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(PHYS1111)[2012](f)final~=i8rzkjdu^_40206.pdf downloaded by nssharma from at 2023-11-13 08:08:35. Academic use within HKUST only.

Final Exam PHYS1111 (2012) Full grade :100 points

(1) Detail steps should be given in your answers! Grades are given according to
(2) Make clear drawings to express your thoughts when necessary.
(3) Hand writing should be clear and recognizable.
(4) Write your answers on the right pages of the answer book only.

1. (10 points) A uniform marble rolls down a symmetric bowl, starting from rest at the top of the
left side. The top of each side is a distance h above the bottom of the bowl. The left half of the
bowl is rough enough to cause the marble to roll without slipping, but the right half has no
friction because it is coated with oil. Express your answer in terms of h.
(a) How far up the smooth side will the marble go, measured vertically from the bottom? (5
(b) How high would the marble go if both sides were as rough as the left side? (5 points)

2. (10 points) Disks A and B are mounted on shaft SS and may be connected or disconnected by
clutch C. (See the figure.) Disk A is made of a lighter material than disk B, so the moment of
inertia of disk A about the shaft is one-third that of disk B. The moments of inertia of the shaft
and clutch are negligible. With the clutch disconnected, A is brought up to an angular
speed . The accelerating torque is then removed from A, and A is coupled to disk B by the
clutch. (You can ignore bearing friction.) It is found that 3200 J of thermal energy is developed
in the clutch when the connection is made. Calculate the original kinetic energy of disk A.

3. (15 points)Three systems are constructed from identical springs (spring constant is k and length
L) and masses (m) as shown in the figure (In 3, the slope is 45° to the horizontal). The surfaces
are frictionless. Initially the three springs are stretched a distance s from its original length L.

(a) Calculate the oscillation frequencies of the three systems. (5 points)

(b) Calculate and plot the elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy and kinetic
energy of system 1 as a function of time. (5 points)
(c) Calculate and plot the elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy and kinetic
energy of system 2 as a function of time. (5 points)
(PHYS1111)[2012](f)final~=i8rzkjdu^_40206.pdf downloaded by nssharma from at 2023-11-13 08:08:35. Academic use within HKUST only.

4. (10 points) A bus horns with a frequency of 500 Hz. Take the speed of sound to be 330 m/s.
Calculate the frequency of the bus horn heard by a listener:
a) When the bus is running towards the listener at a speed of 40 km/hr, the listener is stand still.
(2 points)
b) When the bus is running at a speed of 40 km/hr and the listener is in a car chasing the bus at a
speed of 80 km/hr. (3 points)
c) When the bus is running at a speed of 40 km/hr and the listener is in a car running towards
the bus head-to-head at a speed of 80 km/hr. (5 points)

5. (15 points) When you blow air into an organ pipe with two open ends, it produces a sound with
a fundamental frequency of 500 Hz. Take the speed of sound to be 330 m/s.
(a) Calculate the length of the pipe. (5 points)
(b) If you close one end of this pipe, calculate the new fundamental frequency. (5 points)
(c) Plot the wave form of the fundamental modes of (a) and (b). (5 points)

6. (a) 10 kg of ice at 0oC is melted to 0oC water. Calculate the heat adsorbed and the entropy
change in this process. (5 points)
(b) 10 kg of ice at 0oC is melted and warmed to 10oC water. Calculate the heat adsorbed and the
entropy change in this process. (5 points)

7. (15 points) A diatomic gas at room temperature has a (cp/cv) value of 1.33.
(a) Calculate the constant volume molar specific heat of this gas at room temperature. How
many and what kinds of degrees of freedom does a molecule have? (3 points)
(b) Calculate the root mean square speed of the molecules of this gas at 300K (Molar mass of
this gas molecule is 70g/mol) (2 points)
(c) Calculate the root mean square angular speed of the molecules of this gas at 300K (distance
between the two atoms in this gas molecule is 0.2 nm) (5 points)

8. (20 points) 1.0 mol of Ar gas at 27°C is in a 1 m3 container. This state is defined as state A. The
gas undergoes a three-step reversible cyclic process. First it undergoes an isothermal expansion
to a state B of volume 2 m3. In the second step, the gas undergoes an isobaric compression to a
state C. In the third step the gas undergoes an adiabatic compression to the initial state A.
(Assume the specific heat is a constant in this cycle process)
(a) Plot this cyclic process on a pV diagram. (5 points)
(b) Calculate the pressure, temperature and volume of the three states A, B and C. (2 points)
(c) Calculate the heat adsorbed by the gas, the total work done by the gas to the external world
in the three steps of A to B, B to C and C to A, respectively (5 points)
(d) Calculate the thermal efficiency of this cycle. (3 points)
(e) Calculate the internal energy change and entropy change occurred in the three steps of A
to B, B to C and C to A, respectively. (5 points)

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