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Teacher Certificate Program

1st Semester SY. 2020-2021

Professional Education

Name: __________________________________ Score: _______________________

Course: _________________________________ Date: ________________________

Directions: Encircle the letter which contains the correct answer.

1.Which of the following principles supports the claim that, “learning is primarily
controlled by the learner…?”
A. No one directly teaches anyone anything of significance.
B. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is
achieved by the learner.
C. Learning is an evolutionary process.
D. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
2. Which is true about behavioral change?
A. It requires careful analysis and interpretation C. It is not as
B. It is hard to achieve D. It requires time
and patience
3. In a group activity, Ms. Ivy observes that only 3 of the 5 students in the group are
actually working on the learning task. What is the best thing for her to do?
A. Scold the students who are not participating.
B. Assign specific roles to each member in the group.
C. Move the students who are not participating to another group.
D. Remind everyone that only those who are working will be
4. Lesson objective must integrate objectives in the following EXCEPT:
A. Cognitive C. Affective
B. Reflective D. Psychomotor
5. In the context of teaching, “to begin with the end in mind,” means that:
A. As a teacher, one must begin the lesson with a clearly defined lesson
B. A lesson ought to begin with a statement and clarification of our lesson
C. There is a need to go into a laborious research to be convinced that the
development of critical and creative thinking.
D. Our lesson objective must be connected to our student’s life

6. “Hands-on-minds-on” learning is in line with the principle that learning is an

active process. What is meant by “hands-on-minds-on” learning?
A. The need to actively engage the learners in learning activities if we
want them to learn what we intend to teach.
B. The need to give students something to work on by hands and think
C. Learning by modeling and giving examples.
D. Learning through hands with the mind always up for something.
7. It is an approach that is teacher-dominated and begins with the abstract rule,
generalization, principle and ends with specific examples and concrete
A. Deductive method C. Reductive method
B. Conducive method D. Inductive method
8. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the inductive method?
A. The learners are more engaged in the teaching-learning process.
B. Learning becomes more interesting at the outset because we begin
with the experiences of our students.
C. It helps the development of our learner’s higher-order-thinking-skills
D. It requires more time and so less subject matter will be covered.
9.What type of learner verbally describes what he/she learns to another person?
A. Visual C. Tactile
B. Kinesthetic D. Auditory
10. If you learn best through listening to lectures, discussions, and to what others say,
what types of learner are you?
A. Auditory C. Tactile
B. Kinesthetic D. Visual
11. Which one does NOT appeal to tactile learners?
A. Movement activities C. Group activities
B. Posters D. Games
12. Which of the following refers to the repetition of facts and skills which the teacher
wishes to reinforce for mastery?
A. drill B. review C. recitation D. mastery
13. Joseph is a grade 6 pupil. He loves to draw and learns best if the printed material he
reads is accompanied with pictures or illustrations. He frequently writes what has been
read. What is Joseph’s learning style?
A. Auditory B. Visual C. Tactile/kinesthetic D. Cannot be
identified using the given data
14. John Raven prefers to sit in front. He takes notes every time he listens to a lecture.
He usually recites aloud after reading something. What is John Raven’s learning style?
A. Tactile/Kinesthetic B. Visual C. Auditory D.
15. Your student is a kinesthetic learner. Which activity would you give him/her?
A. Watch a debate.
B. Perform an experiment on air pressure.
C. Listen to a radio program “ Kasayuran”.
D. React verbally to a hypothetical item about height and air pressure.
16. Your students are mostly visual learners. Which of the following class activities is
most appropriate to use in teaching the concept of food chain?
A. Play a cassette tape about a food chain in a forest park.
B. Bring them to the park and identify existing food chains in different
areas of the park.
C. Let them write a journal about food chain in a forest park.
D. Let them do a rap about the food chain in a forest.
17. Mr. Agodera discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the
electric charge. The he gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and told
the class to create a circuit that will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one
best describes the approach used?
A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills.
B. It was constructivist.
C. It helped students understand scientific methodology.
D. It used cooperative learning.
18. The ________ approach to learning emphasizes that individuals actively construct
knowledge and understanding.
A. Reflective C. constructivist
B. progressivist D. behaviourist
19. Which of the following principles of constructivist teaching will lead to authentic
learning and deeper understanding?
A. Pupils individually and collectively construct knowledge.
B. Learning is always contextualized.
C. Real- in depth learning means thoroughly constructing knowledge
D. All of the above
20. Which of the following refers to the theory of constructivism?
A. Learning occurs through constructivist processes
B. Learning is active, engaging, and interesting.
C. Learning is a search for meaning.
D. All of the above
21. Constructivist teaching is anchored on the principle that _________.
A. Learning is an active process
B. Learning is a search for meaning
C. Learning is always contextualized
D. All of the above
22 .Mr. Corita provided the students a group activity where they will solve word
problems involving the four fundamental operations. Which do you think is the terminal
objective of the lesson considering the subject area he teaches?
A. Show interest towards the lesson
B. Demonstrate teamwork and respect the other’s area
C. Solve word problems involving the four fundamental operations
D. Analyze a word problem involving the four fundamental operations
23. Mr. Cloa believes that in order for a child to learn a Mathematics concept more
effectively, he must use background experience to create meaning to her learning. What
theory of learning does Mr. Cloa adhere to?
A. Metacognition C. Constructivism
B. Multiple intelligences D. Experiential
24.Which is in accordance with the “withitness” principle of classroom management
of Kounin?
A. Student is with his teacher in everything he teaches.
B. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom.
C. Students agree to disagree in class discussions.
D. Both parents and teachers are involved in the education of children.
25. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?
A. Employ a reactive approach to discipline.
B. Maximize discipline time.
C. Avoid classroom routine; they make your students robots.
D. Minimize discipline time.
26. Which is sound classroom management practice?
A. Be reactive in approach.
B. Occupy students with extremely difficult task.
C. Be preventive in approach.
D. Give students very task to lighten their load.
27. A sound advice for classroom managers is “Nip the problem in the bud.” What
does this mean?
A. Assume a reactive posture in classroom management.
B. Be proactive in management approach.
C. Reinforce positive behavior.
D. Treat minor disturbance calmly.
28. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
A. Flexible to suit varied activities
B. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time.
C. A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement.
D. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles.

