his family had to pay off
its debts. This person told me that he was not interested in
buying insurance, just because it is against his religion.
He said: "I have received information that one that says that life
insurance is against my religion. now I feel that I did not buy it
with life insurance that is contrary to my religion, because I have
made my family suffer and make my wife forced to beg on the
family to pay for my surgery. I have made him hard ".
So whatever your reason .... Having an INSURANCE POLICY is the
Smart Choice.
"It's true and I'm sure you've told the truth, you are often pursued
by insurance agents, but at the same time if the father father
realized if death is chasing you ?, so you do not get the death will
no longer be an agent that will chase you, the better I (Insurance
Agents) that get you first before getting your death "

Dr. Rizal Naidu, CHD

(MDRT), USA, International motivator and trainer from Malaysia

Compiled By: Shashikant Shardul

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