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From Novice To Pro; Welcome To The Federal Republic Of
Obafemi Awolowo University
Copyright © 2023 by Precious Oluwanifemi

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission
from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or
distribute it by any other means without permission.

Precious Oluwanifemi asserts the moral right to be identified as the author

of this work.

First edition

Agent: JournalMe
Cover art by Wico designs

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy.

Find out more at
This book is dedicated to;
God the giver of Creativity, wisdom, and strength.
All the freshmen of Obafemi Awolowo University

Preface ii
1 The Federal Republic of OAU 1
2 Take The Bull By The Horn 4
3 Put your oxygen mask on first 7
4 Spread Your Wings 9
5 Aim For The Stars 11
6 Find The Silver Lining 16
7 Students Spotlight 20
8 Conclusion 41
About the Author 42

Congratulations on embarking on this exhilarating journey as a freshman at

OAU! As you step onto this vibrant campus, you’re about to delve deep into a
world filled with experiences, challenges, and boundless opportunities. “OAU
Unzipped” is your ultimate companion to not just navigating but thriving
during your time at OAU.

Inside these pages, you’ll discover a treasure trove of insights, humor, and
wisdom that will guide you through the maze of university life with confidence
and zeal.

We’ll unlock the secrets to your success by focusing on five pivotal aspects:
being decisive, embracing self-care, diving into diverse activities, setting clear
academic goals, and nurturing your spiritual connection.
This adventure is bound to be an unforgettable ride, and “OAU Unzipped”
promises to be your trusted map, not only for surviving but for fully savoring
your years at OAU.

Therefore, Dear reader, let’s embark on this epic journey together, and by the
end of it, you’ll have unzipped the full potential of your freshman year, setting
the stage for a successful and fulfilling college experience.

“I’m delighted to welcome you to the pages of this book, and I’m especially
excited about the knowledge you will gain from my gift to you. Even if you
don’t fully appreciate it now, I’m confident that you will come to value this
carefully crafted gift.
Enjoy reading the first edition of ‘OAU Unzipped.’


The Federal Republic of OAU

elcome to the Federal Republic of Obafemi Awolowo University.
Let’s talk about OAU as if it were a marketplace. Don’t be
puzzled; the word ‘market’ is just an idiom. We all know that people go to
the market for various purposes, and eventually, they return to their homes,
much like the popular Yoruba adage that says…

“Bi a ba n lo’ku, a ma lo si’le; bi a ba n lo’ka, a ma lo si’le.” This means, “If we go

to the market, we will return home; if we go to the farm, we will return home.”
Keep in mind that many people were here before you arrived, and many have
already left. In fact, some of those who left are now grandparents. Surprised?
No need to be. Many are still here, and many more will come in. This is a
testament to OAU’s enduring legacy.

However, I don’t want to lose sight of the most important message I’m trying
to convey. Continuing with the market analogy, those who visit the market
do so for different reasons. Some go to sell, others go to buy. It’s amusing
how, once you’re there, you might unexpectedly run into an old friend, get
distracted by products you never intended to buy but end up purchasing,
overspend your money, or discover you have too little money for your needs.


You might even find yourself in a disagreement with a seller or another buyer.
Who knows, you might even be the market women leader (lol). Similarly, OAU
is a place where you can accomplish many things in a relatively short amount
of time that somehow feels long.

Your journey here begins with admission and culminates with graduation.
Believe me, what transpires between the start and the end is the most crucial.
It determines whether you’ll finish successfully or not, or even finish at all.

Wait! Have you ever wondered what this place would be like for you? Did you
envision what your life here would look like?
Certainly, you did. Everybody did. No one just comes here without
contemplating what their new life will be like beforehand. My dear friend, we
all had plans (smiles). For most of us, leaving our parents’ homes and starting
a new life was a ticket to the freedom we’d always yearned for (and I assume
you’re part of that community too).
This brings me to a brief story about myself.

I spent a year at home after high school, not because I wasn’t ready for
university—I was one of the top graduates in my class with excellent WAEC
and NECO results. However, I lost interest because I wasn’t satisfied with
my JAMB score, not because I failed, but because I wouldn’t get the preferred
course I wanted. So, I decided to retake the JAMB.
I had grand plans when I came to school. It might surprise you, but I had
no intention of becoming a ‘bad girl.’ I simply wanted to enjoy my newfound
freedom and make choices that would shape my life positively.