29. To make the students get focused in the discussion, what must you do especially
your students are unruly and noisy?
A. Employ innovative strategies.
B. Explore various means of giving sanctions.
C. Ignore the students who are misbehaving.
D. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the Guidance Office.
30. What is the initial step that a homeroom adviser must do at the beginning of the
A. Get to know each member of the class.
B. Prepare a seat plan.
C. Secure the class list.
D. Memorize the names of the students.
31. In preparing your seat plan, what must you consider?
I. Interview your students.
II. Know their physical illness.
III. Get to know their needs.
A. I C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III
32. When the class seems unruly during the discussion, what is the best technique to
A. Let them stand for a while.
B. Prepare unfreezers / energizers.
C. Stop the discussion.
D. Ignore the students who are making noise.
33. What must you establish at the beginning of the class to ensure order and
A. Elect the classroom officers.
B. Set your rules and expectations.
C. Impose your sanctions for erring students.
D. Let them know that you are firm and strict.
34. Why do we need to establish classroom routines?
A. To make our work easy
B. To minimize problems in class
C. To ensure order and discipline
D. To promote organization in class
35. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?
A. Let them be as they are.
B. Encourage them to join as many activities in class.
C. Treat them naturally.
D. Refer them to the Guidance Office.
36. How will you put to optimum use the leadership skills of your students?
A. Empower them to initiate activities in class.
B. Let them just do what they please.
C. Refrain from calling them all the time.
D. Recognize their leadership skills.
37. What will the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?
A. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.
B. Let them do what please them.
C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Give them the grades they deserve based on their performance.
38. Corporal punishment is punishable by law. How can you instill discipline through
non-violent means?
A. Refrain from admitting erring students.
B. Refer all disciplinary measures to the Students Affairs Office.
C. Establish your policies and give your expectations at the beginning of the
D. Ignore disciplinary problems.
39. There is a statement that says, “No amount of good instruction will come on
without good classroom management.” Which of the following best explain this
A. Classroom management is important to effect good instruction.
B. There must be classroom management for instruction to yield good
outcomes/ results.
C. Classroom management means good instruction.
D. Good instruction is equal to effective classroom management.
40. Which is NOT part of classroom routines?
A. Line formation during recess, lunch and dismissal
B. Passing of papers
C. Greeting teachers and classmates
D. Studying lessons before, during and after classes.
41. As a teacher, one has to be properly dressed at all times in all occasions. This is
part of the personal classroom management of teacher. Why is this important?
I. Teachers must be role models.
II. Teachers must always be presentable.
III. Teachers must look dignified at all times.
IV. Teachers are also models in observing proper dress code.
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. I, II, III and IV D. II and IV
42. Giving rewards is one way to motivate students to behave properly at all times.
What is the best positive reinforcement which can be employed?
A. Acknowledgement the potential of each student
B. Giving medals for every good work done
C. Praising them for good work
D. Distributing tokens / materials for every best work
43. To create order and discipline in the class, various classroom management
techniques are employed by teachers. Which is a proactive technique?
A. Giving sanctions commensurate to the offence
B. Reinforcing good work by giving praiseworthy comments
C. Referring unruly behavior only when necessary
D. Writing reports / referrals only when all the possible means have been
44. To discipline unruly students. Teacher H always tells his students “Remember, I
am the person in authority here. I have the power to pass or fail you.” Do you
agree with Teacher H’s reference to power?
A. No, his authority is not meant to be used to pass or fail students.
B. Yes, passing and failing are in the hands of a teacher.
C. Yes, one may use the power given you to blackmail students.
D. We need more date to give a categorical answer.
45. Which situation does good classroom management reflect?
A. Noise and disorder are absent in the classroom.
B. Teacher is in full control of class interaction.
C. Learners are actively participating in the activity.
D. Learners and teachers are doing their own thing.
46. When school children become mischievous, explosive, rebellious or apathetic,
the teacher should first look in to the prevailing classroom management
practice. What should be the first step for the teacher to do?
