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Topic/Title Sound

Grade Level 7
Time Allotment/Date February 26-27, 2024
Prepared by/School Shaina T. Novicio/Aurora National High School
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the characteristics of sound
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to:
a. conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction
Learning Competencies The learners should be able to…
a. describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength, velocity, and
amplitude; S7LT-IIId-7
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define sound and identify it as a type of wave and form of energy.
b. Demonstrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects, citing specific examples
such as vocal cords, musical instruments, and other local sources.
c. Appreciate the role of sound in their daily lives.

Elicit Materials
The teacher will conduct routine activities: PPT presentation
● The class will stand up and choose a prayer
- Prayer
- Greetings leader
- Checking Attendance ● The class will greet the teacher back in return.
- Class Rules
● The president or secretary of the class will
report the attendance to the teacher.
● The student will be reminded of the class
-sit properly
The teacher will review the class of the previous - raise your hand if you want to say/ask
lesson. something
-Listen, cooperate and Participate
● who can tell me the last topic we have
discussed? What it is all about? Students will answer:
● What is a wave?
- About wave Ma’am
● How many types of waves are there and - Wave is a disturbance that carries energy
what are those? from one place to another.
- Waves have 3 types, transverse,
● What is the difference between longitudinal, and surface wave
transverse and longitudinal waves? - In a transverse wave, the particles move
up and down perpendicular to the
direction of the wave motion. While in a
longitudinal wave, the particles move
The teacher will have a preliminary activity/game back and forth parallel to the direction of
called “What am I” specifically guessing the sound. the wave motion
With this, the teacher will play different kinds of
audio clips and they will guess the exact sound
that came from an object. Student will answer
 Guitar (Playing the sound of a guitar - Guitar
string) - Clapping hand
 Clapping hand (playing the sound of - Sound of coins
clapping hands) - Drum
 A sound of the coin (playing the sound of
dropping coin)
 Drum (playing the sound of a drum)

After the preliminary activity, the teacher will PPT presentation,
relate the sound they guessed by showing several instructional
pictures of objects and let the learners identify materials
what the things that were mentioned in the game
have in common
 I have here several pictures of objects, I
want you to tell me what are the things
they have in common.

Student answer:
- All of those objects can create sound

Students may answer:

The teacher will ask the class: - Speaking
- Music
● Whenever you hear the word “SOUND”
- hearing
what is that one word that comes to your
PPT presentation
The teacher will discuss New Concepts and Shoe box, rubber
Practicing New Skills band of various
The class will be divided into 5 groups consisting The student will proceed to their respective thickness,
of 4 to 5 members which the teacher will observe groups and listen to the teacher’s instruction cardboard,
and examine. They will be doing activity 1 “My Scissors or cutter,
sounding box”. In this activity, they will try to ruler
explore how sound is produced by using local
materials available in their community and
answer the question provided.
 Each group is given 15 minutes to
observe and record anything they have
 The teacher reminds the Learners of all
the precautionary measures in doing all
 After the activity, each group will choose
one representative to present their work

Activity 1: My sounding box.

 Demonstrate how sound is produced; and
 Identify factors that affect the pitch and
loudness of the sound produced.

Students may answer:

 What physical signs did you observe - The elastic bands vibrate when plucked.
when you plucked each band? Did you Sound is produced by the vibration of the
hear any sound? What produced the elastic band.
sound? - The sound produced by each elastic band
 How different are the sounds produced is different from the others. The thinker
by each band with different the band the louder the sound produced.
thickness? The thicker the band, the
 This time use the fingers of one hand to lower the tone.
stretch one of the elastics. Pluck the - When the elastic bands are stretched and
elastic with the fingers of the other hand then plucked, the sound increases in
and observe. Are there changes in the - Highest note – thinnest, Lowest note -
note when you plucked the stretched thickest
 Repeat step 4 with the other elastic
bands. Arrange the elastics in sequence
from the highest note to the lowest note

PPT, Instructional
The teacher will let students report their outputs materials
in front of the class. The student will proceed to the front and report
 Each group must select a designated what they observed from the activity
speaker to present.
 Each group is given ample time to speak
and discuss their output
Let us examine and hear your observations in the
activity. (The teacher will assist the learners in the
presentation. The teacher will give the correct
scientific term for every needed observation.)