Do you remember if your parents, especially your mom, woke you up in the
middle of the night to have a heart-to-heart conversation? (Smiles) My mom
did that to me. I don’t blame her; as the first child and the only daughter, she
had high expectations. So, I was summoned, and wisdom was imparted to my
head and heart.
In summary, she said, “You’re going there for your academics. Don’t be


swayed by guys for money, choose your friends wisely, avoid actions that
could get you into trouble, and stay true to your faith.” (Full stop)
While it’s true that your academics hold a significant portion of your life,
remember that they don’t define the real you.

Your primary reason for being here is your academic pursuit, but don’t forget
that you’re also building a life that extends beyond your studies.
Your decisions matter, your actions matter, your way of life matters, your
attitude matters, your circle matters, your mindset matters—every small step
you take and every word you speak matters. Take this advice from someone
who has spent three years at Obafemi Awolowo University.
Live every moment of your life with excellence as you navigate this Federal
Republic of Obafemi Awolowo University.
Speaking of experience, let’s dive into the knowledge that this gift has to


Take The Bull By The Horn

have a deep appreciation for stories, and I’m sure you do too. So, let’s
kick off this short chapter with a real-life story.
During my first year, something truly “shocking” occurred – it’s
shocking because I had never witnessed such behavior before, not even from
myself at the time.

Here’s what happened: our fresher’s party was planned to be an overnight

event, and the intriguing part was that it would be held on campus. Frankly,
at that time, I wasn’t particularly inclined to attend an overnight party off-
campus, for various reasons known only to me.

However, there was a catch – the party was scheduled from Saturday to Sunday.
My friends and I decided to go to the party but leave early so we could return
to the hostel, get some sleep, and prepare for service. We dressed our best, a
group of four.
On our way there, one of my friends, who has since become one of my
closest companions and a sister to me, had a change of heart. She expressed
discomfort with the environment and hesitated about attending. We tried to
persuade her, assuring her it would be fun, and besides, it was a faculty event.
Reluctantly, she decided to join us. However, just before entering the hall, she
pulled me aside and confided that she still wasn’t comfortable and wanted to



I attempted to convince her that going back to the hostel alone might not be
safe. I suggested that she stay for the party while we left early, but she was
resolute about returning to the hostel. She didn’t mind going alone, and my
attempts to convince her were futile. I respected her decision and let her go
her own way. Her decision that day earned her my respect. She was decisive
and unwavering in her choice, with well-founded reasons.

Going back to the hostel or staying for the party, neither choice was inherently
bad. We all did what felt right for us, didn’t we? However, her decisiveness on
that day left a lasting impression. She made a choice and stuck with it, and
her reasons were sound. No one could sway her because she was resolute and
steadfast in her decision.
If there’s one valuable trait to add to your repertoire, it’s the ability to be

Welcome to the Federal Republic of OAU, where every fellowship and church
wants you to join, every tutorial program wants you as a student, every event
at the amphitheater wants your attendance, and both well-intentioned and
not-so-well-intentioned individuals want you to be part of their circle, every
seller at the new market wants you to buy, every stalite has something to offer,
and someone always has something they want you to do! My dear, if you’re not
careful, you might become overwhelmed with all these demands and harbor
unnecessary frustrations.
Being decisive means making timely and well-considered decisions and sticking
to them.

This quality will spare you from stress and help safeguard your mental health
because you’ll take meaningful actions based on your decisions alone. You
won’t be plagued by confusion regarding what to do because you’ll know what
you want.
Which fellowship or church do you wish to attend? (Muslims have the central


mosque, making the choice easier.)

Which tutorial program do you want to join?
Do you even want to attend tutorials, and if so, which one?
Do you plan to attend events at the amphitheater?
Is overnight studying better for you, or do you prefer daytime reading?
You must answer these questions based on your instincts and not simply
because your friends are doing something or because others claim it works.
Always remember that what works for others may not necessarily work for


Put your oxygen mask on first

elcome once again to the Federal Republic of OAU, where you
might find yourself traversing from one lecture theater to
another, only to discover there’s no lecture after enduring a
struggle to secure a seat in a 1000-seater hall meant for 2000 students. This
is just one example of the many experiences here.
My first day of lectures was nothing short of a disaster. I learned that
students like me had arrived at the lecture hall as early as 5 a.m. (which left
me utterly shocked). Was it that serious? Indeed, it was.
But, as I embraced my inner determination, I managed to reach the lecture
hall before 8 a.m., well before the lectures were scheduled to begin. Yet, it
proved to be a daunting task to find a seat. Upon entering the hall, I felt like
I might be sick. It was packed, and noisy, and the overwhelming smell was
unbearable. I felt nauseated, prompting me to retreat to my hostel.