A. Make a home visit of all the children to find out home background.
B. Check on the appropriateness of the task assigned for each learner.
C. Change the classroom decoration, equipment and audio visual
D. Research on the behavior of the children at home and community.
47. Suppose two of your students fought in class while the lesson was going on.
What would be your immediate response?
A. Take the two students immediately to the principal’s office.
B. Settle the issues immediately even of you have to stop the lesson.
C. Stop the fight and place the two boys in a corner.
D. Refer to the class who is the winner in the fight.
48. Which of the following situation is NOT covered under routine?
A. checking of attendance
B. distribution and collection of materials and equipment
C. conduction of classroom discussion
D. devotion to classroom cleanliness and orderliness
49. Which of the following values can be acquired because of the use of routine?
A. value of time C. communication skills
B. poise and self-confidence D. intellectual and emotional development
50. Of prime importance in coping with discipline problems are the teacher’s
personal attributes as,
I. Patience III. Concern and caring attitude
II. Compassion IV. Respect and trust for others
Which qualities are proven by research to be effective in preventing
discipline problems?
51. What disciplinary means below is the most wholesome?
A. The teacher talks sarcastically so that the pupil will feel the guilt because of
his offense.
B. The teacher encourages the offender to talk and helps the pupil to recognize
his fault and admit the need for its correction.
C. The individual should suffer corporal punishment.
D. So that the offender will not be humiliated, the whole group should be
52. Which of the following is a preventive measure of discipline?
A. loss of privilege C. using right methods of teaching
B. private conferences with pupils D. seating arrangement to remove
the pupil from the influence of others.
53. It is well to routinize the passing of books and supplies so that
A. there is economy of time
B. confusion will be avoided
C. the teacher’s work will be made easier
D. desirable attitudes will be developed
54. Which has the greatest influence in classroom control?
A. favorable working conditions
B. teaching personality of the teacher
C. well-equipped classroom
D. a strict principal
55. Which of the following is a good form of punishment?
A. making the child rewrite his lessons ten times
B. reducing the grade of the pupil because of poor conduct
C. withdrawal from the pupil the privilege to join a club or competition
D. use of pupil’s misbehavior as an example for others not to follow
56. Which of the following is NOT a good way to check attendance?
A. the use of a monitor
B. the calling of the names of the pupils
C. alphabetical arrangement of seats
D. the use of a cardboard diagram or seat plan
57. The requirement of a pupil to report to the principal in cases of misdemeanor is
_____________ means of discipline.
A. a less desirable C. an undesirable
B. a desirable D. a good and acceptable
58. The teacher cannot order the suspension of a pupil from the class. This
statement is:
A. false C. true
B. partly true D. a case to case basis
59. Which of the following is the most serious offense in the classroom?
A. cheating C. whispering and giggling
B. discourteous language D. clowning
60. Which of the following may prevent misbehavior?
A. a strict teacher C. threat
B. giving rules of discipline D. an interesting lesson
61. Constructive discipline is feasible only when
A. punishment is meted out
B. a thorough identification and study of the causes are made
C. a teacher laughs-off and ignores a misbehavior
D. there is private conference between teacher and pupil
62. You see a pupil copying his notes while you are giving a test, what is the best
thing to do?
A. privately admonish the pupil of his wrong behavior
B. scold the pupil right away
C. tell the pupil to keep away his notes
D. ignore the behavior
63. An effective classroom teacher shows the following to enhance learning EXCEPT:
A. plans, monitors, evaluates the lesson
B. encourages students to become dependent
C. becomes a teacher and student at the same
D. shows concern, affection and commitment in work
64. To encourage more students’ participation in class, the teacher
A. uses students’ ideas in the classroom dialogue
B. gives long lectures and explanation
C. provides several exercises and activities
D. provides reading materials for the students
65. “Assertive discipline” is exercised by those who believe that discipline is the right
of the teacher.
How would you characterize a classroom where students are duty-bound to
follow rules strictly? Such a classroom is described as __________.
A. democratic C. authority-controlled
B. autocratic D. well-managed
66. Is “discipline the exclusive responsibility of the teacher?
A. No, students must likewise be allowed to participate in formulating rules for
their own behavior.
B. Yes, it is their sole authority to discipline them and not the students.
C. No, some teachers lack skill in preventing misbehavior, hence misbehavior
