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Phillip Kevin Lane

Kotler • Keller
Marketing Management • 14e
1 7

Designing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communications
Discussion Questions
1. What is the role of marketing communications?
2. How do marketing communications work?
3. What are the major steps in developing
effective communications?
4. What is the communications mix, and how
should it be set?
5. What is an integrated marketing
communication program?

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Role of Marketing Communications



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Marketing Communications Mix


Direct and Interactive

Events and Experiences Marketing

Sales Promotion
Public Relations and Publicity Sales Force
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Communication Platforms
Events and
Advertising Sales Promotion
✔ Print and
✔ Contests, games, ✔ Sports
broadcast ads
sweepstakes, lotteries
✔ Packaging ✔ Entertainment
✔ Premiums and gifts
✔ Cinema ✔ Festivals
✔ Sampling
✔ Brochures ✔ Arts
✔ Fairs and trade shows
✔ Posters ✔ Causes
✔ Coupons
✔ Billboards ✔ Factory tours
✔ Rebates
✔ Display signs ✔ Company
✔ Trade-in allowances
✔ Point of purchase
✔ Tie-ins ✔ Street activities
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Communication Platforms
Public Relations Direct and Interactive
Personal Selling
and Publicity Marketing
✔ Press kits ✔ Catalogs
✔ Sales presentations
✔ Speeches ✔ Mailings ✔ Samples
✔ Seminars ✔ Telemarketing ✔ Incentive programs
✔ Annual reports ✔ Electronic shopping ✔ Fairs / trade shows
✔ Charitable donations ✔ TV shopping
✔ Publications ✔ Email Word-of-Mouth

✔ Lobbying ✔ Company blogs ✔ Person-to-person

✔ Company magazine ✔ Web sites ✔ Chat rooms/Blogs

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Marketing Communication Effects

TV Ads Sponsorship


SUBARU “Active”

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Communications Process Models

Macromodel Micromodel

Sender 🡪 Receiver Consumers’ Response

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g u Elements in the Communications Process

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re Response Hierarchy Models
g u

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Fragility of Communication Process

Awareness 50%

Knowledge 50%

Liking 50%
.5 X .5 X .5 X .5 X .5 X .5 = 1.56%
Preference 50%

Conviction 50%

Purchase 50%

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1 7
g u Steps in Developing Effective
Identify target Determine Design
audience objectives communications

Decide on media
Establish budget Select channels

Measure results Manage IMC

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Developing Effective Communications
The Basics

Identify target Determine Design

audience objectives communications

Establish budget Select channels

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Identify the Target Audience

Deciders or Influencers Potential Buyers

Current Users
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Determine Objectives

Category Needs

Brand Purchase Intention


Brand Attitude
Brand Awareness
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Design Communications

What to say?
(Message Strategy)

Who should say it?

(Message source)

How to say it?

(Creative Strategy)
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Select Channels

Personal Communications

NonPersonal (Mass) Communications

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Establish Budget

Affordable Method

Objective-and-Task Percentage-of-Sales
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Marketing Communications Mix


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Marketing Communications Mix

Advertising Pervasive, Amplified, Control

Sales Promotion Attention-getting, Incentive, Invitation

Public Relations High Credibility, Reach, Dramatization

Events & Experiences Relevant, Engaging, Implicit

Direct & Interactive Customized, Up-to-date, Interactive

Word-of-Mouth Influential, Personal, Timely

Sales Force Personal interaction, Cultivation, Response

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Factors in Setting the Mix

Type of Product Market

Buyer-Readiness Stage

Product Life-Cycle Stage

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1 7
g u
Fi Cost-Effectiveness / Buyer-Readiness

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Measuring Communication Results

Reach Frequency



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g u
Fi Consumer States for Two Brands

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Integrated Marketing Communications

Advertising Clarity
Maximum Impact
Direct Response

Sales Force

Events and Experiences

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e d
fi n
De Integrated Marketing
A planning process designed to assure
that all brand contacts received by a
customer or prospect for a product,
service or organization are relevant to
that person and consistent over time.

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Coordination and Implementation

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

Promotions Direct Sales

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