Yes, the first day of lectures can be quite overwhelming! Here’s a tip:
Remember to take photos in the morning before heading to your lecture room;
you might end up feeling frustrated later in the day. I’m not suggesting that you
skip lectures; your experience will undoubtedly be different from mine, so
don’t let my story discourage you.

I wanted to clarify a few things and let you know that OAU is known for its


stress - even our anthem mentions “learning and culture. Sport, and struggle.”
It’s a reality. However, despite OAU’s knack for testing your resilience, you
always have the option not to succumb to stress.
How? Consider reading up on stress management; it’s a valuable personal
development skill that can help you navigate these challenges with poise.

Another piece of advice I have for you is to be mindful of how you allocate
your time. Avoid spending the majority of your time on activities that hold
no relevance. Otherwise, you may regret leaving important tasks undone and,
consequently, experience stress.
Your mental health is paramount; treat it with utmost care. Steer clear
of anything that may lead to depression. Find contentment in your current
circumstances and maintain hope for a brighter future, all while cultivating
patience as you strive to be the best version of yourself. In summary, choose
not to be oppressed.
Prioritize your physical health by nourishing your body with good food,
taking rest when needed, and ensuring you get adequate sleep.
You’ll notice that I emphasized the importance of choosing not to be stressed,
depressed, or oppressed. This is how it works here; it’s your choice. Avoid
assigning blame to the system or circumstances, for remember, you are a
product of your choices, not the situation.



Spread Your Wings

n my second year, I found myself among three contestants vying for the
role of Assistant General Secretary in my department. To keep it short,
I wasn’t elected, receiving only a few votes.
Now, this wasn’t disheartening for me because I knew I had limited
knowledge of how things operated in my department, and I had been more of
a passive member, recognized by only a few.

However, I took this experience as a valuable lesson. I observed that the

individual who secured the position of AGS, capturing the hearts of many in
my department, was an active member. He possessed a deep understanding
of departmental politics and the inner workings of the faculty. He was not far
from the secretariat, which gave him an extensive network among those in
higher positions long before he decided to run for a post. He had numerous
advantages over me because he actively participated. He was involved.

One of life’s most significant mistakes is to spend a specific period in

a particular place and leave without leaving a lasting mark or making a
meaningful impact.
Certainly, your primary purpose here is your academic pursuit. However,
don’t be fooled by the misconception that participating in other activities will
adversely affect your academic results.


Participation is key. It’s crucial to understand what’s happening in your

department, your faculty, and the overall campus environment, and to actively
engage as a member.

Engaging in various activities, whether religious, departmental, faculty-

related, or volunteer work, offers a multitude of benefits:

• Enhanced Social Skills: Involvement in campus activities allows you to

interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, improving your commu-
nication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills, which are valuable in both
personal and professional life.
• Networking Opportunities: University activities provide a platform to
connect with professors, alumni, and industry professionals. These
connections can lead to mentorship, internships, and future job prospects.
• Leadership Development: Participation in clubs, student government,
or volunteer organizations often leads to leadership roles, honing your
leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and the capacity to manage
and motivate teams.
• Time Management: Balancing academics with extracurricular activities
teaches effective time management—a critical skill for handling the
demands of a busy adult life.
• Personal Growth: Involvement in various activities allows you to discover
your passions and interests. You may find new hobbies or gain a deeper
understanding of your chosen field of study.

Following the election, I made a deliberate choice to become an active member.

To my surprise, within just a few weeks before the break, I had already reaped
at least two of the benefits I mentioned earlier. Trust me; there are more
advantages to active participation than you can imagine.

Choose to be an active member


Aim For The Stars

o you have academic goals? No? Did you just say “No”?
Let’s imagine you responded with “No.”
My reply would be, “Then you don’t know why you are here.”
Let’s imagine you answered “Yes.”
My reply would be, “Can your goals stand the test of time?” (Smiles)
Academic goals are crucial, and I’m not merely referring to saying, “I want
to graduate with a first-class,” and leaving it at that. (Laugh)
The mistake I made was assuming that having the goal of graduating with a
first-class degree was enough. However, upon arriving here, I got distracted
along the way, and I ended up simplifying my goal to “the most important
thing is not to fail.”
You’ll agree that aiming for a first-class degree and striving not to fail are
two different academic goals, right? Graduating with a third class is not a
failure, and achieving a second class upper or lower is not a failure either. This
transformation in perception and mindset is a story for another time.
Don’t come here like I did, thinking I had an academic goal.
Fortunately, it wasn’t too late for me to discover the proper way of setting
an academic goal. I’m delighted to share this knowledge with you.