D. Yes, proper behavior can favor learning situation and the skill.
67. Should the students be involved in establishing routine for everyday tasks?
A. Yes, they own the rules agreed upon.
B. No, they will likely to disobey.
C. Yes, for a maximum use of time
D. No, routine can change as needed.
68. Which is the least adequate way of handling misbehavior?
A. prompt punishment in accordance to the office
B. ignoring and giving no attention to the offense
C. evaluating the cause and conferring with the child
D. encouraging group imposed punishment
E. isolation of the offender
69. Effective classroom discipline lies in
A. showing an example of any leaders of any mischief done in class
B. providing activities that specify pupils’ needs
C. finding the cause of misbehavior
D. keeping aloofness from pupils in and out of the classroom
E. developing personal relationships with group leaders
70. A primary function of effective classroom management is to
A. maintain order all costs
B. create an atmosphere conducive to learning
C. poster positive interpersonal relationship
D. demonstrate to students “who’s in charge”
E. provide assistance to not-so-fast learners
71. As a classroom manager, teacher is generous with sincere praise. Which is an
advantage of this practice?
A. It conditions students’ discipline.
B. It satisfies students’ need for praise.
C. It is appreciated.
D. It reinforces positive behavior.
72. Which of the following situation would indicate that you, as teacher, had been
effective in instilling discipline among your students?
A. students behave because an award awaits them
B. your presence results in their being behaved
C. students have developed concern for each other
D. fear and fright resulting in good behavior
73. Which of the following style or technique would make you the teacher a good
classroom manager – “teacher with eyes on the back of her head!”
A. uses eye contact technique with your students
B. being aware of all the actions and activities in the classroom
C. give your students the “head-to-feet” look when angry
D. fear and fright dominates the classroom atmosphere
74. Why should the chairs, tables and other physical features be arranged for flexible
A. To facilitate interactive teaching-learning processes during class activities
B. To allow borrowing and sharing use of materials
C. To enable students to move around
D. To allow easy exchanges of seats as needed
75. Which of the following is the best time for a teacher to set up routine activities
that will contribute to effective classroom management?
A. during each homeroom day
B. on the very first day of school
C. daily at the start of the session
D. as soon as the students have established and adjusted their schedules
76. Which of the following should class management and discipline problems take
into consideration?
A. Changing rules show weaknesses on the part of the teacher.
B. The proper functioning of the classroom and the individual interest of the
learners should be interrelated.
C. Class management is based on a teacher’s ability to subordinate the interest
of individual students.
D. The interests of the individual child are more important than the classroom
as a whole.
77. Mr. Verano is encountering problems on classroom discipline. Which of these
activities should he employ to maintain classroom discipline?
A. Enforce a system of rewards and punishments.
B. Plan constructive and purposeful activities.
C. Punish erring students in front of the class.
D. tell the class that she is the person in authority
78. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She shouted immediately at the
students desperately trying to get order and discipline. Since then the teacher
has not controlled the class. Which is the most probable cause of the teacher’s
A. The new teacher wants to show the class who is the authority.
B. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is not put into place.
C. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the teacher.
D. The students’ reactions to the teacher are consequences of her behavior.
79. As manager of the learning situation, the teacher is responsible for the setting up
of a physical environment that is most conducive to learning. She could see to it
A. The efficiency with which time and energy are spent on the part of the
students and the pupils are considered.
B. The type of class reactions to the learning situation are well directed by the
C. The lighting and ventilation of the room and flexible arrangement of
equipment are relevant to the type of activity being pursued.
D. The effectiveness of class routine in the daily class activities is carried out.
80. In dealing with classroom misconduct, teachers tend to ________.
A. Plan long curative responses
B. Respond to basic causes.
C. Respond to immediate causes.
D. Seek stronger punishment than parents would.
81. Which of the following will you do first to establish good class management?
A. Discuss the work plan for the year.
B. Prepare a set plan.
C. Train the class for distribution of materials.
D. Discuss the required rules from proper class behavior.

