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Exercise 5: Population Growth Data

In Fulfillment of BIO 2201L Ecology Laboratory Requirement

Presented to Biology Department
University of San Carlos

Presented by:
Alea, Christine
Lao, Julianne
Optina, Sundae
Osmeña, Lyza
Vasquez, Adara Madison
Ymbong, Jullienne Me

Presented to:
Val B. Salares

March 2024
Data Collected: February 19, 2024

A. Lemna aequinoctialis (Duckweed) population growth

Date started: February 19, 2024

Table 1. Total Population Growth of Lemna aequinoctialis.


0 12

1 12

2 10

3 10

4 9

5 8

6 8

7 7

8 6

9 6

10 5

11 5

12 4
Figure 1. Trend of the Total Population Growth of Lemna aequinoctialis.

Figure 1 shows that there was a uniform decline in the net reproductive rate of Lemna
aequinoctialis. The expected result of this experiment is a visible overabundant plant growth
due to excessive nutrients available and a growth curve showcasing the different phases.
However, due to various causes contributing to these results such as excessive sterilization of
duckweeds in 70% ethyl alcohol and the disruption of certain resources such as its light source,
the total population of Lenma aequinoctialis has significantly and consistently decreased over
12 days of observation making the growth rate negative. Excessive sterilization of the duckweed
denatured the proteins in the cells, lowering its survival rate to almost or equal to zero.
Interrupted access to sunlight also inhibits the ability of duckweeds to photosynthesize. Factors
affecting the population growth include fertility, mortality, migration, and emigration (Foflonker,
2024). The main factor heavily influencing the population growth of the duckweeds was the
mortality rate.
B. Drosophila sp. Population growth

Date started: February 03, 2024

Table 2. Total Population Growth of Drosophila sp.


0 10

5 10

10 23

15 36

20 17

25 14

30 8
Figure 2. Trend of the Total Population Growth of Drosophila sp.

The entire population growth of Drosophila sp. is shown in the graph above. This
experiment displays the highest and lowest number of Drosophila flies that the researchers
have ever gathered. Due to their mating habits, Drosophila flies have the largest population rate
on the fifteenth day, when a maximum of 36 individuals are observed. Mating behavior of
females can accept the male or reject him by moving away. Successful copulation is
accompanied by the transfer of sperm and seminal fluids that stimulate the release of oocytes
by the ovary and reduce female receptivity to other males (Trudy et al., 2005). Components of
the seminal fluids are associated with the reduced lifespan of mated females, setting up an
intersexual conflict . Lastly, the minimum rate of 8 Drosophila flies in the thirtieth day decreases
its population of flies because of the lack of food supply. This decrease in population is
attributed to the depletion of their food supply. Drosophila flies, like many organisms, require
sustenance for survival and reproduction. As the population grows over time, the demand for
food increases proportionally. However, if the available food resources remain stagnant or
decline, the population faces a significant challenge to sustain itself.
Guide Questions:

1. What do you conclude about the population growth of Lemna?

The population growth of Lemna aequinoctialis displayed a diminishing trend,

transitioning from multiple fronds to significantly fewer over the course of the
observation period. The Lemna aequinoctialis were unable to thrive in the environment
they were placed in, most likely due to the over-sanitization of their placement, this
could have led to stress and the sanitation of their new environment could have led to a
depletion of their proper nutrients. Along with other multiple factors that could come
from displacing a plant, these factors combined may have been enough to deplete the
Lemna aequinoctialis population.

2. What will eventually happen to the size of Lemna populations? Why?

The Lemna aequinoctialis populations tend to grow rapidly under favorable

conditions due to their ability to reproduce quickly through asexual budding. As the
population size increases, competition for resources such as nutrients, light, and space
can intensify. This competition can lead to a decrease in the rate of growth and
reproduction, ultimately resulting in a stabilization or decline in the population size Sree
2019. And the dilution of the Hoagland solution decreased growth of Lemna
aequinoctialis. Plants in 2.5% Hoagland solution produced 1.5 times fewer fronds
compared to 25% Hoagland solution, while plants in more diluted Hoagland solutions
(0.25 to 1%) produced 2.4 to 4 times fewer fronds.

3. How does the Drosophila growth pattern differ from that of Lemna? Explain why
organisms manifest different growth curves.

Due to their distinct biological characteristics and environmental requirements.

Drosophila sp. exhibits a rapid growth pattern characterized by multiple larval stages
before reaching adulthood, whereas Lemna aequinoctialis typically shows a continuous
and steady growth pattern Partridge 1993. Organisms manifest different growth curves
due to various factors such as genetic makeup, environmental conditions and resources
availability. Genetic makeup determines the growth pattern of organisms, influencing
traits like growth rate, reproductive capacity. Environmental conditions such as
temperature, light intensity and nutrient availability also impact growth patterns by
affecting metabolism, development, reproduction and computation of resources within
the population can lead to variation in growth curves among different organisms.