In addition to the steps I’ll outline here, I’ve created a product—an academic
journal—that can assist you in establishing well-defined academic goals and


tracking your progress for up to five years. This Journal has a lot more to offer
than it’s stated here. You already have access to one. Check out our product
catalog at Journalme to see what’s available and send me a message to acquire

Now, let’s dive into important facts you should know about setting academic
One crucial fact about establishing academic goals is that it provides you with
a clear sense of purpose and direction throughout your educational journey.
When you define specific academic goals, you’re more likely to:

1. Stay Motivated: Well-defined academic goals serve as a source of

inspiration and a reminder of what you aim to achieve, helping you stay
motivated and focused on your studies.
2. Improve Time Management: Academic goals require effective time
allocation, promoting better time management skills for balancing
studies with other aspects of life.
3. Enhance Learning: Goals encourage deeper engagement with course-
work, fostering a richer learning experience as you actively seek knowl-
edge and understanding.
4. Measure Progress: Setting academic goals enables you to track your
progress over time, identifying areas of improvement and making
necessary adjustments to your study strategies.
5. Boost Self-Confidence: Achieving academic goals bolsters self-esteem
and confidence, reinforcing the belief in your ability to overcome chal-
lenges and succeed in your studies.
6. Provide Clarity: Goals offer clarity about what you want to accomplish,
guiding your decisions regarding course choices, majors, and even career
7. Set Priorities: Academic goals help prioritize academic pursuits over
distractions, reducing the likelihood of procrastination or unproductive


Now, how should you go about setting your academic goals? Trust me; you
can’t simply think about what you want to achieve and stash it away at the
back of your mind, where it’s easily forgotten. (Smiles)
Effective academic goal-setting involves a structured approach to ensure
clarity, motivation, and achievable results. Here’s a step-by-step guide on
how to set an academic goal:

Define Your Objective: Start by identifying what you want to achieve aca-
demically. Be specific about your goal, whether it’s earning a certain GPA,
mastering a subject, or completing a major project.

Make it Specific and Measurable: Ensure your goal is clear and precise.
Instead of saying, “I want to do better in math,” say, “I want to improve
my math grade from a B to an A in the next semester.” This makes your goal

Set a Realistic Goal: Your goal should be attainable and realistic. Consider
your current academic performance, available resources, and the time frame
you have in mind. Setting overly ambitious goals can be demotivating.

Set a time frame: Determine when you want to achieve your goal. Having a
deadline creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay on track. For instance,
“I want to achieve this by the end of the semester.”

Break it Down: Large academic goals can be overwhelming. Divide them into
smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. Each smaller achievement will bring
you closer to your main goal.

Identify Resources and Strategies: Determine the resources, tools, or strate-

gies you’ll need to reach your goal. This could include textbooks, study groups,
online courses, or specific study techniques.

Write it Down: Put your academic goal in writing. This makes it more tangible


and reinforces your commitment. Use a journal or digital note to keep track of
your goals.

Visualize Your Success: Spend a few moments each day visualizing yourself
achieving your academic goal. This positive visualization can boost motivation
and belief in your ability to succeed.

Create an Action Plan: Outline the steps you need to take to reach your goal.
Assign deadlines to these steps and create a clear plan of action. For example,
if your goal is to improve a grade, your action plan might include attending
extra help sessions, completing practice problems, and seeking assistance
from your lecturers.

Seek Support: Share your academic goal with someone you trust, like a friend,
family member, or mentor. They can provide encouragement, accountability,
and guidance along the way.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress toward your goal. If
you’re not making the desired progress, be open to adjusting your strategies
or timeline. Flexibility is key.

Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your milestones and

accomplishments along the way. Rewarding yourself for your hard work can
keep you motivated.