82. Discipline is an important concern of teachers to attain good management.

Which is a common cause of discipline-challenging situations which could be
traced to the teacher herself?
A. Personal and emotional attributes
B. Lack of skill in scheduling time for activities
C. Inability to make advanced preparations
D. Lack of time-consciousness
83. “ Have eyes at the back of your heads”. What does this reminder suggest
regarding discipline during the lesson?
A. Pupils will behave because we know what they are doing.
B. Looking at our back will keep them interested.
C. Our back part can also discipline them.
D. We can easily turn back to the front.
84. How can a teacher avoid “ breakdowns and interruptions” in daily class
A. Assign a leader to assist everyone.
B. Establish routine for daily tasks.
C. Punish the misbehaving student.
D. Allow the students to make their own regulations.
85. The process of organizing and conducting the business of the classroom to keep
it relatively free of behavior problems refers to _______________.
A. classroom routine C. classroom instrument
B. classroom tools D. classroom management
86. Using provisions and procedures needed to create and maintain an environment
in which teaching and learning can occur is referred to as ____________.
A. classroom rules C. classroom management
B. classroom routine D. classroom concerns
87. The authoritative directions for conduct which create an environment conducive
to learning refer to__________.
A. rules C. discipline
B. behavior D. outcomes
88. The ability of a teacher become aware of what is going on in all parts of the
classroom, and to communicate this awareness is called __________.
A. reflection C. motivation
B. withitness D. effectiveness
89. Why must teachers be alert and consistent in classroom management?
A. It serves as a warning for potential misbehavior.
B. It promotes an orderly learning environment.
C. It is easy to see who is listening or not.
D. This gives time for other classroom tasks.
90. What principle of management should be applied when teachers fail to provide
worthwhile assignments or to have back-up plan in times when assignments are
completed quickly than anticipated?
A. Plan rules and procedures in advance.
B. Plan independent activities as well as organized lessons.
C. Establish clear rules and procedures when needed.
D. Let the students assume responsibility.
91. The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom. What does this imply?
A. Your physical appearance and voice should be such that students are helped
to learn.
B. Make good use of the radio and TV in the classroom.
C. You take care that you follow the fashion or else students won’t listen to you.
D. Include singing in your teaching method.
92. Is it wise to establish classroom routine for a well managed classroom?
A. No, it makes you think less.
B. No, it makes robots out of the students.
C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time.
D. Yes, you pass on some of your work to your students.
93. Which of the following situation indicate that you, as a teacher, had been
effective in instilling discipline among your students?
A. students behave because an award awaits them
B. your presence results in their being behaved
C. student have developed concern for each other
D. fear and fright resulting in good behavior
94. Which of the following style or technique would make you the teacher a good
classroom manager - “teacher with eyes on the back of her head!”
A. Uses eye contact technique with your students
B. Being aware of all the actions and activities in the classroom
C. Give your students the “head-to-foot” look when angry
D. Fear and fright dominates the classroom atmosphere

95. All of the following statements are principles which facilitate classroom learning
EXCEPT ___________.
A. The learner must clearly perceive the goal
B. The learner must be motivated to learn
C. The learner must practice rote learning
D. The learner must be prepared to respond
96. On the first day of school, Teacher Joseph announced to the class procedures to
be observed in passing papers, getting laboratory materials and returning them
on the shelves, and passing in and out of the room when needed. The chairs are
arranged to provide mobility and space. Routine activities are agreed upon.
Which describes Teacher Joseph approach to discipline?
A. Proactive C. Dialogical
B. Reactive D. Routinary
97. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management as a
task that a teacher should undertake___.
A. On the very first day of school
B. Everyday at the start of the session
C. Every homeroom day
D. As soon as the students have adjusted on their schedule
98. You observe that pupils answer even when they are not called, shout MA’AM to
get your attention, and laugh when someone commits mistakes. What should
you do?
A. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor.
B. Set the rules for the class to observe.
C. Involve the whole class in setting rules for conduct for the whole class.
D. Make a report to the parents about their children’s misbehavior.
99. Which seat arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
A. Flexible to suit varied activities.
B. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time.
C. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles.
D. A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement.
100. “Time lost is irretrievably lost,” said Jose Rizal. What is the implication of
this famous truism when applied to classroom management of time?
A. Teachers must be ready for any time interruptions due to poor time
B. Teachers can make up for lost time anyway, they have not to worry.
C. Allow flexibility for scheduling time to avoid strict compliance.
D. Teachers should maximize the time for instruction and avoid haste and

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God Bless You!!!!

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