The teacher will emphasize the concept:

Sound is made up of sound waves which are caused
by a transfer of energy through vibration. Just like
what happened to the band when you pluck it, its Student will follow to the teacher’s instruction.
sound is produced by vibration. To further Place their hand to their throat and speak a few
illustrate that sound is made from vibration I want words
you to place your hands on your throat and speak Student may answer:
or sing - I feel the vibration as I speak Ma’am
• how does it feel? - Musical instrument like guitar and drum
• What other things can we use to make
sound just by causing them to vibrate?

The teacher will explain what kind of wave the

sound is:
Vibrations are considered as a disturbance that
travels through a medium. This vibratory motion
causes energy to transfer to our ears and is Few students will answer
interpreted by our brain
 if sound is made of sound waves, what do
you think the type of wave is?
sound waves are examples of longitudinal waves.
They are also known as mechanical waves and
need a medium to propagate. In our previous
example earlier, the rubber band that is repeatedly
plucked is the medium. A medium to produce sound
waves can be in the form of solids, liquids, or gases

The teacher will also emphasize the following After the group into two, the students will follow
concepts on sound and its medium the teacher’s instruction
The teacher will let the student experience a short
activity titled “which is Louder”
The student will be paired with two. One of them
will place their ear against one end of the tabletop.
The other one will gently tap the other end of the
table with a pencil or a ruler. Then ask the
question: A few picked students will answer:
 what happens? - A heard a loud sound Ma’am
The teacher will ask the student again to gently - I heard a sound but this time, it was less
tap the other end of the table but this time, make loud
sure, that the ear is not touching the table - I heard a louder and more pronounced
 What happens? sound when I placed my ear against one
 In which situation did you encounter a end of the tabletop
louder and more pronounced sound? - By slightly tapping the table with a
 And how is the sound produced in this pencil/ruler this can be heard clearly at
activity? the other end of the table Ma’am
 So, what can you say about how the - The activity shows that sound waves
sound waves travel upon doing the can also travel through wood or solid
the teacher will focus on the following ideas
regarding sound and its medium.
You see, sound is more distinct in solids than in air.
This also means that sound is heard much louder
when it travels in solids than in air. A few students will answer
 What about in liquids? Can sound travel
in liquids too?
Fun fact:
Sound is louder in liquid than in air

If two bodies are struck together underwater, the

sound heard by a person who is underwater is
louder than when heard in air, but softer than in
Liquids are better transmitters of sound
than gases

The teacher will facilitate an in-depth discussion PPT, Bond
on sound and its medium. papers/Instructiona
l materials

As you can see in this picture, particles of solids are

more closely packed than particles of liquid and
gas. This is why sound produced in solids is much
more distinct and louder than when it is
propagated or produced in liquids and gas.
Between liquids and gases, on the other hand,
liquid particles appear more closely spaced than
gases. This means that louder sounds will be
produced in liquids than in gases.
The teacher will ask the class:
 Look closely at the picture what do you Student may answer:
observe? - They have different spacing, solid is much
compressed than the liquid and liquid is
much compressed than the gas
That’s right, the Spacing of particles of the medium
like solid, liquid, and gas is an important factor in
how sound is transmitted. Take a look at the
picture, liquid particles are closer to each other
than the particles in the gas.
 Among the three, label how the sound
propagated from the loudest to the Students will answer:
softest sound - Sound is loudest in solid form, loud in
 Why do you think this happened? liquid, and soft in gas.