Stay Persistent: Remember that setbacks and challenges are a part of the
journey. Stay persistent, maintain a positive mindset, and learn from your

These 13 steps have benefited me more than I can express. They are tested and
trusted. In summary, setting academic goals is a powerful tool that can help
clarify your aspirations, keep you motivated, and continually improve your
academic performance. It’s a practice that not only enhances your educational


journey but also prepares you for success in various aspects of life.

Most importantly, don’t forget to explore the product I’ve designed specifically
to facilitate goal setting and tracking. Click the link to learn more about this
product and reach out to me to obtain one.


Find The Silver Lining

I trust you’ve been enjoying every bit of the previous pages, and
I’m convinced this will be just as impactful.
You might find it interesting to know that writing this book and sharing it
with you is a directive from God. If He weren’t concerned about your academics,
He wouldn’t have inspired me to do this.

Have you ever wondered if God is interested in every aspect of your life? (Sigh)
Don’t be perplexed.
God doesn’t overlook anything related to you. He’s not solely concerned
with your church attendance but with every facet of your life—whether it’s
the clothes you wear, the food you eat, or any other detail.
Don’t embark on your academic journey without involving God; His presence
makes things smoother.
Many times, I’ve faced challenges in understanding certain topics or
deciding what to study for an exam amidst voluminous notes. Yet, these
concerns were resolved through God-given directions with the assistance of
the Holy Spirit.
Luke 1:37 is a constant reminder that achieving academic success with God
is possible.
So, what is God saying about your academics?


While the Bible may not explicitly mention modern academic pursuits, it
offers timeless wisdom and principles applicable to education and learning.
Here are some Bible references and the wisdom they provide:

1. Proverbs 1:5 (NIV): Emphasizes the value of wisdom and continuous

learning, encouraging openness to learning and seeking guidance.
2. Proverbs 9:9 (NIV): Highlights that those already wise or righteous
remain open to further instruction and learning.
3. Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV): Though not explicitly about academics, it
emphasizes giving your best in all endeavors, including education, as if
working for the Lord.
4. Proverbs 16:3 (NIV): Encourages seeking God’s guidance and committing
your plans, including academic pursuits, to Him.

Those are just a few examples. As you conclude this chapter, I’ll leave you
with academic affirmations rooted in biblical principles that can provide

1. “I am equipped for academic success.” - Philippians 4:13

2. “I have a sound mind and wisdom for learning.” - 2 Timothy 1:7
3. “I am diligent and committed to my studies.” - Proverbs 22:29
4. “I am focused and able to overcome challenges.” - James 1:2-4
5. “I seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.” - Proverbs 2:6
6. “I am open to learning and growth.” - Proverbs 1:5
7. “I work with excellence to honor God.” - Colossians 3:23
8. “I trust in God’s guidance for my academic journey.” - Proverbs 3:5-6
9. “I am capable of achieving my academic goals.” - Philippians 4:6-7
10. “I am blessed with wisdom and discernment.” - James 1:5
11. “I am ten times better than my peers.” - Daniel 1:20

These affirmations, rooted in biblical wisdom, can serve as a source of

encouragement and motivation for your academic pursuits. Trust in God’s


guidance and believe in your abilities as you work towards your academic

Now, let’s address the topic of choosing a church.

Many freshmen often get perplexed when deciding which church to attend
due to the numerous invitations they receive. You may have experienced this,
as well—receiving calls from different fellowship members inviting you to
various services and events.
When I first arrived, I distinctly recall answering five calls simultaneously
from five different fellowships, all urging me to attend their “special service
tomorrow.” My response to all was, “Alright! I’ll try to make it; let’s see how
tomorrow goes.”

I know many people who end calls the moment they hear, “Hello dear, it’s
Funmi calling from (this or that) fellowship.”

Attention, freshmen!
Around 70% of the people who approach you in your first month as a
freshman will likely talk to you about church or a fellowship. I might even be
one of them (smiles).
However, don’t blame these fellowship members for reaching out to you;
it’s their responsibility, and it’s part of their mission. Keep in mind that these
students, just like you, have their challenges to contend with. Consider their
invitations as an act of love.
To avoid feeling overwhelmed by their frequent calls, here are some hints:

• Be polite to everyone who approaches you.

• Politely decline to give your contact details to everyone to prevent distur-
• Pray to God to lead you to the right church (I did this, and it worked for
• Respond politely to their calls and inform them that you already have a
church where you are a devoted member.


Trust me, they won’t pressure you once you’re already committed to a church.
In the Federal Republic of OAU, approximately 90% of Christian students have
attended four to eight different churches in their first year. They often do
this to enjoy first-timer packages or free meals before settling on a church or
deciding not to attend any. It’s all part of the experience.