4. What is meant by r? Explain how we may obtain the value of r from your data.

The value r in the sigmoid curve means the intrinsic rate of increase, also known
as the Malthusian parameter. Intrinsic rate of increase is the rate of increase in a
population that reproduces within time intervals and possesses generations that do not
overlap. This value is the number of births minus the number of deaths per generation
or in simpler terms, the reproduction rate less than the death rate (Thompson & Post,

From the available data above, the value of r may be obtained by calculating the
mean generation time (T) and net reproductive rate (RO). T can be calculated by knowing
the mean time interval between the birth of an individual and the birth of its offspring.
As for the net reproductive rate, it can be calculated by multiplying the surviving
individuals to the average number of offspring produced each day then adding the
products from each day.

5. What factors limit the growth rate of populations? Compare density-dependent and
density-independent regulation of population size.

Organisms in ecosystems rely on limited resources like space, food, oxygen, and
water. These factors, known as limiting factors, regulate the number of organisms a
given ecosystem can support. The maximum population size an ecosystem can sustain is
termed carrying capacity, influenced by both abiotic (water, oxygen, space) and biotic
(food) factors. If a population surpasses carrying capacity, the ecosystem can become
inhospitable, potentially leading to resource depletion and population decline.
Density-dependent regulation can be affected by factors that affect birth and death rates
such as competition and predation. Density-independent regulation can be affected by
factors that affect birth and death rates such as abiotic factors and environmental
factors, i.e. severe weather and conditions such as fire (Libretexts, 2023) .

In the experiment, Lemna aequinoctialis growth was influenced by various

limiting factors such as nutrient levels, light intensity, and temperature. While Drosophila
sp. growth was mainly due to tied food availability and space. Limited resources lead to
increased competition as population density rises, eventually causing detrimental effects
such as starvation, disease, predation, and decreased fecundity, slowing population
growth to a halt. There is a density-independent regulation of population size in both
the Lemna aequinoctialis and Drosophila sp. since their growth and survival are
influenced by external factors which directly impact their reproductive success and
overall population dynamics regardless of the current population density.

6. Differentiate the two life history patterns, r- and K-selection. How does this concept
relate to population growth?

An organism can be better understood by its life history in terms of r- or

k-selection theory. The number of offspring versus the timing of reproduction is the
central trade-off of life history theory. r- or k-selection refers to the variables K, the
carrying capacity of a population where it is density dependent, and r, the intrinsic rate
of natural increase in population size where it is density independent (Thompson & Post,
2020; Libretexts, 2023).

r-selected organisms exhibit rapid growth and generate numerous offspring with
minimum parental care and have shorter life spans. They are more suited in an unstable
environment due to their ability to reproduce early and abundantly which allows for a
low survival rate of offspring (Rafferty, 2022; Libretexts, 2024). For K-selected organisms,
they live close to the carrying capacity of their habitat, they have fewer offspring over
prolonged periods, and exhibit strong parental care. They thrive in stable environments
with lengthy life spans unlike in r-selected species (Rafferty, 2022; Libretexts, 2024).
Life histories are the sequence of events related to survival and reproduction that
occur from birth through death. It provides significant information about the inhabitants
of a specific region. The diversity and richness of populations are influenced by a
species' life history, which significantly impacts the reproductive success of individuals
(Thompson & Post, 2020).

Awards, P. W. (2019, May 13). Effects of Nutrient Availability on Growth Rate Capacity of Lemna

Minor - President's Writing Awards. President’s Writing Awards.


Foflonker, F. (2024, February 7). population growth. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Libretexts. (2023, October 31). 45.3b: Theories of life history. Biology LibreTexts.



LIbretexts. (2023). 45.2C: Density-Dependent and Density-Independent Population Regulation. Biology





Libretexts. (2024, February 23). 8.1: What is life history?. Biology LibreTexts.


Partridge L, Fowler K. Direct and correlated responses to selection on developmental time in

Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution. 1993;47(3):645-663.

Rafferty, J. P. (2022, January 30). K-selected species. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Rafferty, John P.. "r-selected species". Encyclopedia Britannica, 30 Jan. 2022, Accessed 2 March 2024.

Sree, K. S., & Sreedevi, P. D. (2019). Population growth of Lemna minor and its control under

different environmental conditions. Journal of Limnology, 78(2), 353-360.

Thompson, J. N. and Post, . Eric (2020, November 18). population ecology. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Trudy , Heinsohn, Lyman, Moehring, Morgan, & Rollmann. (2005, April 25). Genetics and

genomics of Drosophila mating behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences. Retrieved March 2, 2024, from

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