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The charts describe percentage australian household energy use in several needs and the impact of

energy use, greenhouse gas emissions.

Overall, the daily activity Australian household like water heating, refrigeration, other appliances,
lighting, cooling, heating can a cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Water heating is the most populer
in use, and also the biggest constributor greenhouse gas emissions.

Top three energy use is heating, water hearing, and other appliances (42%,30%, 15%). Next, it is
followed by refrigeration, lighting, and cooling (7%, 4%, 2%). The most populer is heating and water
heating, it is showed the weather of Australia is cold.

Next, the impact of electronic equipment is greenhouse gas emissions. The biggest contributor is
water heating, other appliances, and refrigeration (32%, 28%, 14%). Surprisingly, refrigeration is not
often used but it became 2 nd place as contributor around 14%. Consistenly, water heating and other
appliances are still as a top three in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
The picture above depicts life cycle of salmon, one of a species large fish from upper river to open

Overall, salmon eggs are placed in upper river. Specificly, the place is inside reeds and small tones,
that needs 5 – 6 months to hatch became a baby salmon. Next, the baby salmons are move to lower
river around 4 years and finally go to open sea.

First, the eggs need 5 – 6 months to became fry, that is placed in the upper river inside reeds and
among small stones. Next, after the eggs are hatch then the fry (3 – 8 cm) is swim to lower river
around 4 years. It is became smolt with size 12 – 15 cm, that is ready go to open sea and also became
adult salmon (70 – 76 cm).

The adult salmon back to the upper river to place the eggs and the cycle returns to beginning.

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