Join a fellowship, or a church, and be an active member. There’s nothing as

fulfilling as having a spiritual family ready to support you academically and in
other aspects of your life. Forge friendships with people from the same church
or fellowship; these friends can be invaluable for success in your academic
journey. You can pray together, study together, grow together, and even have
fun together.
Being rooted in a spiritual family will not only help you build a strong
relationship with God but also provide you with the support you need,
especially when you’re an active member.
For our Muslim friends, you’re in luck since there’s a central mosque where
all Muslims gather for prayer.

Are you a Christian? Then you shouldn’t feel compelled to serve God alone in
your room; He desires your fellowship with others.

Are you a Muslim? Likewise, you shouldn’t feel pressured to pray in isolation;
God encourages congregational worship.


Students Spotlight

earning from those who have gone ahead of you can help you navigate
challenges and avoid unnecessary mistakes. On these pages, you’ll
meet exceptional individuals, including graduates and students, who
will inspire your journey. Embrace this enlightening adventure!



Q: What’s your name?

A: I’m Igba Matthew Alexandria.

Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?

A: This depends on the setting. For those who know me within the sphere
of OAU, especially those who have been students in the last 6 to 7 years, they
call me Da Bishop. Then in the Foreign exchange world, I’m called Mr. Peak.
While my close friends call me Igba.


Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-related,

University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate too. Talk about
what you do now. Be free):
A: I graduated from OAU in 2016/2017. I studied Electrical Electronics
Engineering in a building popularly called the White House. For those who
know the White House, you should know it’s not easy over there, so I spent
5 years there. My primary school and secondary studies were in Ijebu-Ode.
Getting into the university, I was pleased with my course because I am a
logical and calculative person, and I’m a lover of numbers. Seeing integral
signs, Dy dx, and the rest makes me happy. I love numbers.
Currently, I am actively involved in Forex trading and Real estate. So, I am
a forex trader and into real estate. Additionally, I own the largest tutorial
center on the OAU campus, Peak Tutors, which is still operating in Ile-Ife.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: Well, right from my primary school, I have always had a strong mindset,
and I put myself first in my head. I brought this same mindset into OAU,
understanding that getting admission into OAU and securing your preferred
course requires intelligence and brilliance. It was more of a constructive
competition for me because I knew my colleagues who were admitted to the
same course were also intelligent. At the same time, I decided to emerge as
one of the best students in my class. For instance, if 20 people were said to
pass an exam excellently, it should be me and 19 other people. This mindset
guided me to put certain things in place to achieve my goal, which was to
start with a very good CGPA. Part 1 is a crucial level to have a strong CGPA to
build on.

Q: As an alumnus, what advice or insights would you like to share with the
incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first year at
A: Basically, setting your priorities right helps you balance your academics
and other commitments. This helped me while I was a student at OAU.


As a student, no matter the activities you engage in on campus, ensure

that you give your utmost attention to your academics. Let every other
commitment come afterward, in order of importance, and allocate time to
those commitments so they won’t interfere with your academics.



Q: What’s your name?

A: I am Akinyosoye Olabamidele Paul.

Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?


A: You can call me Deluxe.

Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-

related, University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and
talk about what you do now.)
A: I am a graduate of the Zoology Department at Obafemi Awolowo Uni-
versity, specializing in Insect Entomology. I’m also a Professional Technical
Analyst, specializing in currency pairs. Besides, I’m a content creator, a team
player, and a believer.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: Initially, I considered switching from Zoology to Dentistry. However, I
fell in love with my course and aimed for a second-class upper division since
achieving a first-class was already a challenge.

Q: How did you go about achieving them?

A: To accomplish my goals, I made serious friends, burned the midnight
candle by studying diligently, engaged with mentors, and entrusted my
journey to God.

Q: Did you face any challenges during your freshman year, and how did you
overcome them?
A: Balancing academics with other commitments required multi-tasking
skills, which I honed through church leadership. Our church emphasized
excellence in all areas of life, which helped me navigate the challenges.

Q: As a graduate, what advice or insights would you like to share with the
incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first year at
A: First, embrace your admitted course with a positive attitude. Regardless
of whether you switch courses or not, commit to excellence in everything you
do. Consider acquiring a skill or starting a business while in university. Lastly,


remember to entrust your journey to God because, without Him, success is




Q: What’s your name?