- Sound waves are transmitted easier in

liquids. Between liquids and solids, the
particles of solids are even closer
together than the liquid molecules;
therefore, sound travels even faster in
That’s right, Since different media transmit sound solids than in liquids.
differently, sound travels at different speeds in
different materials. Since a solid is the best
transmitter of sound, sound travels fastest in solids
and slowest in gases.

The teacher will now discuss the speed of sound

in different materials.

Sound speed is dependent on several factors such as

1. atmospheric pressure
2. relative humidity, and
3. atmospheric temperature
 Remember these weather elements you Students will answer:
studied in your earlier grades? - Yes Ma’am
High values of these elements lead to faster-moving
sound. When you are in the lowlands and the
surrounding is hot, sound travels fast.
 Do you want to know why sound travels A few students will share their knowledge about
faster in hot air? the question

There are more molecular interactions that happen

in hot air. This is because the hot particles of air
gain more kinetic energy and so there is also an
increase in the mean velocity of the molecules.
Since sound is a consequence of energy transfer
collisions, more collisions, and faster collisions
mean faster sound.

Going deeper into this, the speed of sound depends

on the elastic property and the inertial property of
the medium on which it propagates.
The elastic property is concerned with the ability of
the material to retain or maintain its shape
and not to deform when a force is applied to it.
sound can travel faster through mediums with
higher elastic properties (like steel) than it can
through solids like rubber, which have lower Students may try to answer the questions:
elastic properties. - In humid air Ma’am since it is denser,
sound travels faster in solid like steel
than in liquid like water.

 But what if you have two gases of

different densities like humid air and dry
air? In which medium do you think would
sound travel fastest?

I know that you might think that way but, when it

comes to varying densities between substances of
the same state of mater like the humid air and the
dry air, sound travels faster in less dense
Few students will answer

The teacher will clarify that sound cannot travel

in a vacuum (a space entirely devoid of matter).

To sum it up, the teacher will ask the students:

 If a volcano erupts in Venus, do you think
we will hear it here on Earth?

Remember that sound is a mechanical wave that

needs a medium to propagate. If no matter exists,
there will be no sound. In outer space, sound
would not be transmitted.
Formative PPT presentation
A quiz will be provided to the students. Activity sheet
The teacher will hand over an answer sheet for
students and answer the questions to be provided
by the teacher.
Answers to the quiz:
the correct answer for the following question. 2. B
Encircle the letter of your choice on the choices 3. C
provided before each question 4. A
5. C
1. Sound is made up of _____________which are 6. B
caused by a transfer of energy through 7. D
vibration. 8. C
a. Sound waves c. vibration 9. A
b. Motion 10. B

2. As compared to air, sound travels faster

a. Solid c. gas
b. liquid
3. sound cannot pass through_________
a. solid c. vacuum
b. gas

4. sound is an example of__________ wave

a. longitudinal wave
b. transverse wave
c. ocean wave
5. Sound travels slowest in____________
a. solid c. gas
b. liquid
6. The denser the liquid, the_____________
a. slower the speed of sound
b. faster the speed of sound
c. less distance covered by the

7. Sound speed is dependent on several

factors EXCEPT:
a. Atmospheric pressure
b. Relative humidity
c. Atmospheric temperature
d. Atmospheric composition
8. Which of the following objects will
produce sound?
a. Soft objects
b. Radio station
c. Vibrating objects

9. Sound produced in ______ is much more

distinct and louder than when it is
propagated or produced in liquids and
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas

10. if you have two gases of different

densities like humid air and dry air. In
which medium do you think would sound
travel fastest?
a. Humid air
b. Dry air
c. Both
Extend (Homework)
For other applications of Sound: ½ crosswise
- Observe in your house/community what
other medium where you can
hear/propagate sound. Cite at least 3
examples and Introduce each sound,
providing context and describing its
characteristics . Write it on ½ sheet of
paper (crosswise)
Science 7 Module : Sound
Q3-Q4-Learners Module
Q3-Q4-Teacher’s Guide

Prepared by:

Shaina T. Novicio
Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:

Jane Varbett M. Mambalo

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Rolando F. Pajarillo

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