A: I’m Oluwapamilerin Oyewole.


Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?

A: You can call me Pamilerin.

Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-related,

University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and talk about
what you do now.)
A: I recently graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University with a degree
in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development. I’m passionate about

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: Like every fresher, I aspired to graduate with a first-class degree and
become an excellent individual overall. Excellence has always been my

Q: How did you go about achieving them?

A: Initially, I lost focus because I hadn’t broken these goals into specific,
achievable steps. However, I regained my footing and achieved them
progressively by breaking them into smaller, manageable parts.

Q: Did you face any challenges during your freshman year, and how did you
overcome them?
A: Absolutely! Challenges overwhelmed me at times. However, I took time
to understand myself, identify my strengths and weaknesses, and use my
strengths to tackle these challenges effectively.

Q: As a graduate, what advice or insights would you like to share with the
incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first year at
A: First and foremost, build your goals, plans, and aspirations on a
foundation of faith in God. Understand your strengths and weaknesses
thoroughly. Seek guidance from mentors or seniors who can keep you


accountable. Adapt your goals as needed, and don’t hesitate to seek help
and offer assistance when necessary. Best wishes!




Q: What’s your name?

A: I’m Pelumi Oyedeji.

Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?

A: I’m known as SHOWERS.

Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-

related, University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and
talk about what you do now.)
A: I’m a student at Obafemi Awolowo University, pursuing a degree in
Crop Production and Protection. I’ve just finished my second year and will
be moving on to the third level. I’m a Relationship Therapist/Counselor
and a Graphic Designer, and I run a Telecoms Brand offering data and
telecommunication services.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: In my first year, I aimed for academic excellence and earned recognition
as the best 100L student in my department. I wanted to be an excellent woman

Q: How did you go about achieving them?

A: I dedicated myself to rigorous study and interaction with peers. I divided
my time between the hostel, academic areas, the library, and church on
fellowship days. I was a bookworm and enjoyed learning.

Q: Did you face any challenges during your freshman year, and how did you
overcome them?
A: Challenges were inevitable. However, I embraced my strengths and
capitalized on them to overcome these challenges. My journey was filled
with learning experiences.

Q: As a graduate, what advice or insights would you like to share with the


incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first year at
A: Enjoy the university experience; it’s more than academics. Be adaptable,
establish structures, ask questions, and surround yourself with like-minded
individuals. Embrace the holistic journey, and remember that God’s guidance
is crucial for your success.




Q: What’s your name?

A: I’m Elizabeth Temiloluwa Akande, but you can call me Temi, Lizzy, or
even Mama (laughs).

Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-related,

University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and talk about
what you do now.)
A: I hold an MSc degree in Pharmaceutical Microbiology from the Univer-
sity of Ibadan. During my undergraduate years at JABU, I graduated with
a first-class degree and ranked at the top of my class. Currently, I work in
a dual role as a sequence scientist and bioinformatician at the Molecular
Laboratory within the Faculty of Pharmacy at UI. Additionally, I own a
business called “Imperial Tastes,” specializing in local dishes, snacks, and
healthy hibiscus drinks.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: My journey began with a unique circumstance; I entered university a bit
late, and I believe God had a lesson in that for me (a story for another time).
As a direct entry student starting in the 200 level, I set ambitious goals.
I was determined to excel and achieve the highest CGPA ever recorded. I
wanted to make my family proud. While I may not have been the overall best,
I did become the top student in my department and ranked third overall.
I maintained a rigorous study routine, spending evenings in the hostel,
academic areas, and library, and attending church on fellowship days. I
was a dedicated bookworm because I genuinely enjoyed learning. Despite
the challenge of taking 15 courses compared to the usual 11, my structured
approach paid off.

Q: As a graduate, what advice or insights would you like to share with the
incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first year at
A: Embrace the journey wholeheartedly and enjoy every aspect of it.


University life is not just about academics; it encompasses various elements

that work together to shape your overall growth. Be flexible in your
approach, as the university experience is multifaceted. Engage with the
season of your life, set up structures to guide you, don’t hesitate to ask
questions, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can
support and inspire you along the way.



Q: What’s your name?

A: Akinsunmade Toluwani

Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?

A: Nimi


Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-

related, University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and
talk about what you do now.)
A: I’m a third-year Pharmacy student at Obafemi Awolowo University.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: My goals were to excel in my photography craft and graduate with
distinction in Pharmacy.

Q: How did you go about achieving them?

A: I relied on God and hard work to achieve my goals.

Q: Did you face any challenges during your freshman year, and how did you
overcome them?
A: Yes, I did. I was distracted at some point but overcame it by refocusing
on God.

Q: As an upper-class student, what advice or insights would you like to share

with the incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first
year at university?
A: Never remove God from the equation and always take charge. As a
freshman, be conscious of your actions, recognize your strengths, and use
your time wisely.




Q: What is your name?

A: My name is Olanrewaju Kehinde John.

Q: What are you popularly called? Or what’s your nickname?

A: I am popularly called Kennysax.

Q: Kindly give a brief description of yourself (This should be academic-related,

University, course of study, level, indicate if you are a graduate, and talk about
what you do now. Be free.)
A: I’m a fourth-year student at the prestigious University of Lagos,
studying Health Education. I currently run “Kennysax Music,” a brand
that has successfully provided musical services for various events, including
the Colloquium conference held by the Investment Society of Nigeria. I’m
also the driving force behind the “Better Health Initiative,” a platform that
advocates and promotes healthy living.

Q: Looking back on your first year at university, what academic and personal
goals did you set for yourself?
A: As a freshman, my goals revolved around three key aspects: deepening
my spirituality, achieving academic excellence, and building a strong

Q: How did you go about achieving them?

A: Initially, balancing these priorities was challenging. My first-semester
GPA fell below expectations, but I turned to God for guidance. I restructured
my schedule, reducing distractions, and focused on productivity. I discov-
ered that excellence wasn’t solely about hard work but working smart, a
lesson I applied to both my studies and life, resulting in positive changes.

Q: Did you face any challenges during your freshman year, and how did you
overcome them?
A: Yes, I encountered challenges. To manage my time effectively, I learned
to prioritize tasks. When my academics were at risk, I made the tough choice


to limit non-essential activities. The key was not to major in minor things
and vice versa.

Q: As an upper-class student, what advice or insights would you like to share

with the incoming freshmen about setting goals and planning for their first
year at university?
A: Firstly, seek God; He holds the answers. Set clear priorities, resist
campus distractions, pursue academic excellence, and remember that a
first-class degree is attainable. Networking is crucial, so connect with peers
and mentors—it will pay off in the end.



s we come to the end of this incredible adventure together, remember
that your journey at OAU and beyond has only just begun. “OAU
Unzipped” has equipped you with the tools, insights, and laughter
needed to thrive in your freshman year and beyond. But this is not goodbye; it’s
just the beginning of our connection. To continue receiving valuable insights,
tips, and inspiration that will guide you on your personal development journey,
I invite you to follow our business page, Journalme. Connect with us on social
media, where we promise to share content designed to empower you, inspire
you, and help you reach new heights in your academic and personal life.
Take the Next Step:
Follow Journalme on Instagram to stay updated and join a community of
like-minded individuals dedicated to personal growth.
You also have a free slot to check our product catalog and get your preferred
Your journey doesn’t end here; it’s time to write your story and unzip the
endless possibilities that await you.
Thank you for being a part of this remarkable journey, and I look forward to
connecting with you as you conquer your dreams at OAU and beyond!
With warm regards,

About the Author

Precious Oluwanifemi A. is a student of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo

University, studying Agricultural Economics, who has established herself as
a proponent of fulfilling one’s life’s purpose through her work as a writer
and public speaker. She has also broken barriers and invented a new style of

She has dedicated her life to authoring inspirational novels for the emancipa-
tion of her generation and future generations because she wants to see people
improve in all facets of their lives and bring about change in the community.

She is also a prestigious individual who has earned recognition for her selfless
service to the community, as a member of YTOP Global volunteering hub, Yali
International network, and Dots Foundation.

Notably, Oluwanifemi is the visionary behind two impactful business brands:

Journalme, a brand that focuses on designing high-quality journals, planners,

and tools, enabling individuals to efficiently manage their time, set goals,
and stay resolute on their self-improvement journey. Additionally, there’s
Nifel, a versatile writing brand that excels in crafting captivating narratives
across various domains, including copywriting, content creation, articles,
blog writing, and the intricate worlds of nonfiction and fiction ghostwriting.

She loves Christ, and she hopes that through her writings, many others may
experience the freedom that Christ offers.

Here’s a link to Her digital business card. Let’s connect.

You can connect with me on:


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